Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 2 of 2 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
Certificates , and assisting generally in the business of the Grand Chapter , they beg to recommend that a sum not exceeding £ 20 be allowed for the year to Companion Little , who is now employed as one of the Clerks in the Grand Secretary's Office . ( Signed ) R . AY . JENNINGS , President . Freemasons' Hal ] , London ,
21 st April , 1864 . DEVONSHIRE . TOTOISS . —Consecration of the Pleiades Chapter . —This ceremony took place on Thursday , the 21 st hist . The companions assembled in the anteroom , and the chapter having been opened hy the three Past First Principals , the companions entered in procession in the following order : —
A ' isitors . Members ~ ) Officers [ of the Pleiades Ch .-ipter . Principals J Grand Officers , and having taken their seats as appointed by the Director of Ceremonies and saluted the Acting Principals , the following ode was sung accompanied on the harmonium bthe P . G . Org .
y and Comps . Linde , Gudridge , and others acting as Choir Masters : — Let there be light 1 Th' Almighty spoke Refulgent streams from chaos broke To greet the rising earth . Well pleased tho great Jehovah stood , Tlie Pow ' r Supreme pronounced it good ,
And gave the planets birth . In choral strains let all combine , To bless and praise the light divine . Parent of light ! Accept our praise , AVho shed'st on us Thy brightest rays , Thy light that fills Thy mind . By choice selected , lo ! we stand ,
By friendship joined a social band , In love to all mankind . In choral strains let all combine , To bless and praise the light divine .
The P . G . Scribe E . then addressed the Acting Z ., Avho desired the petition for the charter , the warrant of constitution , and the minutes of all the meetings whilst under dispensation , to be read . This was done hy the P . G . Scribe E . The Minutes were then put for approval and approved , the Acting Z . declared them regular and valid , and signed them . Tlie Acting Z . then asked whether tho members approved of
the officers named in the charter , and accordingly declared them approved . The Principal II . then delivered an oration . The Director of Ceremonies delivered the jewels and collars of the chapter to acting Z . P . G . Scribe E . presented the three Principals of the new chapter , and the Z . of the new chapter presented the officers and members .
The Acting Z . then declared the chapter duly constituted . The consecration then commenced with an ode , the members of the now chapter standing in two columns one on each side of the pedestal . TUNE—God save the Queen .
All hail ! Immortal Lord ! By heav ' n and earth adored All hail ! great God . Before Thy name we bend , To us Thy grace extend , Ancl to our prayers attend , All hail ! great God . Here followed a prayer by J .
The ceremonial of consecration Avith com , Avine , and oil , accompanied with solemn music . Acting Z . offered the consecrating prayer , after which the companions chanted , " Glory be to Thee , Most High God , " "The Father Everlasting , " " As it was in the beginning , " & c . Acting Z . then offered the dedication prayer , and the companions again sung the same chant .
Royal Arch.
The Acting Z . then declared the chapter duly constituted , consecrated , ancl dedicated , after which the companions chanted the PSAI . II CXXII . 1 . I was glad when they said unto me : AA e will go into the house of the Lord . 2 . Our feet shall stand in thy gates-. 0 Jerusalem .
3 . Jerusalem is built as a city : that is at unity in itself . 4 . For thither the tribes go up , even the tribes of the Lord ; to testify unto Israel , to give thanks unto the name of tho Lord . 5 . For there is the seat of judgment : even the seat of the house of David . C . 0 pray for tho peace of Jerusalem : they shall prosper that
love thee . 7 . Peace he within thy walls : and plenteousness ' within thy palaces . 8 . For my brethren and companions sakes ; I will wish the prosperity . 9 . Yea , because of the house of tho Lord our God : I AVill seek to do thee good . And concluded with the Doxology
. The Acting Z . enquired ; of the Director of ; Ceromonies as to the skill and knowledge possessed by the Principals , and a satisfactory reply was made . The Director of Ceremonies presented them to the acting Z ., who declared them to be the appointed Principals of the Pleiades Chapter , and they then pledged themselves to submit to the laws of the Supreme Grand Chapter of England . business of the
The above ceremonial having terminated , the province commenced . The Treasurer made a " very satisfactory statement of accounts , and a vote of £ 20 to the Fortescue Annuity Fund was made , and £ 5 to the daughter of a deceased companion . Tho Grand Superintendent , the Rev . John Huyshe , then appointecl the BCBroAVDMooreas 2 nd Grand
Prin-.., . . . , cipal , and Captain Ridway , as 3 rd Grand Principal . The other officers having been named and installed , the companions adjourned for an hour , when they again assembled to the banquet , served by Comp . Heath , in a most creditable style , to the evident satisfaction of all present .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
LONDON . SUPREME COUNCIL . The Supreme Council of S . G . I . G . 33 ° , held a meeting at the London Coffee House , Luclgate-hill , on Tuesday , the 13 th of April , when the following members were present : —M . P . Sov . G . Com ., Dr . Leeson , 33 ° ; Colonel Bowyer , 33 ° ; Henry Charles A ' ernon , 33 ° ; Dr . Kent , 33 ° ; Colonel Deering , 33 ° ; C . J . 7
Aigne , 33 ° ; Baron Bulow , 33 ° of the Sup . G . Council of France ; ancl Hyde Pullen , 33 ° , Sec . Gen . H . B . At this meeting Captain Nathaniel George Philips « -as duly installed a S . G . I . G . 33 ° and member of the Supreme Council . Various matters of business connected with the Rite Avere discussed and arranged . MEETING OE THE GEAND CONSISTORT OE THE 32 ° .
The Supreme Grand Council held a Grand Consistory of the 32 ° , on Wednesday , April 14 th , at the London Coffee House , and the 111 . Bro . Gibbs , 31 ° , was advanced to the 32 ° . SOVEREIGN TRIBUNAL OE THE 31 ° . Afterwards a Sovereign Tribunal of the 31 ° was held , when the following 111 . Knts . K . II . 33 ° were advanced to the rank of G . I . G . Thomas AVillis Fleming ; W . [ Howells ; ancl the Rev .
, C . M . Style . GEAND ELECTED KNTS . K . H . 30 ° . In addition to those enumerated above , there were assembled , for the 30 ° , the 111 . Bros . Dr . R . II . Goolden , Charles Goolden , and John Butler , 32 ° ; W . Bollaert , 31 ° ; and E . S . Shilton , C . J . Banister , M . H . Shuttleworth , Captain Cox , L . Lemanski , F . AA ' alker , Matthew Cooke , Org . to Sup . G . Council , Charles
Beaumont , J . How , A . H . Pearson , George Lambert , Captain AV . P . Dadson , Richard Spencer , Major Finney ; visitor , AV . Littaur , 30 ° , of France , aud others , all of the 30 ° . The ceremony was most perfectly and beautifully performed by Colonel
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
Certificates , and assisting generally in the business of the Grand Chapter , they beg to recommend that a sum not exceeding £ 20 be allowed for the year to Companion Little , who is now employed as one of the Clerks in the Grand Secretary's Office . ( Signed ) R . AY . JENNINGS , President . Freemasons' Hal ] , London ,
21 st April , 1864 . DEVONSHIRE . TOTOISS . —Consecration of the Pleiades Chapter . —This ceremony took place on Thursday , the 21 st hist . The companions assembled in the anteroom , and the chapter having been opened hy the three Past First Principals , the companions entered in procession in the following order : —
A ' isitors . Members ~ ) Officers [ of the Pleiades Ch .-ipter . Principals J Grand Officers , and having taken their seats as appointed by the Director of Ceremonies and saluted the Acting Principals , the following ode was sung accompanied on the harmonium bthe P . G . Org .
y and Comps . Linde , Gudridge , and others acting as Choir Masters : — Let there be light 1 Th' Almighty spoke Refulgent streams from chaos broke To greet the rising earth . Well pleased tho great Jehovah stood , Tlie Pow ' r Supreme pronounced it good ,
And gave the planets birth . In choral strains let all combine , To bless and praise the light divine . Parent of light ! Accept our praise , AVho shed'st on us Thy brightest rays , Thy light that fills Thy mind . By choice selected , lo ! we stand ,
By friendship joined a social band , In love to all mankind . In choral strains let all combine , To bless and praise the light divine .
The P . G . Scribe E . then addressed the Acting Z ., Avho desired the petition for the charter , the warrant of constitution , and the minutes of all the meetings whilst under dispensation , to be read . This was done hy the P . G . Scribe E . The Minutes were then put for approval and approved , the Acting Z . declared them regular and valid , and signed them . Tlie Acting Z . then asked whether tho members approved of
the officers named in the charter , and accordingly declared them approved . The Principal II . then delivered an oration . The Director of Ceremonies delivered the jewels and collars of the chapter to acting Z . P . G . Scribe E . presented the three Principals of the new chapter , and the Z . of the new chapter presented the officers and members .
The Acting Z . then declared the chapter duly constituted . The consecration then commenced with an ode , the members of the now chapter standing in two columns one on each side of the pedestal . TUNE—God save the Queen .
All hail ! Immortal Lord ! By heav ' n and earth adored All hail ! great God . Before Thy name we bend , To us Thy grace extend , Ancl to our prayers attend , All hail ! great God . Here followed a prayer by J .
The ceremonial of consecration Avith com , Avine , and oil , accompanied with solemn music . Acting Z . offered the consecrating prayer , after which the companions chanted , " Glory be to Thee , Most High God , " "The Father Everlasting , " " As it was in the beginning , " & c . Acting Z . then offered the dedication prayer , and the companions again sung the same chant .
Royal Arch.
The Acting Z . then declared the chapter duly constituted , consecrated , ancl dedicated , after which the companions chanted the PSAI . II CXXII . 1 . I was glad when they said unto me : AA e will go into the house of the Lord . 2 . Our feet shall stand in thy gates-. 0 Jerusalem .
3 . Jerusalem is built as a city : that is at unity in itself . 4 . For thither the tribes go up , even the tribes of the Lord ; to testify unto Israel , to give thanks unto the name of tho Lord . 5 . For there is the seat of judgment : even the seat of the house of David . C . 0 pray for tho peace of Jerusalem : they shall prosper that
love thee . 7 . Peace he within thy walls : and plenteousness ' within thy palaces . 8 . For my brethren and companions sakes ; I will wish the prosperity . 9 . Yea , because of the house of tho Lord our God : I AVill seek to do thee good . And concluded with the Doxology
. The Acting Z . enquired ; of the Director of ; Ceromonies as to the skill and knowledge possessed by the Principals , and a satisfactory reply was made . The Director of Ceremonies presented them to the acting Z ., who declared them to be the appointed Principals of the Pleiades Chapter , and they then pledged themselves to submit to the laws of the Supreme Grand Chapter of England . business of the
The above ceremonial having terminated , the province commenced . The Treasurer made a " very satisfactory statement of accounts , and a vote of £ 20 to the Fortescue Annuity Fund was made , and £ 5 to the daughter of a deceased companion . Tho Grand Superintendent , the Rev . John Huyshe , then appointecl the BCBroAVDMooreas 2 nd Grand
Prin-.., . . . , cipal , and Captain Ridway , as 3 rd Grand Principal . The other officers having been named and installed , the companions adjourned for an hour , when they again assembled to the banquet , served by Comp . Heath , in a most creditable style , to the evident satisfaction of all present .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
LONDON . SUPREME COUNCIL . The Supreme Council of S . G . I . G . 33 ° , held a meeting at the London Coffee House , Luclgate-hill , on Tuesday , the 13 th of April , when the following members were present : —M . P . Sov . G . Com ., Dr . Leeson , 33 ° ; Colonel Bowyer , 33 ° ; Henry Charles A ' ernon , 33 ° ; Dr . Kent , 33 ° ; Colonel Deering , 33 ° ; C . J . 7
Aigne , 33 ° ; Baron Bulow , 33 ° of the Sup . G . Council of France ; ancl Hyde Pullen , 33 ° , Sec . Gen . H . B . At this meeting Captain Nathaniel George Philips « -as duly installed a S . G . I . G . 33 ° and member of the Supreme Council . Various matters of business connected with the Rite Avere discussed and arranged . MEETING OE THE GEAND CONSISTORT OE THE 32 ° .
The Supreme Grand Council held a Grand Consistory of the 32 ° , on Wednesday , April 14 th , at the London Coffee House , and the 111 . Bro . Gibbs , 31 ° , was advanced to the 32 ° . SOVEREIGN TRIBUNAL OE THE 31 ° . Afterwards a Sovereign Tribunal of the 31 ° was held , when the following 111 . Knts . K . II . 33 ° were advanced to the rank of G . I . G . Thomas AVillis Fleming ; W . [ Howells ; ancl the Rev .
, C . M . Style . GEAND ELECTED KNTS . K . H . 30 ° . In addition to those enumerated above , there were assembled , for the 30 ° , the 111 . Bros . Dr . R . II . Goolden , Charles Goolden , and John Butler , 32 ° ; W . Bollaert , 31 ° ; and E . S . Shilton , C . J . Banister , M . H . Shuttleworth , Captain Cox , L . Lemanski , F . AA ' alker , Matthew Cooke , Org . to Sup . G . Council , Charles
Beaumont , J . How , A . H . Pearson , George Lambert , Captain AV . P . Dadson , Richard Spencer , Major Finney ; visitor , AV . Littaur , 30 ° , of France , aud others , all of the 30 ° . The ceremony was most perfectly and beautifully performed by Colonel