Article ST. JOHN AND FREEMASONRY. ← Page 4 of 4 Article ST. JOHN AND FREEMASONRY. Page 4 of 4 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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St. John And Freemasonry.
blessing of those who are ready to perish will come upon us , and the heart of the widoAv and orphan swell Avith gratitude , and be made glad with joy . And in that day when all secrets shall be made knoAvn , our enemies shall learn that the greatest depth of Masonic secrecy are its unpublished acts of beneficence and mercy . If these things be done with proper motives , being the fruits of a true
Faith , Ave may rejoice in Hope , aud living in perfect Charily with all men , finally receive a Password into the Grand Lodge above , where Peace , Order , and Harmony shall eternally reign , and AA'here the richest spiritual refreshments have been provided by " Our Eather in Heaven . " And UOAVbrethrenhaving briefly considered the life
, , and character of a holy man and eminent patron of our Order , may Ave not , with profit to ourselves , and perhaps gratification to those present , Avho have never visited the Inner sanctuary of our mysteries , turn our attention to the Institution itself , and , for a few moments , glance at its history , character , and present standing . In all these respectsI venture here to assertif well consideredit
, , , stands peerless—the greatest moral wonder of tho Avorld ! It is the oldest and yet most vigorous system or institution in existence . Commencing prior to all Avritten history or tradition , outside of itself ; passing—like the light its expressive symbol—noiselessly along the track of ages ; leaving in unmistakeablo language legible traces of its existence and character , inscribed and
engraven upon nearly every ancient pillar , monument , or temple , erected upon the world's surface ; with clear reference to its existence and influence , in most ofthe ancieut volumes Avhich have como down to us , and a large part of its ritual and teaching the language of inspiration . Mingling with , and largely permeating , and either controlling or taking the hue of , the ceremonies and character of religion , Avhether Patriarchal , Pagan , or JeAvish ; in many countries holding the key of knowledge , and controlling the development of science , art ,
and morality , during four thousand years of the Avorld ' s existence ; extending itself as if by a laiv of necessity controlling tho heart of humanity , into every society or organisation , whether of tribe , colony , or nation ; maintaining to a great extent a symbolic language , indicating a common lineage ; inculcating everywhere and at all times the principle of common brotherhood , and the
highest grade of morality , knoAvn and recognised among the people ; it stands now , though grey with age , more fresh and vigorous than ever ; neither courting favour or shunning examination ; for its antiquity proves it purity , its usefulness , ancl its permanence . No combination of wicked men , or for a wicked purpose , ever lasted long . The want of virtueor a virtuous purposeon which
, , alone mutual trust and confidence can be founded , soon festers , corrupts , divides , and destroys any institution . Had Freemasonry been erected upon any other foundation than the glory of God , and the welfare of mankind , it would have been but as the fitting sunbeam , which passes away and leaves no traces behind . It Avould long since have been crushed and destroyed bthe enmity
y and persecution it has endured , or like the thousand other institutions and societies it has survived , died from disease , infirmity , or age . The splendid cities , magnificent temples , and lofty obelisks of the old world , erected by Masonry , have fallen into ruins or mouldered into dust . Empires , kingdoms , and states have passed aAvay , and been bui'ied beneath the rubbish of centuries ; while
Freemasonry , that humbles man and exalts Deity , that disregards Avorldly wealth arid honour , and looks to the moral worth of man—the qualities of his heart , —still survives ; and Avhile man shall continue to be a social being , with a yearning for intimate communion with his fellow-man ; while man shall have Avants to be supplied , and the Avidow and the orphan shall claim his protection , our Order will be a necessity ; and until tbe curse shall be lifted off , and rescinded , and man restored to the state in which God created him , Masons will meet and kindle
St. John And Freemasonry.
in each other the social affections , which find no communion in the croAvd of life , aud little sympathy in a cold aud selfish Avorld . ( To be continued . )
Masonic Notes And Queries.
DOCUMENTS OE THE UNION LODGE , TORIC . Whilst thanking the Rev . Bro . Woodford for theglimpse he has afforded us of these documents , alloAV me to point out one or two errors affecting the old Templar no plus ultra . The Order of Aaron is evidently another version of the " Lodge of Knights of
the Holy Tabernacle of Jerusalem , " aud canuot ,. therefore , have been first imported from Ireland in 1809 , though the particular ritual mentioned may liave been so . Bro . ShaAv ' s first communication mentioned a cash-hook of . this degree dated 1780 , and now Ave have aAA'arranteopy ; it apparently represents- '
the preceptorial class of the Ancient Templars , and in a certificate of the " Early Grand Encampment of Lancashire , " which met under Craft warrant , it dates its " era from the year of revival , or 1686 . " I do not see why we should distrust this era for tlie present form of the degree , that is as suitable to the
reformed Church . Bro . Woodford Avill not wonder Avliy lie finds no Aucieut Templar documents Avheu he is informed that the Old York Templars committed nothing to Avriting they could avoid , carried the minutes about wath them in their pocket , and carefully guarded them from non-inemhers .
—A-THE ESSEX . ES . Gr . C . S . is referred to the foIIoAving little Avork : — " The Essenes , " by Christian D . Gruisburg , LL . D .: Longman , Roberts , and Green , London . —A . IRENCH MILITIE OE THE ORDER OE THE TEMPLE . Can any brother lend me a copy of the ritual of
the French Militie of the Order of the Temple ?—AGEOMETRICAL FIGURES IK LODGE CEREMONIAL . Is there any truth in au assertion I heard lately , that Freemasons practice geometry , very often Avithout knowing itevery time a loclge meets ? Please ,
, explain this to—AN UNBELIEVER . —[ It is strictly true . It is also impossible to explain it in print . ] THE NINE HARRODS . "When and where did the Nine Harrods first ori ginate ?—HEEODEM . —[ In the brain of "William
Preston , author of the Illustrations . ' They AA ere horn about 1 * 770 , and died , as a governing body , in the place of their birth , the back parlour of the Hercules pillars , Great Queen-street , opposite the Ereemasons ' Tavern . ]
BIBTII . —At the Chateau of Coulommes , near Rlieims , Prance , the wife of Arthur Alscoiint De la Gueriviere , was happily delivered of a son and heir on AVednesday , the 20 th instant . The viscount is the only child of our Bro . Furton Cooper ' s eldest daughter Madame De Beaufort , by her first husband , the late \ iseount Edmund De la Gueriviere . The Past Provincial Grand Master for Kent has thus become a great grandfather .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
St. John And Freemasonry.
blessing of those who are ready to perish will come upon us , and the heart of the widoAv and orphan swell Avith gratitude , and be made glad with joy . And in that day when all secrets shall be made knoAvn , our enemies shall learn that the greatest depth of Masonic secrecy are its unpublished acts of beneficence and mercy . If these things be done with proper motives , being the fruits of a true
Faith , Ave may rejoice in Hope , aud living in perfect Charily with all men , finally receive a Password into the Grand Lodge above , where Peace , Order , and Harmony shall eternally reign , and AA'here the richest spiritual refreshments have been provided by " Our Eather in Heaven . " And UOAVbrethrenhaving briefly considered the life
, , and character of a holy man and eminent patron of our Order , may Ave not , with profit to ourselves , and perhaps gratification to those present , Avho have never visited the Inner sanctuary of our mysteries , turn our attention to the Institution itself , and , for a few moments , glance at its history , character , and present standing . In all these respectsI venture here to assertif well consideredit
, , , stands peerless—the greatest moral wonder of tho Avorld ! It is the oldest and yet most vigorous system or institution in existence . Commencing prior to all Avritten history or tradition , outside of itself ; passing—like the light its expressive symbol—noiselessly along the track of ages ; leaving in unmistakeablo language legible traces of its existence and character , inscribed and
engraven upon nearly every ancient pillar , monument , or temple , erected upon the world's surface ; with clear reference to its existence and influence , in most ofthe ancieut volumes Avhich have como down to us , and a large part of its ritual and teaching the language of inspiration . Mingling with , and largely permeating , and either controlling or taking the hue of , the ceremonies and character of religion , Avhether Patriarchal , Pagan , or JeAvish ; in many countries holding the key of knowledge , and controlling the development of science , art ,
and morality , during four thousand years of the Avorld ' s existence ; extending itself as if by a laiv of necessity controlling tho heart of humanity , into every society or organisation , whether of tribe , colony , or nation ; maintaining to a great extent a symbolic language , indicating a common lineage ; inculcating everywhere and at all times the principle of common brotherhood , and the
highest grade of morality , knoAvn and recognised among the people ; it stands now , though grey with age , more fresh and vigorous than ever ; neither courting favour or shunning examination ; for its antiquity proves it purity , its usefulness , ancl its permanence . No combination of wicked men , or for a wicked purpose , ever lasted long . The want of virtueor a virtuous purposeon which
, , alone mutual trust and confidence can be founded , soon festers , corrupts , divides , and destroys any institution . Had Freemasonry been erected upon any other foundation than the glory of God , and the welfare of mankind , it would have been but as the fitting sunbeam , which passes away and leaves no traces behind . It Avould long since have been crushed and destroyed bthe enmity
y and persecution it has endured , or like the thousand other institutions and societies it has survived , died from disease , infirmity , or age . The splendid cities , magnificent temples , and lofty obelisks of the old world , erected by Masonry , have fallen into ruins or mouldered into dust . Empires , kingdoms , and states have passed aAvay , and been bui'ied beneath the rubbish of centuries ; while
Freemasonry , that humbles man and exalts Deity , that disregards Avorldly wealth arid honour , and looks to the moral worth of man—the qualities of his heart , —still survives ; and Avhile man shall continue to be a social being , with a yearning for intimate communion with his fellow-man ; while man shall have Avants to be supplied , and the Avidow and the orphan shall claim his protection , our Order will be a necessity ; and until tbe curse shall be lifted off , and rescinded , and man restored to the state in which God created him , Masons will meet and kindle
St. John And Freemasonry.
in each other the social affections , which find no communion in the croAvd of life , aud little sympathy in a cold aud selfish Avorld . ( To be continued . )
Masonic Notes And Queries.
DOCUMENTS OE THE UNION LODGE , TORIC . Whilst thanking the Rev . Bro . Woodford for theglimpse he has afforded us of these documents , alloAV me to point out one or two errors affecting the old Templar no plus ultra . The Order of Aaron is evidently another version of the " Lodge of Knights of
the Holy Tabernacle of Jerusalem , " aud canuot ,. therefore , have been first imported from Ireland in 1809 , though the particular ritual mentioned may liave been so . Bro . ShaAv ' s first communication mentioned a cash-hook of . this degree dated 1780 , and now Ave have aAA'arranteopy ; it apparently represents- '
the preceptorial class of the Ancient Templars , and in a certificate of the " Early Grand Encampment of Lancashire , " which met under Craft warrant , it dates its " era from the year of revival , or 1686 . " I do not see why we should distrust this era for tlie present form of the degree , that is as suitable to the
reformed Church . Bro . Woodford Avill not wonder Avliy lie finds no Aucieut Templar documents Avheu he is informed that the Old York Templars committed nothing to Avriting they could avoid , carried the minutes about wath them in their pocket , and carefully guarded them from non-inemhers .
—A-THE ESSEX . ES . Gr . C . S . is referred to the foIIoAving little Avork : — " The Essenes , " by Christian D . Gruisburg , LL . D .: Longman , Roberts , and Green , London . —A . IRENCH MILITIE OE THE ORDER OE THE TEMPLE . Can any brother lend me a copy of the ritual of
the French Militie of the Order of the Temple ?—AGEOMETRICAL FIGURES IK LODGE CEREMONIAL . Is there any truth in au assertion I heard lately , that Freemasons practice geometry , very often Avithout knowing itevery time a loclge meets ? Please ,
, explain this to—AN UNBELIEVER . —[ It is strictly true . It is also impossible to explain it in print . ] THE NINE HARRODS . "When and where did the Nine Harrods first ori ginate ?—HEEODEM . —[ In the brain of "William
Preston , author of the Illustrations . ' They AA ere horn about 1 * 770 , and died , as a governing body , in the place of their birth , the back parlour of the Hercules pillars , Great Queen-street , opposite the Ereemasons ' Tavern . ]
BIBTII . —At the Chateau of Coulommes , near Rlieims , Prance , the wife of Arthur Alscoiint De la Gueriviere , was happily delivered of a son and heir on AVednesday , the 20 th instant . The viscount is the only child of our Bro . Furton Cooper ' s eldest daughter Madame De Beaufort , by her first husband , the late \ iseount Edmund De la Gueriviere . The Past Provincial Grand Master for Kent has thus become a great grandfather .