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F . C . MAY , Jislj ^ aksmatt , 81 , BILLHSrOSG-ATE . Office : 24 , LOVE LANE , E . C . Country Fishmongers Supplied .
J _ FOSSEY , jgatfrfot anfr fjaitn ^ s Wbtih qc - 3 , GROVE PLACE , HIGH ROAD , TOTTENHAM . The Cheapest TTon . se in the Neighbourhood for all . kinds of Saddlery , Harness , Horse Clothing , and Stable Requisites . A T 1 UAL SOLICITED .
SMALPAGE & SON , units , 41 & 43 , MADDOX STREET , BOND STREET , LONDON , HIT . At . SO AtiEN'TK FOR THE WHITE STAR LINE , & c . & c . NEW YORK AGENT : J . I _ . McEWEN , 44 , East 23 rd Street ( corner 4 th Avenue ) .
GRAND ORIGINAL MASONIC PAINTING , Most appropriate for a Masonic Hall , Temple , or Large Lodge Room . FREEMASONRT 'I CIVILIZATION . Ail Allegorical Illustration of the Rise of the Orders of Architecture . Size of Painting , 48 " by 36 " . HANDSOMELY FBAMED . On'oi'r irill . sell the aimer nt a ureal , xacrijlrr on , orhjiuid eon / . II i . s voir in one of tin- Lodi / i' Jloimix in a Larue London Hotel , and run , he men ' » . ' / appoint meat . Address , in the lirst instance , E . If .. 'I ' llu MASONIC ST . III Ollices , . ' , ' 8 . Row Lane . London , E . C .
FAREHAM BRICK WORKS , HANTS . _&_ ¦ _ 3 ___ xt 3 ? XS ¦____) . ( Late WILLIAM CAWTE ) ' Manufacturer of the Celebrated FAREHAM RED RUBBING and BUILDING BRICKS , also ROOF and FLOOR TILES . FOR SAMPLES , PKTCES , & C , APPLY TO THE WORKS AS ABOVE . See St . Thomas ' * ITonpltal , Royal , Albert Hall and South Kenxiiiiit . on . M ' use . um ,
AGENTS for "THE MASOMO STAR" wanted in provincial towns . Address Manager . ' -. Masonic Star , " : iS . How Lane , E . C . ' ___ __ CIOLOXIEX . —Openings Cor 1 ' upils on good stock and grain J farms , estates , fruit farms , and ranches in Canada ,. United States , and Tasmania . for annual charges , pamphlet . & c .. apply Ford , liathbone iV . Co .. ' 2 \ . Finsbury Pavement , London .
DORE & SONS , HIGH CLASS T ^_ ILOT ^ S . SPECIALITY : Guinea Irouscrs , Please note our 4 Addresses : 43 , MOORGATE STREET , 8 , BUCKLERSBURY , QUEEN VICTORIA ST ., 70 , CORNHILL , AND 80 , KING WILLIAM STREET . f 0 " 1 ° Discount for Cash .
OVERTON'S NEW AND ARTISTIC OYSTER SALOON , LUNCHEON BAR , *> *> RESTAURANT , Nos . 3 , 4 , 5 ( 56 , VICTORIA BUILDINGS ( Opposite Victoria Station ) . Luncheons , Dinners and Suppers served with every delicacy . SEPARATE TABLES TILL 12 . 30 P . M .
OLD OR NEW SUMMONSESGRAFT OR ARGH . A P . M . and F . Z ., now formiiiK ii f . 'OIiliECTIOX , would lie greatly iibli ^ cil if nny lirelhrei ] would kindly forward htm a spare eo ] iy of their Lodge or Chapier Summons . Address , ("' . E . b ' Kliuv , uS , . 'I'cjflliilcr lioad , South Kensington , S . W .
Save Half your Coals and cure your Smoky Chimney by using the American Stoves . THE " CHALLENGE . " A perfect kitchener without brickwork or other fixing . Malleable boiler , wrought iron oven , entirely surrounded with heat . Good open , roasting fire , and a certain cure for a smoky chimney . Will burn Wood or any kind of Fuel ; the cheapest and best range in the market , in ' sizes from 21 in . to 4 ft . Price with boiler , £ 2 17 s . Gd . ; without boiler . £ 1 ISs . ( Wrought iron pressure boilers for bath purposes can be had with this langc . ) Send for 100-page Illustrated Catalogue , free by quoting this paper . The only American Stove Stores in the United Kingdom .
TEUEGDAPHIC ADDRESS — " RESTAURO , LONDON . " JOHN EENEST MAESDEN'S " RESTAURO , " OR HE A LTH- RES WRING PO WDERS . "Taken in the form of a- Draught vii . red , with water . " THESE POWDERS wi-re for years invsi'rilictl in the praci lei' of a ' IIHTIUED MKIUOAI . . MAX , ' whose cerlilli-aio to ilialcil ' ei-1 can lie seen at , our Olllce . "T 11 K 1 SESTAUHD " run lit ; taken at any I hue iliii-int , ' ill ' 'lay as a i > irk-mc-ui > , or lor aciilily with Hal iilence : before a nieaf I ' m delVrlive digestion : or a iinartcr til ' an lionr hel ' or'e rising in llw nioi-niiit , ' for In-ailarlie . The " RESTAURO " is csscniially a sii-cnu'ilicnini , ' lonie ami a mild aperient . II assists nal nro to recover l )> e tone o [ the body , anil Hie I n \ - i LT < ¦ i-n t i ti i _ r cll ' i'ci nn Hie lM'i-voii-isysiriii is cxiici-icnccd alinosl ininieilialcly , One of numerous Testimonials . Tlillwortli House , Devizes , Wilts ., January I . llli , ISSS . DKAR SIII , —1 liavo every conllilciii'c in reciiiiiniendiio , ' a Mini ut your" UKSTAIlltO " Powders to any who , from sedentary lit . , or oilier causes , suffer from constipation . In my own case tlie relief obtained , ilimu-li jrrriiliuil , wsis sure , but iniproveil apl'i'lile ami general liealfli was an iiiitiK'iIiate result . On discontinuance of Hie powders no refapse was experienced , thus dilVerinu' from many oilier remedies for the same trouble . To Travellers they should be invaluable , lieiie'as portable as fliey are elfeciiic . To . 1 . E . MAIISIIKN , Es »| . Vours truly , II . K . MEEK . Con be , obtained , tJerouipi your C'lirmixl or Mi'd . iciur . Vendor , at . 1 / OJ awl 2 / 9 , or DIRECT fmm JOHN E . MARSDEN'S Laboratory , 63 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , London , E . C . Sole Proprietor of the " CELEBRATED WHOOPING COUGH CURE . '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
F . C . MAY , Jislj ^ aksmatt , 81 , BILLHSrOSG-ATE . Office : 24 , LOVE LANE , E . C . Country Fishmongers Supplied .
J _ FOSSEY , jgatfrfot anfr fjaitn ^ s Wbtih qc - 3 , GROVE PLACE , HIGH ROAD , TOTTENHAM . The Cheapest TTon . se in the Neighbourhood for all . kinds of Saddlery , Harness , Horse Clothing , and Stable Requisites . A T 1 UAL SOLICITED .
SMALPAGE & SON , units , 41 & 43 , MADDOX STREET , BOND STREET , LONDON , HIT . At . SO AtiEN'TK FOR THE WHITE STAR LINE , & c . & c . NEW YORK AGENT : J . I _ . McEWEN , 44 , East 23 rd Street ( corner 4 th Avenue ) .
GRAND ORIGINAL MASONIC PAINTING , Most appropriate for a Masonic Hall , Temple , or Large Lodge Room . FREEMASONRT 'I CIVILIZATION . Ail Allegorical Illustration of the Rise of the Orders of Architecture . Size of Painting , 48 " by 36 " . HANDSOMELY FBAMED . On'oi'r irill . sell the aimer nt a ureal , xacrijlrr on , orhjiuid eon / . II i . s voir in one of tin- Lodi / i' Jloimix in a Larue London Hotel , and run , he men ' » . ' / appoint meat . Address , in the lirst instance , E . If .. 'I ' llu MASONIC ST . III Ollices , . ' , ' 8 . Row Lane . London , E . C .
FAREHAM BRICK WORKS , HANTS . _&_ ¦ _ 3 ___ xt 3 ? XS ¦____) . ( Late WILLIAM CAWTE ) ' Manufacturer of the Celebrated FAREHAM RED RUBBING and BUILDING BRICKS , also ROOF and FLOOR TILES . FOR SAMPLES , PKTCES , & C , APPLY TO THE WORKS AS ABOVE . See St . Thomas ' * ITonpltal , Royal , Albert Hall and South Kenxiiiiit . on . M ' use . um ,
AGENTS for "THE MASOMO STAR" wanted in provincial towns . Address Manager . ' -. Masonic Star , " : iS . How Lane , E . C . ' ___ __ CIOLOXIEX . —Openings Cor 1 ' upils on good stock and grain J farms , estates , fruit farms , and ranches in Canada ,. United States , and Tasmania . for annual charges , pamphlet . & c .. apply Ford , liathbone iV . Co .. ' 2 \ . Finsbury Pavement , London .
DORE & SONS , HIGH CLASS T ^_ ILOT ^ S . SPECIALITY : Guinea Irouscrs , Please note our 4 Addresses : 43 , MOORGATE STREET , 8 , BUCKLERSBURY , QUEEN VICTORIA ST ., 70 , CORNHILL , AND 80 , KING WILLIAM STREET . f 0 " 1 ° Discount for Cash .
OVERTON'S NEW AND ARTISTIC OYSTER SALOON , LUNCHEON BAR , *> *> RESTAURANT , Nos . 3 , 4 , 5 ( 56 , VICTORIA BUILDINGS ( Opposite Victoria Station ) . Luncheons , Dinners and Suppers served with every delicacy . SEPARATE TABLES TILL 12 . 30 P . M .
OLD OR NEW SUMMONSESGRAFT OR ARGH . A P . M . and F . Z ., now formiiiK ii f . 'OIiliECTIOX , would lie greatly iibli ^ cil if nny lirelhrei ] would kindly forward htm a spare eo ] iy of their Lodge or Chapier Summons . Address , ("' . E . b ' Kliuv , uS , . 'I'cjflliilcr lioad , South Kensington , S . W .
Save Half your Coals and cure your Smoky Chimney by using the American Stoves . THE " CHALLENGE . " A perfect kitchener without brickwork or other fixing . Malleable boiler , wrought iron oven , entirely surrounded with heat . Good open , roasting fire , and a certain cure for a smoky chimney . Will burn Wood or any kind of Fuel ; the cheapest and best range in the market , in ' sizes from 21 in . to 4 ft . Price with boiler , £ 2 17 s . Gd . ; without boiler . £ 1 ISs . ( Wrought iron pressure boilers for bath purposes can be had with this langc . ) Send for 100-page Illustrated Catalogue , free by quoting this paper . The only American Stove Stores in the United Kingdom .
TEUEGDAPHIC ADDRESS — " RESTAURO , LONDON . " JOHN EENEST MAESDEN'S " RESTAURO , " OR HE A LTH- RES WRING PO WDERS . "Taken in the form of a- Draught vii . red , with water . " THESE POWDERS wi-re for years invsi'rilictl in the praci lei' of a ' IIHTIUED MKIUOAI . . MAX , ' whose cerlilli-aio to ilialcil ' ei-1 can lie seen at , our Olllce . "T 11 K 1 SESTAUHD " run lit ; taken at any I hue iliii-int , ' ill ' 'lay as a i > irk-mc-ui > , or lor aciilily with Hal iilence : before a nieaf I ' m delVrlive digestion : or a iinartcr til ' an lionr hel ' or'e rising in llw nioi-niiit , ' for In-ailarlie . The " RESTAURO " is csscniially a sii-cnu'ilicnini , ' lonie ami a mild aperient . II assists nal nro to recover l )> e tone o [ the body , anil Hie I n \ - i LT < ¦ i-n t i ti i _ r cll ' i'ci nn Hie lM'i-voii-isysiriii is cxiici-icnccd alinosl ininieilialcly , One of numerous Testimonials . Tlillwortli House , Devizes , Wilts ., January I . llli , ISSS . DKAR SIII , —1 liavo every conllilciii'c in reciiiiiniendiio , ' a Mini ut your" UKSTAIlltO " Powders to any who , from sedentary lit . , or oilier causes , suffer from constipation . In my own case tlie relief obtained , ilimu-li jrrriiliuil , wsis sure , but iniproveil apl'i'lile ami general liealfli was an iiiitiK'iIiate result . On discontinuance of Hie powders no refapse was experienced , thus dilVerinu' from many oilier remedies for the same trouble . To Travellers they should be invaluable , lieiie'as portable as fliey are elfeciiic . To . 1 . E . MAIISIIKN , Es »| . Vours truly , II . K . MEEK . Con be , obtained , tJerouipi your C'lirmixl or Mi'd . iciur . Vendor , at . 1 / OJ awl 2 / 9 , or DIRECT fmm JOHN E . MARSDEN'S Laboratory , 63 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , London , E . C . Sole Proprietor of the " CELEBRATED WHOOPING COUGH CURE . '