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E—l ~ G ^ 3 I T IE ? y -A . 3 D "E IE ?/ S ^ flffHAL IMP ^ | % IjjjiP ^ - | Colonies , India , or in Foreign Countries , r $ VS fpVlvR | SHOULD STCND THEIR ADDRESSES TO A Kedlno tf c «__ u _ ut ]_ i tofao Brills ! lunfittarm ud Cohmtal Bijtn . 1 - ^ = ^^~ z » = ^ - . -== ADAMS BRO ^ _ DAMS BEOS ' , 59 , Moor Lane , Pore Street . E . C . f'j ^ Sg ^ S S 59 , MOOR LANE , FORE STREET , LONDON , E . G ., E _^^ i ! Elis ^ lvl lM _ SJ !)¦ And receive their Price Current regula rly as issued . GRATIS with e » wy UhUlliif BoiUo-A FAMILY OUTFIT OF HUPBER TYPt « J W »
TO LET . BURY STREET . ST . MARY AXE . 2 and ( i . —Warehouse and Offices . Particulars of Bland & Campion . Auctioneers . . S : c , lfi . Fenchurcli Street . E . C .: or of Adams Bros .. ;" i ! l . Moor Lane . Fore Street ; JE . C . ^ _ E ASTCHEAP . 45 . —Light Offices on First Floor , suitable for the Tea Trade . Particulars of Bland . c Campion , Auctioneers , & c . 15 . Fenchurcli Street . E . C . ; or of Mr . Thomas Adams , <>' . ) , Eastcheap . E . C . ST . STEPHEN'S CHAMBERS . TELEGRAPH STREET . —Suites of Offices at moderate rents . Particulars of Housekeeper , or of Mr . Thomas Adams , <>!) . Eastcheap . E . C .
® fje Jitemttc Max Can be obtained by Order at any of Messrs . SMITH & SONS' BOOKSTALLS , THROUGHOUT THE KINGDOM . * 3 n tf } e Ctfg of Eonbon : OF Messrs . G . BLAIR & SON , 76 , ROYAL EXCHANGE , E . G . ; AND OF fihh BOOKSELLERS AND HEWSYENDORS . A List of Agents for Provincial Towns is in course of Preparation .
TO ADVERTISERS . Messrs . WM . Poore & Co ., of Cheapside , have kindly permitted ns to publish the following ' , jiour encoueager lex ant rex : — GENTLEMEN , — CAIRO , 4 th September , 1888 . Having- noticed an advertisement in THE MASONIC STAR relative to the Challenge Stove , I would request you to be good enough to send me your catalogue and let me know the additional cost for transport , & c , as far as Cairo . I am of opinion that a stove which will burn wood would be of great use in a country where coal is not only dear but in some places rare . I am , Gentlemen , Your obedient Servant , Messrs . W M . POORS & Co ., MOUSSA SHTJERY , 139 . Cheapside , London , E . C . Legislative Assembly , Cairo .
II ? l ^ K |||| 'f ^^ M ! S | i " OUSE ^ J ^ 'T URE ^ P . F , "O ^^ ^^ ° J 3 ^ II . ^ S __ lf Hr ^
SOTTTZHI L 03 STL 03 Sr PANTECHNICON . HOUSEHOLD REMOVALS TO OR FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD . HOUSEHOLD FDTMB ^ , MGGA 6 E , Ac , WAREHOUSED . ESTIMATES FREE . O , L , FINCH , ^ oittlj % anbtm ^ sntetljmtan , 24 , Camberwell Green , S . E . 37 , 39 , 41 , 43 , 45 , Camberwell Station , S . E . 17 , Albert Mansions , Victoria Street , S . W .
MASONIC JEWELS . FOR Cleaning Masonic Jewels use only Medlen ' s Gold and Silver INSTANT RESTORER , which is especially adapted for this purpose . Neither Mercury nor any injurious ingredient used in the manufacture . A perfectly harmless preparation . Once tried always vxed . Used in Regimental Messes and by Jewellers for cleaning Gold , Silver and Electro Plate . In Bottles , 6 d ., Is ., and 2 s . Post Free , 3 d . extra . M . & C . MEDLEN , Sole Manufacturers , 246 , KENTISH TOWN ROAD , LONDON , N . W .
llllll FRAMES WITH MAS 0 J 1 IC EMBLEMS II | A SPECIALITY . j ! H I II I Framp Momn ; , &_ ., pohjnpf ej 7 o 7 , 0 l | P HI I name , coniiiicic , UaUlucl Due , i ( 0 l' | K IIIJI Do . do , Promenade „ 10 / 6 J 1 III Do . do . Certificate „ 15 / - || 1 3 ll ''"' ""' ' ' ' « n , ted to bii ' jilt -mltli the I I H I ill Q PPT ? r > V | J || i &« JrjCiX \ V <» Xj la | j |! jj ( Kilter aitir ^ Framc gitalin , I | | M » I Mm 8 , Loughboro' Road , IffM
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
E—l ~ G ^ 3 I T IE ? y -A . 3 D "E IE ?/ S ^ flffHAL IMP ^ | % IjjjiP ^ - | Colonies , India , or in Foreign Countries , r $ VS fpVlvR | SHOULD STCND THEIR ADDRESSES TO A Kedlno tf c «__ u _ ut ]_ i tofao Brills ! lunfittarm ud Cohmtal Bijtn . 1 - ^ = ^^~ z » = ^ - . -== ADAMS BRO ^ _ DAMS BEOS ' , 59 , Moor Lane , Pore Street . E . C . f'j ^ Sg ^ S S 59 , MOOR LANE , FORE STREET , LONDON , E . G ., E _^^ i ! Elis ^ lvl lM _ SJ !)¦ And receive their Price Current regula rly as issued . GRATIS with e » wy UhUlliif BoiUo-A FAMILY OUTFIT OF HUPBER TYPt « J W »
TO LET . BURY STREET . ST . MARY AXE . 2 and ( i . —Warehouse and Offices . Particulars of Bland & Campion . Auctioneers . . S : c , lfi . Fenchurcli Street . E . C .: or of Adams Bros .. ;" i ! l . Moor Lane . Fore Street ; JE . C . ^ _ E ASTCHEAP . 45 . —Light Offices on First Floor , suitable for the Tea Trade . Particulars of Bland . c Campion , Auctioneers , & c . 15 . Fenchurcli Street . E . C . ; or of Mr . Thomas Adams , <>' . ) , Eastcheap . E . C . ST . STEPHEN'S CHAMBERS . TELEGRAPH STREET . —Suites of Offices at moderate rents . Particulars of Housekeeper , or of Mr . Thomas Adams , <>!) . Eastcheap . E . C .
® fje Jitemttc Max Can be obtained by Order at any of Messrs . SMITH & SONS' BOOKSTALLS , THROUGHOUT THE KINGDOM . * 3 n tf } e Ctfg of Eonbon : OF Messrs . G . BLAIR & SON , 76 , ROYAL EXCHANGE , E . G . ; AND OF fihh BOOKSELLERS AND HEWSYENDORS . A List of Agents for Provincial Towns is in course of Preparation .
TO ADVERTISERS . Messrs . WM . Poore & Co ., of Cheapside , have kindly permitted ns to publish the following ' , jiour encoueager lex ant rex : — GENTLEMEN , — CAIRO , 4 th September , 1888 . Having- noticed an advertisement in THE MASONIC STAR relative to the Challenge Stove , I would request you to be good enough to send me your catalogue and let me know the additional cost for transport , & c , as far as Cairo . I am of opinion that a stove which will burn wood would be of great use in a country where coal is not only dear but in some places rare . I am , Gentlemen , Your obedient Servant , Messrs . W M . POORS & Co ., MOUSSA SHTJERY , 139 . Cheapside , London , E . C . Legislative Assembly , Cairo .
II ? l ^ K |||| 'f ^^ M ! S | i " OUSE ^ J ^ 'T URE ^ P . F , "O ^^ ^^ ° J 3 ^ II . ^ S __ lf Hr ^
SOTTTZHI L 03 STL 03 Sr PANTECHNICON . HOUSEHOLD REMOVALS TO OR FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD . HOUSEHOLD FDTMB ^ , MGGA 6 E , Ac , WAREHOUSED . ESTIMATES FREE . O , L , FINCH , ^ oittlj % anbtm ^ sntetljmtan , 24 , Camberwell Green , S . E . 37 , 39 , 41 , 43 , 45 , Camberwell Station , S . E . 17 , Albert Mansions , Victoria Street , S . W .
MASONIC JEWELS . FOR Cleaning Masonic Jewels use only Medlen ' s Gold and Silver INSTANT RESTORER , which is especially adapted for this purpose . Neither Mercury nor any injurious ingredient used in the manufacture . A perfectly harmless preparation . Once tried always vxed . Used in Regimental Messes and by Jewellers for cleaning Gold , Silver and Electro Plate . In Bottles , 6 d ., Is ., and 2 s . Post Free , 3 d . extra . M . & C . MEDLEN , Sole Manufacturers , 246 , KENTISH TOWN ROAD , LONDON , N . W .
llllll FRAMES WITH MAS 0 J 1 IC EMBLEMS II | A SPECIALITY . j ! H I II I Framp Momn ; , &_ ., pohjnpf ej 7 o 7 , 0 l | P HI I name , coniiiicic , UaUlucl Due , i ( 0 l' | K IIIJI Do . do , Promenade „ 10 / 6 J 1 III Do . do . Certificate „ 15 / - || 1 3 ll ''"' ""' ' ' ' « n , ted to bii ' jilt -mltli the I I H I ill Q PPT ? r > V | J || i &« JrjCiX \ V <» Xj la | j |! jj ( Kilter aitir ^ Framc gitalin , I | | M » I Mm 8 , Loughboro' Road , IffM