Article OUR TRESTLE BOARD Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGES. Page 1 of 2 →
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Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upoiv
Our worthy Brother . John Maclean , is to be entertained at a dinner to be given in his honour on the 20 th inst .. at the Criterion , previous to his departure with Miss Mary Anderson for their American tour . * * # * # A correspondent . Secretary of No . 40 . Hastings , in a very kind
communication , in which he agrees with most of the article on the Secretary ' s duties published in No . 4 . remarks that i ; In making inquiries in the capacity of Almoner , as to how business is conducted in different parts of the country , the information gained leads to the support of the writer ' s remarks being applicable in
more instances than one . where the objectionable xyxtcm- of soliciting- candidates is practised , and by others than the Secretary . " AVe are sorry to hear this , and had no idea that what was condemned as an ill-advised proceeding and contrary to the laws and
principles of the Order , had degenerated into a systematic appeal to outsiders to come amongst us . An } ' member who can so far forget what is dignified and proper as to canvas for initiates is an enemy to Freemasonry .
AVe have to thank distinguished provincial brethren for their more than kind offers to act as our correspondents for certain large districts , and we gratefully accept their proffered services . There are several large centres where similar assistance would be advantageous to us , and we should greatly esteem communications .
AVe wish it to be understood , having reference to a very proper and pertinent remark from Manchester , that " all the tit-bits' of Masonic news should not be confined to metropolitan Freemasonry , " that we started this paper in the belief that provincial brethren needed more attention than probably they have hitherto received ,
and would appreciate the opportunity for extended recognition which we then determined to afford them . Keep the reports and items of information you send us condensed as much as possible , and these pages will always be open to you , brethren of the provinces .
Ihe Royal Jubilee Lodge , No . 72 , and the Chapter connected therewith , are greatly interested in the ease of Bro . Edwin Dodson , a P . M . of the Lodge since 1870 , and P . Z . of the Chapter , and now an applicant for the benefits of the Royal Masonic Institution for
Aged Freemasons . From a long personal knowledge of Bro . Dodson we can strongly recommend him to the consideration of governors and subscribers who may not at present be pledged to assist elsewhere . * * * * Ok
AVe desire to acknowledge , with thanks , the receipt of Calendai Directories for the respective provinces of Oxfordshire , Somersetshire , East Lancashire Cornwall and Surrey . Copies from othei lirovinces will be esteemed .
There is a letter in our Correspondence columns which may interest such of our brethren as are also volunteers . A perfect list of all lodges connected with the volunteer service would be of interest to many . AVill brethren kindly help us to prepare one . '
Believing that it would be of far more general interest to the Craft than any lucubrations of our own might be and finding that just for the nonce and in this " silly season " the making of " bricks without straw " is a troublesome operation , we have selected for our
Editorial page in this number an article from the Montreal Gazette of the 20 th ult .. on a subject in respect of which we may be assured more will be heard presently . Our contemporary will not , we hope , take offence at our action , and we therefore offer thanks by anticipation .
Bro . AValter B . Marcus , Bow Lane , was installed as Worshipful Master of the Duke of Cornwall Lodge . 1 . 83 !) . on the 8 th inst .. at the Freemasons' Hall . Great Queen Street . * * * # * The date for the consecration of the Chough Lodge , 22 ( 54 . has
been fixed for Monday , October 8 th . the ceremony to be performed by the Very AVorshipi ' ul Bro . Colonel Shadwell II . Gierke , G . S ., and other distinguished grand officers . Bros . Edwards , Marcus , and Judge are to occupy the principal chairs .
The election meeting of the Royal Jubilee Chapter was held at Anderton ' s Hotel . Fleet Street , on Thursday last . Comp . L . S . Fountaine was elected M . E . Z .: Comp . C . S . Ackford . II . ; Comp . Dareh . J .: Comp . F . Dunn . Treasurer . - and Comp S . Lovegrove . S , E .
A jewel was voted to the retiring M . E . Z ., Comp . J . Smith . Owing to the holidays only nine companions attended , but it is expected that there will be several new members at the December convocation .
Last evening the session of the new civic lodge , the Cordwainer AVard Lodge , was opened at the Cannon Street Hotel . Three gentlemen , proposed at the last regular meeting , were down for initiation . The AV . M . is Bro . Frank Taylor , C . C . ; the Wardens arc Bro . Alderman Col . Cowan and Bro . AV . T . Buck ; the Treasurer is Bro . II . J . Adams . G . S . B ., and the Secretary . Bro . II . Lovegrove .
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings .
Our REPORTS AND INTELLIGENCE COLUMNS we purpose placing at the disposal of Secretaries and Members of Lodges who may be loilling to assist our endeavours to spread information . We slmll increase the number of our pages as may be found necessary to meet their requirements , but must respectfully request them to condense , as much as they consistently can , the information they may be disposed to send its . —Address : Editor , THE MASONIC STAR , 38 , Bow Lane , London .
* J The list of Annual Subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR has been opened most satisfactorily , and we shall be pleased to hear from other Brethren loilling to support its .
Provincial Grand Lodges.
BRO . THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON , Acting Prov . G . Master . ! Fii SPECIAL session of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire Wk ll was opened in the Mechanics' Institute , AA- ' ellington Road 'M South , on the 8 th inst . In the absence of the Prov . Grand Imgill Master . Lord Egerton of Tatton . Judge Horatio Lloydthe
, Deputy Prov . OLM ., presided , and was supported by the following brethren : Bros , the How C . W . . Spencer Stanhope . P . G . C . Kng . ; Edwin Woodhead , P . S . G . W . ; Thomas E . Gibson , P . G . Trreis . ; banco Uentley , P . G . Reg . ; It . Xcwhouse , P . G . Sec : W . (' . Fleming , P . G . Trier : . lames Salmon , P . P . S . G . D .: It . Hodgson , P . G . Stwd .: John Liddclcy , P . P . A . G . D . C .: John Dennis , P . G . Stil . Br . ; Geo . It . Brady
P . G . S . B .: George Biilfe , P . S . G . D .: AV . H . Vaughan , P . G . Reg ., East Lanes . J . t ' ookson , P . G . Stwd ., East Lanes .: James Andrew , P . P . G . D . C ., AVest Lanes . F . Leach . I ' . G . Stwd .: Charles Vickers , P . G . Stwd .: J . Knott , P . G . Stwd . J . Roberts , P . P . G . D . C .. East Lanes .: T . M . Jones , P . S . G . W . ; . 1 . Roberts ! P . P . G . D . C ., East Lanes .: T . AL . Jones , P . S . G . W .: W . Harrison . P . P . S . G . D . Lleut .-Col . Wilkinson . P . P . S . G . D . ; T . Marwood , P . S . G . W . ; T . Brooks , P . M ., 323 P . P . A . G . D . C .: Herbert Finch , P . M ., 104 , P . P . G . D . C . ; and manv others .
The business before the Lodge was of little public interest , except that the Dep . P . G . M ., in alluding to the Masonic programme prepared for the laying of the foundation stone of the Technical Schools , referred to the ready disposition on the part of the Lord Mayor of London , himself a distinguished member of the Craft , to perforin the ceremony which unfortunately the Prov . Grand
Master was prevented from undertaking . At the conclusion of the business the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the Technical Schools was proceeded with in accordance with Masonic usage , and accompanied by the solemn prayers and dedications which form so interesting a feature of that deeply interesting ceremonial . AVhen concluded . Mr . Thos . Kay . Hon . Treasurer of the Technical
School Committee , moved a vote of thanks to the Lord Mayor and the Prov . Grand Lodge for their attendance , to which his lordship made reply , promising that if they applied to him for aid on behalf of the new school they would never call upon him in vain . The D . P . G . M . then presented to the Lord Mayor , as a souvenir of the occasion , on behalf the Prov . Grand Lodge , the ebony mallet
mounted in silver which his lordship had used for the ceremony . Bro . H . Finch and AV . Booth were the Directors of the Ceremonies , and the Committee who had charge of the Masonic arrangements for the day were Bros . S . AVilkinson , P . M . 322 , P . P . S . G . D ., President ; AV . Gleave . AV . M . 104 . Vice-President ; G . R . Brady , P . M . 322 , P . G . S . B ., treas . : T . Brooks . P . M . 323 , P . P . A . G . D . C .. Sec . ; II .
Finch , P . M . 104 . P . P . G . D . C . acting P . G . D . C . : AV . Booth , P . M . 104 , P . P . A . G . D . C , acting P . A . G . D . C ; G . Balfe , P . M . 104 , P . S . G . D . : J . Bell , P . M . 104 : G . M'Clelland , W . M . 287 ; R . C . Blakehurst , P . M . 287 ; A . Taylor . I . P . M . 287 ; D . Higson , AA . M . 322 ; J . Gould , I . P . M . 322 ; AV . C . Fleming . P . M . 322 , P . G . Tyler ; J . Breon , AV . M . 323 ; Joseph Slack , P . M . 323 , P . P . S . G . D . ; and AV . Pritchard . P . M . 323 .
In the course of the day ' s proceedings Bro . Newhouse , Prov . Grand Secretary , announced that the Lord Mayor of London had contributed ten guineas to the funds of the Cheshire Educational Institute , and intimated his intention to bear a part in similar good work in the province of London in the future . The architect of
the Technical School also presented the Provincial Grand Lodge with Ionic , Doric , and Corinthian lights , to be used in future ceremonials connected with the laying of foundation stones . The thanks of the brethren were unanimously voted , and a record of the gifts ordered to be inscribed in the minutes of the proceedings .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF AVORCESTER . —On the 12 th inst . an interesting ceremony took place at a meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of AVorcestershire , which was held at the Balsall Heath and Moseley Institute . Moseley Road , when two standards were presented to the province by Lady Lechmere . At twelve o ' clock , the members of the Masefield Lodge ( No . 2 , 034 ) assembled .
and lodge was opened by AV . M . Bro . Thomas . Subsequently the lodge was called off . " and at half-past twelve the members of the Provincial Grand Lodge assembled in the lodge room : Sir Edmund Lechmere . M . P ., the Provincial Grand Master , presiding . Lady Lechmere . accompanied by Mrs . Thomas ( wife of the AA . M . of the Masefield Lodge ) . Mrs . Underbill . Mrs . Gallimore , and other ladies .
were introduced by the Deputy Grand Master ( Bro . Godson , M . P . ) . Lady Lechmere then , in an appropriate Masonic speech , presented two splendid standards for the use of the Provincial Grand Lodge . After the ladies had retired , the business of the province was proceeded with . The officers were appointed , and the Rt . AVrpl . Pro . Grand Master selected Stourbridge for the next meeting of the
Provincial Grand Lodge . In the afternoon the Provincial Grand Lodge and the whole of the Masons present to the number of about 150 , attended divine service at the Moseley parish church . Amongst those who took part in the procession were Sir E . Lechmere , M . P ., P . G . M . ; Bro . A . F . Godson . M . P ., D . P . G . M . ; Bro . C . E . Bloomer , P . G . S . W . ; Bros . H . AVilson , D . Fitzgerald , AV . H . AVestwood . AV . B .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upoiv
Our worthy Brother . John Maclean , is to be entertained at a dinner to be given in his honour on the 20 th inst .. at the Criterion , previous to his departure with Miss Mary Anderson for their American tour . * * # * # A correspondent . Secretary of No . 40 . Hastings , in a very kind
communication , in which he agrees with most of the article on the Secretary ' s duties published in No . 4 . remarks that i ; In making inquiries in the capacity of Almoner , as to how business is conducted in different parts of the country , the information gained leads to the support of the writer ' s remarks being applicable in
more instances than one . where the objectionable xyxtcm- of soliciting- candidates is practised , and by others than the Secretary . " AVe are sorry to hear this , and had no idea that what was condemned as an ill-advised proceeding and contrary to the laws and
principles of the Order , had degenerated into a systematic appeal to outsiders to come amongst us . An } ' member who can so far forget what is dignified and proper as to canvas for initiates is an enemy to Freemasonry .
AVe have to thank distinguished provincial brethren for their more than kind offers to act as our correspondents for certain large districts , and we gratefully accept their proffered services . There are several large centres where similar assistance would be advantageous to us , and we should greatly esteem communications .
AVe wish it to be understood , having reference to a very proper and pertinent remark from Manchester , that " all the tit-bits' of Masonic news should not be confined to metropolitan Freemasonry , " that we started this paper in the belief that provincial brethren needed more attention than probably they have hitherto received ,
and would appreciate the opportunity for extended recognition which we then determined to afford them . Keep the reports and items of information you send us condensed as much as possible , and these pages will always be open to you , brethren of the provinces .
Ihe Royal Jubilee Lodge , No . 72 , and the Chapter connected therewith , are greatly interested in the ease of Bro . Edwin Dodson , a P . M . of the Lodge since 1870 , and P . Z . of the Chapter , and now an applicant for the benefits of the Royal Masonic Institution for
Aged Freemasons . From a long personal knowledge of Bro . Dodson we can strongly recommend him to the consideration of governors and subscribers who may not at present be pledged to assist elsewhere . * * * * Ok
AVe desire to acknowledge , with thanks , the receipt of Calendai Directories for the respective provinces of Oxfordshire , Somersetshire , East Lancashire Cornwall and Surrey . Copies from othei lirovinces will be esteemed .
There is a letter in our Correspondence columns which may interest such of our brethren as are also volunteers . A perfect list of all lodges connected with the volunteer service would be of interest to many . AVill brethren kindly help us to prepare one . '
Believing that it would be of far more general interest to the Craft than any lucubrations of our own might be and finding that just for the nonce and in this " silly season " the making of " bricks without straw " is a troublesome operation , we have selected for our
Editorial page in this number an article from the Montreal Gazette of the 20 th ult .. on a subject in respect of which we may be assured more will be heard presently . Our contemporary will not , we hope , take offence at our action , and we therefore offer thanks by anticipation .
Bro . AValter B . Marcus , Bow Lane , was installed as Worshipful Master of the Duke of Cornwall Lodge . 1 . 83 !) . on the 8 th inst .. at the Freemasons' Hall . Great Queen Street . * * * # * The date for the consecration of the Chough Lodge , 22 ( 54 . has
been fixed for Monday , October 8 th . the ceremony to be performed by the Very AVorshipi ' ul Bro . Colonel Shadwell II . Gierke , G . S ., and other distinguished grand officers . Bros . Edwards , Marcus , and Judge are to occupy the principal chairs .
The election meeting of the Royal Jubilee Chapter was held at Anderton ' s Hotel . Fleet Street , on Thursday last . Comp . L . S . Fountaine was elected M . E . Z .: Comp . C . S . Ackford . II . ; Comp . Dareh . J .: Comp . F . Dunn . Treasurer . - and Comp S . Lovegrove . S , E .
A jewel was voted to the retiring M . E . Z ., Comp . J . Smith . Owing to the holidays only nine companions attended , but it is expected that there will be several new members at the December convocation .
Last evening the session of the new civic lodge , the Cordwainer AVard Lodge , was opened at the Cannon Street Hotel . Three gentlemen , proposed at the last regular meeting , were down for initiation . The AV . M . is Bro . Frank Taylor , C . C . ; the Wardens arc Bro . Alderman Col . Cowan and Bro . AV . T . Buck ; the Treasurer is Bro . II . J . Adams . G . S . B ., and the Secretary . Bro . II . Lovegrove .
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings .
Our REPORTS AND INTELLIGENCE COLUMNS we purpose placing at the disposal of Secretaries and Members of Lodges who may be loilling to assist our endeavours to spread information . We slmll increase the number of our pages as may be found necessary to meet their requirements , but must respectfully request them to condense , as much as they consistently can , the information they may be disposed to send its . —Address : Editor , THE MASONIC STAR , 38 , Bow Lane , London .
* J The list of Annual Subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR has been opened most satisfactorily , and we shall be pleased to hear from other Brethren loilling to support its .
Provincial Grand Lodges.
BRO . THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON , Acting Prov . G . Master . ! Fii SPECIAL session of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire Wk ll was opened in the Mechanics' Institute , AA- ' ellington Road 'M South , on the 8 th inst . In the absence of the Prov . Grand Imgill Master . Lord Egerton of Tatton . Judge Horatio Lloydthe
, Deputy Prov . OLM ., presided , and was supported by the following brethren : Bros , the How C . W . . Spencer Stanhope . P . G . C . Kng . ; Edwin Woodhead , P . S . G . W . ; Thomas E . Gibson , P . G . Trreis . ; banco Uentley , P . G . Reg . ; It . Xcwhouse , P . G . Sec : W . (' . Fleming , P . G . Trier : . lames Salmon , P . P . S . G . D .: It . Hodgson , P . G . Stwd .: John Liddclcy , P . P . A . G . D . C .: John Dennis , P . G . Stil . Br . ; Geo . It . Brady
P . G . S . B .: George Biilfe , P . S . G . D .: AV . H . Vaughan , P . G . Reg ., East Lanes . J . t ' ookson , P . G . Stwd ., East Lanes .: James Andrew , P . P . G . D . C ., AVest Lanes . F . Leach . I ' . G . Stwd .: Charles Vickers , P . G . Stwd .: J . Knott , P . G . Stwd . J . Roberts , P . P . G . D . C .. East Lanes .: T . M . Jones , P . S . G . W . ; . 1 . Roberts ! P . P . G . D . C ., East Lanes .: T . AL . Jones , P . S . G . W .: W . Harrison . P . P . S . G . D . Lleut .-Col . Wilkinson . P . P . S . G . D . ; T . Marwood , P . S . G . W . ; T . Brooks , P . M ., 323 P . P . A . G . D . C .: Herbert Finch , P . M ., 104 , P . P . G . D . C . ; and manv others .
The business before the Lodge was of little public interest , except that the Dep . P . G . M ., in alluding to the Masonic programme prepared for the laying of the foundation stone of the Technical Schools , referred to the ready disposition on the part of the Lord Mayor of London , himself a distinguished member of the Craft , to perforin the ceremony which unfortunately the Prov . Grand
Master was prevented from undertaking . At the conclusion of the business the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the Technical Schools was proceeded with in accordance with Masonic usage , and accompanied by the solemn prayers and dedications which form so interesting a feature of that deeply interesting ceremonial . AVhen concluded . Mr . Thos . Kay . Hon . Treasurer of the Technical
School Committee , moved a vote of thanks to the Lord Mayor and the Prov . Grand Lodge for their attendance , to which his lordship made reply , promising that if they applied to him for aid on behalf of the new school they would never call upon him in vain . The D . P . G . M . then presented to the Lord Mayor , as a souvenir of the occasion , on behalf the Prov . Grand Lodge , the ebony mallet
mounted in silver which his lordship had used for the ceremony . Bro . H . Finch and AV . Booth were the Directors of the Ceremonies , and the Committee who had charge of the Masonic arrangements for the day were Bros . S . AVilkinson , P . M . 322 , P . P . S . G . D ., President ; AV . Gleave . AV . M . 104 . Vice-President ; G . R . Brady , P . M . 322 , P . G . S . B ., treas . : T . Brooks . P . M . 323 , P . P . A . G . D . C .. Sec . ; II .
Finch , P . M . 104 . P . P . G . D . C . acting P . G . D . C . : AV . Booth , P . M . 104 , P . P . A . G . D . C , acting P . A . G . D . C ; G . Balfe , P . M . 104 , P . S . G . D . : J . Bell , P . M . 104 : G . M'Clelland , W . M . 287 ; R . C . Blakehurst , P . M . 287 ; A . Taylor . I . P . M . 287 ; D . Higson , AA . M . 322 ; J . Gould , I . P . M . 322 ; AV . C . Fleming . P . M . 322 , P . G . Tyler ; J . Breon , AV . M . 323 ; Joseph Slack , P . M . 323 , P . P . S . G . D . ; and AV . Pritchard . P . M . 323 .
In the course of the day ' s proceedings Bro . Newhouse , Prov . Grand Secretary , announced that the Lord Mayor of London had contributed ten guineas to the funds of the Cheshire Educational Institute , and intimated his intention to bear a part in similar good work in the province of London in the future . The architect of
the Technical School also presented the Provincial Grand Lodge with Ionic , Doric , and Corinthian lights , to be used in future ceremonials connected with the laying of foundation stones . The thanks of the brethren were unanimously voted , and a record of the gifts ordered to be inscribed in the minutes of the proceedings .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF AVORCESTER . —On the 12 th inst . an interesting ceremony took place at a meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of AVorcestershire , which was held at the Balsall Heath and Moseley Institute . Moseley Road , when two standards were presented to the province by Lady Lechmere . At twelve o ' clock , the members of the Masefield Lodge ( No . 2 , 034 ) assembled .
and lodge was opened by AV . M . Bro . Thomas . Subsequently the lodge was called off . " and at half-past twelve the members of the Provincial Grand Lodge assembled in the lodge room : Sir Edmund Lechmere . M . P ., the Provincial Grand Master , presiding . Lady Lechmere . accompanied by Mrs . Thomas ( wife of the AA . M . of the Masefield Lodge ) . Mrs . Underbill . Mrs . Gallimore , and other ladies .
were introduced by the Deputy Grand Master ( Bro . Godson , M . P . ) . Lady Lechmere then , in an appropriate Masonic speech , presented two splendid standards for the use of the Provincial Grand Lodge . After the ladies had retired , the business of the province was proceeded with . The officers were appointed , and the Rt . AVrpl . Pro . Grand Master selected Stourbridge for the next meeting of the
Provincial Grand Lodge . In the afternoon the Provincial Grand Lodge and the whole of the Masons present to the number of about 150 , attended divine service at the Moseley parish church . Amongst those who took part in the procession were Sir E . Lechmere , M . P ., P . G . M . ; Bro . A . F . Godson . M . P ., D . P . G . M . ; Bro . C . E . Bloomer , P . G . S . W . ; Bros . H . AVilson , D . Fitzgerald , AV . H . AVestwood . AV . B .