Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
" Grand Lodge of Canada " and tho " Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia , " enclosing their respective lists of Grand Officers for tho ensuing year , were read , and ordered to be filed , after which Bro . J . B . Smith was re-elected Grand Master , and installed with tho customary formalities on St . John ' s Day next ensuing . We havo also recorded in the minutes of the latter day the list of the G . Officers of tho Grand
Holy R . A . Chapter , G . Master J . B . Smith being , ex officio , the first in order of rank of tho three " Grand Chiefs , " M . E . Comp . Praise Wadman and John Service being respectively his second and third colleagues . At foot of the record , ifc is mentioned that " the Grand Lodge and Lodges in tho city expended in this year the snm of 2 , 998 5 % dols . in charity , whereof tho sum of 1 , 726- ^ dols . was
expended by the French Lodge , L Amemte , No . 73 . On the 4 th March 1799 , " the Rules and Regulations for the Government of tho Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania , " Avere revised and unanimously adopted , and it is with the first portion of these rules that the present part comes to an end . As we havo already quoted a paragraph Avhich Avas almost unanimously accepted at a previous meeting of Grand Lodge ,
and settled the constitution of tho G . Lodge , wo may state that in the revised rules it i- Avorded differently , ancl includes " Past Grancl Officers , " instead of certain specified P . G . Officers , and all Past Masters , both thoso who " havo actually presided a regular time in somo Lodge under this jurisdiction , " and thoso who " havo heretofore been passed by a dispensation , " provided they continue members of
some Lodge ; " but no Past Master to be made in future by dispensation shall as such be a member of this Grand Lodge . " Beyond this , wo need not describe the rules formulated for this Grand Lodge . Such aro tho prominent records as minuted in this Part II . of tho Proceedings of the Grand Lodgo of Pennsylvania . All matters of a
purely local interest , such as prayers for new warrants , differences in Lodges , Avhich were brought for settlement to the cognizance of Grand Lodge , except thoro were something unusual about them , have been , for obvious reasons , passed over in silence . We shall continue to watch tho publication of theso records , and shall welcome them ns an official , and , therefore , authentic history of the Craft in ono of
the most enlightened of tho United States of North America . When tho July which is now approaching has como upon ns—and wo may be sure it will come speedily enough—tho Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania will be able to boast of a continuous record—we presume so , nt least—extending over exactly one hundred years , the earliest recorded meeting having been held on tho 29 th July 1779 , all minutes of
previous proceedings having disappeared in tlio confusion of tho American War r . f Independence . In concluding this lengthened notice of a highly interesting work in progress of publication part by part , AVC may bn permitted to express a hope thnfc our brethren of Pennsylvania will so far allow themselves to he stirred up to a display of enthusiasm as to expend the ono dollar a-pieco which is
required of them for each part , as it appears , of the official history of their own Grand Lodge . If onty ono oat of every ten of them Avill remit the needful dollar—which is tho prico of a single part—the Library Committee Avill be relieved of a great part of their anxieties , and will havo the satisfaction of knowing not only that their labours are appreciated as they deserve to be , but that Grand Lodge will
not in the long run have—as there seems to be every prospect of its being the caso—to bear the chief burden of the expense . Let not our Pennsylvania brethren reserve all their enthusiasm for tho pomps and vanities of Freemnsonry , but let them reserve a little of it for the literature of the Craft—so far , at least , as it concerns the history of their own Grand Lodgo .
Duke of Connaught Lodge of Instruction , No . 1524 . —Held at the Havelock Hotel , Albion-road , Dalston , on the 1 st January . Present—Bros . George Ferrar W . M ., A . R . Olley S . W ., Jones J . W ., C . Olley S . D ., W . Ferrar I . G ., Fieldwick Preceptor , Williams Sec , aud many other brethren . The Lodge was opened in due form with solemn prayer , and the minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro .
W . Ferrar candidate . Bro . Fieldwick worked the 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , and 1 th sections of the Lectnro , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . A . R . Olley was elected to preside next week . Bro . Fieldwick pro . posed , Bro . A . R . Olley seconded , that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes to Bro . George Ferrar W . M ., for the very efficient manner in Avhich ho had worked tho ceremony , it being his first attempt . This was carried unanimously . Nothing further ofleriiif , Lodge Avas closed and adjourned to Wednesday , 8 th January .
West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction , No . 1823 . — At the New Market Hotel , Snow-hill , West Smithfield , E . G ., on Monday , lfith ult . Present-Bros H . J . Lardncr W . M ., W . Stnart S . W ., T . M . Butt J . W ., Carton S . D ., D . Moss J . D ., T . Butt I . G ., E . Mallett candidate . Lodge being opened , tho W . M . raised Bro . Mallett to tho third degree . Bro . G . H . Stephens Avorked the first ,
second , and third sections of the lecture . The Officers for the ensuing year were then elected as follows : —Bro . H . J . Lardner Treasurer , E . Mallett P . M . Secretary , and W . Pennefathcr P . M . re-elected Preceptor . A voto of thanks was accorded Bro . W . Stuart P . M . for his many services to the Lodge during the past year . The auditors' report was then received and adopted ; it showed a satisfactory financial position . Lodge was closed and adjourned .
HottowAT's OIMMKNT AXD Piu . s . —Colds , Coughs , Shortness of nrCatl \ . ~ Theso corrective remedies are infallible tor these pectoral complaints , which , neglected , often end in asthma , bronchitis or consumption . Tho Ointment , well rubbed upon the chest and back , penetrating the skin , is carried directly to the lunes , whence it , expels all invourities . AU the blood in the body constantly passes through the lungs , nnd there all noxious particles tending to nrodu ™
disease , can be quickly , thoroughly , mid jicrmanentb' neutralised , rendered harmless , or ejected from the system . Hollowav ' .- Ointment and Pills perfectly accomplish this purification ; a . d thromrh the blood , thus cleansed , the influence of these wonderful medicaments reaches the remotest part of the human body , and thus cures all diseased action , whether internal or external .
In Memoriam.
In Memoriam .
IT is with deep regret Ave announce the death of these highly esteemed and energetic brethren . Indeed , their departure from the scene of their earnest labours as mon and Masons is a serious loss , especially to tho Masonic community , and adds one more to the long list of regrets
Avith Avhich we shall always look back on tho year which closed on Tuesday . Bro . Head , Avho had attained the ripe age of seventy-seven , died peaceably at his residence , Earl ' s Court , Kensington , on Monday the 23 rd ult ., and Avas buried in his late wife ' s grave , at Arnot ' s Vale , near
Bristol , on Ihe following Monday . He had been a member of onr Society for upwards of fifty years , having been initiated into Freemasonry at Woodbridgc in Suffolk , in the Doric Lodge , No . 81 , as far back as the year 1826 , Avhen his late Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex was Grand
Master . He was a Past Grand Junior "Warden of Suffolk , a Past Grand SteAvard and Grand Deacon ( 18 G 3 ) of England , as Avell as Past Grand Sword Bearer of the Supreme Grand Chapter . But it Avas chiefly in connection with our Charitable Institutions that Bro . Head's name -will be
remembered with affection . He Avas , indeed , a zealous supporter of their interests . He Avas a member of the House Committee of each of them , and in the case of
that of the Boys' School had for many years filled tho responsible office of Chairman . Bnt ho was not only a zealous worker on their behalf , he Avas likewise a most liberal contributor to their funds , beincr a Vice-Patron of the
Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and a Vice-President both of tho Royal Masonio Institution for Girls and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . In the case of Bro . John Boyd , death came upon him suddenly , "like a thief in the night , " and he Avas struck down Avith heart disease
when in the full enjoyment of that intellectual vigour by Avhich he Avas distinguished , ami Avhile yet engaged actively in those Masonic pursuits Avhich delighted him so much . Bro . Boyd , too , waa a Masonic veteran , having been initiated in the Robert Burns Lodge , No . 25 , early iu
January 1848 . He Avas Assistant Grand Pursuivant in 1871 , and Grand Pursuivant in 1872 , since when he bad also filled the office of Grand Steward . Ho Avas likeAvise a R . A . Mason , a Knight Templar , and a Knight of the Order of the Red Cross of Rome and Constantine , but it
is chiefly with Royal Arch Masonry that his name will be associated , for it Avas to this branch of the Royal Art that he devoted most of his studies and researches , and with Avhat result is Avell known to those Royal Arch Masons Avho have enjoyed the privilege of being present on
a public night at the Prudent Brethren Chapter , No . 145—of AA-hich our deceased Companion Avas the first M . E . Z . Then he Avas the heart and soul of the proceedings , and delighted all present with his clear and even brilliant exposition of Royal Arch Masonry , its connection with Craft
Masonry , its lectures , and its symbolism . Like Bro . Head , Bro . Boyd was a liberal supporter of all our Institutions , and like him had served many Stewardships at different Festivals . Their loss will be severely felt , for both of them Avere loved and respected by all who came in contact
Avith them ; and in fulfilling this most painful duty of recording such loss , we can only close our remarks by offering to their surviving relatives and the numerous
friends by whom they Avere so highly valued our respectful tribute of sympathy . We must add that Bro . Boyd ' s funeral will take place at 2 p . m . this day ( Saturday ) at Brompton Cemetery .
We are in a position to state that the information contained in Grand Lodge Calendar as to the Fitzalan Chapter , No . 1432 , OsAvestry , having been sanctioned , and to tho effect that Prov . G . Chapter for North Wales and Salop , with Comp . Spaull as its Grand Scribe E ., is in existence , is correct . It AVIII bo remembered that our statements to
this effect Avere called in question , whereas the only error of which Ave Avere guilty Avas , in assuming that a Chapter , for which a Warrant was granted as far back as the autumn of 1876 , waa in working order in thafc of 1878 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
" Grand Lodge of Canada " and tho " Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia , " enclosing their respective lists of Grand Officers for tho ensuing year , were read , and ordered to be filed , after which Bro . J . B . Smith was re-elected Grand Master , and installed with tho customary formalities on St . John ' s Day next ensuing . We havo also recorded in the minutes of the latter day the list of the G . Officers of tho Grand
Holy R . A . Chapter , G . Master J . B . Smith being , ex officio , the first in order of rank of tho three " Grand Chiefs , " M . E . Comp . Praise Wadman and John Service being respectively his second and third colleagues . At foot of the record , ifc is mentioned that " the Grand Lodge and Lodges in tho city expended in this year the snm of 2 , 998 5 % dols . in charity , whereof tho sum of 1 , 726- ^ dols . was
expended by the French Lodge , L Amemte , No . 73 . On the 4 th March 1799 , " the Rules and Regulations for the Government of tho Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania , " Avere revised and unanimously adopted , and it is with the first portion of these rules that the present part comes to an end . As we havo already quoted a paragraph Avhich Avas almost unanimously accepted at a previous meeting of Grand Lodge ,
and settled the constitution of tho G . Lodge , wo may state that in the revised rules it i- Avorded differently , ancl includes " Past Grancl Officers , " instead of certain specified P . G . Officers , and all Past Masters , both thoso who " havo actually presided a regular time in somo Lodge under this jurisdiction , " and thoso who " havo heretofore been passed by a dispensation , " provided they continue members of
some Lodge ; " but no Past Master to be made in future by dispensation shall as such be a member of this Grand Lodge . " Beyond this , wo need not describe the rules formulated for this Grand Lodge . Such aro tho prominent records as minuted in this Part II . of tho Proceedings of the Grand Lodgo of Pennsylvania . All matters of a
purely local interest , such as prayers for new warrants , differences in Lodges , Avhich were brought for settlement to the cognizance of Grand Lodge , except thoro were something unusual about them , have been , for obvious reasons , passed over in silence . We shall continue to watch tho publication of theso records , and shall welcome them ns an official , and , therefore , authentic history of the Craft in ono of
the most enlightened of tho United States of North America . When tho July which is now approaching has como upon ns—and wo may be sure it will come speedily enough—tho Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania will be able to boast of a continuous record—we presume so , nt least—extending over exactly one hundred years , the earliest recorded meeting having been held on tho 29 th July 1779 , all minutes of
previous proceedings having disappeared in tlio confusion of tho American War r . f Independence . In concluding this lengthened notice of a highly interesting work in progress of publication part by part , AVC may bn permitted to express a hope thnfc our brethren of Pennsylvania will so far allow themselves to he stirred up to a display of enthusiasm as to expend the ono dollar a-pieco which is
required of them for each part , as it appears , of the official history of their own Grand Lodge . If onty ono oat of every ten of them Avill remit the needful dollar—which is tho prico of a single part—the Library Committee Avill be relieved of a great part of their anxieties , and will havo the satisfaction of knowing not only that their labours are appreciated as they deserve to be , but that Grand Lodge will
not in the long run have—as there seems to be every prospect of its being the caso—to bear the chief burden of the expense . Let not our Pennsylvania brethren reserve all their enthusiasm for tho pomps and vanities of Freemnsonry , but let them reserve a little of it for the literature of the Craft—so far , at least , as it concerns the history of their own Grand Lodgo .
Duke of Connaught Lodge of Instruction , No . 1524 . —Held at the Havelock Hotel , Albion-road , Dalston , on the 1 st January . Present—Bros . George Ferrar W . M ., A . R . Olley S . W ., Jones J . W ., C . Olley S . D ., W . Ferrar I . G ., Fieldwick Preceptor , Williams Sec , aud many other brethren . The Lodge was opened in due form with solemn prayer , and the minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro .
W . Ferrar candidate . Bro . Fieldwick worked the 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , and 1 th sections of the Lectnro , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . A . R . Olley was elected to preside next week . Bro . Fieldwick pro . posed , Bro . A . R . Olley seconded , that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes to Bro . George Ferrar W . M ., for the very efficient manner in Avhich ho had worked tho ceremony , it being his first attempt . This was carried unanimously . Nothing further ofleriiif , Lodge Avas closed and adjourned to Wednesday , 8 th January .
West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction , No . 1823 . — At the New Market Hotel , Snow-hill , West Smithfield , E . G ., on Monday , lfith ult . Present-Bros H . J . Lardncr W . M ., W . Stnart S . W ., T . M . Butt J . W ., Carton S . D ., D . Moss J . D ., T . Butt I . G ., E . Mallett candidate . Lodge being opened , tho W . M . raised Bro . Mallett to tho third degree . Bro . G . H . Stephens Avorked the first ,
second , and third sections of the lecture . The Officers for the ensuing year were then elected as follows : —Bro . H . J . Lardner Treasurer , E . Mallett P . M . Secretary , and W . Pennefathcr P . M . re-elected Preceptor . A voto of thanks was accorded Bro . W . Stuart P . M . for his many services to the Lodge during the past year . The auditors' report was then received and adopted ; it showed a satisfactory financial position . Lodge was closed and adjourned .
HottowAT's OIMMKNT AXD Piu . s . —Colds , Coughs , Shortness of nrCatl \ . ~ Theso corrective remedies are infallible tor these pectoral complaints , which , neglected , often end in asthma , bronchitis or consumption . Tho Ointment , well rubbed upon the chest and back , penetrating the skin , is carried directly to the lunes , whence it , expels all invourities . AU the blood in the body constantly passes through the lungs , nnd there all noxious particles tending to nrodu ™
disease , can be quickly , thoroughly , mid jicrmanentb' neutralised , rendered harmless , or ejected from the system . Hollowav ' .- Ointment and Pills perfectly accomplish this purification ; a . d thromrh the blood , thus cleansed , the influence of these wonderful medicaments reaches the remotest part of the human body , and thus cures all diseased action , whether internal or external .
In Memoriam.
In Memoriam .
IT is with deep regret Ave announce the death of these highly esteemed and energetic brethren . Indeed , their departure from the scene of their earnest labours as mon and Masons is a serious loss , especially to tho Masonic community , and adds one more to the long list of regrets
Avith Avhich we shall always look back on tho year which closed on Tuesday . Bro . Head , Avho had attained the ripe age of seventy-seven , died peaceably at his residence , Earl ' s Court , Kensington , on Monday the 23 rd ult ., and Avas buried in his late wife ' s grave , at Arnot ' s Vale , near
Bristol , on Ihe following Monday . He had been a member of onr Society for upwards of fifty years , having been initiated into Freemasonry at Woodbridgc in Suffolk , in the Doric Lodge , No . 81 , as far back as the year 1826 , Avhen his late Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex was Grand
Master . He was a Past Grand Junior "Warden of Suffolk , a Past Grand SteAvard and Grand Deacon ( 18 G 3 ) of England , as Avell as Past Grand Sword Bearer of the Supreme Grand Chapter . But it Avas chiefly in connection with our Charitable Institutions that Bro . Head's name -will be
remembered with affection . He Avas , indeed , a zealous supporter of their interests . He Avas a member of the House Committee of each of them , and in the case of
that of the Boys' School had for many years filled tho responsible office of Chairman . Bnt ho was not only a zealous worker on their behalf , he Avas likewise a most liberal contributor to their funds , beincr a Vice-Patron of the
Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and a Vice-President both of tho Royal Masonio Institution for Girls and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . In the case of Bro . John Boyd , death came upon him suddenly , "like a thief in the night , " and he Avas struck down Avith heart disease
when in the full enjoyment of that intellectual vigour by Avhich he Avas distinguished , ami Avhile yet engaged actively in those Masonic pursuits Avhich delighted him so much . Bro . Boyd , too , waa a Masonic veteran , having been initiated in the Robert Burns Lodge , No . 25 , early iu
January 1848 . He Avas Assistant Grand Pursuivant in 1871 , and Grand Pursuivant in 1872 , since when he bad also filled the office of Grand Steward . Ho Avas likeAvise a R . A . Mason , a Knight Templar , and a Knight of the Order of the Red Cross of Rome and Constantine , but it
is chiefly with Royal Arch Masonry that his name will be associated , for it Avas to this branch of the Royal Art that he devoted most of his studies and researches , and with Avhat result is Avell known to those Royal Arch Masons Avho have enjoyed the privilege of being present on
a public night at the Prudent Brethren Chapter , No . 145—of AA-hich our deceased Companion Avas the first M . E . Z . Then he Avas the heart and soul of the proceedings , and delighted all present with his clear and even brilliant exposition of Royal Arch Masonry , its connection with Craft
Masonry , its lectures , and its symbolism . Like Bro . Head , Bro . Boyd was a liberal supporter of all our Institutions , and like him had served many Stewardships at different Festivals . Their loss will be severely felt , for both of them Avere loved and respected by all who came in contact
Avith them ; and in fulfilling this most painful duty of recording such loss , we can only close our remarks by offering to their surviving relatives and the numerous
friends by whom they Avere so highly valued our respectful tribute of sympathy . We must add that Bro . Boyd ' s funeral will take place at 2 p . m . this day ( Saturday ) at Brompton Cemetery .
We are in a position to state that the information contained in Grand Lodge Calendar as to the Fitzalan Chapter , No . 1432 , OsAvestry , having been sanctioned , and to tho effect that Prov . G . Chapter for North Wales and Salop , with Comp . Spaull as its Grand Scribe E ., is in existence , is correct . It AVIII bo remembered that our statements to
this effect Avere called in question , whereas the only error of which Ave Avere guilty Avas , in assuming that a Chapter , for which a Warrant was granted as far back as the autumn of 1876 , waa in working order in thafc of 1878 .