Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
gerald . On Tuesday Her Majesty held a Council at Osborne . A letter addressed by the Queen to the Home Secretary has been published in the London Gazette , in which Her Majesty expresses her heartfelt thanks for the
universal public sympathy shown to her on the occasion of tho death of the Princess Alice . It was officially announced in the Loudon Gazette of Tuesday that H . R . H . the Duke of Edinburgh bad been promoted to the rank of "Rear-Admiral .
The marriage of H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , which was to have taken place in February , but now postponed in consequence of the death of the Princess Alice , will , it is expected , take place about the 13 th March , at Windsor Castle .
One of the 38-ton guns exploded during the firing practice on board H . M . S . Thunderer on Thursday morning . The turret was entirely destroyed , seven men wero killed , and upwards of forty wounded . The liquidators of the City of Glasgow Bank have been
obliged to defer payment of the first dividend to the creditors until July , as the books of the company will be required at the trial of the directors . Mr . Leresche the late Secretary has been released from custody , and . it is expected will be examined as a witness upon the prosecution of the directors .
The final meeting of tho Mansion House Committee in connection with the Princess Alice Relief Fund was held on
Monday . From the report wc learn that the total amount contributed was £ 38 , 240 2 s 2 d , and that tho number of claims sent in was 599 , of which 544 were , after inquiry , allowed , and 55 rejected . The Committee obtained
admissions by purchase of 93 orphans to various orphanages , 4 being by this means placed in the Masonic Schools . Five others were provided for in a like manner by individual interest , and the Committeof the Soldiers' Home placed one child on the fund / , of that institution . Various amounts
were granted for the education of other orphans , and in this manner the committe relieved no less than 113 children . Votes of thanks to those who had assisted in the work brought the proceeding to a conclusion . On Thursday of last week General Roberts held a
Durbar , at which the principal inhabitants of the Khurum Valley , together with , the chiefs from Peiwar , and Ali Kheyl were present . Various presents , consisting of turbans , robes of honour , & c , were presented to those who tad rendered assistance to the British troops . General
Roberts , in the course of a speech made by him , stated that the Ameer ' s rule had for ever passed away in that part of the country , and warned the chiefs that henceforth they must look to England as their Sovereign Power , and give a loyal adhesion to the British Government . Under the
rule of the Empress they might rel y upon protection from all enemies , and would be able to live peaceably , and without the oppression to which they hacl long been accustomed . General Roberts , on concluding his remarks , presented Captain Rennick as their political officer , who
would , he said , carefully attend to any questions they might address to him . On Friday part of the Khurum force left for Hubeeb Killa and other places , and where it is intended they should take up their winter quarters . During the journey it aopcars that some little trouble arose
in' consequence of an attack made by the Pathans on tbe camp followers , and in other parts annoyance is occasioned by the action of the hill tribes . It is stated that Yakoob Khan recently stated that he was prepared to pay his
troops , but before doing so would require some guarantee for their fidelity . This being refused he declined to part with the money , upon which all but about 150 men of four regiments deserted .
Friendly Holy Eoyal Arch Chapter , No . 239 . —A Quarterly meeting waa held on 28 th > ovinber . Present—M . E . Companion Ashcmien Z ., G . C . II . Lewis II ., E . Brandon J . ; Companion E . Dc Pass sen . S . E ., Comp nion Tripe S . N ., A . Morais P . S ., Dazovado and J . Mordeca Assistants , Delisser P . Z . Treasurer . Thero were also present—J ' -. E . Companions
Altamont De Cordova P . Z ., J . J . G . Lewis P / , B . felines jun . II ., of the Friendly , It . Langley P . Z ., of tho P icenix . One candidate was elected , but his exaltation , with othei candidates , was postponed . According to by-laws , the following Officers were elected for the year : —M . E . Comps . B . Stiues Jan . Z ., E . Brandon H ., J . M . Ross J ., E . De Pass sen . S . E . re-elect : d , M . Alexander S . N ., J . Mordecai Treasurer , E . Dazovado P . S ., G . Magnus Janitor re-
elected . The M . E . Companion Altamont Do Cordova P . Z . then tendered his resignation , which is deeply icgretted by the Companions as tins Most Excellent Companion has served this Chapter for threo years as Z ., and it has not been long sine * when a P . Z . 's jewel was presented to him .
Provincial Grand Lodge of Scotland . —The Installation of Officers of tho 1 'rov . G . Lodge of Scotland for Jamaica and Grey Town was held at Sussex Hall , on 30 th November , being tho Festi . val of St . Andrew ' s day , when tho Officers for the year wero duly installed into office . The Right Wor . Hon . S . Constantino Bnrke ,
Provincial Grand Master for Jamaica and Grey Town , presided . Thoro was a goodly number of Wor . Masters and brethren of the several sister Lodges , also the Right Wor . Hon . Dr . Hamilton , District Grancl Master for East Jamaica , aud several Officers of tho
Grand Lodge , after which the brethren retired to a sapper , where ample justice was done , and tho usual Loyal and Masonio toasts wero proposed and heartily responded to , especially tho toast ou behalf of that distinguished brother who represents the Grand Lodge of England , which was received with great applause .
Clifton Mount Keystone Mark Lodge . —The Installation of Officers took place at tho Friendly Hall , on 3 rd December , when tho following Officers wero duly installed : —Wor . J . J . Lewis P . M ., A . De Cordova S . W ., J . Ashcmien J . W ., S . E . Preitz M . O ., W . Dod « son S . O ., G . J . De Cordova M . O ., 0 . Delgado sen . S . D ., II . Da Costa
J . D ., G . C . H . Lewis Secretary , E . Wolfe Treasurer , R . Delisser Inner Guard , O . Delgado jun . M . C ., D . C . Henriqnea R . M ., G . Magnus Tyler . This is tho second Mark Lodge nnder E . C . which has commenccd operations , and shortly the Installation of Oflicers of the " Royal" and " Phoenix" will tako place .
Two petitions , signed by several regular registered Mark Masons of the English Constitntion , were forwarded to the Right Worshipful Hon . Dr . Hamilton , District Grand Master for East Jamaica , praying him to grant a Warrant for a Mark Lodge iu Kingston , to be called tho " Royal Keystone , " and the other at Port Royal , to be called
the " Phoenix Mark Lodge . " Dispensations having been granted , a Special Mark Lodge was held at Friendly Rooms , on 27 th November , presided over by tho District Grand Master , assisted by the Ri ht Worshipful J .-W . Whitebourne , of tho " Sussex Mark Lodge , " tho Right Worshipfnl J . J . G . Lewis , " Clifton Mount Keystone , " the
Right Worshipful B . M . Dias , of tho * ' Sussex Mark Lodge , " tho Right Worshipful S . E . Preitz , of tho " Sunny Mark Lodge , " wheu the Worshipful G . J . De Cordora was installed as iirst Master of the " Phccnix Mark Lodge , " Wor . 0 . Delgado sen . S . W ., and 0 . Delgado
jnu . J . W ., to meet on the second Tuesday in every Quarter . Also Wor . R . Langley as first Master of tho " Royal Keystone , " Wor . G . J . Sargeant as S . W ., Bro . E . X . Leon as J . W ., to meet on tho third Wednesday of every Quarter .
Bro . J . J . Lynn has been elected Master of the "Caledonian Lodge , " S . C , Port Maria , and his installation was fixed for 12 th December .
ONSaturday . St . Andrew ' s Day , the Freemasons of Bombay held agran ** celebration on the occasion . The annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Scottish Freemasonry in India was held in tho Masonio Hall , Nesbit Lane , Bycnlla , for the purpose of installing the Officers of the Grand Lodge for the ensuing year , and afterwards the Brethren marched in procession , in their Masonic clothing , from the Hall to tho
Bycnlla Church , where a special sermon was preached in behalf of the Bycnlla Schools and the Indo-Britisli Institution by the Grand Chaplain , the Rev . Charles Gilder . There wero present about 120 members of both Constitutions ( English and Scotch ) , including the District Grand Master under England ( M . W . Bro . J . Gibbs ) and the Grand Master of Scottish Frcemasoury in India ( M . W . Bro . M . Balfour ) .
When the procession arrived at the Chnrch , the Brethren lined the centre isle , and waited tho arrival of tho Governor ( Sir Richard Temple ) and the Commander-in-Chief ( General Warre ) who had announced their intention of attending the service . Their Excellencies arrived soon after six o'clock , and were received by the Grand Masters . A special choral service had been arranged for
tho occasion , in which several members of the Cathedral choir took part . Tbo text , taken from Ltikox . 29 , " But be , willing to justify hiinself , said unto Jesus , And who is my neighbour ? " In the course of the sermon , which formed a clear ancl eloquent exposition of tho claims and beanties of Charity , the Preacher addressed himself specially to the Freemasons who were present as follows : — "Brethren
in Freemasonry , the teaching of our Divine Master in tho deeply affct ing parable of the Good Samaritan is cherished in the precepts and taught in the emblems and symbols of onr Order . No true Mason has any need to put the question of the lawyer , ' who is my neighbour ?' Freemasonry does not seek to restrict onr sympathy to any class , although many people suppose our charity is confined to our own Order : the truth is a Mason is bound to befriend to the best of his
ability all who may be in need . All who are in distress , no matter of what raco or religion , are tho Freemason ' s care ; the true Mason is one to whom the burdened heart may pour forth its sorrow , to whom the afflicted and distressed mav plead their suit . His heart is to bo
timed by mercy and justice , and his hand extended in benevolence . Of his duties he is reminded by many a badge and symbol in which the uninitiated seo no significance . Ue is bound to act on the square towards his fellow creatures , and in the corn and wine and oil he learns his duty to others , tho corn teaching him to feed tbe hungry ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
gerald . On Tuesday Her Majesty held a Council at Osborne . A letter addressed by the Queen to the Home Secretary has been published in the London Gazette , in which Her Majesty expresses her heartfelt thanks for the
universal public sympathy shown to her on the occasion of tho death of the Princess Alice . It was officially announced in the Loudon Gazette of Tuesday that H . R . H . the Duke of Edinburgh bad been promoted to the rank of "Rear-Admiral .
The marriage of H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , which was to have taken place in February , but now postponed in consequence of the death of the Princess Alice , will , it is expected , take place about the 13 th March , at Windsor Castle .
One of the 38-ton guns exploded during the firing practice on board H . M . S . Thunderer on Thursday morning . The turret was entirely destroyed , seven men wero killed , and upwards of forty wounded . The liquidators of the City of Glasgow Bank have been
obliged to defer payment of the first dividend to the creditors until July , as the books of the company will be required at the trial of the directors . Mr . Leresche the late Secretary has been released from custody , and . it is expected will be examined as a witness upon the prosecution of the directors .
The final meeting of tho Mansion House Committee in connection with the Princess Alice Relief Fund was held on
Monday . From the report wc learn that the total amount contributed was £ 38 , 240 2 s 2 d , and that tho number of claims sent in was 599 , of which 544 were , after inquiry , allowed , and 55 rejected . The Committee obtained
admissions by purchase of 93 orphans to various orphanages , 4 being by this means placed in the Masonic Schools . Five others were provided for in a like manner by individual interest , and the Committeof the Soldiers' Home placed one child on the fund / , of that institution . Various amounts
were granted for the education of other orphans , and in this manner the committe relieved no less than 113 children . Votes of thanks to those who had assisted in the work brought the proceeding to a conclusion . On Thursday of last week General Roberts held a
Durbar , at which the principal inhabitants of the Khurum Valley , together with , the chiefs from Peiwar , and Ali Kheyl were present . Various presents , consisting of turbans , robes of honour , & c , were presented to those who tad rendered assistance to the British troops . General
Roberts , in the course of a speech made by him , stated that the Ameer ' s rule had for ever passed away in that part of the country , and warned the chiefs that henceforth they must look to England as their Sovereign Power , and give a loyal adhesion to the British Government . Under the
rule of the Empress they might rel y upon protection from all enemies , and would be able to live peaceably , and without the oppression to which they hacl long been accustomed . General Roberts , on concluding his remarks , presented Captain Rennick as their political officer , who
would , he said , carefully attend to any questions they might address to him . On Friday part of the Khurum force left for Hubeeb Killa and other places , and where it is intended they should take up their winter quarters . During the journey it aopcars that some little trouble arose
in' consequence of an attack made by the Pathans on tbe camp followers , and in other parts annoyance is occasioned by the action of the hill tribes . It is stated that Yakoob Khan recently stated that he was prepared to pay his
troops , but before doing so would require some guarantee for their fidelity . This being refused he declined to part with the money , upon which all but about 150 men of four regiments deserted .
Friendly Holy Eoyal Arch Chapter , No . 239 . —A Quarterly meeting waa held on 28 th > ovinber . Present—M . E . Companion Ashcmien Z ., G . C . II . Lewis II ., E . Brandon J . ; Companion E . Dc Pass sen . S . E ., Comp nion Tripe S . N ., A . Morais P . S ., Dazovado and J . Mordeca Assistants , Delisser P . Z . Treasurer . Thero were also present—J ' -. E . Companions
Altamont De Cordova P . Z ., J . J . G . Lewis P / , B . felines jun . II ., of the Friendly , It . Langley P . Z ., of tho P icenix . One candidate was elected , but his exaltation , with othei candidates , was postponed . According to by-laws , the following Officers were elected for the year : —M . E . Comps . B . Stiues Jan . Z ., E . Brandon H ., J . M . Ross J ., E . De Pass sen . S . E . re-elect : d , M . Alexander S . N ., J . Mordecai Treasurer , E . Dazovado P . S ., G . Magnus Janitor re-
elected . The M . E . Companion Altamont Do Cordova P . Z . then tendered his resignation , which is deeply icgretted by the Companions as tins Most Excellent Companion has served this Chapter for threo years as Z ., and it has not been long sine * when a P . Z . 's jewel was presented to him .
Provincial Grand Lodge of Scotland . —The Installation of Officers of tho 1 'rov . G . Lodge of Scotland for Jamaica and Grey Town was held at Sussex Hall , on 30 th November , being tho Festi . val of St . Andrew ' s day , when tho Officers for the year wero duly installed into office . The Right Wor . Hon . S . Constantino Bnrke ,
Provincial Grand Master for Jamaica and Grey Town , presided . Thoro was a goodly number of Wor . Masters and brethren of the several sister Lodges , also the Right Wor . Hon . Dr . Hamilton , District Grancl Master for East Jamaica , aud several Officers of tho
Grand Lodge , after which the brethren retired to a sapper , where ample justice was done , and tho usual Loyal and Masonio toasts wero proposed and heartily responded to , especially tho toast ou behalf of that distinguished brother who represents the Grand Lodge of England , which was received with great applause .
Clifton Mount Keystone Mark Lodge . —The Installation of Officers took place at tho Friendly Hall , on 3 rd December , when tho following Officers wero duly installed : —Wor . J . J . Lewis P . M ., A . De Cordova S . W ., J . Ashcmien J . W ., S . E . Preitz M . O ., W . Dod « son S . O ., G . J . De Cordova M . O ., 0 . Delgado sen . S . D ., II . Da Costa
J . D ., G . C . H . Lewis Secretary , E . Wolfe Treasurer , R . Delisser Inner Guard , O . Delgado jun . M . C ., D . C . Henriqnea R . M ., G . Magnus Tyler . This is tho second Mark Lodge nnder E . C . which has commenccd operations , and shortly the Installation of Oflicers of the " Royal" and " Phoenix" will tako place .
Two petitions , signed by several regular registered Mark Masons of the English Constitntion , were forwarded to the Right Worshipful Hon . Dr . Hamilton , District Grand Master for East Jamaica , praying him to grant a Warrant for a Mark Lodge iu Kingston , to be called tho " Royal Keystone , " and the other at Port Royal , to be called
the " Phoenix Mark Lodge . " Dispensations having been granted , a Special Mark Lodge was held at Friendly Rooms , on 27 th November , presided over by tho District Grand Master , assisted by the Ri ht Worshipful J .-W . Whitebourne , of tho " Sussex Mark Lodge , " tho Right Worshipfnl J . J . G . Lewis , " Clifton Mount Keystone , " the
Right Worshipful B . M . Dias , of tho * ' Sussex Mark Lodge , " tho Right Worshipful S . E . Preitz , of tho " Sunny Mark Lodge , " wheu the Worshipful G . J . De Cordora was installed as iirst Master of the " Phccnix Mark Lodge , " Wor . 0 . Delgado sen . S . W ., and 0 . Delgado
jnu . J . W ., to meet on the second Tuesday in every Quarter . Also Wor . R . Langley as first Master of tho " Royal Keystone , " Wor . G . J . Sargeant as S . W ., Bro . E . X . Leon as J . W ., to meet on tho third Wednesday of every Quarter .
Bro . J . J . Lynn has been elected Master of the "Caledonian Lodge , " S . C , Port Maria , and his installation was fixed for 12 th December .
ONSaturday . St . Andrew ' s Day , the Freemasons of Bombay held agran ** celebration on the occasion . The annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Scottish Freemasonry in India was held in tho Masonio Hall , Nesbit Lane , Bycnlla , for the purpose of installing the Officers of the Grand Lodge for the ensuing year , and afterwards the Brethren marched in procession , in their Masonic clothing , from the Hall to tho
Bycnlla Church , where a special sermon was preached in behalf of the Bycnlla Schools and the Indo-Britisli Institution by the Grand Chaplain , the Rev . Charles Gilder . There wero present about 120 members of both Constitutions ( English and Scotch ) , including the District Grand Master under England ( M . W . Bro . J . Gibbs ) and the Grand Master of Scottish Frcemasoury in India ( M . W . Bro . M . Balfour ) .
When the procession arrived at the Chnrch , the Brethren lined the centre isle , and waited tho arrival of tho Governor ( Sir Richard Temple ) and the Commander-in-Chief ( General Warre ) who had announced their intention of attending the service . Their Excellencies arrived soon after six o'clock , and were received by the Grand Masters . A special choral service had been arranged for
tho occasion , in which several members of the Cathedral choir took part . Tbo text , taken from Ltikox . 29 , " But be , willing to justify hiinself , said unto Jesus , And who is my neighbour ? " In the course of the sermon , which formed a clear ancl eloquent exposition of tho claims and beanties of Charity , the Preacher addressed himself specially to the Freemasons who were present as follows : — "Brethren
in Freemasonry , the teaching of our Divine Master in tho deeply affct ing parable of the Good Samaritan is cherished in the precepts and taught in the emblems and symbols of onr Order . No true Mason has any need to put the question of the lawyer , ' who is my neighbour ?' Freemasonry does not seek to restrict onr sympathy to any class , although many people suppose our charity is confined to our own Order : the truth is a Mason is bound to befriend to the best of his
ability all who may be in need . All who are in distress , no matter of what raco or religion , are tho Freemason ' s care ; the true Mason is one to whom the burdened heart may pour forth its sorrow , to whom the afflicted and distressed mav plead their suit . His heart is to bo
timed by mercy and justice , and his hand extended in benevolence . Of his duties he is reminded by many a badge and symbol in which the uninitiated seo no significance . Ue is bound to act on the square towards his fellow creatures , and in the corn and wine and oil he learns his duty to others , tho corn teaching him to feed tbe hungry ,