Article IS CHARITY WITHOUT GIVING? ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE ROYAL ARCH DEGREE. Page 1 of 1 Article REVIEWS. Page 1 of 2 Article REVIEWS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Is Charity Without Giving?
found that there is no charity Avithont giving , as Avell as receiving > and DO better answer can I give to any detractor , if I have one , after thirty years arduous toil , body , soul and spirit , for my fellow-man" Go thou and do likewise . " Yours faithfully ,
DANIEL ACE , D . D . Laughtou Vicarage , Gainsborough , 31 st December 1878 .
The Royal Arch Degree.
To the Editor of the FREEMASON S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Allow me , through tho medium of your valuable journal , to draw tho attention of somo of your readers who are proficient in tho Ritual of the Royal Arch Degree , to the lamentable deficiency which at present exists of Chapters of Instruction , in
Avhich those who aro aspiring to Royal Arch hononrs may obtain tho information Avhich is so essential to tho proper performance of thoir duties . I believe that the whole of tho Chapters of Instruction in tho Metropolis do nofc nnmber more than six or seven , aud they are scattered at wide distances on the north side of the Thames ; bnt as
regards the largo district ; on tbo south , I believe that there is not one ; consequently , any one living on the sonth aide , who seeks instruction in Arch Masonry must either go to Cornhill , or the more distant locality of Air-street , Piccadilly . To go to the latter it Avould involve little short of an hour , and the same in returning , which I think you
will readily admit at this season o ? the year , taking tho chanco of rain , frost , or fog , is no small task to undertake . Aa regards the Craft , any member of it may take his choice of pretty nearly a dozen Lodges of Instruction every evening , and , although it is not to bo expected that Chapters of Instruction Avill over multiply in the
same proportion , I cannot but think that it would be well if some of our hig h-class Arch Masons would bestow a little timo in educating others , especially on tho sonth side of the Thames , where the instruction would bo most thankfully received , and at the same time render Companions efficient to perform any duties which may devolve upon them .
I am , Dear Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , 30 th Dec . 1878 . A K . A . M .
All Books intended for Beview should be addressed to the Editor of The Freemason ' s Chronicle , 67 Barbican , E . C . The Grancl Lodge of the most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania . Its Early History and
Constitutions . From A . L . 5730 , A . D . 1730 . Its Minutes and Proceedings . Part II . Compiled and published by the Library Committee of tho Grand Lodgo of Pennsylvania . Philadelphia : Sherman and Co ., Printers , 1878 .
( Continued from p 10 . ) AT the close of his year of office as Grand Master , Bro . Ball , afc the Quarterly Communication of the 7 th December 1795 , requested the brethren to elect another in his stead , alleging ns his reason that his ago and health Avould not allow him to discharge the duties of so
exalted an office with satisfaction to himself . Grand Lodge then reelected to his old office Bro . John B . Smith , and a deputation Avas appointed to wait upon Bro . Smith , and announce tho result to him . This Avas done , but Bro . Smith , while expressing his thanks for the confidence thus reposed in him , declared it impossible for him to
accept tho office , declaring himself , however , as prepared to render Grand Lodge such humble services as it might be in his power to do . This Avas made known at an Extra Grand Lodge , held on Christmas Day , and the resignation having been accepted , Bro . W . Moore Smith , who had previousl y been chosen Deputy , was elected Grand Master ,
and , with the Wardens , was installed on the 28 th following , having , however , been first of all re-elected , becanse somo brethren appeared to regard as irregular the election on the 25 th , and it was necessary that the proceedings of Grand Lodge should be above even the suspicion of irregularity . On the 2 nd January 17915 , Bro . Gavin
Hamilton was installed as Deputy Grand Master . At the same meeting a letter from the Grand Lodge of Canada , inviting correspondence with the Grancl Lodge of Pennsylvania , was read and referred to a Com . mitteo . as was a communication from the Grand Lodge ( " Ancients" ) of England . This letter is entered in the Minutes of tho Extra
Communication of the 30 th , and had reference to the Constitution of Grand Royal Arch Chapter , enclosing copies of the English Royal Arch Rules ancl Regulations , as well as a specimen of the Royal Arch and Craft Certificates . The day following Grancl Lodge again met , aud a scheme for raising the necessary fnuds for bnilding a
Lodgeroom was submitted , and 500 copies of the Report were ordered to be printed and circulated among tho brethren . The same project occupied the attention of Grand Lodge at its Quarterly Communication on 6 th June , when it was resolved that Grand Lodge should take three hundred shares—of ten dollars each—in the undertaking . It Avill be in the recollection of our readers that early in 1792 , that
being tho first opportunity ifc had enjoyed of doing so , Grand Lodge addressed a letter of congratulation to General Washington , on his appointment for the second timo to the Presidency of the United States , and that illustrious brother ' s acknowledgment Avas given in full in our issue of last week . On the oth December , the day ap . Pointed , for the election of Grand Officer * for tbo ensuing twelvemonths ,
it was resolved , in view of the approaching retirement from the cares and responsibilities of public life , to present a further address on St . John ' s Day , and on that day , the draft Avas submitted andapproved , and a Committee or deputation appointed to wait on General Washington , and formally hand to him such expression of the respect and love of the Pennsylvania !! Craft . The address was as follow ¦ : —
" TO UEOttOE AVASIUNf . TON , PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATE!—THE ADDRESS OF THE GRAND LOUSE OF PENNSYLAANIA . " Most RESPECTED SIR \ sr > BROTHKU , —Having announced your intention to retire from public Labour to that Refreshment to which your pre-eminent services for near half a century have so justly entitled yon , permit the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania afc this last Feast of onr Evangelic Master , St . John , on Avhich we can hope for an
immediate communication with you , to join the grateful voice of our country in acknowledging that you havo carried forth the principles of tho Lodge into every walk of your life by your constant labours for the prosperity of that country , by your unremitting endeavours to promote order , union and brotherly affection amongst us , and , lastly , by tho vows of your farewell address to your brethren and fellow
citizens : an address which wo trust our children , and our children ' s children will ever look upon ns a most invaluable legacy from & Friend , a Dcnefuctor , and a Father . " To these our grateful acknowledgments ( leaving to the impartial pen of History to record the important events in which you havo
borno so illustrious a part ) permit ns to add our most fervent prayers , that after enjoying to tho utmost span of human life every felicity which tho Terrestrial Lodge can afford , you may bo received by tha Great Master Builder of this World of Worlds , unnumbered into tho ample felicity of that Celestial Lodge , in Avhich alone distinguished virtues and distinguished labours can be eternally rewarded . "
The answer of the illustrious General and brother , the original oi which is in tho archives of the Grand Lodge , ancl a facsimile of which accompanies this publication , reads to the following effect : — "FELLOAV CITIZENS AND BROTHERS OF THE GRAND LODGE OF PINN - SVLVANIA , —I have received your address with all tho feelings of brotherly affection , mingled with those sentiments for the Society
which it was calculated to excite . To have been , in any degree , an instrument in the hands of Providence to promote Order and Union , and erect upon a solid foundation the true principles of Government , ia only to have shared with many others in a labour , the result of Avhich , let us hope , will prove through all ages a sanctuary for
brothers and a Lodge for tho virtues . " Permit me to reciprocate your prayers for my temporal happiness , and to supplicate that AVC may all meet hereafter in that Eternal Temple Avhose builder is the Great Architect of the Universe . "
Afc this time tho Report by tho Committee on tho Bye-Laws Atas constantly occupying the attention of Grand Lodge , as well as the important question of Jurisdiction , which then , as now , much exercised the minds of the Craft under the different Grand Lodges . In connection Avith the former we must note tho folloAving resolution as to the constitution of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania , Avhich Avas
agreed to on tho 19 th June , namely— " The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania shall consist of tho Grand Officers for the time being , of tho Past Grand Masters , Past Deputy Grancl Masters , Past Grand War . dens , the present Masters and Wardens of all regular Lodges under this jurisdiction , and snch Past Masters as have served six mouths iu the chair of some such regular Lodge , but no Past Master to be made
in future by dispensation shall as such be a member of this Graud Lodge . Nor shall any person be a member of the same unless he is also a member of somo regular Lodgo under this jurisdiction . " On the 21 th of tho same month , after the question had bcou considered ancl discussed repeatedly ut previous Commiuiicntions , tho following resolution in connection with the Jurisdiction of Graud
Lodges was agreed to Avith only two dissentient voices : — "That this Grand Lodgo will not hold Communication or Correspondence with , or admit as visitors , any Masons resident in ttrb Stale who hold authority under aud acknowledge tho supremacy of any other Grand Lodgo within the same , or who do not by their representation communicate aud pay their dues to this Grand Lodge . "
On tho 4 th December 17 ! L , in consequence ot Bro . W . Moore Smith declaring his inaV > ility to continue in the office of G . Master , Bro . Jonathan B . Smith Avas chosen a-jnin , and this timo he accepted the honour , ancl was installed on St . John ' s Day by his predecessor , after which he delivered an address before Graud Lodge , which elicited the warmest encomiums from the brethren , and a request that a copy
thereof might be furnished with a view to its being entered on the minutes of tho day ' s proceedings . On the 5 th March 1708 , the Rules and Regulations for the government of the Grancl Holy Royal Arch Chapter—which arc given at full length , aud which had been unanimously agreed to and established afc a Grand Chapter held on the 2
journed communication held ou 23 rd April of this year , contain a singular record to tbo effect that a Brother W . Ntlson , having become security to Brother Morrow for a gun purchased of the latter for twelve-and-a-half dollars , by "Bro . Captain John Konkapot , of tbo Oneida tribe of Indians , " aud Bro . Konkapofc having made default , had bpcu obliged to pay
the same , ancl under these circumstances he prayed Grand Lodgo to take his case into consideration and grant him some relief as might seem jusfc and proper . Tho prayer was referred to the Standing Committee on Charity . On the 4 th June a petition for a new Lodge , to be worked within the confines of the State of Virginia , ivas submitted , and it was resolved to refer it to tbo Grand
Lodge of that State , and only to grant the desired Avarraut with its approval . In July a warrant was issued enabling certain brethren to hold a Freemasons' Lodge at Port d'Espagne , in the island of Trinidad . The nsual September Communication Avas not held , at d , for the same reason as in 1797 , becanse the yellow fever was raging in the city . On , the 3 rd December Communications from thq
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Is Charity Without Giving?
found that there is no charity Avithont giving , as Avell as receiving > and DO better answer can I give to any detractor , if I have one , after thirty years arduous toil , body , soul and spirit , for my fellow-man" Go thou and do likewise . " Yours faithfully ,
DANIEL ACE , D . D . Laughtou Vicarage , Gainsborough , 31 st December 1878 .
The Royal Arch Degree.
To the Editor of the FREEMASON S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Allow me , through tho medium of your valuable journal , to draw tho attention of somo of your readers who are proficient in tho Ritual of the Royal Arch Degree , to the lamentable deficiency which at present exists of Chapters of Instruction , in
Avhich those who aro aspiring to Royal Arch hononrs may obtain tho information Avhich is so essential to tho proper performance of thoir duties . I believe that the whole of tho Chapters of Instruction in tho Metropolis do nofc nnmber more than six or seven , aud they are scattered at wide distances on the north side of the Thames ; bnt as
regards the largo district ; on tbo south , I believe that there is not one ; consequently , any one living on the sonth aide , who seeks instruction in Arch Masonry must either go to Cornhill , or the more distant locality of Air-street , Piccadilly . To go to the latter it Avould involve little short of an hour , and the same in returning , which I think you
will readily admit at this season o ? the year , taking tho chanco of rain , frost , or fog , is no small task to undertake . Aa regards the Craft , any member of it may take his choice of pretty nearly a dozen Lodges of Instruction every evening , and , although it is not to bo expected that Chapters of Instruction Avill over multiply in the
same proportion , I cannot but think that it would be well if some of our hig h-class Arch Masons would bestow a little timo in educating others , especially on tho sonth side of the Thames , where the instruction would bo most thankfully received , and at the same time render Companions efficient to perform any duties which may devolve upon them .
I am , Dear Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , 30 th Dec . 1878 . A K . A . M .
All Books intended for Beview should be addressed to the Editor of The Freemason ' s Chronicle , 67 Barbican , E . C . The Grancl Lodge of the most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania . Its Early History and
Constitutions . From A . L . 5730 , A . D . 1730 . Its Minutes and Proceedings . Part II . Compiled and published by the Library Committee of tho Grand Lodgo of Pennsylvania . Philadelphia : Sherman and Co ., Printers , 1878 .
( Continued from p 10 . ) AT the close of his year of office as Grand Master , Bro . Ball , afc the Quarterly Communication of the 7 th December 1795 , requested the brethren to elect another in his stead , alleging ns his reason that his ago and health Avould not allow him to discharge the duties of so
exalted an office with satisfaction to himself . Grand Lodge then reelected to his old office Bro . John B . Smith , and a deputation Avas appointed to wait upon Bro . Smith , and announce tho result to him . This Avas done , but Bro . Smith , while expressing his thanks for the confidence thus reposed in him , declared it impossible for him to
accept tho office , declaring himself , however , as prepared to render Grand Lodge such humble services as it might be in his power to do . This Avas made known at an Extra Grand Lodge , held on Christmas Day , and the resignation having been accepted , Bro . W . Moore Smith , who had previousl y been chosen Deputy , was elected Grand Master ,
and , with the Wardens , was installed on the 28 th following , having , however , been first of all re-elected , becanse somo brethren appeared to regard as irregular the election on the 25 th , and it was necessary that the proceedings of Grand Lodge should be above even the suspicion of irregularity . On the 2 nd January 17915 , Bro . Gavin
Hamilton was installed as Deputy Grand Master . At the same meeting a letter from the Grand Lodge of Canada , inviting correspondence with the Grancl Lodge of Pennsylvania , was read and referred to a Com . mitteo . as was a communication from the Grand Lodge ( " Ancients" ) of England . This letter is entered in the Minutes of tho Extra
Communication of the 30 th , and had reference to the Constitution of Grand Royal Arch Chapter , enclosing copies of the English Royal Arch Rules ancl Regulations , as well as a specimen of the Royal Arch and Craft Certificates . The day following Grancl Lodge again met , aud a scheme for raising the necessary fnuds for bnilding a
Lodgeroom was submitted , and 500 copies of the Report were ordered to be printed and circulated among tho brethren . The same project occupied the attention of Grand Lodge at its Quarterly Communication on 6 th June , when it was resolved that Grand Lodge should take three hundred shares—of ten dollars each—in the undertaking . It Avill be in the recollection of our readers that early in 1792 , that
being tho first opportunity ifc had enjoyed of doing so , Grand Lodge addressed a letter of congratulation to General Washington , on his appointment for the second timo to the Presidency of the United States , and that illustrious brother ' s acknowledgment Avas given in full in our issue of last week . On the oth December , the day ap . Pointed , for the election of Grand Officer * for tbo ensuing twelvemonths ,
it was resolved , in view of the approaching retirement from the cares and responsibilities of public life , to present a further address on St . John ' s Day , and on that day , the draft Avas submitted andapproved , and a Committee or deputation appointed to wait on General Washington , and formally hand to him such expression of the respect and love of the Pennsylvania !! Craft . The address was as follow ¦ : —
" TO UEOttOE AVASIUNf . TON , PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATE!—THE ADDRESS OF THE GRAND LOUSE OF PENNSYLAANIA . " Most RESPECTED SIR \ sr > BROTHKU , —Having announced your intention to retire from public Labour to that Refreshment to which your pre-eminent services for near half a century have so justly entitled yon , permit the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania afc this last Feast of onr Evangelic Master , St . John , on Avhich we can hope for an
immediate communication with you , to join the grateful voice of our country in acknowledging that you havo carried forth the principles of tho Lodge into every walk of your life by your constant labours for the prosperity of that country , by your unremitting endeavours to promote order , union and brotherly affection amongst us , and , lastly , by tho vows of your farewell address to your brethren and fellow
citizens : an address which wo trust our children , and our children ' s children will ever look upon ns a most invaluable legacy from & Friend , a Dcnefuctor , and a Father . " To these our grateful acknowledgments ( leaving to the impartial pen of History to record the important events in which you havo
borno so illustrious a part ) permit ns to add our most fervent prayers , that after enjoying to tho utmost span of human life every felicity which tho Terrestrial Lodge can afford , you may bo received by tha Great Master Builder of this World of Worlds , unnumbered into tho ample felicity of that Celestial Lodge , in Avhich alone distinguished virtues and distinguished labours can be eternally rewarded . "
The answer of the illustrious General and brother , the original oi which is in tho archives of the Grand Lodge , ancl a facsimile of which accompanies this publication , reads to the following effect : — "FELLOAV CITIZENS AND BROTHERS OF THE GRAND LODGE OF PINN - SVLVANIA , —I have received your address with all tho feelings of brotherly affection , mingled with those sentiments for the Society
which it was calculated to excite . To have been , in any degree , an instrument in the hands of Providence to promote Order and Union , and erect upon a solid foundation the true principles of Government , ia only to have shared with many others in a labour , the result of Avhich , let us hope , will prove through all ages a sanctuary for
brothers and a Lodge for tho virtues . " Permit me to reciprocate your prayers for my temporal happiness , and to supplicate that AVC may all meet hereafter in that Eternal Temple Avhose builder is the Great Architect of the Universe . "
Afc this time tho Report by tho Committee on tho Bye-Laws Atas constantly occupying the attention of Grand Lodge , as well as the important question of Jurisdiction , which then , as now , much exercised the minds of the Craft under the different Grand Lodges . In connection Avith the former we must note tho folloAving resolution as to the constitution of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania , Avhich Avas
agreed to on tho 19 th June , namely— " The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania shall consist of tho Grand Officers for the time being , of tho Past Grand Masters , Past Deputy Grancl Masters , Past Grand War . dens , the present Masters and Wardens of all regular Lodges under this jurisdiction , and snch Past Masters as have served six mouths iu the chair of some such regular Lodge , but no Past Master to be made
in future by dispensation shall as such be a member of this Graud Lodge . Nor shall any person be a member of the same unless he is also a member of somo regular Lodgo under this jurisdiction . " On the 21 th of tho same month , after the question had bcou considered ancl discussed repeatedly ut previous Commiuiicntions , tho following resolution in connection with the Jurisdiction of Graud
Lodges was agreed to Avith only two dissentient voices : — "That this Grand Lodgo will not hold Communication or Correspondence with , or admit as visitors , any Masons resident in ttrb Stale who hold authority under aud acknowledge tho supremacy of any other Grand Lodgo within the same , or who do not by their representation communicate aud pay their dues to this Grand Lodge . "
On tho 4 th December 17 ! L , in consequence ot Bro . W . Moore Smith declaring his inaV > ility to continue in the office of G . Master , Bro . Jonathan B . Smith Avas chosen a-jnin , and this timo he accepted the honour , ancl was installed on St . John ' s Day by his predecessor , after which he delivered an address before Graud Lodge , which elicited the warmest encomiums from the brethren , and a request that a copy
thereof might be furnished with a view to its being entered on the minutes of tho day ' s proceedings . On the 5 th March 1708 , the Rules and Regulations for the government of the Grancl Holy Royal Arch Chapter—which arc given at full length , aud which had been unanimously agreed to and established afc a Grand Chapter held on the 2
journed communication held ou 23 rd April of this year , contain a singular record to tbo effect that a Brother W . Ntlson , having become security to Brother Morrow for a gun purchased of the latter for twelve-and-a-half dollars , by "Bro . Captain John Konkapot , of tbo Oneida tribe of Indians , " aud Bro . Konkapofc having made default , had bpcu obliged to pay
the same , ancl under these circumstances he prayed Grand Lodgo to take his case into consideration and grant him some relief as might seem jusfc and proper . Tho prayer was referred to the Standing Committee on Charity . On the 4 th June a petition for a new Lodge , to be worked within the confines of the State of Virginia , ivas submitted , and it was resolved to refer it to tbo Grand
Lodge of that State , and only to grant the desired Avarraut with its approval . In July a warrant was issued enabling certain brethren to hold a Freemasons' Lodge at Port d'Espagne , in the island of Trinidad . The nsual September Communication Avas not held , at d , for the same reason as in 1797 , becanse the yellow fever was raging in the city . On , the 3 rd December Communications from thq