Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS ← Page 2 of 4 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS Page 2 of 4 →
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Notices Of Meetings
Tho W . M . proposed tho nsnal Loyal and Masonic Toasts . Bro . E . P . Albert G . P . returned thanks for the Grand Officers . Tho toast of the W . M ., Wardens , Visitors and Officers were given . Bros . M . Levy 1017 , Stunt 1641 , Goldsmith 339 , and Barbo 1533 , were present .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 63 . —A numerous assemblage of members of this Lodge sat down to tho annual supper , which was provided in a very sumptuous manner , by Bro . Maidwell , at the Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , on Tuesday , 6 th February . Bro . Carruthers W . M . presided , and ho was supported by Bros . Rudderforth S . W ., Ellis J . W . Tho nsnal Masonic toasta were given ,
interspersed with vocal harmony by the following brethren : —Bros . Carruthers , Brown , Hogarth , Dart , Richards , White . Bros . Rudderforth and Maidwell rendered a duet , which was rapturously received . Excellent speeches were made by Bros . Carruthers , Daniel , Maidwell , Holtham , Hollands , & c . ; and the manner in which the Craft supported this Lodge of Instrnction was commented npon . Altogether a most pleasant evening waa spent .
Lodge of Lights , No . 148 , Warrington—Tke regular monthly meeting of this old Lodge waa held on Monday , 29 th January , at the Masonio Rooms . The W . M ., Bro . Thomas Tanstall , was supported by Bros . W . Sharp P . M . Prov . G . J . W . as S . W ., John R . Young J . W ., W . H . Robinson I . P . M ., A . H . Young S . D ., James Paterson J . D ., James Hannah asI . G ., John Bowes P . M . ( Prov . G . J . W .
Cumberland and Westmorland ) Hon . Sec , John Armstrong ( S . W . No . 1250 ) Treas ., J . S . Patten , P . J . Edolsten P . M ., and other members and visitors . The Lodge was opened in form , when the minutes were read and declared to be correctly recorded . The ballot was then taken for Bro . Richard Walker Francombe , of the Lodge of Fidelity , No . 269 , Blackburn , ai a joining member . Tho result was
unanimously in that brother ' s favour , and he , being in waiting , was announced as " a member of this Lodgo . " Tho W . M . said the next business was a source of extreme pleasure to him . In the name of the Lodgo it was his privilege to place upon the LP . Master ' s breast a massive gold P . M . ' s jewel . The jewel was inscribed : — "Lodge of Lights , No . 148 , Warrington . Presented to Bro . W . H . Robinson , by
the Lodge , in acknowledgment of able services as W . M . A . L . 58 / 6 . " He would not dilate on Bro . Robinson's merits in his presence , but he must be permitted , as the representative of the members , to say that it waa many years since the Lodge was presided over by so young a brother . He had , moreover , performed all the duties of his office in an able manner , and he assured him his services wero very highly
appreciated by every member of the Lodge . He would not trespass further on their time ; but he should bo glad if the Secretary would supplement his remarks with a few words of wisdom . Bro . Bowes was glad of tho opportunity , and addressing Bro . Robinson , said—Tho jewel which the W . M . has just placed on your breast , as a gift from the Lodge , is one that yon are entitled to wear , having filled tho
office of Master of this Lodge during tho past year . Tho jewel is a square with the 47 th proposition of tho 1 st Book of Euclid pendent therefrom , aud is intended by tho Constitutions of our Ancient Order to mark your rank as a Past Master . This proposition of Euclid ' s Elements is one of the most important discoveries of the learned Brother Pythagoras , who flourished 555 years B . C ., and in the joy of
his heart ho ia said to have exclaimed , Eureka , " I have fouud it , " and to have sacrificed a hecatomb . As the figure depends upon several lines , angles , and triangles , as shown in the diagram before you , so Freemasonry depends upon its several members , and the principles upon which the Institution is established . Some of onr brethren , from their station in life , standing as they do on the basis
oi earthly bliss , aro emblematical of tho great angle which subtends tho right angle ; others , blessed with means to tread the flowery meads of prosperity and affluence , are descriptive of tho squares which stand on tho sides ; thoso brethren who enjoy every social comfort and never exceed tho bounds of mediocrity , symbolize tho triangles within the square ; and those who have the satisfaction of administer .
ing to the wants of the indigent and industrious , may be compared to the triangle which surrounds and supports tho figure ; whilst tho lines which form -it may remind us of those brethren who are incapable of providing the necessaries of life unless aided by cheerful and ready assistance . May tho lessons taught by your beautiful jewel ever influence your actions for good , while treading tho thorny
path of this life , so that when yon are summoned to tho Grand Lodge above you may receive a much more glorious jewel—one which will never fade away . Bro . Robinson made a feeling response , nnd assured the brethren that when elected W . M . he determined to try to do his duty , and if he had succeeded to their satisfaction he was amply repaid . Tho beautiful and costly jewel they had given him ho should ever treasure with pride . After some propositions , the Lodge waa closed .
Lion and Lamb Lodge , No . 192 . —A regular meeting of this Lodge was held on the 1 st inst ., at the Terminus Hotel , Cannonstreet . The Lodge was opened in due form by tho W . M . The minutes of the last meeting wero read and confirmed , ancl a brother was raised to the degree of M . M . Tho Lodgo resumed to tho first degreeancl
, Mr . W . H . Davies was duly initiated into Freemasonry . Tho election of Master then took place , and Bro . E . Jones was duly elected as the W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Kenning was also re-elected Treasurer . Tho somewhat sudden death of Bro . W . Baker , an old member , having been announced , tho old and many young members retired .
Confidence Lodgo of Instruction , ITo . 19 C—This Lodge met at the Masons' Hal I Tavern , Masoiis ' -avenuc , Cofctiian-strcet , E . G ., on Wednesday tho 7 th inst . Bro . Abell occupied the Worshipful Master ' s chair . Bros . Turner waa S . W ., Sayer J . W ., E . Gottheil P . M . Preceptor , John Constable P . M . lion . Treas ., J . K . Pitt Hon . Sec , Fencer S . D ., Lay J . D ., Walker I . G ,, Christopher Tvler . Past Master
Notices Of Meetings
Bloomfield and a full complement of usual attendants were also present . Tho first ceremony was rehearsed . Bro . I . P . Cohen W . M . of 205 acting aa candidate . The second candidate of the Lecture waa worked by Bro . Walker , and tho third by Bro . Constable ,
assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Turner was elected Master for tho next meeting , when , according to the bye-laws , the second ceremony and lecture will be given . Bro . Abbot will deliver the fourth of his series of Lectures at this Lodge of Instruction on Wednesday the 28 th inst .
Lodge Commercial , No . 360 . —Held its regular meeting on Friday , the 2 nd inat . The Lodgo waa opened by Bro . J . M . Oliver D . M ., with Bro . McPherson P . M . AS S . W ., Mitchell J . W ., J . Pattiaon S . D ., A . Burnett I . G ., J . Minnock Ty ler . The acting Master , Bro . Oliver , said he was sorry to havo to read a letter from
the R . W . M ., who waa prevented by illness from being present on this occasion . There being three Fellow Crafts to bo passed , he would ask Bro . D . Lamb to perform that ceremony . Two brethren were then raised to the sublime degree , the ceremony being moat carefully and elaborately worked by Bro . Lamb , There being no other work , tho Lodgo waa closed in due form .
Consecration of the Albert Edward Lodge , No . 592 , Polmadie . —This interesting ceremony was performed on Wednesday , tho 31 st nit ., by Col . Campbell , of Blythswood , P . G . M . of Renfrewshire East , and D . G . M . for Scotland , in a most satisfactory stylo . The following officers were installed : —Bros . R . Nesbit R . W . M ., T . White D . M ., W . Clark S . M ., A . C . Kellir S . W ., J . Grey Sec , J . 0 .
Shand Treas ., Walter Gunn S . D ., G . Cater J . D ., W . Milton S . S ., W . Gourlay B . B ., G . Stark I . G ., G . Read Tyler . The newly-installed Master , Bro . Nesbit , had invited tho P . G . officers , as well as tho officers of his own Lodge , tho Masters ancl Wardens of the Thornliobank and Paisley Lodges , and some of the visiting brethren from Glasgow , to a beautiful repast at his residence , Eastfield House , where ample justice
was dono to his bounty , and tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly responded to . The P . G . M ., in the course of his remarks , paid some well-merited compliments to tho officers of the new Lodge , saying he thought it promised to become one of tho best working Lodges in his province , if they only continued aa they had that day began .
Searsdale Lodge , No . 681 . —This Lodge held its installation meeting on Wednesday , 31 st January , at the Assembly Room , Market Hall , Chesterfield , by special dispensation . Present—Bros . T . F . Halo W . M ., R . H . Robinson S . W ., W . W . Jendwine J . W ., C . J . White Sec , W . M . Hewitt Treas ., Arthur Milner S . D ., J . G . Knighton J . D ., Geo . Lee D . C , C . G . Busby I . G ., H . W . Smith Tyler .
Past Masters Bros . S . Fonlds , Geo . Haslohurst , W . M . Hewitt , George Haslehurst , G . A . Rooth , and H . Osborne . Visitors—Bros . Cox 253 , Horsley , and H . J . Fonlds 253 , R . Strafford 731 , Stamford , Cupar and Schofield 1028 , Moore 1235 , Hawksley , Hayes , Jervis , and Gnrnett 139 , Pawson and Drury 296 , and Whitham 850 . Business—Installation of Bro . W . W . Jendwine as W . M . for the ensuing year .
The ceremony was performed by the retiring Master , Bro . T . F . Hale . The W . M . appointed his officers as follow : —R . H . Robinson S . W ., C . J . White J . W ., Smithson Sec , W . M . Hewitt Treas ., C . G . Busby S . D ., J . Gould J . D ., Lee D . C , A . Milner Steward , Mills I . G ., H . W . Smith Tyler . A banquet was held at tho Angel Hotel , ab which there were about sixty present , including the above visitors .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —The weekly meeting of tho above took place at Bro . Allen ' s , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , on Tuesday , 6 th February . Bro . W . J . Smith W . M ., Dr . Defriez S . W ., Barker J . W ., Lay S . D ., Cambridge J . D ., Johnson I . G ., Worsley Secretary , P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; also Bros . A . C . Macklin , Brown , Lovelock , Fieldwick , Coombes , Hewlett , Wordell , & c . Tho Lodge was opened with due formality , and tho
minutes of the last meeting were read ancl confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed , Bro . Brown acting as candidate . The 1 st and 2 nd sections of tho lecture wore worked by tho W . M ., and the 3 rd and 4 th by Bro . Hewlett , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Defriez waa unanimously elected W . M . for tho ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation . All Masonic business being ended , the Lodge closed in due form , and adjourned till Tuesday , tho 13 th inst ., at 7 . 30 .
"Welch Pool Lodge , No . 998 . —The regular meeting of this Lodgo was held on Friday , 2 nd February , at the Railway Station , Welch Pool . Tho W . M ., Bro . T . R . Morris , opened his Lodgo in the 1 st and 2 nd degrees , and entrusted Bro . tho Rev . Alfred Whitlow , who retired , and tho Lodge was opened in tho 3 rd degree . Bro . D . P . Owen P . M . then ascended tho pedestal , and Bro . Whitlow was re .
admitted and raised to tho sublime degree of a M . M . Lod go waa resumed in tho 1 st degree , and Mr . William T . Parker J . P . ( previously balloted for ) was initiated . At the request of tho W . M ., Bro . Owen retained possession of tho pedestal , and informed tho brethren that ho had a sad and painful task to perform , but ono that ho should havo been extremely jealous of any one else—under present
circumstances—doing , ancl that was , to announce to them tho death of tho first Master of tho Lodgo No . 998 . On Monday last , it pleased the G . A . O . T . U . to erase tlie namo of Thomas William John Goldsbro' off tho list of those various earthl y Lodges which had been honoured by his connection with them , but ho expressed a linn conviction that it
was now enrolled on the tablets of the Grand Lodge above . Bro . Owen reminded tho Lodge that by the loss they had sustained he now was in tho position of Senior P . M ., and sorry was he that so soon , and by such an event , ho had attaiued so high a position in his mother Lodge . Ho was the only ono present that evening who was alsQ
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings
Tho W . M . proposed tho nsnal Loyal and Masonic Toasts . Bro . E . P . Albert G . P . returned thanks for the Grand Officers . Tho toast of the W . M ., Wardens , Visitors and Officers were given . Bros . M . Levy 1017 , Stunt 1641 , Goldsmith 339 , and Barbo 1533 , were present .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 63 . —A numerous assemblage of members of this Lodge sat down to tho annual supper , which was provided in a very sumptuous manner , by Bro . Maidwell , at the Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , on Tuesday , 6 th February . Bro . Carruthers W . M . presided , and ho was supported by Bros . Rudderforth S . W ., Ellis J . W . Tho nsnal Masonic toasta were given ,
interspersed with vocal harmony by the following brethren : —Bros . Carruthers , Brown , Hogarth , Dart , Richards , White . Bros . Rudderforth and Maidwell rendered a duet , which was rapturously received . Excellent speeches were made by Bros . Carruthers , Daniel , Maidwell , Holtham , Hollands , & c . ; and the manner in which the Craft supported this Lodge of Instrnction was commented npon . Altogether a most pleasant evening waa spent .
Lodge of Lights , No . 148 , Warrington—Tke regular monthly meeting of this old Lodge waa held on Monday , 29 th January , at the Masonio Rooms . The W . M ., Bro . Thomas Tanstall , was supported by Bros . W . Sharp P . M . Prov . G . J . W . as S . W ., John R . Young J . W ., W . H . Robinson I . P . M ., A . H . Young S . D ., James Paterson J . D ., James Hannah asI . G ., John Bowes P . M . ( Prov . G . J . W .
Cumberland and Westmorland ) Hon . Sec , John Armstrong ( S . W . No . 1250 ) Treas ., J . S . Patten , P . J . Edolsten P . M ., and other members and visitors . The Lodge was opened in form , when the minutes were read and declared to be correctly recorded . The ballot was then taken for Bro . Richard Walker Francombe , of the Lodge of Fidelity , No . 269 , Blackburn , ai a joining member . Tho result was
unanimously in that brother ' s favour , and he , being in waiting , was announced as " a member of this Lodgo . " Tho W . M . said the next business was a source of extreme pleasure to him . In the name of the Lodgo it was his privilege to place upon the LP . Master ' s breast a massive gold P . M . ' s jewel . The jewel was inscribed : — "Lodge of Lights , No . 148 , Warrington . Presented to Bro . W . H . Robinson , by
the Lodge , in acknowledgment of able services as W . M . A . L . 58 / 6 . " He would not dilate on Bro . Robinson's merits in his presence , but he must be permitted , as the representative of the members , to say that it waa many years since the Lodge was presided over by so young a brother . He had , moreover , performed all the duties of his office in an able manner , and he assured him his services wero very highly
appreciated by every member of the Lodge . He would not trespass further on their time ; but he should bo glad if the Secretary would supplement his remarks with a few words of wisdom . Bro . Bowes was glad of tho opportunity , and addressing Bro . Robinson , said—Tho jewel which the W . M . has just placed on your breast , as a gift from the Lodge , is one that yon are entitled to wear , having filled tho
office of Master of this Lodge during tho past year . Tho jewel is a square with the 47 th proposition of tho 1 st Book of Euclid pendent therefrom , aud is intended by tho Constitutions of our Ancient Order to mark your rank as a Past Master . This proposition of Euclid ' s Elements is one of the most important discoveries of the learned Brother Pythagoras , who flourished 555 years B . C ., and in the joy of
his heart ho ia said to have exclaimed , Eureka , " I have fouud it , " and to have sacrificed a hecatomb . As the figure depends upon several lines , angles , and triangles , as shown in the diagram before you , so Freemasonry depends upon its several members , and the principles upon which the Institution is established . Some of onr brethren , from their station in life , standing as they do on the basis
oi earthly bliss , aro emblematical of tho great angle which subtends tho right angle ; others , blessed with means to tread the flowery meads of prosperity and affluence , are descriptive of tho squares which stand on tho sides ; thoso brethren who enjoy every social comfort and never exceed tho bounds of mediocrity , symbolize tho triangles within the square ; and those who have the satisfaction of administer .
ing to the wants of the indigent and industrious , may be compared to the triangle which surrounds and supports tho figure ; whilst tho lines which form -it may remind us of those brethren who are incapable of providing the necessaries of life unless aided by cheerful and ready assistance . May tho lessons taught by your beautiful jewel ever influence your actions for good , while treading tho thorny
path of this life , so that when yon are summoned to tho Grand Lodge above you may receive a much more glorious jewel—one which will never fade away . Bro . Robinson made a feeling response , nnd assured the brethren that when elected W . M . he determined to try to do his duty , and if he had succeeded to their satisfaction he was amply repaid . Tho beautiful and costly jewel they had given him ho should ever treasure with pride . After some propositions , the Lodge waa closed .
Lion and Lamb Lodge , No . 192 . —A regular meeting of this Lodge was held on the 1 st inst ., at the Terminus Hotel , Cannonstreet . The Lodge was opened in due form by tho W . M . The minutes of the last meeting wero read and confirmed , ancl a brother was raised to the degree of M . M . Tho Lodgo resumed to tho first degreeancl
, Mr . W . H . Davies was duly initiated into Freemasonry . Tho election of Master then took place , and Bro . E . Jones was duly elected as the W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Kenning was also re-elected Treasurer . Tho somewhat sudden death of Bro . W . Baker , an old member , having been announced , tho old and many young members retired .
Confidence Lodgo of Instruction , ITo . 19 C—This Lodge met at the Masons' Hal I Tavern , Masoiis ' -avenuc , Cofctiian-strcet , E . G ., on Wednesday tho 7 th inst . Bro . Abell occupied the Worshipful Master ' s chair . Bros . Turner waa S . W ., Sayer J . W ., E . Gottheil P . M . Preceptor , John Constable P . M . lion . Treas ., J . K . Pitt Hon . Sec , Fencer S . D ., Lay J . D ., Walker I . G ,, Christopher Tvler . Past Master
Notices Of Meetings
Bloomfield and a full complement of usual attendants were also present . Tho first ceremony was rehearsed . Bro . I . P . Cohen W . M . of 205 acting aa candidate . The second candidate of the Lecture waa worked by Bro . Walker , and tho third by Bro . Constable ,
assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Turner was elected Master for tho next meeting , when , according to the bye-laws , the second ceremony and lecture will be given . Bro . Abbot will deliver the fourth of his series of Lectures at this Lodge of Instruction on Wednesday the 28 th inst .
Lodge Commercial , No . 360 . —Held its regular meeting on Friday , the 2 nd inat . The Lodgo waa opened by Bro . J . M . Oliver D . M ., with Bro . McPherson P . M . AS S . W ., Mitchell J . W ., J . Pattiaon S . D ., A . Burnett I . G ., J . Minnock Ty ler . The acting Master , Bro . Oliver , said he was sorry to havo to read a letter from
the R . W . M ., who waa prevented by illness from being present on this occasion . There being three Fellow Crafts to bo passed , he would ask Bro . D . Lamb to perform that ceremony . Two brethren were then raised to the sublime degree , the ceremony being moat carefully and elaborately worked by Bro . Lamb , There being no other work , tho Lodgo waa closed in due form .
Consecration of the Albert Edward Lodge , No . 592 , Polmadie . —This interesting ceremony was performed on Wednesday , tho 31 st nit ., by Col . Campbell , of Blythswood , P . G . M . of Renfrewshire East , and D . G . M . for Scotland , in a most satisfactory stylo . The following officers were installed : —Bros . R . Nesbit R . W . M ., T . White D . M ., W . Clark S . M ., A . C . Kellir S . W ., J . Grey Sec , J . 0 .
Shand Treas ., Walter Gunn S . D ., G . Cater J . D ., W . Milton S . S ., W . Gourlay B . B ., G . Stark I . G ., G . Read Tyler . The newly-installed Master , Bro . Nesbit , had invited tho P . G . officers , as well as tho officers of his own Lodge , tho Masters ancl Wardens of the Thornliobank and Paisley Lodges , and some of the visiting brethren from Glasgow , to a beautiful repast at his residence , Eastfield House , where ample justice
was dono to his bounty , and tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly responded to . The P . G . M ., in the course of his remarks , paid some well-merited compliments to tho officers of the new Lodge , saying he thought it promised to become one of tho best working Lodges in his province , if they only continued aa they had that day began .
Searsdale Lodge , No . 681 . —This Lodge held its installation meeting on Wednesday , 31 st January , at the Assembly Room , Market Hall , Chesterfield , by special dispensation . Present—Bros . T . F . Halo W . M ., R . H . Robinson S . W ., W . W . Jendwine J . W ., C . J . White Sec , W . M . Hewitt Treas ., Arthur Milner S . D ., J . G . Knighton J . D ., Geo . Lee D . C , C . G . Busby I . G ., H . W . Smith Tyler .
Past Masters Bros . S . Fonlds , Geo . Haslohurst , W . M . Hewitt , George Haslehurst , G . A . Rooth , and H . Osborne . Visitors—Bros . Cox 253 , Horsley , and H . J . Fonlds 253 , R . Strafford 731 , Stamford , Cupar and Schofield 1028 , Moore 1235 , Hawksley , Hayes , Jervis , and Gnrnett 139 , Pawson and Drury 296 , and Whitham 850 . Business—Installation of Bro . W . W . Jendwine as W . M . for the ensuing year .
The ceremony was performed by the retiring Master , Bro . T . F . Hale . The W . M . appointed his officers as follow : —R . H . Robinson S . W ., C . J . White J . W ., Smithson Sec , W . M . Hewitt Treas ., C . G . Busby S . D ., J . Gould J . D ., Lee D . C , A . Milner Steward , Mills I . G ., H . W . Smith Tyler . A banquet was held at tho Angel Hotel , ab which there were about sixty present , including the above visitors .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —The weekly meeting of tho above took place at Bro . Allen ' s , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , on Tuesday , 6 th February . Bro . W . J . Smith W . M ., Dr . Defriez S . W ., Barker J . W ., Lay S . D ., Cambridge J . D ., Johnson I . G ., Worsley Secretary , P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; also Bros . A . C . Macklin , Brown , Lovelock , Fieldwick , Coombes , Hewlett , Wordell , & c . Tho Lodge was opened with due formality , and tho
minutes of the last meeting were read ancl confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed , Bro . Brown acting as candidate . The 1 st and 2 nd sections of tho lecture wore worked by tho W . M ., and the 3 rd and 4 th by Bro . Hewlett , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Defriez waa unanimously elected W . M . for tho ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation . All Masonic business being ended , the Lodge closed in due form , and adjourned till Tuesday , tho 13 th inst ., at 7 . 30 .
"Welch Pool Lodge , No . 998 . —The regular meeting of this Lodgo was held on Friday , 2 nd February , at the Railway Station , Welch Pool . Tho W . M ., Bro . T . R . Morris , opened his Lodgo in the 1 st and 2 nd degrees , and entrusted Bro . tho Rev . Alfred Whitlow , who retired , and tho Lodge was opened in tho 3 rd degree . Bro . D . P . Owen P . M . then ascended tho pedestal , and Bro . Whitlow was re .
admitted and raised to tho sublime degree of a M . M . Lod go waa resumed in tho 1 st degree , and Mr . William T . Parker J . P . ( previously balloted for ) was initiated . At the request of tho W . M ., Bro . Owen retained possession of tho pedestal , and informed tho brethren that ho had a sad and painful task to perform , but ono that ho should havo been extremely jealous of any one else—under present
circumstances—doing , ancl that was , to announce to them tho death of tho first Master of tho Lodgo No . 998 . On Monday last , it pleased the G . A . O . T . U . to erase tlie namo of Thomas William John Goldsbro' off tho list of those various earthl y Lodges which had been honoured by his connection with them , but ho expressed a linn conviction that it
was now enrolled on the tablets of the Grand Lodge above . Bro . Owen reminded tho Lodge that by the loss they had sustained he now was in tho position of Senior P . M ., and sorry was he that so soon , and by such an event , ho had attaiued so high a position in his mother Lodge . Ho was the only ono present that evening who was alsQ