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Notices Of Meetings
Woodman . All tho work was well done , and tho Lodge was closed and adjourned . A banquet followed , when tho usual toasts wore g iven . Tho long list of visitors included Bros . J . W . Baldwin P . A . G . P . Middlesex , P . M . 1423 , W . Smeed P . P . G . J . W . Middlesex P . M ., J . B . Shackleton W . M . 1524 , G . Macdonald W . M . 1158 , and others .
Cripplegato Lodge , No . 1613 . —At the meeting on the 2 nd of February , Bro . Ingram was raised , and Bros . Gibbs and llolliday were passed . Bro . Costo I . P . M . proposed , Bro . C J . Benson seconded , and it was unanimously agreed , that a letter of condolence should bo forwarded to Mrs . W . R . Baker , on the death of her husband , Bro . W . R . Baker , of Cripplegato Ward . Tho funeral was
conducted from his residence , 16 South Villas , Camden-sqnare , the hearse being followed by a long string of carriages containing his friends and members of tho Cripplegato Lodge . Tho interment took place in Kensal Green Cemetery , where his friends had assembled to the number of near on 300 to testify the groat esteem and respect in which Bro . W . It . Baker was held by the Ward o Cripplegato , and by his friends elsewhere .
Eoyal Kensington Lodge , No . 1627 . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Friday , 2 nd February , at Freemasons ' Hall . Present—Bros . W . F . Raymond W . M ., Chas . E . Soppet S . W ., W . E . Gordon Leith J . W ., Donald M . Dewar Secretary , Hy de Pullen Treasurer , H . R . Gill S . D ., Samuel Browne D . C . and Steward , H . M . Sydney I . G ., also Bros . Gasa , Percy Leith P . G . D ., J . Dunning , G . R .
Matthews , Geo . T . Robinson ancl others . Visitors : Bros . Richard W . Smith ( St . Paul's Lodge , Boston , U . S . ) , Chas . E . Parden ( Prudence Lodge , No . 388 ) . Business—The Lodge being opened and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed , Bro . S . H . D'Avignor , of Mount Moriah Lodge , No . 34 , was elected a joining member . Mr . Geo . W . Tustin having been approved on ballot , was
duly initiated . Bros . Dunning and Gass were passed to the second degree ; and Bro . G . R . Matthews was raised to the sublime degree , all tho ceremonies being performed by V . W . Bro . Hyde Pullen , in his usual masterly style . Bro . Pullen officiated at tho request of the W . M ., who was suffering from indisposition . A gentleman was then proposed for initiation at next meeting ; after which the Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet .
Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow . —Held its installation meeting on 1 st February , the V . W . P . G . M . Bro . Col . Walter Montgomery Nelson presiding , supported on the dais b y Bros . F . A . Barrow D . P . G . M ., John Baird S . P . G . M ., J . Gilles P . G . T ., W . H . Beckerton P . G . S ., J . Ritchie P . G . A ., R . Robb P . G . M ., T . Halket P . G . D . of M . In the absence of the P . G . W . the chair of P . G . S . W .
was filled by Bro . Dr . Mclnnis R . W . M . 27 , and that of J . W . by Jas . Thompson R . W . M . 102 . At the request of tho P . G . M . Bro . Barrow , his deputy , proceeded to instal the officers , a list of whom was given in our last week ' s account of tho election . The P . G . M . himself investing each of them with their jewel of office . Bro . Barrow then passed a high eulogium on tho S . D . Bro . John Morgan , their interim
Secretary , stating that in tho 16 years he had acted as D . P . M . he had never found a brother who had so zealously performed the duties , and as he had declined to take tho proportion of salary due for the time he had filled that post he now moved that tho sum of £ 10 be voted to present him with a suitable testimonial of their appreciation of his conduct . This was carried by acclamation . The subject of
Grand Lodge business for the ensuing Monday waa then discussed , and some rather sharp remarks wero passed on certain of tho officials by Bros . Barrow , McCannicnsh and others . Bro . D . M . Nelson G . S . D . requested the brethren to snspend their judgment till they saw what tho Officers elected in November would do ; he could assure them that they must effect some sweeping reforms . The
P . G . M . concurred in these remarks , still ho thou ght it would bo well for the Glasgow brethren to bo in their places on Monday to assist in this object . He was sorry to find that his own efforts to improve the status of Masonry had not been responded to as he could have wished . He thought the possession of a Provincial Grand Lodge Hall a very necessary thing ; ho was sorry to find that after the sum paid ,
£ 180 now , and about £ 60 being promised , that his efforts were not appreciated , and that he could have put his money to a better use . Bro . J . Kennaird R . W . M . 73 , Dr . Mclnnis 27 , and " J . Murray 103 were appointed auditors . The report of the Provincial Benevolent Fund shewed that £ 47 had been given in charity during the past quarter .
BOYS' AND GIRLS' FESTIVALS , 1877 . BRO . J . CONSTABLE , having the sum of Fifteen Guineas voted for the Girls' School , will bo pleased to Exchange with a Steward the like sum for tho Boys' School . Address : —13 SISE LANE , CUT , E . C .
" A suitable gift from a Master to Ms Lodge " NEATLY BOUND IN CLOTH , PRICE 8 s 6 d EACH . VOLUMES I ., II ., III . and IV . London : —W . W . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , E . C . Sent , Carriage Paid , to any address in the United Kingdom , on receipt of Cheque or P . O . O . C loth Cases for Binding can be had from the Offices , price Is 6 d each .
Now ready , Price 3 s 6 d , Crown Svo , cloth , gilt . MASONIO PORTRAITS . RBPMNTED TKOSI "THE FUEEMASON ' S CUEONICLB . " The Volume contains the following : — 1 . OUR LITEKXRV BROTHER . 17 . Tnu CHRISTIAN - Munsisn . 2 . A DISTINGUISHED MASOJT . 19 . THK MYSTIC . 3 . THE MAX or E . VEBOX . 19 . A MODEL MASOW . 1 . FATHER TISIK . 20 . A CHIP FROST JOPPA . 5 . A Comma STOXE . 21 . A PILLAR or MASOXRV . 6 . THE CEAFTSMAY . 22 . BAVARD . 7 . THE GOWNSMAN . 23 . A RIGHT HAND MAN . 8 . AN EASTEUN STAB . 2 V . On : CITIZEN BROTHER . 9 . Tan KNIOHT ERRANT . 25 . AN ABLE I ' liKCKrtou . 10 . THE OCTOGENARIAN . 20 . AN ANCIENT BRITON . 11 . A ZEALOUS OFFICER . 27 . THE ARTIST . 12 . THE SOLDIER . 2 S . THE FATHER OF THE LODGE . 13 . FROM UNDER THE CROWN . 29 . A SHINING LIGHT . 11 . OUR HERCULES . 30 . AN ART STUDENT . 15 . A MERCHANT PRINCE . 31 . THE MARINER . 16 . THB CHURCHMAN . 32 . A SOLDIUK OP FOBTPNB . 33 . "OLD MUG . " OPINIONS OP THE PKESS . "A series of articles , biographical , clescriptivo , anil eulogistic , of somo of tlio principal Masonic worthies of tho day . Thoy aro well written , and though personal , by no means offensive , or intrusive into private life , ami in Masonic society will bo welcomed aa an interesting series of word paintings of members of the Craft . —Standard . " Wo do not remember to havo read any similar series of sketches which surpass this in merit . "—Land and Water .
" Admirably written , being free from what aro too often observed in composition—inelegant language and prolixity . "—Sunday Times . "' J . G . ' writes with a considerable amount of freedom , never hesitating to 'hit off ' a weakness when ho finds it publicly displayed by a 'distinguished brother j' at the same time ho never loses sight of a good trait when it is displayed , either in connexion with tho Craft or in the service of tho public out of doors . Tho sketches aro lively reading . "—City Press .
"This is a neat book . Tho Portraits consist of a series of 'word pictures ' of eminent English Masons . It styles Bro . W . J . Hughan ' Knight Errant , ' ancl sketches thirty-two others under ecmally unique titles . "We commend tho book as worthy of a placo in every Masonic library . "— Voice of Masonry . " Evinces much literary ability , and is a valuable addition to tho few works we havo in Masonic biography . "—Philadelphia Keystone . " The book ought to bo in every well arranged Masonio Library . "—New Tork Courier .
" The portraits consist of a series of what we call' pen and ink sketches of brethren prominent in all the noble undertakings of English Masonry . . . . Prominent among his brethren wo find Bro . Fred . Binckes , ( ' Our Hercules , ' ) whose herculean efforts in behalf of those blessed institutions , tho charities of English Masons , havo a world-wide reputation , which will live long after the zealous Craftsman has been , ' laid away to rest . ' " —New York Square .
" The style of tho author is pleasing , and tho quality of his productions highly complimentay to his ability as a writer . " —Masonic Advocate . " There is a piquancy in tho ready off-hand dash that lends much zest to tha subject , and bars it from studied rhetorical expression . " —Hebrew leader . " ' -Ye value tho work , and heartily thank Bro . Morgan for our copy . "Masonic Jewel .
" There can bo no doubt that tho writer has produced a series of Portraits which will bo a source of amusement and pleasure to Masons throughout tha world . "—Surrey Comet . "Will bo found very interesting and pleasant reading , especially to tho Masonic world . "—Barnet Press .
" Calculated to raise tho Order—if that be possible—in tho estimation of its members , if not of the outer world . " —Trowbridge and North Wilts Advertiser . " Written in a spirited , racy style , and conveying , in as clear a manner as possible , a ' counterfeit presentment' of some of tho rulers of tho Craft . " — Essex Standard . " Good sensibly written articles . The writer prefaces each of his sketches with somo pithy common sense remarks . " —Cushel Gazette . " Cleverly and agreeably sketched , and tho work altogether forms a valuable
addition to Masonic literature . —Itj / dc News . " Very amusing , and beyond doubt , faithful portraits of tho worthies who unconsciously sat for them . "—Deal , Walmer and Sandwich Mercury . "The members of the Craft will take it as an acceptable addition to their biographical literature . "—Monmouthshire Chronicle . " They aro written in a fair and genial tone , thoroughly Masonic . "—Leigh Chronicle . " Should have a very largo sale . "—Kingslridne Gazette .
"These sketches avo drawn with sparkling ability . ' —Banffshire Reporter , "We must sincerely congratulate the author on the success of his endeavour to aim at faithful portraiture , while there is au entire absence of what might give offence to the most sensitive mind . " —Folkestone Express . "A very acceptable contribution to tho history of tho Order . Tho volume has our warmest commendation . "—Kelso Courier . " Drawn with no little humour , and embellished with many a deft stroke of gooii imturett aaUxs . —Figaro .
London : W . W . MORGAN . by Order of all Booksellers , or will bo sent , free by post , direct from the Office , 67 Barbican .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE can be ordered of any Bookseller in Town or Country , but should any difficulty be experienced , it will be forwarded direct from the Office , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " The Terms of Subscription ( payable in advance ) to THE FKEIMASON ' CHRONICLE are—Twelve Months , Post Free £ 0 13 6 Six Months ditto 0 7 0 Three Months ditto 0 3 6 8 CALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Advertisers will find THE FKEEMASON ' CHRONICLE an exceptionall y good medium for Advertisements of every class . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ io 0 0 General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements la per line . Special Terms for a Series of insertions on application . Births , Marriages and Deaths , 6 cl per line .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings
Woodman . All tho work was well done , and tho Lodge was closed and adjourned . A banquet followed , when tho usual toasts wore g iven . Tho long list of visitors included Bros . J . W . Baldwin P . A . G . P . Middlesex , P . M . 1423 , W . Smeed P . P . G . J . W . Middlesex P . M ., J . B . Shackleton W . M . 1524 , G . Macdonald W . M . 1158 , and others .
Cripplegato Lodge , No . 1613 . —At the meeting on the 2 nd of February , Bro . Ingram was raised , and Bros . Gibbs and llolliday were passed . Bro . Costo I . P . M . proposed , Bro . C J . Benson seconded , and it was unanimously agreed , that a letter of condolence should bo forwarded to Mrs . W . R . Baker , on the death of her husband , Bro . W . R . Baker , of Cripplegato Ward . Tho funeral was
conducted from his residence , 16 South Villas , Camden-sqnare , the hearse being followed by a long string of carriages containing his friends and members of tho Cripplegato Lodge . Tho interment took place in Kensal Green Cemetery , where his friends had assembled to the number of near on 300 to testify the groat esteem and respect in which Bro . W . It . Baker was held by the Ward o Cripplegato , and by his friends elsewhere .
Eoyal Kensington Lodge , No . 1627 . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Friday , 2 nd February , at Freemasons ' Hall . Present—Bros . W . F . Raymond W . M ., Chas . E . Soppet S . W ., W . E . Gordon Leith J . W ., Donald M . Dewar Secretary , Hy de Pullen Treasurer , H . R . Gill S . D ., Samuel Browne D . C . and Steward , H . M . Sydney I . G ., also Bros . Gasa , Percy Leith P . G . D ., J . Dunning , G . R .
Matthews , Geo . T . Robinson ancl others . Visitors : Bros . Richard W . Smith ( St . Paul's Lodge , Boston , U . S . ) , Chas . E . Parden ( Prudence Lodge , No . 388 ) . Business—The Lodge being opened and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed , Bro . S . H . D'Avignor , of Mount Moriah Lodge , No . 34 , was elected a joining member . Mr . Geo . W . Tustin having been approved on ballot , was
duly initiated . Bros . Dunning and Gass were passed to the second degree ; and Bro . G . R . Matthews was raised to the sublime degree , all tho ceremonies being performed by V . W . Bro . Hyde Pullen , in his usual masterly style . Bro . Pullen officiated at tho request of the W . M ., who was suffering from indisposition . A gentleman was then proposed for initiation at next meeting ; after which the Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet .
Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow . —Held its installation meeting on 1 st February , the V . W . P . G . M . Bro . Col . Walter Montgomery Nelson presiding , supported on the dais b y Bros . F . A . Barrow D . P . G . M ., John Baird S . P . G . M ., J . Gilles P . G . T ., W . H . Beckerton P . G . S ., J . Ritchie P . G . A ., R . Robb P . G . M ., T . Halket P . G . D . of M . In the absence of the P . G . W . the chair of P . G . S . W .
was filled by Bro . Dr . Mclnnis R . W . M . 27 , and that of J . W . by Jas . Thompson R . W . M . 102 . At the request of tho P . G . M . Bro . Barrow , his deputy , proceeded to instal the officers , a list of whom was given in our last week ' s account of tho election . The P . G . M . himself investing each of them with their jewel of office . Bro . Barrow then passed a high eulogium on tho S . D . Bro . John Morgan , their interim
Secretary , stating that in tho 16 years he had acted as D . P . M . he had never found a brother who had so zealously performed the duties , and as he had declined to take tho proportion of salary due for the time he had filled that post he now moved that tho sum of £ 10 be voted to present him with a suitable testimonial of their appreciation of his conduct . This was carried by acclamation . The subject of
Grand Lodge business for the ensuing Monday waa then discussed , and some rather sharp remarks wero passed on certain of tho officials by Bros . Barrow , McCannicnsh and others . Bro . D . M . Nelson G . S . D . requested the brethren to snspend their judgment till they saw what tho Officers elected in November would do ; he could assure them that they must effect some sweeping reforms . The
P . G . M . concurred in these remarks , still ho thou ght it would bo well for the Glasgow brethren to bo in their places on Monday to assist in this object . He was sorry to find that his own efforts to improve the status of Masonry had not been responded to as he could have wished . He thought the possession of a Provincial Grand Lodge Hall a very necessary thing ; ho was sorry to find that after the sum paid ,
£ 180 now , and about £ 60 being promised , that his efforts were not appreciated , and that he could have put his money to a better use . Bro . J . Kennaird R . W . M . 73 , Dr . Mclnnis 27 , and " J . Murray 103 were appointed auditors . The report of the Provincial Benevolent Fund shewed that £ 47 had been given in charity during the past quarter .
BOYS' AND GIRLS' FESTIVALS , 1877 . BRO . J . CONSTABLE , having the sum of Fifteen Guineas voted for the Girls' School , will bo pleased to Exchange with a Steward the like sum for tho Boys' School . Address : —13 SISE LANE , CUT , E . C .
" A suitable gift from a Master to Ms Lodge " NEATLY BOUND IN CLOTH , PRICE 8 s 6 d EACH . VOLUMES I ., II ., III . and IV . London : —W . W . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , E . C . Sent , Carriage Paid , to any address in the United Kingdom , on receipt of Cheque or P . O . O . C loth Cases for Binding can be had from the Offices , price Is 6 d each .
Now ready , Price 3 s 6 d , Crown Svo , cloth , gilt . MASONIO PORTRAITS . RBPMNTED TKOSI "THE FUEEMASON ' S CUEONICLB . " The Volume contains the following : — 1 . OUR LITEKXRV BROTHER . 17 . Tnu CHRISTIAN - Munsisn . 2 . A DISTINGUISHED MASOJT . 19 . THK MYSTIC . 3 . THE MAX or E . VEBOX . 19 . A MODEL MASOW . 1 . FATHER TISIK . 20 . A CHIP FROST JOPPA . 5 . A Comma STOXE . 21 . A PILLAR or MASOXRV . 6 . THE CEAFTSMAY . 22 . BAVARD . 7 . THE GOWNSMAN . 23 . A RIGHT HAND MAN . 8 . AN EASTEUN STAB . 2 V . On : CITIZEN BROTHER . 9 . Tan KNIOHT ERRANT . 25 . AN ABLE I ' liKCKrtou . 10 . THE OCTOGENARIAN . 20 . AN ANCIENT BRITON . 11 . A ZEALOUS OFFICER . 27 . THE ARTIST . 12 . THE SOLDIER . 2 S . THE FATHER OF THE LODGE . 13 . FROM UNDER THE CROWN . 29 . A SHINING LIGHT . 11 . OUR HERCULES . 30 . AN ART STUDENT . 15 . A MERCHANT PRINCE . 31 . THE MARINER . 16 . THB CHURCHMAN . 32 . A SOLDIUK OP FOBTPNB . 33 . "OLD MUG . " OPINIONS OP THE PKESS . "A series of articles , biographical , clescriptivo , anil eulogistic , of somo of tlio principal Masonic worthies of tho day . Thoy aro well written , and though personal , by no means offensive , or intrusive into private life , ami in Masonic society will bo welcomed aa an interesting series of word paintings of members of the Craft . —Standard . " Wo do not remember to havo read any similar series of sketches which surpass this in merit . "—Land and Water .
" Admirably written , being free from what aro too often observed in composition—inelegant language and prolixity . "—Sunday Times . "' J . G . ' writes with a considerable amount of freedom , never hesitating to 'hit off ' a weakness when ho finds it publicly displayed by a 'distinguished brother j' at the same time ho never loses sight of a good trait when it is displayed , either in connexion with tho Craft or in the service of tho public out of doors . Tho sketches aro lively reading . "—City Press .
"This is a neat book . Tho Portraits consist of a series of 'word pictures ' of eminent English Masons . It styles Bro . W . J . Hughan ' Knight Errant , ' ancl sketches thirty-two others under ecmally unique titles . "We commend tho book as worthy of a placo in every Masonic library . "— Voice of Masonry . " Evinces much literary ability , and is a valuable addition to tho few works we havo in Masonic biography . "—Philadelphia Keystone . " The book ought to bo in every well arranged Masonio Library . "—New Tork Courier .
" The portraits consist of a series of what we call' pen and ink sketches of brethren prominent in all the noble undertakings of English Masonry . . . . Prominent among his brethren wo find Bro . Fred . Binckes , ( ' Our Hercules , ' ) whose herculean efforts in behalf of those blessed institutions , tho charities of English Masons , havo a world-wide reputation , which will live long after the zealous Craftsman has been , ' laid away to rest . ' " —New York Square .
" The style of tho author is pleasing , and tho quality of his productions highly complimentay to his ability as a writer . " —Masonic Advocate . " There is a piquancy in tho ready off-hand dash that lends much zest to tha subject , and bars it from studied rhetorical expression . " —Hebrew leader . " ' -Ye value tho work , and heartily thank Bro . Morgan for our copy . "Masonic Jewel .
" There can bo no doubt that tho writer has produced a series of Portraits which will bo a source of amusement and pleasure to Masons throughout tha world . "—Surrey Comet . "Will bo found very interesting and pleasant reading , especially to tho Masonic world . "—Barnet Press .
" Calculated to raise tho Order—if that be possible—in tho estimation of its members , if not of the outer world . " —Trowbridge and North Wilts Advertiser . " Written in a spirited , racy style , and conveying , in as clear a manner as possible , a ' counterfeit presentment' of some of tho rulers of tho Craft . " — Essex Standard . " Good sensibly written articles . The writer prefaces each of his sketches with somo pithy common sense remarks . " —Cushel Gazette . " Cleverly and agreeably sketched , and tho work altogether forms a valuable
addition to Masonic literature . —Itj / dc News . " Very amusing , and beyond doubt , faithful portraits of tho worthies who unconsciously sat for them . "—Deal , Walmer and Sandwich Mercury . "The members of the Craft will take it as an acceptable addition to their biographical literature . "—Monmouthshire Chronicle . " They aro written in a fair and genial tone , thoroughly Masonic . "—Leigh Chronicle . " Should have a very largo sale . "—Kingslridne Gazette .
"These sketches avo drawn with sparkling ability . ' —Banffshire Reporter , "We must sincerely congratulate the author on the success of his endeavour to aim at faithful portraiture , while there is au entire absence of what might give offence to the most sensitive mind . " —Folkestone Express . "A very acceptable contribution to tho history of tho Order . Tho volume has our warmest commendation . "—Kelso Courier . " Drawn with no little humour , and embellished with many a deft stroke of gooii imturett aaUxs . —Figaro .
London : W . W . MORGAN . by Order of all Booksellers , or will bo sent , free by post , direct from the Office , 67 Barbican .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE can be ordered of any Bookseller in Town or Country , but should any difficulty be experienced , it will be forwarded direct from the Office , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " The Terms of Subscription ( payable in advance ) to THE FKEIMASON ' CHRONICLE are—Twelve Months , Post Free £ 0 13 6 Six Months ditto 0 7 0 Three Months ditto 0 3 6 8 CALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Advertisers will find THE FKEEMASON ' CHRONICLE an exceptionall y good medium for Advertisements of every class . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ io 0 0 General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements la per line . Special Terms for a Series of insertions on application . Births , Marriages and Deaths , 6 cl per line .