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R Oyal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
Bro . Margrett , Edward ... W . M . 1101 „ Qninecy , Isaac 1178 „ Uurrant , Alfred ... P . M . 1185 „ Row , George J P . M . 1185
„ Watts , John Henry ... P . M . 1201 „ Baker , Henry Miutor ... S . W . 1208 „ Brown , Charles S . ... S . W . 1237
„ Buchan , J . W 1259 „ Spooner , E P . M . 1260 „ Toye , William W . M . 1278
„ Lancaster , Edwin ... P . M . 1287 „ D & vies , Robert V . ... P . M . 1288 „ Berrio , James William ... W . M . 1293 „ Jaffa , George H . ... 1298
„ Pope , J . J . P . M . 1305 „ AVhite , Edward Sec . 1305 „ Cave , Rev . T . Wells ... Seo . 1309 „ Barratt , John 1313
„ Whitehead , Thomas ... 1313 „ Coste , Edward W . M . 1314 „ Shackleton , John B . ... Org . 1320 „ Knight , James J . D . 1327 „ Clark , Edward P . M . 1329
Bro . Elliott , John W . M . 1318 „ Livett . C . J W . M . 1351 „ Soper , GeorgeR . ... W . M . 1365 „ Hill , Charles Grev ... W . M . 1366
„ Iliggins , Henry ... S . W . 1381 „ Randolph , Col . C W . ... J . W . 1383 „ Livingston , John ( M . D . ) W . M . 1385 „ Faulkner , John 1423
Comp . Langley , J . Baxter ( LL . D . ) J . ( Chap . ) 1423 Bro . Jones , J . Llewellyn ... W . M . 1460 „ Farnfield , John A . ... P . M . 1464 ,, Braino , E . W J . W . 1471
„ McArthur , J . P . ... 1473 „ Pnrrott , John 1479 „ Cantroll , W . Seaward jun . W . M . 1501
„ Robertson , James ... W . M . 1506 „ Michael , Joseph Jacob ... P . M . 1507 „ Kipps , William S . W . 1531 „ Stacey , J . R . ... P . M . & Seo . 1541 „ Kassell , Thos . J . ... W . M . 1542 „ Snowden , Wm . P . M . & Treas . 1558
Bro . Beck , Louis S . D . 1559 „ Mason , John P . M . 1567 „ Reed , Nelson S . D . 1572 „ Chesworth , Thomas ... W . M . 1576
„ Wright , Joseph W . M . 1585 „ Wollsman , Walter ... S . W . 1589 „ Somers , Etias W . M . 1602
„ Webb , Charles H . ... J . W . 1607 „ Kiallmark , George ... S . W . 1608 „ Littler , R . D . M . ( Q . C . ) W . M . 1610 „ Simpson , George ... D . C . 1611
„ Corke , John ... P . M . & Treas 1613 „ Hale , William W . M . 1619 „ Hunt , Henry Arthur ... W . M . 1624 „ Verry , George Ward ... Seo . 1625
„ Woodward , E . C . ... W . M . 1637 „ Murlis , William Joseph W . M . 1642 „ Vockins , James H ., P . M . 1329 , W . M . 1641 „ Powell , George , P . M . W . S . Invicta Chapter , Rose Croix „ Prattenfc , William Mark ho . 176
Honorary Secretary . Bro . Jas . Terry ( Secretary to tho Institution ) , 4 Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C .
Tho consecration of the Covent Garden Lodge , No . 1614 , will take place on Tuesday , the 13 tb inst ., at Ashley ' s Hotel , Maiden-lane , Covent-garden . Bro . John Contts P . G . P . is tho W . M . designate , E . Jacobs J . W . 1348 S . W .
designate , A . J . Ireton S . W . 1348 J . W . designate , Bourne P . M . 1348 Hon . Sec . p-o tern . The ceremony of consecration and installation will be performed by Bro . W . Watson P . G . S ., assisted by Bro . Eev . P . M . Holden , W . M . City of Westminster Lodge .
The "Wolsey Lodge , " 1656 , will be consecrated on Saturday next , at the White Hart Hotel , Hampton Wick , at half-past 3 o ' clock . The ceremonies of consecration and installation will bo worked by the R . W . Bro . Colonel
Burdett P . S . G . W . and P . G . M . Middlesex , assisted by Bro . Robert Wentworth Little P . P . S . G . W . Middlesex , and Bro . the Eev . P . J . Champion do Crespigny P . M . 708 , P . P . G . Chap . Middlesex . The officers designate are Bros . W . Hammond P . M . 201 , 1326 , 1512 , P . P . G . D . Middlesex W . M ., B . Sharp P . M . 84 S . W ., ancl J . Bond P . M . J . W .
As announced in our columns last week , the ballot was taken at Bro . Seaton ' s , Railway Tavern , Penchurch Street , for one Life Governorship , value £ 10 10 s , and one Life Subscribership value £ h 5 s these amounts being a portion of the proceeds of the Concert given by Bro . Charles
Blam at the Bow and Bromley Institute , on 14 th December last , in aid of our Masonic Institutions . The result was as under : —Bro . W . N . Lash ( Mount Lebanon Lodge , No . 73 ) , one Life Governorship ; Bro . C . H . Webb
( Sincerity Lodge , No . 174 ) , one Life Subscribership . The following brethren wero present : —Bros . P . M . Austin , P . M . Moore , Appleby , Blasby , Bennet , A . H . Brown , T . Brown , C . Blain , Baxter , P . Fraser , J . Fraser , Gardener , Hewlett , Hill , and J . Rawley .
Bro . Douglas Cox , No . 11 , acting manager of the Globe Theatre , announces his first benefit at that establishment on 15 th inst ., on which occasion Mr . E . Solomons' comic opera will be revived . The principal characters will be
sustained by Bro . Edgar Bruce , Douglas Cox , Jas . Edwards , Wingrove , Miss Rachael Sanger and Miss Jenny Lee . The entire company will appear in the extravaganza of the Invisible Prince .
We have once before described briefly tho very elaborate and artistic display of needlework which for some months past has been on view at No . 50 Buckingham Palace Road , opposite the Grosvenor Hotel . Wo were very much pleased with what we saw , and strongly recommend our readers ,
when they have a leisure hour or two , to spend it in inspecting these various works on exhibition . Ladies will be especially delighted , and not a little astonished perhaps at the skill and labour whicb have been bestowed on the collection by the fair artists .
The Anniversary Ball of the veteran Preceptor , Bro . T . A . Adams P . G . P ., was hold on Tuesday , tho Gtb , at
Willis ' s Rooms , and the number present showed the respect in which " Tho Octogenarian " is held . An excellent supper was provided , ancl thoso assembled thoroughly enjoyed
themselves . Among those present were Bros . Treadwell , C . W . Davis , Cooper , C . Burmeister , W . Smith , Kingham , W . Palmer , Wane , T . Bull , T . Foxall , Jenkins , Solomons , Tribbel , Ponsford , H . M . Levy , & c .
We notice that the partnership hitherto existing between Bros . David Posener and Adolph Posener , has been dissolved by mutual consent . Bro . David Posener has removed to more spacious and commodious premises , at 15 Commercial-road-east ( City end ) , where he intends
carrying on the business of pipe manufacturer and importer of meerschaum pipes , as before , under tbe style of " David Posener and Co . " From the well-known reputation of our brother as a business man , and the increased facilities he now has for doing a more extensive trade , we feel sure that his energy will be rewarded , and we heartily wish him success .
The current number of the Lifeboat contains , inter alia , a highly interesting article on " Weather Charts and Storm Warnings , " in which are noted the various steps that havo been taken of late years by Government , scientific bodies , and men of science , to advance the science of meteorology ,
and so enable our marine authorities to give timely warning of approaching storms . The basis of the article is a chapter from tbe work , bearing the same title , by Mr . Robert H . Scott , Director of our Meteorological Department . The number likewise contains a record of services latterly
rendered by the lifeboats of tho Institution , and also a full report of the late Special Communication of Grand Lodge , when it was resolved to present a donation to the Institution of £ 4 , 000 , for the purpose of building and endowing two lifeboats in commemoration of the Grand Master ' s safe return home from India .
It seems our hope that , at the destruction by fire of the Masonic Hall , Portland , State of Maine , Grand Lodge , sustained no serious loss in the shape of books and records ,
will not be realised . The Keystone says , that not only wero the regalia , & c , & c , burnt , but the records and the Masonic Library were burnt likewise . This ancl tlio disaster recorded above are two serious blows to the cause of Masonic
literature . Craft records aro so few in number , and have at times been so indifferentl y kept , that we can ill afford to lose those which it is known must be authentic .
The Freemasons' Repository announces that Bro . Perceval Lowell Everett , and Rev . Charles H . Titus , have been reelected Grand Master and Recordin g Grand Secretary respectively of tho Grand Lodge of Massachusetts . We read also , in a recent issue of tbe Keystone , that Bro . E . G .
Davis is Grand Master of the Grand Lodge for the District of Columbia ; Bro . J . H . Jochum D . G . M ., Bros . H . A . Whitney ancl Joseph S . McCoy , Senior ancl Junior Grand Wardens respectively , Bro . W . R . Singleton , Grand . Secretary , and Bro . W . J . Stephenson Grand Treasurer .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
R Oyal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
Bro . Margrett , Edward ... W . M . 1101 „ Qninecy , Isaac 1178 „ Uurrant , Alfred ... P . M . 1185 „ Row , George J P . M . 1185
„ Watts , John Henry ... P . M . 1201 „ Baker , Henry Miutor ... S . W . 1208 „ Brown , Charles S . ... S . W . 1237
„ Buchan , J . W 1259 „ Spooner , E P . M . 1260 „ Toye , William W . M . 1278
„ Lancaster , Edwin ... P . M . 1287 „ D & vies , Robert V . ... P . M . 1288 „ Berrio , James William ... W . M . 1293 „ Jaffa , George H . ... 1298
„ Pope , J . J . P . M . 1305 „ AVhite , Edward Sec . 1305 „ Cave , Rev . T . Wells ... Seo . 1309 „ Barratt , John 1313
„ Whitehead , Thomas ... 1313 „ Coste , Edward W . M . 1314 „ Shackleton , John B . ... Org . 1320 „ Knight , James J . D . 1327 „ Clark , Edward P . M . 1329
Bro . Elliott , John W . M . 1318 „ Livett . C . J W . M . 1351 „ Soper , GeorgeR . ... W . M . 1365 „ Hill , Charles Grev ... W . M . 1366
„ Iliggins , Henry ... S . W . 1381 „ Randolph , Col . C W . ... J . W . 1383 „ Livingston , John ( M . D . ) W . M . 1385 „ Faulkner , John 1423
Comp . Langley , J . Baxter ( LL . D . ) J . ( Chap . ) 1423 Bro . Jones , J . Llewellyn ... W . M . 1460 „ Farnfield , John A . ... P . M . 1464 ,, Braino , E . W J . W . 1471
„ McArthur , J . P . ... 1473 „ Pnrrott , John 1479 „ Cantroll , W . Seaward jun . W . M . 1501
„ Robertson , James ... W . M . 1506 „ Michael , Joseph Jacob ... P . M . 1507 „ Kipps , William S . W . 1531 „ Stacey , J . R . ... P . M . & Seo . 1541 „ Kassell , Thos . J . ... W . M . 1542 „ Snowden , Wm . P . M . & Treas . 1558
Bro . Beck , Louis S . D . 1559 „ Mason , John P . M . 1567 „ Reed , Nelson S . D . 1572 „ Chesworth , Thomas ... W . M . 1576
„ Wright , Joseph W . M . 1585 „ Wollsman , Walter ... S . W . 1589 „ Somers , Etias W . M . 1602
„ Webb , Charles H . ... J . W . 1607 „ Kiallmark , George ... S . W . 1608 „ Littler , R . D . M . ( Q . C . ) W . M . 1610 „ Simpson , George ... D . C . 1611
„ Corke , John ... P . M . & Treas 1613 „ Hale , William W . M . 1619 „ Hunt , Henry Arthur ... W . M . 1624 „ Verry , George Ward ... Seo . 1625
„ Woodward , E . C . ... W . M . 1637 „ Murlis , William Joseph W . M . 1642 „ Vockins , James H ., P . M . 1329 , W . M . 1641 „ Powell , George , P . M . W . S . Invicta Chapter , Rose Croix „ Prattenfc , William Mark ho . 176
Honorary Secretary . Bro . Jas . Terry ( Secretary to tho Institution ) , 4 Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C .
Tho consecration of the Covent Garden Lodge , No . 1614 , will take place on Tuesday , the 13 tb inst ., at Ashley ' s Hotel , Maiden-lane , Covent-garden . Bro . John Contts P . G . P . is tho W . M . designate , E . Jacobs J . W . 1348 S . W .
designate , A . J . Ireton S . W . 1348 J . W . designate , Bourne P . M . 1348 Hon . Sec . p-o tern . The ceremony of consecration and installation will be performed by Bro . W . Watson P . G . S ., assisted by Bro . Eev . P . M . Holden , W . M . City of Westminster Lodge .
The "Wolsey Lodge , " 1656 , will be consecrated on Saturday next , at the White Hart Hotel , Hampton Wick , at half-past 3 o ' clock . The ceremonies of consecration and installation will bo worked by the R . W . Bro . Colonel
Burdett P . S . G . W . and P . G . M . Middlesex , assisted by Bro . Robert Wentworth Little P . P . S . G . W . Middlesex , and Bro . the Eev . P . J . Champion do Crespigny P . M . 708 , P . P . G . Chap . Middlesex . The officers designate are Bros . W . Hammond P . M . 201 , 1326 , 1512 , P . P . G . D . Middlesex W . M ., B . Sharp P . M . 84 S . W ., ancl J . Bond P . M . J . W .
As announced in our columns last week , the ballot was taken at Bro . Seaton ' s , Railway Tavern , Penchurch Street , for one Life Governorship , value £ 10 10 s , and one Life Subscribership value £ h 5 s these amounts being a portion of the proceeds of the Concert given by Bro . Charles
Blam at the Bow and Bromley Institute , on 14 th December last , in aid of our Masonic Institutions . The result was as under : —Bro . W . N . Lash ( Mount Lebanon Lodge , No . 73 ) , one Life Governorship ; Bro . C . H . Webb
( Sincerity Lodge , No . 174 ) , one Life Subscribership . The following brethren wero present : —Bros . P . M . Austin , P . M . Moore , Appleby , Blasby , Bennet , A . H . Brown , T . Brown , C . Blain , Baxter , P . Fraser , J . Fraser , Gardener , Hewlett , Hill , and J . Rawley .
Bro . Douglas Cox , No . 11 , acting manager of the Globe Theatre , announces his first benefit at that establishment on 15 th inst ., on which occasion Mr . E . Solomons' comic opera will be revived . The principal characters will be
sustained by Bro . Edgar Bruce , Douglas Cox , Jas . Edwards , Wingrove , Miss Rachael Sanger and Miss Jenny Lee . The entire company will appear in the extravaganza of the Invisible Prince .
We have once before described briefly tho very elaborate and artistic display of needlework which for some months past has been on view at No . 50 Buckingham Palace Road , opposite the Grosvenor Hotel . Wo were very much pleased with what we saw , and strongly recommend our readers ,
when they have a leisure hour or two , to spend it in inspecting these various works on exhibition . Ladies will be especially delighted , and not a little astonished perhaps at the skill and labour whicb have been bestowed on the collection by the fair artists .
The Anniversary Ball of the veteran Preceptor , Bro . T . A . Adams P . G . P ., was hold on Tuesday , tho Gtb , at
Willis ' s Rooms , and the number present showed the respect in which " Tho Octogenarian " is held . An excellent supper was provided , ancl thoso assembled thoroughly enjoyed
themselves . Among those present were Bros . Treadwell , C . W . Davis , Cooper , C . Burmeister , W . Smith , Kingham , W . Palmer , Wane , T . Bull , T . Foxall , Jenkins , Solomons , Tribbel , Ponsford , H . M . Levy , & c .
We notice that the partnership hitherto existing between Bros . David Posener and Adolph Posener , has been dissolved by mutual consent . Bro . David Posener has removed to more spacious and commodious premises , at 15 Commercial-road-east ( City end ) , where he intends
carrying on the business of pipe manufacturer and importer of meerschaum pipes , as before , under tbe style of " David Posener and Co . " From the well-known reputation of our brother as a business man , and the increased facilities he now has for doing a more extensive trade , we feel sure that his energy will be rewarded , and we heartily wish him success .
The current number of the Lifeboat contains , inter alia , a highly interesting article on " Weather Charts and Storm Warnings , " in which are noted the various steps that havo been taken of late years by Government , scientific bodies , and men of science , to advance the science of meteorology ,
and so enable our marine authorities to give timely warning of approaching storms . The basis of the article is a chapter from tbe work , bearing the same title , by Mr . Robert H . Scott , Director of our Meteorological Department . The number likewise contains a record of services latterly
rendered by the lifeboats of tho Institution , and also a full report of the late Special Communication of Grand Lodge , when it was resolved to present a donation to the Institution of £ 4 , 000 , for the purpose of building and endowing two lifeboats in commemoration of the Grand Master ' s safe return home from India .
It seems our hope that , at the destruction by fire of the Masonic Hall , Portland , State of Maine , Grand Lodge , sustained no serious loss in the shape of books and records ,
will not be realised . The Keystone says , that not only wero the regalia , & c , & c , burnt , but the records and the Masonic Library were burnt likewise . This ancl tlio disaster recorded above are two serious blows to the cause of Masonic
literature . Craft records aro so few in number , and have at times been so indifferentl y kept , that we can ill afford to lose those which it is known must be authentic .
The Freemasons' Repository announces that Bro . Perceval Lowell Everett , and Rev . Charles H . Titus , have been reelected Grand Master and Recordin g Grand Secretary respectively of tho Grand Lodge of Massachusetts . We read also , in a recent issue of tbe Keystone , that Bro . E . G .
Davis is Grand Master of the Grand Lodge for the District of Columbia ; Bro . J . H . Jochum D . G . M ., Bros . H . A . Whitney ancl Joseph S . McCoy , Senior ancl Junior Grand Wardens respectively , Bro . W . R . Singleton , Grand . Secretary , and Bro . W . J . Stephenson Grand Treasurer .