Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LEYTON COLLEGE , ESSEX . BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN , GEORGE J . WESTFIELD , L . C . P ., F . SA , PRINCIPAL . THE object of this Establishment ia to ensure a comprehensive liberal education , commensurate with tho present improved state of society . FREPAKATIOX ton THE CIVIL SEKVICE , (' AMIMIIDGE MIDDLE CLASS , COLLEGE OP PKKCKPTOUS , SOCIETY OP ARTS , THE SCIENCE AND AKT EXAMINATIONS , & C . Bpecinl attention to backward and timid pupils . Diet the best , and unlimited . References to the leading bankit . g and commercial firms in London aud tho Provinces , and to numerous brethren whoso sous aro now , or have been , educated at the College . . Prospectus forwarded on application to tho Principal . Tlio duties of the present Term commenced on Monday , 22 nd January .
ROYAL MASONIO BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION SOB AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . milE ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL OF THIS INSTITUTION I will take place on Monday , tho 12 th February 1877 , at Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen-street , London , upon which occasion H . R . H . Prince Leopold , E . G ., & c , & c . B . W . Prov . G . M . for Oxfordshire , has graciously signified his intention of presiding . Brethren desirous of accepting tho office of Steward upon this auspicious occasion will greatly oblige by forwarding their names , as soon as convenient , to tho Secretary , who will gladly give every information required . JAMES TERRY , Prov . G . D . C . Herts , Secretary . % * H . R . H . Prince Leopold has been pleased to alter tho day of the Festival from Wednesday tho 1-ith February ( being Ash Wednesday ) to Monday the 12 th . 4 Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C ,
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . BRO . CONSTABLE'S Tickets , entitling the holder to a chance in tho drawing for LIFE GOVERNORSHIPS Of the abovo Institution aro now ready , price ONE SHILLING EACH . To bo had of J . CONSTABLE , 13 Sise Lane , Cannon Street , London , E . C .
HBSBWWSrSrSrV ^ ^ tBZ ^ ^ S ^^^^^^^ a STOWAVWWVff fe [ iB ^ iVWAAftff | AW ^ wfl fi 7 BARBICAN . E . G .
NOTICE . —BACK NUMBERS . Brethren who cleai . ro to complete their sets of the FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE , ' should make early application for Back Numbers . At present all aro in print , but of some we havo only a few copies left . Cases for binding the several volumes can be had at tho Office , 67 Barbican .
Our Weekly Budget
rjPHE Queen , accompanied by the Princess Beatrice , ar-JL rived at Buckingham Paiace from Osborne early on Wednesday morning . In the afternoon , Qno-Ta-Zhan , Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from the Emperor of China , was introduced to Her Majesty bv
the Earl of Derby , Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs . Sir Thomas Wade then had an audience , and introduced the other members of the Embassy . Later , the Queen presided at a Council , at which were present the Duke of Richmond ,
the Earls of Derby aud Reaeonsfield , the Marquis of Salisbury , and the Right Hon . R . A . Cross . On Thursday Her Majesty opened Parliament in person . There were present the "Yeomen of the Guard , the principal officers
of tho Court , various members of tlio Royal Family , the Queen being accompanied b y the Princess Louise and Princess Beatrice . The weather was line , as it invariably is when Her Majesty appears in public , and therefore there
was a considerable crowd along the proscribed route ' . Barriers had been erected where the pressure of people was likel y to be greatest , the Household troops , both cavalry and infantry , together with some 8 , 000 police being on duty to help preserve order . At the appointed time ,
Our Weekly Budget
the Queen entered the House of Peers , attended by the groat officers of state , the whole assembly—which consisted , by the way , mostly of peeresses—rising to receive her . Tho House of Commons having been summoned , rushed in pell
mell , in accordance with ancient custom , and tho speech having been delivered by the Lord Chancellor by Her Majesty ' s desire , salvoes of artillery announced to the outer world that the Fourth Session of tho Ninth Parliament
assembled during this reign was opened for the despatch of business . On the Qneen leaving the House of Peers , the whole assembly dispersed , but in the evening both Houses were very well attended in order to hear the debate on the
address which , as had been foreseen , was more exciting than almost any debate that has taken place during the last two or three and twenty years . However , our readers have doubtless gleaned all they desire to know on this subject from tho daily papers .
The Prince and Princess of Wales have likewise returned to town from Sandringham , their Royal Highnesses having been present , as stated , at the opening of Parliament . On Wednesday afternoon , they were both present at the Gaiety Theatre , on tho occasion of Mr . John
Parry ' s benefit . It is not neccessary we should dwell on the merits of this distinguished public entertainer ; they are so generally known and appreciated . We may , however , express the pleasure we feel that the benefit was so marked a success , not merely financially , but as furnishing
proof how well Mr . Parry is esteemed and respected by his friends and admirers . The young Princes , Albert Victor and- George of Wales , were likewise present , with their father and mother , and no doubt thoroughly enjoyed the performance . We are sorry to hear that the Duke of
Connaught met with a slight accident on Wednesday . His Royal Highness was about to attend the meet of tho Duhallow hounds , in company witb Lord and Lady Listowel , when the latter ' s horse became restive and kicked
the Prince on the leg , severely enough to put a stop to his hunting—for that day at least . We trust this slight mishap will not seriously interfere with the Duke ' s movements for any lengtb of time .
On Wednesday , of course , the principal party leaders gave their usual Parliamentary banquets . That of the Earl of Beaconsfield was held at the Foreign Office , while the Chancellor of the Exchequer , as the new leader . of the House of Commons , gave a dinner at the official residence
of the Prime Minister . At the former were present the Dukes of Richmond and ! Gordon , Bnccleuch , Manchester , Northumberland , and Wellington , the Marquises of Bath , Salisbury , Bristol , tho Earls of Derby , Malmesbury , Donoughmore , and others . The Right Hon . the Speaker
dined with the Chancellor of the Exchequer , as did Lord Galway and Mr . Torr , respectively the mover and seconder of the address , Lord J . Manners , Mr . Cross , Sir M . H . Beach ,
Sir W . Dyke , & c , & c . The Earl of Granville and the Marquis of Hartington , as the Liberal leaders in their respective houses , also entertained their principal supporters .
The week has not passed without additional calamities to record in the shape of wrecks and colliery accidents . It is quite recently we chronicled one of these latter as having occurred in the neighbourhood of Bolton , and caused the loss
of eighteen lives , and now another has taken place at Fogg ' s Pit , Darcy Lear , in the same neighbourhood , by which it is believed that ten lives have been lost . When the men had been at work some hours , those at the pit ' s month were alarmed at the sudden emission of a considerable column of
smoke in the return air-shaft , and the usual signal was given to wind up the cage . This was done immediately , and many of those who were brought up were much exhausted , owing to their inhalation of the sul phurous fumes . On the list of names being called , it was found
there were ten still missing , and as they are known to have been working at the greatest distance from the pit ' s mouth , it is not believed to be possible they can have escaped . Parties have been sent down with a view to exploring the pit and recovering the men ; but the work is
dangerous , and can only be pursued with the greatest caution . Meantime , the greatest anxiety is felt , while tho utmost commiseration is shown for tho families of those who are supposed to have perished . In tho way of wrecks
there have been two , both of them being accompanied with a serious loss of life . In the one case , the steamer George Washington , ou its way from Halifax , Nova Scotia , to Newfoundland , was wrecked off Cape Race , all on board , to the number of twenty-four , perishing ; in the other , tho
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LEYTON COLLEGE , ESSEX . BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN , GEORGE J . WESTFIELD , L . C . P ., F . SA , PRINCIPAL . THE object of this Establishment ia to ensure a comprehensive liberal education , commensurate with tho present improved state of society . FREPAKATIOX ton THE CIVIL SEKVICE , (' AMIMIIDGE MIDDLE CLASS , COLLEGE OP PKKCKPTOUS , SOCIETY OP ARTS , THE SCIENCE AND AKT EXAMINATIONS , & C . Bpecinl attention to backward and timid pupils . Diet the best , and unlimited . References to the leading bankit . g and commercial firms in London aud tho Provinces , and to numerous brethren whoso sous aro now , or have been , educated at the College . . Prospectus forwarded on application to tho Principal . Tlio duties of the present Term commenced on Monday , 22 nd January .
ROYAL MASONIO BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION SOB AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . milE ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL OF THIS INSTITUTION I will take place on Monday , tho 12 th February 1877 , at Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen-street , London , upon which occasion H . R . H . Prince Leopold , E . G ., & c , & c . B . W . Prov . G . M . for Oxfordshire , has graciously signified his intention of presiding . Brethren desirous of accepting tho office of Steward upon this auspicious occasion will greatly oblige by forwarding their names , as soon as convenient , to tho Secretary , who will gladly give every information required . JAMES TERRY , Prov . G . D . C . Herts , Secretary . % * H . R . H . Prince Leopold has been pleased to alter tho day of the Festival from Wednesday tho 1-ith February ( being Ash Wednesday ) to Monday the 12 th . 4 Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C ,
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . BRO . CONSTABLE'S Tickets , entitling the holder to a chance in tho drawing for LIFE GOVERNORSHIPS Of the abovo Institution aro now ready , price ONE SHILLING EACH . To bo had of J . CONSTABLE , 13 Sise Lane , Cannon Street , London , E . C .
HBSBWWSrSrSrV ^ ^ tBZ ^ ^ S ^^^^^^^ a STOWAVWWVff fe [ iB ^ iVWAAftff | AW ^ wfl fi 7 BARBICAN . E . G .
NOTICE . —BACK NUMBERS . Brethren who cleai . ro to complete their sets of the FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE , ' should make early application for Back Numbers . At present all aro in print , but of some we havo only a few copies left . Cases for binding the several volumes can be had at tho Office , 67 Barbican .
Our Weekly Budget
rjPHE Queen , accompanied by the Princess Beatrice , ar-JL rived at Buckingham Paiace from Osborne early on Wednesday morning . In the afternoon , Qno-Ta-Zhan , Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from the Emperor of China , was introduced to Her Majesty bv
the Earl of Derby , Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs . Sir Thomas Wade then had an audience , and introduced the other members of the Embassy . Later , the Queen presided at a Council , at which were present the Duke of Richmond ,
the Earls of Derby aud Reaeonsfield , the Marquis of Salisbury , and the Right Hon . R . A . Cross . On Thursday Her Majesty opened Parliament in person . There were present the "Yeomen of the Guard , the principal officers
of tho Court , various members of tlio Royal Family , the Queen being accompanied b y the Princess Louise and Princess Beatrice . The weather was line , as it invariably is when Her Majesty appears in public , and therefore there
was a considerable crowd along the proscribed route ' . Barriers had been erected where the pressure of people was likel y to be greatest , the Household troops , both cavalry and infantry , together with some 8 , 000 police being on duty to help preserve order . At the appointed time ,
Our Weekly Budget
the Queen entered the House of Peers , attended by the groat officers of state , the whole assembly—which consisted , by the way , mostly of peeresses—rising to receive her . Tho House of Commons having been summoned , rushed in pell
mell , in accordance with ancient custom , and tho speech having been delivered by the Lord Chancellor by Her Majesty ' s desire , salvoes of artillery announced to the outer world that the Fourth Session of tho Ninth Parliament
assembled during this reign was opened for the despatch of business . On the Qneen leaving the House of Peers , the whole assembly dispersed , but in the evening both Houses were very well attended in order to hear the debate on the
address which , as had been foreseen , was more exciting than almost any debate that has taken place during the last two or three and twenty years . However , our readers have doubtless gleaned all they desire to know on this subject from tho daily papers .
The Prince and Princess of Wales have likewise returned to town from Sandringham , their Royal Highnesses having been present , as stated , at the opening of Parliament . On Wednesday afternoon , they were both present at the Gaiety Theatre , on tho occasion of Mr . John
Parry ' s benefit . It is not neccessary we should dwell on the merits of this distinguished public entertainer ; they are so generally known and appreciated . We may , however , express the pleasure we feel that the benefit was so marked a success , not merely financially , but as furnishing
proof how well Mr . Parry is esteemed and respected by his friends and admirers . The young Princes , Albert Victor and- George of Wales , were likewise present , with their father and mother , and no doubt thoroughly enjoyed the performance . We are sorry to hear that the Duke of
Connaught met with a slight accident on Wednesday . His Royal Highness was about to attend the meet of tho Duhallow hounds , in company witb Lord and Lady Listowel , when the latter ' s horse became restive and kicked
the Prince on the leg , severely enough to put a stop to his hunting—for that day at least . We trust this slight mishap will not seriously interfere with the Duke ' s movements for any lengtb of time .
On Wednesday , of course , the principal party leaders gave their usual Parliamentary banquets . That of the Earl of Beaconsfield was held at the Foreign Office , while the Chancellor of the Exchequer , as the new leader . of the House of Commons , gave a dinner at the official residence
of the Prime Minister . At the former were present the Dukes of Richmond and ! Gordon , Bnccleuch , Manchester , Northumberland , and Wellington , the Marquises of Bath , Salisbury , Bristol , tho Earls of Derby , Malmesbury , Donoughmore , and others . The Right Hon . the Speaker
dined with the Chancellor of the Exchequer , as did Lord Galway and Mr . Torr , respectively the mover and seconder of the address , Lord J . Manners , Mr . Cross , Sir M . H . Beach ,
Sir W . Dyke , & c , & c . The Earl of Granville and the Marquis of Hartington , as the Liberal leaders in their respective houses , also entertained their principal supporters .
The week has not passed without additional calamities to record in the shape of wrecks and colliery accidents . It is quite recently we chronicled one of these latter as having occurred in the neighbourhood of Bolton , and caused the loss
of eighteen lives , and now another has taken place at Fogg ' s Pit , Darcy Lear , in the same neighbourhood , by which it is believed that ten lives have been lost . When the men had been at work some hours , those at the pit ' s month were alarmed at the sudden emission of a considerable column of
smoke in the return air-shaft , and the usual signal was given to wind up the cage . This was done immediately , and many of those who were brought up were much exhausted , owing to their inhalation of the sul phurous fumes . On the list of names being called , it was found
there were ten still missing , and as they are known to have been working at the greatest distance from the pit ' s mouth , it is not believed to be possible they can have escaped . Parties have been sent down with a view to exploring the pit and recovering the men ; but the work is
dangerous , and can only be pursued with the greatest caution . Meantime , the greatest anxiety is felt , while tho utmost commiseration is shown for tho families of those who are supposed to have perished . In tho way of wrecks
there have been two , both of them being accompanied with a serious loss of life . In the one case , the steamer George Washington , ou its way from Halifax , Nova Scotia , to Newfoundland , was wrecked off Cape Race , all on board , to the number of twenty-four , perishing ; in the other , tho