Article Old Warrants Page 1 of 1 Article CORRESPONDENCE Page 1 of 1 Article BOMBAY. Page 1 of 1
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Old Warrants
Old Warrants
No . 55 . No . 195 , " Ancients 5 " No . 241 at the "Union of A . D-1813 , " No . 169 from A . D . 1832 , and No . 145 from A . D . 1863 to tho present time . ATHOLL GRAND MASTER . f Seal \ LAU . DERMOTT D . G . M . V ^»/ WILL * - TINDALI , S . G . W . Tnos - CASTER J . G . W . ilo all tjbom a mag ronarn . WE , the Grand Lodge of the most Ancient and o nourablo Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons ( according to the old Contentions granted by His Royal Highness Prince EDWIN , at York ,
Anno Domini Nine hundred twenty and six , and in tho year of Masonry Four thousand Nine hundred twenty and six ) in ample Form assembled , viz ., The Right Worshipful and Most Noble Prince John ( the third ) , Duke , Marquis and Earl of Atholl , Marquis of Tallibardine , Earl of Strathtay and Strathardle , Viscount of
Ballqnidder , Glenalmond and Glenlyon , Lord Murray , Belveny and Gask , Heritable Captain and Constable of the Castle of Xincleaven , Hereditary Keeper of the Palace of Falkland , and in that part of Great Britain called England and Masonical Jurisdiction thereunto belonging Grand Muster of Masons , The Right Worshipful Lau .
Dermott Esq - Deputy Grand Master , The Right Worshipful Will - Tindall Esq " - Senior Grand Warden , ancl the Right Worshipful Thomas Carter Esq ' - Junior Grand Warden ( with the Approbation and Consent of the Warranted Lodges held within tho Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster ) Do hereby authorise and
impower our Trusty and Well beloved Brethren , viz . 'Ihe Wor-No . 195 ehipful Alexander Smith , ono of our Master Masons , The Worshipful George Irons , his Senior Warden , and the Worshipful William Massey , his Junior Warden , to Form and Hold a Lodge of Free aud Accepted Masons aforesaid , at the Bedford Head ,
in Maiden Lane , Covent Garden ( or elsewhere ) , in London , upon the First and Third Thursday of each Kalender Month , and on all seasonable Times and lawful Occasions . And in the said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit aud make Free Masons according to the most Ancient and Honourable Custom of the Royal Craft , in
all Ages aud . Nations throughout tho known World . And we do hereby farther authorise and impower our said Trusty aud Well beloved Brethren Alexander Smith , George Irons , aud William Massey ( with tho Consent of the Members of their Lodge ) to nominate , chuse , and install thuir { Successors , to whom they shall deliver this Warrant , anil invest them with their Powers and Dignities aa Free
Masons , & c . And such Successors shall in like Manner nominate , chuso , and install their Successors , & c . & c . & o . Such Installations to be upon ( or near ) every KT . JOHN ' S DAV , during the conoinnance of this Lodgo for ever . Providing the above named Brethren and all their Successors always pay due Respect to this Right Worshipful Grand Ledge , otherwise this Warrant to bo of no Force nor Virtue .
Given under our Hands and the Seal of our Grand Lodge in London , this fourteenth day of December in tho Year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred seventy five , and in the Yeur of Masonry Five thousand seven hundred seventy ana five . War . DICKEY , Grand Secretary . f—1 1 1 ?
NOTE . —This Warrant is Registered } in tho Grand Lodge , Vol . 6 , [ Letter F . ) ENDORSEMENT :. Transferred to our Trusty and Well beloved Brethren , viz ., John Hales , one of our Master Masons , Nathaniel Acland , his Senior Warden , Robert Crawford , his Junior Warden , and their Successors ( being first duly registered pursuant to tho Statute ) to be hold at tho Ship , Brick-lane , Bethnal Green , upon the second Monday in overy Month and on other lawful occasions , subjcot always to the Provisoes and Conditions within mentioned , and paying duo respect and obedience to tho Right Worshipful Grand Louge , by whom the within Warrant is granted .
THO 3 - HAKPEE , D . G - Master . ROBT . LESLIE , G . S . J . HUMMER , S . G . Warden . WMMMMW The present title , No ., & o . aro , The Lodgo of Prudent Brethren , No . 145 , Freemasons' Hall , London .
We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications . All Letters must bear the name and address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
To the Editor of THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —In answer to your query in last week ' s number of tho FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE , " Is there au older Mason in England
?"—Bro . Norris , the present respected Warden at the Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution , Croydon , was born 21 st January 1790 ; and was initiated in tho Lodge of Sincerity , then 290 , now 174 , on the 10 th March 1812 . He is therefore a month older than Bro . Donnithorne , whose name you mention . Yours faithfully and fraternally , North End , Croydon , 5 th February 1877 . H . J . STRONG .
Lodge Eising Star of Western India , No . 342 , S . O . —On Saturday , the 6 th January , the most important meeting of the season of this flourishing Lodge was held in tho Scottish Masonio Hall , Gowalla Tank-road . At the previous sederunt of tho Lodge , the Senior Warden , Bro . Rustomjeo M . Patel , had been unanimously chosen to fill the chair of K . S . for the ensuing year , and , at tho
regular monthly meeting on Saturday last his installation took place . To mark the high estimation in which this Lodge is held , the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Scottish Freemasonry in India ( Bro . H . Holland ) , accompanied by R . W . Bro . Balfour ( Depute Grand Master ) and a large number of his officers , paid an official visit on this occasion , when they were received in due and ancient
form by the R . W . Master , Bro . Darashaw D . Reporter , the Wardens and brethren—including a large number of visitors . Tho M . W . Grand Master having assumed tho Hiram presented to him by the Worshipful Master , raised the Lodge to the sublime degree , and , in the presence of a numerous body of Past and Installed Masters , proceeded with the ceremony of installation , which he conducted
with his wonted ability , setting a bright example to all present , and illustrating , in a striking manner , how essentially necessary it is for all those Masters in Israel who aspire to rale the Craft to be thoroughly proficient in all the duties devolving on them . It was quite evident on this occasion , as on many others , that M . W , Bro . Morland had ' his soul in his work , and that it was ' a labour of love '
for him to perform the onerous duties imposed on him—which he carried out with such solemnity aud efficiency that mado a most vivid aud lasting impression on all who had the honour ancl privilege to witness and take part in the proceedings of the evening . The Right Worshipful Master elect having been proclaimed and saluted in the several degrees , then proceeded to invest the following brethren with
the jewels and badges of their respective offices , and delivered an appropriate address to each on the responsibilities attaching to their several positions in Lodge : —R . W . Bros . Darashaw D . Reporter I . P . M ., Hormusjee Dadabhoy Pleader D . M ., Cursetjeo Nusserwanjee Cama S . M ., Bnrjorjee Framjee Doctor S . W ., Hormusjee E . Chichgur J . W ., Curseuee F . Khory Treas ., Rustomjee M . Chichgur
Sec , Nowvajec Dajcebhoy Jeweller , Atmaram Pandurung Architect , Manackshaw D . Docturna Organist , Hcerjeebhoy F . Cooper S . D ., Hormusjee A . Suntock J . D ., M . M . Bhownuggree I . G ., Nusserwanjee D . Patel Tyler and Steward . The M . W . Grand Master delivered an eloquent address , impressing upon the newly installed Master and his officers the importance of their relative positions , the necessity
of their working in peace and harmony , and their solemn obligation to support the R . W . Master in the duties of his office . The business of the evening having beeu brought to a conclusion , the brethren adjourned to the banquefcting room , where covers had been laid for upwards of eighty , and every chair was filled . The dinner was served a Id Russe , the table being ornamented with several beautiful
silver epergnes and vases of antique and oriental design , filled with choice flowers . Tho whole of tho arrangements reflected the . highest credit on the Stewards . Tho menu was tantalizing , and tho wines were choice and of the best vintage . Tho usual Loyal and Constitutional toasts wera proposed and duly acknowledged . " Tho Sister Lodges" and tho " Visitiug Brethren " drew forth the eloquence of
several -well-known aud popular brethren . W . Bros . Nowrojce Furdonjeo ancl W . M . Clnmpha responded to tho latter toast , and acknowledged , in suitable terms , the hospitality so freely extended to all comers , and particularly the fraternal welcome accorded thorn on so interesting an occasion . The M . W . Grand Master retired after the last toast of obligation , and tho meeting broke up shortly after
11 p . m . It would bo unjust to close this brief record of a most interesting meeting without recording tho fact that the retiring Worshipful Master ( Bro . Darashaw ) . has completed his term of office , after a most painstaking , earnest and creditable twelvemonth of hard work , zealously undertaken and most successfully accomplished . Ho
is , therefore , pre-eminently entitled to the gratitude of his brethren , who have not been slow to recognise his genuine merits . It is confid ; ..,: I y hoped that his successor will follow in his footsteps , and maintain , and extend tho prestige of Lodge " Rising Star of Western India . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Old Warrants
Old Warrants
No . 55 . No . 195 , " Ancients 5 " No . 241 at the "Union of A . D-1813 , " No . 169 from A . D . 1832 , and No . 145 from A . D . 1863 to tho present time . ATHOLL GRAND MASTER . f Seal \ LAU . DERMOTT D . G . M . V ^»/ WILL * - TINDALI , S . G . W . Tnos - CASTER J . G . W . ilo all tjbom a mag ronarn . WE , the Grand Lodge of the most Ancient and o nourablo Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons ( according to the old Contentions granted by His Royal Highness Prince EDWIN , at York ,
Anno Domini Nine hundred twenty and six , and in tho year of Masonry Four thousand Nine hundred twenty and six ) in ample Form assembled , viz ., The Right Worshipful and Most Noble Prince John ( the third ) , Duke , Marquis and Earl of Atholl , Marquis of Tallibardine , Earl of Strathtay and Strathardle , Viscount of
Ballqnidder , Glenalmond and Glenlyon , Lord Murray , Belveny and Gask , Heritable Captain and Constable of the Castle of Xincleaven , Hereditary Keeper of the Palace of Falkland , and in that part of Great Britain called England and Masonical Jurisdiction thereunto belonging Grand Muster of Masons , The Right Worshipful Lau .
Dermott Esq - Deputy Grand Master , The Right Worshipful Will - Tindall Esq " - Senior Grand Warden , ancl the Right Worshipful Thomas Carter Esq ' - Junior Grand Warden ( with the Approbation and Consent of the Warranted Lodges held within tho Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster ) Do hereby authorise and
impower our Trusty and Well beloved Brethren , viz . 'Ihe Wor-No . 195 ehipful Alexander Smith , ono of our Master Masons , The Worshipful George Irons , his Senior Warden , and the Worshipful William Massey , his Junior Warden , to Form and Hold a Lodge of Free aud Accepted Masons aforesaid , at the Bedford Head ,
in Maiden Lane , Covent Garden ( or elsewhere ) , in London , upon the First and Third Thursday of each Kalender Month , and on all seasonable Times and lawful Occasions . And in the said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit aud make Free Masons according to the most Ancient and Honourable Custom of the Royal Craft , in
all Ages aud . Nations throughout tho known World . And we do hereby farther authorise and impower our said Trusty aud Well beloved Brethren Alexander Smith , George Irons , aud William Massey ( with tho Consent of the Members of their Lodge ) to nominate , chuse , and install thuir { Successors , to whom they shall deliver this Warrant , anil invest them with their Powers and Dignities aa Free
Masons , & c . And such Successors shall in like Manner nominate , chuso , and install their Successors , & c . & c . & o . Such Installations to be upon ( or near ) every KT . JOHN ' S DAV , during the conoinnance of this Lodgo for ever . Providing the above named Brethren and all their Successors always pay due Respect to this Right Worshipful Grand Ledge , otherwise this Warrant to bo of no Force nor Virtue .
Given under our Hands and the Seal of our Grand Lodge in London , this fourteenth day of December in tho Year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred seventy five , and in the Yeur of Masonry Five thousand seven hundred seventy ana five . War . DICKEY , Grand Secretary . f—1 1 1 ?
NOTE . —This Warrant is Registered } in tho Grand Lodge , Vol . 6 , [ Letter F . ) ENDORSEMENT :. Transferred to our Trusty and Well beloved Brethren , viz ., John Hales , one of our Master Masons , Nathaniel Acland , his Senior Warden , Robert Crawford , his Junior Warden , and their Successors ( being first duly registered pursuant to tho Statute ) to be hold at tho Ship , Brick-lane , Bethnal Green , upon the second Monday in overy Month and on other lawful occasions , subjcot always to the Provisoes and Conditions within mentioned , and paying duo respect and obedience to tho Right Worshipful Grand Louge , by whom the within Warrant is granted .
THO 3 - HAKPEE , D . G - Master . ROBT . LESLIE , G . S . J . HUMMER , S . G . Warden . WMMMMW The present title , No ., & o . aro , The Lodgo of Prudent Brethren , No . 145 , Freemasons' Hall , London .
We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications . All Letters must bear the name and address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
To the Editor of THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —In answer to your query in last week ' s number of tho FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE , " Is there au older Mason in England
?"—Bro . Norris , the present respected Warden at the Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution , Croydon , was born 21 st January 1790 ; and was initiated in tho Lodge of Sincerity , then 290 , now 174 , on the 10 th March 1812 . He is therefore a month older than Bro . Donnithorne , whose name you mention . Yours faithfully and fraternally , North End , Croydon , 5 th February 1877 . H . J . STRONG .
Lodge Eising Star of Western India , No . 342 , S . O . —On Saturday , the 6 th January , the most important meeting of the season of this flourishing Lodge was held in tho Scottish Masonio Hall , Gowalla Tank-road . At the previous sederunt of tho Lodge , the Senior Warden , Bro . Rustomjeo M . Patel , had been unanimously chosen to fill the chair of K . S . for the ensuing year , and , at tho
regular monthly meeting on Saturday last his installation took place . To mark the high estimation in which this Lodge is held , the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Scottish Freemasonry in India ( Bro . H . Holland ) , accompanied by R . W . Bro . Balfour ( Depute Grand Master ) and a large number of his officers , paid an official visit on this occasion , when they were received in due and ancient
form by the R . W . Master , Bro . Darashaw D . Reporter , the Wardens and brethren—including a large number of visitors . Tho M . W . Grand Master having assumed tho Hiram presented to him by the Worshipful Master , raised the Lodge to the sublime degree , and , in the presence of a numerous body of Past and Installed Masters , proceeded with the ceremony of installation , which he conducted
with his wonted ability , setting a bright example to all present , and illustrating , in a striking manner , how essentially necessary it is for all those Masters in Israel who aspire to rale the Craft to be thoroughly proficient in all the duties devolving on them . It was quite evident on this occasion , as on many others , that M . W , Bro . Morland had ' his soul in his work , and that it was ' a labour of love '
for him to perform the onerous duties imposed on him—which he carried out with such solemnity aud efficiency that mado a most vivid aud lasting impression on all who had the honour ancl privilege to witness and take part in the proceedings of the evening . The Right Worshipful Master elect having been proclaimed and saluted in the several degrees , then proceeded to invest the following brethren with
the jewels and badges of their respective offices , and delivered an appropriate address to each on the responsibilities attaching to their several positions in Lodge : —R . W . Bros . Darashaw D . Reporter I . P . M ., Hormusjee Dadabhoy Pleader D . M ., Cursetjeo Nusserwanjee Cama S . M ., Bnrjorjee Framjee Doctor S . W ., Hormusjee E . Chichgur J . W ., Curseuee F . Khory Treas ., Rustomjee M . Chichgur
Sec , Nowvajec Dajcebhoy Jeweller , Atmaram Pandurung Architect , Manackshaw D . Docturna Organist , Hcerjeebhoy F . Cooper S . D ., Hormusjee A . Suntock J . D ., M . M . Bhownuggree I . G ., Nusserwanjee D . Patel Tyler and Steward . The M . W . Grand Master delivered an eloquent address , impressing upon the newly installed Master and his officers the importance of their relative positions , the necessity
of their working in peace and harmony , and their solemn obligation to support the R . W . Master in the duties of his office . The business of the evening having beeu brought to a conclusion , the brethren adjourned to the banquefcting room , where covers had been laid for upwards of eighty , and every chair was filled . The dinner was served a Id Russe , the table being ornamented with several beautiful
silver epergnes and vases of antique and oriental design , filled with choice flowers . Tho whole of tho arrangements reflected the . highest credit on the Stewards . Tho menu was tantalizing , and tho wines were choice and of the best vintage . Tho usual Loyal and Constitutional toasts wera proposed and duly acknowledged . " Tho Sister Lodges" and tho " Visitiug Brethren " drew forth the eloquence of
several -well-known aud popular brethren . W . Bros . Nowrojce Furdonjeo ancl W . M . Clnmpha responded to tho latter toast , and acknowledged , in suitable terms , the hospitality so freely extended to all comers , and particularly the fraternal welcome accorded thorn on so interesting an occasion . The M . W . Grand Master retired after the last toast of obligation , and tho meeting broke up shortly after
11 p . m . It would bo unjust to close this brief record of a most interesting meeting without recording tho fact that the retiring Worshipful Master ( Bro . Darashaw ) . has completed his term of office , after a most painstaking , earnest and creditable twelvemonth of hard work , zealously undertaken and most successfully accomplished . Ho
is , therefore , pre-eminently entitled to the gratitude of his brethren , who have not been slow to recognise his genuine merits . It is confid ; ..,: I y hoped that his successor will follow in his footsteps , and maintain , and extend tho prestige of Lodge " Rising Star of Western India . "