Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. ← Page 2 of 2 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 2 of 2 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Installation Meetings, &C.
old familiar face and kindly greeting of Bvo . Kyezw , wo were meased to seo among thoso present Bro . Palmer , who till a year or two since was tho courteous and kindly host of the Greyhound , and who has now taken up his quarters at tho Lord Nelson , Milford Haven where hia known ability as a caterer will doubtless find amp le scope , and will be duly appreciated by the brethren living there . Among those present were—Bros . Colonel
Burdett P . G . M . Middlesex , F . Honeywell P . G . O . Surrey 889 , j Wicks 813 , A . Nnthall 889 , G . Nissan Concord Lodge of Bombay 757 , S . R . Lovetfc 3 , E . Farwig P . M . 188 , T . J . Cusworth P M 813 , T . Wilkinson 9-18 , W . W . Morgan Sec . 211 . W . R . Phillips p * M 975 . W . H . Carmen I . G . 1827 , J . Terry P . G . W . Herts , J . L . Mather P . G . D . C . Herts , W . Crauford P . M . 127 , J . M . Scarlett 147 . Tho jewel , to whioh wo havo referred above , boro the following
inscription : — " Presented to Bro . CHARLES HUBBARD , by the Brethren of the Lily Lodgo of Richmond , No . 820 , in appreciation of the zeal ancl ability disp layed by him as W . M . for two years in success ion—1878-79 , 79-80 . —12 tb May 1880 . "
London Masonic Club Lodge of Instruction , No . 58 . —A meeting was held on Monday , 3 rd May , afc the London Masonio Clnb , 101 Queen Victoria-street , E . C . Present : —Bros . Herbige W . M ., Barnett S . W ., Haynes J . W ., Smallpeice Preceptor , J . D . Langton Sec , J . S . Fraser S . D ., Haines J . D ., Tarr I . G . ; Bros .
John Wood , W . Fraser , W . W . Williams , & o . ; Visitor—Bro . Henri Bne Sir Thomas White Lodge 1820 . After the minutes of the lasfc meeting had been confirmed , fche ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . John Wood acting as candidate . The W . M . gave the traditional history of the degree . Lodgo closed in the three degrees . Tho Lodgo meets every Monday at 6 o ' clock .
Prince Leopold Lodge of Instruction , . 1445 . — Held at tho Mitford Tavern , Sandringham-road , Dalston , on Monday , 3 rd May . Present : —Bros . Myers Preceptor , S . L . Green W . M ., Goddard S . W ., Partridge J . W ., McDonald S . D ., Kimboll J . D ., Robson I . G . ; also Bros . Lyons , Seymour-Clarke , and others . Lodge
was opened in dne form in first , second and third degrees , and the ceremonies of raising and passing were ably rehearsed by the W . M . Bro . Seymour-Clarke being candidate . The chair was then taken by Bro . Partridge , who rehearsed the ceremony of initiation with the same candidato . Bro . Goddard was elected W . M . for Monday next . The Lodge was closed in duo form .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 . —On Monday , tho 26 th ult ., an emergency meeting of this Lodge was held , for the purpose of initiating a candidate . The W . M . Bro . C . G . Padell was present , and was supported by Broa . J . S . Cumberland I . P . M ., J . T . Seller S . W ., Georgo Simpson J . W ., Rev . J . Blake Chaplain , Georgo Balmford P . M . Treas ., and a number of other brethren and visitors . During the evening
Bro . T . B . Whytehead P . M ., on behalf of Bro . the Hon . W . T . Orde-Pawlett P . M . P . P . G . S . W ., presented to the Lodge a curious old jewel , bearing a number of Masonio emblems , for which a vote of cordial thanks was passed . After the Lodge was closed , several toasts were honoured , and many of the brethren contributed songs to the harmony of tho evening .
York Lodge of Eoyal Ark Mariners ( attached to the York Mark Lodge T . I . )—A meeting of this Lodge was held at York , on Thursday , the 29 th ult ., when Bro . T . B . Whytehead W . C . N , presided , supported by Bros . L . Murphy as J ., W . P . Husband as S ., J . S . Cumberland as S . D ., and several other brethren . The following candidates were dnly elevated to the degree : —Bros . J . W . Woodall ( Scarborough ) , E . T . Clark ( Snaith ) , W . E . Clark
( Snaith ) , and J . Gates ( Darlington ) . Bro . the Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlefcfc the N . elect was then installed in the chair by Bro . T . B . Whytehead , and afterwards appointed and invested his Officers as follow : —Bros . J . S . Cumberland J ., George Simpson S ., M . Millington Soribe and Treasurer , A . T . B . Turner D . C , L . Mnrphy S . D ., W . P . Husband J . D ., T . G . Hodgson Guard , J . Redfaro Warder . The Lodge was then closed .
Bro . Charles Roome , M . W . G . M . of the Grand Lodge of New York , was recently made the recipient of an ovation by the brethren of the Kane Lodge , No . 454 , of New York City . The hall was splendidly decorated with flowers , and there was , as might be expected , an nnusnally large
attendance of members . The speeches both of the "W . M . of the Lodge and of the Grand Master wore both appropriate and expressive of the kindliest feelings . It is nofc to bo wondered afc that Bro . Roome should have had this honour conferred upon him , as he is a member and Pasfc Master of the Lodge .
Among civilians who have held hi gh office in the service of the Crown , and afc fcho samo time have distinguished themselves in , or been members of , our Society , mosfc be mentioned Richard , second Earl of Mornington , K . G ., K . P ., subsequently Marquess Wellesley , who was Governor-General of India when his younger brother , the great Duke of Wellington , was gaining his early laurels as a general afc
Assaye , Argaum , & c , and subsequently Lord Lieutenant of Ireland . His lordship was Grand Master of Ireland in tho year 1782 . It is likewise noteworthy that ; Garrett , first Earl of Mornington , father of tho Marquess and Duke was also Grand Master of Ireland , 1777 . As the old Duko , according to a noto in Preston ' s Illus-Nations , was a Freemason , there wero three members of this distinguished family connected with our Fraternity .
Installation Meetings, &C.
Tho Annual General Meeting of tho Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution will bo hold at Freemasons' IIn . ll , on Friday next , the 21 st inst ., at tho hour of noon . After the transaction of the ordinary business , a ballot will bo
taken for the election of candidates , both on tho Male ancl Female Funds . We trust the choice of the electors will fall on thoso old men and women whoso cases aro most deserving of sympathy ancl support .
An emergency meeting of tho Metropolitan Order of St . Lawrence will be held afc 2 Red Lion Square , on Saturday , the 22 nd insfc ., at 8 . 30 p . m .
We understand thafc an English Mason , some short timo since , applied to tho Grand Lodge of Scotland for some relief from the distress ho was suffering , and that tho application was unsuccessful , tho reason thafc was given for the refusal being that the Grand Lodgo of England
invariably referred all Scotch applicants to it for relief to the Grand Lodge of Scotland . Whoever formulated this view labours under some misapprehension . As many as thirty-four distressed Scotch Masons applied to our Grand Lodge for relief during the years 1871-5 , and they wero assisted to the extent of d £ 281 in the aggregate .
CONTINENTAL PASSENGER TRAFFIC—On Saturday , tho 8 th instant , tho "Adelaide , " a Steel Paddle Steamer , intended for tho Great Eastern Railway Company's Harwich Route to tho Continent was successfully launched from tho Yard of the Barrow Ship Building Company . Tho christening ceremony was performed by Mrs . Simpson , the wife of Mr . Lightly Simpson , ono of the Directors of tho Great Eastern Railway Company . The dimensions of tho " Adelaide " are ,
Length 260 feet , beam 32 feet , with a gross tonnage of 960 tons , and accommodation for nearly 200 passengers . She is fitted with compound oscillation surface condensing engines of 1600 indicated horso power . She is expected to be running between Harwich and the Continent next month . The " Lady Tyler , " another addition to the Company ' s Fleet , bailfc on the Tyne , is expected to commence running at fche same time .
THB THEATRES , & c EOYAL ITALIAN OPERA , COVENT GARDEN .-Tlv . s Evening , ROMEO E Girrr , IRTTA . On Tuesday , IL BARBIRRE DI SIVIGLIA . On Trmrsdav , MIGNON . On Friday , LA TRAVIATA . On Saturday , I PURITANI . At 8 . 30 each evening . HEB MAJESTY'S THEATBE . —This Evening , FAUST . On Monday , LA SONNAMBULA . On Tuesday , CARMEN . On Thursday , AIDA . At 8 . 30 each evening . DETJBY LANE . —At 8 , LA FILLE DE MADAME ANGOT . At 10 . 30 , LES SIRENES . HAYMARKET .-At 7 . 50 , CUT OFF WITH A SHILLING . At 8 . 30 . SCHOOL . LYCEUM . —At 7 . 30 . THE KING AND THE MILLER . At 8 . 15 , THE MERCHANT OF VENICE . ADELPHI .-At 7 . 30 , THE QUIET FAMILT . At 8 . 15 , THE SHAUGHRAUN STRAND . —At 7 . 15 , RUTH'S ROMANCE . At 8 . 0 , MADAME FAVART . GAIETY .-At 7 . 15 , OPERETTA . At S , TALE OF A TUB . At 8 . 15 , VOYAGE EN SUISSE . OLYMPIC .-At 7 . 15 . PAIR OF THEM . At 7 . 30 , THE GRASSHOPPER . At 9 . 30 , TROVATORE . GLOBE . —LES CLOCHES DE CORNEVILLE . PBINCESS'S . —At 7 , DELICATE GROUND , At 7 . 50 , THE STREETS OFLONDON . PEINCE OP "WALES'S .-At 7 ' 50 . A HAPPY PAIR , At 8 . 10 , FORGETME-NOT . ST . JAMES'S . —At 8 , OLD CRONIES . At 8 . 35 , STILL WATERS RUN DEEP . OPEBA COMIQ , TJE .-At 8 , IN THE SULKS . At 8 . 45 , THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE . VATJDEVILLE .-At 7 . 30 , ONE TOUCH OF NATURE . At 8 , MARRIED LIFE , & c . IMPEBIAL — At 2 . 50 , AS YOU LI £ E IT . Also Wednesday and Saturday Evenings at 8 . 15 , COTJBT . —At 8 , THE OLD LOVE AND THE NEW . CRITEBION . —At 8 . JILTED . At 8 . 45 , BETSY . POLLY . —At 7 . 30 , DEAF AS A POST . At 8 . 30 , THE UPPER CRUST , & c . ALHAMBBA . At 7 . 30 , FARCE . At 8 . 15 , LA FILLE DU TAMBOUR MAJOR . At 10 . 30 , MEMNON . EOYALTY . —At 8 , THEMIS . At 9 . 45 , CUPID . NEW SADLEB'S "WELLS . —At 7 . 15 , BOX AND COX . At 8 , THB DANITES . ST ANDABD . —At 7 . 15 , SPITALFIELDS WEAVER . At 7 . 15 , NINON . DtJKE'S .-On Monday , NEW BABYLON . STTEBEY . —At 7 . 30 , FUNNIBONE'S FIX , and BROUGHT to JUSTICE . CRYSTAL PALACE .-This day , CONCERT . On Whit Monday , CON . CERT . Mr . Toole and the Folly fiompany . INTERNATIONAL PICTDRE EXHIBITION . VENETIAN FETE , & e . Open daily . Armarium , Skating Rink , & c . ALEXANDRA PALACE .-This Dar . REOPENING FESTIVAL , CONCERT . HIPPODROME AND CIRCUS . AQUATIC FIRE"WORKS , & C „ & 0 . EGYPTIAN HALL . —MASKELYNE AND COOKE , at 3 and 8 , except Monday . ST . GEOBGE'S HALL .-Mr . and Mrs . GERMAN REED . Thursday and Saturday , at 3 ; other days , at 8 . ROYAL POLYTECHNIC . — " Blondio , " the mosfc wonderful Antomaton of tho Ago , performs daily on the high rope . Shakespearian Recitals : Macbeth , Hamlet , Merchant of Venice , by Mr . Marlantlo Clarke , Illustrated by Stage and Dioramic Effects . A Holiday in Scotland , by Mr . B . J . Maiden , with beautiful Natural Photographs , prepared specially for this lecture . Tho Phenomena of Nature nnd Phosphorescence , by Mr . J . L . King . The Magician Foiled : a new and amusing Ghost Entertainment written bv Ellis Reynolds , recited by Miss Alice Burnelle . Admission to the whole , Is .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
old familiar face and kindly greeting of Bvo . Kyezw , wo were meased to seo among thoso present Bro . Palmer , who till a year or two since was tho courteous and kindly host of the Greyhound , and who has now taken up his quarters at tho Lord Nelson , Milford Haven where hia known ability as a caterer will doubtless find amp le scope , and will be duly appreciated by the brethren living there . Among those present were—Bros . Colonel
Burdett P . G . M . Middlesex , F . Honeywell P . G . O . Surrey 889 , j Wicks 813 , A . Nnthall 889 , G . Nissan Concord Lodge of Bombay 757 , S . R . Lovetfc 3 , E . Farwig P . M . 188 , T . J . Cusworth P M 813 , T . Wilkinson 9-18 , W . W . Morgan Sec . 211 . W . R . Phillips p * M 975 . W . H . Carmen I . G . 1827 , J . Terry P . G . W . Herts , J . L . Mather P . G . D . C . Herts , W . Crauford P . M . 127 , J . M . Scarlett 147 . Tho jewel , to whioh wo havo referred above , boro the following
inscription : — " Presented to Bro . CHARLES HUBBARD , by the Brethren of the Lily Lodgo of Richmond , No . 820 , in appreciation of the zeal ancl ability disp layed by him as W . M . for two years in success ion—1878-79 , 79-80 . —12 tb May 1880 . "
London Masonic Club Lodge of Instruction , No . 58 . —A meeting was held on Monday , 3 rd May , afc the London Masonio Clnb , 101 Queen Victoria-street , E . C . Present : —Bros . Herbige W . M ., Barnett S . W ., Haynes J . W ., Smallpeice Preceptor , J . D . Langton Sec , J . S . Fraser S . D ., Haines J . D ., Tarr I . G . ; Bros .
John Wood , W . Fraser , W . W . Williams , & o . ; Visitor—Bro . Henri Bne Sir Thomas White Lodge 1820 . After the minutes of the lasfc meeting had been confirmed , fche ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . John Wood acting as candidate . The W . M . gave the traditional history of the degree . Lodgo closed in the three degrees . Tho Lodgo meets every Monday at 6 o ' clock .
Prince Leopold Lodge of Instruction , . 1445 . — Held at tho Mitford Tavern , Sandringham-road , Dalston , on Monday , 3 rd May . Present : —Bros . Myers Preceptor , S . L . Green W . M ., Goddard S . W ., Partridge J . W ., McDonald S . D ., Kimboll J . D ., Robson I . G . ; also Bros . Lyons , Seymour-Clarke , and others . Lodge
was opened in dne form in first , second and third degrees , and the ceremonies of raising and passing were ably rehearsed by the W . M . Bro . Seymour-Clarke being candidate . The chair was then taken by Bro . Partridge , who rehearsed the ceremony of initiation with the same candidato . Bro . Goddard was elected W . M . for Monday next . The Lodge was closed in duo form .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 . —On Monday , tho 26 th ult ., an emergency meeting of this Lodge was held , for the purpose of initiating a candidate . The W . M . Bro . C . G . Padell was present , and was supported by Broa . J . S . Cumberland I . P . M ., J . T . Seller S . W ., Georgo Simpson J . W ., Rev . J . Blake Chaplain , Georgo Balmford P . M . Treas ., and a number of other brethren and visitors . During the evening
Bro . T . B . Whytehead P . M ., on behalf of Bro . the Hon . W . T . Orde-Pawlett P . M . P . P . G . S . W ., presented to the Lodge a curious old jewel , bearing a number of Masonio emblems , for which a vote of cordial thanks was passed . After the Lodge was closed , several toasts were honoured , and many of the brethren contributed songs to the harmony of tho evening .
York Lodge of Eoyal Ark Mariners ( attached to the York Mark Lodge T . I . )—A meeting of this Lodge was held at York , on Thursday , the 29 th ult ., when Bro . T . B . Whytehead W . C . N , presided , supported by Bros . L . Murphy as J ., W . P . Husband as S ., J . S . Cumberland as S . D ., and several other brethren . The following candidates were dnly elevated to the degree : —Bros . J . W . Woodall ( Scarborough ) , E . T . Clark ( Snaith ) , W . E . Clark
( Snaith ) , and J . Gates ( Darlington ) . Bro . the Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlefcfc the N . elect was then installed in the chair by Bro . T . B . Whytehead , and afterwards appointed and invested his Officers as follow : —Bros . J . S . Cumberland J ., George Simpson S ., M . Millington Soribe and Treasurer , A . T . B . Turner D . C , L . Mnrphy S . D ., W . P . Husband J . D ., T . G . Hodgson Guard , J . Redfaro Warder . The Lodge was then closed .
Bro . Charles Roome , M . W . G . M . of the Grand Lodge of New York , was recently made the recipient of an ovation by the brethren of the Kane Lodge , No . 454 , of New York City . The hall was splendidly decorated with flowers , and there was , as might be expected , an nnusnally large
attendance of members . The speeches both of the "W . M . of the Lodge and of the Grand Master wore both appropriate and expressive of the kindliest feelings . It is nofc to bo wondered afc that Bro . Roome should have had this honour conferred upon him , as he is a member and Pasfc Master of the Lodge .
Among civilians who have held hi gh office in the service of the Crown , and afc fcho samo time have distinguished themselves in , or been members of , our Society , mosfc be mentioned Richard , second Earl of Mornington , K . G ., K . P ., subsequently Marquess Wellesley , who was Governor-General of India when his younger brother , the great Duke of Wellington , was gaining his early laurels as a general afc
Assaye , Argaum , & c , and subsequently Lord Lieutenant of Ireland . His lordship was Grand Master of Ireland in tho year 1782 . It is likewise noteworthy that ; Garrett , first Earl of Mornington , father of tho Marquess and Duke was also Grand Master of Ireland , 1777 . As the old Duko , according to a noto in Preston ' s Illus-Nations , was a Freemason , there wero three members of this distinguished family connected with our Fraternity .
Installation Meetings, &C.
Tho Annual General Meeting of tho Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution will bo hold at Freemasons' IIn . ll , on Friday next , the 21 st inst ., at tho hour of noon . After the transaction of the ordinary business , a ballot will bo
taken for the election of candidates , both on tho Male ancl Female Funds . We trust the choice of the electors will fall on thoso old men and women whoso cases aro most deserving of sympathy ancl support .
An emergency meeting of tho Metropolitan Order of St . Lawrence will be held afc 2 Red Lion Square , on Saturday , the 22 nd insfc ., at 8 . 30 p . m .
We understand thafc an English Mason , some short timo since , applied to tho Grand Lodge of Scotland for some relief from the distress ho was suffering , and that tho application was unsuccessful , tho reason thafc was given for the refusal being that the Grand Lodgo of England
invariably referred all Scotch applicants to it for relief to the Grand Lodge of Scotland . Whoever formulated this view labours under some misapprehension . As many as thirty-four distressed Scotch Masons applied to our Grand Lodge for relief during the years 1871-5 , and they wero assisted to the extent of d £ 281 in the aggregate .
CONTINENTAL PASSENGER TRAFFIC—On Saturday , tho 8 th instant , tho "Adelaide , " a Steel Paddle Steamer , intended for tho Great Eastern Railway Company's Harwich Route to tho Continent was successfully launched from tho Yard of the Barrow Ship Building Company . Tho christening ceremony was performed by Mrs . Simpson , the wife of Mr . Lightly Simpson , ono of the Directors of tho Great Eastern Railway Company . The dimensions of tho " Adelaide " are ,
Length 260 feet , beam 32 feet , with a gross tonnage of 960 tons , and accommodation for nearly 200 passengers . She is fitted with compound oscillation surface condensing engines of 1600 indicated horso power . She is expected to be running between Harwich and the Continent next month . The " Lady Tyler , " another addition to the Company ' s Fleet , bailfc on the Tyne , is expected to commence running at fche same time .
THB THEATRES , & c EOYAL ITALIAN OPERA , COVENT GARDEN .-Tlv . s Evening , ROMEO E Girrr , IRTTA . On Tuesday , IL BARBIRRE DI SIVIGLIA . On Trmrsdav , MIGNON . On Friday , LA TRAVIATA . On Saturday , I PURITANI . At 8 . 30 each evening . HEB MAJESTY'S THEATBE . —This Evening , FAUST . On Monday , LA SONNAMBULA . On Tuesday , CARMEN . On Thursday , AIDA . At 8 . 30 each evening . DETJBY LANE . —At 8 , LA FILLE DE MADAME ANGOT . At 10 . 30 , LES SIRENES . HAYMARKET .-At 7 . 50 , CUT OFF WITH A SHILLING . At 8 . 30 . SCHOOL . LYCEUM . —At 7 . 30 . THE KING AND THE MILLER . At 8 . 15 , THE MERCHANT OF VENICE . ADELPHI .-At 7 . 30 , THE QUIET FAMILT . At 8 . 15 , THE SHAUGHRAUN STRAND . —At 7 . 15 , RUTH'S ROMANCE . At 8 . 0 , MADAME FAVART . GAIETY .-At 7 . 15 , OPERETTA . At S , TALE OF A TUB . At 8 . 15 , VOYAGE EN SUISSE . OLYMPIC .-At 7 . 15 . PAIR OF THEM . At 7 . 30 , THE GRASSHOPPER . At 9 . 30 , TROVATORE . GLOBE . —LES CLOCHES DE CORNEVILLE . PBINCESS'S . —At 7 , DELICATE GROUND , At 7 . 50 , THE STREETS OFLONDON . PEINCE OP "WALES'S .-At 7 ' 50 . A HAPPY PAIR , At 8 . 10 , FORGETME-NOT . ST . JAMES'S . —At 8 , OLD CRONIES . At 8 . 35 , STILL WATERS RUN DEEP . OPEBA COMIQ , TJE .-At 8 , IN THE SULKS . At 8 . 45 , THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE . VATJDEVILLE .-At 7 . 30 , ONE TOUCH OF NATURE . At 8 , MARRIED LIFE , & c . IMPEBIAL — At 2 . 50 , AS YOU LI £ E IT . Also Wednesday and Saturday Evenings at 8 . 15 , COTJBT . —At 8 , THE OLD LOVE AND THE NEW . CRITEBION . —At 8 . JILTED . At 8 . 45 , BETSY . POLLY . —At 7 . 30 , DEAF AS A POST . At 8 . 30 , THE UPPER CRUST , & c . ALHAMBBA . At 7 . 30 , FARCE . At 8 . 15 , LA FILLE DU TAMBOUR MAJOR . At 10 . 30 , MEMNON . EOYALTY . —At 8 , THEMIS . At 9 . 45 , CUPID . NEW SADLEB'S "WELLS . —At 7 . 15 , BOX AND COX . At 8 , THB DANITES . ST ANDABD . —At 7 . 15 , SPITALFIELDS WEAVER . At 7 . 15 , NINON . DtJKE'S .-On Monday , NEW BABYLON . STTEBEY . —At 7 . 30 , FUNNIBONE'S FIX , and BROUGHT to JUSTICE . CRYSTAL PALACE .-This day , CONCERT . On Whit Monday , CON . CERT . Mr . Toole and the Folly fiompany . INTERNATIONAL PICTDRE EXHIBITION . VENETIAN FETE , & e . Open daily . Armarium , Skating Rink , & c . ALEXANDRA PALACE .-This Dar . REOPENING FESTIVAL , CONCERT . HIPPODROME AND CIRCUS . AQUATIC FIRE"WORKS , & C „ & 0 . EGYPTIAN HALL . —MASKELYNE AND COOKE , at 3 and 8 , except Monday . ST . GEOBGE'S HALL .-Mr . and Mrs . GERMAN REED . Thursday and Saturday , at 3 ; other days , at 8 . ROYAL POLYTECHNIC . — " Blondio , " the mosfc wonderful Antomaton of tho Ago , performs daily on the high rope . Shakespearian Recitals : Macbeth , Hamlet , Merchant of Venice , by Mr . Marlantlo Clarke , Illustrated by Stage and Dioramic Effects . A Holiday in Scotland , by Mr . B . J . Maiden , with beautiful Natural Photographs , prepared specially for this lecture . Tho Phenomena of Nature nnd Phosphorescence , by Mr . J . L . King . The Magician Foiled : a new and amusing Ghost Entertainment written bv Ellis Reynolds , recited by Miss Alice Burnelle . Admission to the whole , Is .