Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GBEAT QTJEEN STBEET , LONDON . "W . C . Tho admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at thl Establishment for ZMT-A-SOZCsTIEC ZBA . nSTQTTIETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , < Sc . Is too well known to need comment . Tho entire management has been changed , and the Establishment in all its branches thoroughly re-organised . Tho attention of the Masonic Body is directed to tho many advantages offerert . CUISHNTifi OF THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . WINES PERFECT IN CONDITION AND O . VAIATY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINE . SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . Tho fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . BRO . ALFRED BEST . P ROPRIETOR .
NOTICE . MASONIC LODGES , BANQUETS , & o . AT THE CRITERION . SPIERS & POND respectfully beg to invite attention to the splendid Suite of Masonic Rooms hi the Criterion Annexe , specially designed for all kinds of Masonic Meetings and Functions . CRITERION , REGENT CIRCUS , PICCADILLY .
VITRUVIAN LODGE , No . 87 . EEO . ISAAC , who has for somo timo past provided for the requirements of this Lodge , begs to announce thut he hns obtained permission for tho removal of his license to tho Belvedere-road , and that he has erected commodious premises thero . These comprise . A . SIP-A-CIOTTS ZMT-A-SOZEsriC ZECA-LID . WITH AHTB BOOMS , LARGE BANQTJETTING HALL , Together with every convenience for Masonio gatherings . Applications from Secretaries and others for accommodation to bo addressed . G . ISAAC , " WHITE HABT , " COLLEGE STBEET , LAHBETH , LONDON , S . E .
MUSIC-UNIVERSAL MUSIC , CHi ^ LT ^ ElSrGKE TO THE WORLD . I WILL PAY £ 5 to any person—not blind—and in full possession of their faculties , who fails to play a Piano or Harmonium by my system IMMEDIATELY — without tho SLIGHTEST KNOWLEDGE of Music or of the INSIBUMENT it < clf . Full particulars , post free , Twelve Stamps . P . CALDER , TOTTERDOWN , BRISTOL . Christian Glohe of 27 th September 1879 says : — "It is quite equal to all it professes to accomplish . "
niAIlimA FROM THE JOINT from TWELVE to THREE o'clock , IlllWlarnA CHOPS and STEAKS from tho GRILL till FIVE o'clock . H 1 SI SI 3 a 1 SV T . MAIDWELL , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-st „ City , E . C .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE , A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned hy the Grand Lodge of England . Price—13 s 6 d por annum , post free . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will bo forwarded direct from tho Office , 23 Great Queen Street , W . C , ( opposite Freemasons' Hall ) , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to bo made payable to W . W . MORGAN , afc High Holborn Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Advertisers will find THE FKEEMASON ' CHRONICLE an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , Is per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s por inch . Double Column Advertisements la per lino . Special Terms for a Series of Insertions on application ,
ROYAL FOREST OP EPPING . THE FOREST HOTEL , CHINGFORD , Close to Chingford Station—TUirt 3--fivo Minutes by frequent Trains from Liverpool Street , City , and adjoining the ancient Hunting Lodgo of Queen Elizabeth . THIS picturesque and sumptuously appointed Hotel stands amid tho most beautiful scenery of Epping Forest , is easily accessible from London , and its lofty nnd handsomely furnished Elizabethan Dining Hall is admirably adapted for Masonic banquets , whilo another room is appropriate for Lodge meetings . The great Banqueting Hall will accommodate from fifty to eighty persons , while for small parties ono of a snito of artistically appointed private rooms will be specially reserved . Iu tho Tea Room , Table d'Hoto , Luncheons and Dinners daily . Applications to Frank Jesse , Manager , Forest Hotel , Chingford , Essex .
Ninth Edition , post free , Ono Shilling . DR . WATTS on ASTHMA . A Treatise on the only Successful Method of Curing tho Disease , By ROBEHT G . 'WATTS , M . D ., F . R . S . L ., & c , 5 Bulstrodo-street , Cavendish-square , London . London : MITCHELL AMD Co ., Red Lion-court , Fleet-street .
H ^^^ gBj ^^^ a BrVVVVWVVVVWvig ^ WV ^ rWWWVWW ^ 23 GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . C .
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
A QUARTERLY communication of the Grand Lodgo of Scotland was hold in Freemasons' Hall , Edinburgh , on 6 th inst ., —tho Mosfc Worshipfnl tho Grand Master Brother Sir Michael R . Shaw-Stewart , Bart ., on tho throno . Bro . Roger Montgomorio D . C . R . acted as Deputy Grand Master , Bro . William Mann Proxy District Grand Master of all India as Senior Grand Warden , and Bro . R . F . Shaw-Stewart was at his post as Junior Grand Warden . Tho other
Grand Officers present wero—Bros . D . Murray Lyon Grand Secretary , David Kinnear Grand Cashier , Rev . J . Henderson Chaplain of Lodgo St . Andrew , Adelaide , acting Grand Chaplain , William Hay Grand Architect , F . L . Law Grand Jeweller , Thomas Halket Grand Biblo Bearer , H . Y . D . Copland Grand Sword Bearer , C . W . Maxwell Mnller Grand Director of Music , Robert Davidson Grand Organist ,
William Bryco Grand Tyler . There wero also present : —Bros . Alex , ander Hay Proxy Provincial Grand Master of Jamaica and Greytown , William Maclean Proxy District Grand Master of Montreal , James Turner President , and James Crichton Vice-President of the Board of Grand Stewards , ancl the following representatives of sister Grand Lodges : —Bros . William Officer Egypt ancl Pennsylvania , E . W .
Nightingale New York , R . S . Brown Kentucky , Georgo M'Lean Nebraska . The following sister Grand Lodges were also represented : —England , Sweden , tho threo Globes of Prussia , the Countries Grand Lodgo of Germany , Grand Lodgo of Saxony , Nova Scotia , Now Brunswick , Wesb Virginia , Wyoming , New Jersey , & c . Letters of apology were intimated from Bros , tho Earl of Mar and Kellie ,
Depute Grand Master , Colonel Sir Archibald Campbell of Blythswood , Bart ., Substitute Grand Master , F . A . Barrow Past Senior Grand Warden , John C . Forrest Provincial Grand Master of Lanarkshire , Middle Ward , Captain Colt of Gartsherrie Past Grand Sword Bearer , Dr . Falconer Proxy District Grand Master of New South Wales , & c . A vidimus was submitted by the Grand Cashier of the income and
expenditure for the three months ending 21 th April , which showed that during that period there had been 1050 entrants , and thafc tho income had amounted to upwards of £ 1330 , being about £ 720 in excess of the expenditure . A statement as to tho Fund of Masonio Benevolence showed that during tho three months ending 29 th April , £ 98 16 s had been voted by the committeo as grants to brethren , or
widows of such . Presents , being reports of their proceedings , wero received with thanks from the Grand Lodges of the three Globes of Prussia , Portugal , St . John ' s of Hungary , Maryland , Montana , Alabama , Virginia , Michigan , Missonri , Sonth Carolina , and Massachusetts . Grand Lodgo approved the reponal of Lodge Palestine , Beyrout , No . 415 , permission being given the Lodge to work in Arabic ,
as many of its members know no other language ; confirmed the action of Grand Committeo in ordering thafc a charter be issued to Lodge Hawera , Patea , N . Z ., and ordered that a charter be granted to the Lodge St . James , Macduff . Bro . William H . Bickerton , Glasgow , having resigned his seat in Grand Committee , Grand Lodge approved of the appointment in his place of Bro . William M'Lean jun ., R . W . M .
No . 3 , Glasgow , who had been next on the list to tho members elected in February . Bro . Dr . Max Nenda was unanimously appointed representative to tho St . John ' s Grand Lodgo of Hungary , in room of Bro . Henry Manrer resigned . It having been reported thafc the difficulties heretofore existing between the Grand Lodges of Colon and the island of Cuba had been amicably adjusted , and thafc the two
bodies had united , under the title of the " United Grand Lodgo of Colon and the island of Cuba , " Grand Lodge , on the recommendation of Grand Committee , complied with the request of tho new body to recognise it . Grand Lodgo next proceeded to the appointment of a Provincial Grand Master for the Glasgow City Province . Ifc appeared
that at a special meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , Bros . Sir James Bain and William Pearco were nominated for tho office of Provincial Grand Master , and thafc ifc was resolved by 21 to 12 , to recommend the appointment of Sir James Bain . A petition had , however , been presented to the Grand Committee , signed by 3 o
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GBEAT QTJEEN STBEET , LONDON . "W . C . Tho admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at thl Establishment for ZMT-A-SOZCsTIEC ZBA . nSTQTTIETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , < Sc . Is too well known to need comment . Tho entire management has been changed , and the Establishment in all its branches thoroughly re-organised . Tho attention of the Masonic Body is directed to tho many advantages offerert . CUISHNTifi OF THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . WINES PERFECT IN CONDITION AND O . VAIATY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINE . SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . Tho fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . BRO . ALFRED BEST . P ROPRIETOR .
NOTICE . MASONIC LODGES , BANQUETS , & o . AT THE CRITERION . SPIERS & POND respectfully beg to invite attention to the splendid Suite of Masonic Rooms hi the Criterion Annexe , specially designed for all kinds of Masonic Meetings and Functions . CRITERION , REGENT CIRCUS , PICCADILLY .
VITRUVIAN LODGE , No . 87 . EEO . ISAAC , who has for somo timo past provided for the requirements of this Lodge , begs to announce thut he hns obtained permission for tho removal of his license to tho Belvedere-road , and that he has erected commodious premises thero . These comprise . A . SIP-A-CIOTTS ZMT-A-SOZEsriC ZECA-LID . WITH AHTB BOOMS , LARGE BANQTJETTING HALL , Together with every convenience for Masonio gatherings . Applications from Secretaries and others for accommodation to bo addressed . G . ISAAC , " WHITE HABT , " COLLEGE STBEET , LAHBETH , LONDON , S . E .
MUSIC-UNIVERSAL MUSIC , CHi ^ LT ^ ElSrGKE TO THE WORLD . I WILL PAY £ 5 to any person—not blind—and in full possession of their faculties , who fails to play a Piano or Harmonium by my system IMMEDIATELY — without tho SLIGHTEST KNOWLEDGE of Music or of the INSIBUMENT it < clf . Full particulars , post free , Twelve Stamps . P . CALDER , TOTTERDOWN , BRISTOL . Christian Glohe of 27 th September 1879 says : — "It is quite equal to all it professes to accomplish . "
niAIlimA FROM THE JOINT from TWELVE to THREE o'clock , IlllWlarnA CHOPS and STEAKS from tho GRILL till FIVE o'clock . H 1 SI SI 3 a 1 SV T . MAIDWELL , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-st „ City , E . C .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE , A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned hy the Grand Lodge of England . Price—13 s 6 d por annum , post free . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will bo forwarded direct from tho Office , 23 Great Queen Street , W . C , ( opposite Freemasons' Hall ) , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to bo made payable to W . W . MORGAN , afc High Holborn Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Advertisers will find THE FKEEMASON ' CHRONICLE an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , Is per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s por inch . Double Column Advertisements la per lino . Special Terms for a Series of Insertions on application ,
ROYAL FOREST OP EPPING . THE FOREST HOTEL , CHINGFORD , Close to Chingford Station—TUirt 3--fivo Minutes by frequent Trains from Liverpool Street , City , and adjoining the ancient Hunting Lodgo of Queen Elizabeth . THIS picturesque and sumptuously appointed Hotel stands amid tho most beautiful scenery of Epping Forest , is easily accessible from London , and its lofty nnd handsomely furnished Elizabethan Dining Hall is admirably adapted for Masonic banquets , whilo another room is appropriate for Lodge meetings . The great Banqueting Hall will accommodate from fifty to eighty persons , while for small parties ono of a snito of artistically appointed private rooms will be specially reserved . Iu tho Tea Room , Table d'Hoto , Luncheons and Dinners daily . Applications to Frank Jesse , Manager , Forest Hotel , Chingford , Essex .
Ninth Edition , post free , Ono Shilling . DR . WATTS on ASTHMA . A Treatise on the only Successful Method of Curing tho Disease , By ROBEHT G . 'WATTS , M . D ., F . R . S . L ., & c , 5 Bulstrodo-street , Cavendish-square , London . London : MITCHELL AMD Co ., Red Lion-court , Fleet-street .
H ^^^ gBj ^^^ a BrVVVVWVVVVWvig ^ WV ^ rWWWVWW ^ 23 GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . C .
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
A QUARTERLY communication of the Grand Lodgo of Scotland was hold in Freemasons' Hall , Edinburgh , on 6 th inst ., —tho Mosfc Worshipfnl tho Grand Master Brother Sir Michael R . Shaw-Stewart , Bart ., on tho throno . Bro . Roger Montgomorio D . C . R . acted as Deputy Grand Master , Bro . William Mann Proxy District Grand Master of all India as Senior Grand Warden , and Bro . R . F . Shaw-Stewart was at his post as Junior Grand Warden . Tho other
Grand Officers present wero—Bros . D . Murray Lyon Grand Secretary , David Kinnear Grand Cashier , Rev . J . Henderson Chaplain of Lodgo St . Andrew , Adelaide , acting Grand Chaplain , William Hay Grand Architect , F . L . Law Grand Jeweller , Thomas Halket Grand Biblo Bearer , H . Y . D . Copland Grand Sword Bearer , C . W . Maxwell Mnller Grand Director of Music , Robert Davidson Grand Organist ,
William Bryco Grand Tyler . There wero also present : —Bros . Alex , ander Hay Proxy Provincial Grand Master of Jamaica and Greytown , William Maclean Proxy District Grand Master of Montreal , James Turner President , and James Crichton Vice-President of the Board of Grand Stewards , ancl the following representatives of sister Grand Lodges : —Bros . William Officer Egypt ancl Pennsylvania , E . W .
Nightingale New York , R . S . Brown Kentucky , Georgo M'Lean Nebraska . The following sister Grand Lodges were also represented : —England , Sweden , tho threo Globes of Prussia , the Countries Grand Lodgo of Germany , Grand Lodgo of Saxony , Nova Scotia , Now Brunswick , Wesb Virginia , Wyoming , New Jersey , & c . Letters of apology were intimated from Bros , tho Earl of Mar and Kellie ,
Depute Grand Master , Colonel Sir Archibald Campbell of Blythswood , Bart ., Substitute Grand Master , F . A . Barrow Past Senior Grand Warden , John C . Forrest Provincial Grand Master of Lanarkshire , Middle Ward , Captain Colt of Gartsherrie Past Grand Sword Bearer , Dr . Falconer Proxy District Grand Master of New South Wales , & c . A vidimus was submitted by the Grand Cashier of the income and
expenditure for the three months ending 21 th April , which showed that during that period there had been 1050 entrants , and thafc tho income had amounted to upwards of £ 1330 , being about £ 720 in excess of the expenditure . A statement as to tho Fund of Masonio Benevolence showed that during tho three months ending 29 th April , £ 98 16 s had been voted by the committeo as grants to brethren , or
widows of such . Presents , being reports of their proceedings , wero received with thanks from the Grand Lodges of the three Globes of Prussia , Portugal , St . John ' s of Hungary , Maryland , Montana , Alabama , Virginia , Michigan , Missonri , Sonth Carolina , and Massachusetts . Grand Lodgo approved the reponal of Lodge Palestine , Beyrout , No . 415 , permission being given the Lodge to work in Arabic ,
as many of its members know no other language ; confirmed the action of Grand Committeo in ordering thafc a charter be issued to Lodge Hawera , Patea , N . Z ., and ordered that a charter be granted to the Lodge St . James , Macduff . Bro . William H . Bickerton , Glasgow , having resigned his seat in Grand Committee , Grand Lodge approved of the appointment in his place of Bro . William M'Lean jun ., R . W . M .
No . 3 , Glasgow , who had been next on the list to tho members elected in February . Bro . Dr . Max Nenda was unanimously appointed representative to tho St . John ' s Grand Lodgo of Hungary , in room of Bro . Henry Manrer resigned . It having been reported thafc the difficulties heretofore existing between the Grand Lodges of Colon and the island of Cuba had been amicably adjusted , and thafc the two
bodies had united , under the title of the " United Grand Lodgo of Colon and the island of Cuba , " Grand Lodge , on the recommendation of Grand Committee , complied with the request of tho new body to recognise it . Grand Lodgo next proceeded to the appointment of a Provincial Grand Master for the Glasgow City Province . Ifc appeared
that at a special meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , Bros . Sir James Bain and William Pearco were nominated for tho office of Provincial Grand Master , and thafc ifc was resolved by 21 to 12 , to recommend the appointment of Sir James Bain . A petition had , however , been presented to the Grand Committee , signed by 3 o