Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
guineas for the Boys' School , 20 guineas for the Girls * School , and £ 20 for the Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Institution . The W . M . had , afc only five days' notice , acted as Steward , and he had taken up a list of 120 guineas . He had made his son ( who was a Lewis ) a Life Governor of the Boys' School , and the Lodge had voted him the sum of five guineas on his list . This was
carried unanimously . Bro . Seaman I . P . M . then stated his intention to act as Steward afc tho next Anniversary Festival for the Girls ' School , and he hoped to excel the W . M . in the amount on his list for that Charity . Bro . A . Avery informed the brethren that Bro . Manley was about leaving the Lodge to reside at Chester , and from the respect he was held in they should express their appreciation of the
many services rendered by him to the Lodge , and regret afc his leaving The Lodge passed a resolution to give the sum of five guineas to present him with a fitting testimonial . The Lodgo was then closed , aud the brethren adjourned to the banquettingroom , where the tables were profusely decorated with flowers . 57 sat down to an excellent cold collation , with hot soups and vegetables , provided by the worthy
host , Bro . Sutton . Grace having been said , tho W . M . proposed tho Qneen and the Craft ; the National Anthem was then sung . Tho health of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., was given . This was followed by the song and chorus , " God Bless the Princo of Wales . " The toasts of the R . W . Viscount Holmesdalo M . P ., Provincial G . M ., came next . The W . M . in proposing tho toast of the Deputy
Grand Master , Bro . Eastes , and the rest of the Grand Officers , said , ifc was a source of pride to this Lodge , so yonng in existence , that the P . G . M . had selected one of its members for the office of P . G . Regish-ar ; noone more worthy could have been chosen . Horeferred to Bro . Avery . Bro . Hyatt rendered , most artistically , the ballad of " My Sweetheart when a Boy . " Bro , Avery , in an eloquent speech , returned thanks ,
they were gratified to receive such liberality from the Provincial Grand Lodge for the Charities . The following day would be the annual gathering of the Prov . Grand Lodge , afc Deal , where he hoped many of the brethren wonld be present . They wonld there have an opportunity of witnessing the kind way the brethren would be received by the Prov . G . Master , who had endeared himself to all
throughout the Province . He thanked the brethren , in tho name of the Prov . G . Master and the Prov . G . Lodge , for their liberal grants . Bro . W . Seaman I . P . M . then rose . He felt a vast amount of pleasure in proposing the next toast , and that was the W . M ., Bro . Edmund Coste . He was one of the founders of the Lodge , and from that time had faithfully and zealously conducted the duties of Secretary . Ho
was thoroughly proficient , having previously occupied the position of W . M . of a very influential Lodge ; ho was also Secretary of the newly consecrated Cripplegate Lodge , and he was sure the interests of that Lodge were in good keeping . He added that some of the Past Masters had liberally contributed various gifts to tho Lodge , and the W . M . that day had presented it with three dozen firing glasses . He
hoped they wonld drink this toast in a hearty manner , and give him a true " Kentish Fire . " ( Cheers . ) The W . M . said that , after the flattering manner Bro . Seaman had spoken of him , and the kind reception he had received , he could hardly find words to thank them . Since the formation of the Lodge ho had rarely been absent . He had their interests at heart , and he never could forget their kindness .
He hoped , at the expiration of his year of office , to have similar marks of approbation from them . Bro . Musgrave sang the song of " the Wolf . " The toast of the "Visitors was then given , and Bro . D . H . Jacobs P . M . 27 eloquently responded to it . He was followed by Bro . H . M . Levy P . M . 188 , who also returned thanks on behalf of the numerous visitors , and expressed the gratification they felt at
the reception they had met with . Bro . D . H . Jacobs sang " Sweet Hawthorn Tree . " The W . M . then proposed the toast of the I . P . M ., Bro . Seaman . He was one who had discharged his duties with credit to himself and satisfaction to the Lodge . He had occupied every office in the Lodge from I . G ., his working had been fully re . cognised , and in appreciation of this , he felt great pleasure , in the
name of the Lodge , in presenting him with a jewel . In placing it on his brother , he hoped he might live long to enjoy it , in health and prosperity . ( Cheers . ) The jewel is of very elegant design , artistically enamelled , with suitable inscription , having on it the arms of the Prov . G . Master . Bro . Hyatt sang " Thou art so near and yet so far . " Bro . Seaman replied . He thanked them for their
valuable gift . Ho wonld always look on it with pride . From the first moment he entered the Lodge , ho made up his mind to do his duty , and he hoped he had succeeded . While in office , he had met with the co-operation of the brethren , and to that his success was mainly due . Any services the Lodge might require of him , the brethren could command . The W . M . then proposed the health of tho Past
Masters ; this being the seventh yearof the Lodge ' s existence , ho was pleased to see six P . M . ' s present . This was very gratifying . Every one had done his duty . Bros . Hyatt and Farmer then sang the duet from " the Lily of Killarney . " Bro . Manger P . M . replied to the toast . Bro . W . Seaman returned thanks for the Masonic Charities . Bro . D . H . Jacobs sang " Come with me , and be my love . " The
toasts of the Wardens and Officers were given and responded to , the W . M . paying them deserved compliments for their knowledge of their respective duties . The Tyler's toast concluded a very agreeable and harmonious evening . The Visitors were—Bros . Bradstreet P . M . 11 , J . Kew P . M . 179 , W . Sharp 463 , Musgrave 1309 , G . Porter 87 , J . Savill 1314 , J . F . Hallett 907 , M . Henry 19 , J . G . Burden 101 , D . H . Jacobs P . M . 27 , Guest W . M . 1531 , G . E . Bromage 15 , H . Price
P . M . 657 , C . Warwick , W . Macrow 879 , G . Wilton 879 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 .
Dalliousie Lodge of Instruction No . 860 . —The brethren met at the Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , on Tuesday , 11 th inst . Present : —Bros . Weige W . M ., Worsley S . W ., Cambridge J . W ., Williams S . D ., Harris J . D ., Smith I . G ., Wallington P . M . Preceptor , and several other brethren . Lodge opened in due form , and Bro . Smith having answered the usual questions was passed to the second degree . The Lodge was then resumed to the first , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed . The second aud third sections of the
lecture were worked by Bro . Allen , assisted by the bi-ethren . Bro , Worsley was elected W . M . for next meeting , when tho Lodge was closed in due form .
Asaph Lodge , No . 1319 . —An emergency meeting of this Lodge was hold on Monday , 10 th inst . at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street . Present—Bros . 0 . Jeykll W . M ., J . Read P . M . as S . W ., Edward Terry J . W ., Ed . Swanborough J . D ., E . S . Jones P . M . Sec , Harry Cox D . C , Wellard I . G ., C . Stephenson Steward , and Past Masters Bros . C . Coots , Arthur Swanborough , J . McClean , Robert Soutar , and G . Tedder . The Lodge was opened , and Messrs . W . H .
Smith and H . Carter were initiated into the Order . Bro . G . Temple was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , and Bros . Harry Cronch , 0 . Beckett , J . Jekyll , L . Hermann and C . F . Fogarty were raised to the sablimo degree , the ceremonies being admirably worked . There being no further'business the Lodge was closed ; there was no banquet . Bro . J . Brooks , P . M . Victoria , Manchester , and Walter Joyce wero present as visitors .
Era Lodge , No . 1423 . —An emergency meeting of this Lodge was held on the 8 th inst ., afc the King's Arms Hotel , Hampton Court . The Lodge was opened under the presidency of Bro . Baxter Langley , who was supported by the following officers : Bros . T . J . Sabine P . P . G . S . B . Middx . P . M . J . W ., F . Walters P . P . G . P . Middx . P . M .
Secretary , S . Wolff J . D ., J . W . Baldwin P . M . j Bros . J . Faulkner , J . Moore , Pearson , Underwood , Beckwith , Hammond P . G . J . D . Middx . P . M . The Right Worshipful Bro . Col . F . Bardett Prov . G . M . honoured the Lodge by a visit . The W . M . initiated Lieut . Cole .
Bro . F . Walters then passed Bro . Dr . Ryley . The W . M . then extended his courtesy to Bro . Sabine , who raised Bros . Honman , Wingate , and Dr . Gillespie ( late 42 nd Highlanders ) to the third degree . The . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refresh , ment . Bro . T . Ockendon D . 0 . 1512 was present as a visitor .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 . —The weekly meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , the 11 th inst ., at the Metropolitan Club , 269 Pentonville-road , King's Cross . Bros . Side W . M ., H . Stiles S . W ., J . W . Berrie J . W ., W . M . Stiles Secretary , C . J . Scales S . D ., A . W . Fenner J . D ., G . Leye I . G ., C . Cox , Williams , and T . A . Adams P . G . P . Preceptor . The Lodge was opened , and the
minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremonies of passing and raising were very perfectly rehearsed by the W . M ., who also gave the traditional history in a very able manner . The 1 st and 2 nd sections of the 1 st lecture wero worked by tho veteran Preceptor . Bro . H . Stiles was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and the meeting was adjourned to tho follow , ing Tuesday .
Addiscombe Lodge , No . 1556 . —The regular bi-monthly meeting of this Lodgo was held afc the Alma Tavern , Addiscombe , on Saturday , 8 th inst . Present—Bros . S . J . Turquand P . G . S . ' , W . M . in the chair , F . T . Mnllett S . W ., J . Parsons Smith J . W ., M & sterman P . G . W . acting P . M . Treasurer , H . E . Frances P . P . G . D . P . M . Secretary , Gray S . D ., Pitt J . D ., Leo Turquand I . G ., A . Lambert S ., and other
brethren . Visitors—Bros . Podman P . M . No . 463 and Adams S . W . St . Mark ' s Lodge , No . 857 . The Lodge was opened in due form , and Bros . Cooper and Chumley were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . ' s . The S . W . was then duly elected by ballot to serve as Master for the ensuing year , and Bro . Masterman was re-appointed to the office of Treasurer to the Lodgo . A Committee of the principal officers of tha
Lodge , assisted by Bros . S . Lambert , Lowrie , and Wheeler , was then appointed to audit the accounts , and Sherrard was re-elected Tyler . Several of the brethren having spoken in highly eulogistic terms of the able manner in which the outgoing Master had performed the ceremonies and general working of the Lodge during his term of
office , it was proposed by Bro . Frances , Secretary , and seconded by Bro . Mnllett S . W ., and carried unanimously , that a P . M . 's jewel be presented to Bro . S . J . Turquand on his retiring , to express in some slight measure their high estimation of his services during his tenure of office . The proceedings concluded in perfect ; harmony . The installation of tho new Master will take place in September next .
Cripplegate Lodge , No . 1613 . —This Lodge held an emer . gency meeting on Saturday , 8 th July , attheAlbion , AIdersgate-streefc , E . C . Present—Bros . J . R . Foulger W . M ., G . M . Felton S . W ., C . J . Benson J . W ., R . Abbott Sec , J . Corke Treas ., F . McCarthy S . D ., B . Groner J . D ., R . Clarke Steward , G . Seares I . G ., Past Master Bro . E . Coste , and a large attendance of the members . Visitors—Bros . S .
May P . G . Steward , D . McVicar , W . W . Morgan , and W . W . Morgan jun . Business—Tho ballot was taken for four candidates for initiation , viz . Messrs . Abraham Woolf , Alfred Cotton , Charles Grammer and James Westerby , and proved unanimous in their favour . Four candidates for joining , viz .: Bros . D . Smith 192 , J . B . Lemaitro 12 , C . Spurgeon 12 , and 0 . J . Wray 25 , woro then balloted for , and wore also
approved . Tho four first named wore then duly initiated into Freemasonry by the W . M . There being no further business the Lodgo was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . After the dinner tho W . M . proposed tho nsnal toasts , which were well received and called forth suitable responses . The harmony of a most pleasant evening was sustained by Bros . Felton , McVicar , Woolf , Constable , & c .
Council of the Knights of the Red Cross of Babylon , No . 73 . —This body met at 213 Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on t ho 6 th inst ., for the purpose of conferring the three points of the Ordo r upon Comps . Harding , Hoy , and Jenkinson , all of Chapter 73 . The Coun cil was under the presidency of Sir J . Balfonr , who was assisted by Sir Knights G . McDonald S . G ., J . 0 . Park J . G ,, G . W . Wheeler Scribe as
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
guineas for the Boys' School , 20 guineas for the Girls * School , and £ 20 for the Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Institution . The W . M . had , afc only five days' notice , acted as Steward , and he had taken up a list of 120 guineas . He had made his son ( who was a Lewis ) a Life Governor of the Boys' School , and the Lodge had voted him the sum of five guineas on his list . This was
carried unanimously . Bro . Seaman I . P . M . then stated his intention to act as Steward afc tho next Anniversary Festival for the Girls ' School , and he hoped to excel the W . M . in the amount on his list for that Charity . Bro . A . Avery informed the brethren that Bro . Manley was about leaving the Lodge to reside at Chester , and from the respect he was held in they should express their appreciation of the
many services rendered by him to the Lodge , and regret afc his leaving The Lodge passed a resolution to give the sum of five guineas to present him with a fitting testimonial . The Lodgo was then closed , aud the brethren adjourned to the banquettingroom , where the tables were profusely decorated with flowers . 57 sat down to an excellent cold collation , with hot soups and vegetables , provided by the worthy
host , Bro . Sutton . Grace having been said , tho W . M . proposed tho Qneen and the Craft ; the National Anthem was then sung . Tho health of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., was given . This was followed by the song and chorus , " God Bless the Princo of Wales . " The toasts of the R . W . Viscount Holmesdalo M . P ., Provincial G . M ., came next . The W . M . in proposing tho toast of the Deputy
Grand Master , Bro . Eastes , and the rest of the Grand Officers , said , ifc was a source of pride to this Lodge , so yonng in existence , that the P . G . M . had selected one of its members for the office of P . G . Regish-ar ; noone more worthy could have been chosen . Horeferred to Bro . Avery . Bro . Hyatt rendered , most artistically , the ballad of " My Sweetheart when a Boy . " Bro , Avery , in an eloquent speech , returned thanks ,
they were gratified to receive such liberality from the Provincial Grand Lodge for the Charities . The following day would be the annual gathering of the Prov . Grand Lodge , afc Deal , where he hoped many of the brethren wonld be present . They wonld there have an opportunity of witnessing the kind way the brethren would be received by the Prov . G . Master , who had endeared himself to all
throughout the Province . He thanked the brethren , in tho name of the Prov . G . Master and the Prov . G . Lodge , for their liberal grants . Bro . W . Seaman I . P . M . then rose . He felt a vast amount of pleasure in proposing the next toast , and that was the W . M ., Bro . Edmund Coste . He was one of the founders of the Lodge , and from that time had faithfully and zealously conducted the duties of Secretary . Ho
was thoroughly proficient , having previously occupied the position of W . M . of a very influential Lodge ; ho was also Secretary of the newly consecrated Cripplegate Lodge , and he was sure the interests of that Lodge were in good keeping . He added that some of the Past Masters had liberally contributed various gifts to tho Lodge , and the W . M . that day had presented it with three dozen firing glasses . He
hoped they wonld drink this toast in a hearty manner , and give him a true " Kentish Fire . " ( Cheers . ) The W . M . said that , after the flattering manner Bro . Seaman had spoken of him , and the kind reception he had received , he could hardly find words to thank them . Since the formation of the Lodge ho had rarely been absent . He had their interests at heart , and he never could forget their kindness .
He hoped , at the expiration of his year of office , to have similar marks of approbation from them . Bro . Musgrave sang the song of " the Wolf . " The toast of the "Visitors was then given , and Bro . D . H . Jacobs P . M . 27 eloquently responded to it . He was followed by Bro . H . M . Levy P . M . 188 , who also returned thanks on behalf of the numerous visitors , and expressed the gratification they felt at
the reception they had met with . Bro . D . H . Jacobs sang " Sweet Hawthorn Tree . " The W . M . then proposed the toast of the I . P . M ., Bro . Seaman . He was one who had discharged his duties with credit to himself and satisfaction to the Lodge . He had occupied every office in the Lodge from I . G ., his working had been fully re . cognised , and in appreciation of this , he felt great pleasure , in the
name of the Lodge , in presenting him with a jewel . In placing it on his brother , he hoped he might live long to enjoy it , in health and prosperity . ( Cheers . ) The jewel is of very elegant design , artistically enamelled , with suitable inscription , having on it the arms of the Prov . G . Master . Bro . Hyatt sang " Thou art so near and yet so far . " Bro . Seaman replied . He thanked them for their
valuable gift . Ho wonld always look on it with pride . From the first moment he entered the Lodge , ho made up his mind to do his duty , and he hoped he had succeeded . While in office , he had met with the co-operation of the brethren , and to that his success was mainly due . Any services the Lodge might require of him , the brethren could command . The W . M . then proposed the health of tho Past
Masters ; this being the seventh yearof the Lodge ' s existence , ho was pleased to see six P . M . ' s present . This was very gratifying . Every one had done his duty . Bros . Hyatt and Farmer then sang the duet from " the Lily of Killarney . " Bro . Manger P . M . replied to the toast . Bro . W . Seaman returned thanks for the Masonic Charities . Bro . D . H . Jacobs sang " Come with me , and be my love . " The
toasts of the Wardens and Officers were given and responded to , the W . M . paying them deserved compliments for their knowledge of their respective duties . The Tyler's toast concluded a very agreeable and harmonious evening . The Visitors were—Bros . Bradstreet P . M . 11 , J . Kew P . M . 179 , W . Sharp 463 , Musgrave 1309 , G . Porter 87 , J . Savill 1314 , J . F . Hallett 907 , M . Henry 19 , J . G . Burden 101 , D . H . Jacobs P . M . 27 , Guest W . M . 1531 , G . E . Bromage 15 , H . Price
P . M . 657 , C . Warwick , W . Macrow 879 , G . Wilton 879 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 .
Dalliousie Lodge of Instruction No . 860 . —The brethren met at the Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , on Tuesday , 11 th inst . Present : —Bros . Weige W . M ., Worsley S . W ., Cambridge J . W ., Williams S . D ., Harris J . D ., Smith I . G ., Wallington P . M . Preceptor , and several other brethren . Lodge opened in due form , and Bro . Smith having answered the usual questions was passed to the second degree . The Lodge was then resumed to the first , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed . The second aud third sections of the
lecture were worked by Bro . Allen , assisted by the bi-ethren . Bro , Worsley was elected W . M . for next meeting , when tho Lodge was closed in due form .
Asaph Lodge , No . 1319 . —An emergency meeting of this Lodge was hold on Monday , 10 th inst . at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street . Present—Bros . 0 . Jeykll W . M ., J . Read P . M . as S . W ., Edward Terry J . W ., Ed . Swanborough J . D ., E . S . Jones P . M . Sec , Harry Cox D . C , Wellard I . G ., C . Stephenson Steward , and Past Masters Bros . C . Coots , Arthur Swanborough , J . McClean , Robert Soutar , and G . Tedder . The Lodge was opened , and Messrs . W . H .
Smith and H . Carter were initiated into the Order . Bro . G . Temple was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , and Bros . Harry Cronch , 0 . Beckett , J . Jekyll , L . Hermann and C . F . Fogarty were raised to the sablimo degree , the ceremonies being admirably worked . There being no further'business the Lodge was closed ; there was no banquet . Bro . J . Brooks , P . M . Victoria , Manchester , and Walter Joyce wero present as visitors .
Era Lodge , No . 1423 . —An emergency meeting of this Lodge was held on the 8 th inst ., afc the King's Arms Hotel , Hampton Court . The Lodge was opened under the presidency of Bro . Baxter Langley , who was supported by the following officers : Bros . T . J . Sabine P . P . G . S . B . Middx . P . M . J . W ., F . Walters P . P . G . P . Middx . P . M .
Secretary , S . Wolff J . D ., J . W . Baldwin P . M . j Bros . J . Faulkner , J . Moore , Pearson , Underwood , Beckwith , Hammond P . G . J . D . Middx . P . M . The Right Worshipful Bro . Col . F . Bardett Prov . G . M . honoured the Lodge by a visit . The W . M . initiated Lieut . Cole .
Bro . F . Walters then passed Bro . Dr . Ryley . The W . M . then extended his courtesy to Bro . Sabine , who raised Bros . Honman , Wingate , and Dr . Gillespie ( late 42 nd Highlanders ) to the third degree . The . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refresh , ment . Bro . T . Ockendon D . 0 . 1512 was present as a visitor .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 . —The weekly meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , the 11 th inst ., at the Metropolitan Club , 269 Pentonville-road , King's Cross . Bros . Side W . M ., H . Stiles S . W ., J . W . Berrie J . W ., W . M . Stiles Secretary , C . J . Scales S . D ., A . W . Fenner J . D ., G . Leye I . G ., C . Cox , Williams , and T . A . Adams P . G . P . Preceptor . The Lodge was opened , and the
minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremonies of passing and raising were very perfectly rehearsed by the W . M ., who also gave the traditional history in a very able manner . The 1 st and 2 nd sections of the 1 st lecture wero worked by tho veteran Preceptor . Bro . H . Stiles was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and the meeting was adjourned to tho follow , ing Tuesday .
Addiscombe Lodge , No . 1556 . —The regular bi-monthly meeting of this Lodgo was held afc the Alma Tavern , Addiscombe , on Saturday , 8 th inst . Present—Bros . S . J . Turquand P . G . S . ' , W . M . in the chair , F . T . Mnllett S . W ., J . Parsons Smith J . W ., M & sterman P . G . W . acting P . M . Treasurer , H . E . Frances P . P . G . D . P . M . Secretary , Gray S . D ., Pitt J . D ., Leo Turquand I . G ., A . Lambert S ., and other
brethren . Visitors—Bros . Podman P . M . No . 463 and Adams S . W . St . Mark ' s Lodge , No . 857 . The Lodge was opened in due form , and Bros . Cooper and Chumley were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . ' s . The S . W . was then duly elected by ballot to serve as Master for the ensuing year , and Bro . Masterman was re-appointed to the office of Treasurer to the Lodgo . A Committee of the principal officers of tha
Lodge , assisted by Bros . S . Lambert , Lowrie , and Wheeler , was then appointed to audit the accounts , and Sherrard was re-elected Tyler . Several of the brethren having spoken in highly eulogistic terms of the able manner in which the outgoing Master had performed the ceremonies and general working of the Lodge during his term of
office , it was proposed by Bro . Frances , Secretary , and seconded by Bro . Mnllett S . W ., and carried unanimously , that a P . M . 's jewel be presented to Bro . S . J . Turquand on his retiring , to express in some slight measure their high estimation of his services during his tenure of office . The proceedings concluded in perfect ; harmony . The installation of tho new Master will take place in September next .
Cripplegate Lodge , No . 1613 . —This Lodge held an emer . gency meeting on Saturday , 8 th July , attheAlbion , AIdersgate-streefc , E . C . Present—Bros . J . R . Foulger W . M ., G . M . Felton S . W ., C . J . Benson J . W ., R . Abbott Sec , J . Corke Treas ., F . McCarthy S . D ., B . Groner J . D ., R . Clarke Steward , G . Seares I . G ., Past Master Bro . E . Coste , and a large attendance of the members . Visitors—Bros . S .
May P . G . Steward , D . McVicar , W . W . Morgan , and W . W . Morgan jun . Business—Tho ballot was taken for four candidates for initiation , viz . Messrs . Abraham Woolf , Alfred Cotton , Charles Grammer and James Westerby , and proved unanimous in their favour . Four candidates for joining , viz .: Bros . D . Smith 192 , J . B . Lemaitro 12 , C . Spurgeon 12 , and 0 . J . Wray 25 , woro then balloted for , and wore also
approved . Tho four first named wore then duly initiated into Freemasonry by the W . M . There being no further business the Lodgo was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . After the dinner tho W . M . proposed tho nsnal toasts , which were well received and called forth suitable responses . The harmony of a most pleasant evening was sustained by Bros . Felton , McVicar , Woolf , Constable , & c .
Council of the Knights of the Red Cross of Babylon , No . 73 . —This body met at 213 Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on t ho 6 th inst ., for the purpose of conferring the three points of the Ordo r upon Comps . Harding , Hoy , and Jenkinson , all of Chapter 73 . The Coun cil was under the presidency of Sir J . Balfonr , who was assisted by Sir Knights G . McDonald S . G ., J . 0 . Park J . G ,, G . W . Wheeler Scribe as