Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand And Provincial Grand Officers.
The following is copy of a circular addressed , by order of the M . W . Grand Master , to the Grand Masters of the several Provinces , for the purpose of setting at rest the question raised some time since as to the precedence of Grand Officers and Provincial Grand Officers in their envn districts .
Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , London , W . C . 9 th November 1881 . R . W . Sin AND B .. OTHER , — -It having been recently brought under Iho notice of tho M . W . Tho Grand Master that a question has been
raised in one of the Provinces as to tho relative precedence of Grand Officers and Provincial Grand Officers within the respective Provinces of the latter . His Royal Highness deems it desirable to call your attention to the matter , and to inform yon that Grand Officers have a clear right of
precedence , as such , over all Provincial Grand Officers , whether in their own province or not . This precedence has been invariably acknowledged and acted on , and has been the established usage and custom of the Craft for over 150 years , without protest or question ; and in every case recorded of
Great Masonic Ceremonials in the Provinces , the Official Records show that the Grand Officers of England , present and past , have always taken taken precedence of the Local Masonic Authorities , of whatever grades ( other than that of Provincial Grand Master ) they may have been .
The M . W . the Grand Master , as the Fountain of Masonic Honour under the English Constitution , has therefore declared that such is to be considered as being , and as having been from time immemorial ,
the status and precedence of the Grand Officers of England in relation to those of the respective Provinces , and I am . now commanded by His Royal Highness to notify the same for your information and future guidance .
I have the honour to be , R . W . Sir , Your faithful Servant and Brother , SHADWELL H . CLEKKE , G . S
All Books intended for Keview should be addressed to the Editor of The Freemason ' s Chronicle , 23 Great Queen Street , W . C . Freemasons' Calendar and Poclcet Booh for the year 1882 . London Spencer ' s Masonic Dcp 6 t , 23 A Great Queen-street , W . C .
WE are not in a position to congratulate the Calendar Committee of tho Board of General Purposes on any fresh exhibition of that spirit of reform which led them to make sundry innovations in their mode of dealing with tho Calendar issued under the authority of the Grand Master and for tho benefit of the Charity Fund . We imagine they must have become somewhat alarmed at the success which attended
the introduction , some time back , of much valuable information , It was a good idea , somewhat tardily adopted , in imitation of Bro , Kenning ' s "Cosmo , " to distinguish the "Ancient" ancl "Modern " Lodges . It was an act of wisdom to mark the Lodges to which Centenary Warrants have been granted , while it was good to insert the dates of Constitution in the caso of those Lodges that had formerly
been held under the Grand Lodge of the " Ancients . " Tho " Table of Grand Masters " was , as we remarked at the time , a most desirable addition . On the other hand , as we noticed last year , the insertion of the magic letters T . I . against LodgesNos . 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 13 , 15—all formerly "Ancient" Lodges—is anobvions absurdity . Bro . Hughan , who must be allowed to be no mean authority , has fixed the
limits of this " Time Immemorial " iu the " Cosmo , " and why the Calendar Committee of the Board have gone out of their way to involve themselves in such ridicule passes all understanding . Again , we confess to being of a conservative mind—that is , we are desirous of conserving what is good , and abolishing , as far as possible , the evil . But our conservatism does not go the length of perpetuating
error . Yet the Calendar Committee still continues to announce that the Lodges meet monthly , not in so many words , but on " 1 st Mon . " " 3 rd Thurs . " " last Fri ., " which , if they have any meaning at all , must apply to every month in the year , not to the particular months in which the Lodges meet . Is it too much to ask that Grand Lodge Calendar Committee , with the information at its disposal , shonld do
what Bro . Kenning , who is dependent on others for what they are pleased to furnish him with , has made a point of doing those two years ? What is Sir J . B . Monckton , with his Town Clerical mind , about ; what Sir Albert Woods ( Garter ) , with his heraldic mind ; what Bro . R . F . Gould , with his legal mind , that they countenance so noticeable and so terribly misleading an error ? They arc all men
in whose eyes the strictest accuracy is an absolute necessity . Wo trust tho Calendar Committee will have acquired between now find next November the courage necessary to make tho desired change , and that they will not allow the fact of the " Cosmo" having been beforehand with them from making their Calendar as correct as it ought to bo , if it is to be of any value to those who purchase it .
'U . KVKR . —Suddenly , on the 10 th instant , at tlio residence of his brother , l'r . Jtaddever , 1 !) Mattery Place , Rothesay , Uute , N . B ., WILLIAM CQOAISI : JUDDijYEit , of Nos . 121 aiiil 1-0 Commercial-street , London , E .
The Old Kent Mark Lodge Ob 1 Instruction.
THIS Lodge held its annual Festival on Monday , the 12 th December , at the Crown and Cushion , London-wall , when a number of mom . bers sat down to an excellent banquet provided by the host , Bro . Medworth . Bros . James Moon W . M . Old Kent presided , W . J . Nicholls P . M . Croydon occupying the chair of S . W ., ancl Pargeter that of J . W . The W . M . was supported by his Senior and Junior Wardens , Bros . Dicketts ancl Date , aud by Bro . F . Davison Grand Treasurer , D . M .
Dewar Grand Assistant , Secretary , G . Clark Grand Steward , Turquand P . M . Tenterden , ancl many others . In giving thotoastof theevening , Success to the Old Kent Mark Lodge cf Instruction , the W . M . coupled with it tho name of Bro . Turqnand the Preceptor , and took the occasion of complimenting him on tho interest and pains he took with the Lodge , and on the successful results which had arisen from it .
Bro . Turqnand , in reply , stated that the Lodge was now well on in its third season , that it had this year removed to much better quarters , and that it evinced every sign of success , both from tho number of members attending , the work done , aud the state of its funds , adding that the Lodge was highlv . ancl he trusted deserredly , honoured by
the presence among them that evening of three Grand Officers . The Lodge meets on the second and fourth Mondays , of each month , up to April , at 6 30 . p . m ., at the Crown and Cushion , but aa the next occasion falls on Boxing Day , the next meeting will not take place till the 9 th January .
HOLLOITAY ' S I PILLS . —Let the sick take heed . —The stomach is tho commissariat of the physical system . It furnishes the material sustenance of every organ . If disordered , tho whole body languishes ; but , however severely it may be affected , its tone and vigour may always be restored by n course of these irresistible Pills ; biliousness , indigestion , liver complaints , nnd other disorders of the stomach can easily bo cured by the use of Holloway ' s Pills . Thousands attest this assertion , and no sufferer who has ever tried them will deny their supreme eflicacy . In every case of stomach disease these Pills immediately relieve , and by perseverance effectually cure .
SILVER AND ELECTRO PLATE AND CUTLERY . —We cannot do better , at a time when people are at a loss what to give their friends , their relations , and acquaintances , in the shape of Christmas and New Year ' s Gifts , than call attention to the variety and excellence of the silver and electro-plate and cutlery offered for sale by Bro . H . Youens , of 371 Brixton-road ( adjoining the London and County Bank ) . Bro .
Youens is a most energetic tradesman , and the commodities he has iu stock are as remarkable for taste in design as they are for their completeness and perfection of finish . We beg to particularise his Cruet Stands , Fruit Knives and Forks , Tea and Coffee Services , Liqueur Frames , Salvers , Salad Bowls , ancl Claret Jugs ; and likewise in the way of Jewellery his Necklets , Bracelets , Lockets , Rings ,
Brooches , & c , & c . Of all these there is a great variety of patterns , from the simplest to the most elaborate , while the prices range in accordance with the nature and quantity of the metal employed , and the greater or less intricacy of the pattern or design . As it is tho custom in many Lodges to bestow jewels less costly in value , but to accompany them with some article of plate that will prove useful as
well as ornamental , and moreover will be appreciated by tho family of the recipient , we would suggest that brethren will do well to pay a visit of inspection to Bro . Yonen's establishment . Not only will they see a selection of plate and jewellery that will well repay them for tho trouble of their journey , but they will have the opportunity of buying , at moderate prices , articles of undoubted usefulness and corresponding intrinsic value .
Tyr£0fr£iiiQftii'&f*nournf*9r 8 rl E rHEEli'lHdUii O ullnUIlluLLj A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand lodge of England . Price—13 s 6 d per annum , post free . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be forwarded direct from the Office , 23 Great Queen Street , W . C , ( opposite Freemasons' Hall ) , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W , W . MORGAN at High Holborn Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class .
p g Mirrors & all other Ivory Toilet Articles , a > * * f ? a &^ ' ^ T ^ // fA F ^ iiAiQBl S § |5AwfidS^^O^Qfiug§B 0tV^tt^M^Pa | oj H . SkS , 11 , A „ ¦&« „ U o t . - -mr ^ ps , P < jm**vi4^^a^&%* 2 , y & rvop / sr GOODS insr GSKEBAI , , " o " 3 b o Wholesale- & for Bxrjortation & tho Trade only , 2 do ~ p w •r-i i \ i I ' - c- ^ V ) D i y , ( r ^ S ) PI ^ -o «?—cz--z- ^ r ~ -- -i ^ -x * - *• CD g-3 ¦; -- .. ; ... 1 : ^ -1 ^ mi fe ^> Q ff ^^ sg ^ j ^ o w o §< .-: " . ' :: -T -XEj-.-Tasrio EEos . Ivory Works , •g $ ft >¦ - < iiiOi : STREET , LONDON , W . C , p ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand And Provincial Grand Officers.
The following is copy of a circular addressed , by order of the M . W . Grand Master , to the Grand Masters of the several Provinces , for the purpose of setting at rest the question raised some time since as to the precedence of Grand Officers and Provincial Grand Officers in their envn districts .
Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , London , W . C . 9 th November 1881 . R . W . Sin AND B .. OTHER , — -It having been recently brought under Iho notice of tho M . W . Tho Grand Master that a question has been
raised in one of the Provinces as to tho relative precedence of Grand Officers and Provincial Grand Officers within the respective Provinces of the latter . His Royal Highness deems it desirable to call your attention to the matter , and to inform yon that Grand Officers have a clear right of
precedence , as such , over all Provincial Grand Officers , whether in their own province or not . This precedence has been invariably acknowledged and acted on , and has been the established usage and custom of the Craft for over 150 years , without protest or question ; and in every case recorded of
Great Masonic Ceremonials in the Provinces , the Official Records show that the Grand Officers of England , present and past , have always taken taken precedence of the Local Masonic Authorities , of whatever grades ( other than that of Provincial Grand Master ) they may have been .
The M . W . the Grand Master , as the Fountain of Masonic Honour under the English Constitution , has therefore declared that such is to be considered as being , and as having been from time immemorial ,
the status and precedence of the Grand Officers of England in relation to those of the respective Provinces , and I am . now commanded by His Royal Highness to notify the same for your information and future guidance .
I have the honour to be , R . W . Sir , Your faithful Servant and Brother , SHADWELL H . CLEKKE , G . S
All Books intended for Keview should be addressed to the Editor of The Freemason ' s Chronicle , 23 Great Queen Street , W . C . Freemasons' Calendar and Poclcet Booh for the year 1882 . London Spencer ' s Masonic Dcp 6 t , 23 A Great Queen-street , W . C .
WE are not in a position to congratulate the Calendar Committee of tho Board of General Purposes on any fresh exhibition of that spirit of reform which led them to make sundry innovations in their mode of dealing with tho Calendar issued under the authority of the Grand Master and for tho benefit of the Charity Fund . We imagine they must have become somewhat alarmed at the success which attended
the introduction , some time back , of much valuable information , It was a good idea , somewhat tardily adopted , in imitation of Bro , Kenning ' s "Cosmo , " to distinguish the "Ancient" ancl "Modern " Lodges . It was an act of wisdom to mark the Lodges to which Centenary Warrants have been granted , while it was good to insert the dates of Constitution in the caso of those Lodges that had formerly
been held under the Grand Lodge of the " Ancients . " Tho " Table of Grand Masters " was , as we remarked at the time , a most desirable addition . On the other hand , as we noticed last year , the insertion of the magic letters T . I . against LodgesNos . 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 13 , 15—all formerly "Ancient" Lodges—is anobvions absurdity . Bro . Hughan , who must be allowed to be no mean authority , has fixed the
limits of this " Time Immemorial " iu the " Cosmo , " and why the Calendar Committee of the Board have gone out of their way to involve themselves in such ridicule passes all understanding . Again , we confess to being of a conservative mind—that is , we are desirous of conserving what is good , and abolishing , as far as possible , the evil . But our conservatism does not go the length of perpetuating
error . Yet the Calendar Committee still continues to announce that the Lodges meet monthly , not in so many words , but on " 1 st Mon . " " 3 rd Thurs . " " last Fri ., " which , if they have any meaning at all , must apply to every month in the year , not to the particular months in which the Lodges meet . Is it too much to ask that Grand Lodge Calendar Committee , with the information at its disposal , shonld do
what Bro . Kenning , who is dependent on others for what they are pleased to furnish him with , has made a point of doing those two years ? What is Sir J . B . Monckton , with his Town Clerical mind , about ; what Sir Albert Woods ( Garter ) , with his heraldic mind ; what Bro . R . F . Gould , with his legal mind , that they countenance so noticeable and so terribly misleading an error ? They arc all men
in whose eyes the strictest accuracy is an absolute necessity . Wo trust tho Calendar Committee will have acquired between now find next November the courage necessary to make tho desired change , and that they will not allow the fact of the " Cosmo" having been beforehand with them from making their Calendar as correct as it ought to bo , if it is to be of any value to those who purchase it .
'U . KVKR . —Suddenly , on the 10 th instant , at tlio residence of his brother , l'r . Jtaddever , 1 !) Mattery Place , Rothesay , Uute , N . B ., WILLIAM CQOAISI : JUDDijYEit , of Nos . 121 aiiil 1-0 Commercial-street , London , E .
The Old Kent Mark Lodge Ob 1 Instruction.
THIS Lodge held its annual Festival on Monday , the 12 th December , at the Crown and Cushion , London-wall , when a number of mom . bers sat down to an excellent banquet provided by the host , Bro . Medworth . Bros . James Moon W . M . Old Kent presided , W . J . Nicholls P . M . Croydon occupying the chair of S . W ., ancl Pargeter that of J . W . The W . M . was supported by his Senior and Junior Wardens , Bros . Dicketts ancl Date , aud by Bro . F . Davison Grand Treasurer , D . M .
Dewar Grand Assistant , Secretary , G . Clark Grand Steward , Turquand P . M . Tenterden , ancl many others . In giving thotoastof theevening , Success to the Old Kent Mark Lodge cf Instruction , the W . M . coupled with it tho name of Bro . Turqnand the Preceptor , and took the occasion of complimenting him on tho interest and pains he took with the Lodge , and on the successful results which had arisen from it .
Bro . Turqnand , in reply , stated that the Lodge was now well on in its third season , that it had this year removed to much better quarters , and that it evinced every sign of success , both from tho number of members attending , the work done , aud the state of its funds , adding that the Lodge was highlv . ancl he trusted deserredly , honoured by
the presence among them that evening of three Grand Officers . The Lodge meets on the second and fourth Mondays , of each month , up to April , at 6 30 . p . m ., at the Crown and Cushion , but aa the next occasion falls on Boxing Day , the next meeting will not take place till the 9 th January .
HOLLOITAY ' S I PILLS . —Let the sick take heed . —The stomach is tho commissariat of the physical system . It furnishes the material sustenance of every organ . If disordered , tho whole body languishes ; but , however severely it may be affected , its tone and vigour may always be restored by n course of these irresistible Pills ; biliousness , indigestion , liver complaints , nnd other disorders of the stomach can easily bo cured by the use of Holloway ' s Pills . Thousands attest this assertion , and no sufferer who has ever tried them will deny their supreme eflicacy . In every case of stomach disease these Pills immediately relieve , and by perseverance effectually cure .
SILVER AND ELECTRO PLATE AND CUTLERY . —We cannot do better , at a time when people are at a loss what to give their friends , their relations , and acquaintances , in the shape of Christmas and New Year ' s Gifts , than call attention to the variety and excellence of the silver and electro-plate and cutlery offered for sale by Bro . H . Youens , of 371 Brixton-road ( adjoining the London and County Bank ) . Bro .
Youens is a most energetic tradesman , and the commodities he has iu stock are as remarkable for taste in design as they are for their completeness and perfection of finish . We beg to particularise his Cruet Stands , Fruit Knives and Forks , Tea and Coffee Services , Liqueur Frames , Salvers , Salad Bowls , ancl Claret Jugs ; and likewise in the way of Jewellery his Necklets , Bracelets , Lockets , Rings ,
Brooches , & c , & c . Of all these there is a great variety of patterns , from the simplest to the most elaborate , while the prices range in accordance with the nature and quantity of the metal employed , and the greater or less intricacy of the pattern or design . As it is tho custom in many Lodges to bestow jewels less costly in value , but to accompany them with some article of plate that will prove useful as
well as ornamental , and moreover will be appreciated by tho family of the recipient , we would suggest that brethren will do well to pay a visit of inspection to Bro . Yonen's establishment . Not only will they see a selection of plate and jewellery that will well repay them for tho trouble of their journey , but they will have the opportunity of buying , at moderate prices , articles of undoubted usefulness and corresponding intrinsic value .
Tyr£0fr£iiiQftii'&f*nournf*9r 8 rl E rHEEli'lHdUii O ullnUIlluLLj A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand lodge of England . Price—13 s 6 d per annum , post free . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be forwarded direct from the Office , 23 Great Queen Street , W . C , ( opposite Freemasons' Hall ) , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W , W . MORGAN at High Holborn Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class .
p g Mirrors & all other Ivory Toilet Articles , a > * * f ? a &^ ' ^ T ^ // fA F ^ iiAiQBl S § |5AwfidS^^O^Qfiug§B 0tV^tt^M^Pa | oj H . SkS , 11 , A „ ¦&« „ U o t . - -mr ^ ps , P < jm**vi4^^a^&%* 2 , y & rvop / sr GOODS insr GSKEBAI , , " o " 3 b o Wholesale- & for Bxrjortation & tho Trade only , 2 do ~ p w •r-i i \ i I ' - c- ^ V ) D i y , ( r ^ S ) PI ^ -o «?—cz--z- ^ r ~ -- -i ^ -x * - *• CD g-3 ¦; -- .. ; ... 1 : ^ -1 ^ mi fe ^> Q ff ^^ sg ^ j ^ o w o §< .-: " . ' :: -T -XEj-.-Tasrio EEos . Ivory Works , •g $ ft >¦ - < iiiOi : STREET , LONDON , W . C , p ,