Article ST. AMBROSE LODGE, No. 1891 ← Page 2 of 2 Article ST. AMBROSE LODGE, No. 1891 Page 2 of 2 Article THE THEATRES, &c. Page 1 of 1
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St. Ambrose Lodge, No. 1891
New Concord Lodge of Instruction , No . 813 . — The Annual Supper of this popular Lodge of Instruction was held on Wednesday , at the Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Sonthgate-road . The chair was occupied by Bro . Pierpoint , Worshipful Master of tho mother Lodge , who was ably and effectively supported by Bros . L . C . Haslip and Tiddeman , his Senior and Junior Wardens respectively .
Among those present were Bros . T . J . Cusworth P . M . 813 Preceptor , Forge I . G . 619 Secretary , George P . M . 813 , Whale , Hubbard P . M . 820 , Bolton P . M ., W . W . Morgan Secretary 211 , Wicks , Harper , Moring , TreAvinnard P . M ., Galer , Wood , Snook , Wenborne , Weeden , Killick jun . P . M ., Hawkins P . M ., Cooper , Haggar , Allardyce , Hobinstock , Painter , F . Perl , W . Potter , F . Willcocks , A . Marks , A . Perl ,
J . Greenhill , R . Slaymakcr , R . Pye . Tho business , which Avas of a formal character , having been promptly despatched , the brethren sat themselves to an admirably served repast , which reflected great credit on the host . When tho cloth had been removed , the brethren settled down to complete their enjoyment of the evening , and sougs and toasts followed each other at frequent intervals .
The event of tho evening was , naturally , the toast of "Prosperity to the New Concord Lodge of Instruction , " by Bro . Pierpoint , Avho , though evidently suffering from a sharp indisposition , stuck manfully to his duties , and complimented the Lodge on the character it had long since won for ability and zeal in the discharge of its important functions . Bro . Preceptor Cusworth , Avhose name was associated
with the toast , and who has worked for some eight or nine years most assiduously and disinterestedly in his Preceptorial capacity , returned thanks . In doing so he laid especial stress on the warm sympathy shown by tbe mother Lodge in the welfare of her daughter . Bro . Cusworth may bo justly proud of the reception he
met with from tbe brethren he has so materially benefited . For tne toast of the Visitors , Bro . W . W . Morgan Sec . 211 was called upon to reply , and he congratulated all present on the success of tbe evening , and the career of the Lodge in its corporate capacity . The brethren separated at a late hour , after spending a most enjoyable evening .
The Great City Lodge , No . 1426 . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Saturday evening , 10 th December , at the Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street . Bros . Charles Taylor W . M ., Hamer P . M . as S . W ., Keeblc J . W ., and the rest of the Officers , including Bros . Headon P . M . Treasurer , and Blackie P . M . Secretary . The minutes of the last Lodge were read and confirmed . Bros . John
Williams Benn and Paul Johannes Avere respectively examined as to their proficiency , and tbe Lodge having been opened in the second degree , they were passed to the degree of FCIIOAV Craft . Bro . Gwyn was then subjected to a preliminary examination , and the Lodge Avas opened in the third degree , Avhen he was raised to the degree of M . M . The rest of the sitting of the Lodge Avas devoted
to the consideration of objects of charity seeking benevolence ; the first was that of a wife of a member of the Lodge , who had been in business in the City , in partnership with another gentleman , but had unfortunately lost his reason , and Avas now a hopeless and incurable lunatic in Colney Hatch Asylum . This . case excited considerable commiseration , and a substantial sum was voted to this
applicant from the Benevolent Fund of tho Lodge . It Ava ' s mentioned in reference to this case that at the marriage of this lady with the unfortunate member , in Paris , a marriage settlement was made , and a sum of money invested in the French Funds , but in consequence of a fiction in tbe French law this snm cannot be obtained only in the event of the applicant to the Lodge becoming a widow , Avhich is only a possible event , as she may be survived by her
lunatic husband . This state of things is looked upon as a great hardship , as she is in want of the money for her support . A petition has been agreed upon , to be presented to the Board of Benevolence . Another case was brought before the Lodge , of a member who had fallen down dead , leaving a wife , and daughter , and this will have to be taken into consideration at the next meeting of the Lodge . There being no further business the Lodge was closed and adjourned until the second Saturday in January .
Prince Leopold Lodge of Instruction , No . 1445 . —At the regular weekly meeting on Wednesday 30 th November , held at tbe Moorgate , Finsbury Pavement , the chair was taken by Bro . W . H . Myers P . M ., who was supported by Bros . J . Robson S . W ., C . Robson J . W ., Laroone S . D ., C . Smith J . D ., Kimbell I . G ., Seymour-Clarke Secretary , also Bros . McDonald , Job , Ewen , G . H . Stephens , Haldane ,
Kingston , W . Batchelor 1178 , and others . Lodge was opened in duo form , ancl advanced to the second degree , when Bro . Partridge , W . M . 1445 , was presented as W . M . elect , and Bro . Myers duly installed him into tho chair of K . S ., the ceremony bein ^ r rendered in an excellent manner by the worthy Preceptor . B > o . I ' arirMcre then rehearsed the ceremony of initiation . Bro . McDocild wmkel the first and second
sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . W . Batchelor 1178 Avas elected a member , and Bros . Kingston 1319 , the host , and G . H . Stephens 1623 were elected Hon . Members . A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Myers , for his excellent rendering of the Installation ceremony . This was briefly responded to . This ceremony is worked Avhen there is a fifth WeclnesdaA - in the month .
At the weekly meeting held on 7 th inst ., Bro . C . Robson presided , Bros . Kimbell acting as S . W ., Laroone J . W ., McDonald J . D ., Richardson S . D ., J . Robson I . G ., also Bros . 0 . Smith , Ewen , Partridge , W . II . Myers P . M . Preceptor , and Seymour-Clarke Secretary . After due formalities , the ceremony of initation was rehearsed by tbe W . M , Bro . McDonald worked the first , second , and third sections of tbe
lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Kimbell was elected W . M . for Wednesday 14 th , and Lodge was closed in due form . The brethren then proceeded to ballot for a life subscribcrship in one of the Masonic Institutions , in accordance with tho enstom introduced into this Lodge of Instruction . As soon as tho sum of £ 5 5 s is in the Treasurer ' s hands , that amount is balloted for amongst those
St. Ambrose Lodge, No. 1891
members who have attended not less than six meetings during tho three months then ended , in accordance with tho bye-laws . One black and several white balls were used , and it was found that Bro . H . Seymour-Clarke-the Hon . Secretary had been "blackballed , " ( and thus won tho life subscribcrship ) . We have pleasure , however , in
recording that ho Avill not be excluded from tho Lodge in consequence , but on tho contrary , Bio . Seymour-Clarke will often bo present , and ready with tho other members to accord a hearty welcome to any brethren wishing to improve their Masonic knowledge , under the able prcceptorship of Bro . Myers , and to bo in their turn " blackballed " at these ballots .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . — Held at the Feathers' Hotel , Ealing , on tho 15 th inst . Bros . 0 . Bellevby W . M ., T . Smith S . W ., A . Jones J . W ., J . Green S . D ., 0 . Andrews P . M J . D ., J . Owen I . G ., H . E . Tucker Treasurer , J . Wells Secretary ; also Bros . S . Dyer , H . Stephens , Nevil Parker 1428 , E . C . Porter , C . O . Walker , Hewlings , Lamb , Walker 733 . After preliminaries , the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Porter
candidate . Bro . C . Andrews P . M . delivered the lecture on the tracing board . Bros . Walker 733 , Parker 1421 , Hewlings 1612 , Lamb 1612 were elected members . The Lodge unanimonsly voted the sum of 20 s to a distressed Brother . A vote of thanks was unanimonsly passed to Bro . Bellerby for his conduct in tbe chair ( for the first time ) . Bro . T . Smith Avas appointed W . M . for the next meeting , and the Lodge was closed in due form , and tho meeting adjourned to Thursday , 5 th January .
Ebrington Lodge , No . 1847 . —The annual meeting AVQS held at the Ebrington Masonic Temple , Hobart-street , Stonehouse . There were present at the Board of Installed Masters W . Bro . J . H . Stephens W . M ., who , with tho assistance of W . Bros . R . Lose P . M . and S . Jew P . M . Treasurer , installed Bro . Charles A . Nicholson as Worshipful Master . Tho other brethren present were W . Bros . A . Lethbridge P . M ., F . Littleton P . M ., Cooper P . M . 105 , S . Hearle
P . M . 1255 , J . R . Lord P . M . 1247 , P . B . L . Pearco W . M . 1247 B . Elliott P . M . 1247 , W . J . Thomas P . M . 159 , P . S . Johns P . M . 159 , D . KnoAvles Worshipful Master 159 , T . Goodall Past Master 954 and 1550 , E . Aitkin-Davies P . M . 1099 , L . D . Webber P . M . 1550 . The usual business having been transacted , tho Officers were appointed and invested as follows : —Bros . J . H . Stephens I . P . M ., H . Macmillan S . W ., R . Lose jun . J . W ., S . Jew P . M . Treasurer , J . Henry Stephens P . M . Secretary , Rev . J . P . Garland Chaplain , Isaac Masters S . D ..
James Lose J . D ., I . Morriss D . C , H . R . Farr Organist , F . Goodyear I . G ., W . H . Macey S . Steward , John Griffin J . Steward , James Bartlett P . M . Tyler . V . W . Bro . S . Jew was complimented on the accounts of the Lodge as being very favourable , and it is only due to the Treasurer to say he always does bis duties well . It was arranged that the banquet should be held in tbe rooms of the Lodge on 3 rd January 1882 .
Chapter of Harmony , No . 156 . —At the Convocation of this Chapter , held at the Huyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth , the following Officers were elected for the eusuing year : —Excellent Companions Rev . W . Whittley Provincial G . J . as Z , for the second year , D . Banks as H ., W . H . Pike as J ., W . K . Michell Treasurer and S . E ., R . Hambly S . N ., George Whittley P . S ., W . H . Phillips Janitor .
Eboracum Chapter , No . 1611 . —A meeting of this Chapter was held at York , on Tuesday , the 6 th December , for the election of Officers , with the following result : —Comps . J . S . Cumberland Z ., 0 . G . Padel H ., J . T . Seller J ., J . Kay S . E ., M . Millington S . N ., G . Simpson Treasurer , P . Pearson Janitor .
The Theatres, &C.
PRINCESS'S . —At 7 , A PHOTOGRAPHIC FRIGHT . At 7 . 15 , THE LIGHTS OF LONDON . GLOBE—At 7 . 30 , A HAPPY PAIR . At 8 . 10 , IMPRUDENCE , Jfcc . ( Laat Night . ) GAIETY .-At 7 . 5 , OPERETTA . At 7 . 30 , BUBBLES . At 8 . 30 , AVHITTINGTON AND HIS CAT .
COMEDY—At 7 . 30 , SEEING FROU-FROU . At S , THE MASCOTTK . SAVOY—At S , MOCK TURTLE , and PATIENCE . ST . JAMES'S—At 8 , THE CAPE MAIL . At 8 . 15 , HOME . OPERA COMIQUE — At 7 . 15 , QUID PRO QUO . At 8 . 30 , PRINCESS TOTO . ( Last Night . )
CBITEBION . — At S , WITHERED LEAVES . At 8 . ( 5 FOGGERTY'S FAIRY . ALHAMBRA .-At 7 . 15 , liLACK CROOK . COURT—At 8 , AAVAKING . At 8 . 15 , ENGAGED . HENGLER'S CIRQUE—Every evening at 7 . 30 . Wednesday and S . itii .-rtnv fit 2 . 30 also .
CRYSTAL PALACE . —This . lay , CONCERT , & c . Open Daily . Armarium I'ieturo Gallery , & c . ALEXANDRA PALACE—This day , THE MESSIAH , Open Daily .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
St. Ambrose Lodge, No. 1891
New Concord Lodge of Instruction , No . 813 . — The Annual Supper of this popular Lodge of Instruction was held on Wednesday , at the Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Sonthgate-road . The chair was occupied by Bro . Pierpoint , Worshipful Master of tho mother Lodge , who was ably and effectively supported by Bros . L . C . Haslip and Tiddeman , his Senior and Junior Wardens respectively .
Among those present were Bros . T . J . Cusworth P . M . 813 Preceptor , Forge I . G . 619 Secretary , George P . M . 813 , Whale , Hubbard P . M . 820 , Bolton P . M ., W . W . Morgan Secretary 211 , Wicks , Harper , Moring , TreAvinnard P . M ., Galer , Wood , Snook , Wenborne , Weeden , Killick jun . P . M ., Hawkins P . M ., Cooper , Haggar , Allardyce , Hobinstock , Painter , F . Perl , W . Potter , F . Willcocks , A . Marks , A . Perl ,
J . Greenhill , R . Slaymakcr , R . Pye . Tho business , which Avas of a formal character , having been promptly despatched , the brethren sat themselves to an admirably served repast , which reflected great credit on the host . When tho cloth had been removed , the brethren settled down to complete their enjoyment of the evening , and sougs and toasts followed each other at frequent intervals .
The event of tho evening was , naturally , the toast of "Prosperity to the New Concord Lodge of Instruction , " by Bro . Pierpoint , Avho , though evidently suffering from a sharp indisposition , stuck manfully to his duties , and complimented the Lodge on the character it had long since won for ability and zeal in the discharge of its important functions . Bro . Preceptor Cusworth , Avhose name was associated
with the toast , and who has worked for some eight or nine years most assiduously and disinterestedly in his Preceptorial capacity , returned thanks . In doing so he laid especial stress on the warm sympathy shown by tbe mother Lodge in the welfare of her daughter . Bro . Cusworth may bo justly proud of the reception he
met with from tbe brethren he has so materially benefited . For tne toast of the Visitors , Bro . W . W . Morgan Sec . 211 was called upon to reply , and he congratulated all present on the success of tbe evening , and the career of the Lodge in its corporate capacity . The brethren separated at a late hour , after spending a most enjoyable evening .
The Great City Lodge , No . 1426 . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Saturday evening , 10 th December , at the Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street . Bros . Charles Taylor W . M ., Hamer P . M . as S . W ., Keeblc J . W ., and the rest of the Officers , including Bros . Headon P . M . Treasurer , and Blackie P . M . Secretary . The minutes of the last Lodge were read and confirmed . Bros . John
Williams Benn and Paul Johannes Avere respectively examined as to their proficiency , and tbe Lodge having been opened in the second degree , they were passed to the degree of FCIIOAV Craft . Bro . Gwyn was then subjected to a preliminary examination , and the Lodge Avas opened in the third degree , Avhen he was raised to the degree of M . M . The rest of the sitting of the Lodge Avas devoted
to the consideration of objects of charity seeking benevolence ; the first was that of a wife of a member of the Lodge , who had been in business in the City , in partnership with another gentleman , but had unfortunately lost his reason , and Avas now a hopeless and incurable lunatic in Colney Hatch Asylum . This . case excited considerable commiseration , and a substantial sum was voted to this
applicant from the Benevolent Fund of tho Lodge . It Ava ' s mentioned in reference to this case that at the marriage of this lady with the unfortunate member , in Paris , a marriage settlement was made , and a sum of money invested in the French Funds , but in consequence of a fiction in tbe French law this snm cannot be obtained only in the event of the applicant to the Lodge becoming a widow , Avhich is only a possible event , as she may be survived by her
lunatic husband . This state of things is looked upon as a great hardship , as she is in want of the money for her support . A petition has been agreed upon , to be presented to the Board of Benevolence . Another case was brought before the Lodge , of a member who had fallen down dead , leaving a wife , and daughter , and this will have to be taken into consideration at the next meeting of the Lodge . There being no further business the Lodge was closed and adjourned until the second Saturday in January .
Prince Leopold Lodge of Instruction , No . 1445 . —At the regular weekly meeting on Wednesday 30 th November , held at tbe Moorgate , Finsbury Pavement , the chair was taken by Bro . W . H . Myers P . M ., who was supported by Bros . J . Robson S . W ., C . Robson J . W ., Laroone S . D ., C . Smith J . D ., Kimbell I . G ., Seymour-Clarke Secretary , also Bros . McDonald , Job , Ewen , G . H . Stephens , Haldane ,
Kingston , W . Batchelor 1178 , and others . Lodge was opened in duo form , ancl advanced to the second degree , when Bro . Partridge , W . M . 1445 , was presented as W . M . elect , and Bro . Myers duly installed him into tho chair of K . S ., the ceremony bein ^ r rendered in an excellent manner by the worthy Preceptor . B > o . I ' arirMcre then rehearsed the ceremony of initiation . Bro . McDocild wmkel the first and second
sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . W . Batchelor 1178 Avas elected a member , and Bros . Kingston 1319 , the host , and G . H . Stephens 1623 were elected Hon . Members . A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Myers , for his excellent rendering of the Installation ceremony . This was briefly responded to . This ceremony is worked Avhen there is a fifth WeclnesdaA - in the month .
At the weekly meeting held on 7 th inst ., Bro . C . Robson presided , Bros . Kimbell acting as S . W ., Laroone J . W ., McDonald J . D ., Richardson S . D ., J . Robson I . G ., also Bros . 0 . Smith , Ewen , Partridge , W . II . Myers P . M . Preceptor , and Seymour-Clarke Secretary . After due formalities , the ceremony of initation was rehearsed by tbe W . M , Bro . McDonald worked the first , second , and third sections of tbe
lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Kimbell was elected W . M . for Wednesday 14 th , and Lodge was closed in due form . The brethren then proceeded to ballot for a life subscribcrship in one of the Masonic Institutions , in accordance with tho enstom introduced into this Lodge of Instruction . As soon as tho sum of £ 5 5 s is in the Treasurer ' s hands , that amount is balloted for amongst those
St. Ambrose Lodge, No. 1891
members who have attended not less than six meetings during tho three months then ended , in accordance with tho bye-laws . One black and several white balls were used , and it was found that Bro . H . Seymour-Clarke-the Hon . Secretary had been "blackballed , " ( and thus won tho life subscribcrship ) . We have pleasure , however , in
recording that ho Avill not be excluded from tho Lodge in consequence , but on tho contrary , Bio . Seymour-Clarke will often bo present , and ready with tho other members to accord a hearty welcome to any brethren wishing to improve their Masonic knowledge , under the able prcceptorship of Bro . Myers , and to bo in their turn " blackballed " at these ballots .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . — Held at the Feathers' Hotel , Ealing , on tho 15 th inst . Bros . 0 . Bellevby W . M ., T . Smith S . W ., A . Jones J . W ., J . Green S . D ., 0 . Andrews P . M J . D ., J . Owen I . G ., H . E . Tucker Treasurer , J . Wells Secretary ; also Bros . S . Dyer , H . Stephens , Nevil Parker 1428 , E . C . Porter , C . O . Walker , Hewlings , Lamb , Walker 733 . After preliminaries , the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Porter
candidate . Bro . C . Andrews P . M . delivered the lecture on the tracing board . Bros . Walker 733 , Parker 1421 , Hewlings 1612 , Lamb 1612 were elected members . The Lodge unanimonsly voted the sum of 20 s to a distressed Brother . A vote of thanks was unanimonsly passed to Bro . Bellerby for his conduct in tbe chair ( for the first time ) . Bro . T . Smith Avas appointed W . M . for the next meeting , and the Lodge was closed in due form , and tho meeting adjourned to Thursday , 5 th January .
Ebrington Lodge , No . 1847 . —The annual meeting AVQS held at the Ebrington Masonic Temple , Hobart-street , Stonehouse . There were present at the Board of Installed Masters W . Bro . J . H . Stephens W . M ., who , with tho assistance of W . Bros . R . Lose P . M . and S . Jew P . M . Treasurer , installed Bro . Charles A . Nicholson as Worshipful Master . Tho other brethren present were W . Bros . A . Lethbridge P . M ., F . Littleton P . M ., Cooper P . M . 105 , S . Hearle
P . M . 1255 , J . R . Lord P . M . 1247 , P . B . L . Pearco W . M . 1247 B . Elliott P . M . 1247 , W . J . Thomas P . M . 159 , P . S . Johns P . M . 159 , D . KnoAvles Worshipful Master 159 , T . Goodall Past Master 954 and 1550 , E . Aitkin-Davies P . M . 1099 , L . D . Webber P . M . 1550 . The usual business having been transacted , tho Officers were appointed and invested as follows : —Bros . J . H . Stephens I . P . M ., H . Macmillan S . W ., R . Lose jun . J . W ., S . Jew P . M . Treasurer , J . Henry Stephens P . M . Secretary , Rev . J . P . Garland Chaplain , Isaac Masters S . D ..
James Lose J . D ., I . Morriss D . C , H . R . Farr Organist , F . Goodyear I . G ., W . H . Macey S . Steward , John Griffin J . Steward , James Bartlett P . M . Tyler . V . W . Bro . S . Jew was complimented on the accounts of the Lodge as being very favourable , and it is only due to the Treasurer to say he always does bis duties well . It was arranged that the banquet should be held in tbe rooms of the Lodge on 3 rd January 1882 .
Chapter of Harmony , No . 156 . —At the Convocation of this Chapter , held at the Huyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth , the following Officers were elected for the eusuing year : —Excellent Companions Rev . W . Whittley Provincial G . J . as Z , for the second year , D . Banks as H ., W . H . Pike as J ., W . K . Michell Treasurer and S . E ., R . Hambly S . N ., George Whittley P . S ., W . H . Phillips Janitor .
Eboracum Chapter , No . 1611 . —A meeting of this Chapter was held at York , on Tuesday , the 6 th December , for the election of Officers , with the following result : —Comps . J . S . Cumberland Z ., 0 . G . Padel H ., J . T . Seller J ., J . Kay S . E ., M . Millington S . N ., G . Simpson Treasurer , P . Pearson Janitor .
The Theatres, &C.
PRINCESS'S . —At 7 , A PHOTOGRAPHIC FRIGHT . At 7 . 15 , THE LIGHTS OF LONDON . GLOBE—At 7 . 30 , A HAPPY PAIR . At 8 . 10 , IMPRUDENCE , Jfcc . ( Laat Night . ) GAIETY .-At 7 . 5 , OPERETTA . At 7 . 30 , BUBBLES . At 8 . 30 , AVHITTINGTON AND HIS CAT .
COMEDY—At 7 . 30 , SEEING FROU-FROU . At S , THE MASCOTTK . SAVOY—At S , MOCK TURTLE , and PATIENCE . ST . JAMES'S—At 8 , THE CAPE MAIL . At 8 . 15 , HOME . OPERA COMIQUE — At 7 . 15 , QUID PRO QUO . At 8 . 30 , PRINCESS TOTO . ( Last Night . )
CBITEBION . — At S , WITHERED LEAVES . At 8 . ( 5 FOGGERTY'S FAIRY . ALHAMBRA .-At 7 . 15 , liLACK CROOK . COURT—At 8 , AAVAKING . At 8 . 15 , ENGAGED . HENGLER'S CIRQUE—Every evening at 7 . 30 . Wednesday and S . itii .-rtnv fit 2 . 30 also .
CRYSTAL PALACE . —This . lay , CONCERT , & c . Open Daily . Armarium I'ieturo Gallery , & c . ALEXANDRA PALACE—This day , THE MESSIAH , Open Daily .