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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
BOYAL MA 80 ]\ [ C BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION For . AGED FREEMASONS AHD v SBOWS OF FREEMASONS , < J Ji O Y I ) O X . Patron and President : His P . OY . vr , HiiiiiNKss THE PIM . VCK OK WALKS , K . G ., & C , M . W . G . M THEAMIVESSABIFESTIVAL OF THIS lSSTlTL'TlOS WILL TAKK PLACE OX TUESDAY , 21 ST FEBRUARY 1882 , AT FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , I'l'ON" WHICH OCCASION Lieut . - Colonel J . A . LLOYD - PHILIPPS , R . W . PROW CM . VOK SOUTH AVATJES ( Western Division ) , Hiis been pleased to signify his intention of presiding . Brethren nro cnrncstly invited to accept the Office of Steward upon this occasion , nnd they will greatly oblige l > y forwarding their Names and Masonic I . ank , as soon as convenient , to the Secretary , who will gladly give any information required . . IAMI . S TERRY , 1 ' rov . G . S . W . Norths and Hunts , Secretary , •t Free masons' Halt , London , AV . C .
ESTABLISHED 1802 . SODA WATER AND SELTZER MANUFACTORY . PAUL&BURROWS, WILSON STREET and ENDELL STREET , LONG ACRE , W . C . 'p , _ T , r ( Svtrhii—Always regular . AT !>! - 1 QUALITY—Best possible . *¦ •( . PKICES—Lowest consistent with FIRST CLASS ARTICLES .
G.WISE&SONS, Sccbsmcn,.floristsmrtrgciMmte, 17 MILE END EOAD , LONDON , E . AND 302 CALEDONIAN ROAD , N . GOLD , SILVER AND RIVER FISH , The Largest Stock in London . BRITISH AND FOREIGN FERNS , FERN CASES , AQUARIUMS . Feat nVTcmld , Shinrfe , Vivaiia Corlc . EYEI . Y rir _ r , | U . T ! : " . [ Tii F . ; .: l T ::.-. ri-KH ilASK a A :, . UAIl . EUM . FLORAL DECORATIONS for FANCY PAIRS , PETES , & c
ESTABLISHED . 185 9 . JOSEPH STOCK & 00 . Mater#(Bktixo(Bifotrs#glaicrs, 14 COBOURG STREET , SKINNER STREET , CLEttKl-WELL , E . G . r ' pecialite —Masonic Jewels , Furniture and Eogalia Renovated , and made Equal to Eew . PAST MASTEES' JEWELS MADE TO ANY DESIGN .
B "ORD'sPTANos. CHAS . STILES & CO ., tho well-known Importers of these celebrated Pianos , have Removed to 42 Southampton-row , Holborn , London , W . C . AVhere may be . seen a largo aud varied assortment of Instruments , of New and Artistic Design , at Low Prices , with Twenty-Five per Cent . Co-operative Diset . for Cash , OB 02 , " T i r K T "i r i ; i <\ v , Y K A R s •s Y s r !<_ . M , From 15 s per Month . S K N 1 ) F O II I J , J . U S T 1 ! A TED LIS T . Scc ' , ; i d- 'lt : iii't J'iiino .. on the Three Years' System , from 10 s fid per Ifonth . I ' ull Value allowed for Old Instruments of any kind in Exchange .
AIVIERIOAMORGANS, CHEAPEST AND BEST , ' XyY the STKI . r / . XG Oii-. AX CO ., DEHBY , CONN ., U . R . A ., at I J 1 mi- 1 ' , -ico-, wi'li TWIMII v-Kiv : nei' cent . ( . ' n-oponitivo ' iVi .-coinit 1 ' or Cash : or on the Till ' ,...-. Y .-. A .. S' rf ' Y ' .-. 'iTA ' t . fr .. m 10 , ( id per " .. [ until . S i ; X D J 7 0 ! . i L I , IJ S T 11 . A T E D LIS T T 0 CHAS . STILES and CO ., 42 SOUTHAMPTON ROW , HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . These Organs tu-o eminently suited fov use in MASONIC LODGES .
T.&T.GATES, GOLD BEATER S , AND FOREIGN GOLD LEAF IMPORTERS . English Gold 45 a ancl < L 7 s 6 ( 1 pev 1 O 0 O , -P ' oreipn . Gold 41 s and 4 t 3 s do . Bronze Powder 3 s 6 d and 5 s per lb . 44 HATTON WALL , LONDON , E . C . Merchants and Shippers supplied .
COALS ! COALS ! from 17 / 6 a TON . LOWEST AUTUMN PRICES . 12 / A TON CHEAPER THAN LAST JANUARY . LARGE KITCHEN ( sold by some Firms as Host Wallsend ) . 17 6 DKKBYSHIRE BRIGHT , Large . Strong Heat 19 / 6 DOUBL'K DIAMOND SILKSTONES , Excellent House Coals 21 I . GST OLD SILKSTOXK , for Drawing Rooms 22 Terms Cash . Discount Is per Ton on 2 or more Tons . Delivered Free of all other Charges . All Coal Thoroughly Screened . E . T . RUSSELL & CO ., 60 WHARDALE ROAD , KING'S CROSS .
COALS ! 16 s a TON—A Special Bargain . UNDER CONTRACT TO BE DELIVERED WITHIN 11 DAYS . MIDLAND HOUSE COALS , 16 s A TON . Terms Cash . Discount 6 d a Ton on two or more Tons . SOLD DAILY AT 20 s A TON . E . T , RUSSELL & CO ., 60 WHARFDALE ROAD , KING'S GROSS .
Crown 8 vo , price 2 s 6 rl , cloth lettered . itaifonnttt ! ti pwjiflttw ^ UmX mt & Msmmim . By Bro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & e . " May he read with advantage by tho whole Craft . " —Sunday Times . " Grand Lodge should at once set to work to secure tho desired uniformity . " —Sheffield , Post . " The subject is ably argued by the author . "— Western Daily Mercury . " Useful and valuable in the highest degree . " — . Exeter Gazette . " Will have a material effect on tho future of Masonic Ritual . "—South Western Star . " The author adduces many variations in the language used by different Preceptors . "— Cox's Monthly Legal Circular . " Ought to be in tho hands of every Mason . "—Northampton Guardian . " To Freemasons generally it will be found useful and valuable , and wo commend it to their notice accordingly . "—Surrey County Observer . "Bro . Stevens' motion for a Committee on the subject of Uniformity o £ Ritual w as carried by a large majority . "—Freemason ' s Chronicle report of Grand Lodge meeting , 3 rd December 1879 . Sent , by post , en receipt of stamps , by the Author , Bro . JAMES STEVENS , 112 High-street , Clapham , S . W . ; or by Bro . W . W . MORGAN , 23 Great Queen Street , London , W . C .
Eleventh Edition , post free , One Shilling . DR . WATTS on ASTHMA . A Treatise on the only Successful Method of Curing this Disease . By HOBERT G . WATTS , M . D ., P . R . S . L . F . C . S ., & c , 5 Iiulstrode-streot , Cavendish-square , London . London : C . MITCHELI , Co ., Red Lion-court , Fleet-streot . BRO . 11 . HIRST engages to provide , at short notice , an efficient Band ljpr Annual Banquets , Dinners , Excursions and Quadrille Parties . For terms apply to " JR . Hirst , The Three Crowns , 237 Mile End Road , E . "
RHEUMATISM. nnilE only real remedy for this complaint is tho Northern Cure X ( patent ) . In bottles' ] s ] $ . l each , to 1 ) 0 had of all Chemists . Proprietors and Manufacturers , Edwards and Alexander , 211 IJIas'kett-strect , Ncwcustlc-on-Tyno .
$ y m a „ v * v * a * a * a vji <» jBjpSEE l ajiji m j i « i _ m » . . H JULUI ^¦ OT ^ J 'AW ^ ^ ^ W . MfflJ 23 GREAT QUBEET , W . C .
Provincial Grand Lodge Op Leicestershire And Rutland.
AS briefly announced in our last week ' s issue , tho annual mooting of the brethren of this district took place on tho 8 th inst at Hinckley , under tho presidency of the Depuly Provincial Master , Bro . George Toller jun . l' . G . S . U . England , lteviewing the events of the past few years in connection with this particular section of the Masonic Brotherhood , wo find that its present Grand Master—tho Right Honourable tho Earl Ferrers— -was appointed to his office by tho Grand Master in tho year 1873 , and that at the present time there are ten Lodges working under his jurisdiction ; of these , tho one hold at Hinckley , the Knights of Malta Lodge , No . 50 on the Register of the Grand Lodge of England is the oldest . Its constitution took place as far back as the year 1750 , the War-ran . being registered as bearing date the 23 rd of November of that year !} It was granted by tho then Grand Master the Tlig . it Worshipful and llight Hon . Thomas Erskine , Earl of Kelly , " to Mr . James Ilawson , Mr . William Millett , his Senior Warden , aud Mr . George liraddeck , his Junior Warden , " authorising them " to form aud hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons at the sign of the lied Lyon ( or elsewhere ) in tho Town of Macclesfield , iu tho county of Cheater / ' unci
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
BOYAL MA 80 ]\ [ C BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION For . AGED FREEMASONS AHD v SBOWS OF FREEMASONS , < J Ji O Y I ) O X . Patron and President : His P . OY . vr , HiiiiiNKss THE PIM . VCK OK WALKS , K . G ., & C , M . W . G . M THEAMIVESSABIFESTIVAL OF THIS lSSTlTL'TlOS WILL TAKK PLACE OX TUESDAY , 21 ST FEBRUARY 1882 , AT FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , I'l'ON" WHICH OCCASION Lieut . - Colonel J . A . LLOYD - PHILIPPS , R . W . PROW CM . VOK SOUTH AVATJES ( Western Division ) , Hiis been pleased to signify his intention of presiding . Brethren nro cnrncstly invited to accept the Office of Steward upon this occasion , nnd they will greatly oblige l > y forwarding their Names and Masonic I . ank , as soon as convenient , to the Secretary , who will gladly give any information required . . IAMI . S TERRY , 1 ' rov . G . S . W . Norths and Hunts , Secretary , •t Free masons' Halt , London , AV . C .
ESTABLISHED 1802 . SODA WATER AND SELTZER MANUFACTORY . PAUL&BURROWS, WILSON STREET and ENDELL STREET , LONG ACRE , W . C . 'p , _ T , r ( Svtrhii—Always regular . AT !>! - 1 QUALITY—Best possible . *¦ •( . PKICES—Lowest consistent with FIRST CLASS ARTICLES .
G.WISE&SONS, Sccbsmcn,.floristsmrtrgciMmte, 17 MILE END EOAD , LONDON , E . AND 302 CALEDONIAN ROAD , N . GOLD , SILVER AND RIVER FISH , The Largest Stock in London . BRITISH AND FOREIGN FERNS , FERN CASES , AQUARIUMS . Feat nVTcmld , Shinrfe , Vivaiia Corlc . EYEI . Y rir _ r , | U . T ! : " . [ Tii F . ; .: l T ::.-. ri-KH ilASK a A :, . UAIl . EUM . FLORAL DECORATIONS for FANCY PAIRS , PETES , & c
ESTABLISHED . 185 9 . JOSEPH STOCK & 00 . Mater#(Bktixo(Bifotrs#glaicrs, 14 COBOURG STREET , SKINNER STREET , CLEttKl-WELL , E . G . r ' pecialite —Masonic Jewels , Furniture and Eogalia Renovated , and made Equal to Eew . PAST MASTEES' JEWELS MADE TO ANY DESIGN .
B "ORD'sPTANos. CHAS . STILES & CO ., tho well-known Importers of these celebrated Pianos , have Removed to 42 Southampton-row , Holborn , London , W . C . AVhere may be . seen a largo aud varied assortment of Instruments , of New and Artistic Design , at Low Prices , with Twenty-Five per Cent . Co-operative Diset . for Cash , OB 02 , " T i r K T "i r i ; i <\ v , Y K A R s •s Y s r !<_ . M , From 15 s per Month . S K N 1 ) F O II I J , J . U S T 1 ! A TED LIS T . Scc ' , ; i d- 'lt : iii't J'iiino .. on the Three Years' System , from 10 s fid per Ifonth . I ' ull Value allowed for Old Instruments of any kind in Exchange .
AIVIERIOAMORGANS, CHEAPEST AND BEST , ' XyY the STKI . r / . XG Oii-. AX CO ., DEHBY , CONN ., U . R . A ., at I J 1 mi- 1 ' , -ico-, wi'li TWIMII v-Kiv : nei' cent . ( . ' n-oponitivo ' iVi .-coinit 1 ' or Cash : or on the Till ' ,...-. Y .-. A .. S' rf ' Y ' .-. 'iTA ' t . fr .. m 10 , ( id per " .. [ until . S i ; X D J 7 0 ! . i L I , IJ S T 11 . A T E D LIS T T 0 CHAS . STILES and CO ., 42 SOUTHAMPTON ROW , HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . These Organs tu-o eminently suited fov use in MASONIC LODGES .
T.&T.GATES, GOLD BEATER S , AND FOREIGN GOLD LEAF IMPORTERS . English Gold 45 a ancl < L 7 s 6 ( 1 pev 1 O 0 O , -P ' oreipn . Gold 41 s and 4 t 3 s do . Bronze Powder 3 s 6 d and 5 s per lb . 44 HATTON WALL , LONDON , E . C . Merchants and Shippers supplied .
COALS ! COALS ! from 17 / 6 a TON . LOWEST AUTUMN PRICES . 12 / A TON CHEAPER THAN LAST JANUARY . LARGE KITCHEN ( sold by some Firms as Host Wallsend ) . 17 6 DKKBYSHIRE BRIGHT , Large . Strong Heat 19 / 6 DOUBL'K DIAMOND SILKSTONES , Excellent House Coals 21 I . GST OLD SILKSTOXK , for Drawing Rooms 22 Terms Cash . Discount Is per Ton on 2 or more Tons . Delivered Free of all other Charges . All Coal Thoroughly Screened . E . T . RUSSELL & CO ., 60 WHARDALE ROAD , KING'S CROSS .
COALS ! 16 s a TON—A Special Bargain . UNDER CONTRACT TO BE DELIVERED WITHIN 11 DAYS . MIDLAND HOUSE COALS , 16 s A TON . Terms Cash . Discount 6 d a Ton on two or more Tons . SOLD DAILY AT 20 s A TON . E . T , RUSSELL & CO ., 60 WHARFDALE ROAD , KING'S GROSS .
Crown 8 vo , price 2 s 6 rl , cloth lettered . itaifonnttt ! ti pwjiflttw ^ UmX mt & Msmmim . By Bro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & e . " May he read with advantage by tho whole Craft . " —Sunday Times . " Grand Lodge should at once set to work to secure tho desired uniformity . " —Sheffield , Post . " The subject is ably argued by the author . "— Western Daily Mercury . " Useful and valuable in the highest degree . " — . Exeter Gazette . " Will have a material effect on tho future of Masonic Ritual . "—South Western Star . " The author adduces many variations in the language used by different Preceptors . "— Cox's Monthly Legal Circular . " Ought to be in tho hands of every Mason . "—Northampton Guardian . " To Freemasons generally it will be found useful and valuable , and wo commend it to their notice accordingly . "—Surrey County Observer . "Bro . Stevens' motion for a Committee on the subject of Uniformity o £ Ritual w as carried by a large majority . "—Freemason ' s Chronicle report of Grand Lodge meeting , 3 rd December 1879 . Sent , by post , en receipt of stamps , by the Author , Bro . JAMES STEVENS , 112 High-street , Clapham , S . W . ; or by Bro . W . W . MORGAN , 23 Great Queen Street , London , W . C .
Eleventh Edition , post free , One Shilling . DR . WATTS on ASTHMA . A Treatise on the only Successful Method of Curing this Disease . By HOBERT G . WATTS , M . D ., P . R . S . L . F . C . S ., & c , 5 Iiulstrode-streot , Cavendish-square , London . London : C . MITCHELI , Co ., Red Lion-court , Fleet-streot . BRO . 11 . HIRST engages to provide , at short notice , an efficient Band ljpr Annual Banquets , Dinners , Excursions and Quadrille Parties . For terms apply to " JR . Hirst , The Three Crowns , 237 Mile End Road , E . "
RHEUMATISM. nnilE only real remedy for this complaint is tho Northern Cure X ( patent ) . In bottles' ] s ] $ . l each , to 1 ) 0 had of all Chemists . Proprietors and Manufacturers , Edwards and Alexander , 211 IJIas'kett-strect , Ncwcustlc-on-Tyno .
$ y m a „ v * v * a * a * a vji <» jBjpSEE l ajiji m j i « i _ m » . . H JULUI ^¦ OT ^ J 'AW ^ ^ ^ W . MfflJ 23 GREAT QUBEET , W . C .
Provincial Grand Lodge Op Leicestershire And Rutland.
AS briefly announced in our last week ' s issue , tho annual mooting of the brethren of this district took place on tho 8 th inst at Hinckley , under tho presidency of the Depuly Provincial Master , Bro . George Toller jun . l' . G . S . U . England , lteviewing the events of the past few years in connection with this particular section of the Masonic Brotherhood , wo find that its present Grand Master—tho Right Honourable tho Earl Ferrers— -was appointed to his office by tho Grand Master in tho year 1873 , and that at the present time there are ten Lodges working under his jurisdiction ; of these , tho one hold at Hinckley , the Knights of Malta Lodge , No . 50 on the Register of the Grand Lodge of England is the oldest . Its constitution took place as far back as the year 1750 , the War-ran . being registered as bearing date the 23 rd of November of that year !} It was granted by tho then Grand Master the Tlig . it Worshipful and llight Hon . Thomas Erskine , Earl of Kelly , " to Mr . James Ilawson , Mr . William Millett , his Senior Warden , aud Mr . George liraddeck , his Junior Warden , " authorising them " to form aud hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons at the sign of the lied Lyon ( or elsewhere ) in tho Town of Macclesfield , iu tho county of Cheater / ' unci