Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Notices Of Meetings.
Fortitude Lodge , No . 105 . —The election meeting of this Lodge was held ou Tuesday , at the Hnyslie Masonic Temple , Plymouth , when Bro . J . Kitt S . W . was elected as Worshipful Master , VV . Bro . G . Bignell P . M . as Treasurer , Bro . W . II . Phillips as
Tyler . Tho Lodge , after a long evening ' s work , including all the degrees , voted an annual subscription of ono guinea to tho Devon Masonic Edncational Fnnd ; and , by tho unanimous wish of tho Lodge , V . W . Bro . S . Jew P . M . consented to act as the Charity Steward for this Institution .
York Lodge , 230 . —A meeting was held at York , on Monday , 5 th December , for the election of Master . The unanimous vote of the brethren fell upon Bro . J . Sykes Rymer S . W ., who thanked the brethren for their mark of confidence . Bro . J . Todd P . M . was
unanimously re-elected to the office of Treasurer , ancl Bro . Calvert was re-elected Tyler . The ceremony of installation will bo performed by Bro . J . Todd P . M ., ou Monday-next , at four p . m ., after which there will be a banquet , for which we understand there are a goodly number of acceptances .
Pomfret Lodge , No . 360 . —A meeting was helclon Thursday ,. 1 st instant , at the Masonic Buildings , Abiugton-street , Northampton George Ellard W . M ., John Bingley S . W ., F . Jairs J . W ., B . Wilkins D . P . G . M . Treasurer , George Robinson P . M . Sec , J . J . Hart S . D ., H . W . Parker acting J . D ., J . T . Green P . M . D . C , J . Sadler I . G .,
J . U . Stanton P . M ., E . Haynes Stewards •. C . Dean , W . Kit-by Tylers j P . M . ' s Bros . M . A . Boemo , J . Kellett , R . Howes , & e . After preliminaries , Bro . R . C . Nunn was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . John Bingley was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year . The sum of five guineas was voted to a brother who ia Buffering from ill health .
Polish National Lodge , No . 534 . —There was a numerously attended meeting of this Lodge at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Qneen-streefc , on Thursday , 8 th instant , when the members met noder tbe presidency of Dr . Corrie Jackson W . M ., who was supported by Bros . Lancaster S . W ., Smith J . W ., Runtz S . D ., Bioling J . D ., Day I . G ., Tongue D . C , and Davis Tyler . Lodge was opened in due
form shortly after five o clock . A ballot was taken for Dr . W . H . Pardee , M . D . ( who was proposed by Dr . Jackson W . M ., seconded by Bro . Paas Secretary ) ; this proved to bo unanimous in favour of thy candidate , who being in attendance , was duly initiated by the W . M ., ¦ who acquitted himself equally as well as he had previously done in tbe ceremony of raising Bro . Jonah Fowakowski , son of the respected
Treasurer . Both ceremonies were rendered by the W . M ., who was ably assisted by his Officers , in a most impressive and correct manner . Ballot was taken for Bro . E . Bowley , Lebanon Lodge , No . 1326 , Secretary British Empire Mutual Life Assurance Company , who was proposed as a joining member by Bro . J . J . Runtz S . D ., seconded by Bro . George R . Foster ; this likewise proved to be unanimous . After the Committee , which consisted of the W . M ., Treasurer , aud Secretary ,
bad banded in their report as to the purchase of new furniture , and some formal business had been transacted , Lodge was closed , and the brethren retired to the banqnettiug room . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . The health of the Initiate was proposed , and responded to by him in a few well-chosen terms . The brethren separated and departed for home in good time . There were several visitors present , who stated they had passed a most enjoyable evening .
Wellington Lodge , No . 548 . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge took place on Wednesday evening , 13 th inst ., under the gavel of the W . M . Bro . S . P . Catterson . There was a good muster of the brethren , with the following visitors : — Bros . Magnus Ohren P . A . G . D . C . England , Dr . V . Jagielski I . P . M . Polish National , 534 ; B . P . Holditcb . and H . Cooper , Old Concord , 172 ; W . Eaton ,
Soutbwark , 689 ; J . Woollacott , Peckham , 869 ; J . Backland , Welchpool , 998 ; H . J . Tallantire , Blackheath , 1320 ; Thomas Nnnn , Chislehnrst , 1531 . Bro , T . E . Must' ) was passed to the second decree . W . Fieldson S . W . was duly appointed W . M . elect , and received the congratulations of the brethren . P . ro . J . J . West was again elected to tho post of Treasurer , and Bro . Goddard to that of Tyler . After the namin "
of the brethren for the Audit and Benevolent Fund Committees , one of the most pleasant and enjoyable scenes took place that ever characterised the proceedings of the Wellington Lodge . Bro . E . J . B . Bumstead has been its Secretary for twenty years , and so well has he discharged his duties that it was thought the time had arrived when his valuable services , his unwearied labours , and self devotion
should receive some recognition . A committee was formed , and although only members of the Lodge were permitted to subscribe , a sum was g oon collected large enough to purchase a splendid silver tea and coffee service . This was accompanied with an address , elegantly engrossed by Bro . Nnnn , of Ironmongor-Iane , framed and mounted with much taste and beauty by Bro . Saegartt , who is an old and very
much respected P . M . of the Lodge . Bro . Wakefield P . M ., wln > pre . ceded Bro . Bumatcnrl in tho chair , over twenty years ago , addressed tho brethren at some length , tracing tho history of tho Lodge and detailing the labours of tho Secretary , who through good and ill report had worked steadily on , with the result they now saw—of being a strong , healthy , and happy family . Tho brethren were taken
by surprise by Bro . Wakefield ' s speech , which though homely was to the purpose and from tho heart . Tho W . M . made the presentation in a very kind and pithy speech . Bro . Bumstead was evidentl y overcome , ancl his manner the tone of his voice conveyed more than any words could do . The whole proceedings were marked by deep earnestness , and a sincere desire to pay honour to a brother who
Notices Of Meetings.
had deserved so well of the Lodge . A banquet followed , which did credit to the catering of Bro . Morgan , and the brethren enjoyed a few honrs together iu social intercourse . Many speeches were made , Bro . Magnus Ohren responding for the Grand Officers , and Bro .
Jagielski for tho Visitors . Tho last-named brother spoke very eloquently , and met with a very cordial reception . The meeting will be remembered as a pleasant one , for never were brethren more united in giving honour to whom honour was dno , aud never was testimonial more worthily bestowed .
Boyal Union Lodge of Instruction , No . 382 . —On the 12 th inst ., at the Chequers Hotel , Oxbridge . Present—Bros . T . Brooks W . M ., Eowles S . W ., Cotton J . W ., Nicholson S . D ., F . Botley J . D ., Gray I . G ., Daffin Tyler . After tho Lodge had been duly opened , tho minutes were read and signed . Bro . Tucker
Preceptor rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . iaplin being tbe candidate . Bro . Andrews P . M ., with the assistance of tho brethren , worked the third section of the first section . After a call off , Bro . Andrews gave the explanation of tho first tracing board in a very impressive manner . Bro . Bowles S . W . was elected to fill the chair at the next meeting . Lodge was then closed .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held at Bro . Smyth's , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , 13 th inst . Present—Bros . Wardell W . M ., Boyce S . W ., Allen J . W ., Glass S . D ., Catling J . D ., T . Clark I . G ., F . Can- Secretary , Christian Preceptor ; also llros . Jones , Robinson , Smyth , Dignam , Greenwood , Job , Edwards , Nash , F . W . Jones , & e . Lodge was opened in dne form , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and
confirmed . Bro . Dignam was interrogated ancl entrusted . Lodge was opened in the second degree and Bro . Dignam was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Christian gave the lecture on the tracing board , and the W . M . worked tho first section of the leotnre , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was opened in the third degree , and regularly closed to the first . Bro . Allen worked the first and second sections of the lecture . Bro . Boyce was elected W . M . for the ensuing week .
. Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —The regular weekly meeting took place at Bro . Pavitt ' s , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , on Tuesday last . Bro . Howe W . M ., assisted by Bros . Eawe S . W ., Willonghby J . W ., Johnson S . D ., Day J . D ., Winterton I . G ., Smith acting Preveptor , Ives acting Secretary , & c . Lodge opened ,
and the minutes of the preuious meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Byford candidate . Bro . S . Perritt , St . Andrew's Lodge , No . 465 , was elected a member of this Lodge of Instruction , Bro . Rawo was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge took place at York , on Monday last , when there was an nn . usually large attendance of brethren . The W . M . ( Bro . George Simpson ) ocenpied tbe chair , and was supported by Bros . J . T . Seller I . P . M ., T . B . Whytehead P . M ., George Balmford P . M . Treasurer , P . G . Padel P . M . Secretary , J . S . Cumberland P . M ., J . Kay S . W .,
M . Millington J . W ., and a full muster of members and visitors . Amongst the latter were brethren from the York Lodge 236 ; from Leeds , Gainsborough , and other places . After the reading of the minutes , a successful ballot was taken for a candidate , and Mr . Mennell was introduced , and initiated , the whole of the work being performed by the W . M . Bro . Whytehead presented to the Lodge , on
behalf of Bro . W . J . Hughan P . G . D ., a copy of the Bye-Laws of the Apollo Lodge , Oxford . Bro . J . S . Cumberland presented a hand , somely framed copy of Bro . James Stevens' lately published Masonic Chart of England , a most nseful work , and one that should be on the walls of every Masonic Hall . He also presented on behalf of Bro . Lake { Freemason ) , an old Masonic Token , struck on the occasion of the election of the Prince of Wales as Grand Master in 1790 , and on
behalf of Bro . W . W . Morgan ( Freemason ' s Chronicle ) a large bronze medal , si ruck in commemoration of tho installation of the Prince of Wales as Grand Master in 1875 . Bro . Cumberland also gave to tbe Lodge library a bound copy of " Tho Proceedings at the British Association Eeception at York . " A candidate for Masonry was pro . posed , and the Lodge was closed . The brethren afterwards met at refreshment , when a number of toasts wore honoured , and a most pleasant musical evening was passed .
FREEMAN'SCHLORODYNE. The Original and only true . J $ jj $$ J ! fafs ** T 1 UNDREDS of Medical Practitioners testify to $ J $ ^ $ ! JWBB - * " * its marvel ' eflicac . y in immediately relieving and iH §^?^»» Hp rapidly curing Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Neural-WS t ! j " ' Spasms , Colic , Whooping Cough , ancl all Nerve Pnins . W E M J E » H _ ^^ **¦ ' "k 0 a charm in Diarrhoea , and is the only specific in ^ 58 ^^ f J &^ S ( Bt Cholera and Dysentery . It rapidly relieves pain , from what' " ftADE MARK- evci" causc , soothes and strengthens the system under exhaustitig diseases , and gives quiet ancl refreshing sleep . Lord Chancellor Selhorne , Lord Justice James . L- » rd Justice Hellish decided in favour of FREEMAN'S OUKiLVAIi CHLOKODYNK . and against Brown und Davenport , compelling them to pay all costs in the suits . Sec Timet of July 2-lth , l-s 73 . liottlcs Is ljd , 2 s !) d , Is fid , lis , and 20 s . Sold by all Chemists . TKSTIMONI . U . S . —Heart Quarter Staff , Calml , "May . list , 1980 . Mr . R . Frceimn , Dear Sir , —It is with mu h pleasure I am able tostiito that your ''hlorodyne has been of special service to me in alleviating the wearisome spasm-sol' Afthma , which is here existent in an aggravated form . Many of my patients now come and bog mo to give then that medicine which always relieves them , sr-rt which I need hardly sav is your Chlorodync . Yours faithfully , CIMHT . KS W . Ovrux , L . B . C . P . Loo ., 1 I . K . C . S . Kng ., the Divisional Head Quarter Stall and Civil Surgeon , Calm ! . The Times , August 13 ih , 1 . 977 . From our own Correspondent with the Russian \ rniy . Okoura , July 2 f > th . 1877 . The want of sanitary arrangements in the Russian Camp was dreadful , and had we remain d there a few weeks I onger , dysentery and typhoid fever wonld have played more havoc in our ranks than the bombs of the Turks . I myself acquired an unenviable reputation as a doctor , owing to my Uo . iog \ vrovwiwl w \ Ui a smaV . bottteof CHliOHODYNE , with which I effected miraculous cures .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Fortitude Lodge , No . 105 . —The election meeting of this Lodge was held ou Tuesday , at the Hnyslie Masonic Temple , Plymouth , when Bro . J . Kitt S . W . was elected as Worshipful Master , VV . Bro . G . Bignell P . M . as Treasurer , Bro . W . II . Phillips as
Tyler . Tho Lodge , after a long evening ' s work , including all the degrees , voted an annual subscription of ono guinea to tho Devon Masonic Edncational Fnnd ; and , by tho unanimous wish of tho Lodge , V . W . Bro . S . Jew P . M . consented to act as the Charity Steward for this Institution .
York Lodge , 230 . —A meeting was held at York , on Monday , 5 th December , for the election of Master . The unanimous vote of the brethren fell upon Bro . J . Sykes Rymer S . W ., who thanked the brethren for their mark of confidence . Bro . J . Todd P . M . was
unanimously re-elected to the office of Treasurer , ancl Bro . Calvert was re-elected Tyler . The ceremony of installation will bo performed by Bro . J . Todd P . M ., ou Monday-next , at four p . m ., after which there will be a banquet , for which we understand there are a goodly number of acceptances .
Pomfret Lodge , No . 360 . —A meeting was helclon Thursday ,. 1 st instant , at the Masonic Buildings , Abiugton-street , Northampton George Ellard W . M ., John Bingley S . W ., F . Jairs J . W ., B . Wilkins D . P . G . M . Treasurer , George Robinson P . M . Sec , J . J . Hart S . D ., H . W . Parker acting J . D ., J . T . Green P . M . D . C , J . Sadler I . G .,
J . U . Stanton P . M ., E . Haynes Stewards •. C . Dean , W . Kit-by Tylers j P . M . ' s Bros . M . A . Boemo , J . Kellett , R . Howes , & e . After preliminaries , Bro . R . C . Nunn was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . John Bingley was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year . The sum of five guineas was voted to a brother who ia Buffering from ill health .
Polish National Lodge , No . 534 . —There was a numerously attended meeting of this Lodge at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Qneen-streefc , on Thursday , 8 th instant , when the members met noder tbe presidency of Dr . Corrie Jackson W . M ., who was supported by Bros . Lancaster S . W ., Smith J . W ., Runtz S . D ., Bioling J . D ., Day I . G ., Tongue D . C , and Davis Tyler . Lodge was opened in due
form shortly after five o clock . A ballot was taken for Dr . W . H . Pardee , M . D . ( who was proposed by Dr . Jackson W . M ., seconded by Bro . Paas Secretary ) ; this proved to bo unanimous in favour of thy candidate , who being in attendance , was duly initiated by the W . M ., ¦ who acquitted himself equally as well as he had previously done in tbe ceremony of raising Bro . Jonah Fowakowski , son of the respected
Treasurer . Both ceremonies were rendered by the W . M ., who was ably assisted by his Officers , in a most impressive and correct manner . Ballot was taken for Bro . E . Bowley , Lebanon Lodge , No . 1326 , Secretary British Empire Mutual Life Assurance Company , who was proposed as a joining member by Bro . J . J . Runtz S . D ., seconded by Bro . George R . Foster ; this likewise proved to be unanimous . After the Committee , which consisted of the W . M ., Treasurer , aud Secretary ,
bad banded in their report as to the purchase of new furniture , and some formal business had been transacted , Lodge was closed , and the brethren retired to the banqnettiug room . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . The health of the Initiate was proposed , and responded to by him in a few well-chosen terms . The brethren separated and departed for home in good time . There were several visitors present , who stated they had passed a most enjoyable evening .
Wellington Lodge , No . 548 . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge took place on Wednesday evening , 13 th inst ., under the gavel of the W . M . Bro . S . P . Catterson . There was a good muster of the brethren , with the following visitors : — Bros . Magnus Ohren P . A . G . D . C . England , Dr . V . Jagielski I . P . M . Polish National , 534 ; B . P . Holditcb . and H . Cooper , Old Concord , 172 ; W . Eaton ,
Soutbwark , 689 ; J . Woollacott , Peckham , 869 ; J . Backland , Welchpool , 998 ; H . J . Tallantire , Blackheath , 1320 ; Thomas Nnnn , Chislehnrst , 1531 . Bro , T . E . Must' ) was passed to the second decree . W . Fieldson S . W . was duly appointed W . M . elect , and received the congratulations of the brethren . P . ro . J . J . West was again elected to tho post of Treasurer , and Bro . Goddard to that of Tyler . After the namin "
of the brethren for the Audit and Benevolent Fund Committees , one of the most pleasant and enjoyable scenes took place that ever characterised the proceedings of the Wellington Lodge . Bro . E . J . B . Bumstead has been its Secretary for twenty years , and so well has he discharged his duties that it was thought the time had arrived when his valuable services , his unwearied labours , and self devotion
should receive some recognition . A committee was formed , and although only members of the Lodge were permitted to subscribe , a sum was g oon collected large enough to purchase a splendid silver tea and coffee service . This was accompanied with an address , elegantly engrossed by Bro . Nnnn , of Ironmongor-Iane , framed and mounted with much taste and beauty by Bro . Saegartt , who is an old and very
much respected P . M . of the Lodge . Bro . Wakefield P . M ., wln > pre . ceded Bro . Bumatcnrl in tho chair , over twenty years ago , addressed tho brethren at some length , tracing tho history of tho Lodge and detailing the labours of tho Secretary , who through good and ill report had worked steadily on , with the result they now saw—of being a strong , healthy , and happy family . Tho brethren were taken
by surprise by Bro . Wakefield ' s speech , which though homely was to the purpose and from tho heart . Tho W . M . made the presentation in a very kind and pithy speech . Bro . Bumstead was evidentl y overcome , ancl his manner the tone of his voice conveyed more than any words could do . The whole proceedings were marked by deep earnestness , and a sincere desire to pay honour to a brother who
Notices Of Meetings.
had deserved so well of the Lodge . A banquet followed , which did credit to the catering of Bro . Morgan , and the brethren enjoyed a few honrs together iu social intercourse . Many speeches were made , Bro . Magnus Ohren responding for the Grand Officers , and Bro .
Jagielski for tho Visitors . Tho last-named brother spoke very eloquently , and met with a very cordial reception . The meeting will be remembered as a pleasant one , for never were brethren more united in giving honour to whom honour was dno , aud never was testimonial more worthily bestowed .
Boyal Union Lodge of Instruction , No . 382 . —On the 12 th inst ., at the Chequers Hotel , Oxbridge . Present—Bros . T . Brooks W . M ., Eowles S . W ., Cotton J . W ., Nicholson S . D ., F . Botley J . D ., Gray I . G ., Daffin Tyler . After tho Lodge had been duly opened , tho minutes were read and signed . Bro . Tucker
Preceptor rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . iaplin being tbe candidate . Bro . Andrews P . M ., with the assistance of tho brethren , worked the third section of the first section . After a call off , Bro . Andrews gave the explanation of tho first tracing board in a very impressive manner . Bro . Bowles S . W . was elected to fill the chair at the next meeting . Lodge was then closed .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held at Bro . Smyth's , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , 13 th inst . Present—Bros . Wardell W . M ., Boyce S . W ., Allen J . W ., Glass S . D ., Catling J . D ., T . Clark I . G ., F . Can- Secretary , Christian Preceptor ; also llros . Jones , Robinson , Smyth , Dignam , Greenwood , Job , Edwards , Nash , F . W . Jones , & e . Lodge was opened in dne form , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and
confirmed . Bro . Dignam was interrogated ancl entrusted . Lodge was opened in the second degree and Bro . Dignam was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Christian gave the lecture on the tracing board , and the W . M . worked tho first section of the leotnre , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was opened in the third degree , and regularly closed to the first . Bro . Allen worked the first and second sections of the lecture . Bro . Boyce was elected W . M . for the ensuing week .
. Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —The regular weekly meeting took place at Bro . Pavitt ' s , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , on Tuesday last . Bro . Howe W . M ., assisted by Bros . Eawe S . W ., Willonghby J . W ., Johnson S . D ., Day J . D ., Winterton I . G ., Smith acting Preveptor , Ives acting Secretary , & c . Lodge opened ,
and the minutes of the preuious meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Byford candidate . Bro . S . Perritt , St . Andrew's Lodge , No . 465 , was elected a member of this Lodge of Instruction , Bro . Rawo was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge took place at York , on Monday last , when there was an nn . usually large attendance of brethren . The W . M . ( Bro . George Simpson ) ocenpied tbe chair , and was supported by Bros . J . T . Seller I . P . M ., T . B . Whytehead P . M ., George Balmford P . M . Treasurer , P . G . Padel P . M . Secretary , J . S . Cumberland P . M ., J . Kay S . W .,
M . Millington J . W ., and a full muster of members and visitors . Amongst the latter were brethren from the York Lodge 236 ; from Leeds , Gainsborough , and other places . After the reading of the minutes , a successful ballot was taken for a candidate , and Mr . Mennell was introduced , and initiated , the whole of the work being performed by the W . M . Bro . Whytehead presented to the Lodge , on
behalf of Bro . W . J . Hughan P . G . D ., a copy of the Bye-Laws of the Apollo Lodge , Oxford . Bro . J . S . Cumberland presented a hand , somely framed copy of Bro . James Stevens' lately published Masonic Chart of England , a most nseful work , and one that should be on the walls of every Masonic Hall . He also presented on behalf of Bro . Lake { Freemason ) , an old Masonic Token , struck on the occasion of the election of the Prince of Wales as Grand Master in 1790 , and on
behalf of Bro . W . W . Morgan ( Freemason ' s Chronicle ) a large bronze medal , si ruck in commemoration of tho installation of the Prince of Wales as Grand Master in 1875 . Bro . Cumberland also gave to tbe Lodge library a bound copy of " Tho Proceedings at the British Association Eeception at York . " A candidate for Masonry was pro . posed , and the Lodge was closed . The brethren afterwards met at refreshment , when a number of toasts wore honoured , and a most pleasant musical evening was passed .
FREEMAN'SCHLORODYNE. The Original and only true . J $ jj $$ J ! fafs ** T 1 UNDREDS of Medical Practitioners testify to $ J $ ^ $ ! JWBB - * " * its marvel ' eflicac . y in immediately relieving and iH §^?^»» Hp rapidly curing Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Neural-WS t ! j " ' Spasms , Colic , Whooping Cough , ancl all Nerve Pnins . W E M J E » H _ ^^ **¦ ' "k 0 a charm in Diarrhoea , and is the only specific in ^ 58 ^^ f J &^ S ( Bt Cholera and Dysentery . It rapidly relieves pain , from what' " ftADE MARK- evci" causc , soothes and strengthens the system under exhaustitig diseases , and gives quiet ancl refreshing sleep . Lord Chancellor Selhorne , Lord Justice James . L- » rd Justice Hellish decided in favour of FREEMAN'S OUKiLVAIi CHLOKODYNK . and against Brown und Davenport , compelling them to pay all costs in the suits . Sec Timet of July 2-lth , l-s 73 . liottlcs Is ljd , 2 s !) d , Is fid , lis , and 20 s . Sold by all Chemists . TKSTIMONI . U . S . —Heart Quarter Staff , Calml , "May . list , 1980 . Mr . R . Frceimn , Dear Sir , —It is with mu h pleasure I am able tostiito that your ''hlorodyne has been of special service to me in alleviating the wearisome spasm-sol' Afthma , which is here existent in an aggravated form . Many of my patients now come and bog mo to give then that medicine which always relieves them , sr-rt which I need hardly sav is your Chlorodync . Yours faithfully , CIMHT . KS W . Ovrux , L . B . C . P . Loo ., 1 I . K . C . S . Kng ., the Divisional Head Quarter Stall and Civil Surgeon , Calm ! . The Times , August 13 ih , 1 . 977 . From our own Correspondent with the Russian \ rniy . Okoura , July 2 f > th . 1877 . The want of sanitary arrangements in the Russian Camp was dreadful , and had we remain d there a few weeks I onger , dysentery and typhoid fever wonld have played more havoc in our ranks than the bombs of the Turks . I myself acquired an unenviable reputation as a doctor , owing to my Uo . iog \ vrovwiwl w \ Ui a smaV . bottteof CHliOHODYNE , with which I effected miraculous cures .