Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article FALCON LODGE. No. 1416 Page 1 of 1 Article ST. AMBROSE LODGE, No. 1891 Page 1 of 2 Article ST. AMBROSE LODGE, No. 1891 Page 1 of 2 →
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Installation Meetings, &C.
MOIRA LODGE , No . 02 . rnilK Annual Festivals of this Lodge are usually held on the 9 th » if December , tho date of tho birth of tho distinguished brother after Avhoni the Lodge is named , and who was for many years its patron . To celebrate this auspicious event , on Friday , tho Oth inst ., tho Lixh'o met at tho Albion , Aldersgate-street , at five o'clock , when
the members entertained tho following distinguished Visitors : — Bios . 11 . D . Sandeman 1 ' . District G . M . Bengal , Col . Creaton Grand Treasurer , Col . Shad well H . Gierke Grand Secretary , S . Peirco G . D ., Thomas Fenn P . G . D ., Barron P . G . D ., Case P . G . D ., H . Smith P . P . G . Chaplain Leicestershire and Rutland , Kerr Prov . G . R . Gloucester , Dubois P . Prov . G . W . Middx ., tho Hon . C . T . Agar Robartes , M . P .,
Gooding 1 P . G . S ., Stillwcll 1 . Meadows P . M . 4 P . G . S ., Wild W . M . !>( •» , Riseley 103 , Wilkinson 145 , Johnston P . M . 117 , Phillips 166 , Bay lev ISO , Spctli P . M . 1 S 3 , W . W . Morgan Sec . 211 , Ramsay 259 , Daley 270 , Dumbleton 357 , Finch 401 and 7 S 0 , Kurm P . M . 570 , Elgood 871 , Edo 874 , Breanski 800 , Norbury 1118 , Rushlield 11 . 95 , Dent 1506 , Hughes 1556 , Hubbard 1701 , Smart Urban Lodge . The customary
requirements in opening the Lodge having been satisfied , tho ceremony of installing Bio . Auldjo as W . M . for tho new year was carried out in accordance with ancient usage , and congratulations having been offered , and tho Officers appointed and invested , Lodge was closed , and the brethren sat down to dinner . In due course , the usual list of toasts Avas honoured , that of the Grand Officers being
acknowledged by Bro . Sandeman P . D . G . Master Bengal . Bro . Dr . Gooding P . G . S . replied for the Visitors . On Bro . Andrew I . P . M . devolved , of course , the pleasant duty of proposing tho health of the W . M . In doing so , he spoke in terms of well-merited praise of the manner in which Bro . Auldjo , who was initiated in the Lodge , bad fulfilled hi * duties heretofore , and ho anticipated from his experience
of Bro . Auldjo's zeal and ability , that his year of Mastership would prove to be a most successful one . After a brief but appropriate reply frcm the W . M ., Bio . Gould gave the" Pious Memory of the Earl of Moira" —Marquis of Hastings . Bro . Gould , in the course of his speech , delineated the career of tho distinguished nobleman and Mason , AVIIO , on a memorable occasion in tho year 1813 , had been
described by the late Duke of Sussex G . M ., as " tho Friend of his Prince , of his Country , and of Man . " Ho enumerated the great and important services he had rendered to his Sovereign as soldier and statesman , and what to tho Lodge was necessarily far more interesting , his arduous and successful labours in bebalf of Masonry . This ,
the toast of the evening , was drunk in solemn silence . We must not conclude this brief account without bestowing a word of praise on tho musical arrangements , of which Bro . Laivler had the direction , and to which Miss Matilda Roby , Bro . Schartau , Bro . Lawler , and Mr . Trelawny Cobham most effectively contributed .
Falcon Lodge. No. 1416
FALCON LODGE . No . 1416
rpHE installation meeting of this Lodge took place on Thursday , -1 the 8 th December , in the Masonic Hall , Thirsk . The Lodge was opened at two p . m . by Bro . W . Hall W . M ., and the minutes were confirmed . The chair was then taken by Bro . T . B . Whytehead P . M ., who appointed Bro . the Rev . W . C . Lnkis P . M . S . W ., and Bro . J . S . Cumberland J . W ., mid proceeded to open the Lodge in the second degree . Tho W . M . eleel , Bro . Charles Grecr . sidcs , was then presented
by the outgoing W . M ., and the installation ceremony Avas proceeded with . The Lodge having been opened in the third degree the Master Masons retired , and a Board of Installed Masters was opened in full form , and Bro . Greonsides was placed in the chair of U . S ., saluted and greeted , and the Board closed . The usual salutes and greetings in the three degrees Avere given , and the working tools , & c ,
presented by tho Installing Master . The appointment of Officers then took place , the addresses on investment being given by Bro . Rev . W . C . Lukis P . M . The final charges wore given by the Installing Master , mid Lodge was closed , with hearty good wishes . Amongst the Visitors present were Bros . G . Simpson W . M . 1611 , R . S . Palleser W . M . 1337 , F . Smith W . M . 837 , A . S . Davies 337 , J . S . Ivesoii 837 ,
F . Barroby 837 . W . If . Conochie 837 , J . Nettleton 1337 . Amongst the members of the Lodge present were W . Coltman P . M ., G . Ay re P . M ., J . S . Walton P . M ., Charles Elsly , J . P ., J . H . Buchanan , M . D ., & c . The following is a list of tho Officers appointed : —W . Hall I . l ' . M ., Reginald Bell , J . P ., S . W ., James Walton J . W ., Rev . C . E . Camidge P . M . Chaplain , T . J . Wilkinson Treasurer , F . R . Hansell Secretary ,
/ . Wright S . D ., II . Longford J . D ., H . Smith M . C ., J . T . Hansell Organist , A . W . Cass I . G ., W . Coltman P . M . and H . Smith Stewards , C . Kipling Preceptor , J . S . Farmery Tyler . The brethren and their Visitors afterwards met at a splendid banquet at the Fleece Hotel , when the usual toasts were given and a pleasant evening passed .
St. Ambrose Lodge, No. 1891
ST . AMBROSE LODGE , No . 1891
rPIIK gold and the purple of Grand Officorship that mustered in ¦ * - force at tho above Lodge on the 12 th inst ., and tho host of the Earl ' s Court Hotel , W ' eM . Kensington , must have wished his hostelry had been built on the expanding principle , from tho number of the brethren who au-peml . led there to do honour to tho Installation of
Pro . D . F . l . nmsny , M . D ., P . P . G . W . Middx ., when that worthy brother was placed in the chair of K S . On this occasion the Board of Masters consisted of the following brethren : —Bros . Sir F . Burdett P . G . M . Middx ., If . T ) . Sandeman F . D . G . M . Bengal , Giddv P . P . D . G . M .
fii ' iqualand , Her . R . . 1 . Simpson P . O . Chaplain honorary member , Col . Shad well Gierke G . S ., Lieutenant Colonel Somerville BUM ey G . D . ( member ) , Fi-nn P . G . i ) ., Colonel Philips P . G . D ., Rnynham Stewart P . G . D ., Frank Richardson P . G . D ., J . L . ' Thomas
St. Ambrose Lodge, No. 1891
P . G . D . C , Binckes Secretary Boys' School , Brierly P . P . G . D ., II . E . Frances honorary member P . P . G . D . Surrey , W . H . Smith P . M . Treasurer , T . Holland P . M . Secretary , C . W . Tayleur P . M . member , C . J . Foakes P . M . member , Casey P . M . 33 Ireland , Gladwell W . M . 172 , Egan P . M . 858 , Rnf P . M . 12 , Rolls P . M . 27 , Hoadly P . M . 172 , Cordingley W . M . 45 , Mnrlis P . M . 1642 , Pocock ,
M . P ., S . W . ( member ) , G . Marshall P . M . ( member ) . On tho readmission of the brethren , tbe following members and visitors greeted the new Master , viz . Members- -Bros . Mallet Jones Organist , Becket , Hill , Beckley , Bruce , Ronnie , F . Quartormaine Smiles , F . T . Cater , G . Edwardes , Harris Carpenter , Fletcher Jones , G . Mastel , Perry , Morlet , S . Kar , Lichtwit / ., C . Godfrey , C . D . Philpott , Giffs .
Visitors—Bros . Peacock 857 , Whittakor 1 ( 548 , Gostrell 246 , Bargoter 182 S , Hall 859 , Cook 259 , Outre 158 . Tho ceremony of Installation was ably performed by tho outgoing Master , the Very Worshipful Bro . Rev . Ambrose Hall Grand Chaplain , who had previously to tho Installation of Bro . Ramsay duly initiated the Rev . W . F . Bruce , B . A ., and raised Bro . Bruce Rennie to the degree of M . M . These
ceremonies were most impressively rendered by Bro . Hall , and were augmented in their effect by tho admirable organ accompaniments of Bro . Mallet Jones . The three addresses of the installation ceremony were well delivered by tho retiring S . W . Bro . Col . Somerville Burney G . D . The Officers were appointed and invested , and the W . M . then , in the name of tho Lodge , presented Bro . Hall
with a superb Grand Officer s regalia and jewel , which had been subscribed for by tho Officers of this Lodge . In a few simple words , and with much feeling , Bro . Hall thanked the brethren for their kind present . The Lodge Avas then closed . A very handsome banner , ( painted by Bro . H . E . Frances ) , the gift of Bro . Hall , Avas displayed in the Lodge , and was much admired . At the Banquet , Bro . Sir F . Burdett returned thanks for the Grand Officers , Bro . Fenn P . G . D .
for tho Visitors . A telling and most sensible speech from the W . M ., on behalf of the Charities , elicited a fitting reply from Bro . Binckes . The W . M ., in proposing the Officers , reminded them of the Lodge of Instruction formed at the bouse , under the able guidance of Bro . Frances , who advised them to avail themselves of his instruction . Some excellent singing , by Bros . Qnarterrnayne Smiles , Morley , and Mallet Jones , added much to the pleasure of the evening .
St . John's Lodge , No . 70 . —At the meeting held on Tuesday , 6 th inst ., at the Hnyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth , Bro . James Griffen S . W . was unanimously elected Master for the ensuing year . W . Bro . L . D . Westcott P . M . P . P . G . S . Wks . was elected Treasurer and representative of the Lodge on the Committee of Petitions . W .
Bros . J . B . Gover , L . D . Westcott , W . Odam , Tout , and Griffen were appointed the Committee to represent the Lodge at the meeting of the Associated Lodges . It was also resolved to present a jewel to the retiring W . Master , the day selected for installation being Wednesday , 28 th instant , the banquet to take place the same day , at Bro . Watts ' s , Globe Hotel .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Held at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , on Saturday , the 10 th instant . Present—Bros . Wolf W . M ., Glass S . W ., Weeden J . W ., Pearcy Preceptor , Fenner Secretary , A . Ferrar S . D ., Catling J . D ., G . Ferrar I . G . ; also Bros . Houghton , Stroud , Gribbell , Fysh , Robinson , Parkes , E . Woodman , Killick jun ., and Wenborn . The minutes of last meeting were
read ancl confirmed . Bro Wolf vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Fenner . Bro . Wolf answered the usual questions satisfactorily , and was duly entrusted . Lodge opened in tbe second degree , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . The third section of the lecture was Avorked by Bro . Pearcy , assisted by the brethren . Bro . E . Wood
man answered the usual questions leading to tho third degree , and was entrusted . Lodge advanced to the third degree , when the ceremony of raising Avas rehearsed , Bro . Woodman being the candidate . Lodge resumed to tho first degree . Bro . Glass was duly elected to preside at tho next meeting , after which Lodge was closed and adjourned .
Royal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —On the 9 th December , ah the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge . Present—Bros . W . Goss ( P . M . ) W . M ., Tucker S . W . and Treasurer , Gomm ( P . M . ) J . W ., Blasby ( P . M . ) S . D ., C . C . Botley Secretary and J . D ., F . Botley I . G . ; Past Master Bro . E . II . Sugg ; Maton , Jefferys , Metcalfe . The Lodge was opened in due form , and minutes of last
meeting were read and coufirmed . The Lodge was opened in second and third degrees , and resumed to second , Avhen the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of passing . The questions leading to the third were asked , ancl tho Lodge having been resumed to that degree , tho ceremony of raising was rehearsed . Bro . G . Jefferys of Lodge 1089 was elected a member . Bro . Tucker was elected W . M . for lfitb
December , and the Hon . Secretary gave notice that he should move at the next meeting , that tho Lodge at its rising be adjournod over the Christmas Holidays . Tho Lodge was then closed according to ancient custom , and adjourned until 16 th December .
St . Peter ' s Lodge , No . 1024 . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , Maldon , on the Oth inst ., and was well attended . At the conclusion of the business , the brethren adjourned to the Blue Boar Hotel , whore the annual widgeon supper was held , there being a plentiful supply of birds , which were splendidly served by Mrs . Hick ford . Among those present were
W . Bros . D . J . Wright W . M ., H . J . Sansom P . M . and Treas . P . P . G . J . D ., F . G . Green P . M . and Sec . P . P . G . S . W ., W . Humphreys P . M . P . P . G . J . W ., E . Humphreys P . M . P . P . G . R ., T . Oldham P . M . P . P . G . U ., F . Freeman I . P . M . ; Bros , pdmund Gowcrs P . G . O ., H . Venn Ellis , A . H . Priddy , & c . The following visitors : —Bros . S . Shawyer E . C . 1500 , l . C . 730 , S . C . 1 .-15 , W . Strutt 697 , T . B . Ardlny 1224 , and 0 . Brown 1312 . A very pleasant evening was spent .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
MOIRA LODGE , No . 02 . rnilK Annual Festivals of this Lodge are usually held on the 9 th » if December , tho date of tho birth of tho distinguished brother after Avhoni the Lodge is named , and who was for many years its patron . To celebrate this auspicious event , on Friday , tho Oth inst ., tho Lixh'o met at tho Albion , Aldersgate-street , at five o'clock , when
the members entertained tho following distinguished Visitors : — Bios . 11 . D . Sandeman 1 ' . District G . M . Bengal , Col . Creaton Grand Treasurer , Col . Shad well H . Gierke Grand Secretary , S . Peirco G . D ., Thomas Fenn P . G . D ., Barron P . G . D ., Case P . G . D ., H . Smith P . P . G . Chaplain Leicestershire and Rutland , Kerr Prov . G . R . Gloucester , Dubois P . Prov . G . W . Middx ., tho Hon . C . T . Agar Robartes , M . P .,
Gooding 1 P . G . S ., Stillwcll 1 . Meadows P . M . 4 P . G . S ., Wild W . M . !>( •» , Riseley 103 , Wilkinson 145 , Johnston P . M . 117 , Phillips 166 , Bay lev ISO , Spctli P . M . 1 S 3 , W . W . Morgan Sec . 211 , Ramsay 259 , Daley 270 , Dumbleton 357 , Finch 401 and 7 S 0 , Kurm P . M . 570 , Elgood 871 , Edo 874 , Breanski 800 , Norbury 1118 , Rushlield 11 . 95 , Dent 1506 , Hughes 1556 , Hubbard 1701 , Smart Urban Lodge . The customary
requirements in opening the Lodge having been satisfied , tho ceremony of installing Bio . Auldjo as W . M . for tho new year was carried out in accordance with ancient usage , and congratulations having been offered , and tho Officers appointed and invested , Lodge was closed , and the brethren sat down to dinner . In due course , the usual list of toasts Avas honoured , that of the Grand Officers being
acknowledged by Bro . Sandeman P . D . G . Master Bengal . Bro . Dr . Gooding P . G . S . replied for the Visitors . On Bro . Andrew I . P . M . devolved , of course , the pleasant duty of proposing tho health of the W . M . In doing so , he spoke in terms of well-merited praise of the manner in which Bro . Auldjo , who was initiated in the Lodge , bad fulfilled hi * duties heretofore , and ho anticipated from his experience
of Bro . Auldjo's zeal and ability , that his year of Mastership would prove to be a most successful one . After a brief but appropriate reply frcm the W . M ., Bio . Gould gave the" Pious Memory of the Earl of Moira" —Marquis of Hastings . Bro . Gould , in the course of his speech , delineated the career of tho distinguished nobleman and Mason , AVIIO , on a memorable occasion in tho year 1813 , had been
described by the late Duke of Sussex G . M ., as " tho Friend of his Prince , of his Country , and of Man . " Ho enumerated the great and important services he had rendered to his Sovereign as soldier and statesman , and what to tho Lodge was necessarily far more interesting , his arduous and successful labours in bebalf of Masonry . This ,
the toast of the evening , was drunk in solemn silence . We must not conclude this brief account without bestowing a word of praise on tho musical arrangements , of which Bro . Laivler had the direction , and to which Miss Matilda Roby , Bro . Schartau , Bro . Lawler , and Mr . Trelawny Cobham most effectively contributed .
Falcon Lodge. No. 1416
FALCON LODGE . No . 1416
rpHE installation meeting of this Lodge took place on Thursday , -1 the 8 th December , in the Masonic Hall , Thirsk . The Lodge was opened at two p . m . by Bro . W . Hall W . M ., and the minutes were confirmed . The chair was then taken by Bro . T . B . Whytehead P . M ., who appointed Bro . the Rev . W . C . Lnkis P . M . S . W ., and Bro . J . S . Cumberland J . W ., mid proceeded to open the Lodge in the second degree . Tho W . M . eleel , Bro . Charles Grecr . sidcs , was then presented
by the outgoing W . M ., and the installation ceremony Avas proceeded with . The Lodge having been opened in the third degree the Master Masons retired , and a Board of Installed Masters was opened in full form , and Bro . Greonsides was placed in the chair of U . S ., saluted and greeted , and the Board closed . The usual salutes and greetings in the three degrees Avere given , and the working tools , & c ,
presented by tho Installing Master . The appointment of Officers then took place , the addresses on investment being given by Bro . Rev . W . C . Lukis P . M . The final charges wore given by the Installing Master , mid Lodge was closed , with hearty good wishes . Amongst the Visitors present were Bros . G . Simpson W . M . 1611 , R . S . Palleser W . M . 1337 , F . Smith W . M . 837 , A . S . Davies 337 , J . S . Ivesoii 837 ,
F . Barroby 837 . W . If . Conochie 837 , J . Nettleton 1337 . Amongst the members of the Lodge present were W . Coltman P . M ., G . Ay re P . M ., J . S . Walton P . M ., Charles Elsly , J . P ., J . H . Buchanan , M . D ., & c . The following is a list of tho Officers appointed : —W . Hall I . l ' . M ., Reginald Bell , J . P ., S . W ., James Walton J . W ., Rev . C . E . Camidge P . M . Chaplain , T . J . Wilkinson Treasurer , F . R . Hansell Secretary ,
/ . Wright S . D ., II . Longford J . D ., H . Smith M . C ., J . T . Hansell Organist , A . W . Cass I . G ., W . Coltman P . M . and H . Smith Stewards , C . Kipling Preceptor , J . S . Farmery Tyler . The brethren and their Visitors afterwards met at a splendid banquet at the Fleece Hotel , when the usual toasts were given and a pleasant evening passed .
St. Ambrose Lodge, No. 1891
ST . AMBROSE LODGE , No . 1891
rPIIK gold and the purple of Grand Officorship that mustered in ¦ * - force at tho above Lodge on the 12 th inst ., and tho host of the Earl ' s Court Hotel , W ' eM . Kensington , must have wished his hostelry had been built on the expanding principle , from tho number of the brethren who au-peml . led there to do honour to tho Installation of
Pro . D . F . l . nmsny , M . D ., P . P . G . W . Middx ., when that worthy brother was placed in the chair of K S . On this occasion the Board of Masters consisted of the following brethren : —Bros . Sir F . Burdett P . G . M . Middx ., If . T ) . Sandeman F . D . G . M . Bengal , Giddv P . P . D . G . M .
fii ' iqualand , Her . R . . 1 . Simpson P . O . Chaplain honorary member , Col . Shad well Gierke G . S ., Lieutenant Colonel Somerville BUM ey G . D . ( member ) , Fi-nn P . G . i ) ., Colonel Philips P . G . D ., Rnynham Stewart P . G . D ., Frank Richardson P . G . D ., J . L . ' Thomas
St. Ambrose Lodge, No. 1891
P . G . D . C , Binckes Secretary Boys' School , Brierly P . P . G . D ., II . E . Frances honorary member P . P . G . D . Surrey , W . H . Smith P . M . Treasurer , T . Holland P . M . Secretary , C . W . Tayleur P . M . member , C . J . Foakes P . M . member , Casey P . M . 33 Ireland , Gladwell W . M . 172 , Egan P . M . 858 , Rnf P . M . 12 , Rolls P . M . 27 , Hoadly P . M . 172 , Cordingley W . M . 45 , Mnrlis P . M . 1642 , Pocock ,
M . P ., S . W . ( member ) , G . Marshall P . M . ( member ) . On tho readmission of the brethren , tbe following members and visitors greeted the new Master , viz . Members- -Bros . Mallet Jones Organist , Becket , Hill , Beckley , Bruce , Ronnie , F . Quartormaine Smiles , F . T . Cater , G . Edwardes , Harris Carpenter , Fletcher Jones , G . Mastel , Perry , Morlet , S . Kar , Lichtwit / ., C . Godfrey , C . D . Philpott , Giffs .
Visitors—Bros . Peacock 857 , Whittakor 1 ( 548 , Gostrell 246 , Bargoter 182 S , Hall 859 , Cook 259 , Outre 158 . Tho ceremony of Installation was ably performed by tho outgoing Master , the Very Worshipful Bro . Rev . Ambrose Hall Grand Chaplain , who had previously to tho Installation of Bro . Ramsay duly initiated the Rev . W . F . Bruce , B . A ., and raised Bro . Bruce Rennie to the degree of M . M . These
ceremonies were most impressively rendered by Bro . Hall , and were augmented in their effect by tho admirable organ accompaniments of Bro . Mallet Jones . The three addresses of the installation ceremony were well delivered by tho retiring S . W . Bro . Col . Somerville Burney G . D . The Officers were appointed and invested , and the W . M . then , in the name of tho Lodge , presented Bro . Hall
with a superb Grand Officer s regalia and jewel , which had been subscribed for by tho Officers of this Lodge . In a few simple words , and with much feeling , Bro . Hall thanked the brethren for their kind present . The Lodge Avas then closed . A very handsome banner , ( painted by Bro . H . E . Frances ) , the gift of Bro . Hall , Avas displayed in the Lodge , and was much admired . At the Banquet , Bro . Sir F . Burdett returned thanks for the Grand Officers , Bro . Fenn P . G . D .
for tho Visitors . A telling and most sensible speech from the W . M ., on behalf of the Charities , elicited a fitting reply from Bro . Binckes . The W . M ., in proposing the Officers , reminded them of the Lodge of Instruction formed at the bouse , under the able guidance of Bro . Frances , who advised them to avail themselves of his instruction . Some excellent singing , by Bros . Qnarterrnayne Smiles , Morley , and Mallet Jones , added much to the pleasure of the evening .
St . John's Lodge , No . 70 . —At the meeting held on Tuesday , 6 th inst ., at the Hnyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth , Bro . James Griffen S . W . was unanimously elected Master for the ensuing year . W . Bro . L . D . Westcott P . M . P . P . G . S . Wks . was elected Treasurer and representative of the Lodge on the Committee of Petitions . W .
Bros . J . B . Gover , L . D . Westcott , W . Odam , Tout , and Griffen were appointed the Committee to represent the Lodge at the meeting of the Associated Lodges . It was also resolved to present a jewel to the retiring W . Master , the day selected for installation being Wednesday , 28 th instant , the banquet to take place the same day , at Bro . Watts ' s , Globe Hotel .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Held at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , on Saturday , the 10 th instant . Present—Bros . Wolf W . M ., Glass S . W ., Weeden J . W ., Pearcy Preceptor , Fenner Secretary , A . Ferrar S . D ., Catling J . D ., G . Ferrar I . G . ; also Bros . Houghton , Stroud , Gribbell , Fysh , Robinson , Parkes , E . Woodman , Killick jun ., and Wenborn . The minutes of last meeting were
read ancl confirmed . Bro Wolf vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Fenner . Bro . Wolf answered the usual questions satisfactorily , and was duly entrusted . Lodge opened in tbe second degree , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . The third section of the lecture was Avorked by Bro . Pearcy , assisted by the brethren . Bro . E . Wood
man answered the usual questions leading to tho third degree , and was entrusted . Lodge advanced to the third degree , when the ceremony of raising Avas rehearsed , Bro . Woodman being the candidate . Lodge resumed to tho first degree . Bro . Glass was duly elected to preside at tho next meeting , after which Lodge was closed and adjourned .
Royal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —On the 9 th December , ah the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge . Present—Bros . W . Goss ( P . M . ) W . M ., Tucker S . W . and Treasurer , Gomm ( P . M . ) J . W ., Blasby ( P . M . ) S . D ., C . C . Botley Secretary and J . D ., F . Botley I . G . ; Past Master Bro . E . II . Sugg ; Maton , Jefferys , Metcalfe . The Lodge was opened in due form , and minutes of last
meeting were read and coufirmed . The Lodge was opened in second and third degrees , and resumed to second , Avhen the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of passing . The questions leading to the third were asked , ancl tho Lodge having been resumed to that degree , tho ceremony of raising was rehearsed . Bro . G . Jefferys of Lodge 1089 was elected a member . Bro . Tucker was elected W . M . for lfitb
December , and the Hon . Secretary gave notice that he should move at the next meeting , that tho Lodge at its rising be adjournod over the Christmas Holidays . Tho Lodge was then closed according to ancient custom , and adjourned until 16 th December .
St . Peter ' s Lodge , No . 1024 . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , Maldon , on the Oth inst ., and was well attended . At the conclusion of the business , the brethren adjourned to the Blue Boar Hotel , whore the annual widgeon supper was held , there being a plentiful supply of birds , which were splendidly served by Mrs . Hick ford . Among those present were
W . Bros . D . J . Wright W . M ., H . J . Sansom P . M . and Treas . P . P . G . J . D ., F . G . Green P . M . and Sec . P . P . G . S . W ., W . Humphreys P . M . P . P . G . J . W ., E . Humphreys P . M . P . P . G . R ., T . Oldham P . M . P . P . G . U ., F . Freeman I . P . M . ; Bros , pdmund Gowcrs P . G . O ., H . Venn Ellis , A . H . Priddy , & c . The following visitors : —Bros . S . Shawyer E . C . 1500 , l . C . 730 , S . C . 1 .-15 , W . Strutt 697 , T . B . Ardlny 1224 , and 0 . Brown 1312 . A very pleasant evening was spent .