Article THE SCHOOL ELECTIONS. ← Page 2 of 3 Article THE SCHOOL ELECTIONS. Page 2 of 3 →
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The School Elections.
vincos of Lancashire , Cumberland , and Westmorland , had subscribed to his Lodge fifteen years , and had also rendered valuable service as Steward ti . the Masonic Charitable Institutions . Tho widowed mother has siiil tour children to maintain . It was only to be expected that ou tho third occasion onr E-ssox brethren would contrive to carry i : i their candidate , Edith Mary Garnetfc , who had already in hand 83 ( 5
votes . The mother is thns relieved of one of her two children . Tho Yarboroiigh Lodge , 554 , were successful , as we said thoy ought to be , on behalf of Ellen Amy'Wadham , who , with three other children , had been bereft of both parents , aud had been cared for by their aunt , Mrs . Stiles , at Anerley . This candidate brought forward 1149 votes , and theso required no addition to mako her election suro on
this occasion . Blanche Adelaide Mitton comes twelfth in order , and brought 685 votes to support her second application , these being raised to 1112 . Her late father was member of Eccloshall Lodgo , No . 1034 , Bradford , and he left threo children entirely dependent on his widow . Wiltshire was successful with its two candidates . Tho first , Ada Mary Cook , who although
only recording 43 votes , last October , was placed thirteenth on the list , with a total of 1058 . Her late father was a member of tho Royal Sussex Lodge , No . 355 , and afc his death , nearly five years ago , loft four children dependent on his widow . The second , Ellen Mary Good , whose father is insane , and whose mother has still four other children to maintain , at Woodgates , near Salisbury , had
gained 919 votes at a previous election , and these proved sufficient to give her a place amongst the successful company . Thero were peculiarly urgent reasons why littlo Florence Lizzie Dnckofcfc should obtain fcho success her friends desired for her , and tho 1055 votes polled on her first application may be taken as a criterion of the interest manifested in behalf of the family . Our late Bro . Duckett
was well known m journalism , and was , up to tho time of his sudden demise , connected with the staff of the Standard . Tho mother was left with six children , and we are certain this assistance on the part of the brethren will be gratefully felfc by her . Our West Yorkshire friends were again successful in the return of Ellen Senior , who received 1054 votes on this occasion alone , and of Kate Hebblefchwaite ,
in whose behalf 783 were added to the 183 already recorded , swelling her total to 946 . Lowest in point of numbers was Beatrice Mary Clark , ono out of a family of ten fatherless children , and our Warwickshire brethren are to be congratulated upon their narrow escape from failure in this very deserving case . Annexed is the full return of the polling : —
SUCCESSFUL . N ? i ' st ° Nam 0 Forward rolled Total 22 Laybourne , Rosamond E . A . - 346 1213 1559 23 Jones , Florence May - - - 884 556 1440 18 Palmer , Florence E . M . - - 1018 360 1378 15 Busher , Helen Mary ... 865 445 1310 7 Peele , Kafcherine Annie . - 314 924 1268 27 Hide , Catherine Frances - - — 1256 1256 13 Veal , Thurza Ann . - . 686 532 1218
14 Mott , Mary Eliza - . . 745 466 1211 20 Harbord , Elizabeth Alice - - 1086 124 1210 2 Garnctt , Edith Mary . .. 836 345 1181 31 Wadham , Ellen Amy ... — 1149 1149 5 Mitton , Blanche Adelaide - - 685 427 1112 10 Cook , Ada Mary .... 43 1015 1058 34 Duckett , Florence Lizzie - . — 1055 1055 9 Senior , Ellen - . . . — 1054 1054 37 Good , Ellen Mary ... — 949 949 8 Hebblefchwaite , Kate .. . 163 783 916 11 Clark , Beatrice Mary .. . 532 367 899
UNSUCCESSFUL . 1 Jay , Gertrude Alice ... 575 222 797 39 Hicks , Edith . .... _ 792 792 16 Deeley , Agnes A . 300 462 762 40 Kirke , Alice Clara ... — 753 753 3 Sampson , Mabel Jane .... 613 72 685 41 Lang , Margaret Ethel ... — 672 672 25 Williams , Emma Eliza - . 252 305 557 12 Allison , Ethel Frances W . . - 158 389 547 36 Follows , Charlotte Amelia - . — 516 546 30 Hill , Emily S . H . ... — 480 480 33 Dawson , Alice Mary - . . — 475 4 . 75 6 Keighley , Harriott Geraldine - 243 211 459 45 Pratt , Clara .... _ 43-5 43 B 19 Harfc , Eva C . H . ... 198 238 436
46 Tipper , Mabel Harrison - . — 389 389 29 Cheek , Laura Sophia .. . — 360 360 32 Wain , Fanny Elizabeth - — 216 216 26 Cecil , Emily Alford .. . _ 209 209 21 Priestley , Jul et S . H . - . 141 53 194 35 Evens , Mildred .... — 139 139 28 Parker , Annie Sarah - . — 135 135 44 King , Emily Beatrice ... — 77 77 47 Wyatt , Mary Ann A . - — 75 75 4 Parker , Elizabeth Minnie - - 22 27 49 17 Brown , Edith .... 28 12 40 38 Gover , Annie .... — 15 15 42 Hill , Annie Elizabeth ... — 13 13 43 Howlo , Minnie .... — 2 2
The Quarterl y Court of the supporters of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys was held ou Monday , afc Freemasons' Tavern ,
The School Elections.
under the chairmanship of Colonel Creaton . Among a very largo number of brethren wero Bros . S . Rawson , A . J . D . Filer , E . Snoll , W . Winn , Edward Cox , John Constable , Henry Smith ( West York , shire ) , Thomas Cubitt , D . M . Dowar , S . B . Wilson , A . II . Tattcrshall , Rev . A . F . Woodford , C . F . Matier , W . Hydo Pullen , W . H . Main , F . Adlard , Collard Moutrie , W . Stephens , F . R . W . Hodges , John G .
Stevens , G . Adamson , J . Pratt , John Thompson ( Hull ) , A . E . Gladwell , D . D . Mercer , A . Middlemass , II . Massey , G . W . Verry , E . Hopwood , W . J . Mnrlis , R . W . Stewart , J . A . Birch , W . W . Morgan , George Neal , John Coutts , A . J . Irefcon , and P . Binckes Secretary . A discussion arose as to altering ono of tho now laws ( No . 55 ) by making a brother ' s subscription to his Lodge for seven years sufficient
qualification for his son ' s candidature for tho Institution , if tho payments shall nofc bo consecutive , tho new law as ifc afc present stands requiring thafc fcho seven years' subscription shall bo consecutive . The laws , however , wero allowed to stand as they aro for tho next six months , to prevent any difficulty , ancl Bro . Matier gave notico thafc afc tho October Quarterly Court ho would movo thafc
the word " consecutive " bo struck out . Bro . J . A . Birch also gavo notico thafc ho would afc the same meeting move that the election of Secretary of tho Institution shonld be conducted by voting by proxies ns at the election of children . Bro . Georgo Plucknotfc was elected Treasurer of tho Institution , and tho General Committee was re-elected , a new member being chosen , in the person of Bro .
C . H . McKay , in fcho room of Bro . Jesse Turner deceased . The election of sixteen candidates was then proceeded with . From the number of votes recorded , ifc will be seen that in tho caso of William Richard Thorn , who heads the list of successful candi . dates , the London brethren laboured hard to secure tho return of tho nominee of St . James's Union Lodge , No . ISO . Bro . Thorn was a
member of this Lodge only a little over a year , and especial sympathy was extended towards the four little orphan children who had been bereaved of both parents , and who are under the caro of friends in the Amersham-rond , New Cross . Starting with 418 gained afc the October election , the number was supplemented on Monday by 1174 , raisins' a errand total of 1592 . The second successful candidate ,
Arthur John Chandler , hails from Norwich , his father having been a P . M . of the Social Locige , No . 93 , and a subscribing member for ten years . His widow , who now resides afc Walton-on-the-Nazo , has three children dependent on her , bufc this selection will make the second benefit tho family has received afc the hands of tho Institution , ono having been previously entered in tho Boys' School . Tho third in
order of success is James Ward , who had failed at no less than threo previous elections , bufc had scored a reserve fund of 1221 votes to bo brought forward to his account lasfc Monday . Though only 308 fresh votes were polled on the clay , they were sufficient to ensure success , and our North Wales and Salop brethren may congratulate thomselves upon having afc length , after great perseverance , achieved
their praiseworthy aim to relieve a deserving widow of ono of her numerous family of nine children . Bro . Ward was the Worshipful Master of tho Welchpool Lodge at the time of his decease , jnsfc four years aero , and he had been a subscribing member for no less a period than thirteen and a half years . The case was an eminently deserving one , and wo are pleased that the friends
of the family so resolutely adhered to the purpose which they undertook so long ago . John Greenwood Landless , who made so poor a start in October last , received no less than 1 , 525 votes on this occasion , and was thns raised to fonrth position on the poll . As Secretary of the Zetland Locige No . 852 , at Salford , our late Bro . Landless had rendered good service to the Craft , and on his death , in 1874 ,
left four children dependent on his widow . James Alexander Walker comes next , having scored 1 , 504 votes on the first application . The candidate's father was W . M . of tho Mirfield Lodgo No . 1 , 102 , with which ho had been connected about nine years , leaving three children at his death , which occurred nearly four years ago . In the case of Richard John Warner , who in October obtained
a nucleus of 347 votes ; received this time the substantial addition of 1 , 156 , making a total of 1 , 503 , and securing him sixth position on tho list . Bro . Warner was W . M . of tho Arboretum Lodge No . 731 , Derby , afc the time of hia death , in 1876 , and left four little children looking to the bereaved mother for support . Geo . Norman C . Keighley came forward for the third time , with a reserve of 734
votes , and these , we aro pleased to say , were swollen up to 1 , 493 , thus relieving Mrs . Keighley of ono out of her family of seven chil . dren . Her late husband was initiated in the Excelsior Lodgo No . 825 , Calcutta , and was a subscribing member for five and a halt years . Frank Sydney Ward , who has a sister in the Girls' School , ranks eighth npon the lisfc , with 1 , 489 votes recorded on the first
application . Onr late Bro . Waud was J . W . of the Highcross Lodgo No . 754 , Tottenham , and left five children at his death . Great sympathy was felt towards the family , as was amply testified by the brethren , who worked so zealously as to secure the return of Ms candidate without even a single delay . Henry Hugh King added to his seven previously recorded votes 1 , 438 , and ranks ninth on fcho
poll . His father is a member 01 the Philanthropic Lodge No . 304 , but afterwards joined the British Union Lodge No . 114 , of which latter ho waa S . D . He unfortunately became insane , and is now confined in a lunatic asylum ; and the election on Monday relieves tho widow of the care of her only child . Richard Howell Nicholls appeared for the third timo , ancl his case was rendered urgent by
the fact that if unsuccessful on this occasion he would he debarred by the age limit from trying again . He had no less than 1 , 013 votes to the good , and to these wero now added 418 , making a total of 1 , 431 . His late father waa a P . M . of the Vitruvian Lodge No . 87 , Lambeth , a joining member of St . John ' s Lodge No . 1343 , Grays Thurrock , Essex , where ho died in 1877 , leaving six children
to be cared for by his widow . Eleventh on the lisfc is Ernest William Sissons , of Dover , who in his first application is successful with 1 , 419 votes . This speaks well for our Kentish brethren when they put their shoulders to the wheel in behalf of a deserving case . Our late Bro . Sissons was a member of both the Dover Lodges , and had subscribed for no less a period than twenty and a quarter years .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The School Elections.
vincos of Lancashire , Cumberland , and Westmorland , had subscribed to his Lodge fifteen years , and had also rendered valuable service as Steward ti . the Masonic Charitable Institutions . Tho widowed mother has siiil tour children to maintain . It was only to be expected that ou tho third occasion onr E-ssox brethren would contrive to carry i : i their candidate , Edith Mary Garnetfc , who had already in hand 83 ( 5
votes . The mother is thns relieved of one of her two children . Tho Yarboroiigh Lodge , 554 , were successful , as we said thoy ought to be , on behalf of Ellen Amy'Wadham , who , with three other children , had been bereft of both parents , aud had been cared for by their aunt , Mrs . Stiles , at Anerley . This candidate brought forward 1149 votes , and theso required no addition to mako her election suro on
this occasion . Blanche Adelaide Mitton comes twelfth in order , and brought 685 votes to support her second application , these being raised to 1112 . Her late father was member of Eccloshall Lodgo , No . 1034 , Bradford , and he left threo children entirely dependent on his widow . Wiltshire was successful with its two candidates . Tho first , Ada Mary Cook , who although
only recording 43 votes , last October , was placed thirteenth on the list , with a total of 1058 . Her late father was a member of tho Royal Sussex Lodge , No . 355 , and afc his death , nearly five years ago , loft four children dependent on his widow . The second , Ellen Mary Good , whose father is insane , and whose mother has still four other children to maintain , at Woodgates , near Salisbury , had
gained 919 votes at a previous election , and these proved sufficient to give her a place amongst the successful company . Thero were peculiarly urgent reasons why littlo Florence Lizzie Dnckofcfc should obtain fcho success her friends desired for her , and tho 1055 votes polled on her first application may be taken as a criterion of the interest manifested in behalf of the family . Our late Bro . Duckett
was well known m journalism , and was , up to tho time of his sudden demise , connected with the staff of the Standard . Tho mother was left with six children , and we are certain this assistance on the part of the brethren will be gratefully felfc by her . Our West Yorkshire friends were again successful in the return of Ellen Senior , who received 1054 votes on this occasion alone , and of Kate Hebblefchwaite ,
in whose behalf 783 were added to the 183 already recorded , swelling her total to 946 . Lowest in point of numbers was Beatrice Mary Clark , ono out of a family of ten fatherless children , and our Warwickshire brethren are to be congratulated upon their narrow escape from failure in this very deserving case . Annexed is the full return of the polling : —
SUCCESSFUL . N ? i ' st ° Nam 0 Forward rolled Total 22 Laybourne , Rosamond E . A . - 346 1213 1559 23 Jones , Florence May - - - 884 556 1440 18 Palmer , Florence E . M . - - 1018 360 1378 15 Busher , Helen Mary ... 865 445 1310 7 Peele , Kafcherine Annie . - 314 924 1268 27 Hide , Catherine Frances - - — 1256 1256 13 Veal , Thurza Ann . - . 686 532 1218
14 Mott , Mary Eliza - . . 745 466 1211 20 Harbord , Elizabeth Alice - - 1086 124 1210 2 Garnctt , Edith Mary . .. 836 345 1181 31 Wadham , Ellen Amy ... — 1149 1149 5 Mitton , Blanche Adelaide - - 685 427 1112 10 Cook , Ada Mary .... 43 1015 1058 34 Duckett , Florence Lizzie - . — 1055 1055 9 Senior , Ellen - . . . — 1054 1054 37 Good , Ellen Mary ... — 949 949 8 Hebblefchwaite , Kate .. . 163 783 916 11 Clark , Beatrice Mary .. . 532 367 899
UNSUCCESSFUL . 1 Jay , Gertrude Alice ... 575 222 797 39 Hicks , Edith . .... _ 792 792 16 Deeley , Agnes A . 300 462 762 40 Kirke , Alice Clara ... — 753 753 3 Sampson , Mabel Jane .... 613 72 685 41 Lang , Margaret Ethel ... — 672 672 25 Williams , Emma Eliza - . 252 305 557 12 Allison , Ethel Frances W . . - 158 389 547 36 Follows , Charlotte Amelia - . — 516 546 30 Hill , Emily S . H . ... — 480 480 33 Dawson , Alice Mary - . . — 475 4 . 75 6 Keighley , Harriott Geraldine - 243 211 459 45 Pratt , Clara .... _ 43-5 43 B 19 Harfc , Eva C . H . ... 198 238 436
46 Tipper , Mabel Harrison - . — 389 389 29 Cheek , Laura Sophia .. . — 360 360 32 Wain , Fanny Elizabeth - — 216 216 26 Cecil , Emily Alford .. . _ 209 209 21 Priestley , Jul et S . H . - . 141 53 194 35 Evens , Mildred .... — 139 139 28 Parker , Annie Sarah - . — 135 135 44 King , Emily Beatrice ... — 77 77 47 Wyatt , Mary Ann A . - — 75 75 4 Parker , Elizabeth Minnie - - 22 27 49 17 Brown , Edith .... 28 12 40 38 Gover , Annie .... — 15 15 42 Hill , Annie Elizabeth ... — 13 13 43 Howlo , Minnie .... — 2 2
The Quarterl y Court of the supporters of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys was held ou Monday , afc Freemasons' Tavern ,
The School Elections.
under the chairmanship of Colonel Creaton . Among a very largo number of brethren wero Bros . S . Rawson , A . J . D . Filer , E . Snoll , W . Winn , Edward Cox , John Constable , Henry Smith ( West York , shire ) , Thomas Cubitt , D . M . Dowar , S . B . Wilson , A . II . Tattcrshall , Rev . A . F . Woodford , C . F . Matier , W . Hydo Pullen , W . H . Main , F . Adlard , Collard Moutrie , W . Stephens , F . R . W . Hodges , John G .
Stevens , G . Adamson , J . Pratt , John Thompson ( Hull ) , A . E . Gladwell , D . D . Mercer , A . Middlemass , II . Massey , G . W . Verry , E . Hopwood , W . J . Mnrlis , R . W . Stewart , J . A . Birch , W . W . Morgan , George Neal , John Coutts , A . J . Irefcon , and P . Binckes Secretary . A discussion arose as to altering ono of tho now laws ( No . 55 ) by making a brother ' s subscription to his Lodge for seven years sufficient
qualification for his son ' s candidature for tho Institution , if tho payments shall nofc bo consecutive , tho new law as ifc afc present stands requiring thafc fcho seven years' subscription shall bo consecutive . The laws , however , wero allowed to stand as they aro for tho next six months , to prevent any difficulty , ancl Bro . Matier gave notico thafc afc tho October Quarterly Court ho would movo thafc
the word " consecutive " bo struck out . Bro . J . A . Birch also gavo notico thafc ho would afc the same meeting move that the election of Secretary of tho Institution shonld be conducted by voting by proxies ns at the election of children . Bro . Georgo Plucknotfc was elected Treasurer of tho Institution , and tho General Committee was re-elected , a new member being chosen , in the person of Bro .
C . H . McKay , in fcho room of Bro . Jesse Turner deceased . The election of sixteen candidates was then proceeded with . From the number of votes recorded , ifc will be seen that in tho caso of William Richard Thorn , who heads the list of successful candi . dates , the London brethren laboured hard to secure tho return of tho nominee of St . James's Union Lodge , No . ISO . Bro . Thorn was a
member of this Lodge only a little over a year , and especial sympathy was extended towards the four little orphan children who had been bereaved of both parents , and who are under the caro of friends in the Amersham-rond , New Cross . Starting with 418 gained afc the October election , the number was supplemented on Monday by 1174 , raisins' a errand total of 1592 . The second successful candidate ,
Arthur John Chandler , hails from Norwich , his father having been a P . M . of the Social Locige , No . 93 , and a subscribing member for ten years . His widow , who now resides afc Walton-on-the-Nazo , has three children dependent on her , bufc this selection will make the second benefit tho family has received afc the hands of tho Institution , ono having been previously entered in tho Boys' School . Tho third in
order of success is James Ward , who had failed at no less than threo previous elections , bufc had scored a reserve fund of 1221 votes to bo brought forward to his account lasfc Monday . Though only 308 fresh votes were polled on the clay , they were sufficient to ensure success , and our North Wales and Salop brethren may congratulate thomselves upon having afc length , after great perseverance , achieved
their praiseworthy aim to relieve a deserving widow of ono of her numerous family of nine children . Bro . Ward was the Worshipful Master of tho Welchpool Lodge at the time of his decease , jnsfc four years aero , and he had been a subscribing member for no less a period than thirteen and a half years . The case was an eminently deserving one , and wo are pleased that the friends
of the family so resolutely adhered to the purpose which they undertook so long ago . John Greenwood Landless , who made so poor a start in October last , received no less than 1 , 525 votes on this occasion , and was thns raised to fonrth position on the poll . As Secretary of the Zetland Locige No . 852 , at Salford , our late Bro . Landless had rendered good service to the Craft , and on his death , in 1874 ,
left four children dependent on his widow . James Alexander Walker comes next , having scored 1 , 504 votes on the first application . The candidate's father was W . M . of tho Mirfield Lodgo No . 1 , 102 , with which ho had been connected about nine years , leaving three children at his death , which occurred nearly four years ago . In the case of Richard John Warner , who in October obtained
a nucleus of 347 votes ; received this time the substantial addition of 1 , 156 , making a total of 1 , 503 , and securing him sixth position on tho list . Bro . Warner was W . M . of tho Arboretum Lodge No . 731 , Derby , afc the time of hia death , in 1876 , and left four little children looking to the bereaved mother for support . Geo . Norman C . Keighley came forward for the third time , with a reserve of 734
votes , and these , we aro pleased to say , were swollen up to 1 , 493 , thus relieving Mrs . Keighley of ono out of her family of seven chil . dren . Her late husband was initiated in the Excelsior Lodgo No . 825 , Calcutta , and was a subscribing member for five and a halt years . Frank Sydney Ward , who has a sister in the Girls' School , ranks eighth npon the lisfc , with 1 , 489 votes recorded on the first
application . Onr late Bro . Waud was J . W . of the Highcross Lodgo No . 754 , Tottenham , and left five children at his death . Great sympathy was felt towards the family , as was amply testified by the brethren , who worked so zealously as to secure the return of Ms candidate without even a single delay . Henry Hugh King added to his seven previously recorded votes 1 , 438 , and ranks ninth on fcho
poll . His father is a member 01 the Philanthropic Lodge No . 304 , but afterwards joined the British Union Lodge No . 114 , of which latter ho waa S . D . He unfortunately became insane , and is now confined in a lunatic asylum ; and the election on Monday relieves tho widow of the care of her only child . Richard Howell Nicholls appeared for the third timo , ancl his case was rendered urgent by
the fact that if unsuccessful on this occasion he would he debarred by the age limit from trying again . He had no less than 1 , 013 votes to the good , and to these wero now added 418 , making a total of 1 , 431 . His late father waa a P . M . of the Vitruvian Lodge No . 87 , Lambeth , a joining member of St . John ' s Lodge No . 1343 , Grays Thurrock , Essex , where ho died in 1877 , leaving six children
to be cared for by his widow . Eleventh on the lisfc is Ernest William Sissons , of Dover , who in his first application is successful with 1 , 419 votes . This speaks well for our Kentish brethren when they put their shoulders to the wheel in behalf of a deserving case . Our late Bro . Sissons was a member of both the Dover Lodges , and had subscribed for no less a period than twenty and a quarter years .