Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 4 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 4 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Leadenhall-street , on Tuesday last . Present—Bros . Daniel W . M . of tho Prosperity Lodgo as W . M ., Eudderforth S . W ., Hollands J . W ., and several brethren . The Lodgo was opened in duo form , and tho minutes of tho previous meeting read and confirmed . Somo minor business transacted , Bros . Loowenstark and Burgess wero elected
members . Tho Lodgo was then closed , and tho brethren proceeded to do full justice to the excellent snpper provided by tho worthy host , Bro . Maidwell . This over , tho usual Masonic toasts wero given , interspersed with harmony and recitations from Bros . Harris ,
lludderfoth , Morgan , Campbell , West , and others . Bros . Barnes , Macarthy , aud Fellowcs responded for the A isitors . A vote of thanks was given to Bro . Maidwell for the liberal manner he had catered for the brethren , and tho excellency of tho viands . The brethren dispersed at an early hour , having spent a very enjoyable cvoning .
The Francis Burdett Mark Lodge , No . 181 . —Held its antnmn meeting on Wednesday , tho 21 sfc inst ., at Mr . Baylis ' s , Albany Hotel , Twickenham . Present—Bros . Colonel Wigginton J . P . W . M ., Hammond S . W ., Court jnn . J . W ., Taylor Secretary , Dr . Knaggs M . O . > Clayton Palmer S . O ., Court sen . J . O ., nopwood J . D ., Kyezor I . G ., Harrison Tyler . Past Masters Bros . Dr . Clark
W . M . tho Hiram , Brighton , P . G . S . Visitors—Bros . Walls and Taylor . Lodge opened in duo form , minutes read and confirmed . Bros . Brighton and Dr . Clark wero unanimously elected honorary members ; each returned thanks for tho honour conferred upon him ; the brethren then proceeded to elect a Master for the coming year . Tho ballot was declared unanimously in favour of Bro . S . W . Hammond . Bro . Hammond expressed his gratiGcation at tho result of the elec
tion , and stated his intention to endeavour to increase tho lustre shed upon tho office by tho retiring Master . Ho hoped to havo tho support of his Officers . Bro . Harrison was again appointed Tyler . Tho Lodgo was closed in proper form , when tho brethren adjourned to banquet provided by host Baylis . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts having been given and responded to , tho brethren separated , having spent a most agreeable evening .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —Met at the Eailway Tavern , London-street , E . C , on Wednesday , the 21 sfc insfc . Bro . Chapman in the chair . There were also present Bros . Croakor S . W ., Tollis J . W ., E . Gottheil P . M . Preceptor , S . Wharman S . D ., Lay I . G ., Christopher Tyler . James Stevens P . M ., Webb , Ellis , Aarons , Walker , & c . The ceremony of tho 3 rd degree and two of the
sections appertaining thereto were rehearsed . Bro . Webb was elected to prosido on next Wednesday . Ho will , on that occasion , according to previous arrangement , work tho Fifteen Sections . A number of well-known brethren skilful in the section work havo placed their names upon the list , and therefore a very instructive evening may be anticipated .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —On Saturday , 17 th November , at tho Jolly Farmers , Sonthgato-road , Islington . Present—Bros . Bcdwell W . M ., Gibbs S . W ., Garbetfc J . W ., Killick Sec , Halfbrd Treas ., Sparrow S . D ., Powell J . D ., Ncstern I . G . Bro . J . Cnthbort 4 Kilwinning , Scotland , was present as a visitor , and at
a later stage of the evening was elected a member . After the formal opening of the Lodgo , and confirmation of tho minutes , tho ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Thompson candidate . The sections of the third lecturo were worked by Bros . Poarcy and Moss . The ceremony of installation will be rehearsed next Saturday , by Bro . Seex P . M .
Jordan Lodge of Instruction , No . 201 . —Tho Fifteen Sections wero worked on Tuesday last at this Lodge , and in a way fully appreciated by the brethren assembled . Bros . Koester occupied the chair , Bro . Ash S . W ., Long J . W ., Fox Secretary , Hiscox Treasnrer , Hurdell S . D ., Pope J . D ., Dyson I . G . After usual preliminaries , the acting W . M . proceeded to work tho sections , being assisted by Bros . Belfrage , Arrowsmith , Hnrdell , Ash , Christie , Davey , Bentley , Forbes ,
Long , and Kew . Theso being completed , aud Lodge resumed , Bro . Ash was chosen as W . M . for next meeting . Bros . Ash and Kew were elected honorary members , aud suitably responded . Bro . Kew was invited to work the ceremony of installation on that night month , and this he kindly offered to do . A vote of thanks was given to the acting W . M ., after which Lodge was closed . We were pleased to see such an excellent gathering at this Lodge , upwards of twenty-six brethren being present during the evening .
Huddersfield Chapter of Prosperity , No . 290—The adjourned convocation of this Chapter was held on Wednesday , 14 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , South-parade , Huddersfield . Comps . W . Schofield Z ., W . Harrop H ., Jno . W . Turner J ., C . Wheawell S . E ., B . Hutchinson P . Z . Treasurer ; as well as about twenty other members of the Prosperity Chapter . Visitors—Comps . Tyers P . Z ,, Eobcrt
Coldwtli P . Z ., Dore P . Z ., and Crowther P . Z . The minutes having been read and confirmed , the ceremony of installing the First Principal was performed ( 11 below that rank having retired ) by Comp . Wm . Smith P . Z ., in his usual masterly manner . Comp . Harrop Z . installed Comp . J . W . Turner as II ., and Comp . Allen Haigh as J ., in such an effie ' ent manner as to moot with the approval of those present . The Comps . having been re-admitted , the first Principal proceeded to
invest his officers as follow : —Comps . C . Wheawell S . E ., B Hutchinson P . Z . Treasurer , Wm . Smith P . Z . Registrar , E . Dyson P . S ., Mitchell and Brierley A . S ., Faner S . N . Altera shcrt discussion respecting tho bye-laws , the Chapter was closed , aud che Comps . retired to refreshment , after partaking of which tho nsiwl toasts , Masonic and otherwise , were duly honoured , and a very happy and pleasant evening was brought to a termination ,
Notices Of Meetings.
Brecknock Lodge , No . 851 . —This Lodge held ita monthly meeting on Monday , the 12 th November , at the Castle Hotel , Brecon . Present—Bros . Richard Webb W . M ., A . Phipps S . W ., P . M . Caulfield acting J . W ., J . A . Whittlo Sec , D . W . J . Thomas Treas ., T . Jones S . D ., J . G . Wofcton J . D ., H . 0 . Aveline Maybery Steward , W . Webb I . G ., A . Orlopp Tyler . Past Masters Bros . H . C . Rich and E . C .
Phillips . Business—iho Lodgo having been opened in due form , and with solemn prayer , tho minutes of the last meeting wero read and confirmed . A letter having been read from the Proy . Grand Secretary , in respect to the Indian Famine Fund , it waa resolved , as tho fund had been officially closed , not to do anything in tho matter . Upon tho motion of Bros . P . M . Canlfeild and S . W . Phipps , the popular
and esteemed W . M . was re-elected for tho ensuing year , and Bro . David Evans was elected Treasurer for tho samo period . Tho Tyler having resigned , any action in tho matter was postponed to tho next mooting . The Lodge having been closed in ancient ; form , aud with perfect harmony , tho brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment , during which a
pleasing incident occurred , that of presenting a valuable Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . Hans St . Georgo Caalfeild , as a mark of the esteem iu which ho is held by tho members of tho Lodge , and as a token of their respect on his leaving the town . Bro . E . C . Phillips , having beon requested by the W . M . of tho Lodge to present the jewel , said that he rose in obedience to the command , but beforo making
tho formal presentation ho would oiler a few remarks . Ho said that ho felt somo difficulty iu speaking on that occasion , seeing that Bro . Canlfeild was an old friend , and an esteemed Masonic brother . Bro . Canlfeild had proved an oxcellent Mason , as a private member of the Lodge , as a Master of tho Lodgo , and as a Past Master of tho Lodge , and in thus presenting the jewel of tho Lodgo he fclb proud
in so testifying to tho respect and esteem in which Bro . Canlfeild was held among them . Having had to carry out tho wishes of the Lodgo , he was much gratified when ho thought of the way in which the members generally had responded to his call . The work had been a labour of love to him , and from tho cordial and sympathetic manner in which the members had assisted him , it seemed that it had also
been a labour of lovo to them . Turning to Bro . Canlfeild , tho speaker added : I have now the greatest pleasure , Bro . Canlfeild , on behalf of tho Worshipful Master , the Past Masters , and brethren of this Lodge , in presenting you with this jewel , and beg that on all possible occasions you will wear it on your breast as indicative of tho honour and esteem in which we hold you . Bro . Phillips then referred
to the motto at tho close of the inscription , and concluded by saying that as the motto was made applicahle in the Roman arena of old , so it could be made applicable on that occasion , and that as Bro . Canlfeild had deserved and earned the palm , so might he live long to wear ifc . Bro . Canlfeild , in responding , said that he certainly rose with very strong and deep feelings to return his most sincere and hearty thanks
for tho honour which had been paid to him . He did not know how to express himself , seeing that he was not in the habit of much speaking , but even if he had been he should not have been able on that occasion to have found the words to express himself as he should like to have done . In the first place , he must thank his good friend Bro . Phillips for his flattering remarks , and ho must then thank those
present for the kind way in which they had received them . If at any timo he had not performed his duties as he should have done , ifc was not from any want of willingness on his part , and for what ho had done it was quite unnecessary that they should have presented him with such a handsome present to enable them to testify to him any respect or esteem they might feel for him , for when ho looked
around and saw tho large number of brethren present who had assembled to do him honour , ho was more than proud to think that they had done so , and that each of them had been a good and kind friend to him , both outsido and inside the Lodge ; very many of them had been much kinder to him than he had ever deserved . They
might rest assured that wherever he might be , aud that as long as he should live , their kindness would be an incentive to him to continue his connection with the Brecknock Lodge , and that should his recollections ever flag , the sight of their handsome gift would bo sufficient to recall them , and to remind him of their kindness , nob only on that but upon many other occasions . The jewel is thua inscribed : —
To Bro . HANS ST . GEORGE CAULFEILD P . M ., P . P . G . S . W ., with the fraternal regards of the brethren . September 1877 . " Palman qui meruit ferafc . " A most enjoyable evening was spent b y a large number of the brethren .
Panmure Lodge , No . 720 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Monday , the lDth insfc ., at the Balhara Hotel , Balham . It was well attended , both by members and visitors . Amongst those present were Bros . Thomas Poore P . M . ( who , in the absenc 3 of the W . M ., opened the Lodge ) , C . P . McKay S . W ., R . W . Sheadd J . W ., W . Smith S . D ., W . McMurray J . D ., W . Mitchell I . G ., M . Spiegel
D . C , G . Lambert W . S ., W . Steedman P . M . Tyler ; P . M . ' s Bros . James Stevens , C . Pulman , H . Payne ; also Bros . Lilley , Richardson , Ash , Saunders , Pascal ] , Whittak « r , Mulley , Huntley , Anthony , Gunner , Green , Burton , Kerr , Treves , & c . Visitors—Bros . John Syer 1017 , S . Clarke 153 ( 5 , E . Bye , and H . Stokes 141 . The Lodge having been duly opened by Bro . Poore as W . M ., and minutes con . firmed , Bro . Anthony was proved , and subsequently passed to tho
degree of Fellow Craft . Mr . Adolpho Van de Water and Mr . Charles Glenistcr were balloted for , approved and duly initiated into the Order . A notice of motion , having reference to the question of " ret ' reshment after labour , " was discussed , and its having been repre . sented by the Treasurer that the Lod ge was iu a more flourishing condition than at any time since its establishment , it was decided to continue the practice of entertaining mombers and visitors after
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Leadenhall-street , on Tuesday last . Present—Bros . Daniel W . M . of tho Prosperity Lodgo as W . M ., Eudderforth S . W ., Hollands J . W ., and several brethren . The Lodgo was opened in duo form , and tho minutes of tho previous meeting read and confirmed . Somo minor business transacted , Bros . Loowenstark and Burgess wero elected
members . Tho Lodgo was then closed , and tho brethren proceeded to do full justice to the excellent snpper provided by tho worthy host , Bro . Maidwell . This over , tho usual Masonic toasts wero given , interspersed with harmony and recitations from Bros . Harris ,
lludderfoth , Morgan , Campbell , West , and others . Bros . Barnes , Macarthy , aud Fellowcs responded for the A isitors . A vote of thanks was given to Bro . Maidwell for the liberal manner he had catered for the brethren , and tho excellency of tho viands . The brethren dispersed at an early hour , having spent a very enjoyable cvoning .
The Francis Burdett Mark Lodge , No . 181 . —Held its antnmn meeting on Wednesday , tho 21 sfc inst ., at Mr . Baylis ' s , Albany Hotel , Twickenham . Present—Bros . Colonel Wigginton J . P . W . M ., Hammond S . W ., Court jnn . J . W ., Taylor Secretary , Dr . Knaggs M . O . > Clayton Palmer S . O ., Court sen . J . O ., nopwood J . D ., Kyezor I . G ., Harrison Tyler . Past Masters Bros . Dr . Clark
W . M . tho Hiram , Brighton , P . G . S . Visitors—Bros . Walls and Taylor . Lodge opened in duo form , minutes read and confirmed . Bros . Brighton and Dr . Clark wero unanimously elected honorary members ; each returned thanks for tho honour conferred upon him ; the brethren then proceeded to elect a Master for the coming year . Tho ballot was declared unanimously in favour of Bro . S . W . Hammond . Bro . Hammond expressed his gratiGcation at tho result of the elec
tion , and stated his intention to endeavour to increase tho lustre shed upon tho office by tho retiring Master . Ho hoped to havo tho support of his Officers . Bro . Harrison was again appointed Tyler . Tho Lodgo was closed in proper form , when tho brethren adjourned to banquet provided by host Baylis . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts having been given and responded to , tho brethren separated , having spent a most agreeable evening .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —Met at the Eailway Tavern , London-street , E . C , on Wednesday , the 21 sfc insfc . Bro . Chapman in the chair . There were also present Bros . Croakor S . W ., Tollis J . W ., E . Gottheil P . M . Preceptor , S . Wharman S . D ., Lay I . G ., Christopher Tyler . James Stevens P . M ., Webb , Ellis , Aarons , Walker , & c . The ceremony of tho 3 rd degree and two of the
sections appertaining thereto were rehearsed . Bro . Webb was elected to prosido on next Wednesday . Ho will , on that occasion , according to previous arrangement , work tho Fifteen Sections . A number of well-known brethren skilful in the section work havo placed their names upon the list , and therefore a very instructive evening may be anticipated .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —On Saturday , 17 th November , at tho Jolly Farmers , Sonthgato-road , Islington . Present—Bros . Bcdwell W . M ., Gibbs S . W ., Garbetfc J . W ., Killick Sec , Halfbrd Treas ., Sparrow S . D ., Powell J . D ., Ncstern I . G . Bro . J . Cnthbort 4 Kilwinning , Scotland , was present as a visitor , and at
a later stage of the evening was elected a member . After the formal opening of the Lodgo , and confirmation of tho minutes , tho ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Thompson candidate . The sections of the third lecturo were worked by Bros . Poarcy and Moss . The ceremony of installation will be rehearsed next Saturday , by Bro . Seex P . M .
Jordan Lodge of Instruction , No . 201 . —Tho Fifteen Sections wero worked on Tuesday last at this Lodge , and in a way fully appreciated by the brethren assembled . Bros . Koester occupied the chair , Bro . Ash S . W ., Long J . W ., Fox Secretary , Hiscox Treasnrer , Hurdell S . D ., Pope J . D ., Dyson I . G . After usual preliminaries , the acting W . M . proceeded to work tho sections , being assisted by Bros . Belfrage , Arrowsmith , Hnrdell , Ash , Christie , Davey , Bentley , Forbes ,
Long , and Kew . Theso being completed , aud Lodge resumed , Bro . Ash was chosen as W . M . for next meeting . Bros . Ash and Kew were elected honorary members , aud suitably responded . Bro . Kew was invited to work the ceremony of installation on that night month , and this he kindly offered to do . A vote of thanks was given to the acting W . M ., after which Lodge was closed . We were pleased to see such an excellent gathering at this Lodge , upwards of twenty-six brethren being present during the evening .
Huddersfield Chapter of Prosperity , No . 290—The adjourned convocation of this Chapter was held on Wednesday , 14 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , South-parade , Huddersfield . Comps . W . Schofield Z ., W . Harrop H ., Jno . W . Turner J ., C . Wheawell S . E ., B . Hutchinson P . Z . Treasurer ; as well as about twenty other members of the Prosperity Chapter . Visitors—Comps . Tyers P . Z ,, Eobcrt
Coldwtli P . Z ., Dore P . Z ., and Crowther P . Z . The minutes having been read and confirmed , the ceremony of installing the First Principal was performed ( 11 below that rank having retired ) by Comp . Wm . Smith P . Z ., in his usual masterly manner . Comp . Harrop Z . installed Comp . J . W . Turner as II ., and Comp . Allen Haigh as J ., in such an effie ' ent manner as to moot with the approval of those present . The Comps . having been re-admitted , the first Principal proceeded to
invest his officers as follow : —Comps . C . Wheawell S . E ., B Hutchinson P . Z . Treasurer , Wm . Smith P . Z . Registrar , E . Dyson P . S ., Mitchell and Brierley A . S ., Faner S . N . Altera shcrt discussion respecting tho bye-laws , the Chapter was closed , aud che Comps . retired to refreshment , after partaking of which tho nsiwl toasts , Masonic and otherwise , were duly honoured , and a very happy and pleasant evening was brought to a termination ,
Notices Of Meetings.
Brecknock Lodge , No . 851 . —This Lodge held ita monthly meeting on Monday , the 12 th November , at the Castle Hotel , Brecon . Present—Bros . Richard Webb W . M ., A . Phipps S . W ., P . M . Caulfield acting J . W ., J . A . Whittlo Sec , D . W . J . Thomas Treas ., T . Jones S . D ., J . G . Wofcton J . D ., H . 0 . Aveline Maybery Steward , W . Webb I . G ., A . Orlopp Tyler . Past Masters Bros . H . C . Rich and E . C .
Phillips . Business—iho Lodgo having been opened in due form , and with solemn prayer , tho minutes of the last meeting wero read and confirmed . A letter having been read from the Proy . Grand Secretary , in respect to the Indian Famine Fund , it waa resolved , as tho fund had been officially closed , not to do anything in tho matter . Upon tho motion of Bros . P . M . Canlfeild and S . W . Phipps , the popular
and esteemed W . M . was re-elected for tho ensuing year , and Bro . David Evans was elected Treasurer for tho samo period . Tho Tyler having resigned , any action in tho matter was postponed to tho next mooting . The Lodge having been closed in ancient ; form , aud with perfect harmony , tho brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment , during which a
pleasing incident occurred , that of presenting a valuable Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . Hans St . Georgo Caalfeild , as a mark of the esteem iu which ho is held by tho members of tho Lodge , and as a token of their respect on his leaving the town . Bro . E . C . Phillips , having beon requested by the W . M . of tho Lodge to present the jewel , said that he rose in obedience to the command , but beforo making
tho formal presentation ho would oiler a few remarks . Ho said that ho felt somo difficulty iu speaking on that occasion , seeing that Bro . Canlfeild was an old friend , and an esteemed Masonic brother . Bro . Canlfeild had proved an oxcellent Mason , as a private member of the Lodge , as a Master of tho Lodgo , and as a Past Master of tho Lodge , and in thus presenting the jewel of tho Lodgo he fclb proud
in so testifying to tho respect and esteem in which Bro . Canlfeild was held among them . Having had to carry out tho wishes of the Lodgo , he was much gratified when ho thought of the way in which the members generally had responded to his call . The work had been a labour of love to him , and from tho cordial and sympathetic manner in which the members had assisted him , it seemed that it had also
been a labour of lovo to them . Turning to Bro . Canlfeild , tho speaker added : I have now the greatest pleasure , Bro . Canlfeild , on behalf of tho Worshipful Master , the Past Masters , and brethren of this Lodge , in presenting you with this jewel , and beg that on all possible occasions you will wear it on your breast as indicative of tho honour and esteem in which we hold you . Bro . Phillips then referred
to the motto at tho close of the inscription , and concluded by saying that as the motto was made applicahle in the Roman arena of old , so it could be made applicable on that occasion , and that as Bro . Canlfeild had deserved and earned the palm , so might he live long to wear ifc . Bro . Canlfeild , in responding , said that he certainly rose with very strong and deep feelings to return his most sincere and hearty thanks
for tho honour which had been paid to him . He did not know how to express himself , seeing that he was not in the habit of much speaking , but even if he had been he should not have been able on that occasion to have found the words to express himself as he should like to have done . In the first place , he must thank his good friend Bro . Phillips for his flattering remarks , and ho must then thank those
present for the kind way in which they had received them . If at any timo he had not performed his duties as he should have done , ifc was not from any want of willingness on his part , and for what ho had done it was quite unnecessary that they should have presented him with such a handsome present to enable them to testify to him any respect or esteem they might feel for him , for when ho looked
around and saw tho large number of brethren present who had assembled to do him honour , ho was more than proud to think that they had done so , and that each of them had been a good and kind friend to him , both outsido and inside the Lodge ; very many of them had been much kinder to him than he had ever deserved . They
might rest assured that wherever he might be , aud that as long as he should live , their kindness would be an incentive to him to continue his connection with the Brecknock Lodge , and that should his recollections ever flag , the sight of their handsome gift would bo sufficient to recall them , and to remind him of their kindness , nob only on that but upon many other occasions . The jewel is thua inscribed : —
To Bro . HANS ST . GEORGE CAULFEILD P . M ., P . P . G . S . W ., with the fraternal regards of the brethren . September 1877 . " Palman qui meruit ferafc . " A most enjoyable evening was spent b y a large number of the brethren .
Panmure Lodge , No . 720 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Monday , the lDth insfc ., at the Balhara Hotel , Balham . It was well attended , both by members and visitors . Amongst those present were Bros . Thomas Poore P . M . ( who , in the absenc 3 of the W . M ., opened the Lodge ) , C . P . McKay S . W ., R . W . Sheadd J . W ., W . Smith S . D ., W . McMurray J . D ., W . Mitchell I . G ., M . Spiegel
D . C , G . Lambert W . S ., W . Steedman P . M . Tyler ; P . M . ' s Bros . James Stevens , C . Pulman , H . Payne ; also Bros . Lilley , Richardson , Ash , Saunders , Pascal ] , Whittak « r , Mulley , Huntley , Anthony , Gunner , Green , Burton , Kerr , Treves , & c . Visitors—Bros . John Syer 1017 , S . Clarke 153 ( 5 , E . Bye , and H . Stokes 141 . The Lodge having been duly opened by Bro . Poore as W . M ., and minutes con . firmed , Bro . Anthony was proved , and subsequently passed to tho
degree of Fellow Craft . Mr . Adolpho Van de Water and Mr . Charles Glenistcr were balloted for , approved and duly initiated into the Order . A notice of motion , having reference to the question of " ret ' reshment after labour , " was discussed , and its having been repre . sented by the Treasurer that the Lod ge was iu a more flourishing condition than at any time since its establishment , it was decided to continue the practice of entertaining mombers and visitors after