Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
William Preston Lodge , No . 766 . — The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday last , at tho Cannonstreet Hotel , E . C . Lodgo was opened by Bro . W . E . Newton the W . M ., with S . D . Ewins S . W . and W . M . elect , C . R . Cutmoro J . W ., Capt . Geo . J . Kain P . M . Treas ., W . Worrell P . M . Sec , E . Kidman S . D ., W . Drake J . D ., W . J . Roberts I . G . Past Masters Bros . G .
Newman , A . Brann , W . J . Miller , John Pringlo , A . C . Rees P . M . and P . P . G . S . B . New Zealand , and soveral brethren . Bro . Jame 3 Turlo Leo was passed , and , after favourable ballots had been declared in tho case of Messrs . E . Wood and W . J . Heath , thoso two gentlemen , together with Mr . C . Pay , who had already been accepted , wero initiated . This ceremony completed , Bro . S . D . Ewins the S . W . was presented , and
duly installed as W . M . for the ensuing year . On the admission of the brethren and usual formalities having beon observed , ho invested the following as tho Officers for tho year , addressing to each a fow well chosen remarks on their appointment , and performing the whole ceremony iu such au eloqnout manner as to win tho approval of all prosent : —Bros . W . E . Newton I . P . M ., C . R . Cutmoro S . W ., E .
Kidman J . W ., Capt . Kain P . M . Treasurer , W . Worrell P . M . Sec , W . Drako S . D ., W . J . Roberts J . D ., W . F . Smart I . G ., George Nowman P . M . Steward , W . J . Collin 3 D . C . Tho W . M . then attached to tho breast of the I . P . M . a very handsomo Past Master ' s jewel , which had been voted by tho Lodgo , aud presented it with a fow appropriate remarks , hoping that their I . P . M . would long be present ,
adorned with this mark of tho appreciation in which he is hold by the brethren . Bro . Capt . Kain then formally moved a proposition of which ho had given notice , and this being seconded , was unanimously carried . The W . M . then closed tho Lodge , and this ceremony he performed as well as those of the other three degrees in first-rato maimer , showing that the work of the Lodge had received careful
study from him . The appearance of the Lodge room , as well as tho banquet saloon , was greatly admired ; tho banners of the Master and Past Masters greatly adding to the effect . Tho brethren adjourned to banquet , which finished , and grace having been said , thoW . M . proposed the toast of the Queen and the Craft , H . R . H . tho M . W . G . M ., tho Pro Grand Master and the D . G . M . and the rest of the Grand Officers , each
receiving an enthusiastic reception from the brethren . Tho next toast was that of tho Initiates . The W . M . gave the new brethren a hearty welcome . Every Lodge is proud of new members , and as they had three this evening they must give them a good reception . Bro . Wood was the first , to reply . He wonld endeavour to aot up to the principles laid down to him during tho evening . Bro . Pay returned
his most siucere thanks , he trusted ho should becomo a good Mason , and fulfil all that is required of a true brother . Bro . Heath also tendered his thanks . The I . P . M . Bro . Newton rose , and proposed the health of the W . M . From what the brethren had seen they could judge that he would prove a most efficient Master . In acknowledging the toast , the W . M . thanked the brethren for electing him
as Master and assured them that he would perform the duties to the best of his ability , and hoped it would prove to the satisfaction of- the brethren . He then gave the health of the Visitors , all of whom he was pleased to see . Bro . White expressed the pleasure ho experienced in seeing the W . M . in his present position . Bro . Rudderforth followed , and , as Preceptor of the Lodge
of lnatmotion working under the sanction of the Lodge , briefly recorded what use they had made of the privilege accorded them by the Mother Lodge . Several other visitors also replied . The W . M . then proposed the health of the Past Masters . Bro . Miller replied , and on their behalf tendered his thanks for the reception given the toast . He was sure that all the Past Masters would agree with
him , when he stated that he and they were ever ready to work for tho good of the William Preston Lodge . The toast of tho Officers , coupled with the names of the Treasnrer , Secretary and Senior Warden followed , and was most enthusiastically received . Bro . Kain hoped he was known and respected by all . As Treasurer , if any brother was in arrears , it would soon be his privilege to know Bro . Kain . The Secretary and S . W . also tendered their thanks , after
which the Tyler was summoned and the meeting concluded . Several members of the Lodge , as well as some of the visitors , gave some excellent songs during tho evening , Bro . J . Turle presiding at the piano in his well-known style . The visitors were Bros . John White W . M . 1076 , John Dorton I . P . M 1076 , H . B . Holliday P . M ., F . Brien S . W ., A . Reushasv , H . Massey P . M ., W . H . Rudderforth 12 , W . W . Morgan jun ., and many other brethren of distinction .
Andrew Chapter , No , 834 . — The regular Convocation of this well established Chapter was held on Thursday , the 15 th inst ., at the Bell and Anchor Hotel , West Kensington Gardens . The Chapter was opened in tho usual manner , and the Companions admitted , when the minutes of the previous meeting were duly read and confirmed . Amongst thoso present wore Comps . Worthingtou
M . L . Z ., Bryett II ., Adamson J ., Lines Treas ., Read S . E ., Cole SS . N ., Game P . S ., Avery 1 st Ass . Soj ., Barfield 2 nd Ass . Soj . P . Z . ' s , Hardy , Thompson , Slack , Millis , & c , & c . The Visitors were Comps . Carter and Dixon , both of the Wiudsor Castle Chapter 771 . Comps . Bryett , Adamson , and Game wero duly installed as 1 st , 2 nd aud 3 rd principals , tho cercuiouies being performed by Comp . Read P . Z . in
such a manner as to draw forth the special approbation of those present . After the M . E . Z . had been saluted in due form b y the readmitted Companions , soveral brethren were ballotted for , to be exalted at tho ensuiug meeting . The presentation of a P . Z . jewel to Comp . Worthington for his past services concluded the business of the evening , when the Chapter was closed , and the Companiou .-
adjourned to a sumptuous banquet provided by and served nuclei tho personal superintendence of Comp . Miilis , and it would be well if some of the larger establishment at the City and West End took a lesson from Comp . Millis iu this respect . The menus were of ; i particularly novel character , great taste being shewn in their style and execution . Grace having been said , the usual Loval and Masonic
Notices Of Meetings.
toasts wero welt given and responded to . Comp . Wellington , in proposing tho health of tho M . E . Z ., took occasion to give au account of his long oxperienco of Comp . Bryett's abilities , aud tho pleasure it gave him to seo so worthy a man and Mason at the head of tho Andrew Chapter , feeling assured that from his industry and skill tho working of the Chapter would not suffer at hi 3 hands . Tho
M . E . Z . responded in a fow choice sentences . In proposing tho health of the Past Principals , ho referred to Comp . Worthington for tho able way ho had carried out his previous duties , Comp . Lines for the kind manner he always looked after their financos , Comps . Thompson and Slack for always attending when their healths
permitted , Comp . Millis for doing so much towards the creature comforts , and Comp . Read for his kindness in always being there to give instruction and lend a helping hand in carrying out tho beautiful ceremonies . Tho Janitor ' s toast brought to a close a most delightful evening .
and Bros . Knoll , Ward , Brown , Devine , Collinson , Cox , Hill , Pike , Boxoll , Maxwell , & c . Preliminaries being observed , Bro . Pike was raised to the third degree . The report of tho Audit Committee was adopted , it showed tho Lodge was in a flourishing state . A board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . Alf . Moore W . M . elect was presented to the Lodgo , by Bro . J . Weaver P . M ., and the retiring W . M . Bro . Chas . Walker installed his successor into the chair of
Whlttington LodgO , No . 862 , —The installation meeting was held on Monday , 19 th iust ., at Freemasons' Hall , Groat Queenstreet . The W . M . Bro . C . Walker occupied tho chair , ho was supported by Bros . A . Mooro S . W ., Jouos P . M . as J . W ., T . Kingston P . M . Treas ., J . Weaver P . M . P . G . O . Midlx . Sec , Blakemoro S . D ., C . E . Packer J . D . P . M . ' s Bros . Howsou , Jones . T . Kingston , W . Hurlestone ,
K . S ., in a manner that reflected great credit on him . The customary salutations having been given , tho W . M . appointed and invested his officers : —Bros . C . Walker I . P . M ., Blakomore S . W ., C . E . Packer was appointed J . W ., Jones P . M . kindly accepted the office pro tern , T . Kingston P . M . re-elected Treas ., Jas . Weaver P . M . Sec . P . P . G . O . Middlesex , Godden S . D ., Tate J . D ., Bolton I . G ., Nell D . C , C . Walker
I . P . M ., W . S . Gilbert P . G . T . Middlosex Tyler . Tho W . M . addrossed each Brothor on investment in feeling and appropriate terms . A proposition for a brother to join the Lodge was handed in , and the Secretary read a very flattering letter from his Lodge , showing the high esteem ho is held in . Two gentlemen wero proposed for initiation . A letter was read from Bro . J . B . Monckton , President of
the Board of General Purposes , regretting his absence ; one from Bro . J . Hervey G . S . ; also one from Bro . C . E . Packer J . W ., who wa 3 absent in Germany . Bro . T . Kingston P . M . had handed in the sum of £ 6 to be placed to the Benevolent Fund , and a Brother , whoso name was not to bo mentioned , also gave tho sum of 21 s . Bro . Jones proposed , and Bro . 0 . Walker I . P . M . seconded , that a sum of £ 10
be placed on the list of Bro . Sedgwick , who is a Steward for tho next Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons . Tho Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sixty in number , sat down to a sumptuous banquet and dessert , provided by Bro . A . Best , and superintended by Bro . E . Dawkins . Non
Nobis Domini , having been sung by Bros . Hodges , Stedman , J . T . Lee and Tinney , tho W . M ., who very ably presided , proposed the toast of the Queen and the Craft . After the National Anthem , the WM . proposed the toast of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales M . W . G . M . The Glee , " Haste ye , soft gales , " was then sung . The toast of the M . W . the Pro G . M ., the Deputy G . M . and the rest of the
Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of England was given and very energetically responded to . Bro . C . Walker I . P . M . then rose : It was his province for tho nest twelve months to propose tho toast of the W . M . He felt sure they would receive it with a great deal of pleasure ; all had witnessed the manner Bro . Moore had performed his duty j ho was true and trusty , and he would fill the chair with
credit to himself and satisfaction to the members . Bro . E . C . Tinney then sang , " Watching the Life Boat , " and was deservedly applauded . The W . M . in reply said he was very gratified by the kind remarks of Bro . Walker ;'_ he hoped to deserve the encomiums passed on him . He hoped during the year they might have many additions to their numbers . However , let them have quality in preference to
quantity . He likened the Craft to a good old ship , and very ably illustrated his remarks by saying they should not ship any hands that would not in the end be a credit to the good old ship . He now had a pleasant duty to propose the health of the I . P . M ., Bro . Chas . Walker . They had accepted what he had to do as grauted ; Bro . Walker had done his duty in erery respect ,
aud had concluded a very successful year of office . Bro . Mooro then presented the I . P . M . with the elegant jewel which had been voted by the Lodge . Bro . Walker said , he thanked tho W . M . for his kind expressions , and the brethren for the way they had received the toast ; he stood in a very proud position ; the Whittiugton was not his mother Lodge , but ho had beon a member for eleven years .
He ha I now passed the chair , and he was proud to join tho ranks of its Past Masters . He would always wear the jewel with pride , and as a token of their approbation ; tho present W . M .., ho was sure , would in every respect do his duty . Tho W . M . then proposed the toast of the Visitors ; he mentioned their names , and called on Bro . Benson to respond to the toast . Bro- Hodges then saug the "
Meeting of the Waters . " Bro . Capt . Bensou returned thanks ; his cosmopolitan antecedents were such that he had responded to the toast of the Visitors in every part of the globe ; it was the same feeling that had existed from time im memorial , he had seen the benefit of it iu every clime , for while * ve are wearing the badges aud exhibiting the certificates of Fr . euiasonry we as
brethren are welcome in every part of the g i "' e . He then gave a very interesting episode of tho Russian war in to 14 , when a brother tvas taken prisoner . On being cast on shore , a Russian officer saw he . vas a Mason . His life was spared , and he was taken to the camp , where be was well treated . Captaiu Benson then , in the name of the visitors , heartily thankod the members . The W . M ., in proposing
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
William Preston Lodge , No . 766 . — The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday last , at tho Cannonstreet Hotel , E . C . Lodgo was opened by Bro . W . E . Newton the W . M ., with S . D . Ewins S . W . and W . M . elect , C . R . Cutmoro J . W ., Capt . Geo . J . Kain P . M . Treas ., W . Worrell P . M . Sec , E . Kidman S . D ., W . Drake J . D ., W . J . Roberts I . G . Past Masters Bros . G .
Newman , A . Brann , W . J . Miller , John Pringlo , A . C . Rees P . M . and P . P . G . S . B . New Zealand , and soveral brethren . Bro . Jame 3 Turlo Leo was passed , and , after favourable ballots had been declared in tho case of Messrs . E . Wood and W . J . Heath , thoso two gentlemen , together with Mr . C . Pay , who had already been accepted , wero initiated . This ceremony completed , Bro . S . D . Ewins the S . W . was presented , and
duly installed as W . M . for the ensuing year . On the admission of the brethren and usual formalities having beon observed , ho invested the following as tho Officers for tho year , addressing to each a fow well chosen remarks on their appointment , and performing the whole ceremony iu such au eloqnout manner as to win tho approval of all prosent : —Bros . W . E . Newton I . P . M ., C . R . Cutmoro S . W ., E .
Kidman J . W ., Capt . Kain P . M . Treasurer , W . Worrell P . M . Sec , W . Drako S . D ., W . J . Roberts J . D ., W . F . Smart I . G ., George Nowman P . M . Steward , W . J . Collin 3 D . C . Tho W . M . then attached to tho breast of the I . P . M . a very handsomo Past Master ' s jewel , which had been voted by tho Lodgo , aud presented it with a fow appropriate remarks , hoping that their I . P . M . would long be present ,
adorned with this mark of tho appreciation in which he is hold by the brethren . Bro . Capt . Kain then formally moved a proposition of which ho had given notice , and this being seconded , was unanimously carried . The W . M . then closed tho Lodge , and this ceremony he performed as well as those of the other three degrees in first-rato maimer , showing that the work of the Lodge had received careful
study from him . The appearance of the Lodge room , as well as tho banquet saloon , was greatly admired ; tho banners of the Master and Past Masters greatly adding to the effect . Tho brethren adjourned to banquet , which finished , and grace having been said , thoW . M . proposed the toast of the Queen and the Craft , H . R . H . tho M . W . G . M ., tho Pro Grand Master and the D . G . M . and the rest of the Grand Officers , each
receiving an enthusiastic reception from the brethren . Tho next toast was that of tho Initiates . The W . M . gave the new brethren a hearty welcome . Every Lodge is proud of new members , and as they had three this evening they must give them a good reception . Bro . Wood was the first , to reply . He wonld endeavour to aot up to the principles laid down to him during tho evening . Bro . Pay returned
his most siucere thanks , he trusted ho should becomo a good Mason , and fulfil all that is required of a true brother . Bro . Heath also tendered his thanks . The I . P . M . Bro . Newton rose , and proposed the health of the W . M . From what the brethren had seen they could judge that he would prove a most efficient Master . In acknowledging the toast , the W . M . thanked the brethren for electing him
as Master and assured them that he would perform the duties to the best of his ability , and hoped it would prove to the satisfaction of- the brethren . He then gave the health of the Visitors , all of whom he was pleased to see . Bro . White expressed the pleasure ho experienced in seeing the W . M . in his present position . Bro . Rudderforth followed , and , as Preceptor of the Lodge
of lnatmotion working under the sanction of the Lodge , briefly recorded what use they had made of the privilege accorded them by the Mother Lodge . Several other visitors also replied . The W . M . then proposed the health of the Past Masters . Bro . Miller replied , and on their behalf tendered his thanks for the reception given the toast . He was sure that all the Past Masters would agree with
him , when he stated that he and they were ever ready to work for tho good of the William Preston Lodge . The toast of tho Officers , coupled with the names of the Treasnrer , Secretary and Senior Warden followed , and was most enthusiastically received . Bro . Kain hoped he was known and respected by all . As Treasurer , if any brother was in arrears , it would soon be his privilege to know Bro . Kain . The Secretary and S . W . also tendered their thanks , after
which the Tyler was summoned and the meeting concluded . Several members of the Lodge , as well as some of the visitors , gave some excellent songs during tho evening , Bro . J . Turle presiding at the piano in his well-known style . The visitors were Bros . John White W . M . 1076 , John Dorton I . P . M 1076 , H . B . Holliday P . M ., F . Brien S . W ., A . Reushasv , H . Massey P . M ., W . H . Rudderforth 12 , W . W . Morgan jun ., and many other brethren of distinction .
Andrew Chapter , No , 834 . — The regular Convocation of this well established Chapter was held on Thursday , the 15 th inst ., at the Bell and Anchor Hotel , West Kensington Gardens . The Chapter was opened in tho usual manner , and the Companions admitted , when the minutes of the previous meeting were duly read and confirmed . Amongst thoso present wore Comps . Worthingtou
M . L . Z ., Bryett II ., Adamson J ., Lines Treas ., Read S . E ., Cole SS . N ., Game P . S ., Avery 1 st Ass . Soj ., Barfield 2 nd Ass . Soj . P . Z . ' s , Hardy , Thompson , Slack , Millis , & c , & c . The Visitors were Comps . Carter and Dixon , both of the Wiudsor Castle Chapter 771 . Comps . Bryett , Adamson , and Game wero duly installed as 1 st , 2 nd aud 3 rd principals , tho cercuiouies being performed by Comp . Read P . Z . in
such a manner as to draw forth the special approbation of those present . After the M . E . Z . had been saluted in due form b y the readmitted Companions , soveral brethren were ballotted for , to be exalted at tho ensuiug meeting . The presentation of a P . Z . jewel to Comp . Worthington for his past services concluded the business of the evening , when the Chapter was closed , and the Companiou .-
adjourned to a sumptuous banquet provided by and served nuclei tho personal superintendence of Comp . Miilis , and it would be well if some of the larger establishment at the City and West End took a lesson from Comp . Millis iu this respect . The menus were of ; i particularly novel character , great taste being shewn in their style and execution . Grace having been said , the usual Loval and Masonic
Notices Of Meetings.
toasts wero welt given and responded to . Comp . Wellington , in proposing tho health of tho M . E . Z ., took occasion to give au account of his long oxperienco of Comp . Bryett's abilities , aud tho pleasure it gave him to seo so worthy a man and Mason at the head of tho Andrew Chapter , feeling assured that from his industry and skill tho working of the Chapter would not suffer at hi 3 hands . Tho
M . E . Z . responded in a fow choice sentences . In proposing tho health of the Past Principals , ho referred to Comp . Worthington for tho able way ho had carried out his previous duties , Comp . Lines for the kind manner he always looked after their financos , Comps . Thompson and Slack for always attending when their healths
permitted , Comp . Millis for doing so much towards the creature comforts , and Comp . Read for his kindness in always being there to give instruction and lend a helping hand in carrying out tho beautiful ceremonies . Tho Janitor ' s toast brought to a close a most delightful evening .
and Bros . Knoll , Ward , Brown , Devine , Collinson , Cox , Hill , Pike , Boxoll , Maxwell , & c . Preliminaries being observed , Bro . Pike was raised to the third degree . The report of tho Audit Committee was adopted , it showed tho Lodge was in a flourishing state . A board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . Alf . Moore W . M . elect was presented to the Lodgo , by Bro . J . Weaver P . M ., and the retiring W . M . Bro . Chas . Walker installed his successor into the chair of
Whlttington LodgO , No . 862 , —The installation meeting was held on Monday , 19 th iust ., at Freemasons' Hall , Groat Queenstreet . The W . M . Bro . C . Walker occupied tho chair , ho was supported by Bros . A . Mooro S . W ., Jouos P . M . as J . W ., T . Kingston P . M . Treas ., J . Weaver P . M . P . G . O . Midlx . Sec , Blakemoro S . D ., C . E . Packer J . D . P . M . ' s Bros . Howsou , Jones . T . Kingston , W . Hurlestone ,
K . S ., in a manner that reflected great credit on him . The customary salutations having been given , tho W . M . appointed and invested his officers : —Bros . C . Walker I . P . M ., Blakomore S . W ., C . E . Packer was appointed J . W ., Jones P . M . kindly accepted the office pro tern , T . Kingston P . M . re-elected Treas ., Jas . Weaver P . M . Sec . P . P . G . O . Middlesex , Godden S . D ., Tate J . D ., Bolton I . G ., Nell D . C , C . Walker
I . P . M ., W . S . Gilbert P . G . T . Middlosex Tyler . Tho W . M . addrossed each Brothor on investment in feeling and appropriate terms . A proposition for a brother to join the Lodge was handed in , and the Secretary read a very flattering letter from his Lodge , showing the high esteem ho is held in . Two gentlemen wero proposed for initiation . A letter was read from Bro . J . B . Monckton , President of
the Board of General Purposes , regretting his absence ; one from Bro . J . Hervey G . S . ; also one from Bro . C . E . Packer J . W ., who wa 3 absent in Germany . Bro . T . Kingston P . M . had handed in the sum of £ 6 to be placed to the Benevolent Fund , and a Brother , whoso name was not to bo mentioned , also gave tho sum of 21 s . Bro . Jones proposed , and Bro . 0 . Walker I . P . M . seconded , that a sum of £ 10
be placed on the list of Bro . Sedgwick , who is a Steward for tho next Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons . Tho Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sixty in number , sat down to a sumptuous banquet and dessert , provided by Bro . A . Best , and superintended by Bro . E . Dawkins . Non
Nobis Domini , having been sung by Bros . Hodges , Stedman , J . T . Lee and Tinney , tho W . M ., who very ably presided , proposed the toast of the Queen and the Craft . After the National Anthem , the WM . proposed the toast of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales M . W . G . M . The Glee , " Haste ye , soft gales , " was then sung . The toast of the M . W . the Pro G . M ., the Deputy G . M . and the rest of the
Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of England was given and very energetically responded to . Bro . C . Walker I . P . M . then rose : It was his province for tho nest twelve months to propose tho toast of the W . M . He felt sure they would receive it with a great deal of pleasure ; all had witnessed the manner Bro . Moore had performed his duty j ho was true and trusty , and he would fill the chair with
credit to himself and satisfaction to the members . Bro . E . C . Tinney then sang , " Watching the Life Boat , " and was deservedly applauded . The W . M . in reply said he was very gratified by the kind remarks of Bro . Walker ;'_ he hoped to deserve the encomiums passed on him . He hoped during the year they might have many additions to their numbers . However , let them have quality in preference to
quantity . He likened the Craft to a good old ship , and very ably illustrated his remarks by saying they should not ship any hands that would not in the end be a credit to the good old ship . He now had a pleasant duty to propose the health of the I . P . M ., Bro . Chas . Walker . They had accepted what he had to do as grauted ; Bro . Walker had done his duty in erery respect ,
aud had concluded a very successful year of office . Bro . Mooro then presented the I . P . M . with the elegant jewel which had been voted by the Lodge . Bro . Walker said , he thanked tho W . M . for his kind expressions , and the brethren for the way they had received the toast ; he stood in a very proud position ; the Whittiugton was not his mother Lodge , but ho had beon a member for eleven years .
He ha I now passed the chair , and he was proud to join tho ranks of its Past Masters . He would always wear the jewel with pride , and as a token of their approbation ; tho present W . M .., ho was sure , would in every respect do his duty . Tho W . M . then proposed the toast of the Visitors ; he mentioned their names , and called on Bro . Benson to respond to the toast . Bro- Hodges then saug the "
Meeting of the Waters . " Bro . Capt . Bensou returned thanks ; his cosmopolitan antecedents were such that he had responded to the toast of the Visitors in every part of the globe ; it was the same feeling that had existed from time im memorial , he had seen the benefit of it iu every clime , for while * ve are wearing the badges aud exhibiting the certificates of Fr . euiasonry we as
brethren are welcome in every part of the g i "' e . He then gave a very interesting episode of tho Russian war in to 14 , when a brother tvas taken prisoner . On being cast on shore , a Russian officer saw he . vas a Mason . His life was spared , and he was taken to the camp , where be was well treated . Captaiu Benson then , in the name of the visitors , heartily thankod the members . The W . M ., in proposing