Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. ← Page 2 of 2 Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. Page 2 of 2
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Our Weekly Budget.
marvellous performance drew largo crowds of people , as it gradually approached completion , and he succeeded in completing his task on Saturday night with the greatest ease . Ho certainly possesses extraordinary powers of endurance , and deserves all in tho way of money which he reaps by
his walking . We trust , hoAvever , that he will rest satisfied Avith having surpassed every pedestrian of ancient and modem times . There is no one left for him to conquor but himself , and he will gain nothing by doing this . A day or two after his walk , Gale underwent a strict examination
at the Royal Free Hospital , Gray ' s Inn Road , and the medical officers pronounced him to be sound in wind and limb , the varicose veins on bis left leg being the only matter that had caused him any pain . Sir J . D . Astley
decorated him , when tho walk was over , with a champion bolt , an honour which is certainly well doserved , and all we can hope for now is , that others will not be induced to repeat and exceed Gale ' s performance .
At a meeting of the Royal Humane Society on 1 uesday , the silver medal was unanimously voted to a young lady only sixteen years of age , a Miss Grace Vernon Bussell , by whose courageous conduct the lives of several people were saved in December of last year in the neighbourhood of
Perth , in Australia . A screw steamer , the Georgette , voyaging from Freemantle to Port Adelaide , sprung a leak , and was stranded at a place called Kalnagnp , not far distant from Mr . Bussell ' s residence . On hearing of tho accident , Miss Bussell , attended by her black servant , rode down
a steep cliff at full speed to the scene of the disaster , and found the boat capsized in fifteen feet of water , and the passengers clinging to her . Without hesitation , she rode her horse into the sea , and with great difficulty , owing to the tremendous surf that was on , succeeded in reaching the boat ,
and with as many women and children clinging to her and her horse as possible , made her way to the shore , after which the black servant followed her example , and rescued a man
who had been left clinging to the boat . For this courageous act the young lady was duly rewarded on Tuesday , her servant , too , being awarded the bronze medallion for his display of daring .
The marriage of the Duke of Norfolk , Earl Marshal and premier Earl and Duke of England , with the Lady Flora Hastings , daughter of Mr . C . and Lady Abney Hastings , Countess of Loudoun , was solemnised on Wednesday at the Brompton Oratory , with great pomp . The nuptial
ceremony was performed by the Bishop of Southwark , and among the distinguished personages present were the Princess Louise and the Marquis of Lome , the Earls of Beaconsfield , Denbigh , and Granard , the Duke and Duchess
of Bedford , the Marquis and Marchioness of Bute , & c , & c . After the breakfast , the Duke and Duchess set off by special train for Arundel Castle , where they will pass the honeymoon .
The crisis in France is far from being at an end . As M . Albert Grevy ' s motion was carried against ministers by a majority of 320 to 204 , the latter have tendered their resignation , which has been accepted by the President , and they only hold office pending the appointment of their
successors . The composition of the new ministry is not yet settled , meanwhile the Legislative Assembly has adjourned . In the Senate the Government has gained a
majority of twenty-two . This is considered as an indication that the Upper Chamber will support the Marshal , and that in the event of another dissolution of the Assembly being called for , the Senate will grant it .
The news from the Seat of War is very serious , if not disastrous , for the Turkish arms . The Earl of Beaconsfield at the Guildhall banquet on the 9 th instant very accurately described this as a " war of surprises , " and certainly it surprised every one when the news came tliat
Kars , which held out so long and bravely in 1855 , had fallen after a night assault , when scarcely any siege operations bad been undertaken . The result is a grand success to Russia , who has now , in Asia , no foeman worthy of her steel opposed to her . Some 300 guns , 10 , 000 prisoners , and
vast stores of provisions have fallen into the hands of the victors , and there is every reason to suppose that Erzeroum "will soon share the same fate . In Europe we hear of a sharp attack on Orkhanie having been repulsed by Chakir Pasha with heavy loss to the assailants , and there has been
sharp fighting iu the neighbourhood of Pyrgos , the accounts of which are very conflicting . The Turks claim to have secured the advantage , and inflicted a loss of 1 , 400 men on the Russians , but the latter , while admitting the severity of tho fighting , set clown their loss , after about '
Our Weekly Budget.
nine hours conflict , at ono officer killed and about eighty officers and men wounded . They admit , moreover , that a portion of their troops engaged were so hard pressed as to be compelled to retire , and that the Turks had succeeded in reducing Pyrgos to ashes . For this reason , though tho
I urks may have somewhat exaggerated the result achieved , we incline to the belief that the Turkish account is the more trustworthy of the two . The Roumanians , after a three days' fight , havo captured Rahova , tho Turks retiring in
the direction of Widdin and Lorn Palanka , pursued by tho enemy . Servia has not yet mado up her mind whether to fight or not , and as Mehemet Ali is not far from her frontier , it will bo as well , perhaps , if she remain passive .
Wc learn from the Masonic Bevieiu that the Grand Lodgo of Ohio met on the 17 th and 18 th ult ., and that on tho latter day tho following were chosen officers for the ensuing year , namely : —Bros . W . M . Cunningham G . M ., Reuben C . Lemmon D . G . M ., James E . Stewart G . S . W ., S . L .
Fisher G . J . W ., Flavius J . Phillips Grand Treasurer , John D . Caldwell Grand Secretary , John R . Miner Grand Orator , Jos . M . Stuart Grand Marshal , L . F . Yon Cleve Grand Chaplain , W . L . Buechner G . S . D ., Hugh Buckley G . J . D ., Jacob Randall Grand Tyler , and Edward Morrell and A . P .
Taylor District Lecturers . The Grand Lodge of Kentucky held its Annual Communication on the 16 th ult ., when the following were among the officers elected , namely-. —Bros . C . H . Johnson G . M ., the Hon . Jake Rice D . G . M ., Hiram Bassett Grand Secretary , and the Rev . H . A . M . Henderson
Grand Chaplain . The Grand Lodge of Wycoming held its third Annual Communication at Evanstown on the 9 th and 10 th ult ., when Bro . Fred . E . Addoms was elected G . M ., and Bros . Orlando North D . G . M ., Thomas McCoy G . S . W ., S . L . Mills G . J . W ., John S . Tayior Grand Treasurer , and William G . Tonn Grand Secretary .
The Freemasons' Repository contains an account of the dedication , at Providence , R . I ., on the 16 th ult ., of the monument erected to the memory of Roger Williams , founder of the City of Providence , and of the State of Rhode Island . The police led the way ; then came
the first division , composed of Kni ghts Templar to the number of about 200 , and then the second of Craft Lodges to the number of between 300 and
400 , Grand Lodge under its G . M ., Bro . Challis , bringing up the rear in nine carriages , escorted by forty mounted Kni ghts of Calvary Commandery , under the command of actinjr E . Commander William Gilford . The
gathering around the monument was very numerous , and the ceremony was performed by Bro . Cutler and his officers most impressively . As the tent in which the customary repast had been arranged was blown down by the wind , the brethren -with , their friends and the ladies were compelled to dine al fresco . Still everything passed off very successfully .
According to the Masonic Advocate , the Grand Council of R . and S . Masters was held at Indianopolis on the 16 th ult ., when the following were among the officers elected for the ensuing year : —Comps . C . H . Butterfield 111 . G . M .,
A . P . Charles Dep . 111 . G . M ., W . R . Godfrey 111 M ., E . S .
Ross G . P . C . of W ., Charles Fisher Grand Treasurer , and John M . Bramwell Grand Recorder . The day following , the Grand Chapter R . A . Masons was held , sixty-eight subordinate Chapters being represented . The following are the newly-elected principal Officers , namely : —Comps .
Simeon H . Johnson G . H . P ., Martin H . Rice Dep . G . H . P ., Thomas B . Long G . K ., Addison D . Williams G . S ., F . M . Symmes G . O ., Charles Fisher Grand Treasurer , and John
M . Bramwell Grand Secretary . The receipts for the year amounted to 6 , 233 . 50 dollars , and the disbursements to 3 , 9 / 0 . 36 dollars leaving a balance in hand of 2 , 263 . 14 dollars . \
Miss Emily Mott ' s annual concert will take place on bYiday , 7 tii Dec , ab St . James's Hall , on which occasion . -sue will have the assistance of Mrs . Osgood , Miss Joso Sherrington , Messrs . Sims Reeves , Edward Lloyd , Walter Clifford , May brick , and tho English Glee Union ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
marvellous performance drew largo crowds of people , as it gradually approached completion , and he succeeded in completing his task on Saturday night with the greatest ease . Ho certainly possesses extraordinary powers of endurance , and deserves all in tho way of money which he reaps by
his walking . We trust , hoAvever , that he will rest satisfied Avith having surpassed every pedestrian of ancient and modem times . There is no one left for him to conquor but himself , and he will gain nothing by doing this . A day or two after his walk , Gale underwent a strict examination
at the Royal Free Hospital , Gray ' s Inn Road , and the medical officers pronounced him to be sound in wind and limb , the varicose veins on bis left leg being the only matter that had caused him any pain . Sir J . D . Astley
decorated him , when tho walk was over , with a champion bolt , an honour which is certainly well doserved , and all we can hope for now is , that others will not be induced to repeat and exceed Gale ' s performance .
At a meeting of the Royal Humane Society on 1 uesday , the silver medal was unanimously voted to a young lady only sixteen years of age , a Miss Grace Vernon Bussell , by whose courageous conduct the lives of several people were saved in December of last year in the neighbourhood of
Perth , in Australia . A screw steamer , the Georgette , voyaging from Freemantle to Port Adelaide , sprung a leak , and was stranded at a place called Kalnagnp , not far distant from Mr . Bussell ' s residence . On hearing of tho accident , Miss Bussell , attended by her black servant , rode down
a steep cliff at full speed to the scene of the disaster , and found the boat capsized in fifteen feet of water , and the passengers clinging to her . Without hesitation , she rode her horse into the sea , and with great difficulty , owing to the tremendous surf that was on , succeeded in reaching the boat ,
and with as many women and children clinging to her and her horse as possible , made her way to the shore , after which the black servant followed her example , and rescued a man
who had been left clinging to the boat . For this courageous act the young lady was duly rewarded on Tuesday , her servant , too , being awarded the bronze medallion for his display of daring .
The marriage of the Duke of Norfolk , Earl Marshal and premier Earl and Duke of England , with the Lady Flora Hastings , daughter of Mr . C . and Lady Abney Hastings , Countess of Loudoun , was solemnised on Wednesday at the Brompton Oratory , with great pomp . The nuptial
ceremony was performed by the Bishop of Southwark , and among the distinguished personages present were the Princess Louise and the Marquis of Lome , the Earls of Beaconsfield , Denbigh , and Granard , the Duke and Duchess
of Bedford , the Marquis and Marchioness of Bute , & c , & c . After the breakfast , the Duke and Duchess set off by special train for Arundel Castle , where they will pass the honeymoon .
The crisis in France is far from being at an end . As M . Albert Grevy ' s motion was carried against ministers by a majority of 320 to 204 , the latter have tendered their resignation , which has been accepted by the President , and they only hold office pending the appointment of their
successors . The composition of the new ministry is not yet settled , meanwhile the Legislative Assembly has adjourned . In the Senate the Government has gained a
majority of twenty-two . This is considered as an indication that the Upper Chamber will support the Marshal , and that in the event of another dissolution of the Assembly being called for , the Senate will grant it .
The news from the Seat of War is very serious , if not disastrous , for the Turkish arms . The Earl of Beaconsfield at the Guildhall banquet on the 9 th instant very accurately described this as a " war of surprises , " and certainly it surprised every one when the news came tliat
Kars , which held out so long and bravely in 1855 , had fallen after a night assault , when scarcely any siege operations bad been undertaken . The result is a grand success to Russia , who has now , in Asia , no foeman worthy of her steel opposed to her . Some 300 guns , 10 , 000 prisoners , and
vast stores of provisions have fallen into the hands of the victors , and there is every reason to suppose that Erzeroum "will soon share the same fate . In Europe we hear of a sharp attack on Orkhanie having been repulsed by Chakir Pasha with heavy loss to the assailants , and there has been
sharp fighting iu the neighbourhood of Pyrgos , the accounts of which are very conflicting . The Turks claim to have secured the advantage , and inflicted a loss of 1 , 400 men on the Russians , but the latter , while admitting the severity of tho fighting , set clown their loss , after about '
Our Weekly Budget.
nine hours conflict , at ono officer killed and about eighty officers and men wounded . They admit , moreover , that a portion of their troops engaged were so hard pressed as to be compelled to retire , and that the Turks had succeeded in reducing Pyrgos to ashes . For this reason , though tho
I urks may have somewhat exaggerated the result achieved , we incline to the belief that the Turkish account is the more trustworthy of the two . The Roumanians , after a three days' fight , havo captured Rahova , tho Turks retiring in
the direction of Widdin and Lorn Palanka , pursued by tho enemy . Servia has not yet mado up her mind whether to fight or not , and as Mehemet Ali is not far from her frontier , it will bo as well , perhaps , if she remain passive .
Wc learn from the Masonic Bevieiu that the Grand Lodgo of Ohio met on the 17 th and 18 th ult ., and that on tho latter day tho following were chosen officers for the ensuing year , namely : —Bros . W . M . Cunningham G . M ., Reuben C . Lemmon D . G . M ., James E . Stewart G . S . W ., S . L .
Fisher G . J . W ., Flavius J . Phillips Grand Treasurer , John D . Caldwell Grand Secretary , John R . Miner Grand Orator , Jos . M . Stuart Grand Marshal , L . F . Yon Cleve Grand Chaplain , W . L . Buechner G . S . D ., Hugh Buckley G . J . D ., Jacob Randall Grand Tyler , and Edward Morrell and A . P .
Taylor District Lecturers . The Grand Lodge of Kentucky held its Annual Communication on the 16 th ult ., when the following were among the officers elected , namely-. —Bros . C . H . Johnson G . M ., the Hon . Jake Rice D . G . M ., Hiram Bassett Grand Secretary , and the Rev . H . A . M . Henderson
Grand Chaplain . The Grand Lodge of Wycoming held its third Annual Communication at Evanstown on the 9 th and 10 th ult ., when Bro . Fred . E . Addoms was elected G . M ., and Bros . Orlando North D . G . M ., Thomas McCoy G . S . W ., S . L . Mills G . J . W ., John S . Tayior Grand Treasurer , and William G . Tonn Grand Secretary .
The Freemasons' Repository contains an account of the dedication , at Providence , R . I ., on the 16 th ult ., of the monument erected to the memory of Roger Williams , founder of the City of Providence , and of the State of Rhode Island . The police led the way ; then came
the first division , composed of Kni ghts Templar to the number of about 200 , and then the second of Craft Lodges to the number of between 300 and
400 , Grand Lodge under its G . M ., Bro . Challis , bringing up the rear in nine carriages , escorted by forty mounted Kni ghts of Calvary Commandery , under the command of actinjr E . Commander William Gilford . The
gathering around the monument was very numerous , and the ceremony was performed by Bro . Cutler and his officers most impressively . As the tent in which the customary repast had been arranged was blown down by the wind , the brethren -with , their friends and the ladies were compelled to dine al fresco . Still everything passed off very successfully .
According to the Masonic Advocate , the Grand Council of R . and S . Masters was held at Indianopolis on the 16 th ult ., when the following were among the officers elected for the ensuing year : —Comps . C . H . Butterfield 111 . G . M .,
A . P . Charles Dep . 111 . G . M ., W . R . Godfrey 111 M ., E . S .
Ross G . P . C . of W ., Charles Fisher Grand Treasurer , and John M . Bramwell Grand Recorder . The day following , the Grand Chapter R . A . Masons was held , sixty-eight subordinate Chapters being represented . The following are the newly-elected principal Officers , namely : —Comps .
Simeon H . Johnson G . H . P ., Martin H . Rice Dep . G . H . P ., Thomas B . Long G . K ., Addison D . Williams G . S ., F . M . Symmes G . O ., Charles Fisher Grand Treasurer , and John
M . Bramwell Grand Secretary . The receipts for the year amounted to 6 , 233 . 50 dollars , and the disbursements to 3 , 9 / 0 . 36 dollars leaving a balance in hand of 2 , 263 . 14 dollars . \
Miss Emily Mott ' s annual concert will take place on bYiday , 7 tii Dec , ab St . James's Hall , on which occasion . -sue will have the assistance of Mrs . Osgood , Miss Joso Sherrington , Messrs . Sims Reeves , Edward Lloyd , Walter Clifford , May brick , and tho English Glee Union ,