Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 4 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 3 of 4 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
each meeting . The sum of Ten Guineas was voted to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and placed on the list of Bro . C . Pulman P . M ., as Steward representing the Lodge , and wo wore glad to observe that later on his list was liberally increased by tho Lodge members individually . Tho Lodge having been closed , tho brethren adjourned to banquet , Bro . Jame 3 Stevens P . M . presiding as W . M .
The nsnal toasts wero honoured , and in giving that of Grand Lodge , tho acting W . M . called the attention of tho brothrcn to tho late action of tho Grand Orient of Franco , deprecating tho conrso which had been adopted , and hoping that the Grand Lodge of England wonld express its opinion thereon in tho most forciblo manner possible His remarks wero listened to with great attention , and were cordially
endorsed by all present . The W . M . ' s health was drunk in his absence , a circumstance which wa 3 much regretted , every officer of the Lodgo boing in his appointed place . Tho toast of the P . M . ' s wa 3 enthusiastically received , and hearty acknowledgments wore rendered to Bros . Poore and Sfcvcns for their readiness to discharge tho all-important
duties of the chair , as well as for other assistance in the working of the Lodge . The Initiates made vory able responses to the toast given in their honour , and the Visitors expressed much gratification with working and subsequent hospitality . A most enjoyable evening terminated at eleven o ' clock , and tho brethren soparatod .
William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No . 766 . — On Friday , 9 th inst ., afc the Feathers Tavern , Upper George-streefc , Edgware-road , Bros . G . Tribbel W . M ., G . West S . W ., Cloghorn J . W ., Brann Sec , Rudderforth Preceptor , Godden S . D ., Nichols J . D ., Hayes I . G . ; Bros . Tyler , Hill , Heath , Parsons , & c . The Lodge was
opened , the minutes read and confirmed . Bro . Heath , a candidate for passing , answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . Lodge was then opened in the second degree , and the ceremony of passing was most ably rehearsed . Lodge waa then resumed , and Bro . Hill was duly initiated into Freemasonry . Tho first and second sections wero
worked by Bro . Preceptor Rudderforth . Bro . Charles Dodd was elected a member of this Lodge of Instruction . Bro . G . West was elected W . M . for Friday , the 23 rd instant . Lodgo wa 3 fchon closed in due form . Bro . Hawkins was successful in obtaining tho ballot for tho Life Subscribership of the William Preston Benevolent Association .
On Friday evening , 16 fch instant , tho Fifteen Soctions wero worked for the first time since the formation of this Lodge of Instruction , which took place twelve months since . Bro . Rudderforth D . C . 12 , J . W . 1668 , presided as W . M ., and the following aro the
names of the brethren who assisted : —Bros . 0 . H . Webb I . G . 174 , S . W . 1607 , S . W . ; G . West J . W . 1287 , J . W . ; T . J . Barnes P . M . 938
I . P . M . The Sections were worked by tho following brethren : — First Lecture—Bros . Hill 862 , Hayes 619 , Godden I . G . 862 , G . West J . W . 1287 , Harris 1586 , Cloghorn 1287 , Evans 862 . Second Lecture—Bros . Hall 193 , Hayos 619 , Tate 862 , 0 . H . Webb S . W . 1607 , Barnes P . M . 933 . Third Lecture—Bros . Braun P . M . 76 G , Maidwell J . W . 27 , Barnes P . M . 933 . Besides the brethren mentioned
there was present a large gathering of tho Craft , and all evinced great interest in the proceedings . When the Sections wero concluded the W . M . rose . Ho had one or two propositions to make , which he felt sure would meet the approval of the brethren . He felfc particularly gratified by the presence of so many visitors : ho alluded especially to Bro . Barnes , who was widely known and respected in
the Masonic strongholds of the other qaartor 3 of this great city , particularly the E . and N . Ho expressed a hope that this gathering might prove a stepping-stone to Bro Barnes ' s further acquaintance with the Masonic rosorta at the west end of the town . He furthor alluded to the history of that brothers ' s well-known efforts to purify the language used in the Ritual , aud proposed that he be elected an honorary
member . The W . M . also proposed that the like mark of respect ; be conferred upon Bro . Webb , who had come so great a distance to act as S . W ., and who had performed his duties in so agreeable and courteous a manner . Both these propositions were seconded by Bro . P . M . Braun , and carried unanimously . Bro . Barnes , in reply , remarked that he thought this mark of respect was conferred only upon those
who had done some service for the Lodge ; he could therefore easily understand why it was conferred upon Bro . Webb , the S . W ., but he did not see upon what grounds ifc would apply to him . However , he thanked the brethren very cordially for the feeling that prompted the act , and added that he was highly gratified with his visit . He would afc the same time take the opportunity of
congratulating the Worshipful Master and tho brethren upon their excellent ; working , which reflected great crodifc upon Bro . Rudderforth , as Preceptor of the Lodge , aud upon the brethren for the attention they must have paid to his teaching . Bros . T . J . Maidwell 27 , R . Maidwell 27 , Lewi 3 172 , B . P . Todd 193 , Norrington 619 , Cobham 382 , Carter and Morgan 1385 , were elected members .
Bro . Tribbel proposed , and Bro . Barne 3 seconded , the proposition that a vote of thanks should be recorded on tho minutes to Bro . Rudder , forth , for his able presidency in tho chair , which was carried . Tho W . M ., in returning thanks , said that it was undoubtedly very gratifying to him to receive such a pleasing mark of their esteem , especially as ifc was accompanied by such flattering observations . He
felfc that the great success attained that evening was due to the manner iu which the brethren who had assisted him in working the Sections had acquitted themselves of the task . Ifc was especially to be remembered that eleven out of the Fifteen Sections wero rendered by young Masons , who had never attempted anything of the kind before . He would , therefore , ask them to render " Honour to whom honour is duo . " Bro . I ' nddorforth proposed a vote of thanks , to be
recorded on the minutes , in favour of thoso brethren who had assisted iu working tho Fifteen Sections . This was seconded by Bro . Morgan , and carried . The Lodgo was then closed in duo form . We may remark , as an evidence of the success which attends this young Lodge of Instruction that it is already a Life Governor of the " Boys , " that it has a good balance in hand , and , further , that the Benevolent Association in connection with ifc has furnished six Life Subscribers to the Charities .
Notices Of Meetings.
Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —Held its weekly meeting afc the Star and Garter , Kew-bridge , on Friday , 9 th Novomber . Bros . W . Goss W . M ., B . Blasby S . W ., Gomm J . W ., H . E . Tucker S . D ., Costelow . T . D ., Gunner I . G ., Blasbv Secretary . Bro . C . Roo P . M . Preceptor . There wero also present Bros . Kyezor , Nye , & o . Lodgo opened at 7 . 30 p . m . Minutos road and confirmed .
Bro . Nvo ottered himself as candidate , and tho coremony of initiation was rehearsed . Bros . Nyo and Gannor replied in a satisfactory manner to tho questions leading to tho second degroo . Lodge then opened up to tho third . Bro . Tucker offered himself as candidate , and was duly raised by tho W . M ., who porformod tho ceremony in a most impressive maimer . Tho other brethren present expressed thoir gratification afc tho instruction they had received .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —On Tiiesday evening last , at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , Bros . Brown W . M ., Williams S . W ., J . Lorkin J . W ., C . Lorkin S . D ., Christian J . D ., Stevenson I . G ., Dallas Sec , Smyth Treas ., P . M . Walliugton Preceptor ; Bros . Cook , Linos , Bonnor , Darnell , & o . After the Lodgo had been formally opened , tho minutes of the last mooting wero read and confirmed . Bro . Sanders
answered tho necessary questions leading to tho third degree , and tho coremony of raising was rehearsed . The Precopfcor gave the fcradi . tional history . Tho brethren coased labour and went to refreshment . After resuming dutios , the Preceptor worked tho first section of tho lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Darnell , of Lodge 192 , was elected a member . Bro . Williams was olecfcod W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation .
Cosmopolitan Lodge , No . 917 . —The installation meeting was held on Tuesday , tho 13 th inst ., afc the Cannon-street Hotel , and was numerously attended by tho brethren and visitors . Bros . A . Rowley W . M ., G . M . Taylor S . W ., La Marque J . W ., F . W . Jones P . M . Treas ., L . Stean P . M . Sec , J . H . Van Raalto I . G ., P . M . ' s Bros . Haines , Basilia , Gibson , J . Corke , Keayes , and Bros . Fonld , Parker ,
W . Rowley , Ellis , Joel , J . Field , Kosman , & o . Preliminaries being observed , Messrs . H . Van Raalto and J . Warner , wero initiated , Bros . Or . . Toff and G . Kearsey were passed . A Board of Installed Masters was now formed , and Bro . G . M . Taylor was presented , and duly installed into the chair by the retiring W . M ., Bro . A . Rowley , in a very excellent and perfect manner , and he was warmly
congratulated by tho brethren and visitors . The Officers wore then invested : —Bros . A . Rowley I . P . M ., La Marquo S . W ., Abbott ( who was absent through illness , but his appointment ; was announced ) J . W ., F . W . Jones P . M . Treas ., L . Stean P . M . Sec , Ellis S . D ., Van Raalto J . D ., S . Corke I . G ., Pitt D . C , J . Corke P . M . W . S ., Gilchrist Tyler . The petition of a distressed Bro . was read and duly signed , for pro .
sentation afc tho next Grand Lodgo of Benevolence ; the brethren also liborally subscribed . The Lodgo was then closed , until tho second Monday in January . An excellent banquet was served , Bro . E . H . Rand superintending . Tho W . M . proposed tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . A . Rowley I . P . M . proposed the toast of tho W . M . ; in the various offices ho had held , the ability he had displayed
entitled him to a hearty and enthusiastic roception . The W . M . thanked the brethren for the manner his health had beon proposed and received ; his best endeavours were always afc their command . In proposing the health of Bro . Rowley the I . P . M ., tho W . M . said they had seen how ably he had performed his duties during the past year , and he ( Bro . Taylor ) would bo well satisfied could he follow in
such worthy footsteps . He had great pleasure in presenting him with a gold Past Master ' s jewel , as a recognition of the efficient ; manner in which he had discharged his duties . All hoped he might live long to wear ifc among them . Bro . Rowley , amidst great cheering , rose with a great degree of pleasure to respond to the toast . He would do all in his power for the interests of tho brethren . He
should like to see the Lodge Life Governor of tho three Institutions . He was going to become a Steward for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and he hoped the brethren would liberally support him . The W . M . then proposed the fcoasfc of the Visitors . A 3 there were so many among them , he would not individualise them , but would assure them a hearty welcome . Bro . Themans , P . M . 141 , in brief but appropriate
terms returned thanks . Bro . E . Somers followed . Each offered a compliment to the working of the I . P . M ., and hoped the Lodgo would eventually become Vice-President of tho Institutions . Bros . W . H . Lee and J . B . Shackleton also replied . The toast of tho Masonic Charities wa 3 next givou . They had two brethren —• Bros . J . Corke P . M . and Bro . L . Stean P . M . —who had ably
represented tho Charities . Bro . J . Corke felfc a pride in respond , ing to the toast . He spoke of tho benefits attending them . Bro . L . Stean endorsed whab had been said by Bro . Corko . Ho announced that the contributions of tho brethren on behalf of their distressed brother had amounted to £ 6 5 s . The W . M . then gave the Initiates , to which Bro 3 . Kearsey , Van Raalto , and Toff replied . The
W . M . paid the P . M . ' s a just compliment for tho able mannor they had discharged their duties while in occupation of tho chair , and thanked them for their assistance , cheerfully rendered on every occasion . Bro . L . Stean P . M . aud Secretary said ho was one of the founders , and also , he might say , tho Father of the Lodge ; he was pleased to see so young a Mason perform tho ceremony of
installation . He ( Bro . Stean ) had been a momber of tho Craft for many years , and he was proud to see tho junior members doing their Masonic duties so correctly . Tho W . M . then proposed flic tuast of tl . o Wardens and Officers of the Lodge . Bros . La Marquo and Ellis returned thanks . Tho Tyler ' s toast was thou given , livos . Bailor , Barker , W . H . Leo , and Jones contributed to the harmony . Tho
Visitors were : —Bros . E . Somers P . M . 1602 , J . B . Shackleton W . M . 1524 , D . Davis 141 , Themans P . M . 141 , L . E . Stean 212 , W . H . Loo W . M . 975 , J . Emsley 548 , II . B . Humphrey 1509 , H . Mas 3 ey P . M . G 19 , W . F . Paulton 192 , S . Rowley 1602 , E . Somers P . M . 1602 , Berliner 1017 , H . Pratt 192 , F . Ferentes 21 , J . W . Hatton 610 , S , Renant 1305 . Medwin 1613 , Pratt 192 , H , M , Levy P , M , 188 . & c .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
each meeting . The sum of Ten Guineas was voted to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and placed on the list of Bro . C . Pulman P . M ., as Steward representing the Lodge , and wo wore glad to observe that later on his list was liberally increased by tho Lodge members individually . Tho Lodge having been closed , tho brethren adjourned to banquet , Bro . Jame 3 Stevens P . M . presiding as W . M .
The nsnal toasts wero honoured , and in giving that of Grand Lodge , tho acting W . M . called the attention of tho brothrcn to tho late action of tho Grand Orient of Franco , deprecating tho conrso which had been adopted , and hoping that the Grand Lodge of England wonld express its opinion thereon in tho most forciblo manner possible His remarks wero listened to with great attention , and were cordially
endorsed by all present . The W . M . ' s health was drunk in his absence , a circumstance which wa 3 much regretted , every officer of the Lodgo boing in his appointed place . Tho toast of the P . M . ' s wa 3 enthusiastically received , and hearty acknowledgments wore rendered to Bros . Poore and Sfcvcns for their readiness to discharge tho all-important
duties of the chair , as well as for other assistance in the working of the Lodge . The Initiates made vory able responses to the toast given in their honour , and the Visitors expressed much gratification with working and subsequent hospitality . A most enjoyable evening terminated at eleven o ' clock , and tho brethren soparatod .
William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No . 766 . — On Friday , 9 th inst ., afc the Feathers Tavern , Upper George-streefc , Edgware-road , Bros . G . Tribbel W . M ., G . West S . W ., Cloghorn J . W ., Brann Sec , Rudderforth Preceptor , Godden S . D ., Nichols J . D ., Hayes I . G . ; Bros . Tyler , Hill , Heath , Parsons , & c . The Lodge was
opened , the minutes read and confirmed . Bro . Heath , a candidate for passing , answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . Lodge was then opened in the second degree , and the ceremony of passing was most ably rehearsed . Lodge waa then resumed , and Bro . Hill was duly initiated into Freemasonry . Tho first and second sections wero
worked by Bro . Preceptor Rudderforth . Bro . Charles Dodd was elected a member of this Lodge of Instruction . Bro . G . West was elected W . M . for Friday , the 23 rd instant . Lodgo wa 3 fchon closed in due form . Bro . Hawkins was successful in obtaining tho ballot for tho Life Subscribership of the William Preston Benevolent Association .
On Friday evening , 16 fch instant , tho Fifteen Soctions wero worked for the first time since the formation of this Lodge of Instruction , which took place twelve months since . Bro . Rudderforth D . C . 12 , J . W . 1668 , presided as W . M ., and the following aro the
names of the brethren who assisted : —Bros . 0 . H . Webb I . G . 174 , S . W . 1607 , S . W . ; G . West J . W . 1287 , J . W . ; T . J . Barnes P . M . 938
I . P . M . The Sections were worked by tho following brethren : — First Lecture—Bros . Hill 862 , Hayes 619 , Godden I . G . 862 , G . West J . W . 1287 , Harris 1586 , Cloghorn 1287 , Evans 862 . Second Lecture—Bros . Hall 193 , Hayos 619 , Tate 862 , 0 . H . Webb S . W . 1607 , Barnes P . M . 933 . Third Lecture—Bros . Braun P . M . 76 G , Maidwell J . W . 27 , Barnes P . M . 933 . Besides the brethren mentioned
there was present a large gathering of tho Craft , and all evinced great interest in the proceedings . When the Sections wero concluded the W . M . rose . Ho had one or two propositions to make , which he felt sure would meet the approval of the brethren . He felfc particularly gratified by the presence of so many visitors : ho alluded especially to Bro . Barnes , who was widely known and respected in
the Masonic strongholds of the other qaartor 3 of this great city , particularly the E . and N . Ho expressed a hope that this gathering might prove a stepping-stone to Bro Barnes ' s further acquaintance with the Masonic rosorta at the west end of the town . He furthor alluded to the history of that brothers ' s well-known efforts to purify the language used in the Ritual , aud proposed that he be elected an honorary
member . The W . M . also proposed that the like mark of respect ; be conferred upon Bro . Webb , who had come so great a distance to act as S . W ., and who had performed his duties in so agreeable and courteous a manner . Both these propositions were seconded by Bro . P . M . Braun , and carried unanimously . Bro . Barnes , in reply , remarked that he thought this mark of respect was conferred only upon those
who had done some service for the Lodge ; he could therefore easily understand why it was conferred upon Bro . Webb , the S . W ., but he did not see upon what grounds ifc would apply to him . However , he thanked the brethren very cordially for the feeling that prompted the act , and added that he was highly gratified with his visit . He would afc the same time take the opportunity of
congratulating the Worshipful Master and tho brethren upon their excellent ; working , which reflected great crodifc upon Bro . Rudderforth , as Preceptor of the Lodge , aud upon the brethren for the attention they must have paid to his teaching . Bros . T . J . Maidwell 27 , R . Maidwell 27 , Lewi 3 172 , B . P . Todd 193 , Norrington 619 , Cobham 382 , Carter and Morgan 1385 , were elected members .
Bro . Tribbel proposed , and Bro . Barne 3 seconded , the proposition that a vote of thanks should be recorded on tho minutes to Bro . Rudder , forth , for his able presidency in tho chair , which was carried . Tho W . M ., in returning thanks , said that it was undoubtedly very gratifying to him to receive such a pleasing mark of their esteem , especially as ifc was accompanied by such flattering observations . He
felfc that the great success attained that evening was due to the manner iu which the brethren who had assisted him in working the Sections had acquitted themselves of the task . Ifc was especially to be remembered that eleven out of the Fifteen Sections wero rendered by young Masons , who had never attempted anything of the kind before . He would , therefore , ask them to render " Honour to whom honour is duo . " Bro . I ' nddorforth proposed a vote of thanks , to be
recorded on the minutes , in favour of thoso brethren who had assisted iu working tho Fifteen Sections . This was seconded by Bro . Morgan , and carried . The Lodgo was then closed in duo form . We may remark , as an evidence of the success which attends this young Lodge of Instruction that it is already a Life Governor of the " Boys , " that it has a good balance in hand , and , further , that the Benevolent Association in connection with ifc has furnished six Life Subscribers to the Charities .
Notices Of Meetings.
Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —Held its weekly meeting afc the Star and Garter , Kew-bridge , on Friday , 9 th Novomber . Bros . W . Goss W . M ., B . Blasby S . W ., Gomm J . W ., H . E . Tucker S . D ., Costelow . T . D ., Gunner I . G ., Blasbv Secretary . Bro . C . Roo P . M . Preceptor . There wero also present Bros . Kyezor , Nye , & o . Lodgo opened at 7 . 30 p . m . Minutos road and confirmed .
Bro . Nvo ottered himself as candidate , and tho coremony of initiation was rehearsed . Bros . Nyo and Gannor replied in a satisfactory manner to tho questions leading to tho second degroo . Lodge then opened up to tho third . Bro . Tucker offered himself as candidate , and was duly raised by tho W . M ., who porformod tho ceremony in a most impressive maimer . Tho other brethren present expressed thoir gratification afc tho instruction they had received .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —On Tiiesday evening last , at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , Bros . Brown W . M ., Williams S . W ., J . Lorkin J . W ., C . Lorkin S . D ., Christian J . D ., Stevenson I . G ., Dallas Sec , Smyth Treas ., P . M . Walliugton Preceptor ; Bros . Cook , Linos , Bonnor , Darnell , & o . After the Lodgo had been formally opened , tho minutes of the last mooting wero read and confirmed . Bro . Sanders
answered tho necessary questions leading to tho third degree , and tho coremony of raising was rehearsed . The Precopfcor gave the fcradi . tional history . Tho brethren coased labour and went to refreshment . After resuming dutios , the Preceptor worked tho first section of tho lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Darnell , of Lodge 192 , was elected a member . Bro . Williams was olecfcod W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation .
Cosmopolitan Lodge , No . 917 . —The installation meeting was held on Tuesday , tho 13 th inst ., afc the Cannon-street Hotel , and was numerously attended by tho brethren and visitors . Bros . A . Rowley W . M ., G . M . Taylor S . W ., La Marque J . W ., F . W . Jones P . M . Treas ., L . Stean P . M . Sec , J . H . Van Raalto I . G ., P . M . ' s Bros . Haines , Basilia , Gibson , J . Corke , Keayes , and Bros . Fonld , Parker ,
W . Rowley , Ellis , Joel , J . Field , Kosman , & o . Preliminaries being observed , Messrs . H . Van Raalto and J . Warner , wero initiated , Bros . Or . . Toff and G . Kearsey were passed . A Board of Installed Masters was now formed , and Bro . G . M . Taylor was presented , and duly installed into the chair by the retiring W . M ., Bro . A . Rowley , in a very excellent and perfect manner , and he was warmly
congratulated by tho brethren and visitors . The Officers wore then invested : —Bros . A . Rowley I . P . M ., La Marquo S . W ., Abbott ( who was absent through illness , but his appointment ; was announced ) J . W ., F . W . Jones P . M . Treas ., L . Stean P . M . Sec , Ellis S . D ., Van Raalto J . D ., S . Corke I . G ., Pitt D . C , J . Corke P . M . W . S ., Gilchrist Tyler . The petition of a distressed Bro . was read and duly signed , for pro .
sentation afc tho next Grand Lodgo of Benevolence ; the brethren also liborally subscribed . The Lodgo was then closed , until tho second Monday in January . An excellent banquet was served , Bro . E . H . Rand superintending . Tho W . M . proposed tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . A . Rowley I . P . M . proposed the toast of tho W . M . ; in the various offices ho had held , the ability he had displayed
entitled him to a hearty and enthusiastic roception . The W . M . thanked the brethren for the manner his health had beon proposed and received ; his best endeavours were always afc their command . In proposing the health of Bro . Rowley the I . P . M ., tho W . M . said they had seen how ably he had performed his duties during the past year , and he ( Bro . Taylor ) would bo well satisfied could he follow in
such worthy footsteps . He had great pleasure in presenting him with a gold Past Master ' s jewel , as a recognition of the efficient ; manner in which he had discharged his duties . All hoped he might live long to wear ifc among them . Bro . Rowley , amidst great cheering , rose with a great degree of pleasure to respond to the toast . He would do all in his power for the interests of tho brethren . He
should like to see the Lodge Life Governor of tho three Institutions . He was going to become a Steward for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and he hoped the brethren would liberally support him . The W . M . then proposed the fcoasfc of the Visitors . A 3 there were so many among them , he would not individualise them , but would assure them a hearty welcome . Bro . Themans , P . M . 141 , in brief but appropriate
terms returned thanks . Bro . E . Somers followed . Each offered a compliment to the working of the I . P . M ., and hoped the Lodgo would eventually become Vice-President of tho Institutions . Bros . W . H . Lee and J . B . Shackleton also replied . The toast of tho Masonic Charities wa 3 next givou . They had two brethren —• Bros . J . Corke P . M . and Bro . L . Stean P . M . —who had ably
represented tho Charities . Bro . J . Corke felfc a pride in respond , ing to the toast . He spoke of tho benefits attending them . Bro . L . Stean endorsed whab had been said by Bro . Corko . Ho announced that the contributions of tho brethren on behalf of their distressed brother had amounted to £ 6 5 s . The W . M . then gave the Initiates , to which Bro 3 . Kearsey , Van Raalto , and Toff replied . The
W . M . paid the P . M . ' s a just compliment for tho able mannor they had discharged their duties while in occupation of tho chair , and thanked them for their assistance , cheerfully rendered on every occasion . Bro . L . Stean P . M . aud Secretary said ho was one of the founders , and also , he might say , tho Father of the Lodge ; he was pleased to see so young a Mason perform tho ceremony of
installation . He ( Bro . Stean ) had been a momber of tho Craft for many years , and he was proud to see tho junior members doing their Masonic duties so correctly . Tho W . M . then proposed flic tuast of tl . o Wardens and Officers of the Lodge . Bros . La Marquo and Ellis returned thanks . Tho Tyler ' s toast was thou given , livos . Bailor , Barker , W . H . Leo , and Jones contributed to the harmony . Tho
Visitors were : —Bros . E . Somers P . M . 1602 , J . B . Shackleton W . M . 1524 , D . Davis 141 , Themans P . M . 141 , L . E . Stean 212 , W . H . Loo W . M . 975 , J . Emsley 548 , II . B . Humphrey 1509 , H . Mas 3 ey P . M . G 19 , W . F . Paulton 192 , S . Rowley 1602 , E . Somers P . M . 1602 , Berliner 1017 , H . Pratt 192 , F . Ferentes 21 , J . W . Hatton 610 , S , Renant 1305 . Medwin 1613 , Pratt 192 , H , M , Levy P , M , 188 . & c .