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Consecration Of St. George's Lodge, No. 1723, Bolton, Lancashire.
TIT R good old town of Bolton , famed as it lias boon for years for its lnvo of everything Masonic , lias seldom seen so brilliant an array of Masons as was presented to it , on Thnrsday , 15 th November 1877 . Tho occasion was tho consecration of a new Lodge , for tho first time in Bolton for over one hundred years , and tho fact that the ceremony was to bo performed by the vory popular Provincial Grand
Master hi propria persona added additional lustre to tho proceedings . A Craft Lodge was opened at thoFreomasons' Hall , by Tiro . Freeman , W . M . of tho oldest Lodge in tho Province , No . 37 , and tho brethren being ( Inly ranged in order , tho procession of dignitaries of tho Craft was received with all appropriate respect . Tho chair was then taken by Bro . Col . Legendro N . Starkie E . W . Prov . Cr . M ., who was
suppovtotl by tho Deputy P . G . M . Bro . George Mellor ( Mayor of Ashton ) , and tho Provincial Grand Officers of tho year , who wero all in their respectivo chairs . Tho opening prayer was given in tho most impressive manner by tho Prov . Grand Chaplain , Bro . Rev . S . T . B . Bradshaw , and tho warrant of tho M . W . G . M . was read by tho respected Prov . G . Sec . Bro . . Tohn Tunnah . Tho oration on tho
nature and design of tho Institution was then delivered by tho Prov . G . M ., who , at tho conclusion of tho address , said that as the roso ( alluding to tho embloin of the County Palatine of Lancaster ) was tho fairest among flowers , so might tho St . George's Lodgo become the paragon among tho Lodges of the Province . After the invocation a procession was formed , consisting of Bro . James Hall
Prov . G . Treas ., bearing corn , Bro . C . Fitzgerald Matter P . G . W . Greece , bearing wine , and Bro . Rev . E . E . Aklridgo P . Prov . G . Chap ., bearing oil . After tho customary solemn observances , tho presiding officer formally constituted tho Lodge in the name of the M . W . G . M . Tho chair was then vacated by Bro . Col . Starkie , and occupied by Bro . J . II . Sillitoo Prov . G . D . of C . who had ably discharged his
dnty in the foregoing ceremony . The W . M . designate , Bro . G . P . Brockbank P . P . G . D ., was then presented by Bro . Tunnah , and after tho usual formalities , regularly installed into tho Oriental chair , boforo tho largest board of Installed Blasters ever seen in East Lancashire . On tho re-admission of the Master Masons Bro . Brock , bank appointed hi 3 officers as follow : —Bros . Thomas Entwislo P . M .
221 , P . Prov . G . S . of W ., S . W ., J . W . Taylor P . M . 221 P . Prov . G . Org . J . W ., George Ferguson P . M . 221 Treasnrer ( elected ) , J . Martin Butter P . M . 221 Sec , Thos . Morris P . M . 221 S . D ., W . H . J . Jones P . M . 221 J . D ., Wm . Chas . Stanley W . M . 221 I . G . Thus every chair was fdled by a P . M . of the Old Mother Lodge , St . John ' s , 221 , andmimhilo visu—above each officer ' s place in the Lodgo hung his banner .
Hearty good wishes wore expressed by all tho visitors , of whom it would be impossible to givo a list , as it would almost bo a roll call of tho past and present officers of the Province . After the closo of tho Lodge the brethren adjourned to banquet , which , by the courtesy of the committee , of tho Conservative- Club , was held in their dining saloon . Bro . Brockband presided , and was supported right and left by Bros . Col . Stai'kie , Rev . S . Y . B . Bradshaw , Rev . D . Aldridge
J . L . Hino , John Tunnah , C . F . Matier , J . H . Sillitoo , & c . The chairs of S . and J . W . were filled by Bros . Entwislo and Taylor . After banquet the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed by the chairman , and cordially responded to by tho brethren . The health of tho W . M . was proposed by Col . Starkie in an unusually eloquent manner . Alluding to the nnivorsality of Masonry , embracing rich and poor , the speaker quoted an epitaph from a tombstone in Elgin churchyard , which wo do not remember to havo hoard
before" This Life is a city full of streets , And Death is the merchant that all men meets ; If Life was a thing that money could buy , Tho poor conldn't live , and the rich wouldn't die . " Bro . J . L . Hine responded for tho Masonic Charities , and made a powerful appeal both for tl \ o local Institution and for the London
Masonic Charities . The health of the Visitors was proposed by the J . W ., and responded to by Bro . C . F . Matier and Bro . J . H . Sillitoe , who both spoke in unqualified praise of the wholo of the proceedings of tho day . Tho Tyler ' s toast brought a most enjoyable day to a close . The musical arrangements , both in Lodge and at banquet ,
were under the control of Bros . Statham and Lister , and gave great satisfaction to tho brethren and visitors . Indeed , we are so thoi-onghly impressed with tho respect paid by our Bolton brethren to the watchwords of the Order that when they again consecrate a new Lodge we trust wo may bo thero to see and wish them continned success and prosperity .
Order Of The Temple, Ireland.
THE St . John s Preceptory , No . 3 S 4 , Dnndalk , ono of the oldest in Ireland , met on Wednesday afternoon last , in regular Convocation , at the Masonic Hall of that town . Sir Kuight Hugh McEwen Preceptor , notwithstanding the extreme severity of tho evening , there was a full averago attendance of the Comps . Tho New Ritual was strictly observed in working . Considerable interest was manifested respect .
ing certain proceedings of the Great Priory , not calculated to give satisfaction to the Order generally , as exclnding from the Council of Great Priory all Preceptories outside the immediato vicinity of Dublin , though , of course , thoy have their individual representative at the Convent General . The election of officers for 1878 , was then
proceeded with , when the following Knights were unanimously chosen —Richard Harvey P . M . R . K . M . E . P ., Francis Scott M . D . Constable , W . R . Rogers Marshal , H . McEwen Reg . The minor offices wero filled by each Companion being rased a step , after which the Chapter adjourned to St . John ' s day . The Companions supped together in the evening .
Prov. G. Lodge Of Northumberland.
ON Tuesday , 13 th inst ., theannnal meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodgo of Northumberland was held in tho Assembly Rooms , Nowcastlo , under tho baunev of tho Do Loraino Lodge , No . 541 . Tho interest of the gathering was considerably heightened by tho consoeration of tho new Lodge , St . John's , No . 1712 , Newcastle . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in duo form by the R . W . Prov . G . M . Earl Percy , M . P ., assisted by tho following officers : —Bros .
Joseph Cook P . G . S . W ., II . ITanson P . G . J . W ., John P . Forstor P . G . S . D ., J . H . Bentham P . G . J . D ., E . D . Davis P . G . D . C ., Thomas Cochrane Asst . P . G . D . C ., Richard Watson P . G . Organist ; Bros . IT . J . Heron , J . S . B . Boll , N . Mein , G . T . Gibson , Joseph Archihnlrt . n-ul J . 0 . Mowbray wero tho Stewards , and Bros . Joshna Carry and W . Simm <* Tylers . There was a very numerous attendanco of distinguished
Masons and Blasters arid brethren from tho various Lodges in tho Province , as well as several visiting brethren from tho Provinco of Durham . Aftor tho Treasurer ' s and other reports hud beon rend and received , tho Masters of tho varions Lodges in tho Province presented reports as to the condition and working of thoir respective Lodges during tho past year , all of which woro highlv satisfactory . The
rontino business having been thus duly performed , the Ritrht Worshipful Provincial Grand Master proceoded to perform tho ceremony of consecrating tho new Lodgo of St . John's , No . 1712 , of which Bro . Thomas Anderson P . M ., & c , was dnly installed W . M . for tho year , and he , after having been saluted according to ancient custom , invested the followiug as his Officers : —Bros . H . Hill
S . W ., J . Bolam J . W ., Ralph Carr Secretary , George Cockburn P . M . Treasnrer , J . W . Brewis S . D ., William Oglevie J . D ., T . E . Smith S . S ., William Cockburn P . M . D . of C . Bro . E . D . Davis P . M ., & c , performed the duties of Installing Master with his usual ability . Tho R . W . Prov . G . M . invosted the following as Provincial Officers for tho ensuing year : — Bros . L . M . Cockcroft D . Prov . G . M ., R . n . Holmes
G 85 P . G . S . W ., W . J . Ward 421 P . G . J . W ., W . L . J . Cooley 1167 , P . G . Chaplain , T . Anderson 541 and 1712 P . G . Treasurer , W . Cockburn 24 P . G . Registrar , B . J . Thompson P . G . Secretary , Nicholas Mein 541 P . G . S . D ., Christopher Hopper 393 P . G . J . D ., J . C . Mowbray 1342 P . G . S . of W ., E . D . Davis 541 P . G . D . of C , Richard Aynon 481 P . G . Assist . D . of C , Aaron Guthrie P . G . Sword Bearer , Charles
Shepherd 406 P . G . Organist , Thomas Halliday 406 P . G . Purs ., Charles Aldcrson 636 Assistant P . G . Purs ., Joseph Curry P . G . Tyler . Stewards—Bros . Ralph Carr 24 , Thomas Robson 431 , Wm . Gladstone 991 , Alexander Iugram 1167 , Wm . Cooper 1342 , and John Nicholson 1557 . The Provincial Lodge was thon closed in
due form , and the brethren adjourned to the Queen ' s Head Hotol , Pilgrim-street , where a rdclidrclie banquet fvas served . Tho chair was occupied by Earl Percy , M . P ., Prov . G . M ., and the vice-chair by Bro . R . H . Holmes P . G . S . W . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts wero duly given , and a pleasant evening was spent .
NEW SOUTH WAT . ES . — A Masonic Lodge has beon established at Dnbbo , nndor tho stylo of the " Macquarie . " It is under the Scotch Constitution . A dispensation or charter has been granted , and tho Lodge was formally opened in September , by P . M . Donaldson , of the Abbotsford Lodge , Gulgong .
The members of the Prince of Wales Lodge , E . C ., No . 1653 , Sydney , took occasion , at their meeting on the 7 th September , to present Bro . Hugh Kennedy P . M ., with a P . M . ' a jewel on his retirement from the chair of the Lodge , of which he was the first Master . Tho jewel , which is of solid gold , was designed and mado by Messr 3 . T . T . Jones and Son , of George-street . It is suspended on a blue ribbon , bearing the emblem of tho Lodge , and in design and finish is a very attractive ornament .
MASONIC PRESENTATION . —There was a gay and festive gathering on Monday night at the annual meeting of the Zetland Royal Arch Chapter , No . 390 , English Constitution , when the most excellent Companion William Webster presented a beautifully illuminated address on vellum ( the artistic handiwork of Bro . George Kelp ) , in handsome massive gold frame , to Bro . Francis Burnand Davidson .
The address read as follows : — " To Francis Burnand Davidson , Esq . Dear Sir and Excellent Companion , We , the Companions of tho Zetland Royal Arch Chapter of Australia , No . 390 , E . C ., desire , on the occasion of tho completion of your twentieth year of service iu the important office yon havo so efficiently and honourably held in this Chapter , to convey to you the expression of our esteem for you
as a gentleman and a Royal Arch Mason . And in testimony of our appreciation of tho courtesy , integrity , and zeal which have ever characterised your long service in connexion with us as a member of our Chapter , wo beg to present yon with this address , and hope that it may bo tho pleasure of the Most High so to dispose events that yon may long be spared to be amongst us . On behalf of the Chapter , we remain , Dear Sir and Companion , fraternally vours , William
Webster / ., N . J . Robinson H ., and E . Kirchuer J . " Comp . Davidson , in feeling terms , thanked the brethren for their esteem and good feeling toward him , and concluded a happy speech by reviewing tho progress mado by Royal Arch Masonry during the last twenty years . At the banquet , which followed the presentation , nearly 100 Companions sat down . After the usual loyal toasts wore s-uih . bl y responded to , tho health of Comp . Davidson was drunk iu bumpers . — Eve / iiny News , Sydney , New South Wales , 26 th September 1877 ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of St. George's Lodge, No. 1723, Bolton, Lancashire.
TIT R good old town of Bolton , famed as it lias boon for years for its lnvo of everything Masonic , lias seldom seen so brilliant an array of Masons as was presented to it , on Thnrsday , 15 th November 1877 . Tho occasion was tho consecration of a new Lodge , for tho first time in Bolton for over one hundred years , and tho fact that the ceremony was to bo performed by the vory popular Provincial Grand
Master hi propria persona added additional lustre to tho proceedings . A Craft Lodge was opened at thoFreomasons' Hall , by Tiro . Freeman , W . M . of tho oldest Lodge in tho Province , No . 37 , and tho brethren being ( Inly ranged in order , tho procession of dignitaries of tho Craft was received with all appropriate respect . Tho chair was then taken by Bro . Col . Legendro N . Starkie E . W . Prov . Cr . M ., who was
suppovtotl by tho Deputy P . G . M . Bro . George Mellor ( Mayor of Ashton ) , and tho Provincial Grand Officers of tho year , who wero all in their respectivo chairs . Tho opening prayer was given in tho most impressive manner by tho Prov . Grand Chaplain , Bro . Rev . S . T . B . Bradshaw , and tho warrant of tho M . W . G . M . was read by tho respected Prov . G . Sec . Bro . . Tohn Tunnah . Tho oration on tho
nature and design of tho Institution was then delivered by tho Prov . G . M ., who , at tho conclusion of tho address , said that as the roso ( alluding to tho embloin of the County Palatine of Lancaster ) was tho fairest among flowers , so might tho St . George's Lodgo become the paragon among tho Lodges of the Province . After the invocation a procession was formed , consisting of Bro . James Hall
Prov . G . Treas ., bearing corn , Bro . C . Fitzgerald Matter P . G . W . Greece , bearing wine , and Bro . Rev . E . E . Aklridgo P . Prov . G . Chap ., bearing oil . After tho customary solemn observances , tho presiding officer formally constituted tho Lodge in the name of the M . W . G . M . Tho chair was then vacated by Bro . Col . Starkie , and occupied by Bro . J . II . Sillitoo Prov . G . D . of C . who had ably discharged his
dnty in the foregoing ceremony . The W . M . designate , Bro . G . P . Brockbank P . P . G . D ., was then presented by Bro . Tunnah , and after tho usual formalities , regularly installed into tho Oriental chair , boforo tho largest board of Installed Blasters ever seen in East Lancashire . On tho re-admission of the Master Masons Bro . Brock , bank appointed hi 3 officers as follow : —Bros . Thomas Entwislo P . M .
221 , P . Prov . G . S . of W ., S . W ., J . W . Taylor P . M . 221 P . Prov . G . Org . J . W ., George Ferguson P . M . 221 Treasnrer ( elected ) , J . Martin Butter P . M . 221 Sec , Thos . Morris P . M . 221 S . D ., W . H . J . Jones P . M . 221 J . D ., Wm . Chas . Stanley W . M . 221 I . G . Thus every chair was fdled by a P . M . of the Old Mother Lodge , St . John ' s , 221 , andmimhilo visu—above each officer ' s place in the Lodgo hung his banner .
Hearty good wishes wore expressed by all tho visitors , of whom it would be impossible to givo a list , as it would almost bo a roll call of tho past and present officers of the Province . After the closo of tho Lodge the brethren adjourned to banquet , which , by the courtesy of the committee , of tho Conservative- Club , was held in their dining saloon . Bro . Brockband presided , and was supported right and left by Bros . Col . Stai'kie , Rev . S . Y . B . Bradshaw , Rev . D . Aldridge
J . L . Hino , John Tunnah , C . F . Matier , J . H . Sillitoo , & c . The chairs of S . and J . W . were filled by Bros . Entwislo and Taylor . After banquet the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed by the chairman , and cordially responded to by tho brethren . The health of tho W . M . was proposed by Col . Starkie in an unusually eloquent manner . Alluding to the nnivorsality of Masonry , embracing rich and poor , the speaker quoted an epitaph from a tombstone in Elgin churchyard , which wo do not remember to havo hoard
before" This Life is a city full of streets , And Death is the merchant that all men meets ; If Life was a thing that money could buy , Tho poor conldn't live , and the rich wouldn't die . " Bro . J . L . Hine responded for tho Masonic Charities , and made a powerful appeal both for tl \ o local Institution and for the London
Masonic Charities . The health of the Visitors was proposed by the J . W ., and responded to by Bro . C . F . Matier and Bro . J . H . Sillitoe , who both spoke in unqualified praise of the wholo of the proceedings of tho day . Tho Tyler ' s toast brought a most enjoyable day to a close . The musical arrangements , both in Lodge and at banquet ,
were under the control of Bros . Statham and Lister , and gave great satisfaction to tho brethren and visitors . Indeed , we are so thoi-onghly impressed with tho respect paid by our Bolton brethren to the watchwords of the Order that when they again consecrate a new Lodge we trust wo may bo thero to see and wish them continned success and prosperity .
Order Of The Temple, Ireland.
THE St . John s Preceptory , No . 3 S 4 , Dnndalk , ono of the oldest in Ireland , met on Wednesday afternoon last , in regular Convocation , at the Masonic Hall of that town . Sir Kuight Hugh McEwen Preceptor , notwithstanding the extreme severity of tho evening , there was a full averago attendance of the Comps . Tho New Ritual was strictly observed in working . Considerable interest was manifested respect .
ing certain proceedings of the Great Priory , not calculated to give satisfaction to the Order generally , as exclnding from the Council of Great Priory all Preceptories outside the immediato vicinity of Dublin , though , of course , thoy have their individual representative at the Convent General . The election of officers for 1878 , was then
proceeded with , when the following Knights were unanimously chosen —Richard Harvey P . M . R . K . M . E . P ., Francis Scott M . D . Constable , W . R . Rogers Marshal , H . McEwen Reg . The minor offices wero filled by each Companion being rased a step , after which the Chapter adjourned to St . John ' s day . The Companions supped together in the evening .
Prov. G. Lodge Of Northumberland.
ON Tuesday , 13 th inst ., theannnal meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodgo of Northumberland was held in tho Assembly Rooms , Nowcastlo , under tho baunev of tho Do Loraino Lodge , No . 541 . Tho interest of the gathering was considerably heightened by tho consoeration of tho new Lodge , St . John's , No . 1712 , Newcastle . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in duo form by the R . W . Prov . G . M . Earl Percy , M . P ., assisted by tho following officers : —Bros .
Joseph Cook P . G . S . W ., II . ITanson P . G . J . W ., John P . Forstor P . G . S . D ., J . H . Bentham P . G . J . D ., E . D . Davis P . G . D . C ., Thomas Cochrane Asst . P . G . D . C ., Richard Watson P . G . Organist ; Bros . IT . J . Heron , J . S . B . Boll , N . Mein , G . T . Gibson , Joseph Archihnlrt . n-ul J . 0 . Mowbray wero tho Stewards , and Bros . Joshna Carry and W . Simm <* Tylers . There was a very numerous attendanco of distinguished
Masons and Blasters arid brethren from tho various Lodges in tho Province , as well as several visiting brethren from tho Provinco of Durham . Aftor tho Treasurer ' s and other reports hud beon rend and received , tho Masters of tho varions Lodges in tho Province presented reports as to the condition and working of thoir respective Lodges during tho past year , all of which woro highlv satisfactory . The
rontino business having been thus duly performed , the Ritrht Worshipful Provincial Grand Master proceoded to perform tho ceremony of consecrating tho new Lodgo of St . John's , No . 1712 , of which Bro . Thomas Anderson P . M ., & c , was dnly installed W . M . for tho year , and he , after having been saluted according to ancient custom , invested the followiug as his Officers : —Bros . H . Hill
S . W ., J . Bolam J . W ., Ralph Carr Secretary , George Cockburn P . M . Treasnrer , J . W . Brewis S . D ., William Oglevie J . D ., T . E . Smith S . S ., William Cockburn P . M . D . of C . Bro . E . D . Davis P . M ., & c , performed the duties of Installing Master with his usual ability . Tho R . W . Prov . G . M . invosted the following as Provincial Officers for tho ensuing year : — Bros . L . M . Cockcroft D . Prov . G . M ., R . n . Holmes
G 85 P . G . S . W ., W . J . Ward 421 P . G . J . W ., W . L . J . Cooley 1167 , P . G . Chaplain , T . Anderson 541 and 1712 P . G . Treasurer , W . Cockburn 24 P . G . Registrar , B . J . Thompson P . G . Secretary , Nicholas Mein 541 P . G . S . D ., Christopher Hopper 393 P . G . J . D ., J . C . Mowbray 1342 P . G . S . of W ., E . D . Davis 541 P . G . D . of C , Richard Aynon 481 P . G . Assist . D . of C , Aaron Guthrie P . G . Sword Bearer , Charles
Shepherd 406 P . G . Organist , Thomas Halliday 406 P . G . Purs ., Charles Aldcrson 636 Assistant P . G . Purs ., Joseph Curry P . G . Tyler . Stewards—Bros . Ralph Carr 24 , Thomas Robson 431 , Wm . Gladstone 991 , Alexander Iugram 1167 , Wm . Cooper 1342 , and John Nicholson 1557 . The Provincial Lodge was thon closed in
due form , and the brethren adjourned to the Queen ' s Head Hotol , Pilgrim-street , where a rdclidrclie banquet fvas served . Tho chair was occupied by Earl Percy , M . P ., Prov . G . M ., and the vice-chair by Bro . R . H . Holmes P . G . S . W . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts wero duly given , and a pleasant evening was spent .
NEW SOUTH WAT . ES . — A Masonic Lodge has beon established at Dnbbo , nndor tho stylo of the " Macquarie . " It is under the Scotch Constitution . A dispensation or charter has been granted , and tho Lodge was formally opened in September , by P . M . Donaldson , of the Abbotsford Lodge , Gulgong .
The members of the Prince of Wales Lodge , E . C ., No . 1653 , Sydney , took occasion , at their meeting on the 7 th September , to present Bro . Hugh Kennedy P . M ., with a P . M . ' a jewel on his retirement from the chair of the Lodge , of which he was the first Master . Tho jewel , which is of solid gold , was designed and mado by Messr 3 . T . T . Jones and Son , of George-street . It is suspended on a blue ribbon , bearing the emblem of tho Lodge , and in design and finish is a very attractive ornament .
MASONIC PRESENTATION . —There was a gay and festive gathering on Monday night at the annual meeting of the Zetland Royal Arch Chapter , No . 390 , English Constitution , when the most excellent Companion William Webster presented a beautifully illuminated address on vellum ( the artistic handiwork of Bro . George Kelp ) , in handsome massive gold frame , to Bro . Francis Burnand Davidson .
The address read as follows : — " To Francis Burnand Davidson , Esq . Dear Sir and Excellent Companion , We , the Companions of tho Zetland Royal Arch Chapter of Australia , No . 390 , E . C ., desire , on the occasion of tho completion of your twentieth year of service iu the important office yon havo so efficiently and honourably held in this Chapter , to convey to you the expression of our esteem for you
as a gentleman and a Royal Arch Mason . And in testimony of our appreciation of tho courtesy , integrity , and zeal which have ever characterised your long service in connexion with us as a member of our Chapter , wo beg to present yon with this address , and hope that it may bo tho pleasure of the Most High so to dispose events that yon may long be spared to be amongst us . On behalf of the Chapter , we remain , Dear Sir and Companion , fraternally vours , William
Webster / ., N . J . Robinson H ., and E . Kirchuer J . " Comp . Davidson , in feeling terms , thanked the brethren for their esteem and good feeling toward him , and concluded a happy speech by reviewing tho progress mado by Royal Arch Masonry during the last twenty years . At the banquet , which followed the presentation , nearly 100 Companions sat down . After the usual loyal toasts wore s-uih . bl y responded to , tho health of Comp . Davidson was drunk iu bumpers . — Eve / iiny News , Sydney , New South Wales , 26 th September 1877 ,