Article INSTITUTE OF ACTUARIES. ← Page 2 of 2
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Institute Of Actuaries.
Institute of Actuaries of Great Britain and Ireland . —Notice is hereby given , that the Sessional Meetings of the Institute for the year 1849 and 1850 will take place on the 26 th November , the 31 st December , the 28 th January , the 25 th February , the 25 th March , the 29 th April , the 27 th May , and the 24 th June , at seven o ' clock in the evening . Strangers may be introduced at those meetings by any member , with
the leave of the president of the meeting . Information , as to the constitution , laws , and objects of the Institute , may be obtained from the Honorary Secretaries ; from the Registrar , Mr . J . J . Cleghorn , at the Guardian Office , Lombard-street ; or the rooms of the Institute , 12 , Chatham-place , Blackfriars , which are open daily from twelve to eight . JENKINS JONES , ROBERT TUCKER , Hon . Sees . Nov . 22 , 1819
The Post Magazine indulges in its acquired taste for abuse—we wish we could congratulate it on an improved taste , it might in such case reform by dignity , what it may confirm by the want of it . For some time it has given publicity (?) to the advertisements of the Sea Fire and Life Office ; but poor Mr . Collingridge , of whom we know nothing , is persecuted with a vindictiyeness unworthy the public press ; however ,
" de gustibus , " & c . Our own opinion would favour such a rule of conduct as would sufficiently caution the public against imposition , by guarding them against an abuse of their confidence— " ex quovis ligno nonfit mercurius . "
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Institute Of Actuaries.
Institute of Actuaries of Great Britain and Ireland . —Notice is hereby given , that the Sessional Meetings of the Institute for the year 1849 and 1850 will take place on the 26 th November , the 31 st December , the 28 th January , the 25 th February , the 25 th March , the 29 th April , the 27 th May , and the 24 th June , at seven o ' clock in the evening . Strangers may be introduced at those meetings by any member , with
the leave of the president of the meeting . Information , as to the constitution , laws , and objects of the Institute , may be obtained from the Honorary Secretaries ; from the Registrar , Mr . J . J . Cleghorn , at the Guardian Office , Lombard-street ; or the rooms of the Institute , 12 , Chatham-place , Blackfriars , which are open daily from twelve to eight . JENKINS JONES , ROBERT TUCKER , Hon . Sees . Nov . 22 , 1819
The Post Magazine indulges in its acquired taste for abuse—we wish we could congratulate it on an improved taste , it might in such case reform by dignity , what it may confirm by the want of it . For some time it has given publicity (?) to the advertisements of the Sea Fire and Life Office ; but poor Mr . Collingridge , of whom we know nothing , is persecuted with a vindictiyeness unworthy the public press ; however ,
" de gustibus , " & c . Our own opinion would favour such a rule of conduct as would sufficiently caution the public against imposition , by guarding them against an abuse of their confidence— " ex quovis ligno nonfit mercurius . "