Article AMERICA.—UNITED STATES. Page 1 of 1 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 7 →
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America.—United States.
BUT for the interest excited by the schism in New York , caused by the dissociation of the one Grand Lodge , and the materials thereof being now re-modelled into two Grand Lodges , we should be without matter of interest . We expressed in our last a hope that the seceders would give such an ample explanation of their motives , as might lead to an equitable adjustment of all differences ; this is , however , a doubtful matter after all , for
although they have published , in extenso , a very elaborate statement , and most assuredly have the best of the argument , still there is a lacking of frankness , that leads us to fear a reconciliation may be distant—they should bear in mind Gay ' s words , " Brother , brother , we are both in the wrong . " LOUISIANA . —The Grand Lodge of this State has circulated a very interesting report of its position and proceedings .
The Agents in Calcutta for this Review are—Messrs . LATTEY , BROTHERS & Co ., Government-place ; and Messrs . THACKER & Co ., St . Andrew ' s Library . Madras , Bro . PHAROAH . Grand Patron of India ! Marquis of Dalhousie—arise , awake , and save !
CALCUTTA . —There is a question asked relative to the appointment of Bro . L . Clark , as successor to Bro . W . Birch , as Prov . Grand Master of Bengal—have the brethren not the right of electing their own Prov . Grand Master , after the Prov . Grand Lodge is well formed ? It is said , the Grand Master has the right to make such appointments here . The Grand Master cannot confer a right that he has not himself ; he and all his office-bearers are annually elected—then who gave Prov . Grand
Masters a greater privilege than the Grand Lodge itself ? The commission to a Prov . Grand Master to institute a Prov . Grand Lodge is only in place of a charter . When that Prov . Grand Lodge is well formed , the brethren of that lodge have certainly the same privilege as a private lodge or the Grand Lodge , i . e ., that of annual election of officers . If not , how can a Prov . Grand Master appoint his successor , when the Grand Master cannot ?
[ We really cannot give any opinion that is likely to effect a favourable change—things are evidently getting worse and worse . Bro . L . Clark will make an excellent slave-driver over the masonic serfs of Bengal—his appointment and his acts are equally illegal and unmasonic . —ED . ] Dear Sir and Brother , —It would be most desirable to have all the differences removed between the Scotch and English lodges , which can
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
America.—United States.
BUT for the interest excited by the schism in New York , caused by the dissociation of the one Grand Lodge , and the materials thereof being now re-modelled into two Grand Lodges , we should be without matter of interest . We expressed in our last a hope that the seceders would give such an ample explanation of their motives , as might lead to an equitable adjustment of all differences ; this is , however , a doubtful matter after all , for
although they have published , in extenso , a very elaborate statement , and most assuredly have the best of the argument , still there is a lacking of frankness , that leads us to fear a reconciliation may be distant—they should bear in mind Gay ' s words , " Brother , brother , we are both in the wrong . " LOUISIANA . —The Grand Lodge of this State has circulated a very interesting report of its position and proceedings .
The Agents in Calcutta for this Review are—Messrs . LATTEY , BROTHERS & Co ., Government-place ; and Messrs . THACKER & Co ., St . Andrew ' s Library . Madras , Bro . PHAROAH . Grand Patron of India ! Marquis of Dalhousie—arise , awake , and save !
CALCUTTA . —There is a question asked relative to the appointment of Bro . L . Clark , as successor to Bro . W . Birch , as Prov . Grand Master of Bengal—have the brethren not the right of electing their own Prov . Grand Master , after the Prov . Grand Lodge is well formed ? It is said , the Grand Master has the right to make such appointments here . The Grand Master cannot confer a right that he has not himself ; he and all his office-bearers are annually elected—then who gave Prov . Grand
Masters a greater privilege than the Grand Lodge itself ? The commission to a Prov . Grand Master to institute a Prov . Grand Lodge is only in place of a charter . When that Prov . Grand Lodge is well formed , the brethren of that lodge have certainly the same privilege as a private lodge or the Grand Lodge , i . e ., that of annual election of officers . If not , how can a Prov . Grand Master appoint his successor , when the Grand Master cannot ?
[ We really cannot give any opinion that is likely to effect a favourable change—things are evidently getting worse and worse . Bro . L . Clark will make an excellent slave-driver over the masonic serfs of Bengal—his appointment and his acts are equally illegal and unmasonic . —ED . ] Dear Sir and Brother , —It would be most desirable to have all the differences removed between the Scotch and English lodges , which can