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Are Not Authors Generally Freemasons ?
" But notwithstanding , you Knights of the Rosy Cross have means , no doubt , of breaking the spell , and discovering what the poor monks have put themselves to so much trouble to conceal . " " If they see a person in company , though a perfect stranger , who is by nature fond of children , the little imps seem to discover it by a sort of Freemasonry , while the awkward attempts of those who make advances to them for the purpose of recommending themselves to the parents , wholly fail in attaching their reciprocal attention . "
" They sat down side by side , and conversed in a low mysterious tone of voice ; Monteith and Angus McAulay were not surprised at this , for there prevailed among the Highlanders , who pretended to the second sight , a sort of Freemasonry , which generally induced them , upon meeting , to hold communication with each other on the nature and extent of their visionary experiences . "
" There is a wonderful degree of Freemasonry among us folk of spirit ; and it is astonishing how soon we can place ourselves on a footing with neglected wives and discontented daughters . " Sir Wm . Wallace and the Rover De Longueville . — " They fell on the deck locked in each other ' s arms , but the Frenchman fell undermost , and Wallace fixing his grasp upon his gorget , compressed it so closely , notwithstanding it was made of the finest steelthat the blood gushed
, from his eyes , nose , and mouth , and he was only able to ask for quarter by signs . His men threw down their weapons and begged for mercy , when they saw their leader thus severel y handled . The victor granted them all their lives , but took possession of their vessel and detained them prisoners . " "
" It is , I believe , a piece of Freemasonry , or a point of conscience among the Scottish lower orders , never to admit that a patient is doing better . The closest approach to recovery which they can be brought to allow is , that the party enquired after is * nae waur . '" New Monthly Magazine , No . 233 , May 1 , 1840 . —Theodore Hook , Editor , a Mason . ( Fathers and Sons , p . 8 . )
SCKNE . —Sir Geo . Grindle , Col . Bruff , Mrs . Snujlar , incog , behind the curtain . Sir George . Now , my dear Colonel , just listen , here we are , snugtiled , as we Masons say—you are a Mason ? P-ruff- ( Very fidgetty)—Yes , yes , an old Mason . Sir George . Well , then , you know what the grand secret is , eh ? Bruff . ( Conscious and terrified)—That ' 11 do , that ' 11 do . You have named Masonry—but Sir George . NonoI don ' t care about Masonrybecause know
, , , you , my dear friend , in point of fact Bruff . ( Stopping him)—Never mind fact—take some more sherry , and let us go up stairs . Sir George . Wait a moment—here we are tete-a-tete , toe to toe , no eye to watch , no ear to listen—and therefore , as I said when I talked about Masonry , and being tiled , I want to make a confidence with respect to George , which I think due to you under the circumstances .
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Are Not Authors Generally Freemasons ?
" But notwithstanding , you Knights of the Rosy Cross have means , no doubt , of breaking the spell , and discovering what the poor monks have put themselves to so much trouble to conceal . " " If they see a person in company , though a perfect stranger , who is by nature fond of children , the little imps seem to discover it by a sort of Freemasonry , while the awkward attempts of those who make advances to them for the purpose of recommending themselves to the parents , wholly fail in attaching their reciprocal attention . "
" They sat down side by side , and conversed in a low mysterious tone of voice ; Monteith and Angus McAulay were not surprised at this , for there prevailed among the Highlanders , who pretended to the second sight , a sort of Freemasonry , which generally induced them , upon meeting , to hold communication with each other on the nature and extent of their visionary experiences . "
" There is a wonderful degree of Freemasonry among us folk of spirit ; and it is astonishing how soon we can place ourselves on a footing with neglected wives and discontented daughters . " Sir Wm . Wallace and the Rover De Longueville . — " They fell on the deck locked in each other ' s arms , but the Frenchman fell undermost , and Wallace fixing his grasp upon his gorget , compressed it so closely , notwithstanding it was made of the finest steelthat the blood gushed
, from his eyes , nose , and mouth , and he was only able to ask for quarter by signs . His men threw down their weapons and begged for mercy , when they saw their leader thus severel y handled . The victor granted them all their lives , but took possession of their vessel and detained them prisoners . " "
" It is , I believe , a piece of Freemasonry , or a point of conscience among the Scottish lower orders , never to admit that a patient is doing better . The closest approach to recovery which they can be brought to allow is , that the party enquired after is * nae waur . '" New Monthly Magazine , No . 233 , May 1 , 1840 . —Theodore Hook , Editor , a Mason . ( Fathers and Sons , p . 8 . )
SCKNE . —Sir Geo . Grindle , Col . Bruff , Mrs . Snujlar , incog , behind the curtain . Sir George . Now , my dear Colonel , just listen , here we are , snugtiled , as we Masons say—you are a Mason ? P-ruff- ( Very fidgetty)—Yes , yes , an old Mason . Sir George . Well , then , you know what the grand secret is , eh ? Bruff . ( Conscious and terrified)—That ' 11 do , that ' 11 do . You have named Masonry—but Sir George . NonoI don ' t care about Masonrybecause know
, , , you , my dear friend , in point of fact Bruff . ( Stopping him)—Never mind fact—take some more sherry , and let us go up stairs . Sir George . Wait a moment—here we are tete-a-tete , toe to toe , no eye to watch , no ear to listen—and therefore , as I said when I talked about Masonry , and being tiled , I want to make a confidence with respect to George , which I think due to you under the circumstances .