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The First Point In The Pythagorean Triangle Explained.
siau artists thenceforth transmitted the meaning of the point within a circle , not as hearing any reference to sun-worship , but as regarding the sun merely as a great work of the one uncreated God . Thus the emblems of the sun and moon became introduced into Masonry , and however we may explain them in our lodges , they appear to me unquestionable remains of the solar worship , or at least of astronomy . " Like the monadsays Hierocles the Pythagoreanthe gotls are
immu-, , table and firm in their decrees ; so that they never change the conception of what appeared to them to be fit from the beginning . Hence they were likened to the monad , because there is one immutability and firmness of the virtues , which it is reasonable to suppose subsists transcendently with the gods , and which imparts a never-failing stability to their conceptions . Under this description the monad represented mind , because it is stationary ;* and for a similar reason it was called Good ; f and
seminal power , because it is the root , origin , and summary of all numbers . ;] : It was also considered the vehicle of number , as a ship at sea or a chariot on land contains many persons and things ; whence it had the name of both these vessels . It was a symbol of love and friendship , and taught the mild Pythagoreans the doctrine of forgiveness of injuries ; for they argued— " Will not a man who is a brotheror even any casual person who deserves
, attention in a much greater degree than a brute , be changed to milder manners by proper treatment , though he should not entirely forsake his rusticity ? In our behaviour , therefore , towards every man , and in a much greater degree towards a brother , we should imitate the reply of Socrates to one who said to him , 'May I die unless I am revenged on you ! ' For his answer was , ' May I die if I do not make you my friend !'"
The monad further signifies Chaos , the father of life , substance , the cause of truth , reason , and the receptacle of all things . Also in greater and lesser it signified equal ; in intention and remission , middle ; in multitude , mean ; in time , now , the present , because it consists in one part of time which is always present . § The cabalists considered that the first eternal principle is magical , and like a hidden fire , is eternally known in its colours , in the figure , in the wisdom of God , as in a looking-glass . The magical centre of the first princile is firewhich
p , is as a spirit without palpable substance . The number one symbolized the Platonic , or rather the Pythagorean doctrine of benevolence . Thus Hierocles || says— " Each of us is , as it were , circumscribed by many circles , some of which are less , but others larger , and some comprehend , but others are comprehended , according to the different and unequal habitudes with respect to each other . For the first and most proximate circle is that which every one describes
about his own mind as a centre , in which circle the body , and whatever is assumed for the sake of the body , are comprehended . For this is nearly the smallest circle , and almost touches the centre itself . The second from this , and which is at a greater distance from the centre , but comprehends the first circle , is that in which parents , brothers , wife , and children are arranged . The third circle from the centre is that which contains uncles and aunts , grandfathers and grandmothers , and the children of brothers and sisters . After this is the circle which com-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The First Point In The Pythagorean Triangle Explained.
siau artists thenceforth transmitted the meaning of the point within a circle , not as hearing any reference to sun-worship , but as regarding the sun merely as a great work of the one uncreated God . Thus the emblems of the sun and moon became introduced into Masonry , and however we may explain them in our lodges , they appear to me unquestionable remains of the solar worship , or at least of astronomy . " Like the monadsays Hierocles the Pythagoreanthe gotls are
immu-, , table and firm in their decrees ; so that they never change the conception of what appeared to them to be fit from the beginning . Hence they were likened to the monad , because there is one immutability and firmness of the virtues , which it is reasonable to suppose subsists transcendently with the gods , and which imparts a never-failing stability to their conceptions . Under this description the monad represented mind , because it is stationary ;* and for a similar reason it was called Good ; f and
seminal power , because it is the root , origin , and summary of all numbers . ;] : It was also considered the vehicle of number , as a ship at sea or a chariot on land contains many persons and things ; whence it had the name of both these vessels . It was a symbol of love and friendship , and taught the mild Pythagoreans the doctrine of forgiveness of injuries ; for they argued— " Will not a man who is a brotheror even any casual person who deserves
, attention in a much greater degree than a brute , be changed to milder manners by proper treatment , though he should not entirely forsake his rusticity ? In our behaviour , therefore , towards every man , and in a much greater degree towards a brother , we should imitate the reply of Socrates to one who said to him , 'May I die unless I am revenged on you ! ' For his answer was , ' May I die if I do not make you my friend !'"
The monad further signifies Chaos , the father of life , substance , the cause of truth , reason , and the receptacle of all things . Also in greater and lesser it signified equal ; in intention and remission , middle ; in multitude , mean ; in time , now , the present , because it consists in one part of time which is always present . § The cabalists considered that the first eternal principle is magical , and like a hidden fire , is eternally known in its colours , in the figure , in the wisdom of God , as in a looking-glass . The magical centre of the first princile is firewhich
p , is as a spirit without palpable substance . The number one symbolized the Platonic , or rather the Pythagorean doctrine of benevolence . Thus Hierocles || says— " Each of us is , as it were , circumscribed by many circles , some of which are less , but others larger , and some comprehend , but others are comprehended , according to the different and unequal habitudes with respect to each other . For the first and most proximate circle is that which every one describes
about his own mind as a centre , in which circle the body , and whatever is assumed for the sake of the body , are comprehended . For this is nearly the smallest circle , and almost touches the centre itself . The second from this , and which is at a greater distance from the centre , but comprehends the first circle , is that in which parents , brothers , wife , and children are arranged . The third circle from the centre is that which contains uncles and aunts , grandfathers and grandmothers , and the children of brothers and sisters . After this is the circle which com-