Article THE CHARITIES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE REPORTER. Page 1 of 7 →
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The Charities.
reflecting the highest honour on the distinguished architect , Bro . Daukes , and equal credit on the builder , Mr . Patrick . The Building Committee continue their unremitting exertions , and several members have determined to put in a painted window , which will impart a chasteness and richness to the already beautiful appearance of the edifice . The grounds are to be embellished with a quantity of evergreens , & c ,
so that visitors may soon be tempted to pass an hour in the contemplative indulgence of the purest and kindest influence . The Institutor may well be proud of his estimable colleagues ; in his regretted retirement it must be a devout consolation to him to know how powerfully his spirit has enkindled such kindred actions . The General Committee will meet on the second Wednesday in January .
THE WIDOWS' ANNUITY FUND . —The Board of General Purposes have circulated their report on this benevolent scheme ; a report that reflects on them both honour and credit . No time has been lost in commencing the work , and there can be no doubt that the most liberal result will attend their continued services in the good cause . THE GIRLS' SCHOOL . —October 11 . —Seven children were by consent
elected into the school , among them a very interesting child , Jane Salter Chapman , much to the chagrin of one of the Governors , who would fain have prevented her success . THE BOYS' SCHOOL . —Six children will be elected on the 7 th January .
The Reporter.
EMULATION LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT , Nov . 16 . —Grand Annual Banquet , and Presentation of a Testimonial to Bro . J . W . Mountain , Hon . Secretary , and Past Master of Nos . 12 and 318 . —The annual festival of this , the most celebrated Lodge of Instruction in the Craft , took place at the Freemasons' Tavern . The lodge was opened in the large room known as the Cambridge . Bro . Daly presided as W . M ., Bro . Jas . Cooper as P . M ., and Bros . Marks and Lyne as Wardens . We never at an anniversary meeting saw so strong a muster of the senior members of the lodge . Among them were those three celebrated and talented Masons , Bros . Stephen Barton Wilson , John Savage , and
William Honey ; also Bros . Soans , Whitmore , Wright , Philipe , Past Grand Sword-bearer , Blake , Senior Grand Warden for Surrey , Mountain , W . Stephenson , Past Grand Steward , Marriott , Barrett , Evans , Spencer , and F . Wilson , Past Grand Deacon for Cambridgeshire , and his sons . There were likewise present of the younger members—Bros . Faudel , Whitfield , Grand Steward , Bievly , Graves , Cornwall , Robertson , Bywater , C . Wilson ( of the St . Paul ' s Lodge ) , and Bros . Barrow , Hodgkinson , and Roberts ( of the Middlesex Lodge ) , with many others ; in all between fifty and sixty . After business , the brethren adjourned to the spacious banquet-room
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The Charities.
reflecting the highest honour on the distinguished architect , Bro . Daukes , and equal credit on the builder , Mr . Patrick . The Building Committee continue their unremitting exertions , and several members have determined to put in a painted window , which will impart a chasteness and richness to the already beautiful appearance of the edifice . The grounds are to be embellished with a quantity of evergreens , & c ,
so that visitors may soon be tempted to pass an hour in the contemplative indulgence of the purest and kindest influence . The Institutor may well be proud of his estimable colleagues ; in his regretted retirement it must be a devout consolation to him to know how powerfully his spirit has enkindled such kindred actions . The General Committee will meet on the second Wednesday in January .
THE WIDOWS' ANNUITY FUND . —The Board of General Purposes have circulated their report on this benevolent scheme ; a report that reflects on them both honour and credit . No time has been lost in commencing the work , and there can be no doubt that the most liberal result will attend their continued services in the good cause . THE GIRLS' SCHOOL . —October 11 . —Seven children were by consent
elected into the school , among them a very interesting child , Jane Salter Chapman , much to the chagrin of one of the Governors , who would fain have prevented her success . THE BOYS' SCHOOL . —Six children will be elected on the 7 th January .
The Reporter.
EMULATION LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT , Nov . 16 . —Grand Annual Banquet , and Presentation of a Testimonial to Bro . J . W . Mountain , Hon . Secretary , and Past Master of Nos . 12 and 318 . —The annual festival of this , the most celebrated Lodge of Instruction in the Craft , took place at the Freemasons' Tavern . The lodge was opened in the large room known as the Cambridge . Bro . Daly presided as W . M ., Bro . Jas . Cooper as P . M ., and Bros . Marks and Lyne as Wardens . We never at an anniversary meeting saw so strong a muster of the senior members of the lodge . Among them were those three celebrated and talented Masons , Bros . Stephen Barton Wilson , John Savage , and
William Honey ; also Bros . Soans , Whitmore , Wright , Philipe , Past Grand Sword-bearer , Blake , Senior Grand Warden for Surrey , Mountain , W . Stephenson , Past Grand Steward , Marriott , Barrett , Evans , Spencer , and F . Wilson , Past Grand Deacon for Cambridgeshire , and his sons . There were likewise present of the younger members—Bros . Faudel , Whitfield , Grand Steward , Bievly , Graves , Cornwall , Robertson , Bywater , C . Wilson ( of the St . Paul ' s Lodge ) , and Bros . Barrow , Hodgkinson , and Roberts ( of the Middlesex Lodge ) , with many others ; in all between fifty and sixty . After business , the brethren adjourned to the spacious banquet-room