Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 16 →
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CROYDON . — The Freemasons' Almshouses . —The north wing of this institution is now roofed in , and we are pleased to announce that the foundation of the south wing is to be forthwith laid and the completion of the building proceeded with . When finished , it is calculated that the Asylum will accommodate about eighty poor persons . The elevation is in the Tudor Elizabethean style , and as viewed from the London and South Coast Railway , it will form a pleasing and interesting object to all
persons who may be charitably disposed . We observed that on the decease of the good Queen Adelaide , the society ' s flag was hoisted only half-mast , and continued so until after the funeral of her late Majesty , as a mark of respect to her memory , inasmuch as , in addition to the numerous other charities to which her late Majesty was a liberal contributor , she was also a life-governor and patroness of " all" the principal charities connected with the masonic Order . Subscriptions and contributions in aid of the funds of this charity may be paid to Mr . Chrees , resident at Mr . T . Weller ' s , watchmaker and music-seller , High-street , Croydon .
CHELMSFORD . —Lodge of Good Fellowship , Bro . Edward Butler , P . P . J . G . D ., Worshipful Master , Nov . 29 . —The business of the evening was to confirm the minutes of the last lodge . Bro . Durrant , the Treasurer , moved that the sum of five pounds be subscribed by the lodge to the fund now forming for the relief of Bro . Robinson , of the Royal Burnham Lodge , No . 788 , who lost the whole of his property by the wreck of his schooner " The Damsel , " on the 26 th of August
last . The W . M . moved that a sum of money , not less than five guineas , and not exceeding ten guineas , be given by this lodge as a foundation for the Charity Fund established at the last meeting . The ballot for the W . M . for the year ensuing took place , and the Treasurer , Tyler , and Auditors were elected . Important Circular . —Sir and Brother , —I beg to acquaint you that in pursuance of the recommendation of the Right Worshipful Prov .
Grand Master , it was resolved unanimously at the last lodge meeting , to establish a Charity Fund , to be kept separate and distinct from the General Fund , and to be applied only in support of the several masonic charities , viz : " The Royal Masonic Benevolent Annuity Fund , " " the Asylum for Aged aud Decayed Freemasons , " " the Boys' School , " and " the Girls' School , " to the first of which alone this lodge has hitherto contributed . The amount of annual subscriptions has been fixed at
2 * . 6 d . ( leaving it optional for each brother to give more if he should think proper , ) and it is hoped that the smallness of the sum will induce every member of the lodge to become a subscriber for so excellent a purpose . From the cordiality with which the proposal to establish a Charity Fund has been received , it is confidently expected that it will be annually supported by a grant from the General Fund , and thus the Lodge of Good Fellowship will no longer be held regardless of its
duty towards the charitable institutions of the Craft . I shall be obliged by your informing me if I may add your name to the list of subscribers , and I remain , Sir and Brother , „ „ , „ „ ,.. Yours fraternally , Lodge of Good Fellowship , Tir r . „ J ' „ Chelmsford , November 21 , 1849 . VV . O . BUTLER , Secretary .
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CROYDON . — The Freemasons' Almshouses . —The north wing of this institution is now roofed in , and we are pleased to announce that the foundation of the south wing is to be forthwith laid and the completion of the building proceeded with . When finished , it is calculated that the Asylum will accommodate about eighty poor persons . The elevation is in the Tudor Elizabethean style , and as viewed from the London and South Coast Railway , it will form a pleasing and interesting object to all
persons who may be charitably disposed . We observed that on the decease of the good Queen Adelaide , the society ' s flag was hoisted only half-mast , and continued so until after the funeral of her late Majesty , as a mark of respect to her memory , inasmuch as , in addition to the numerous other charities to which her late Majesty was a liberal contributor , she was also a life-governor and patroness of " all" the principal charities connected with the masonic Order . Subscriptions and contributions in aid of the funds of this charity may be paid to Mr . Chrees , resident at Mr . T . Weller ' s , watchmaker and music-seller , High-street , Croydon .
CHELMSFORD . —Lodge of Good Fellowship , Bro . Edward Butler , P . P . J . G . D ., Worshipful Master , Nov . 29 . —The business of the evening was to confirm the minutes of the last lodge . Bro . Durrant , the Treasurer , moved that the sum of five pounds be subscribed by the lodge to the fund now forming for the relief of Bro . Robinson , of the Royal Burnham Lodge , No . 788 , who lost the whole of his property by the wreck of his schooner " The Damsel , " on the 26 th of August
last . The W . M . moved that a sum of money , not less than five guineas , and not exceeding ten guineas , be given by this lodge as a foundation for the Charity Fund established at the last meeting . The ballot for the W . M . for the year ensuing took place , and the Treasurer , Tyler , and Auditors were elected . Important Circular . —Sir and Brother , —I beg to acquaint you that in pursuance of the recommendation of the Right Worshipful Prov .
Grand Master , it was resolved unanimously at the last lodge meeting , to establish a Charity Fund , to be kept separate and distinct from the General Fund , and to be applied only in support of the several masonic charities , viz : " The Royal Masonic Benevolent Annuity Fund , " " the Asylum for Aged aud Decayed Freemasons , " " the Boys' School , " and " the Girls' School , " to the first of which alone this lodge has hitherto contributed . The amount of annual subscriptions has been fixed at
2 * . 6 d . ( leaving it optional for each brother to give more if he should think proper , ) and it is hoped that the smallness of the sum will induce every member of the lodge to become a subscriber for so excellent a purpose . From the cordiality with which the proposal to establish a Charity Fund has been received , it is confidently expected that it will be annually supported by a grant from the General Fund , and thus the Lodge of Good Fellowship will no longer be held regardless of its
duty towards the charitable institutions of the Craft . I shall be obliged by your informing me if I may add your name to the list of subscribers , and I remain , Sir and Brother , „ „ , „ „ ,.. Yours fraternally , Lodge of Good Fellowship , Tir r . „ J ' „ Chelmsford , November 21 , 1849 . VV . O . BUTLER , Secretary .