Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 16 →
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taken place in consequence ; the sufficient number of brethren are now petitioning the Grand Lotlge for a new warrant , which , if granted , will carry numbers away from them . A hint to the Secretary of this lodge , perhaps , may do no harm . He should be more cautious in his summonses , and get them all issued with the correct hour for meeting . The Perfect Friendship Lodge still works on , and , like her name , carries peace and goodwill at her meetings . Four or five since her wings
years were clipped by misfortune , but they never lost a feather since that period . A good muster of the brethren have at times lent a helping hand , and have never been backward in their attendance on stated lodge nights , but have supported the present W . M ., Bro . C . T . Townsend , and his predecessors , with freedom , fervency , and zeal . This has had the effect of keeping alive a lodge which four years since was evidentl y on the declineand now by the kindness and liberality of the brethren
, in never deserting her , she ranks second to none in the province . The Hadleigh , Halismouth , and Beccles lodges , hold their meetings with regularity . We now come to the youngest lodge in the province , Fidelity , No . 813 , South wold . This is indeed a pattern lodge , and I hesitate not to say it is unsurpassed in Freemasonry . Fifteen months since , one or two brethren were discussing the principles and tenets cf the Orderat a friend ' s housewhen their conversation was overheard
, , by a brother , quite by accident , who , after the usual salutations , said , " Cannot we get a lodge in this place ? " The idea , however , was quite ridiculed ; situated as the town is on the most eastern point of Suffolk , with only a few thousands in population . However , to work they went , and simultaneously to work went others , who were uninitiated , still
longing for an opportunity of joining in our mysteries . Foremost in this number was Thomas Wallis , Esq ., now Bro . Wallis , and so completely were his efforts crowned with success , that the lodge now numbers forty-four subscribing members , and such members as a lodge in their position could hardly have expected to get . The members for the eastern division , and all the first families in the county , have been initiated or joined them . "Honour to whom honour is due ; " to these
brethren it is due , and may they long witness the growth into years of the Lodge of Fidelity . After thus looking over our list of lodges I will again resume my subject . The Provincial Grand Lodge . —The fine old peal of bells from St . Mary-le-Tower rang out their welcome to his lordship , and every face appeared glad . The lodge had been prepared at the New Assembly Rooms , and at
two o ' clock the ladies were admitted , ' and many hundreds availed themselves of this masonic privilege , and many wondering questions were asked . Two o ' clock arrived , and with it R . W . Bro . Dobie , who had come from London to instal his lordship . At three o ' clock , the R . W . brother took his seat , and immediately proceeded to business , by informing the brethren that he was deputed by the R . W . the Grand Master to instal
Lord Rendelsham . He then appointed his Grand Officers , pro tern . Bros . B . Head , P . P . G . J . W . as S . W . ; J . F . Rason , W . M ., No . 131 , as J . W . ; J . Pickiss , W . M ., No . 272 , as S . D . ; C . T . Townsend , W . M ., No . £ 22 , as J . D . ; W . Staff , W . M ., No . -732 , as Pursuivant ; E . Dorling , P . M ., No . 522 , as D . C . ; J . Gooding , P . M ., No . 813 , Secretary . His lordship was then introduced by the D . C , according to ancient VOL . VII . 3 H
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taken place in consequence ; the sufficient number of brethren are now petitioning the Grand Lotlge for a new warrant , which , if granted , will carry numbers away from them . A hint to the Secretary of this lodge , perhaps , may do no harm . He should be more cautious in his summonses , and get them all issued with the correct hour for meeting . The Perfect Friendship Lodge still works on , and , like her name , carries peace and goodwill at her meetings . Four or five since her wings
years were clipped by misfortune , but they never lost a feather since that period . A good muster of the brethren have at times lent a helping hand , and have never been backward in their attendance on stated lodge nights , but have supported the present W . M ., Bro . C . T . Townsend , and his predecessors , with freedom , fervency , and zeal . This has had the effect of keeping alive a lodge which four years since was evidentl y on the declineand now by the kindness and liberality of the brethren
, in never deserting her , she ranks second to none in the province . The Hadleigh , Halismouth , and Beccles lodges , hold their meetings with regularity . We now come to the youngest lodge in the province , Fidelity , No . 813 , South wold . This is indeed a pattern lodge , and I hesitate not to say it is unsurpassed in Freemasonry . Fifteen months since , one or two brethren were discussing the principles and tenets cf the Orderat a friend ' s housewhen their conversation was overheard
, , by a brother , quite by accident , who , after the usual salutations , said , " Cannot we get a lodge in this place ? " The idea , however , was quite ridiculed ; situated as the town is on the most eastern point of Suffolk , with only a few thousands in population . However , to work they went , and simultaneously to work went others , who were uninitiated , still
longing for an opportunity of joining in our mysteries . Foremost in this number was Thomas Wallis , Esq ., now Bro . Wallis , and so completely were his efforts crowned with success , that the lodge now numbers forty-four subscribing members , and such members as a lodge in their position could hardly have expected to get . The members for the eastern division , and all the first families in the county , have been initiated or joined them . "Honour to whom honour is due ; " to these
brethren it is due , and may they long witness the growth into years of the Lodge of Fidelity . After thus looking over our list of lodges I will again resume my subject . The Provincial Grand Lodge . —The fine old peal of bells from St . Mary-le-Tower rang out their welcome to his lordship , and every face appeared glad . The lodge had been prepared at the New Assembly Rooms , and at
two o ' clock the ladies were admitted , ' and many hundreds availed themselves of this masonic privilege , and many wondering questions were asked . Two o ' clock arrived , and with it R . W . Bro . Dobie , who had come from London to instal his lordship . At three o ' clock , the R . W . brother took his seat , and immediately proceeded to business , by informing the brethren that he was deputed by the R . W . the Grand Master to instal
Lord Rendelsham . He then appointed his Grand Officers , pro tern . Bros . B . Head , P . P . G . J . W . as S . W . ; J . F . Rason , W . M ., No . 131 , as J . W . ; J . Pickiss , W . M ., No . 272 , as S . D . ; C . T . Townsend , W . M ., No . £ 22 , as J . D . ; W . Staff , W . M ., No . -732 , as Pursuivant ; E . Dorling , P . M ., No . 522 , as D . C . ; J . Gooding , P . M ., No . 813 , Secretary . His lordship was then introduced by the D . C , according to ancient VOL . VII . 3 H