Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 10 of 16 →
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In taking a cursory glance at the most ancient fraternity whose members , though scatterett throughout every country and clime in the universe , yet form one con fraternal bond , I hope to be excused if I take the liberty in some instances of using the language of some of my brethren whose sentiments are in unison with my own . AVe may first congratulate the brotherhood on the continued prosperity of the institutionand proceed without further delay to present something in the form
, of an annual report . It must be obvious that bringing into one form the constantly accumulating mass of matter connected with a society so wide-spread and important , will be desirable on many points . In doing so I first propose to narrate as briefly and perspicuously as possible , the transactions of the year ; then to take a somewhat general review of the fraternity , whether in our own province , in England generally , or in foreign parts ; and finallyto show cause for enlarged support . In our
, province two lodges have been constituted ; the C' ornubian , in which we now meet , and all will unite in the desire that it may increase in numbers and in every moral and social virtue ; its present members are a safeguard , a guarantee that their lodge will be close tyled against all intruders and cowans in Masonry;—the other lodge is the Loyal Victoria at Callington , comprising a small body chiefly composed of those who are in some way or other engaged in agricultural pursuits in that
rural district ; I have reason to hope that they will be encouraged by some influential additions to their number . Though some allusion was made to these last year , they did not come under our regular registration ; the number of registered Masons on the provincial record now exceeds I believe any former period . As it respects England generally , the
number of lodges added between the two registries of 1848 and 1849 , was fifteen in various districts , comprising Pembroke , Isle of Wight , London , Southwold , New South Wales , Bombay , New Grenada , East Indies , New Brunswick , Sydney , & c . Though these latter are constituted and registered in the United Grand Lodge , yet it will be seen that the lodges constituted under the Grand Lodge of England extend to almost all parts of the world . The Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland have also lodges under their constitution in nearly all those districtsand in fact
, , on consulting the different reports we come to the conclusion that Freemasonry not only exists in Europe and the East , but in Africa also , and America , and is spread over a large portion of Persia , Japan , Egypt , Turkey in general , and even in China ; indeed , the footsteps of this illustrious Order are to be traced in the most distant , the most remote ages and nations of the earth . We find it amongst the first and most celebrated citizens of the East . We find it amongst the first and most
celebrated citizens of the West . We deduce it regularly from the first astronomers on the plains of Chaldea , to the wise and mystic kings of Egypt , the sages of Greece , the philosophers of Rome , anil even to the rude and gothic builders of a dark and degenerate age , whose vast temples still remain amongst us as monuments of their attachment to the Order . In no civilized age or country has Masonry been neglected . The most illustrious charactersemperorskingsprincespatriotsnobles
, , , , , , sages and legislators , divines , authors , and artists have thought it their glory to protect and honour it . For the dignity and support of the Craft and science , lodges are opened in every quarter of the globe , for it has been remarked that in whatever else men may dispute and disagree , yet they are unanimous in respecting and supporting a singularly amiable and harmless institution , which is calculated to annihilate all
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
In taking a cursory glance at the most ancient fraternity whose members , though scatterett throughout every country and clime in the universe , yet form one con fraternal bond , I hope to be excused if I take the liberty in some instances of using the language of some of my brethren whose sentiments are in unison with my own . AVe may first congratulate the brotherhood on the continued prosperity of the institutionand proceed without further delay to present something in the form
, of an annual report . It must be obvious that bringing into one form the constantly accumulating mass of matter connected with a society so wide-spread and important , will be desirable on many points . In doing so I first propose to narrate as briefly and perspicuously as possible , the transactions of the year ; then to take a somewhat general review of the fraternity , whether in our own province , in England generally , or in foreign parts ; and finallyto show cause for enlarged support . In our
, province two lodges have been constituted ; the C' ornubian , in which we now meet , and all will unite in the desire that it may increase in numbers and in every moral and social virtue ; its present members are a safeguard , a guarantee that their lodge will be close tyled against all intruders and cowans in Masonry;—the other lodge is the Loyal Victoria at Callington , comprising a small body chiefly composed of those who are in some way or other engaged in agricultural pursuits in that
rural district ; I have reason to hope that they will be encouraged by some influential additions to their number . Though some allusion was made to these last year , they did not come under our regular registration ; the number of registered Masons on the provincial record now exceeds I believe any former period . As it respects England generally , the
number of lodges added between the two registries of 1848 and 1849 , was fifteen in various districts , comprising Pembroke , Isle of Wight , London , Southwold , New South Wales , Bombay , New Grenada , East Indies , New Brunswick , Sydney , & c . Though these latter are constituted and registered in the United Grand Lodge , yet it will be seen that the lodges constituted under the Grand Lodge of England extend to almost all parts of the world . The Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland have also lodges under their constitution in nearly all those districtsand in fact
, , on consulting the different reports we come to the conclusion that Freemasonry not only exists in Europe and the East , but in Africa also , and America , and is spread over a large portion of Persia , Japan , Egypt , Turkey in general , and even in China ; indeed , the footsteps of this illustrious Order are to be traced in the most distant , the most remote ages and nations of the earth . We find it amongst the first and most celebrated citizens of the East . We find it amongst the first and most
celebrated citizens of the West . We deduce it regularly from the first astronomers on the plains of Chaldea , to the wise and mystic kings of Egypt , the sages of Greece , the philosophers of Rome , anil even to the rude and gothic builders of a dark and degenerate age , whose vast temples still remain amongst us as monuments of their attachment to the Order . In no civilized age or country has Masonry been neglected . The most illustrious charactersemperorskingsprincespatriotsnobles
, , , , , , sages and legislators , divines , authors , and artists have thought it their glory to protect and honour it . For the dignity and support of the Craft and science , lodges are opened in every quarter of the globe , for it has been remarked that in whatever else men may dispute and disagree , yet they are unanimous in respecting and supporting a singularly amiable and harmless institution , which is calculated to annihilate all