Article SUMMER OUTING OF THE ROSE OF DENMARK LODGE, No. 975. ← Page 2 of 2 Article SUMMER OUTING AND LADIES' DAY OF THE SAINT JOHN OF WAPPING LODGE, No. 1306. Page 1 of 1 Article SUMMER OUTING AND LADIES' DAY OF THE SAINT JOHN OF WAPPING LODGE, No. 1306. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Order of Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article Ireland. Page 1 of 1 Article Jamaica. Page 1 of 1 Article Jamaica. Page 1 of 1 Article HAMBURGH FREEMASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article HOMES FOR LITTLE BOYS. Page 1 of 1 Article SILVER WEDDING. Page 1 of 1
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Summer Outing Of The Rose Of Denmark Lodge, No. 975.
prevented him attending as he had intended to do , proposed " The Chairman . " .,.,. •,. -n Bro . NOULE , P . M ., in responding , said that it was with a certain amount of regret he found himself in the position of chairman , as he would much rather have seen the legitimate occupant of our chair there , but , in his absence , he felt it a great honour to occupy it . Nothing could exceed the pleasure he felt in looking on all the happy faces
this day , indicating that the labours of the committee in organizing and carrying out this festival had been indeed crowned with success , almost beyond anticipation . He regretted the absence of some of the brethren , who from unavoidable causes had been compelled to forego the pleasures of the day , but he had the satisfaction of knowing , from personal communications , that if they were absent in the body they were with them in the spirit , and sincerely favoured with
hoped they would be ( as they had been ) every element to make the day one of success . As chairman of the committee , he had been rather anxious on account ot its first birth ; but that anxiety had been dispelled on the moment of arrival , and he now felt quite confident that this , the first outing ( seeing the harmony and thorough enjoyment of every one here ) , was only the prelude of future festivals , in the formation and carrying out of which , he would deem it
could say for the whole of the committee , they a pleasure to be allowed to assist in every way possible to add to the success in store for them in time to come . The company then proceeded to enjoy themselves with dancing on the lawn , a quadrille band having been provided for the occasion , and at a late hour returned to town , having all thoroughly enjoyed themselves , the festival being in every respect a great success .
Summer Outing And Ladies' Day Of The Saint John Of Wapping Lodge, No. 1306.
The annual festival of the above flourishing lodge was celebrated with great success on the 12 th inst ., at Broxbourne . The weather was delightfully fine , and rendered the proceedings necessarily of an out-door character especially enjoyable to the fair sex and the brethren . under the
Banquet was served at 3 p . m . genial presidency of Bro . T . Wooding , VV . M ., 1306 , who was supported by Bro . J . Magrath , LP . M ., Bros . T . J . Iyer , J . W ., and J . Couture , S . D ., ably supporting as vicepresidents . At the conclusion of the repast , the usual loyal toasts were duly honored , a capital band supplying the incidental patriotic and loyal music . Bro . Wooding , VV . M ., next applied himself to a carefully selected toast list , which ,
with a commendable foresight for the comfort and enjoyment of the ladies , he treated in a brief manner . In giving the toast " Success to the St . John of VVapping Lodge , " the VV . M . traced its course during recent years , through many ups and downs , to its present successful condition , which was greatly owing to the exertions , whilst in the chair , of Bros . C . Veal , P . M . ( whose absence , through indisposition , they all deeply regretted ) , and Magrath ,
their present LP . M . Bro . Wooding hoped the lodge would maintain its present proud position for many years , and regarded the successful meeting- of that day as a forerunner of many similar outings , which , he felt sure , must conduce to the prosperity of the St . John of VVapping Lodge . Bro . MAGRATH , P . M ., next gave "The Health of the ChairmanBro . T . Wooding , " who , he said , was the right
, man in the right place . They could see how well he had attended to their comforts that day , and his good qualities were so well known that it required no more from him than to ask them to drink the health of their VV . M ., Bro . Wooding . This was done with great heartiness ; sister Wooding sharing the honour with our worthy brother . In the absence of Bro . . 1 . Horsley , the S . VV . of the lodge ,
Bro . WOODING toasted "Bro . Tyer , " who had so efficiently acted as Vice-President . Bro . WOODING said he was indebted to Bro . Iyer for having kept his table so well amused , and for years ago introducing himself into the Order . The VV . M . would feel proud to see him occupy the same position in the lodge which he did . Bro . Tyer might have done so before , but chose to stand back awhile .
Bro . TYER , J . W ., thanked the company for the hearty reception of the toast . The meeting had afforded him great pleasure ; indeed , he should like to assist in a similar manner every day , and felt he could enjoy it . "The Treasurer , Bro . Magrath , P . M ., " and "The Secretary , Bro . Clements" ( who was unavoidable absent ) , were next honoured , and Bro . Magrath briefly responded . "The Ladies" were next toasted , and responded to by
Bro . FLACK , who said he did not expect to be called upon to speak for the ladies , but having been informed it was his duty , he could only wish that the other brother who was made with him had been present to have done so . He had felt great pleasure in being present at one of their festivals . Indeed , it was one of the inducements by which he had gained the wife ' s consent to join the Order , by assuring her there was a ladies' summer festival . It had ,
no doubt , been well enjoyed by all , for the same lady now asked , " Was there a winter banquet : " ( Laughter . ) Bro . Oi'l'ENHEiM next asked permission to draw attention to the gallant action of the British fleet at Alexandria , and to drink "Success to the British Army and Navy , " a proposition which met with the greatest of enthusiasm . The company then dispersed to enjoy the various outdoor amusements which the place affords . After a pleasant
interval , during which the several claims of boating , walking , shooting , and other healthful and pleasure-giving jiastimes were well enjoyed , the party re-assembled in the dining saloon , where the pleasures of the mazy dance were heartily enjoyed to the stirring strains of a capita ! band , under the able direction of M . L . Kalischer . The evening was diversified with songs , fand an interval for refreshments , and seemed all too short when the hour arrived to make for the railway station .
After a pleasant ride to town , the entire party arrived in safety , thoroughly satisfied with the day ' s programme . Among those present were Bros . T . Wooding , W . M ., and Mrs . Wooding ; Bro . Magrath , I . P . M ., and Mrs . and Master Magrath , ; Mrs . Veal and Miss Veal ; Bro . T . J . Tyer J . VV ., and Mrs . Tyer ; Bro . T . Couture , S . D ., Mrs . Couture , and Miss Couture ; Bro G . I ' . Holdom , J . D ., and Mrs . Holdom ; Bro . G . T . Twinn and Mrs . Twinn ; Bro . lj . Loftus nd Mrs . Loftus ; Bro . T . Morris and Mrs ,
Summer Outing And Ladies' Day Of The Saint John Of Wapping Lodge, No. 1306.
Morris ; Bro . Phillips and Mrs . Phillips ; Bro . G . Wise and Mrs . Wise ; Bro . Oppenheiin and Mrs . Oppenheim ; Bro . H . T . Hardy , and Mrs . Hardy , and Miss M . Ell ; Bro . Flack and Mrs . Flack ; Bro . Slater and Mrs . Slater ; Bro . Green and Mrs . Green ; and Bro . G . H . Stephens ( Freemason ) , and others .
Royal Order Of Scotland.
Royal Order of Scotland .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE . The above Provincial Grand Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , Manchester , on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., when there were present Bros . R . H . Hutchinson , 30 , Prov . G . M . ; G . P . Brockbank , 32 , D . P . G . M . ; J . G . McKay , 30 ° , Prov . G . S . W . ; John Gibb Smith , 30 , as Prov . G . J . W . ; J . Duffield , 20 , Prov . G . Treas . ; J . Chadwick ,
iS \ Prov . G . Sec . ; B . T . Lome , iS" , P . G . S . B . ; W . J . Thomson , 30 ° , P . G . Warder of Tower ; T . C . Thornburn , iS ° , Prov . G . Conductor ; Capt . Bowen . iS ° , Prov . G . Guarder ; VV . G . Nicholl , Prov . G . Stwd . ; Sly . 1 S , Prov . G . Tyler ; E . Ashworth , 3 S ; Ralph Heap , 1 S ; J . S . Cumberland , 1 S , and others . The Provincial Grand Lodge and Chapter having been opened indue form , the minutes of last meeting were read
and confirmed . The following brethren having been proposed and seconded and approved by the Council , were balloted for and elected : Bros . Rev . A . B . Beaven , J . M'Kerr , George Galloway , and R . B . Seddon , and Bros . Beaven , Seddon , and Kerr , with Bro . Frank A . Huet , who had been previously balloted for and approved , were advanced to the Degree of H . R . M . by their several characteristics by the P . G . M ., assisted by the D . P . G . M .
The lectures were delivered in extenso , in H . R . M ., by Bro . Matier , assisted by the Wardens , with Bro . Thorburn as Conductor . A Prov . Grand Lodge of Knights of the R . S . Y . C . S , was forthwith opened , and the above brethren being admitted and presented to the Prov . Grand Master , and by him exalted to the rank of Knights of the R . S . Y . C . S . The lectures in this Order were rehearsed by Bro . Brockbank , Dep . Prov . G . M ., and Bro . Matier , P . Dep . Prov ,
G . M . The following brethren were then invested as officers of Prov . Grand Lodge and Chapter for the ensuing year : Bros . John Gibb Smith , 30 ° Prov . D . G . M . „ Thomas Chorlton , 30 ° Prov . S . G . W . „ J . F . Hoffgaard , 30 Prov . J . G . W .
.. Rev . G . VV . Weldon " ) „ ^ r . „ Rev . G . W . Weldon )„ „ , „ " Rev . C . F . Knowlys , 10 ' \ Prov ' CI , a P - „ John Duffield , 31 ° Prov . G . Treas . „ John Chadwick , 18 ° Prov . G . Sec . „ C . Sherry Lane , iS * Prov . G . Swd . B „ \ V . C . Thomson , 30 Prov . G . Std . B . 0
„ Reginald Young , 30 Prov . G . Morischl „ T . C . Thorburn , iS Prov . G . W . of T . „ J . M . Barlow , iS ° Prov . G . Examr . „ VV . C . Moore , iS ° Prov . G . Condctr „ VV . Nichol , 1 S Prov . G . Guarder „ J . M . Bentley , Mus . Doc . ... Prov . G . Org . „ R . Heap Prov . G . Stwd .
The Treasurer presented his accounts for the past year , duly audited , and Deing satisfactory , they were adopted . The brethren adjourned to banquet , after which the customary toasts were duly honoured . The R . W . Prov . G . Master despatched a telegram to the Grand Chapter , at head-quarters , which was formally responded to , conveying " Hearty good wishes" from the Governor of the Order , and the brethren assembled at banquet at Freemasons ' Hall , Edinburgh , to their brethren at Manchester .
Ireland .
THE MASONIC FEMALE ORPHAN SCHOOL . A balance-sheet has just been issued containing detailed accounts of receipts and expenditure in connection with the late bazaar , at Dublin , in aid of the Masonic Female Orphan School , showing total receipts to the amount of £ 7567 IOS . Sd ., and expenditure £ cfXt 2 S . id . leaving a
net balance of £ GGoi Ss . 7 d . This splendid result far surpasses every expectation , and must be most gratifying , not only to those immediately concerned , but to all Masons of whatever jurisdiction . This excellent charity is now fairly started in a home worthy of it , and we look forward to regular reports of its success and usefulness .
Jamaica .
MASONIC BENEVOLENCE ASSOCIATION . As the outcome of Freemasonry in this island , we have to record with much pleasure the formation of an institution that has met with the support of the Fraternity in general , and bids fair to do much good to Masonry , and further illustrate the fundamental principles of our Order , namely—Charity and Brotherly Love . This association ,
which has now taken a practical shape , held a meeting of the Committee appointed to organise the movement at Freemasons' Hall , Hanover-street , Kingston , on Thursday , the 15 th ult ., when the election of a regular Board of Management was secured , under a rule which provides that the funds of the association shall be raised by voluntary donations and bv annual subscriptions from lodges ,
chapters , and from individual Masons and others , and shall be under the control and direction of a Board of Management , to consist of the two presiding officers of the Grand Lodge of England and Scotland in this province , the presiding Masters of the subscribing lodges , and fifteen Master
Masons to be annuall y elected from amongst the subscribers to the association . Voting papers having been previously issued to all the subscribers , the following brethren were returned as the elected members of the first Board of Management Bros . Hon . J . C . Mackglash , P . M . ; A . II . Alexander ,
P . M . ; C . VV . Tait , P . M . ; Dr . M . P . C . MacCormack , P . M . ; W . G . Macfarlaine , P . M . ; J . L . Ashenhieme , P . M . ; Dr . D . P . Ross , P . M . ; A . H . Jones , P . M . E . c ! and S . C . ; Dr . J . Tompsett , P . M . ; B " . M . Dias , P . M . S . C . ; A . C . Sinclair ; E . X . Leon , P . M . ; T . C . Ford VV . Duff , P . M . E . C and S . C . ; and E . S . Campbell .
Hamburgh Freemasonry.
Hamburgh has always a deep interest for the English Masonic student , as German Speculative Freemasonry , as originating from the Grand Lodge of England , may be said to have emanated from Hamburgh . For whatever may have been the causes of the patents to Thuanas or H . von Marschall , the activity of German Speculative Masonrv
seems to come from the Lodge Absalom , in 1737 , though the patent dates 1733 . Now there are five united lodges under the Grand Lodge of Hamburgh , though , we believe , other lodges in Germany are a \ so under the Grand Lodge . The officers of Grand Lodge for 1 SS 2-S 3 are : Bro . F . Glitza G . M . „ A . Gatting D . G . M .
„ C . H . Schaeffer S . G . W . „ H . W . Shaefter J . GAV . „ G . K . Hirsche G . Orator . „ Th . Koesser G . Treasurer . „ J . Ikle 1 st G . S . „ J . F . N ^ Brandt 2 nd G . S . ,, Thos . Furst G . Archivist .
,, Cursten Jessien , Momma , and ) ,-, c . , Moring ... 5 - Stewards . Of Lodge Absalom , Bro . J . H . Soeder is W . M ., Bro . J . Ikle D . W . M ., and Bro . Otto Jonahsson Secretary . Of the Lodge of St . George , Bro . G . A . Laeisy is W . M ., Bro . M . Haidoff D . W . M ., and Bro . T . Furst Secretary . Of Lodge Emanuel , Bro . J . C . B . Retzmann is W . M ., Bro . W . C . C . Remiss D . W . M ., and Bro . C . A . E .
Westerick , Secretary . Of Lodge Ferdinand Caroline , Bro . A . Bekker is W . M . and Bro . Oscar Eriel Secretary . Of Lodge Ferdinand zum Feisen , Bro . Gust . Morgenstorn is W . M ., Bro . P . Ad . Unbehagen D . W . M ., and Bro . P . Maier , Secretary . There seems to be an united Charity Committee , of which Bro . T . H . Brey is President , Bro . VV . Grallert Vice-Pre-President ; C . F . E . Flohr , Secretary ; J . C . R . Moring , Treasurer ; and K . Furst , Almoner .
Homes For Little Boys.
VVe had hoped this week to have recorded an event which , although not strictly Masonic , was of special interest to the Craft , from the fact that the M . W . the Grand Master had promised to be present and lay the foundation stone of the new Homes for Little Boys with Masonic ceremony . H . R . H . was to have been accompanied
by the Princess of Wales , who had graciously consented to receive donations for the building fund . All the preparations , however , were rendered of no avail b y a heavy downfall of rain during the morning , which rendered the ground and approaches almost impassable , and it was found necessary to postpone the ceremony . Many visitors had arrived
before means could be taken to stop them , but we have reason to believe that the Committee used every means at their command to lessen the annoyance and inconvenience which such postponements necessarily cause . VVe heartily sympathise with all concerned , and trust that the deserving and admirably managed charity will not in any way suffer from this untoward event . The Committee have issued the following circular :
" HOMES FOR LITTLE BOYS . " Offices—Ludgate Circus , E . C , 17 th July , 1 SS 2 . " At a special meeting of the Committee , held this day , it was resolved to express to the many friends and subscribers of the Institution the very sincere regret which they feel at the disappointment caused on Saturday last by the postponement of the Swanley fete .
" lhe Committee wish to assure their friends that this postponement was caused by circumstances entirely beyond their control , and that every preparation had been made for carrying out the ceremony in accordance with the printed programme . " Early in the morning the site of the new homes was visited by a heavy downfall of rain , such as is seldom seen
during the summer ; and this continued for several hours . The consequence was that the marquees erected for the ceremony were flooded , while the new road was rendered almost impassable . " At the time it becanie necessary to decide what course to pursue ; the rain still continued , and under all the circumstances , the members of the Committee who were
present felt they had no alternative but to postpone the ceremony . Telegrams were accordingly forwarded to the railway stations to stop the booking of passengers , and all was done that was possible to avoid inconvenience to those who intended to be present . " The Committee feel bound to add to the above , the
statement contained in the Court news of to-day ' s papers , that it was ' owing to the state of the weather that the Committee requested their Royal Highnesses to postpone the ceremony to a future day . ' " The Committee will announce at the earliest possible moment what steps they propose to adopt . "A . O . CHARLES , Secretary . "
Silver Wedding.
Bro . II . Matthews , of the Aldersgate Lodge , celebrated his silver wedding on Tuesday last . Over one hundred friends accepted the invitation , and were received by Bro . and Mrs . Matthews on board the Maria Wood , which was moored off Hampton Court Palace . After partaking of luncheon , the party adjourned to the deck , where , to the
strains of a military band , dancing was commenced , and kept up , with short intervals , throughout the day . At 12 . 30 the barge started for Kew , where she was anchored , and at four o ' clock the company sat down to a choice banquet , which was also served on board . The weather was all that could be desired , and the day ended as pleasantly as it began , nothing being wanted to make the enjoyment of all present perfect and complete .
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Summer Outing Of The Rose Of Denmark Lodge, No. 975.
prevented him attending as he had intended to do , proposed " The Chairman . " .,.,. •,. -n Bro . NOULE , P . M ., in responding , said that it was with a certain amount of regret he found himself in the position of chairman , as he would much rather have seen the legitimate occupant of our chair there , but , in his absence , he felt it a great honour to occupy it . Nothing could exceed the pleasure he felt in looking on all the happy faces
this day , indicating that the labours of the committee in organizing and carrying out this festival had been indeed crowned with success , almost beyond anticipation . He regretted the absence of some of the brethren , who from unavoidable causes had been compelled to forego the pleasures of the day , but he had the satisfaction of knowing , from personal communications , that if they were absent in the body they were with them in the spirit , and sincerely favoured with
hoped they would be ( as they had been ) every element to make the day one of success . As chairman of the committee , he had been rather anxious on account ot its first birth ; but that anxiety had been dispelled on the moment of arrival , and he now felt quite confident that this , the first outing ( seeing the harmony and thorough enjoyment of every one here ) , was only the prelude of future festivals , in the formation and carrying out of which , he would deem it
could say for the whole of the committee , they a pleasure to be allowed to assist in every way possible to add to the success in store for them in time to come . The company then proceeded to enjoy themselves with dancing on the lawn , a quadrille band having been provided for the occasion , and at a late hour returned to town , having all thoroughly enjoyed themselves , the festival being in every respect a great success .
Summer Outing And Ladies' Day Of The Saint John Of Wapping Lodge, No. 1306.
The annual festival of the above flourishing lodge was celebrated with great success on the 12 th inst ., at Broxbourne . The weather was delightfully fine , and rendered the proceedings necessarily of an out-door character especially enjoyable to the fair sex and the brethren . under the
Banquet was served at 3 p . m . genial presidency of Bro . T . Wooding , VV . M ., 1306 , who was supported by Bro . J . Magrath , LP . M ., Bros . T . J . Iyer , J . W ., and J . Couture , S . D ., ably supporting as vicepresidents . At the conclusion of the repast , the usual loyal toasts were duly honored , a capital band supplying the incidental patriotic and loyal music . Bro . Wooding , VV . M ., next applied himself to a carefully selected toast list , which ,
with a commendable foresight for the comfort and enjoyment of the ladies , he treated in a brief manner . In giving the toast " Success to the St . John of VVapping Lodge , " the VV . M . traced its course during recent years , through many ups and downs , to its present successful condition , which was greatly owing to the exertions , whilst in the chair , of Bros . C . Veal , P . M . ( whose absence , through indisposition , they all deeply regretted ) , and Magrath ,
their present LP . M . Bro . Wooding hoped the lodge would maintain its present proud position for many years , and regarded the successful meeting- of that day as a forerunner of many similar outings , which , he felt sure , must conduce to the prosperity of the St . John of VVapping Lodge . Bro . MAGRATH , P . M ., next gave "The Health of the ChairmanBro . T . Wooding , " who , he said , was the right
, man in the right place . They could see how well he had attended to their comforts that day , and his good qualities were so well known that it required no more from him than to ask them to drink the health of their VV . M ., Bro . Wooding . This was done with great heartiness ; sister Wooding sharing the honour with our worthy brother . In the absence of Bro . . 1 . Horsley , the S . VV . of the lodge ,
Bro . WOODING toasted "Bro . Tyer , " who had so efficiently acted as Vice-President . Bro . WOODING said he was indebted to Bro . Iyer for having kept his table so well amused , and for years ago introducing himself into the Order . The VV . M . would feel proud to see him occupy the same position in the lodge which he did . Bro . Tyer might have done so before , but chose to stand back awhile .
Bro . TYER , J . W ., thanked the company for the hearty reception of the toast . The meeting had afforded him great pleasure ; indeed , he should like to assist in a similar manner every day , and felt he could enjoy it . "The Treasurer , Bro . Magrath , P . M ., " and "The Secretary , Bro . Clements" ( who was unavoidable absent ) , were next honoured , and Bro . Magrath briefly responded . "The Ladies" were next toasted , and responded to by
Bro . FLACK , who said he did not expect to be called upon to speak for the ladies , but having been informed it was his duty , he could only wish that the other brother who was made with him had been present to have done so . He had felt great pleasure in being present at one of their festivals . Indeed , it was one of the inducements by which he had gained the wife ' s consent to join the Order , by assuring her there was a ladies' summer festival . It had ,
no doubt , been well enjoyed by all , for the same lady now asked , " Was there a winter banquet : " ( Laughter . ) Bro . Oi'l'ENHEiM next asked permission to draw attention to the gallant action of the British fleet at Alexandria , and to drink "Success to the British Army and Navy , " a proposition which met with the greatest of enthusiasm . The company then dispersed to enjoy the various outdoor amusements which the place affords . After a pleasant
interval , during which the several claims of boating , walking , shooting , and other healthful and pleasure-giving jiastimes were well enjoyed , the party re-assembled in the dining saloon , where the pleasures of the mazy dance were heartily enjoyed to the stirring strains of a capita ! band , under the able direction of M . L . Kalischer . The evening was diversified with songs , fand an interval for refreshments , and seemed all too short when the hour arrived to make for the railway station .
After a pleasant ride to town , the entire party arrived in safety , thoroughly satisfied with the day ' s programme . Among those present were Bros . T . Wooding , W . M ., and Mrs . Wooding ; Bro . Magrath , I . P . M ., and Mrs . and Master Magrath , ; Mrs . Veal and Miss Veal ; Bro . T . J . Tyer J . VV ., and Mrs . Tyer ; Bro . T . Couture , S . D ., Mrs . Couture , and Miss Couture ; Bro G . I ' . Holdom , J . D ., and Mrs . Holdom ; Bro . G . T . Twinn and Mrs . Twinn ; Bro . lj . Loftus nd Mrs . Loftus ; Bro . T . Morris and Mrs ,
Summer Outing And Ladies' Day Of The Saint John Of Wapping Lodge, No. 1306.
Morris ; Bro . Phillips and Mrs . Phillips ; Bro . G . Wise and Mrs . Wise ; Bro . Oppenheiin and Mrs . Oppenheim ; Bro . H . T . Hardy , and Mrs . Hardy , and Miss M . Ell ; Bro . Flack and Mrs . Flack ; Bro . Slater and Mrs . Slater ; Bro . Green and Mrs . Green ; and Bro . G . H . Stephens ( Freemason ) , and others .
Royal Order Of Scotland.
Royal Order of Scotland .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE . The above Provincial Grand Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , Manchester , on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., when there were present Bros . R . H . Hutchinson , 30 , Prov . G . M . ; G . P . Brockbank , 32 , D . P . G . M . ; J . G . McKay , 30 ° , Prov . G . S . W . ; John Gibb Smith , 30 , as Prov . G . J . W . ; J . Duffield , 20 , Prov . G . Treas . ; J . Chadwick ,
iS \ Prov . G . Sec . ; B . T . Lome , iS" , P . G . S . B . ; W . J . Thomson , 30 ° , P . G . Warder of Tower ; T . C . Thornburn , iS ° , Prov . G . Conductor ; Capt . Bowen . iS ° , Prov . G . Guarder ; VV . G . Nicholl , Prov . G . Stwd . ; Sly . 1 S , Prov . G . Tyler ; E . Ashworth , 3 S ; Ralph Heap , 1 S ; J . S . Cumberland , 1 S , and others . The Provincial Grand Lodge and Chapter having been opened indue form , the minutes of last meeting were read
and confirmed . The following brethren having been proposed and seconded and approved by the Council , were balloted for and elected : Bros . Rev . A . B . Beaven , J . M'Kerr , George Galloway , and R . B . Seddon , and Bros . Beaven , Seddon , and Kerr , with Bro . Frank A . Huet , who had been previously balloted for and approved , were advanced to the Degree of H . R . M . by their several characteristics by the P . G . M ., assisted by the D . P . G . M .
The lectures were delivered in extenso , in H . R . M ., by Bro . Matier , assisted by the Wardens , with Bro . Thorburn as Conductor . A Prov . Grand Lodge of Knights of the R . S . Y . C . S , was forthwith opened , and the above brethren being admitted and presented to the Prov . Grand Master , and by him exalted to the rank of Knights of the R . S . Y . C . S . The lectures in this Order were rehearsed by Bro . Brockbank , Dep . Prov . G . M ., and Bro . Matier , P . Dep . Prov ,
G . M . The following brethren were then invested as officers of Prov . Grand Lodge and Chapter for the ensuing year : Bros . John Gibb Smith , 30 ° Prov . D . G . M . „ Thomas Chorlton , 30 ° Prov . S . G . W . „ J . F . Hoffgaard , 30 Prov . J . G . W .
.. Rev . G . VV . Weldon " ) „ ^ r . „ Rev . G . W . Weldon )„ „ , „ " Rev . C . F . Knowlys , 10 ' \ Prov ' CI , a P - „ John Duffield , 31 ° Prov . G . Treas . „ John Chadwick , 18 ° Prov . G . Sec . „ C . Sherry Lane , iS * Prov . G . Swd . B „ \ V . C . Thomson , 30 Prov . G . Std . B . 0
„ Reginald Young , 30 Prov . G . Morischl „ T . C . Thorburn , iS Prov . G . W . of T . „ J . M . Barlow , iS ° Prov . G . Examr . „ VV . C . Moore , iS ° Prov . G . Condctr „ VV . Nichol , 1 S Prov . G . Guarder „ J . M . Bentley , Mus . Doc . ... Prov . G . Org . „ R . Heap Prov . G . Stwd .
The Treasurer presented his accounts for the past year , duly audited , and Deing satisfactory , they were adopted . The brethren adjourned to banquet , after which the customary toasts were duly honoured . The R . W . Prov . G . Master despatched a telegram to the Grand Chapter , at head-quarters , which was formally responded to , conveying " Hearty good wishes" from the Governor of the Order , and the brethren assembled at banquet at Freemasons ' Hall , Edinburgh , to their brethren at Manchester .
Ireland .
THE MASONIC FEMALE ORPHAN SCHOOL . A balance-sheet has just been issued containing detailed accounts of receipts and expenditure in connection with the late bazaar , at Dublin , in aid of the Masonic Female Orphan School , showing total receipts to the amount of £ 7567 IOS . Sd ., and expenditure £ cfXt 2 S . id . leaving a
net balance of £ GGoi Ss . 7 d . This splendid result far surpasses every expectation , and must be most gratifying , not only to those immediately concerned , but to all Masons of whatever jurisdiction . This excellent charity is now fairly started in a home worthy of it , and we look forward to regular reports of its success and usefulness .
Jamaica .
MASONIC BENEVOLENCE ASSOCIATION . As the outcome of Freemasonry in this island , we have to record with much pleasure the formation of an institution that has met with the support of the Fraternity in general , and bids fair to do much good to Masonry , and further illustrate the fundamental principles of our Order , namely—Charity and Brotherly Love . This association ,
which has now taken a practical shape , held a meeting of the Committee appointed to organise the movement at Freemasons' Hall , Hanover-street , Kingston , on Thursday , the 15 th ult ., when the election of a regular Board of Management was secured , under a rule which provides that the funds of the association shall be raised by voluntary donations and bv annual subscriptions from lodges ,
chapters , and from individual Masons and others , and shall be under the control and direction of a Board of Management , to consist of the two presiding officers of the Grand Lodge of England and Scotland in this province , the presiding Masters of the subscribing lodges , and fifteen Master
Masons to be annuall y elected from amongst the subscribers to the association . Voting papers having been previously issued to all the subscribers , the following brethren were returned as the elected members of the first Board of Management Bros . Hon . J . C . Mackglash , P . M . ; A . II . Alexander ,
P . M . ; C . VV . Tait , P . M . ; Dr . M . P . C . MacCormack , P . M . ; W . G . Macfarlaine , P . M . ; J . L . Ashenhieme , P . M . ; Dr . D . P . Ross , P . M . ; A . H . Jones , P . M . E . c ! and S . C . ; Dr . J . Tompsett , P . M . ; B " . M . Dias , P . M . S . C . ; A . C . Sinclair ; E . X . Leon , P . M . ; T . C . Ford VV . Duff , P . M . E . C and S . C . ; and E . S . Campbell .
Hamburgh Freemasonry.
Hamburgh has always a deep interest for the English Masonic student , as German Speculative Freemasonry , as originating from the Grand Lodge of England , may be said to have emanated from Hamburgh . For whatever may have been the causes of the patents to Thuanas or H . von Marschall , the activity of German Speculative Masonrv
seems to come from the Lodge Absalom , in 1737 , though the patent dates 1733 . Now there are five united lodges under the Grand Lodge of Hamburgh , though , we believe , other lodges in Germany are a \ so under the Grand Lodge . The officers of Grand Lodge for 1 SS 2-S 3 are : Bro . F . Glitza G . M . „ A . Gatting D . G . M .
„ C . H . Schaeffer S . G . W . „ H . W . Shaefter J . GAV . „ G . K . Hirsche G . Orator . „ Th . Koesser G . Treasurer . „ J . Ikle 1 st G . S . „ J . F . N ^ Brandt 2 nd G . S . ,, Thos . Furst G . Archivist .
,, Cursten Jessien , Momma , and ) ,-, c . , Moring ... 5 - Stewards . Of Lodge Absalom , Bro . J . H . Soeder is W . M ., Bro . J . Ikle D . W . M ., and Bro . Otto Jonahsson Secretary . Of the Lodge of St . George , Bro . G . A . Laeisy is W . M ., Bro . M . Haidoff D . W . M ., and Bro . T . Furst Secretary . Of Lodge Emanuel , Bro . J . C . B . Retzmann is W . M ., Bro . W . C . C . Remiss D . W . M ., and Bro . C . A . E .
Westerick , Secretary . Of Lodge Ferdinand Caroline , Bro . A . Bekker is W . M . and Bro . Oscar Eriel Secretary . Of Lodge Ferdinand zum Feisen , Bro . Gust . Morgenstorn is W . M ., Bro . P . Ad . Unbehagen D . W . M ., and Bro . P . Maier , Secretary . There seems to be an united Charity Committee , of which Bro . T . H . Brey is President , Bro . VV . Grallert Vice-Pre-President ; C . F . E . Flohr , Secretary ; J . C . R . Moring , Treasurer ; and K . Furst , Almoner .
Homes For Little Boys.
VVe had hoped this week to have recorded an event which , although not strictly Masonic , was of special interest to the Craft , from the fact that the M . W . the Grand Master had promised to be present and lay the foundation stone of the new Homes for Little Boys with Masonic ceremony . H . R . H . was to have been accompanied
by the Princess of Wales , who had graciously consented to receive donations for the building fund . All the preparations , however , were rendered of no avail b y a heavy downfall of rain during the morning , which rendered the ground and approaches almost impassable , and it was found necessary to postpone the ceremony . Many visitors had arrived
before means could be taken to stop them , but we have reason to believe that the Committee used every means at their command to lessen the annoyance and inconvenience which such postponements necessarily cause . VVe heartily sympathise with all concerned , and trust that the deserving and admirably managed charity will not in any way suffer from this untoward event . The Committee have issued the following circular :
" HOMES FOR LITTLE BOYS . " Offices—Ludgate Circus , E . C , 17 th July , 1 SS 2 . " At a special meeting of the Committee , held this day , it was resolved to express to the many friends and subscribers of the Institution the very sincere regret which they feel at the disappointment caused on Saturday last by the postponement of the Swanley fete .
" lhe Committee wish to assure their friends that this postponement was caused by circumstances entirely beyond their control , and that every preparation had been made for carrying out the ceremony in accordance with the printed programme . " Early in the morning the site of the new homes was visited by a heavy downfall of rain , such as is seldom seen
during the summer ; and this continued for several hours . The consequence was that the marquees erected for the ceremony were flooded , while the new road was rendered almost impassable . " At the time it becanie necessary to decide what course to pursue ; the rain still continued , and under all the circumstances , the members of the Committee who were
present felt they had no alternative but to postpone the ceremony . Telegrams were accordingly forwarded to the railway stations to stop the booking of passengers , and all was done that was possible to avoid inconvenience to those who intended to be present . " The Committee feel bound to add to the above , the
statement contained in the Court news of to-day ' s papers , that it was ' owing to the state of the weather that the Committee requested their Royal Highnesses to postpone the ceremony to a future day . ' " The Committee will announce at the earliest possible moment what steps they propose to adopt . "A . O . CHARLES , Secretary . "
Silver Wedding.
Bro . II . Matthews , of the Aldersgate Lodge , celebrated his silver wedding on Tuesday last . Over one hundred friends accepted the invitation , and were received by Bro . and Mrs . Matthews on board the Maria Wood , which was moored off Hampton Court Palace . After partaking of luncheon , the party adjourned to the deck , where , to the
strains of a military band , dancing was commenced , and kept up , with short intervals , throughout the day . At 12 . 30 the barge started for Kew , where she was anchored , and at four o ' clock the company sat down to a choice banquet , which was also served on board . The weather was all that could be desired , and the day ended as pleasantly as it began , nothing being wanted to make the enjoyment of all present perfect and complete .