Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
R „» .. or M ASONIC M EETINGS t— PAGE ^ iB ^ --: """"""" : """" : " " """"" : "" " "" " "" "" « Tlf / liS aIlatVon oftheGrandMMter ;;;;;;;;;;; ' . ' ..... 86 , - . misonrv in Scotland 86 iSSSSa ? frog-ess , No . Ill 86 The Public House Question 87 Araod Lodge Funds 87 Benevolence ¦
•• New Lodges ° 7 CORRESPONDENCE : — lhe Installation of the Grand Master 87 The Right of Visiting Lodges 87 The Admission of Members 87 The Status of Rejoining Past Masters 87 Masonic Amenities 87 07
Masonic Jurispruuence Koyal Standard Lodge ( No . 1298 ) 87 An ' Appeal 87 United Grand Lodge 88 Grand Mark Lodge 88 Masonic Notes and Queries ° provincial Grand Lodge oi'Oxfordshire 8 g Reviews ? 9
Scottish Freemasonry » 9 Masonic Ball at Athctstone 89 ( Jhituarv 9 ° Roval A ' rch 9 ° Mark Masonry 9 ° Ancient and Accepted Kite 49 9 ? Lodge Meetings for next Week "j . Advertisements i . ii . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft Hfogmtrg .
ROCHDALE . —HOPE LODGE ( NO . 54 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , Feb . 10 th , at the Spread Eagle Inn , Rochdale , and there was a moderate attendance of the brethren , the officers being Bros . Richard Simpson , W . M . ; A . Barker , S . W . ; J . Barnish , J . W . ; Dan Mitchell , P . M ., Secretary . The Treasurer being very ill , could not attend ; R . Collingwood , S . D . ; C .
O'Doherty , J . D . j Bintchffe , I . G . ; James Medgley , P . M ., Tyler . The lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer at 5 . 30 p . m ., and the minutes of the former lodges were read and confirmed . After which Mr . James Medcalf , a candidate for Freemasonry , was ballotted for and approved . Mr . James Medcalf was then initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry by Bro . Dan
Mitchell , P . M ., assisted by T . B . Ashworth , P . M . ; and Wm . Davies , P . M . The lodge was then opened in the second degree . Bros . Marshall and Thistlewhete being candidates for the third degree , were examined , and after having given proofs of their proficiency in the former degrees , were then entrusted and retired . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bro . Thistlewhete was
then admitted and duly raised by Wm . Davies , P . M . Bro . Marshall was also admitted and duly raised by T . B . Ashworth , P . M . The lodge was then closed in the third degree . The lodge was closed in the second degree . Bro . Clegg , who had been prevented from attending earlier , now presented himself , and wished to be passed . He was then examined , and having given proofs of his proficiency
in the former degree , was then entrusted and retired . The lodge was again opened in the secend degree , and Bro . Clegg was then duly passed to the degree of Fellow-Craft . The lodge was then closed in the second degree . Bro . T . B . Ashworth's notice of motion was read—that the bye-laws of the lodge be amended in accordance with the bye-laws of the province , and carried unanimously . The lodge
was then finally closed at 8 . 45 p . m ., and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , which was amply provided by the host and hostess . After the cloth was removed , the brethren partook of the cup of cheerfulness , and the usual toasts were then given , amongst which our " Visiting Brother " was given , and well responded to . " The newly niised Brethren" was given and humorously replied to .
" The newly passed Brother " was then given and briefly responded to . "The Initiate" was next given , and eloquently responded to . The usual closing toast was given , and the brethren departed in peace and good fellowship , after having spent a very pleasant evening . FAITH LODGE ( NO . 141 ) . —A numerous meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 23 rd inst ., at Anderton ' s
Ilotel , Fleet-street . The proceedings commenced at four o ' clock in the afternoon precisely . There were present : — Bros . Kennet , W . M . ; Waygood , S . W . ; Davis , J . W . ; Mallett , S . D . ; Davis , acting J . D . ; Dairy , I . G . ; Thcmans , I . P . M . ; Carter , P . M ., Treasurer ; Stuart , P . M ., Secretary . The minutes having been read and confirmed , the W . M . proceeded to raise Bros . Bird , Crow , Oliver , Dyke , and
Leavers to the sublime degree of Master Masons , and passed Bros . Pilbrow , Steng , Politzer , and Chambers to the second degree . The ballot having been taken for Mr . Isaacs and declared unanimous , that gentleman was duly initiated into the Craft . The three ceremonies were
carried out by the W . M . and his officers with that amount of care and impressiveness which for years past has characterized the working of the Faith Lodge . Bro . Holland , 144 , was unanimously elected as a joining member . Bro . Taylor , P . M ., gave notice of motion that , at the next meeting he should move that the initiation fee should he
increased to ten guineas , and the joining fee to five guineas . Bro . Hopwood , P . M ., said that he should have much pleasure in supporting the proposition when it came on for discussion , as he considered the lodge was quite large enough in point of numbers , there being nearly 120 members on the books , and that there was not sufficient room even to accommodate those brethren and their
numerous visitors comfortably , and if there should bc a still further addition to any great extent , it would be altogether impracticable to carry on the proceedings well , either in lod ge or at the banquet table . The subject Vf the centenary jewel for the lodge was then full y con-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
sidered , and Bros . Stuart and Hopwood were directed to see the Secretary of the Grand Lodge upon the matter , and report to the next meeting . A . proposition having been taken for an initiation , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to an elegant banquet . Among the visitors were Bros . Levy , P . M . 188 ; Cooper , P . M . 733 ; Withall , J . W . 720 ; Robins , 25 ;
Maynard , 177 ; Carter , 209 ; Dixon , 209 ; Pence , 275 ; Raalk , 917 ; Rowley , 917 ; Sharpless , 1346 ; Woodward , 1393 ; Rosenhein , 27 , New York City . The toasts of " The The Queen and the Craft , " " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Grand Master , and Lord Carnarvon , the Pro Grand Master , " were loyally and heartily received . The health of the initiate , Bro . Isaacs , followed , who briefly
acknowledged it . The W . M . in giving the visitor's toast , stated that on behalf of the lodge he gave them a hearty welcome , and he , personally , was pleased at being able to dispense its hospitality to so numerous and distinguished a gathering of visiting brethren . Bro . Levy , P . M ., in reply , expressed , on behalf of himself and colleagues , the great pleasure they had received from their visit to the
Faith Lodge . The working was good ; the charitable and benevolent principles of the lodge were excellent ; and the hospitality and conviviality of the brethren unsurpassed ; and in conclusion he hoped that desirable state of things would continue to be the characteristic of the Faith Lodge . Between the toasts , Bros . Rosenhein , Walls , Davis , Mallett , Bird and Levy contributed several instrumental , vocal , and
dramatic effusions , which appeared to give the brethren great satisfaction . Bro . Thcmans , P . M ., proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " which was warmly received . The W . M . having replied , gave "The Health of the Past Masters and Officers of the Lodge . " Bro . Stuart , P . M ., replied for the former , and Bro . Waygood for the latter . The Tyler ' s toast terminated the proceedings at a late
hour . DOMATIC LODGE ( NO . 177 ) . —An exceedingly strong meeting of the brethren of this lodge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . The proceedings commenced at an early hour in the afternoon . The officers present were : Bros . Everett , W . M . ; Wilson , S . W . ; Willing , jun ., J . W . ; Palmer , S . D . ; Scard , J . D . ; Knott ,
I . G . ; T . Goodfellow , D . C . ; Kent , I . P . M . ; Smith , P . M ., Treasurer ; Williams , Secretary ; Spink , W . S . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . M ., assisted by his officers , raised Bros . Richards , Parker , Beale , and Sergeant , and passed Bros . Aley , Marriott , Turner , Herbage , and Gibson . Both ceremonies were excellently well carried out . Messrs .
Plummer , Williams , and Robinson , were then initiated into the Craft by the W . M ., in a most impressive manner . Bro . Orchard ( 201 ) was unanimously elected by ballot as a joining member . A motion of Bro . Foxcroft ' s , to give the votes of the lodge on behalf of Bro . Muggeridge , P . M ., a candidate for the benefits of the Royal Aged Freemasons ' Benevolent Institution , was then discussed , but at the
request of Bro . Smith , P . M ., who stated that the votes of the lodge had always been at the disposal of the W . M . for the time being , and he did not see why Bro . Everett should not have the same prerogative as his predecessors in the lodge , the motion was withdrawn . The W . M . then informed Bro . Foxcroft , and the brethren generally , that he should be at all times only too happy to entertain
any suggestions as to the disposal of the lodge patronage , upon the matter being properly brought before him . The lodge having been duly closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquetting hall , where an excellent repast awaited them . There were upwards of 100 brethren present , and among the visitors were : Bros . Belts , W . M . 1351 ; Larlham , I . W . 1216 ; Canvin , J . W . 209 ; Mead , S . D .
788 ; Higgins , J . D . 1381 ; Walls , 141 , 1381 , 1303 , I . G . ; W . A . Ellis , 1381 , Organist ; King , 1056 . Upon the removal of the cloth , the W . M . gave the " Queen and Craft , " which was duly honoured , and Bro . Walls contributed one verse of the " National Anthem . " In proposing the next toast , that of "H . R . H . the M . W . G . M ., " the W . M . expressed his opinion that it was a great day in
the history of Freemasonry when the Prince accepted the office of G . M ., and he believed that H . R . H . would be as active in the discharge of his Masonic duties as he had hitherto been in the fulfilling of the requirements of his social and public position . " God Bless the Prince of Wales " was then sung by Bro . Wallis , accompanied by Bro . Ellis . The health of Bro . Lord Carnarvon , P . G . M ,
was warmly received . The initiates having been toasted , severally replied . The other Masonic toasts followed quickly , Bro . Belts , W . M . 1351 , replied on the behalf of the visitors in an able speech . Bro . Kent , I . P . M ., on being entrusted with the gavel , rose , and proposed the health of the W . M . in very complimentary terms , and expressed his personal appreciation of the excellent manner in which
the whole of the duties of the day had been carried out by Bro . Everett , more especially when it was considered that it was his " maiden sitting . " This toast was responded to by the brethren with excellent fire . The VV . M . in reply , stated that he felt exceedingly gratified at the manner in which his health had been prrposcd and drank , which he believed was done with sincerity . He considered it to be
a very great honour to occupy the chair in so old and powerful a lodge as the " Domatic , " but he felt it to be a still higher distinction in filling it at the present time , when Freemasonry was attracting so much attention , by the recent admission into its ranks of two of our Royal Princes , and the forthcoming installation of their brother the Prince of Wales , and the impending installation of
their M . W . G . M . ' s Royal brother-in-law , the King of Greece , who would ultimately become Grand Master of that classic country . Such a succession of distinguished events in the history of the Craft had probably never occurred before , and the speaker stated that he should look back in future years with pride , at having filled the W . M . ' s chair under such auspicious circumstances , in the year oi grace 1875 . The P . M ' s health was proposed , and re-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ceived with the customary honours , and amusingly responded to , on behalf of himself and colleagues , by Bro . Kent . The Treasurer ' s and Secretary ' s healths were drank , and heartily received by the brethren , and responded to at length by those efficient officers , Bros . Smith and Williams . Between the toasts the brethren were entertained by the vocal , instrumental , and dramatic
efforts of Bros . Palmer , Walls , Foxcroft , Ellis , & c . The Tyler ' s toast terminated the proceedings . J ORDAN LODGE ( 201 ) . —This noted old lodge held its installation meeting on Friday , the 15 th ult . The following were the officers who took their respective positions in due time : —Bros . G . Whitley , W . M . ; J . Hume , S . W . ; P . Wagner , J . W . ; R . T . Elsam , S . D ., P . M . 889 , P . Prov .
G . D . C . Surrey ; W . Palowkar , J . D . ; R . C . Read , I . G . ; R . Watts , Treasurer ; F . B . Davage , I . P . M . ; P . Robinson , P . M ., D . C ; and H . M . Arliss , Secretary . This lodge is one of the few working on what is termed the East-end method , better known in modern days as Muggeridge ' s mode of working . This , however , has lapsed into a mixed method of late years , one noted old Mason
having , a few years ago , broken the magic thread from his prepossession in favour of Stephen Barton Wilson ' s working , the more general term by which the West-end working is known . It was a time-honoured practice , too , with this lodge , indeed , from time immemorial , for the outgoing Master to instal his successor . This laudable practice , however , has also of late years been departed
from ; but in justice to the brother to whom reference has already been made , as an innovator , not till after he had passed the chair several years . On this occasion , that is , at the last meeting , one of the old school , Bro . R . Watts , P . M . and Treasurer , performed the duty of Installing Master , which , although not performed with that energy , fire , and fluency of by-gone days , at least reminded us of
the past , when Bros . Patten , the late Secretary of the Girls ' School , and the lamented J . R . Sheen , its ever faithful supporter , were the guiding spirits of the lodge . Bro . James Hume was duly installed into the chair of King Solomon , and the officers named above were all advanced one step nearer the goal of Masonic aspiration , the highest honour the lodge can confer , Bro . J . Sumner , taking the post of
I . G . The Board of Past Masters , which was large on the occasion , consisted , with one or two exceptions , of those belonging to the lodge , numbering a dozen in all . Subsequently , at this meeting , an incident of a very pleasing character took place , as expressive of that kindly feeling engendered in the hearts of a body of men , knit together for over a quarter of a century by the bond of Freemasonry . It was the presentation to Bro . Edward Spooner ( who had
held the office of Secretary to the lodge , and had otherwise been engaged in its welfare for upwards of 28 years ) of a very elegant testimonial , illuminated on vellum , and suitably framed , investing him with honorary membership , and expressing regret at his resignation , as well as great satisfaction with his long years of duty to the Craft and the lodge . It is easier , perhaps , to present it in its entirety , than to deprive it of one word of its full meaning . It is as follows : —
" Jordan Lodge , 201 , of Ancient , Free , and Accepted Masons . To Bro . Edward Spooner , P . M . and Secretary . " It is with sincere regret that the members of this Lodge of Freemasons acknowledge the retirement from active duties of Bro . Edward Spooner , P . M . and Secretary , whose
services for the past twenty-eight years have been generously and cheerfully devoted to the interests of the members and Freemasons in general ; and , whilst expressing their deep regret , they cannot but record with feelings of intense satisfaction the unfailing punctuality in Bro . Edward Spooner ' s official performances , his aptness and willingness at all times in working the ceremonies of the
lodge , and the kind assistance he was ever ready to render to those who were in need of it . Although his failing health may prevent his further active attention to these duties , it is thtir hearty wish that he may be preserved for many years to enjoy the love and brotherly attachment which will always be exhibited by the members of the Jordan Lodge , and it is unanimously resolved that his name be
enrolled as an honorary member of the lodge , in consideration his past services . "Henry M . Auuss , P . M . and Secretary . "December 1 Sth , 1874 . " The testimonial was presented to Bro . Spooner by the newly-installed W . M ., Bro . James Hume , who expressed himself much gratified at having so pleasing a duty to
perform . Bro . Arliss , P . M ., one of the oldest of Bro . Edward Spooner ' s colleagues , made several touching observations , which were heartily echoed by every member present , and a few words in acknowledgment from the recipient , whose remarks were somewhat checked by emotion , ended the presentation of a testimonial , simple in itself , but of no ordinary character , as far as the sentiment
conveyed in it was concerned . WINDSOR . —ETONIAN LODGE OK ST . J ( No . 209 ) . — This lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the Masonic Hall on the 2 nd inst ., when the new W . M ., Bro . J . O . Carter , presided , supported by Bros . Denne , S . W . ; Canvin , J . W . ; Pullin , P . M ., Treasurer ; Strange , P . M ., Secretary ; Hume , J . D . ; Roberts , I . G . ; Schiemann , D . C ; Pears ,
Steward ; G . W . Dixon , I . P . M . ; J . Wilson , P . M . ; J . II . S . Reid , P . M . ; Iliscock , Andrews , Whomes , Garrett , Woods , and others . Visitors : —Bros . Bingham , W . M . 771 ; Tolley , P . M . 771 ; Small , W . M . 1194 ; J . Chambers Roe , J . W . 780 ; I lollingsworth , and others . The V . W . D . P . G . M . of the province , Bro . the Rev . J . Studholme
Brownrigg , also honoured the lodge with his presence . The lodge was opened with commendable punctuality at the time mentioned in the summons , and after confirming the minutes of the previous meeting , the W . M . raised Bro . Garrett to the third degree , passed Bro . Woods to the second , and initiated Mr , Henry Thomas S p indler , of Isle *
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
R „» .. or M ASONIC M EETINGS t— PAGE ^ iB ^ --: """"""" : """" : " " """"" : "" " "" " "" "" « Tlf / liS aIlatVon oftheGrandMMter ;;;;;;;;;;; ' . ' ..... 86 , - . misonrv in Scotland 86 iSSSSa ? frog-ess , No . Ill 86 The Public House Question 87 Araod Lodge Funds 87 Benevolence ¦
•• New Lodges ° 7 CORRESPONDENCE : — lhe Installation of the Grand Master 87 The Right of Visiting Lodges 87 The Admission of Members 87 The Status of Rejoining Past Masters 87 Masonic Amenities 87 07
Masonic Jurispruuence Koyal Standard Lodge ( No . 1298 ) 87 An ' Appeal 87 United Grand Lodge 88 Grand Mark Lodge 88 Masonic Notes and Queries ° provincial Grand Lodge oi'Oxfordshire 8 g Reviews ? 9
Scottish Freemasonry » 9 Masonic Ball at Athctstone 89 ( Jhituarv 9 ° Roval A ' rch 9 ° Mark Masonry 9 ° Ancient and Accepted Kite 49 9 ? Lodge Meetings for next Week "j . Advertisements i . ii . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft Hfogmtrg .
ROCHDALE . —HOPE LODGE ( NO . 54 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , Feb . 10 th , at the Spread Eagle Inn , Rochdale , and there was a moderate attendance of the brethren , the officers being Bros . Richard Simpson , W . M . ; A . Barker , S . W . ; J . Barnish , J . W . ; Dan Mitchell , P . M ., Secretary . The Treasurer being very ill , could not attend ; R . Collingwood , S . D . ; C .
O'Doherty , J . D . j Bintchffe , I . G . ; James Medgley , P . M ., Tyler . The lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer at 5 . 30 p . m ., and the minutes of the former lodges were read and confirmed . After which Mr . James Medcalf , a candidate for Freemasonry , was ballotted for and approved . Mr . James Medcalf was then initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry by Bro . Dan
Mitchell , P . M ., assisted by T . B . Ashworth , P . M . ; and Wm . Davies , P . M . The lodge was then opened in the second degree . Bros . Marshall and Thistlewhete being candidates for the third degree , were examined , and after having given proofs of their proficiency in the former degrees , were then entrusted and retired . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bro . Thistlewhete was
then admitted and duly raised by Wm . Davies , P . M . Bro . Marshall was also admitted and duly raised by T . B . Ashworth , P . M . The lodge was then closed in the third degree . The lodge was closed in the second degree . Bro . Clegg , who had been prevented from attending earlier , now presented himself , and wished to be passed . He was then examined , and having given proofs of his proficiency
in the former degree , was then entrusted and retired . The lodge was again opened in the secend degree , and Bro . Clegg was then duly passed to the degree of Fellow-Craft . The lodge was then closed in the second degree . Bro . T . B . Ashworth's notice of motion was read—that the bye-laws of the lodge be amended in accordance with the bye-laws of the province , and carried unanimously . The lodge
was then finally closed at 8 . 45 p . m ., and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , which was amply provided by the host and hostess . After the cloth was removed , the brethren partook of the cup of cheerfulness , and the usual toasts were then given , amongst which our " Visiting Brother " was given , and well responded to . " The newly niised Brethren" was given and humorously replied to .
" The newly passed Brother " was then given and briefly responded to . "The Initiate" was next given , and eloquently responded to . The usual closing toast was given , and the brethren departed in peace and good fellowship , after having spent a very pleasant evening . FAITH LODGE ( NO . 141 ) . —A numerous meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 23 rd inst ., at Anderton ' s
Ilotel , Fleet-street . The proceedings commenced at four o ' clock in the afternoon precisely . There were present : — Bros . Kennet , W . M . ; Waygood , S . W . ; Davis , J . W . ; Mallett , S . D . ; Davis , acting J . D . ; Dairy , I . G . ; Thcmans , I . P . M . ; Carter , P . M ., Treasurer ; Stuart , P . M ., Secretary . The minutes having been read and confirmed , the W . M . proceeded to raise Bros . Bird , Crow , Oliver , Dyke , and
Leavers to the sublime degree of Master Masons , and passed Bros . Pilbrow , Steng , Politzer , and Chambers to the second degree . The ballot having been taken for Mr . Isaacs and declared unanimous , that gentleman was duly initiated into the Craft . The three ceremonies were
carried out by the W . M . and his officers with that amount of care and impressiveness which for years past has characterized the working of the Faith Lodge . Bro . Holland , 144 , was unanimously elected as a joining member . Bro . Taylor , P . M ., gave notice of motion that , at the next meeting he should move that the initiation fee should he
increased to ten guineas , and the joining fee to five guineas . Bro . Hopwood , P . M ., said that he should have much pleasure in supporting the proposition when it came on for discussion , as he considered the lodge was quite large enough in point of numbers , there being nearly 120 members on the books , and that there was not sufficient room even to accommodate those brethren and their
numerous visitors comfortably , and if there should bc a still further addition to any great extent , it would be altogether impracticable to carry on the proceedings well , either in lod ge or at the banquet table . The subject Vf the centenary jewel for the lodge was then full y con-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
sidered , and Bros . Stuart and Hopwood were directed to see the Secretary of the Grand Lodge upon the matter , and report to the next meeting . A . proposition having been taken for an initiation , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to an elegant banquet . Among the visitors were Bros . Levy , P . M . 188 ; Cooper , P . M . 733 ; Withall , J . W . 720 ; Robins , 25 ;
Maynard , 177 ; Carter , 209 ; Dixon , 209 ; Pence , 275 ; Raalk , 917 ; Rowley , 917 ; Sharpless , 1346 ; Woodward , 1393 ; Rosenhein , 27 , New York City . The toasts of " The The Queen and the Craft , " " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Grand Master , and Lord Carnarvon , the Pro Grand Master , " were loyally and heartily received . The health of the initiate , Bro . Isaacs , followed , who briefly
acknowledged it . The W . M . in giving the visitor's toast , stated that on behalf of the lodge he gave them a hearty welcome , and he , personally , was pleased at being able to dispense its hospitality to so numerous and distinguished a gathering of visiting brethren . Bro . Levy , P . M ., in reply , expressed , on behalf of himself and colleagues , the great pleasure they had received from their visit to the
Faith Lodge . The working was good ; the charitable and benevolent principles of the lodge were excellent ; and the hospitality and conviviality of the brethren unsurpassed ; and in conclusion he hoped that desirable state of things would continue to be the characteristic of the Faith Lodge . Between the toasts , Bros . Rosenhein , Walls , Davis , Mallett , Bird and Levy contributed several instrumental , vocal , and
dramatic effusions , which appeared to give the brethren great satisfaction . Bro . Thcmans , P . M ., proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " which was warmly received . The W . M . having replied , gave "The Health of the Past Masters and Officers of the Lodge . " Bro . Stuart , P . M ., replied for the former , and Bro . Waygood for the latter . The Tyler ' s toast terminated the proceedings at a late
hour . DOMATIC LODGE ( NO . 177 ) . —An exceedingly strong meeting of the brethren of this lodge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . The proceedings commenced at an early hour in the afternoon . The officers present were : Bros . Everett , W . M . ; Wilson , S . W . ; Willing , jun ., J . W . ; Palmer , S . D . ; Scard , J . D . ; Knott ,
I . G . ; T . Goodfellow , D . C . ; Kent , I . P . M . ; Smith , P . M ., Treasurer ; Williams , Secretary ; Spink , W . S . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . M ., assisted by his officers , raised Bros . Richards , Parker , Beale , and Sergeant , and passed Bros . Aley , Marriott , Turner , Herbage , and Gibson . Both ceremonies were excellently well carried out . Messrs .
Plummer , Williams , and Robinson , were then initiated into the Craft by the W . M ., in a most impressive manner . Bro . Orchard ( 201 ) was unanimously elected by ballot as a joining member . A motion of Bro . Foxcroft ' s , to give the votes of the lodge on behalf of Bro . Muggeridge , P . M ., a candidate for the benefits of the Royal Aged Freemasons ' Benevolent Institution , was then discussed , but at the
request of Bro . Smith , P . M ., who stated that the votes of the lodge had always been at the disposal of the W . M . for the time being , and he did not see why Bro . Everett should not have the same prerogative as his predecessors in the lodge , the motion was withdrawn . The W . M . then informed Bro . Foxcroft , and the brethren generally , that he should be at all times only too happy to entertain
any suggestions as to the disposal of the lodge patronage , upon the matter being properly brought before him . The lodge having been duly closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquetting hall , where an excellent repast awaited them . There were upwards of 100 brethren present , and among the visitors were : Bros . Belts , W . M . 1351 ; Larlham , I . W . 1216 ; Canvin , J . W . 209 ; Mead , S . D .
788 ; Higgins , J . D . 1381 ; Walls , 141 , 1381 , 1303 , I . G . ; W . A . Ellis , 1381 , Organist ; King , 1056 . Upon the removal of the cloth , the W . M . gave the " Queen and Craft , " which was duly honoured , and Bro . Walls contributed one verse of the " National Anthem . " In proposing the next toast , that of "H . R . H . the M . W . G . M ., " the W . M . expressed his opinion that it was a great day in
the history of Freemasonry when the Prince accepted the office of G . M ., and he believed that H . R . H . would be as active in the discharge of his Masonic duties as he had hitherto been in the fulfilling of the requirements of his social and public position . " God Bless the Prince of Wales " was then sung by Bro . Wallis , accompanied by Bro . Ellis . The health of Bro . Lord Carnarvon , P . G . M ,
was warmly received . The initiates having been toasted , severally replied . The other Masonic toasts followed quickly , Bro . Belts , W . M . 1351 , replied on the behalf of the visitors in an able speech . Bro . Kent , I . P . M ., on being entrusted with the gavel , rose , and proposed the health of the W . M . in very complimentary terms , and expressed his personal appreciation of the excellent manner in which
the whole of the duties of the day had been carried out by Bro . Everett , more especially when it was considered that it was his " maiden sitting . " This toast was responded to by the brethren with excellent fire . The VV . M . in reply , stated that he felt exceedingly gratified at the manner in which his health had been prrposcd and drank , which he believed was done with sincerity . He considered it to be
a very great honour to occupy the chair in so old and powerful a lodge as the " Domatic , " but he felt it to be a still higher distinction in filling it at the present time , when Freemasonry was attracting so much attention , by the recent admission into its ranks of two of our Royal Princes , and the forthcoming installation of their brother the Prince of Wales , and the impending installation of
their M . W . G . M . ' s Royal brother-in-law , the King of Greece , who would ultimately become Grand Master of that classic country . Such a succession of distinguished events in the history of the Craft had probably never occurred before , and the speaker stated that he should look back in future years with pride , at having filled the W . M . ' s chair under such auspicious circumstances , in the year oi grace 1875 . The P . M ' s health was proposed , and re-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ceived with the customary honours , and amusingly responded to , on behalf of himself and colleagues , by Bro . Kent . The Treasurer ' s and Secretary ' s healths were drank , and heartily received by the brethren , and responded to at length by those efficient officers , Bros . Smith and Williams . Between the toasts the brethren were entertained by the vocal , instrumental , and dramatic
efforts of Bros . Palmer , Walls , Foxcroft , Ellis , & c . The Tyler ' s toast terminated the proceedings . J ORDAN LODGE ( 201 ) . —This noted old lodge held its installation meeting on Friday , the 15 th ult . The following were the officers who took their respective positions in due time : —Bros . G . Whitley , W . M . ; J . Hume , S . W . ; P . Wagner , J . W . ; R . T . Elsam , S . D ., P . M . 889 , P . Prov .
G . D . C . Surrey ; W . Palowkar , J . D . ; R . C . Read , I . G . ; R . Watts , Treasurer ; F . B . Davage , I . P . M . ; P . Robinson , P . M ., D . C ; and H . M . Arliss , Secretary . This lodge is one of the few working on what is termed the East-end method , better known in modern days as Muggeridge ' s mode of working . This , however , has lapsed into a mixed method of late years , one noted old Mason
having , a few years ago , broken the magic thread from his prepossession in favour of Stephen Barton Wilson ' s working , the more general term by which the West-end working is known . It was a time-honoured practice , too , with this lodge , indeed , from time immemorial , for the outgoing Master to instal his successor . This laudable practice , however , has also of late years been departed
from ; but in justice to the brother to whom reference has already been made , as an innovator , not till after he had passed the chair several years . On this occasion , that is , at the last meeting , one of the old school , Bro . R . Watts , P . M . and Treasurer , performed the duty of Installing Master , which , although not performed with that energy , fire , and fluency of by-gone days , at least reminded us of
the past , when Bros . Patten , the late Secretary of the Girls ' School , and the lamented J . R . Sheen , its ever faithful supporter , were the guiding spirits of the lodge . Bro . James Hume was duly installed into the chair of King Solomon , and the officers named above were all advanced one step nearer the goal of Masonic aspiration , the highest honour the lodge can confer , Bro . J . Sumner , taking the post of
I . G . The Board of Past Masters , which was large on the occasion , consisted , with one or two exceptions , of those belonging to the lodge , numbering a dozen in all . Subsequently , at this meeting , an incident of a very pleasing character took place , as expressive of that kindly feeling engendered in the hearts of a body of men , knit together for over a quarter of a century by the bond of Freemasonry . It was the presentation to Bro . Edward Spooner ( who had
held the office of Secretary to the lodge , and had otherwise been engaged in its welfare for upwards of 28 years ) of a very elegant testimonial , illuminated on vellum , and suitably framed , investing him with honorary membership , and expressing regret at his resignation , as well as great satisfaction with his long years of duty to the Craft and the lodge . It is easier , perhaps , to present it in its entirety , than to deprive it of one word of its full meaning . It is as follows : —
" Jordan Lodge , 201 , of Ancient , Free , and Accepted Masons . To Bro . Edward Spooner , P . M . and Secretary . " It is with sincere regret that the members of this Lodge of Freemasons acknowledge the retirement from active duties of Bro . Edward Spooner , P . M . and Secretary , whose
services for the past twenty-eight years have been generously and cheerfully devoted to the interests of the members and Freemasons in general ; and , whilst expressing their deep regret , they cannot but record with feelings of intense satisfaction the unfailing punctuality in Bro . Edward Spooner ' s official performances , his aptness and willingness at all times in working the ceremonies of the
lodge , and the kind assistance he was ever ready to render to those who were in need of it . Although his failing health may prevent his further active attention to these duties , it is thtir hearty wish that he may be preserved for many years to enjoy the love and brotherly attachment which will always be exhibited by the members of the Jordan Lodge , and it is unanimously resolved that his name be
enrolled as an honorary member of the lodge , in consideration his past services . "Henry M . Auuss , P . M . and Secretary . "December 1 Sth , 1874 . " The testimonial was presented to Bro . Spooner by the newly-installed W . M ., Bro . James Hume , who expressed himself much gratified at having so pleasing a duty to
perform . Bro . Arliss , P . M ., one of the oldest of Bro . Edward Spooner ' s colleagues , made several touching observations , which were heartily echoed by every member present , and a few words in acknowledgment from the recipient , whose remarks were somewhat checked by emotion , ended the presentation of a testimonial , simple in itself , but of no ordinary character , as far as the sentiment
conveyed in it was concerned . WINDSOR . —ETONIAN LODGE OK ST . J ( No . 209 ) . — This lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the Masonic Hall on the 2 nd inst ., when the new W . M ., Bro . J . O . Carter , presided , supported by Bros . Denne , S . W . ; Canvin , J . W . ; Pullin , P . M ., Treasurer ; Strange , P . M ., Secretary ; Hume , J . D . ; Roberts , I . G . ; Schiemann , D . C ; Pears ,
Steward ; G . W . Dixon , I . P . M . ; J . Wilson , P . M . ; J . II . S . Reid , P . M . ; Iliscock , Andrews , Whomes , Garrett , Woods , and others . Visitors : —Bros . Bingham , W . M . 771 ; Tolley , P . M . 771 ; Small , W . M . 1194 ; J . Chambers Roe , J . W . 780 ; I lollingsworth , and others . The V . W . D . P . G . M . of the province , Bro . the Rev . J . Studholme
Brownrigg , also honoured the lodge with his presence . The lodge was opened with commendable punctuality at the time mentioned in the summons , and after confirming the minutes of the previous meeting , the W . M . raised Bro . Garrett to the third degree , passed Bro . Woods to the second , and initiated Mr , Henry Thomas S p indler , of Isle *