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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
T . nsr A Mackinlay , anil J . Fowler . Amongst the visi-, s were the following : —J . Foster , Restoration , 111 ; R . ni-lnnilev . Harbour of Refuge , 7 ( 14 ; Wm . Milforth , Res-Mv ^ iml MM C " Eairburn , S . W . . 337 ; S . W . Clarkson , ''' £ ; ) . Fairburn , W . AI . 1337 ; J . C . Crosby , 1418 ; Dr . V- ' is ' er ' Restoration , 111 . After the ordinary business had 1 . ' -ii transacted , Bro . J . Usher was duly installed
Worshipr 1 Master of the lodge for the ensiling" year . The ccrc" lonv was performed by Bro . A . S . Fowler , the I . P . AI ., in manner exceedingly able , and that afforded the highest ' . -ratification to all present ; indeed , it is not too much to sa ' v the ceremony was conducted in a manner so thoroughly efficient as to bid fair to call Bro . Fowler ' s services into frequent requisition . At the close of the ceremony the
VV . AI . installed his officers as follows : —Thomas Bradley , S . VV . ; B- Smith , J . W . ; J . Hunton , Treas . ; I . II . Hart , Sec ; James Rose , S . D . ; J . F . Craggs , J . D . ; J . W . Aloses , I G . ; E . Hoggett , Org . ; and J . Scarth and R . Ashton , Stewards ; and J . Trenholme , Tyler . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the dining hall , and sat down to an excellent repast , which was admirably well
served , a number of the brethren volunteering to officiate in ministering to the requirements of the company , which they succeeded in doing to the great comfort and very great satisfaction of all present . After the removal of the cloth , the VV . AI . proposed the health of " The Queen and the Craft , " followed by " The Prince of Wales , the AI . W . G . M . of England , " succeeded by that of" Bro . the Earl of
Carnarvon , R . W . Pro G . M . of England . " He next gave "The Health of the Righl Worshipful Deputy Grand Alaster of England , and the Present and Past Grand Officers . " Bro . Naish next gave " The Health of the } li"ht Worshipful Provincial Grand Alaster of Durham , Bro . John Fawcett , " and in doing so spoke of the many years he had served the Order so zealously and efficiently .
Bro . J . F . Mann then gave " The Worshipful the Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster of Durham , and the Past and Present Grand Officers , " and he paid a high and welldeserved compliment to the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Sir Hedworth Williamson , for the eminent business qualities which marked the discharge of his duties . Bro . A . C . Knowles responded in an excellent speech . Bro .
J . A . Jackson next gave the toast of the "Visiting Brethren , " which was responded to by Bros . J . Foster , J . Bowron , and C . Fairbain . Bro . Bowron , in the course of his remarks , said he did not think any lodge in the country could surpass the " Lodge of Philanthropy " in the excellence of its working . Bro . A . C . Knowles then gave " The
Health of the W . AI ., " whom he warmly congratulated upon the high position he had attained ih the loilge , and he wished him a happy and prosperous year . The VV . AI . responded in a manner which showed how fully he appreciated the honour that had been conferred upon him , and he assured the brethren that his best exertions should
be put forth to maintain the high character which the lodge had acquired . Bro . W . J . Watson then gave " The Health of the Immediate Past Master and Installing Master , " Bro . A . S . Fowler , of whom he said during his year of office they had many most interesting and happy meetings , and he thoroughly agreed with Bro . Bowron in saying of the Lodge of Philanthropy that ,
taken altogether , no other lodge in England could surpass it , and it was but seldom they saw so high a degree of excellence in the performance of the installation ceremony , and they were , one and all , led to exclaim it was really the best they had ever seen . Bro . Fowler responded , and in doing so he remarked that the most cordial unanimity had existed in the lodge during the year , and it had been to
turn a most happy one , and he hoped his successor would have an equally agreeable and prosperous year . The lodge had advanced in a pecuniary sense very satisfactorily . There was a great and glorious prospect in view for the lodge , and he should bc much disappointed if such did not come to pass . For some years the credit balance had been on the wrong side , but he believed that before many
weeks were past , there would bc a balance at the bank in their favour . Amongst the toasts that followed were " The VV . AI ., Officers , and brethren of the Tees Lodge , No . 509 , " " The W . AI ., Officers , and brethren of the Lodge of Fraternity , No . 1418 , " "The Past Alasters of the Lodge of Philanthropy , " " the Officers of the lodge , " " the Stewards , " and " all Poorand Distressed Alasons . " During the evening some
excellent recreation was given by Bros . G . S . Smirke , B . S . Lockwood , VV . J . Watson , Thos . Preston , W . Alitford , J . Hall , J . H . Jackson , J . Boothroyd , and P . Pescod . Bro . Christopher Hogget , the Organist of the lodge , presided at the pianoforte with marked efficiency . The proceedings were throughout of a harmonious and enjoyable character . KESWICK . —GRETA LODGE ( NO . 1073 ) . —The brethren
of the above lodge met on Monday , 23 th ult ., in the new Lodge Room , Court Buildings , to assist in the installation of Lieutenant S . G . Fairtlough , Royal Artillery , as W . M . for the current year . Bro . Porter , P . AI ., P . G . S . W ., of Wigton , acted as the Installing Alaster , and went through the ceremonial in the able manner which has gained him so high a name in the Craft , assisted by the
retiring W . AI ., Daniel Crosthwaitc , Bros . Wood , P . AI ., and Rutherford , P . M . Bro . Fairtlough , W . AI ., invested the following brethren as his officers : —Bros . P . Usher , S . W . ; J . D . Wivell , J . W . ; Rutherford , P . M ., Chaplain ; J . Wales , Treasurer ; D . Pape , S . D . ; P . T . Freeman , J . D . ; G . P . Abraham , Organist ; Jonathan Scott , M . C ; W . Hodgson , I . G . ; and C . Thompson , Tyler . The Rev . E . Rice , of Bridekirk , and Dr . Lewis , of Bassenlhwaite , were
the visiting brethren . On the business of the lodge closing , Hie brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment , and sat down at the George Ilotel to a banquet , which for variety and style reflected much credit on Mrs . Easton . « ro . Fairtlough , W . AL , presided , supported right and left " / Bros . Porter , P . G . S . W . ; Wood , P . G . O . ; Crosthwaite , 1 . G . S . D . ; Rutherford , P . G . Chap . ; Rev . Rice , and many others . The remainder of the evening was devoted to loyal and Masonic toasts , varied with a selection of instru-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
mental and vocal music , in which Bros . Usher , Abraham , Wood , and others participatetl . ROCHDALE . —ST . CHAD LODGE ( NO . 1129 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , 17 th inst ., at the Roebuck Hotel , Rochdale . There was a good attendance of the brethren . The officers present were : —Bros . E . Wood Norris , W . AI . ; Joseph Ireland
S . W . ; H . McCrcith , J ' . W . ; II . Turner , P . AI ., Secretary ; J . Hadlield , P . AI ., Treasurer ; Peter Lee , S . D ., J . Fletcher , J . D . ; James Alidglcy , P . AI ., Tyler . The lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer at O . 43 p . m . The minutes of the former lodge were read and confirmed . Bro . T . Butterworth Collingwood was duly passed to the degree of F . C . in an effective manner by Bro .
Richardson , P . AI . After having voted several sums of money to the charities , the lodge was finally closed at 7 . 30 p . m ., and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , which was sumptuously provided by Bro . C . AI . Jones , P . M . The chair was taken by the W . AL , who was well supported by the officers and brethren of the lodge . After the cloth was removed , the brethren partook of the cup of cheerfulness ,
and the W . AI . proposed " The Health of the Queen . " T he usual toasts followed in due course , amongst which Bro . H . Turner , P . AI ., proposed "The Health of the newlypassed Brother , " which was well responded to . "The Visiting Brethren" was next given , and also responded to ., The W . M . gave the usual closing toast , and the brethren departed in peace anil harmony , after having spent a very
pleasant evening . NEWTON ABBOT . —DEVON LODGE ( NO . I 13 S ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Alasonic Hall , on Tuesday , the ifilh inst ., Bro . W . R . King , W . AL , in the chair , supported by Bros . II . G . Beachey , I . P . AI . ; P . D . Michelmore , P . AI . ; F . D . Bewes , P . M ., and P . Prov . G . S . B . ; B . Prowse , S . W . ; I . S . Saunders , I . D . ;
[ . Oliver , Secretary ; W . Harris , S . D . ; E . Huxtable , J . D . R . Crookc , I . G . ; G . H . Hearder , Org . ; F . J . Pratt . Steward ; j . Williams , P . Symons , VV . II . Banfill , H Voysey , W . L . Pope , D . D . and P . Prov . G . C . Visitors : — Bros . VV . Hooper , P . M . 444 , P . Prov . G . R . ; and II . Stooke , 139 ( 1 . I " ' ' 8 was ^ e first meeting after the installation , the new officers attended to their duties , and the lodge was
most effectively and impressively worked . The minutes of last meeting were confirmed , and Bro . L . E . Bearne having proved his proficiency , withdrew . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and Bro . L . E . Bearne passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The explanation of the tracing board being given by Bro . P . D . Michelmore , P . AI . The lodge was then resumed in the first degree ,
when , in accordance with notice , Bro . H . G . Beachey , I . P . AI ., asked the consent of the members to allow a chapter to be attached to the lodge , which was supported by Bros . P . D . Michelmore , P . M . ; and W . L . Pope , D . D ., P . Prov . G . C . ; and most favourable received by the brethren , and unanimously carried . . Two gentlemen were then proposed as candidates for the mysteries of ancient
Freemasonry , and Bro . Beazlcy , P . AI . of Lodge Concord , No . 113 , was proposed as a joining member . This concluded the business of the meeting . The lodge was then closed according to ancient usage , and the established custom of the Order . DOVER . —CORINTHIAN LODGE ( No . 1208 ) . —The installation of the W . AI . of the Corinthian Lodge took place
in the lodge-room at the Royal Hotel , Dover , on Monday , 15 th inst ., when the interesting ceremony was efficiently performed by Bro . G . Adamson , sen ., P . M . 199 , and 1208 , and P . Prov . G . D . Cers . of Kent ; Bro . J . O . Rees , P . Af . 199 , and P . Prov . G . P . of Kent ; and Bro . A . Wilson , P . AI . 199 , and P . Prov . S . B . of Kent . After Bro . Smeeth was duly installed W . AI . for the ensuing year , he invested his
officers as follows : —Bros . W . B . Adamson , S . VV . ; H . Al . Baker , J . W . ; Papkiss , Treas . ; G . Adamson , sen ., P . AI ., Sec ; J . Holmes , S . D . ; C Glaydon , J . D . ; G . Adamson , jun ., I . G . ; and j . Rose , Tyler . After the business of the lodge was over , the brethren retired for a short time , and in the meanwhile a splended banquet was provided by mine host , Bro . G . Adamson , sen ., when the viands and
the wines were of an excellent quality . Amongst those present we noticed Bros . J . S . Eastes , Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster of Kent ; J . Terry , Secretary to the Aged Freemasons' and Widows' Institute ; from the Peace and Harmony Lodge , 199 , Dover , Bros . J . Bordeaux , J . W . ; I . Lester , J . D . ; G . N . Chidwick , J . Canham , G . II . Smith , I . G . ; and W . Bell ; and from Perseverance Lodge , 1 ss , Bro . D .
Osment , P . M . and P . Prov . G . S . D . ; and from the Temple Lodge , SS 8 , Bros . J . Kennett , W . AI . and P . G . S . of Kent ; and J . Sherwood , P . AI . ; from the InvictaLodge , 709 , Ashford , Bros . Hughes-Hallct , W . M ., and R . Elliott , P . M . and P . P . G . R . of Kent . ; from the Wellington Lodge , 784 , Deal , Bros . J . E . Apps , W . AL ; A . F . S . Bird , P . AI . ; W . AI . Cavell , P . AI . and P . Prov . G . S . D . of Kent ; G . Aloon , and
S . Olds ; Bro . B . R . Eastes , W . AL of Lord Warden Lodge , 1096 , Walmer ; from the St Augustine Lodge , 972 , Canterbury , Bros . F . Walker , W . AL ; and II . Alisken ; from the St . Michael ' s Lodge , 1273 , Sittingbournc , Bro . VV . Wood , W . AI . ; from the Lodge Sandgate , 143 ( 1 , Sandgate , Bros . C Gosby , W . AI . ; and A . Kceler ; from the Royal Alilitary Lotlge , 1449 , Canterbury , Bro . H . Greenwood ,
W . M . ; and from 1208 , Bro . H . C . Fuher , P . M . and P . Prov . G . D . C . of Kent ; Bro . S . Wiles , Immediate P . M ., and several other brethren . After the cloth wascleared , the usual loyal , Alasonic , and patriotic toasts were given . The W . M . then proposed "The Health of Bro . J . S . Eastes , D . P . G . AI . of Kent , " with a suitable speech , and Bro . J . S . Eastes responded in a very able manner , recommending the brethren to attend to their local charities . The W . AI .
next proposed " The Alasonic Chanties , " coupled with the name of Bro . Terry , the Secretary of the Aged Freemasons ' Institute , and the toast met with much applause . Bro . Terry , in response , complimented the lodge upon the amount they sent up last month . Several other complimentary toasts were given by the W . AL and duly responded to , and a very pleasant and enjoyable evening was spent .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
MACDONALD LODGE ( No . 1216 ) . —This lodge met a ' the head-quarters of the First Surrey Rifles , at Camberwelb London , on Thursday , the nth inst . The W . AL , Bro . W . J . Afesscnger , was supported by the whole of his officers , viz .-. —Bros . J . II . Mastic , S . W . ; AI . S . Larlham , J . W . ; Newington Bridges , I . P . AI . ; Capt . Styan , Treasurer ; J . J . Curtis , Secretary ; 11 . Hammond , S . D . ; T . W . Carnell ,
J . D . ; James Stevens , P . AI . and D . C ; B . B . Joy , I . G . ; F . H . Cozens , Organist ; and Past Alasters S . H . Wagstaff , and Georiye Waterall . There were also present Bros . C . Golding , C 11 . Ncvill , A . Woodstock , W . C . Hale , J . W . Holland , T . S . Harper , II . Puckle , W . Gray , D . Clay , D . A . Ross , T . B . Stabley , F . Hutchins , A . Young-man , E . Goldring , W . A . Curnock , E . Eldridge , T .
Fttzer , H . P . Jarman , and others . Visitors : —Bros . N . B . Headon , VV . AI . ; T . Preston , D . C . ; and T . Hamer , W . S . ofthe Great City Lodge , 1426 ; H . G . Wilkin , 1167 ; c . W . Farmer , 23 ; and J . F . Bullard , 174 . The business of the evening consisted of raising Bros . Holland and Staley , and passing Bros . Goldring , Hutchings , and Curnock , and of confirming a motion of Bro . Styan ' s relating to the
musical service in the lodge . As the accompaniment of each of our beautiful ceremonies , as well as the opening and closing of the lodge , by Alasonic Alusical Service is much thought of by the members of the Alacdonald , and is thoroughly appreciated by its visitors , the confirmation of Capt . Styan ' s motion was unanimous . Bro . Cozens , the Organist of the lodge , most ably performed on the
magnificent Harmonium throughout the evening , and fully justified to all present the importance of his office . Propositions for initiation having been received , the lodge was closed in harmony . Supper was served from the canteen , under the direction of Bro . Sergeant-AIajor Kcthro . Time pressing , lhe toasts were brought to a conclusion with that of "The Visitors , " lo which Bro . Headon , W . AI .
121 C , made a suitable reply , and the meeting terminated . BUXTON . —LODGE OF ST . ANN ( No . 1233 ) . —On Thursday , February , 18 , the brethren of the Phoenix Lodge of St . Ann held their anniversary at the Court House , Buxton . There was a good attendance of brethren of the lodge , and the visitors included Bros . W . II . Hopkins , P . M ., 633 ; J . Comyn , P . AI .
Commercial , 401 ; W . Milligan , P . G . D . C , Derby , and P . AI . Derwent Lodge 884 ; J- Barrowby , Peveril of the Peak , 6 34 , and P . G . R . Derbyshire P . AI . ; J . T . Wright , S . W . 654 ; P . Bramwell , J . W . 6 54 ; Rev . J . Alathias , P . AI . 620 ; G . Smedley , 633 ; W . Dronsfield , 249 ; J . D . Simpson , 654 ; J . L . King , 37 ; tec , tic The following brethren of the lotlge were present : —J . Taylor ,
VV . AI . and P . St . Br . ; Rev . A . A . Bagshawe , P . P . G . S . W ., P . P . G . C , I . P . AI . ; F . Turner , P . G . S . D ., P . AI . ; R- R . Duke , P . AI ., P . P . D . C , W . Smith , S . W . ; E . C . Alilligan , J . W . ; G . F . Barnard , Treas . ; W . Boughen , Sec . ; E . J . ' Sykes , S . D . ; J . II . Lawson , J . D . ; Philip Le Gros , I . G . ; G . Alarston , Org . ; J . H . Waller , Std . Br . ; A . Pyle , Tyler ; also Bros . Sutton , G . Goodwin , C .
C . Gwinnell , A . Barne , Joseph Alortin , W . Shawe . J . C . Hyde , J . Heathcott , C . Adams . The W . AI . elect , Bro . W . Smith , was duly installed in office , the ceremony being performed by Bros . Hopkins and W . Milligan in an able , solemn , and impressive maimer , after which interesting ceremony , the W . AI . invested the following officers ; Bros . E . C . Alilligan , S . VV . ; E . J . Sykes , J . W . ;
J . H . Lawson , S . D . ; P . Le Gros , J . D . ; Rev . Dr . A . J . Harrison , Chaplain ; W . Boughen , Treasurer ; A . Barnett , Sec . ; W . Goodwin , I . G . ; G . Alarsden , Org . ; Adams , D . C . ; G . Goodwin and C . Gwinnell , Stewards ; A . Pyle , Tyler . The lodge was then closed , and the companions of the Phcenix Chapter of St . Ann , and the members of the Phoenix Lodge of St . Ann , with their visitors , adjourned to
the Old Hall Hotel , Vhere a splendid banquet had been prepared for them in the large dining-room . The tables were beautifully laid out , and were ornamented and decorated with choice 'flowers from Chatsworth Gardens . The banquet was served under the superintendence of Bro . J . H . Lawson . The bill of fare , the attendance , and the excellent quality of the wines , proved that the Old Hall
Hotel still does high credit to the name and fame it has inherited for centuries . After dinner the following toasts with the usual speeches , interspersed with songs and music , under the direction of Bro . Alarsden , were given : — " The Queen and the Craft . " " H . H . II . the Prince of Wales , K . G ., M . W . G . M . ; the Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family . " " R . W . Pro . G . AI . the Earl of
Carnarvon ; with the Officers past and present of Grand Lodge . " "R . W . P . G . M . of Derbyshire , the Alarquis of Hartington , ALP . ; the R . W . D . P . G . AI . Haughton Charles Okeover , Esq . ; and the Provincial Grand Lodge Officers past and present . " "The Charities . " "The Principals of the Chapter past and present . " " The Worshipful Alaster . " "The Worshipful Board of Installing
Alasters . " " The Immediate Past Alaster . "' " The Visitors . " " The Officers of the Lodge and Chapter past and present . " " The Tyler ' s Toast . " Bro . Duke , in proposing the health of the Immediate Past Alaster , Bro . Josiah Taylor , congratulated him on his popularity with alt the brethren , and presented him , in the name of the brethren of the Phcenix Lodge of St . Ann , with a very elegant Past
Alaster ' s Jewel , having in addition to the usual bar a Phoenix in solid gold , tastefully designed by Bro . Bragg , of Birmingham , adding that every brother in the lodge had contributed to purchase that jewel . Bro . Taylor suitably replied . The whole proceedings were of a most satisfactory character , and the utmost good feeling and harmony prevailed .
STOCKWELL LODGE ( NO . 1339 ) . —A meeting of the above lodge was held on Thursday , 18 th inst ., at the Tulse Hill Hotel , Tulse Hill . There were present : Bros . Klenck , W . AL ; Pain . S . W . ; Benftam , J . W . ; Basnett , S . D . ; Bowyer , J . D . ; Coe , I . G . ; Hammerton , P . AI ., Treasurer ; Frances , P . AI ., Secretary ; Harris , J . Knibbs , R . J . Knibbs , Franklain ., Hincksman , II . A . Hart , Grist , Pillinger , H . Hart . The visitors were : Bros . Taylor , S . W . 833 ; Middleton , 6 5 ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
T . nsr A Mackinlay , anil J . Fowler . Amongst the visi-, s were the following : —J . Foster , Restoration , 111 ; R . ni-lnnilev . Harbour of Refuge , 7 ( 14 ; Wm . Milforth , Res-Mv ^ iml MM C " Eairburn , S . W . . 337 ; S . W . Clarkson , ''' £ ; ) . Fairburn , W . AI . 1337 ; J . C . Crosby , 1418 ; Dr . V- ' is ' er ' Restoration , 111 . After the ordinary business had 1 . ' -ii transacted , Bro . J . Usher was duly installed
Worshipr 1 Master of the lodge for the ensiling" year . The ccrc" lonv was performed by Bro . A . S . Fowler , the I . P . AI ., in manner exceedingly able , and that afforded the highest ' . -ratification to all present ; indeed , it is not too much to sa ' v the ceremony was conducted in a manner so thoroughly efficient as to bid fair to call Bro . Fowler ' s services into frequent requisition . At the close of the ceremony the
VV . AI . installed his officers as follows : —Thomas Bradley , S . VV . ; B- Smith , J . W . ; J . Hunton , Treas . ; I . II . Hart , Sec ; James Rose , S . D . ; J . F . Craggs , J . D . ; J . W . Aloses , I G . ; E . Hoggett , Org . ; and J . Scarth and R . Ashton , Stewards ; and J . Trenholme , Tyler . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the dining hall , and sat down to an excellent repast , which was admirably well
served , a number of the brethren volunteering to officiate in ministering to the requirements of the company , which they succeeded in doing to the great comfort and very great satisfaction of all present . After the removal of the cloth , the VV . AI . proposed the health of " The Queen and the Craft , " followed by " The Prince of Wales , the AI . W . G . M . of England , " succeeded by that of" Bro . the Earl of
Carnarvon , R . W . Pro G . M . of England . " He next gave "The Health of the Righl Worshipful Deputy Grand Alaster of England , and the Present and Past Grand Officers . " Bro . Naish next gave " The Health of the } li"ht Worshipful Provincial Grand Alaster of Durham , Bro . John Fawcett , " and in doing so spoke of the many years he had served the Order so zealously and efficiently .
Bro . J . F . Mann then gave " The Worshipful the Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster of Durham , and the Past and Present Grand Officers , " and he paid a high and welldeserved compliment to the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Sir Hedworth Williamson , for the eminent business qualities which marked the discharge of his duties . Bro . A . C . Knowles responded in an excellent speech . Bro .
J . A . Jackson next gave the toast of the "Visiting Brethren , " which was responded to by Bros . J . Foster , J . Bowron , and C . Fairbain . Bro . Bowron , in the course of his remarks , said he did not think any lodge in the country could surpass the " Lodge of Philanthropy " in the excellence of its working . Bro . A . C . Knowles then gave " The
Health of the W . AI ., " whom he warmly congratulated upon the high position he had attained ih the loilge , and he wished him a happy and prosperous year . The VV . AI . responded in a manner which showed how fully he appreciated the honour that had been conferred upon him , and he assured the brethren that his best exertions should
be put forth to maintain the high character which the lodge had acquired . Bro . W . J . Watson then gave " The Health of the Immediate Past Master and Installing Master , " Bro . A . S . Fowler , of whom he said during his year of office they had many most interesting and happy meetings , and he thoroughly agreed with Bro . Bowron in saying of the Lodge of Philanthropy that ,
taken altogether , no other lodge in England could surpass it , and it was but seldom they saw so high a degree of excellence in the performance of the installation ceremony , and they were , one and all , led to exclaim it was really the best they had ever seen . Bro . Fowler responded , and in doing so he remarked that the most cordial unanimity had existed in the lodge during the year , and it had been to
turn a most happy one , and he hoped his successor would have an equally agreeable and prosperous year . The lodge had advanced in a pecuniary sense very satisfactorily . There was a great and glorious prospect in view for the lodge , and he should bc much disappointed if such did not come to pass . For some years the credit balance had been on the wrong side , but he believed that before many
weeks were past , there would bc a balance at the bank in their favour . Amongst the toasts that followed were " The VV . AI ., Officers , and brethren of the Tees Lodge , No . 509 , " " The W . AI ., Officers , and brethren of the Lodge of Fraternity , No . 1418 , " "The Past Alasters of the Lodge of Philanthropy , " " the Officers of the lodge , " " the Stewards , " and " all Poorand Distressed Alasons . " During the evening some
excellent recreation was given by Bros . G . S . Smirke , B . S . Lockwood , VV . J . Watson , Thos . Preston , W . Alitford , J . Hall , J . H . Jackson , J . Boothroyd , and P . Pescod . Bro . Christopher Hogget , the Organist of the lodge , presided at the pianoforte with marked efficiency . The proceedings were throughout of a harmonious and enjoyable character . KESWICK . —GRETA LODGE ( NO . 1073 ) . —The brethren
of the above lodge met on Monday , 23 th ult ., in the new Lodge Room , Court Buildings , to assist in the installation of Lieutenant S . G . Fairtlough , Royal Artillery , as W . M . for the current year . Bro . Porter , P . AI ., P . G . S . W ., of Wigton , acted as the Installing Alaster , and went through the ceremonial in the able manner which has gained him so high a name in the Craft , assisted by the
retiring W . AI ., Daniel Crosthwaitc , Bros . Wood , P . AI ., and Rutherford , P . M . Bro . Fairtlough , W . AI ., invested the following brethren as his officers : —Bros . P . Usher , S . W . ; J . D . Wivell , J . W . ; Rutherford , P . M ., Chaplain ; J . Wales , Treasurer ; D . Pape , S . D . ; P . T . Freeman , J . D . ; G . P . Abraham , Organist ; Jonathan Scott , M . C ; W . Hodgson , I . G . ; and C . Thompson , Tyler . The Rev . E . Rice , of Bridekirk , and Dr . Lewis , of Bassenlhwaite , were
the visiting brethren . On the business of the lodge closing , Hie brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment , and sat down at the George Ilotel to a banquet , which for variety and style reflected much credit on Mrs . Easton . « ro . Fairtlough , W . AL , presided , supported right and left " / Bros . Porter , P . G . S . W . ; Wood , P . G . O . ; Crosthwaite , 1 . G . S . D . ; Rutherford , P . G . Chap . ; Rev . Rice , and many others . The remainder of the evening was devoted to loyal and Masonic toasts , varied with a selection of instru-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
mental and vocal music , in which Bros . Usher , Abraham , Wood , and others participatetl . ROCHDALE . —ST . CHAD LODGE ( NO . 1129 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , 17 th inst ., at the Roebuck Hotel , Rochdale . There was a good attendance of the brethren . The officers present were : —Bros . E . Wood Norris , W . AI . ; Joseph Ireland
S . W . ; H . McCrcith , J ' . W . ; II . Turner , P . AI ., Secretary ; J . Hadlield , P . AI ., Treasurer ; Peter Lee , S . D ., J . Fletcher , J . D . ; James Alidglcy , P . AI ., Tyler . The lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer at O . 43 p . m . The minutes of the former lodge were read and confirmed . Bro . T . Butterworth Collingwood was duly passed to the degree of F . C . in an effective manner by Bro .
Richardson , P . AI . After having voted several sums of money to the charities , the lodge was finally closed at 7 . 30 p . m ., and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , which was sumptuously provided by Bro . C . AI . Jones , P . M . The chair was taken by the W . AL , who was well supported by the officers and brethren of the lodge . After the cloth was removed , the brethren partook of the cup of cheerfulness ,
and the W . AI . proposed " The Health of the Queen . " T he usual toasts followed in due course , amongst which Bro . H . Turner , P . AI ., proposed "The Health of the newlypassed Brother , " which was well responded to . "The Visiting Brethren" was next given , and also responded to ., The W . M . gave the usual closing toast , and the brethren departed in peace anil harmony , after having spent a very
pleasant evening . NEWTON ABBOT . —DEVON LODGE ( NO . I 13 S ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Alasonic Hall , on Tuesday , the ifilh inst ., Bro . W . R . King , W . AL , in the chair , supported by Bros . II . G . Beachey , I . P . AI . ; P . D . Michelmore , P . AI . ; F . D . Bewes , P . M ., and P . Prov . G . S . B . ; B . Prowse , S . W . ; I . S . Saunders , I . D . ;
[ . Oliver , Secretary ; W . Harris , S . D . ; E . Huxtable , J . D . R . Crookc , I . G . ; G . H . Hearder , Org . ; F . J . Pratt . Steward ; j . Williams , P . Symons , VV . II . Banfill , H Voysey , W . L . Pope , D . D . and P . Prov . G . C . Visitors : — Bros . VV . Hooper , P . M . 444 , P . Prov . G . R . ; and II . Stooke , 139 ( 1 . I " ' ' 8 was ^ e first meeting after the installation , the new officers attended to their duties , and the lodge was
most effectively and impressively worked . The minutes of last meeting were confirmed , and Bro . L . E . Bearne having proved his proficiency , withdrew . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and Bro . L . E . Bearne passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The explanation of the tracing board being given by Bro . P . D . Michelmore , P . AI . The lodge was then resumed in the first degree ,
when , in accordance with notice , Bro . H . G . Beachey , I . P . AI ., asked the consent of the members to allow a chapter to be attached to the lodge , which was supported by Bros . P . D . Michelmore , P . M . ; and W . L . Pope , D . D ., P . Prov . G . C . ; and most favourable received by the brethren , and unanimously carried . . Two gentlemen were then proposed as candidates for the mysteries of ancient
Freemasonry , and Bro . Beazlcy , P . AI . of Lodge Concord , No . 113 , was proposed as a joining member . This concluded the business of the meeting . The lodge was then closed according to ancient usage , and the established custom of the Order . DOVER . —CORINTHIAN LODGE ( No . 1208 ) . —The installation of the W . AI . of the Corinthian Lodge took place
in the lodge-room at the Royal Hotel , Dover , on Monday , 15 th inst ., when the interesting ceremony was efficiently performed by Bro . G . Adamson , sen ., P . M . 199 , and 1208 , and P . Prov . G . D . Cers . of Kent ; Bro . J . O . Rees , P . Af . 199 , and P . Prov . G . P . of Kent ; and Bro . A . Wilson , P . AI . 199 , and P . Prov . S . B . of Kent . After Bro . Smeeth was duly installed W . AI . for the ensuing year , he invested his
officers as follows : —Bros . W . B . Adamson , S . VV . ; H . Al . Baker , J . W . ; Papkiss , Treas . ; G . Adamson , sen ., P . AI ., Sec ; J . Holmes , S . D . ; C Glaydon , J . D . ; G . Adamson , jun ., I . G . ; and j . Rose , Tyler . After the business of the lodge was over , the brethren retired for a short time , and in the meanwhile a splended banquet was provided by mine host , Bro . G . Adamson , sen ., when the viands and
the wines were of an excellent quality . Amongst those present we noticed Bros . J . S . Eastes , Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster of Kent ; J . Terry , Secretary to the Aged Freemasons' and Widows' Institute ; from the Peace and Harmony Lodge , 199 , Dover , Bros . J . Bordeaux , J . W . ; I . Lester , J . D . ; G . N . Chidwick , J . Canham , G . II . Smith , I . G . ; and W . Bell ; and from Perseverance Lodge , 1 ss , Bro . D .
Osment , P . M . and P . Prov . G . S . D . ; and from the Temple Lodge , SS 8 , Bros . J . Kennett , W . AI . and P . G . S . of Kent ; and J . Sherwood , P . AI . ; from the InvictaLodge , 709 , Ashford , Bros . Hughes-Hallct , W . M ., and R . Elliott , P . M . and P . P . G . R . of Kent . ; from the Wellington Lodge , 784 , Deal , Bros . J . E . Apps , W . AL ; A . F . S . Bird , P . AI . ; W . AI . Cavell , P . AI . and P . Prov . G . S . D . of Kent ; G . Aloon , and
S . Olds ; Bro . B . R . Eastes , W . AL of Lord Warden Lodge , 1096 , Walmer ; from the St Augustine Lodge , 972 , Canterbury , Bros . F . Walker , W . AL ; and II . Alisken ; from the St . Michael ' s Lodge , 1273 , Sittingbournc , Bro . VV . Wood , W . AI . ; from the Lodge Sandgate , 143 ( 1 , Sandgate , Bros . C Gosby , W . AI . ; and A . Kceler ; from the Royal Alilitary Lotlge , 1449 , Canterbury , Bro . H . Greenwood ,
W . M . ; and from 1208 , Bro . H . C . Fuher , P . M . and P . Prov . G . D . C . of Kent ; Bro . S . Wiles , Immediate P . M ., and several other brethren . After the cloth wascleared , the usual loyal , Alasonic , and patriotic toasts were given . The W . M . then proposed "The Health of Bro . J . S . Eastes , D . P . G . AI . of Kent , " with a suitable speech , and Bro . J . S . Eastes responded in a very able manner , recommending the brethren to attend to their local charities . The W . AI .
next proposed " The Alasonic Chanties , " coupled with the name of Bro . Terry , the Secretary of the Aged Freemasons ' Institute , and the toast met with much applause . Bro . Terry , in response , complimented the lodge upon the amount they sent up last month . Several other complimentary toasts were given by the W . AL and duly responded to , and a very pleasant and enjoyable evening was spent .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
MACDONALD LODGE ( No . 1216 ) . —This lodge met a ' the head-quarters of the First Surrey Rifles , at Camberwelb London , on Thursday , the nth inst . The W . AL , Bro . W . J . Afesscnger , was supported by the whole of his officers , viz .-. —Bros . J . II . Mastic , S . W . ; AI . S . Larlham , J . W . ; Newington Bridges , I . P . AI . ; Capt . Styan , Treasurer ; J . J . Curtis , Secretary ; 11 . Hammond , S . D . ; T . W . Carnell ,
J . D . ; James Stevens , P . AI . and D . C ; B . B . Joy , I . G . ; F . H . Cozens , Organist ; and Past Alasters S . H . Wagstaff , and Georiye Waterall . There were also present Bros . C . Golding , C 11 . Ncvill , A . Woodstock , W . C . Hale , J . W . Holland , T . S . Harper , II . Puckle , W . Gray , D . Clay , D . A . Ross , T . B . Stabley , F . Hutchins , A . Young-man , E . Goldring , W . A . Curnock , E . Eldridge , T .
Fttzer , H . P . Jarman , and others . Visitors : —Bros . N . B . Headon , VV . AI . ; T . Preston , D . C . ; and T . Hamer , W . S . ofthe Great City Lodge , 1426 ; H . G . Wilkin , 1167 ; c . W . Farmer , 23 ; and J . F . Bullard , 174 . The business of the evening consisted of raising Bros . Holland and Staley , and passing Bros . Goldring , Hutchings , and Curnock , and of confirming a motion of Bro . Styan ' s relating to the
musical service in the lodge . As the accompaniment of each of our beautiful ceremonies , as well as the opening and closing of the lodge , by Alasonic Alusical Service is much thought of by the members of the Alacdonald , and is thoroughly appreciated by its visitors , the confirmation of Capt . Styan ' s motion was unanimous . Bro . Cozens , the Organist of the lodge , most ably performed on the
magnificent Harmonium throughout the evening , and fully justified to all present the importance of his office . Propositions for initiation having been received , the lodge was closed in harmony . Supper was served from the canteen , under the direction of Bro . Sergeant-AIajor Kcthro . Time pressing , lhe toasts were brought to a conclusion with that of "The Visitors , " lo which Bro . Headon , W . AI .
121 C , made a suitable reply , and the meeting terminated . BUXTON . —LODGE OF ST . ANN ( No . 1233 ) . —On Thursday , February , 18 , the brethren of the Phoenix Lodge of St . Ann held their anniversary at the Court House , Buxton . There was a good attendance of brethren of the lodge , and the visitors included Bros . W . II . Hopkins , P . M ., 633 ; J . Comyn , P . AI .
Commercial , 401 ; W . Milligan , P . G . D . C , Derby , and P . AI . Derwent Lodge 884 ; J- Barrowby , Peveril of the Peak , 6 34 , and P . G . R . Derbyshire P . AI . ; J . T . Wright , S . W . 654 ; P . Bramwell , J . W . 6 54 ; Rev . J . Alathias , P . AI . 620 ; G . Smedley , 633 ; W . Dronsfield , 249 ; J . D . Simpson , 654 ; J . L . King , 37 ; tec , tic The following brethren of the lotlge were present : —J . Taylor ,
VV . AI . and P . St . Br . ; Rev . A . A . Bagshawe , P . P . G . S . W ., P . P . G . C , I . P . AI . ; F . Turner , P . G . S . D ., P . AI . ; R- R . Duke , P . AI ., P . P . D . C , W . Smith , S . W . ; E . C . Alilligan , J . W . ; G . F . Barnard , Treas . ; W . Boughen , Sec . ; E . J . ' Sykes , S . D . ; J . II . Lawson , J . D . ; Philip Le Gros , I . G . ; G . Alarston , Org . ; J . H . Waller , Std . Br . ; A . Pyle , Tyler ; also Bros . Sutton , G . Goodwin , C .
C . Gwinnell , A . Barne , Joseph Alortin , W . Shawe . J . C . Hyde , J . Heathcott , C . Adams . The W . AI . elect , Bro . W . Smith , was duly installed in office , the ceremony being performed by Bros . Hopkins and W . Milligan in an able , solemn , and impressive maimer , after which interesting ceremony , the W . AI . invested the following officers ; Bros . E . C . Alilligan , S . VV . ; E . J . Sykes , J . W . ;
J . H . Lawson , S . D . ; P . Le Gros , J . D . ; Rev . Dr . A . J . Harrison , Chaplain ; W . Boughen , Treasurer ; A . Barnett , Sec . ; W . Goodwin , I . G . ; G . Alarsden , Org . ; Adams , D . C . ; G . Goodwin and C . Gwinnell , Stewards ; A . Pyle , Tyler . The lodge was then closed , and the companions of the Phcenix Chapter of St . Ann , and the members of the Phoenix Lodge of St . Ann , with their visitors , adjourned to
the Old Hall Hotel , Vhere a splendid banquet had been prepared for them in the large dining-room . The tables were beautifully laid out , and were ornamented and decorated with choice 'flowers from Chatsworth Gardens . The banquet was served under the superintendence of Bro . J . H . Lawson . The bill of fare , the attendance , and the excellent quality of the wines , proved that the Old Hall
Hotel still does high credit to the name and fame it has inherited for centuries . After dinner the following toasts with the usual speeches , interspersed with songs and music , under the direction of Bro . Alarsden , were given : — " The Queen and the Craft . " " H . H . II . the Prince of Wales , K . G ., M . W . G . M . ; the Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family . " " R . W . Pro . G . AI . the Earl of
Carnarvon ; with the Officers past and present of Grand Lodge . " "R . W . P . G . M . of Derbyshire , the Alarquis of Hartington , ALP . ; the R . W . D . P . G . AI . Haughton Charles Okeover , Esq . ; and the Provincial Grand Lodge Officers past and present . " "The Charities . " "The Principals of the Chapter past and present . " " The Worshipful Alaster . " "The Worshipful Board of Installing
Alasters . " " The Immediate Past Alaster . "' " The Visitors . " " The Officers of the Lodge and Chapter past and present . " " The Tyler ' s Toast . " Bro . Duke , in proposing the health of the Immediate Past Alaster , Bro . Josiah Taylor , congratulated him on his popularity with alt the brethren , and presented him , in the name of the brethren of the Phcenix Lodge of St . Ann , with a very elegant Past
Alaster ' s Jewel , having in addition to the usual bar a Phoenix in solid gold , tastefully designed by Bro . Bragg , of Birmingham , adding that every brother in the lodge had contributed to purchase that jewel . Bro . Taylor suitably replied . The whole proceedings were of a most satisfactory character , and the utmost good feeling and harmony prevailed .
STOCKWELL LODGE ( NO . 1339 ) . —A meeting of the above lodge was held on Thursday , 18 th inst ., at the Tulse Hill Hotel , Tulse Hill . There were present : Bros . Klenck , W . AL ; Pain . S . W . ; Benftam , J . W . ; Basnett , S . D . ; Bowyer , J . D . ; Coe , I . G . ; Hammerton , P . AI ., Treasurer ; Frances , P . AI ., Secretary ; Harris , J . Knibbs , R . J . Knibbs , Franklain ., Hincksman , II . A . Hart , Grist , Pillinger , H . Hart . The visitors were : Bros . Taylor , S . W . 833 ; Middleton , 6 5 ;