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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Croshay , 1348 ; J . W . Gray , 452 ; Laskey , P . M . 72 ; Boyton , 72 ; Spilling , P . AI . 433 ; AYiller , P . AI . 76 ( 1 ; Alurch , 72 ; Gluckstien , P . AL 183 ; Brittlcbank Carr , 72 ; Dodson , P . AI . 72 ; Levey , 21 . The lodge having been opened , and the minutes confirmed , ballots were taken for the following gentlemen to be initiated : Alessrs . Fox , Gierke , and Glazier . The ballots being unanimous in their favour , they were
duly initiated into the mysteries of the Order . Bro . Frankland was also passed , and Bro . Gray , of the Frederic Lodge , duly raised , the ceremony being ably performed . The W . AL , having vacated the chair , it was taken by Bro . Frances , P . AL Bro . Benham , J . W ., W . AI . elect , was then presented for the benefit of installation , and having assented to the Ancient Charges , was duly installed into the chair
of K . S ., the ceremony being performed in an impressive manner . Bro . Benham invested his officers , giving to each the usual charge in the following order : Bros . Basnett , S . VV . ; Bowyer , J . W . ; Coe , S . D . ; Pillinger , J . D . ; J . F . Harris , I . G . Bros . Hammerton , P . AL , and Frances , P . AL , were also severally invested as Treasurer and Secretary , with the acclaim of the brethren . The W . AI . then presented
the lodge , as is the usual custom in this lodge , with a handsome banner of his arms . Bro . Pillinger also presented the lodge with a handsome 1 yler ' s jewel . Both presents were warmly received by the brethren . The W . AL then , in the name of the lodge , presented the retiring Alaster , Bro . Klenck , with a jewel , making a few appropriate remarks on the deserved honour he was confertinir . Bro .
Klenck returned his sincere thanks for the honour he had received . After the usual routine business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet . The amount of business before the lodge having curtailed the time for the banquet , the remarks made at the giving and responding to the various toasts were of necessity brief , but the evening was heartily enjoyed by the brethren , nnd
its pleasures greatly enhanced by the exquisite singing of some of Dibdin ' s famous songs by one of the initiates , Bro . G . E . J . Fox , and also the vocal contributions of one or two of the visitors . ECCLES . —VICTORIA LODGE ( NO . 1343 ) . —The fifth anniversary meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Wednesday , the 17 th inst ., at the Cross Keys Hotel .
There were a large number of members and visiting brethren present . The business of the lodge was to install Bro . Wm . Wright W . M . for the ensuing year , and investiture of officers . The ceremony was performed by Bro . Buxton , P . AL , accordingto ancient custom , in an impressive manner , assisted by Bros . Gillman , Mountain , Brooks , and Barker , P . AI . ' s . The lodge was duly closed , when
the brethren sat down to a banquet provided by Bro . Pearson , in every respect worthy of the occasion , and which fully sustained his reputation . Several most effective speeches were made in proposing and responding to the various toasts , and the meeting may be summed up as a great success ; not the least pleasing part of the proceedings was the presentation of a handsome gold
Past Alaster ' s jewel ( from the establishment of Bro . G . Kenning ) , by Bro . Wright , P . M ., to Bro . J . Brooks , I . P . M ., oh behalf . of the brethren , in token of their appreciation of services - rendered- to ¦ ' 'ihe 'lodgfc A most agreeable evening was enjoyed by all present . HAMPTON COURT . —ERA LODGE ( NO . 1423 ) . —At the King ' s Arms Hotel , Hampton Court , on Saturday ,
February 13 th , the regular meeting of tins prosperous lodge was held . Bro . H . A . Dubois , P . A . G . D . C . Middlesex , W . AI ., opened the lodge . There were present Bros . J . T . AIoss , P . G . R . Middlesex , I . P . AI . ; J . VV . Baldwin , S . W ., and W . AI . elect ; J . B . Langley , J . W . ; ltev . P . AI . Holden , Chaplain ; J . S . Sweasey , S . D . ; S . Wolff , J . D . ; E . VV Devereux , I . G . ; A . F . Loos , M . C ; W . A . Simmons , C . S . ;
B . Wright , W . S . ; H . Faija , W . M . Matthews , A . Baldwin , J . Faulkner , J . Alason , F . O . Joyce , E . King , J . R . Aloore , VV . Chartres , A . J . Webley , J . Johnson , Al . Underwood , and others . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . The report of the Audit Committee was read , adopted , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The ballot was taken for the admission
of Bro . J . Alason , 309 , and declared to be unanimous in favour of his being a joining member of the lodge . Bro . T . J . Sabine , P . G . S . B . Aliddlesex , P . AL , Treasurer , took the chair for the purpose of doing the ceremony of installation . Bro . F . Walters , P . G . P . Aliddlesex , P . AL , Secretary , presented Bro . J . W . Baldwin , S . W ., and W . AL elect , for the benefit of installation . The Rev . P . AI . Holden ,
Chaplain , in an impressive manner , read the charges to the W . M . elect . The ceremony of installation was ably rendered , and Bro . J . W . Baldwin installed as W . AI . He appointed as his Officers : Bros . E . H . Thiellay , S . W . ; J . B . Langley , J . W . ; Rev . P . M . Holden , Chaplain ; T . J . Sabine , P . M ., Treasurer , P . G . S . B . Middlesex ( re-invested third time ); F . Walters , P . G . P . Aliddlesex , P . M ., Secretary
( re-invested third time ); T . H . Aliller , P . AL , Organist ( reinvested ) ; E . W . Devereux , S . D . ; S . Wolff , J . D . ; A . F . Loos , I . G . ; B . Wright , M . C ; W . A . Simmons , W . S . ; W . AL Alatthews , C . S . ; H . A . Dubois , P . G . A . D . C . Aliddlesex , I . P . AI . ; J . Gilbert , P . G . Tyler Aliddlesex , Tyler . It was unanimously resolved that a twelve-guinea Past Alaster ' s jewel be presented from the lodge funds to Bro . H . A .
Dubois , P . G . A . D . C . Middlesex , for his efficient services rendered to the lodge . The jewel was placed on his tr ^ ast by Bro . T . J . Sabine , who , in an eloquent speech , expressed the kind feelings of the members towards him . Bro . Dubois , P . AL , in a suitable speech , returned thanks . By the unanimous voice of the lodge it was resolved , on a motion made by 'P . J . Sabine , that from the lodge funds
be given ten guineas to the Girls' School , ten guineas to the Boys' School , and ten pounds to the Female Annuity Fund , in the name of the W . AL of the lodge for the time being , thereby securing a Life Governorship of all the Alasonic Charities in perpetuity by the completion of sums required to attain that object . Some candidates were proposed for initiation at the next lodge meeting . These members were selected by the Audit Committee for recom-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
mendation to the P . G . Alaster , Bro . Col . Burdett , as those whom the lodge would like to see have P . G . Lodge honours : Bros . H . A . Dubois , P . G . A . D . C . Aliddlesex , and T . J . Sabine , P . G . S . B . Aliddlesex , for promotion to higher rank ; Rev . P . AI . Holden , Chaplain , for P . G . Chaplain ; T . I-I . Aliller , P . AL , Organist , for P . G . Organist ; and the selections made met with the unanimous approval of the
lodge . All business being ended , the lodge was closed . A splendid banquet , at which upwards of sixty sat down , was served in a large room in a building opposite to the hotel . The usual loyal toasts were given and responded to . Some good songs and excellent recitations passed away , in an agreeable manner , the time , when the brethren separated , sorry to part , but hoped happy to meet again . The
visitors were : Bros . S . Rade , P . AL 313 ; H . Andrews , 784 ; ] . I-I . Spencer , 73 ; E . B . Grabham , W . AI . 1494 ; J . H . Ryley , 188 ; T . Horton , 871 ; T . F . Peacock , 21 ; W . Fullagcr ; W . Hammond , P . G . S . Aliddlesex , P . AI . 201 , W . M . 1326 ; W . M . 1512 . NEWPORT ( AION ) . — ALBERT EDWARD , PRINCE or WALES LODGE ( No . 1429 ) . —The Albert Edward , Prince of
Wales Lodge , the junior lodge of the province of Monmouth , was honoured on Thursday afternoon by an official visit from Bro . Col . Lyne , P . G . M ., Bro . Captain George Homfray , the D . P . G . AL , and other officers and brethren of the province of Monmouth , at the Alasonic Hall , Dock-street . Bro . Wm . Watkins , the W . AL , presided over a large attendance of brethren , and was well
supported by the following officers : —Bros . Charles Rowe , P . G . Secretary , I . P . AI . ; J . G . Huxtable , P . Prov . G . A . D . C , S . W . ; E . Whitehall , J . W . ; J . W . Bebell , Secretary ; J . Horner , Treasurer ; Frederick Orders , S . D . ; John James , J . D . ; Edward W . Perren , Organist ; Robert Wilkinson , Supt . Works ; Louis Hcrmcssen , D . C . ; William Twist , I . G . ; 1 . Horner , jun ., and James Poole , Stewards ; Henry
Hctcher , Tyler . Afier disposing of the business set down in the agenda , the W . AI . thanked the P . G . AL , and also the D . P . G . M ., and other visiting brethren , for the honour they had done the Albert Edward , Prince of Wales Lodge in visiting them on this occasion . The vote was passed in due form , and ordered to be recorded on the minutes of the lodge . Both the P . G . AL and D . P . G . AL expressed the
pleasure it afforded them in being present , and likewise their great gratification at the able and praiseworthy manner in which the business had been conducted by the W . AI . Another pleasing feature in the proceedings was the announcement by the VV . AI . that the Very Worshipful Bro . J . C . Parkinson , one of the Deacons of the Grand Lodge of England , had presented to the Albert Edward Lodge an
elegantly bound and beautifully executed copy of his book , containing a cleverly compiled history of the Bard of Avon Lodge , which the author had been mainly instrumental in resuscitating . The highly-valued presentation was accompanied by a letter in which regret was expressed at the inability of Bro . J . C . Parkinson to be present at the lodge ' s banquet , as he had fully intended to have been . His good
wishes for the continued prosperity of the Albert Edward Prince of Wales Lodge were couched in fraternal language . A hearty vote of thanks , moved by Bro . C Rowe , I . P . AI ., and seconder ! \> y Bro . J . Horner , Treasurer 1429 , was passed in due Alasonic form to Bro . Parkinson for his muchprized gift , and a minute of the same was ordered to be recorded on the minutes of the lodge , viz .: " That a
cordial vote of thanks of the W . AI . and brethren of the Albert Edward , Prince of Wales Lodge , be given to the Very Worshipful Bro . J . C Parkinson , Grand Deacon of England , and D . P . G . AL of Aliddlesex , for so kindly presenting this lodge with a copy of his interesting and instructive work , the Bard of Avon Lodge , No . 778 , and in consideration of his great Alasonic and intellectual
attainments , the brethren , with pleasure , unanimously elect him as honorary member of Lodge 1429 . " The business having been closed with due ceremony , the brethren repaired to the Westgate Hotel , where Bro . S . T . Hallen had placed on the tables of the banquetting room , with his usual taste and skill , a sumptuous provision of the richest and rarest as well as more substantial viands .
Covers were laid for about seventy brethren , and it is almost superfluous to state that the guests were loud in their praise of the excellent manner in which all the arrangements of the banquet were carried out . The following is a list of the brethren who sat down : — Bros . Wm . Watkins , VV . AI . and P . G . S . Wks ., president ; Chas . Lyne , P . G . AL ; S . G . Homfray , D . P . G . AL ; L . A .
Homfray , P . Prov . G . S . W . ; James Abernethy , Lodge of Unanimity , Wakefield , Yorkshire ; W . W . Alorgan , P . AI . Isca , 68 3 ; J . S . Adam , P . AI . 90 , P . G . J . D . ; G . W . Jones , 471 ; J . Griffiths , P . AI . 471 ; Louis Hermessen , D . C . 1429 ; James Poole , St . 1429 ; R . Wilkinson , Sup . Wks ., 1429 ; Henry Richards , 1420 ; Alfred Taylor , 471 , 1429 ; George Fabian Smith , 1429 ; James Horner , sen .,
Treasurer 1429 ; J . G . Huxtable , S . W . 1429 , 471 ; J . W . Bebell , Secretary 1429 , 471 ; John Lewis Lloyd , 471 ; F . Orders , S . D . 1429 , 471 ; Charles P . Evans , S . 471 : John James , J . D . 1429 , 471 ; H . Gratte , P . AI . 471 , P . Prov . G . S . D . ; ' W . H . W . Homfray , W . AI . 683 , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; Charles Rowe , I . P . AI . 1429 and 471 ; C . R . Lyne , S . W . 471 and P . G . S . B . ; William Pickford , P . AI . 471 , P . G . T . ;
S . Davies 1429 , P . AI . 1363 , P . G . S . B . ; W . West , P . AI . 471 antl P . G . D . C . ; It . J . Chambers , P . AI . 68 ? , P . Prov . G . R . ; 11 . P . 'Pippins , J . W . 457 ; W . B . Broad , P . M . 457 , P . Prov . G . J . D ., P . Prov . G . S . ; John Thomas , S . W . 457 ; William Welsford , 1429 ; J . / Eneas Seys , 1429 ; W . Twist , 471 , and I . G . 1429 ; James Horner , jun ., St . 1429 ; Walter West , J . W . 68 ? , P . G . S . and 471 ; Harry T . Davis , 683 ,
471 , P . Prov . G . S ., Eastern Division of South Wales ; E . Whitehall , J . W . 1429 ; Alfred Jacob , 471 ; S . Brukewick ( Cardiff ) , 1429 ; W . VV . Kinsey Alorgan , St . 1429 ; John Summers , 1429 ; Isaac Evan Thomas , 1429 ; W . Milton , Locke , 1429 ; James Saunders , 1429 ; E . W . Perrin , Organist ; J . Gibbs , J . W . 471 and 683 ; Jno . Neck , 1429 ; John Sims , 1429 ; Simeon Wyatt , 147 ; W . Neill , 237 , & c , & c ; H . Fletcher , Tyler 1429 , & c . In pro-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ceeding with the toast list , the W . AI . first gave "The Queen and the Craft . " The toast was loyally drunk , and the brethren all joined in singing the National Anthem . The W . AL next proposed " H . R . H . Albert Edward , Prince of Wales , G . M . of England , " and expressed a hope that many of the brethren would have the opportunity afforded them of witnessing the ceremony of the installation of I lis
Royal Highness as G . A 1 . of England . Bro . Adam , P . AL 90 , P . Prov . G . D . Mon . ; gave , in eulogistic terms , "The R . W . the Earl Carnarvon , Pro G . AL ; Viscount Skelmersdale , D . G . AI . ; and officers of the G . L . " He expressed deep sympathy with the noble Earl in the bereavement he had so recently been called upon to sustain . Bro . Colonel Lyne , as one of the Grand Officers
of England , replied to the toast . Bro . G . W . Jones gave "The R . W . Bro . Lyne , P . G . AL" In responding , the P . G . M . expressed the great gratification he experienced at being present at so splendid a gathering of the junior lodge of the province . What he had witnessed that day was sufficiently convincing to him that the business of the lodge had been conducted in a highly creditable and
unexceptionable manner . Colonel Lyne , the P . G . AL , gave "The V . W . Bro . Homfray , D . P . G . M ., and officers of P . G . L ., of Alonmouthshire . " Having been given and drunk with enthusiasm , Bro . Captain Homfray responded . He had also the greatest pleasure in being present , and bore testimony to the able and efficient manner in which the W . AI . conducted the business of his lodge . He had
the honour of installing the W . AL in the chair , and was more than gratified with the manner in which the junior lodge had progressed . Bro . L . A . Homfray , P . AL 68 3 , and P . Prov . G . S . W ., AIon ., proposed the toast of the evening , " The W . AL , 1426 , Bro . Wm . Watkins , " and in doing so paid a befitting tribute to the ability displayed by the W . AI . It was with extreme pleasure that he was
here to support the youngest lodge of the province . In replying to the toast the VV . AI . said that he scarcely felt deserving of the high compliments which had been paid to him that evening . In his position he aimed at making the Albert Edward Prince of Wales Lodge a credit to the province , and in the selection of members quality was the standard and not numbers ( applause ) . He
was one of those brethun who felt that a third lodge was necessary for Newport , and in his efforts to bring about this object he had sought only the healthy extension and interests of Freemasonry ( hear , hear . ) Bro . Chambers , P . AI . ( 183 , and P . Prov . G . Reg ., proposed , "The I . P . M ., Bro . Chas . Rowe , P . G . Sec , " which Bro . Rowe , in suitable terms , acknowledged . Bro . Capt . Homfray gave " The .
health of the representative of the oldest lodge in the Province , " coupling therewith the name of Bro . Broad , P . AI . Loyal Alonmouth Lodge . He knew that the toast would be received with the greatest cordiality . The toast was enthusiastically drunk with musical honours , and Bro . Broad responded in a brief , though pointed manner . In giving " The Visitors , " the W . AI . made allusion to
the unavoidable absence of Bro . Parkinson , who had presented the lodge with a copy of his interesting work , " The Bard of Avon Lodge . " He coupled with the toast the name of Bro . Abernethy ( who was engaged in a great work of operative Freemasonry in this town . He referred to the " Alexandra Dock , " and expressed a hope that every effort would be made to induce the Grand Master to
comedown and open that grand and glorious undertaking ) who replied on behalf of the' visiting brethren in well chosen terms . Bro . Dr . Alorgan gave "The P . G . Supt . and Officers of the P . G . Chapter , " which having been duly acknowledged , "The Masonic Charities" was given by the D . P . G . M ., and Bro . Pickford responded . An appeal was made , and the sum of X 16 ios . was subscribed in the
room , with a guarantee that it would be made up to £ 20 , exclusive of the sum of ten guineas voted in the lodge . Bro . Gibbs gave " The Principal and Past Principals of the Silurian , St . Wood ' s and other Chapters of the Province . Bro . Gratte replied , and stated that the four chapters in the province were in a flourishing condition . Bro . Griffiths : "The W . AI . ' s Officers and Brethren of the Silurian and
Isca Lodges . " Bro . Wickey Homfray , W . AI . 683 , responded , and expressed himself in felicitous terms as to the pleasure of being amongst the members of the Albert Edward Lodge . Bro . Gibbs , J . W . 471 , alsoreplied . Bro . Sanders proposed " The other Lodges of the Province , " and in doing so reviewed briefly the handsometreatment which the English Freemasons received in Belgium at the
International Rifle Competition . The W . AL proposed " The newly Initiated Brethren , " and coupled therewith the name of Bro . Seys , who replied in feeling terms . The W . AI . then gave " The Officers of the Albert Edward , Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 1429 , " which was duly honoured and responded to by Bro . Huxtable , the ancient S . W ., alluding to the long series of yc-irs that he had been
a Freemason , and the great and satisfactory progress made in the town since his initiation upwards of twenty years ago . He was one ot the brethren who advocated the new lodge , in order that competent and worthy members might have a laudable ambition gratified , in becoming officers and passing the chair . The concluding toast , " To all poor and distressed Alasons , " was given by Bro . H .
Fletcher , which having been drunk , the brethren separated , highly pleased with the harmony and conviviality that had characterised the entire proceedings . IVY LODGE ( No . 1441 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Windsor Castle Tavern , Southwark-Bridge-road , on the idth inst ., for the purpose of lessening the work to be performed at the Alarch meeting . There
was also another reason that induced the W . AL , Bro . C . Smith , to call the brethren together , viz ., the desire expressed by a gentleman , engaged in parliamentary business , to bc initiated into the brotherhood . The lodge was opened soon after the hour appointed . The second and third ceremonies were worked for the benefit of Bros . J . R . and D . H . Ashford . The lodge having been resumed to the first degree , a communication was made to the effect
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Croshay , 1348 ; J . W . Gray , 452 ; Laskey , P . M . 72 ; Boyton , 72 ; Spilling , P . AI . 433 ; AYiller , P . AI . 76 ( 1 ; Alurch , 72 ; Gluckstien , P . AL 183 ; Brittlcbank Carr , 72 ; Dodson , P . AI . 72 ; Levey , 21 . The lodge having been opened , and the minutes confirmed , ballots were taken for the following gentlemen to be initiated : Alessrs . Fox , Gierke , and Glazier . The ballots being unanimous in their favour , they were
duly initiated into the mysteries of the Order . Bro . Frankland was also passed , and Bro . Gray , of the Frederic Lodge , duly raised , the ceremony being ably performed . The W . AL , having vacated the chair , it was taken by Bro . Frances , P . AL Bro . Benham , J . W ., W . AI . elect , was then presented for the benefit of installation , and having assented to the Ancient Charges , was duly installed into the chair
of K . S ., the ceremony being performed in an impressive manner . Bro . Benham invested his officers , giving to each the usual charge in the following order : Bros . Basnett , S . VV . ; Bowyer , J . W . ; Coe , S . D . ; Pillinger , J . D . ; J . F . Harris , I . G . Bros . Hammerton , P . AL , and Frances , P . AL , were also severally invested as Treasurer and Secretary , with the acclaim of the brethren . The W . AI . then presented
the lodge , as is the usual custom in this lodge , with a handsome banner of his arms . Bro . Pillinger also presented the lodge with a handsome 1 yler ' s jewel . Both presents were warmly received by the brethren . The W . AL then , in the name of the lodge , presented the retiring Alaster , Bro . Klenck , with a jewel , making a few appropriate remarks on the deserved honour he was confertinir . Bro .
Klenck returned his sincere thanks for the honour he had received . After the usual routine business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet . The amount of business before the lodge having curtailed the time for the banquet , the remarks made at the giving and responding to the various toasts were of necessity brief , but the evening was heartily enjoyed by the brethren , nnd
its pleasures greatly enhanced by the exquisite singing of some of Dibdin ' s famous songs by one of the initiates , Bro . G . E . J . Fox , and also the vocal contributions of one or two of the visitors . ECCLES . —VICTORIA LODGE ( NO . 1343 ) . —The fifth anniversary meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Wednesday , the 17 th inst ., at the Cross Keys Hotel .
There were a large number of members and visiting brethren present . The business of the lodge was to install Bro . Wm . Wright W . M . for the ensuing year , and investiture of officers . The ceremony was performed by Bro . Buxton , P . AL , accordingto ancient custom , in an impressive manner , assisted by Bros . Gillman , Mountain , Brooks , and Barker , P . AI . ' s . The lodge was duly closed , when
the brethren sat down to a banquet provided by Bro . Pearson , in every respect worthy of the occasion , and which fully sustained his reputation . Several most effective speeches were made in proposing and responding to the various toasts , and the meeting may be summed up as a great success ; not the least pleasing part of the proceedings was the presentation of a handsome gold
Past Alaster ' s jewel ( from the establishment of Bro . G . Kenning ) , by Bro . Wright , P . M ., to Bro . J . Brooks , I . P . M ., oh behalf . of the brethren , in token of their appreciation of services - rendered- to ¦ ' 'ihe 'lodgfc A most agreeable evening was enjoyed by all present . HAMPTON COURT . —ERA LODGE ( NO . 1423 ) . —At the King ' s Arms Hotel , Hampton Court , on Saturday ,
February 13 th , the regular meeting of tins prosperous lodge was held . Bro . H . A . Dubois , P . A . G . D . C . Middlesex , W . AI ., opened the lodge . There were present Bros . J . T . AIoss , P . G . R . Middlesex , I . P . AI . ; J . VV . Baldwin , S . W ., and W . AI . elect ; J . B . Langley , J . W . ; ltev . P . AI . Holden , Chaplain ; J . S . Sweasey , S . D . ; S . Wolff , J . D . ; E . VV Devereux , I . G . ; A . F . Loos , M . C ; W . A . Simmons , C . S . ;
B . Wright , W . S . ; H . Faija , W . M . Matthews , A . Baldwin , J . Faulkner , J . Alason , F . O . Joyce , E . King , J . R . Aloore , VV . Chartres , A . J . Webley , J . Johnson , Al . Underwood , and others . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . The report of the Audit Committee was read , adopted , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The ballot was taken for the admission
of Bro . J . Alason , 309 , and declared to be unanimous in favour of his being a joining member of the lodge . Bro . T . J . Sabine , P . G . S . B . Aliddlesex , P . AL , Treasurer , took the chair for the purpose of doing the ceremony of installation . Bro . F . Walters , P . G . P . Aliddlesex , P . AL , Secretary , presented Bro . J . W . Baldwin , S . W ., and W . AL elect , for the benefit of installation . The Rev . P . AI . Holden ,
Chaplain , in an impressive manner , read the charges to the W . M . elect . The ceremony of installation was ably rendered , and Bro . J . W . Baldwin installed as W . AI . He appointed as his Officers : Bros . E . H . Thiellay , S . W . ; J . B . Langley , J . W . ; Rev . P . M . Holden , Chaplain ; T . J . Sabine , P . M ., Treasurer , P . G . S . B . Middlesex ( re-invested third time ); F . Walters , P . G . P . Aliddlesex , P . M ., Secretary
( re-invested third time ); T . H . Aliller , P . AL , Organist ( reinvested ) ; E . W . Devereux , S . D . ; S . Wolff , J . D . ; A . F . Loos , I . G . ; B . Wright , M . C ; W . A . Simmons , W . S . ; W . AL Alatthews , C . S . ; H . A . Dubois , P . G . A . D . C . Aliddlesex , I . P . AI . ; J . Gilbert , P . G . Tyler Aliddlesex , Tyler . It was unanimously resolved that a twelve-guinea Past Alaster ' s jewel be presented from the lodge funds to Bro . H . A .
Dubois , P . G . A . D . C . Middlesex , for his efficient services rendered to the lodge . The jewel was placed on his tr ^ ast by Bro . T . J . Sabine , who , in an eloquent speech , expressed the kind feelings of the members towards him . Bro . Dubois , P . AL , in a suitable speech , returned thanks . By the unanimous voice of the lodge it was resolved , on a motion made by 'P . J . Sabine , that from the lodge funds
be given ten guineas to the Girls' School , ten guineas to the Boys' School , and ten pounds to the Female Annuity Fund , in the name of the W . AL of the lodge for the time being , thereby securing a Life Governorship of all the Alasonic Charities in perpetuity by the completion of sums required to attain that object . Some candidates were proposed for initiation at the next lodge meeting . These members were selected by the Audit Committee for recom-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
mendation to the P . G . Alaster , Bro . Col . Burdett , as those whom the lodge would like to see have P . G . Lodge honours : Bros . H . A . Dubois , P . G . A . D . C . Aliddlesex , and T . J . Sabine , P . G . S . B . Aliddlesex , for promotion to higher rank ; Rev . P . AI . Holden , Chaplain , for P . G . Chaplain ; T . I-I . Aliller , P . AL , Organist , for P . G . Organist ; and the selections made met with the unanimous approval of the
lodge . All business being ended , the lodge was closed . A splendid banquet , at which upwards of sixty sat down , was served in a large room in a building opposite to the hotel . The usual loyal toasts were given and responded to . Some good songs and excellent recitations passed away , in an agreeable manner , the time , when the brethren separated , sorry to part , but hoped happy to meet again . The
visitors were : Bros . S . Rade , P . AL 313 ; H . Andrews , 784 ; ] . I-I . Spencer , 73 ; E . B . Grabham , W . AI . 1494 ; J . H . Ryley , 188 ; T . Horton , 871 ; T . F . Peacock , 21 ; W . Fullagcr ; W . Hammond , P . G . S . Aliddlesex , P . AI . 201 , W . M . 1326 ; W . M . 1512 . NEWPORT ( AION ) . — ALBERT EDWARD , PRINCE or WALES LODGE ( No . 1429 ) . —The Albert Edward , Prince of
Wales Lodge , the junior lodge of the province of Monmouth , was honoured on Thursday afternoon by an official visit from Bro . Col . Lyne , P . G . M ., Bro . Captain George Homfray , the D . P . G . AL , and other officers and brethren of the province of Monmouth , at the Alasonic Hall , Dock-street . Bro . Wm . Watkins , the W . AL , presided over a large attendance of brethren , and was well
supported by the following officers : —Bros . Charles Rowe , P . G . Secretary , I . P . AI . ; J . G . Huxtable , P . Prov . G . A . D . C , S . W . ; E . Whitehall , J . W . ; J . W . Bebell , Secretary ; J . Horner , Treasurer ; Frederick Orders , S . D . ; John James , J . D . ; Edward W . Perren , Organist ; Robert Wilkinson , Supt . Works ; Louis Hcrmcssen , D . C . ; William Twist , I . G . ; 1 . Horner , jun ., and James Poole , Stewards ; Henry
Hctcher , Tyler . Afier disposing of the business set down in the agenda , the W . AI . thanked the P . G . AL , and also the D . P . G . M ., and other visiting brethren , for the honour they had done the Albert Edward , Prince of Wales Lodge in visiting them on this occasion . The vote was passed in due form , and ordered to be recorded on the minutes of the lodge . Both the P . G . AL and D . P . G . AL expressed the
pleasure it afforded them in being present , and likewise their great gratification at the able and praiseworthy manner in which the business had been conducted by the W . AI . Another pleasing feature in the proceedings was the announcement by the VV . AI . that the Very Worshipful Bro . J . C . Parkinson , one of the Deacons of the Grand Lodge of England , had presented to the Albert Edward Lodge an
elegantly bound and beautifully executed copy of his book , containing a cleverly compiled history of the Bard of Avon Lodge , which the author had been mainly instrumental in resuscitating . The highly-valued presentation was accompanied by a letter in which regret was expressed at the inability of Bro . J . C . Parkinson to be present at the lodge ' s banquet , as he had fully intended to have been . His good
wishes for the continued prosperity of the Albert Edward Prince of Wales Lodge were couched in fraternal language . A hearty vote of thanks , moved by Bro . C Rowe , I . P . AI ., and seconder ! \> y Bro . J . Horner , Treasurer 1429 , was passed in due Alasonic form to Bro . Parkinson for his muchprized gift , and a minute of the same was ordered to be recorded on the minutes of the lodge , viz .: " That a
cordial vote of thanks of the W . AI . and brethren of the Albert Edward , Prince of Wales Lodge , be given to the Very Worshipful Bro . J . C Parkinson , Grand Deacon of England , and D . P . G . AL of Aliddlesex , for so kindly presenting this lodge with a copy of his interesting and instructive work , the Bard of Avon Lodge , No . 778 , and in consideration of his great Alasonic and intellectual
attainments , the brethren , with pleasure , unanimously elect him as honorary member of Lodge 1429 . " The business having been closed with due ceremony , the brethren repaired to the Westgate Hotel , where Bro . S . T . Hallen had placed on the tables of the banquetting room , with his usual taste and skill , a sumptuous provision of the richest and rarest as well as more substantial viands .
Covers were laid for about seventy brethren , and it is almost superfluous to state that the guests were loud in their praise of the excellent manner in which all the arrangements of the banquet were carried out . The following is a list of the brethren who sat down : — Bros . Wm . Watkins , VV . AI . and P . G . S . Wks ., president ; Chas . Lyne , P . G . AL ; S . G . Homfray , D . P . G . AL ; L . A .
Homfray , P . Prov . G . S . W . ; James Abernethy , Lodge of Unanimity , Wakefield , Yorkshire ; W . W . Alorgan , P . AI . Isca , 68 3 ; J . S . Adam , P . AI . 90 , P . G . J . D . ; G . W . Jones , 471 ; J . Griffiths , P . AI . 471 ; Louis Hermessen , D . C . 1429 ; James Poole , St . 1429 ; R . Wilkinson , Sup . Wks ., 1429 ; Henry Richards , 1420 ; Alfred Taylor , 471 , 1429 ; George Fabian Smith , 1429 ; James Horner , sen .,
Treasurer 1429 ; J . G . Huxtable , S . W . 1429 , 471 ; J . W . Bebell , Secretary 1429 , 471 ; John Lewis Lloyd , 471 ; F . Orders , S . D . 1429 , 471 ; Charles P . Evans , S . 471 : John James , J . D . 1429 , 471 ; H . Gratte , P . AI . 471 , P . Prov . G . S . D . ; ' W . H . W . Homfray , W . AI . 683 , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; Charles Rowe , I . P . AI . 1429 and 471 ; C . R . Lyne , S . W . 471 and P . G . S . B . ; William Pickford , P . AI . 471 , P . G . T . ;
S . Davies 1429 , P . AI . 1363 , P . G . S . B . ; W . West , P . AI . 471 antl P . G . D . C . ; It . J . Chambers , P . AI . 68 ? , P . Prov . G . R . ; 11 . P . 'Pippins , J . W . 457 ; W . B . Broad , P . M . 457 , P . Prov . G . J . D ., P . Prov . G . S . ; John Thomas , S . W . 457 ; William Welsford , 1429 ; J . / Eneas Seys , 1429 ; W . Twist , 471 , and I . G . 1429 ; James Horner , jun ., St . 1429 ; Walter West , J . W . 68 ? , P . G . S . and 471 ; Harry T . Davis , 683 ,
471 , P . Prov . G . S ., Eastern Division of South Wales ; E . Whitehall , J . W . 1429 ; Alfred Jacob , 471 ; S . Brukewick ( Cardiff ) , 1429 ; W . VV . Kinsey Alorgan , St . 1429 ; John Summers , 1429 ; Isaac Evan Thomas , 1429 ; W . Milton , Locke , 1429 ; James Saunders , 1429 ; E . W . Perrin , Organist ; J . Gibbs , J . W . 471 and 683 ; Jno . Neck , 1429 ; John Sims , 1429 ; Simeon Wyatt , 147 ; W . Neill , 237 , & c , & c ; H . Fletcher , Tyler 1429 , & c . In pro-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ceeding with the toast list , the W . AI . first gave "The Queen and the Craft . " The toast was loyally drunk , and the brethren all joined in singing the National Anthem . The W . AL next proposed " H . R . H . Albert Edward , Prince of Wales , G . M . of England , " and expressed a hope that many of the brethren would have the opportunity afforded them of witnessing the ceremony of the installation of I lis
Royal Highness as G . A 1 . of England . Bro . Adam , P . AL 90 , P . Prov . G . D . Mon . ; gave , in eulogistic terms , "The R . W . the Earl Carnarvon , Pro G . AL ; Viscount Skelmersdale , D . G . AI . ; and officers of the G . L . " He expressed deep sympathy with the noble Earl in the bereavement he had so recently been called upon to sustain . Bro . Colonel Lyne , as one of the Grand Officers
of England , replied to the toast . Bro . G . W . Jones gave "The R . W . Bro . Lyne , P . G . AL" In responding , the P . G . M . expressed the great gratification he experienced at being present at so splendid a gathering of the junior lodge of the province . What he had witnessed that day was sufficiently convincing to him that the business of the lodge had been conducted in a highly creditable and
unexceptionable manner . Colonel Lyne , the P . G . AL , gave "The V . W . Bro . Homfray , D . P . G . M ., and officers of P . G . L ., of Alonmouthshire . " Having been given and drunk with enthusiasm , Bro . Captain Homfray responded . He had also the greatest pleasure in being present , and bore testimony to the able and efficient manner in which the W . AI . conducted the business of his lodge . He had
the honour of installing the W . AL in the chair , and was more than gratified with the manner in which the junior lodge had progressed . Bro . L . A . Homfray , P . AL 68 3 , and P . Prov . G . S . W ., AIon ., proposed the toast of the evening , " The W . AL , 1426 , Bro . Wm . Watkins , " and in doing so paid a befitting tribute to the ability displayed by the W . AI . It was with extreme pleasure that he was
here to support the youngest lodge of the province . In replying to the toast the VV . AI . said that he scarcely felt deserving of the high compliments which had been paid to him that evening . In his position he aimed at making the Albert Edward Prince of Wales Lodge a credit to the province , and in the selection of members quality was the standard and not numbers ( applause ) . He
was one of those brethun who felt that a third lodge was necessary for Newport , and in his efforts to bring about this object he had sought only the healthy extension and interests of Freemasonry ( hear , hear . ) Bro . Chambers , P . AI . ( 183 , and P . Prov . G . Reg ., proposed , "The I . P . M ., Bro . Chas . Rowe , P . G . Sec , " which Bro . Rowe , in suitable terms , acknowledged . Bro . Capt . Homfray gave " The .
health of the representative of the oldest lodge in the Province , " coupling therewith the name of Bro . Broad , P . AI . Loyal Alonmouth Lodge . He knew that the toast would be received with the greatest cordiality . The toast was enthusiastically drunk with musical honours , and Bro . Broad responded in a brief , though pointed manner . In giving " The Visitors , " the W . AI . made allusion to
the unavoidable absence of Bro . Parkinson , who had presented the lodge with a copy of his interesting work , " The Bard of Avon Lodge . " He coupled with the toast the name of Bro . Abernethy ( who was engaged in a great work of operative Freemasonry in this town . He referred to the " Alexandra Dock , " and expressed a hope that every effort would be made to induce the Grand Master to
comedown and open that grand and glorious undertaking ) who replied on behalf of the' visiting brethren in well chosen terms . Bro . Dr . Alorgan gave "The P . G . Supt . and Officers of the P . G . Chapter , " which having been duly acknowledged , "The Masonic Charities" was given by the D . P . G . M ., and Bro . Pickford responded . An appeal was made , and the sum of X 16 ios . was subscribed in the
room , with a guarantee that it would be made up to £ 20 , exclusive of the sum of ten guineas voted in the lodge . Bro . Gibbs gave " The Principal and Past Principals of the Silurian , St . Wood ' s and other Chapters of the Province . Bro . Gratte replied , and stated that the four chapters in the province were in a flourishing condition . Bro . Griffiths : "The W . AI . ' s Officers and Brethren of the Silurian and
Isca Lodges . " Bro . Wickey Homfray , W . AI . 683 , responded , and expressed himself in felicitous terms as to the pleasure of being amongst the members of the Albert Edward Lodge . Bro . Gibbs , J . W . 471 , alsoreplied . Bro . Sanders proposed " The other Lodges of the Province , " and in doing so reviewed briefly the handsometreatment which the English Freemasons received in Belgium at the
International Rifle Competition . The W . AL proposed " The newly Initiated Brethren , " and coupled therewith the name of Bro . Seys , who replied in feeling terms . The W . AI . then gave " The Officers of the Albert Edward , Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 1429 , " which was duly honoured and responded to by Bro . Huxtable , the ancient S . W ., alluding to the long series of yc-irs that he had been
a Freemason , and the great and satisfactory progress made in the town since his initiation upwards of twenty years ago . He was one ot the brethren who advocated the new lodge , in order that competent and worthy members might have a laudable ambition gratified , in becoming officers and passing the chair . The concluding toast , " To all poor and distressed Alasons , " was given by Bro . H .
Fletcher , which having been drunk , the brethren separated , highly pleased with the harmony and conviviality that had characterised the entire proceedings . IVY LODGE ( No . 1441 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Windsor Castle Tavern , Southwark-Bridge-road , on the idth inst ., for the purpose of lessening the work to be performed at the Alarch meeting . There
was also another reason that induced the W . AL , Bro . C . Smith , to call the brethren together , viz ., the desire expressed by a gentleman , engaged in parliamentary business , to bc initiated into the brotherhood . The lodge was opened soon after the hour appointed . The second and third ceremonies were worked for the benefit of Bros . J . R . and D . H . Ashford . The lodge having been resumed to the first degree , a communication was made to the effect