Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 5 of 5 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 5 of 5 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 5 of 5 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
. . didate , whose name appeared in the summons , tl , a ' ld not be in attendance that evening through an W oidablc cause . The circumstance occasioned some ° "T disappointment . The lodge was then closed , the . ''" . thren separating at about nine o ' clock . PI- CKHAM LODGE ( NO . 1475 ) . —The installation meeting
f this prosperous young lodge was held on Thursday , the " th inst ., nt the Victory Tavern , Trafalgar-road , Old Kent-road , Bro . Alfred Henry Watkins , W . AL , in the chair , . 11 the other officers being present . The lodge was opened lortly after three o ' clock , and the ballot for Alessrs . Geo . Gaywood , Frederick Reed , and Godfrey John Gibson i -iving proved unanimous in their favour , the two
first-11-m- il gentlemen were duly initiated into the mysteries ot ancient Freemasonry by the W . AI . in his customary masterly manner . Bro . Warren , P . AI . and Treasurer , then presented Bro . Dalby , S . W . and W . AL , elect , for the benefit of installation , and a board of Installed Alasters having been formed , he was duly inducted in the chair of K . S ., -. e-ording to ancient custom . The W . AL then
appointed and invested his officers as follows : — Bros . Watkins , I . P . AI . ; Canton , S . W . ; Duck , J . W . ; Warren , P . AL , Treasurer ; Gompertz , P . AL , P . Prov . G . of Herts , Secretary ; T . Stephens , S . D . ; Harvey , J . D . ; Jenkins , I . G . ; Hose , P . M ., D . C . ; AUsopp , P . M ., W . S . ; Harrison , Tyler . The whole ceremony of installation was very impressively rendered by Bro . Watkins , the addresses to the Alaster ,
Wardens , and brethren in particular , being belivered in a most effective and eloquent manner . The W . AL afterwards initiated Air . G . J . Gibson into the Order , the ceremony being clearly and distinctly rendered . A very p leasing duty next devolved upon the W . AL , that of presenting Bro . Watkins , I . P . AI ., with the Past Alaster's jewel unanimously voted to him by the lodge . This very
handsome jewel is from the atelier of Bro . Kenning , and is of the value of ten guineas . Having affixed the jewel on the breast of Bro . Watkins , the W . AI . then presented him with a richly emblazoned testimonial on vellum , enclosed in a massive gilt frame , subscribed for by the members of the bilge as a mark of the high estimation in which Bro . Watkins i s held by them , and of their appreciation of his valuable
services as the first W . AI . The Secretary having given notice that at the next meeting he should move that a sum of five guineas be given to the Girls' School , to bt placed on the list of Bro . Watkins , who intended to represent the lodge as Steward at the forthcoming festival , and there being no farther business , the lodge was closed in due form . The brethren then adjourned to an excellent banquet , presided
over by the W . M ., and the usual Alasonic toasts having la-en duly honoured , the proceedings having been also enlivened by some good singing , the brethren separated : t a late hour , after having spent a very enjoyable evening . Among , the members present , besides those already mentioned , were Bros . Jackson , Murley , Cain , Wrigglesworth , Scott , Garner , Walker , Channon , Norris , Davis
I larris , Kelk , and others , and the visitors comprised Bros . Ring , W . AI . 73 ; David Roberts , P . AI . 754 ; Frances , P . M . S 37 ; Dann , P . AL 72 ; Green , J . W . 1293 ; H . Gompertz , J . U . 1364 ; Pritchett , 1327 ; Johnson , S . W . 301 ; J . W . Ring , 72 : Bevan , 1223 ; L . Mills , I . G . 49 ; F . A . Riches , 973 ; R . G . Bennett , 93 ; and E . J . Cain , 1446 . The first
balance sheet of this lodge shows that the whole of the furniture , beside all other expenses attending the formation of a new lodge , is paid , with a small balance in cash to the credit of the lodge , a state of prosperity reflecting favourably on the management of the W . AI . and his responsible officers .
LIVERPOOL . —LODGE OF ISRAEL ( NO . 1502 . )—The first quarterly meeting of this lodge after consecration , took place at the Alasonic Hall , Liverpool , on Alonday evening , the 13 th inst ., when there was a very large gathering of the brethren and visitors . As might have been expected from the excellence of the ciptain and crew of the new Alasonic craft , its voyage has been singulary
prosperous and the increase in membership has been in good keeping with the fine feeling of brotherhood which has been shown by every member . Bro . Ralph Robinson , VV . M ., opened his lodge at six o ' clock , and the officers and members present were : —Bros / Alaurice de Frece , S . W . ; A . J . Henochsberg , J . W . ; the " Rev . Professor Prag , C . ; Isaac de Frece , Treas . ; AI . Hart . Sec . ; A . Jones , S . D . ;
L . Sehoiistadt , [ . D . ; B . Woolf , I . G . ; P . A . Crozier , S . S . ; A . Hart , J . S . ; W . G . Veale , Org . ; W . II . Ball , Tyler ; J . Aloss , B . Levy , L . Simmons , A . Collins , F . Aloss , A . Rabow , H . Brown , L . Wagner , H . Harris , L , Lazarus , L . I "fart , D . L . Alarcus , N . Liebschutz , J . Frank , J . S . Alaccabe , . !• Goldberg , N . Goldstein , A . Saqui , J . AI . Foote , F . Barnett , AI . A . Prenslau , G . J . Somers , Al . Tueske , A . Vandyke , S . A . Stonewehr , II . Al . Silver , S . Jacob , & c . The
visitors were Bros . J . W . Baker , P . AI . 241 ; W . Connell , ' 75 . R Colling , Sec , 249 ; G . de La Parelle , P . P . G . D . C , P . M . 1380 ; P . Savve ' e , 1380 ; J . Winsor , S . D ., 241 ; Q - A . Evans , W . AL , 1395 ; ' H . Jackson , S . W ., 1393 ; P . j " < - -rn , 249 ; R . C . Yelland , S . W ., 1394 ; T . Boden ) 249 ; L . D . Gough , 24 ; J . Dale , 1301 ; and 786 ; William Savage , jun ., 241 ; J . Parsons , ' P . AI . 205 , & c . After several
candidates had been ballotted for , two brethren "ere passed to the second degree , and two candidates were initiated into the Order . The manner ' » which the W . AL performed the ceremonies in " > each degree elicited the heartiest admiration , and the working was pronounced by competent judges to be quite equal to any in the province . After the transaction of some formal business , the lodge adjourned from labour to
refreshment in the large dining hall . Here Alessrs . Fisk a "d Fairhurst , Castle-street , supplied a most recherehee fish supper , the excellent and varied quality of which was WA ""' a " P ' - during the after proceedings , the . AI . gave the standard loyal and Alasonic toasts in wse and pointed terms . He also proposed " The Health of "ro . the Rev . Professor Prag , C , " who in responding in an eloquent speech , spoke of Masonry as like the old cedar tree which spread its branches and extended its roots . He
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
referred to the leading characteristics of the Order , and thanked the brethren heartily for the manner in which his health had been received . Bro . J . W . Baker , P . AI . 241 , proposed "The Health ofthe W . AL , " andjn doing so spoke of his working of the Lodge of Israel , as quite equal , if not superior , to any in the Province . The W . AL briefly responded , and hoped he would always be enabled to
maintain the same efficiency . " The Officers , " " The Visitors , " and " Bro . W . G . Veale , " were amongst the other toasts on the programme . HAAIPTON HILL . —FRANCIS BURDETT LODGE ( NO . 1303 ) . —A strong meeting of this lodge was held at the King ' s Arms Hotel on Wednesday , the 10 th inst . The uroceedings commenced at five o ' clock in the afternoon .
There were present Bros . Col . Wigginton , P . AL , W . AI . ; Saunders , S . W . ; Tomlinson , P . AL . J . W . ; Walls , I . G . ; Knaggs , Treas . ; Mitchell , Sec . ; Horsley , P . AL , acting I . P . AI . The minutes of the January meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . AL , assisted by his officers , raised Bros . Saunders , Rogers , Lovett , Clark and Alitchell to the sublime degree . The lodge having been resumed
to the first degree , Bros . Vaughan and Court were examined , entrusted , and ultimately passed to the F . C . degree . The whole of the proceedings of both ceremonies were successfully carried out , and completed with the W . M . ' s well known ability . It was proposed by the J . W ., and seconded by the W . AI ., that Bros . Chaplain Buchill , P . AI . 79 s , should become a joining member . The
ballot was taken on behalf of Bro . Richards ( Beaufort ) , who w ^ s proposed at the last meeting as a joining member , and declared unanimous . Bro . P . AL Horsley proposed , which was seconded by Bro . Saunders , S . W . — " That the sum of ten guineas should be voted fri m the funds of the lodge to head the list of Bro . Col . Wicginton , W . AL , who had kindly volunteered to
stand as bteward to the forthcoming festival on behalf of the Royal Alasonic Institution for Boys . " This resolution was unanimously carried . The W . AL gave notice of motion that at the next meeting he should move that the lodge should annually subscribe ten guineas , through the W . M . for the time being , to the three charities alternately , and thus secure life-governorships to those valuable
institutions . Resolutions were then passed that the lodge should become subscribers to the Freemason and the Masonic Magazine , and that a library should be established in connection with the lodge to be devoted exclusively to Craft literature . Some minor resolutions having been passed the lodge was clcsed in ancient form , and the proceedings ter minated . Among the visitors present Bros . Littlewood ,
P . AI . 780 ; Buchill , P . M . 795 ; Hammond , P . AL , & c , & c , and W . M . 1312 . HAAIPTON . —HEMMING LODGE ( No . 1312 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Lion Hotel , on Thursday , the 18 th inst . The officers present were Bros . Hammond , P . AL , P . G . S . of Middlesex , W . AL ; Hopwood , P . AL , S . W . ; Hill , P . AL , J . W . ; Hurst , S . D . ; Walls , acting J . D . ;
Wheeler , I . G . ; Jepson , Treasurer ; J . Hammond , P . AL , Secretary ; Wilson ( Etonian ) , acting I . P . M . ; Gilbert , Tyler , The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken on behalf of Bro . T . C Walls , 141 , W . S . 1381 , and I . G . 1303 , as a joining member , and declared unanimous . The name of Air . Arnold , who , by a special dispensation , was allowed
to be a candidate for initiation as a serving brother , was then submitted to the ballot , and unanimously received , and he being in attendance , was duly initiated into Craft mysteries by the W . AI . Bros . Ockendcn , Phillips , and Chilcott , having satisfactorily gone through an examination in open lodge , were raised by the W . M ., assisted by his officers , to the sublime degree . Both ceremonies were
ably carried out by the W . AL , and all the well-known points of the beautiful ritual were given with that impressive emphasis which they necessarily require in order to render them effective . Several minor matters having been transacted , the lodge was closed in ancient form , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . Among the visitors present were Bros . Wilson , P . M . Etonian ; Kent ,
junr ., 889 ; Bowra , 889 ; Rowland , 937 ; Festing , 1063 . The cloth having been cleared , the W . AI . commenced the proceedings by proposing the " Queen and Craft , " which was heartily received . In giving the next toast , that of " Bro . H . R . H . the AI . W . G . AL , " Bro . Hammond alluded at length to the forthcoming installation of the Prince , which he characterised as an event of a life-time , and
which would give an impetus to Freemasonry throughout the world , and check , if not silence , the denunciations of the bigoted . This toast , and the succeeding one , that of the " Pro G . AI ., " was responded to with excellent " fire . " The health of the " Provincial G . AI . and the rest of the Grand Officers of Aliddlesex , " was proposed by the W . M ., who expressed the gratification he felt at being a P . G . O .
of the county which was so ably represented in the Alasonic world by Colonel Burdett , whose abilities and energies in every grade of the Craft were of universal renown . This toast having been drunk with the customary honours , that of " The Visitors " followed , and was acknowledged by Bros . Kent and Rowland , on behalf of their colleagues . The latter brother amusingly
stated , that he being in the habit of frequenting bustling town lodges , was agreeably pleased at the contrast afforded by visiting the Hemming , whose proceedings , both in lodge and at the banquet table , were marked by rural quietness and harmony , and from that time he should add his testimony to the general opinion lhat this district was justly entitled to the euphonious appellation of " Happy
Hampton . " Bro . Hill , P . AL , proposed the health of the W . AL , and congratulated him upon the manner in which he had carried out the arduous duties of his position that evening-, and for his zeal in furthering at all times the true principles of Freemasonry , namely , "Benevolence " and " Charity . " The W . M ., having briefly replied , he gave the toast of "The Principal Officers , " coupling it with the name of the Treasurer , who , he said , was one of
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the oldest subscribing members in the Craft . Bro ., cpson , in reply , stated that the remark of the W . AI . was correct , — he was one of the oldest representatives of this glorious institution . In the course of his spe . ch , he stated that the room in which they were possessed an interest to him , which the brethren would appreciate , when he informed them that in it he was raised to a Al . M . by Bro . Dr . Hemmiag ,
the W . M . of the Harmony Lodge , upwards of fifty years ago , and that he also took his R . A . degree as far ba . k as 1824 . From the period of his initiation unto the present time he had always had Freemasonry at heart , and he hoped to die a Alason . The W . AI . then proposed th .: health of the other officers of the lodge , and coupled it with the name of their young member , Bro . Walls , who
had kindly assisted them as Deacon several times . Bro . Walls , in reply , thanked the W . AL and brethren for the honour they had conferred upon him by electing him as a joining member , and he hoped that this confidence ia him would never be regretted . With regard to the poor services
which he had rendered to the lodge , and which had been so complimentarily alluded to by the W . M ., he conld only say that he was at all times willing to officiate to the best of his ability in any position in Freemasonry that was required to be filled , as in endeavouring to carry it out , it was to him but a " labour of love . "
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . J ( NO . 3 I ) . —The regular bi-monthly meeting of this prosperous lodge was held in their hall , No . 213 , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Tuesday , 1 Gth inst ; Bro . Wm . Bell , R . W . AI ., presiding . Bros . John D . Young , S . W . ; D . Home , J . W . ; there was also present ; Bros . John Dick , Secretary ; R . B . Dalzell , Treasurer j AIcAIillan , P . AL ; J . B . Walker , P . AL ; Thos . Fletcher ,
I . P . AI . ; Wm . Ferguson , R . W . AI ., Lodge Dalmuir , St . Johns ; J . B . Alacnair , R . W . AI . Lod ^ e Union , No . 332 ; W . H . Bickerton 'Freemason ) and a very large attendance of members and visiting brethren . The lodge was opened by the R . W . AI ., Bro . Wm . Bell , and the minutes of last regular meeting , also an emergency meeting , read and approved of . The lodge thereafter adjourned from labour
to refreshment , the usual loyal toasts , & c , being given to music discoursed at intervals . Bros . Rogers and Leslie , eminent vocalists , gave some of their excellent duetts with great spirit and taste , to the delight of all . GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . AIUNGO ( NO . 27 ) . — -The regular meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , No . 213 , Buchanan-street , on Thursday iSthinst . Bro . Dugald
Butler , R . W . AI ., presiding . Bros . Thos . Hastie , acting S . W . ; G . AlcComb , J . W . There were also present : —• Bros . A . Bain , P . M . 103 ; Johnstone , P . AI . ; Wallace , R . W . AI . Lodge Athole , 413 ; W . H . Bickcrton ( Freemason ) , and several members of the lodge and visiting brethren . The lodge being opened by the R . W . M ., Bio . Dugald Butler , the Secretary read the minutes of last meeting , which
were approved of . Bros . AIcGibbon , W . J . Craig , and John Walker were then affiliated into Lodge St . Mungo , No . 27 , Bro . A . Bain , P . M . j 103 , Union and Crown , officiating . Bro . Dugald Butler , R . W . M ., then intimated to the lodge that the annual festival of Lodge St . AIungo would take place on Tuesday , 2 nd March , at the Crown Hall , and he hoped that as many as possilbly could would b * present to
celebrate the 146 th anniversary of this lodge . Bros . John Brownie AIcNichol and Peter AIcNichol , also A . Neavey , were then passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , and Bros . Jas . AlcKinnon , J . Aliller , A . Neavey , J . B . AIcNichol and Peter AIcNichol raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason by Bro . A . Bain , P . AI . Lodge Union and Crown , No . 103 , in a style which could not have been excelled . There
being no further business , the lodge was closed . GLASGOW . —LODGE THISTLE ( No . 87 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , No . i 2 , Trongate , Glasgow , on Tuesday , 16 th inst ., Bros . J . W . Burns , R . W . M ., presiding ; James Booth , S . W . ; C . R . Jenkins , D . M ., acting J . W . There were also present : Bros . John Aliller , P . AI . 87 ; AIcNaught , S . W . s 6 ; S . Russell , D . AI .
556 ; and a number of brethren and visitors . The lodge was opened by the R . W . AI ., Bro . J . W . Burns , the minutes of last meeting read and approved of . Alessrs . H . O . Foray , H . Hardy , and G . Charters were then initiated into the mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry , every care and attention being paid to the solemnity of the occasion by Bros . Burns , R . W . M ., and John Aliller , S . M ., who
officiated . There being no further business before the meeting , the lodge was closed . GLASGOW . —LODGE UNION ( NO . 332 ) . —The usual fortnightly meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , 170 , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Alonday , 15 th inst ., Bro . J . B . Alacnair , R . W . M ., presiding . Bros . D . McKirdy , S . W . ; A . Conochie , J . W . ; John Alclnnes , Secretary ; John
Laird , Treasurer ; R . Mitchell , P . M . There were also present : Bros . Wm . Harper , R . W . M . Lodge Clyde , 468 ; D . Home , J . W . Lodge St . John , 3 $ ; W . H . Bickerton ( Freemason ) , and several members of the lodge and visiting brethren . The minutes having been read and approved of , and the lodge opened by the R . W . AI ., Bro . Wm . Harper , R . W . M . Lodge Clyde , 408 , applied for Bro . R . Alitchell ,
jun ., of his lodge , to be raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason , he being about to leave Scotland for Australia in a few days , which application was received unanimously . Air . Jas . Alitchell , and Air . John Dale , who had been regularly proposed for initiation , and no objection raised , received the E . A . degree , Bro . J . B . Alacnair ,
R . W . M ., officiating . Bro . Jas . Gibson , Lodge 480 , was then affiliated into Lodge Union , 332 , Bro . J . B . Macnair also performing the ceremony of affiliation , after which Bro . R . Mitchell , jun ., Lodge Clyde , 408 , was raised to the sublime degree of Alaster Alason by Bro . J . Fash , in a careful manner . There being no further business , the lodge was closed
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
. . didate , whose name appeared in the summons , tl , a ' ld not be in attendance that evening through an W oidablc cause . The circumstance occasioned some ° "T disappointment . The lodge was then closed , the . ''" . thren separating at about nine o ' clock . PI- CKHAM LODGE ( NO . 1475 ) . —The installation meeting
f this prosperous young lodge was held on Thursday , the " th inst ., nt the Victory Tavern , Trafalgar-road , Old Kent-road , Bro . Alfred Henry Watkins , W . AL , in the chair , . 11 the other officers being present . The lodge was opened lortly after three o ' clock , and the ballot for Alessrs . Geo . Gaywood , Frederick Reed , and Godfrey John Gibson i -iving proved unanimous in their favour , the two
first-11-m- il gentlemen were duly initiated into the mysteries ot ancient Freemasonry by the W . AI . in his customary masterly manner . Bro . Warren , P . AI . and Treasurer , then presented Bro . Dalby , S . W . and W . AL , elect , for the benefit of installation , and a board of Installed Alasters having been formed , he was duly inducted in the chair of K . S ., -. e-ording to ancient custom . The W . AL then
appointed and invested his officers as follows : — Bros . Watkins , I . P . AI . ; Canton , S . W . ; Duck , J . W . ; Warren , P . AL , Treasurer ; Gompertz , P . AL , P . Prov . G . of Herts , Secretary ; T . Stephens , S . D . ; Harvey , J . D . ; Jenkins , I . G . ; Hose , P . M ., D . C . ; AUsopp , P . M ., W . S . ; Harrison , Tyler . The whole ceremony of installation was very impressively rendered by Bro . Watkins , the addresses to the Alaster ,
Wardens , and brethren in particular , being belivered in a most effective and eloquent manner . The W . AL afterwards initiated Air . G . J . Gibson into the Order , the ceremony being clearly and distinctly rendered . A very p leasing duty next devolved upon the W . AL , that of presenting Bro . Watkins , I . P . AI ., with the Past Alaster's jewel unanimously voted to him by the lodge . This very
handsome jewel is from the atelier of Bro . Kenning , and is of the value of ten guineas . Having affixed the jewel on the breast of Bro . Watkins , the W . AI . then presented him with a richly emblazoned testimonial on vellum , enclosed in a massive gilt frame , subscribed for by the members of the bilge as a mark of the high estimation in which Bro . Watkins i s held by them , and of their appreciation of his valuable
services as the first W . AI . The Secretary having given notice that at the next meeting he should move that a sum of five guineas be given to the Girls' School , to bt placed on the list of Bro . Watkins , who intended to represent the lodge as Steward at the forthcoming festival , and there being no farther business , the lodge was closed in due form . The brethren then adjourned to an excellent banquet , presided
over by the W . M ., and the usual Alasonic toasts having la-en duly honoured , the proceedings having been also enlivened by some good singing , the brethren separated : t a late hour , after having spent a very enjoyable evening . Among , the members present , besides those already mentioned , were Bros . Jackson , Murley , Cain , Wrigglesworth , Scott , Garner , Walker , Channon , Norris , Davis
I larris , Kelk , and others , and the visitors comprised Bros . Ring , W . AI . 73 ; David Roberts , P . AI . 754 ; Frances , P . M . S 37 ; Dann , P . AL 72 ; Green , J . W . 1293 ; H . Gompertz , J . U . 1364 ; Pritchett , 1327 ; Johnson , S . W . 301 ; J . W . Ring , 72 : Bevan , 1223 ; L . Mills , I . G . 49 ; F . A . Riches , 973 ; R . G . Bennett , 93 ; and E . J . Cain , 1446 . The first
balance sheet of this lodge shows that the whole of the furniture , beside all other expenses attending the formation of a new lodge , is paid , with a small balance in cash to the credit of the lodge , a state of prosperity reflecting favourably on the management of the W . AI . and his responsible officers .
LIVERPOOL . —LODGE OF ISRAEL ( NO . 1502 . )—The first quarterly meeting of this lodge after consecration , took place at the Alasonic Hall , Liverpool , on Alonday evening , the 13 th inst ., when there was a very large gathering of the brethren and visitors . As might have been expected from the excellence of the ciptain and crew of the new Alasonic craft , its voyage has been singulary
prosperous and the increase in membership has been in good keeping with the fine feeling of brotherhood which has been shown by every member . Bro . Ralph Robinson , VV . M ., opened his lodge at six o ' clock , and the officers and members present were : —Bros / Alaurice de Frece , S . W . ; A . J . Henochsberg , J . W . ; the " Rev . Professor Prag , C . ; Isaac de Frece , Treas . ; AI . Hart . Sec . ; A . Jones , S . D . ;
L . Sehoiistadt , [ . D . ; B . Woolf , I . G . ; P . A . Crozier , S . S . ; A . Hart , J . S . ; W . G . Veale , Org . ; W . II . Ball , Tyler ; J . Aloss , B . Levy , L . Simmons , A . Collins , F . Aloss , A . Rabow , H . Brown , L . Wagner , H . Harris , L , Lazarus , L . I "fart , D . L . Alarcus , N . Liebschutz , J . Frank , J . S . Alaccabe , . !• Goldberg , N . Goldstein , A . Saqui , J . AI . Foote , F . Barnett , AI . A . Prenslau , G . J . Somers , Al . Tueske , A . Vandyke , S . A . Stonewehr , II . Al . Silver , S . Jacob , & c . The
visitors were Bros . J . W . Baker , P . AI . 241 ; W . Connell , ' 75 . R Colling , Sec , 249 ; G . de La Parelle , P . P . G . D . C , P . M . 1380 ; P . Savve ' e , 1380 ; J . Winsor , S . D ., 241 ; Q - A . Evans , W . AL , 1395 ; ' H . Jackson , S . W ., 1393 ; P . j " < - -rn , 249 ; R . C . Yelland , S . W ., 1394 ; T . Boden ) 249 ; L . D . Gough , 24 ; J . Dale , 1301 ; and 786 ; William Savage , jun ., 241 ; J . Parsons , ' P . AI . 205 , & c . After several
candidates had been ballotted for , two brethren "ere passed to the second degree , and two candidates were initiated into the Order . The manner ' » which the W . AL performed the ceremonies in " > each degree elicited the heartiest admiration , and the working was pronounced by competent judges to be quite equal to any in the province . After the transaction of some formal business , the lodge adjourned from labour to
refreshment in the large dining hall . Here Alessrs . Fisk a "d Fairhurst , Castle-street , supplied a most recherehee fish supper , the excellent and varied quality of which was WA ""' a " P ' - during the after proceedings , the . AI . gave the standard loyal and Alasonic toasts in wse and pointed terms . He also proposed " The Health of "ro . the Rev . Professor Prag , C , " who in responding in an eloquent speech , spoke of Masonry as like the old cedar tree which spread its branches and extended its roots . He
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
referred to the leading characteristics of the Order , and thanked the brethren heartily for the manner in which his health had been received . Bro . J . W . Baker , P . AI . 241 , proposed "The Health ofthe W . AL , " andjn doing so spoke of his working of the Lodge of Israel , as quite equal , if not superior , to any in the Province . The W . AL briefly responded , and hoped he would always be enabled to
maintain the same efficiency . " The Officers , " " The Visitors , " and " Bro . W . G . Veale , " were amongst the other toasts on the programme . HAAIPTON HILL . —FRANCIS BURDETT LODGE ( NO . 1303 ) . —A strong meeting of this lodge was held at the King ' s Arms Hotel on Wednesday , the 10 th inst . The uroceedings commenced at five o ' clock in the afternoon .
There were present Bros . Col . Wigginton , P . AL , W . AI . ; Saunders , S . W . ; Tomlinson , P . AL . J . W . ; Walls , I . G . ; Knaggs , Treas . ; Mitchell , Sec . ; Horsley , P . AL , acting I . P . AI . The minutes of the January meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . AL , assisted by his officers , raised Bros . Saunders , Rogers , Lovett , Clark and Alitchell to the sublime degree . The lodge having been resumed
to the first degree , Bros . Vaughan and Court were examined , entrusted , and ultimately passed to the F . C . degree . The whole of the proceedings of both ceremonies were successfully carried out , and completed with the W . M . ' s well known ability . It was proposed by the J . W ., and seconded by the W . AI ., that Bros . Chaplain Buchill , P . AI . 79 s , should become a joining member . The
ballot was taken on behalf of Bro . Richards ( Beaufort ) , who w ^ s proposed at the last meeting as a joining member , and declared unanimous . Bro . P . AL Horsley proposed , which was seconded by Bro . Saunders , S . W . — " That the sum of ten guineas should be voted fri m the funds of the lodge to head the list of Bro . Col . Wicginton , W . AL , who had kindly volunteered to
stand as bteward to the forthcoming festival on behalf of the Royal Alasonic Institution for Boys . " This resolution was unanimously carried . The W . AL gave notice of motion that at the next meeting he should move that the lodge should annually subscribe ten guineas , through the W . M . for the time being , to the three charities alternately , and thus secure life-governorships to those valuable
institutions . Resolutions were then passed that the lodge should become subscribers to the Freemason and the Masonic Magazine , and that a library should be established in connection with the lodge to be devoted exclusively to Craft literature . Some minor resolutions having been passed the lodge was clcsed in ancient form , and the proceedings ter minated . Among the visitors present Bros . Littlewood ,
P . AI . 780 ; Buchill , P . M . 795 ; Hammond , P . AL , & c , & c , and W . M . 1312 . HAAIPTON . —HEMMING LODGE ( No . 1312 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Lion Hotel , on Thursday , the 18 th inst . The officers present were Bros . Hammond , P . AL , P . G . S . of Middlesex , W . AL ; Hopwood , P . AL , S . W . ; Hill , P . AL , J . W . ; Hurst , S . D . ; Walls , acting J . D . ;
Wheeler , I . G . ; Jepson , Treasurer ; J . Hammond , P . AL , Secretary ; Wilson ( Etonian ) , acting I . P . M . ; Gilbert , Tyler , The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken on behalf of Bro . T . C Walls , 141 , W . S . 1381 , and I . G . 1303 , as a joining member , and declared unanimous . The name of Air . Arnold , who , by a special dispensation , was allowed
to be a candidate for initiation as a serving brother , was then submitted to the ballot , and unanimously received , and he being in attendance , was duly initiated into Craft mysteries by the W . AI . Bros . Ockendcn , Phillips , and Chilcott , having satisfactorily gone through an examination in open lodge , were raised by the W . M ., assisted by his officers , to the sublime degree . Both ceremonies were
ably carried out by the W . AL , and all the well-known points of the beautiful ritual were given with that impressive emphasis which they necessarily require in order to render them effective . Several minor matters having been transacted , the lodge was closed in ancient form , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . Among the visitors present were Bros . Wilson , P . M . Etonian ; Kent ,
junr ., 889 ; Bowra , 889 ; Rowland , 937 ; Festing , 1063 . The cloth having been cleared , the W . AI . commenced the proceedings by proposing the " Queen and Craft , " which was heartily received . In giving the next toast , that of " Bro . H . R . H . the AI . W . G . AL , " Bro . Hammond alluded at length to the forthcoming installation of the Prince , which he characterised as an event of a life-time , and
which would give an impetus to Freemasonry throughout the world , and check , if not silence , the denunciations of the bigoted . This toast , and the succeeding one , that of the " Pro G . AI ., " was responded to with excellent " fire . " The health of the " Provincial G . AI . and the rest of the Grand Officers of Aliddlesex , " was proposed by the W . M ., who expressed the gratification he felt at being a P . G . O .
of the county which was so ably represented in the Alasonic world by Colonel Burdett , whose abilities and energies in every grade of the Craft were of universal renown . This toast having been drunk with the customary honours , that of " The Visitors " followed , and was acknowledged by Bros . Kent and Rowland , on behalf of their colleagues . The latter brother amusingly
stated , that he being in the habit of frequenting bustling town lodges , was agreeably pleased at the contrast afforded by visiting the Hemming , whose proceedings , both in lodge and at the banquet table , were marked by rural quietness and harmony , and from that time he should add his testimony to the general opinion lhat this district was justly entitled to the euphonious appellation of " Happy
Hampton . " Bro . Hill , P . AL , proposed the health of the W . AL , and congratulated him upon the manner in which he had carried out the arduous duties of his position that evening-, and for his zeal in furthering at all times the true principles of Freemasonry , namely , "Benevolence " and " Charity . " The W . M ., having briefly replied , he gave the toast of "The Principal Officers , " coupling it with the name of the Treasurer , who , he said , was one of
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the oldest subscribing members in the Craft . Bro ., cpson , in reply , stated that the remark of the W . AI . was correct , — he was one of the oldest representatives of this glorious institution . In the course of his spe . ch , he stated that the room in which they were possessed an interest to him , which the brethren would appreciate , when he informed them that in it he was raised to a Al . M . by Bro . Dr . Hemmiag ,
the W . M . of the Harmony Lodge , upwards of fifty years ago , and that he also took his R . A . degree as far ba . k as 1824 . From the period of his initiation unto the present time he had always had Freemasonry at heart , and he hoped to die a Alason . The W . AI . then proposed th .: health of the other officers of the lodge , and coupled it with the name of their young member , Bro . Walls , who
had kindly assisted them as Deacon several times . Bro . Walls , in reply , thanked the W . AL and brethren for the honour they had conferred upon him by electing him as a joining member , and he hoped that this confidence ia him would never be regretted . With regard to the poor services
which he had rendered to the lodge , and which had been so complimentarily alluded to by the W . M ., he conld only say that he was at all times willing to officiate to the best of his ability in any position in Freemasonry that was required to be filled , as in endeavouring to carry it out , it was to him but a " labour of love . "
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . J ( NO . 3 I ) . —The regular bi-monthly meeting of this prosperous lodge was held in their hall , No . 213 , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Tuesday , 1 Gth inst ; Bro . Wm . Bell , R . W . AI ., presiding . Bros . John D . Young , S . W . ; D . Home , J . W . ; there was also present ; Bros . John Dick , Secretary ; R . B . Dalzell , Treasurer j AIcAIillan , P . AL ; J . B . Walker , P . AL ; Thos . Fletcher ,
I . P . AI . ; Wm . Ferguson , R . W . AI ., Lodge Dalmuir , St . Johns ; J . B . Alacnair , R . W . AI . Lod ^ e Union , No . 332 ; W . H . Bickerton 'Freemason ) and a very large attendance of members and visiting brethren . The lodge was opened by the R . W . AI ., Bro . Wm . Bell , and the minutes of last regular meeting , also an emergency meeting , read and approved of . The lodge thereafter adjourned from labour
to refreshment , the usual loyal toasts , & c , being given to music discoursed at intervals . Bros . Rogers and Leslie , eminent vocalists , gave some of their excellent duetts with great spirit and taste , to the delight of all . GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . AIUNGO ( NO . 27 ) . — -The regular meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , No . 213 , Buchanan-street , on Thursday iSthinst . Bro . Dugald
Butler , R . W . AI ., presiding . Bros . Thos . Hastie , acting S . W . ; G . AlcComb , J . W . There were also present : —• Bros . A . Bain , P . M . 103 ; Johnstone , P . AI . ; Wallace , R . W . AI . Lodge Athole , 413 ; W . H . Bickcrton ( Freemason ) , and several members of the lodge and visiting brethren . The lodge being opened by the R . W . M ., Bio . Dugald Butler , the Secretary read the minutes of last meeting , which
were approved of . Bros . AIcGibbon , W . J . Craig , and John Walker were then affiliated into Lodge St . Mungo , No . 27 , Bro . A . Bain , P . M . j 103 , Union and Crown , officiating . Bro . Dugald Butler , R . W . M ., then intimated to the lodge that the annual festival of Lodge St . AIungo would take place on Tuesday , 2 nd March , at the Crown Hall , and he hoped that as many as possilbly could would b * present to
celebrate the 146 th anniversary of this lodge . Bros . John Brownie AIcNichol and Peter AIcNichol , also A . Neavey , were then passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , and Bros . Jas . AlcKinnon , J . Aliller , A . Neavey , J . B . AIcNichol and Peter AIcNichol raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason by Bro . A . Bain , P . AI . Lodge Union and Crown , No . 103 , in a style which could not have been excelled . There
being no further business , the lodge was closed . GLASGOW . —LODGE THISTLE ( No . 87 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , No . i 2 , Trongate , Glasgow , on Tuesday , 16 th inst ., Bros . J . W . Burns , R . W . M ., presiding ; James Booth , S . W . ; C . R . Jenkins , D . M ., acting J . W . There were also present : Bros . John Aliller , P . AI . 87 ; AIcNaught , S . W . s 6 ; S . Russell , D . AI .
556 ; and a number of brethren and visitors . The lodge was opened by the R . W . AI ., Bro . J . W . Burns , the minutes of last meeting read and approved of . Alessrs . H . O . Foray , H . Hardy , and G . Charters were then initiated into the mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry , every care and attention being paid to the solemnity of the occasion by Bros . Burns , R . W . M ., and John Aliller , S . M ., who
officiated . There being no further business before the meeting , the lodge was closed . GLASGOW . —LODGE UNION ( NO . 332 ) . —The usual fortnightly meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , 170 , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Alonday , 15 th inst ., Bro . J . B . Alacnair , R . W . M ., presiding . Bros . D . McKirdy , S . W . ; A . Conochie , J . W . ; John Alclnnes , Secretary ; John
Laird , Treasurer ; R . Mitchell , P . M . There were also present : Bros . Wm . Harper , R . W . M . Lodge Clyde , 468 ; D . Home , J . W . Lodge St . John , 3 $ ; W . H . Bickerton ( Freemason ) , and several members of the lodge and visiting brethren . The minutes having been read and approved of , and the lodge opened by the R . W . AI ., Bro . Wm . Harper , R . W . M . Lodge Clyde , 408 , applied for Bro . R . Alitchell ,
jun ., of his lodge , to be raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason , he being about to leave Scotland for Australia in a few days , which application was received unanimously . Air . Jas . Alitchell , and Air . John Dale , who had been regularly proposed for initiation , and no objection raised , received the E . A . degree , Bro . J . B . Alacnair ,
R . W . M ., officiating . Bro . Jas . Gibson , Lodge 480 , was then affiliated into Lodge Union , 332 , Bro . J . B . Macnair also performing the ceremony of affiliation , after which Bro . R . Mitchell , jun ., Lodge Clyde , 408 , was raised to the sublime degree of Alaster Alason by Bro . J . Fash , in a careful manner . There being no further business , the lodge was closed