Article GRAND MARK LODGE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Tidings. Page 1 of 1
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Grand Mark Lodge.
Master to succeed his lordship , and he thought he could not do better than propose the Deputy Grand Alaster , the Earl of Limerick , who , in the position of Deputy for . the last three years had performed the duties of that office most efficiently . He was a Alason at heart , and in all his actions ; and it was such men as he who ought to fill the highest position in the Order .
Bro . J . H . Wynne , acting as G . J . W ., seconded the nomination . He had often met Earl Limerick in Grand Lodge , and had found him a nobleman that was a thorough Mason . The brethren would like to sec him follow in Ea rl Percy ' s steps , as head of the order of Alark Masons . Th e manner in which the present Grand Master had presided for the past three years had been a great
pride to Alark Alasons , and in electing the Earl of Limerick to succeed him , they were assuring themselves that the Alark degree would bc equally well presided over Bro . F . Binckes , P . G . J . W ., proposed a vote of thanks to Earl Percy , for coming in the midst of his parliamentary occupations to offer his personal explanation to Alark Alttsons , and presiding over the Grand Lodge . He
expressed the regret which all the brethren felt at losing so excellent a Grand Alaster , but felt sure that it would not diminish that regret , when the brethren found the additional proof his lordship had that day given of the interest he took in the Order . He concluded by wishing that his lordship would long bc spared to come among his brethren , and give them his advice and assistance .
Bro . S . AI . Lazarus seconded the motion , which was put by Bro , S . Rosenthal , and carried with acclamation . Earl Percy , in responding , said he was extremely grateful to the proposer and seconder of the motion , and to the brethren . What Grand Secretary had said as to what he ( Earl Percy ) had done , exceeded very much the facts , because all the brethren knew that he had not been able
to give the time he would have liked to give to his duties . After again thanking the brethren , he assured them that in future he would do for them whatever he was able to do , and he congratulated them on having secured the services of so eminent a Mason as Earl Limerick for Grand Alaster , who had then their welfare so throughly at heart ( applause ) . Grand Lodge then closed .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
BATH . —ROVAL CUMBERLAND CHAPTER ( No . 41 . )—The companions were summoned to attend a regular convocation at the Masonic Hall , at 7 . 30 p . m ., on Tuesday F ' ebruary 16 th . Many sent apologies for absence on account of illness , and among them were the Second and Third Principals . By request of Comp . Jelley , AI . E . Z ., Comp . Dr . Hopkins , P . Z . 328 , 587 , and 710 , took the
chair of H . ; and Comp . Ruble P . Z ., 41 , that of J . ; Comp . Aloultrie , P . Z . 41 , acted as I . P . Z . The chapter was opened at eight o ' clock , antl on the admission of the companions , the chairs of the officers were filled as follows R . Carey and E . Brown , acting as N . ; Hill , N ., acting as P . Soj . ; Howes and Young , acting as Assistant Soj . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed .
A ballot was tiken for Bro . C . E . Davis , as a candidate for exaltation , and this proving favourable , he was introduced , properly prepared , for the ceremony , the early portion of which , to the end of the O . B ., was worked by the AI . E . Z . E . Comp . Dr . Hopkins then took the 1 st chair , completed the work of exaltation , and afterwards gave the historical , symbolical , and mystical lecture . No
other business offering , the Chapter was closed at a quarter to ten . A 1 ANCHESTER . —CiiAi'TEii or AFFAIHLITV ( NO . 317 ) . —The installation of the Principals and investiture of officers of this chapter took place at the Freemasons' I lall , Cooper-street , on Thursday , the 18 th inst ., in the presence of a large number of members and visiting companions .
The chapter was opened by Comp . J . H . Sillitoe , Z ., who afterwards exalted Bro . John Roylc , W . AI . of the Blair Lodge , to the supreme degree of a Royal Arch Mason . The ceremony of installation was ably performed by Comp . J . Hall , P . Z ., the following companions being installed and invested : J . II . Sillitoe , as Z . ( second year ); Samuel S . Fox , II . ; John J . Newton , J . ; W . P . Norris , S . E . ; John
Smethurst , S . N . ; James Dawson , P . S . ; Daniel Donhavand , ist A . S . ; J . II . Clark , 2 nd A . S . ; John Higginbotbam , Treasurer ; F . Vettcr , Organist ; and James Sly , Janitor . Comp . Sillitoe , in submitting the balance-sheet to the meeting , congratulated the members of the chapter on the highly satisfactory state of their finances and on their increased numerical strength . For some years the
chapter bad been under acloud , and 12 monthsago they were in debt to their Treasurer , but he was happy to say that they had now a favourable balance . During the past year they had exalted eighteen brethren , and had admitted three companions as joining members , and be could see plenty of work before him for the coming year . Therefore he anticipated a bright future for this chapter , which was
lapidly becoming one of the most prominent and influential chapters in the province . " After the close of the chapter , a soiree was held in the banquet hall , at which nearly 100 companions and ladies were present . Dancing commenced at 8 . 30 to lhe enlivening strains of Comp . Vetter ' s quadrille band . In the interval , an adjournment was made to the lodge-room , where a sumptuous supper had been spread by Bro . S . Wright , and was presided over
by Comp . Sillitoe . After supper dancing was resumed , and kept up with spirit until early morning . All who were present expressed themselves highly delighted with the evening ' s entertainment , and there is no doubt that the great success of this , the first soiree given by the chapter , will be the means of inducing those in power to follow the example of Comp . Sillitoe in substituting a soiree for the usual installation banquet .
Royal Arch.
BUXTON . —PIKENix CHAPTER OK ST . ANN ( No . 1235 ) , —The anniversary of this chapter was held on Thursday , Feb . 18 th , at the Court House , Buxton , present—Comps . R . R . Duke , P . Z . ; F . Turner , H . ; A . A . Bagshawe , J . ; J . Taylor . S . E . ; Lc Gros , Milligan , W . Smith , Lawson , Sykes , Comyn , P . Z . 47 ; and visiting Comps . Barrowby , Wriglct , Bramwell , W . Milligan , W . II . Hopkins , | a ' s .
Hall . The minutes of the previous chapter having been read and confirmed , and the Board of Installing Principals opened , the Principals elect of the chapter were dulv installed by Comp . Jas . Hall , P . Z 207 ; assisted by Comp . W . H . Hopkins , P . Z . 1055 ; viz .: Comps . Fredk . Turner as First P . ; A . A . Bagshawe as Second P ., and Josiah Taylor as Third P . The usual charges were also delivered
by Comp . Hall ; and the newl y installed Principals having been saluted in the proper manner , the Board of Installed Principals was closed , and the companions of the chapter and visiting companions were admitted . The followin g officers were then invested and addressed by the Installing Principals : —Comps . R . R . Duke , P . Z ., as Treasurer ; P .
Le Gros , as S . E . ; E . J . Sykes , as N . ; E . C . Milligan , as P . S . ; W . Smith , as First Asst . S . ; and J . H . Lawson , as Second Asst . S . After a cordial vote of thanks to the Installing Principals , and the hearty good wishes from Chapters Faith , 210 ; Derby , 1055 ; Abbey , 47 ; Justice , 257 ; and Hope , 322 , having been expressed , the chapter was duly closed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
CARDIFF . —LANOLEV LODGE ( NO . 28 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , February " 5 th . The lodge was opened in due form by Bro . J . Rogers , the W . AI . The minutes of the last proceedings having been read and confirmed , several brethren were balloted for and elected , one of them , J . C . Jones , 237 , Swansea , being present , he was duly advanced to the honourable degree
by the W . AL , who then stated that , as he had performed the ceremony of advancement that evening , and was suffering from a severe cold , he should request P . AI . Bro . S . Wcichcrt to install the W . M . for the ensuing year , explaining that no slight to the W . AI . elect was intended . Bro . P . AI . Wcichcrt then took the chair , antl installed the S . W ., Bro . W . Williams , into the chair of
A ., which ceremony he performed in an excellent and impressive manner . The W . AI . then invested his officers as follows : Bros . J . I lurman , S . W . ; N . D . Alarks , J . W . ; R . South , Treasurer ; W . Davies , Secretary , ! ' . Jacob , M . O . ; T . Glass , S . O . ; T . C . Sladcn , J . O . ; J . Thomas , S . D . ; E . Edmunds , J . D . ; R . Maine , I . G . ; W . Davies , Tyler . A vote of thanks was then proposed to Bro . Wcichcrt , the
Installing Master , and also one to Bro . J . Rogers , the I . P . AI ., for his services to the lodge , both of which votes were carried , and entered in the minute book . The names of several candidates for advancement were then proposed , and the lodge was closed in perfect harmony . The brethren then adjourned to an excellent supper at the
Royal Ilotel , where a very enjoyable evening was passed , though it was unavoidably shortened , many of the brethren having to leave by train . The lodge was honoured by the presence of Bro . Jukes , Past Grand Chaplain , who kindly came from Hereford , to represent the Keystone Lodge at Newport , Mon ., of which he is the I . W .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
LEICESTER . —BYZANTINE CONCLAVE ( No . 44 ) . —The regular assembly of this conclave was held at Freemasons ' Hall , Leicester , on Tuesday , February qth . Amongst those present were Sir Knight William Kelly , Intendant General ; Clement Stretton , M . P . S . ; G . Toller , G . H . and P . S . ; S . S . Partridge , K . G . C ., P . S . ; F . J . Baines , V . E . ; J . C . Duncombe , Hon . V . E . ; \ V . Weave , S . G . ; \ V . Sculthorpe ,
J . G . and Treasurer ; J . T . Thcrp and R . Waite , Aides ; Clement Edwin Stretton , Prefect ; C . AIcBride , Herald ; C . A . Snenccr , and others . In the temporary absence of the M . P . s ., the ceremony of installing Bro . Law , I . G . 279 , was very ably performed by Sir Knt . Partridge , the lecture being given by Sir Knt . Toller , and the charge bv Sir Knt , Kelly , ' int . Gen . The ballot for the M . P . S ., V . E ., and Treasurer for the ensuing year , resulted in the unanimous
election of Sir Knts . F . J . Baines , W . Weare , and W . Sculthorpe . After the conclave had been closed in due form , the Sir Knights adjourned to the banquet , after which the usual loyal and ehivalric toasts were duly proposed and honoured . In response to a request of the Sir Knights , an interesting account was given by Sir Knt . Toller , of the Grand Conclave which was held at Liverpool in November Inst .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
PALESTINE ROSE CROIX CHAPTER . —A meeting of the Palestine Chapter of Hose Croix , under the M . W . G ., H . C . Levander , took place at the Alasonic Hall , Golden-square , on Tuesday evening last , when Bro . Venn was perfected . Bro . Little proposed , and Bro . Boyd seconded that a letter of condolence bc written and sent lo the widow of Bro . Sillifant . Among those present wc noticed Bros . Captain
Nathaniel'George Philips , 33 ° ; Alajor Shadwell Henry Gierke , 33 ; Hyde Pullen , 33 ; Charles Horsley , 31 ; R . Wentworth Little , 30 ° ; George Kenning , 30 ° ; Dieketts , Hirsch , Cubitt , Rev . P . AI . Holden , Rev . Vaughan , Leith Tomkins , J . T . Aloss , H- A . Dubois , Fox , and others . Visitors , Bros . Dubosc , F . Binckes , Batty , Paas , and Grabham . After the meeting the chapter adjourned to the Cafe . Royal , where dinner was served ,
Obituary .
BRO . EDWIN SILLIFANT , P . AL , P . Z . It is with extreme regret that our columns of to-day have to chronicle the death of Bro . Edwin Sillifant , which melancholy event took place at his residence , Upper Tulse Hill , on Friday last . Althou gh the immediate cause of death was inflammation of the lungs , accelerated from the fact of his desire to meet the shareholders of the Surrey
Alasonic Hall , of which company he was Secretary , on the occasion of the last general meeting , a report of which appeared in our last issue , our late Bro . Sillifant had been suffering for some months from a very painful malady , but it was hoped by his friends ( who , it is unnecessary to say , were numerous ) that his presence on the occasion above referred to , was the commencement of a
general convalescence , and wc ourselves had then the opportunity of congratulating him upon appearing again amongst his brethren . Our deceased brother was a P . Prov . G . D . Aliddlesex , P . AL and P . Z . of more than one Lodge and Chapter , a Life Governor of all the Alasonic
chanties , and at the time of his death holding the office of Treasurer to the Stabilit y Lodge , No . 207 , and the Acacia Lodge , No . 1309 , and present Sovereign of the Premier Conclave of the Red Cross Order . His remains were deposited on Thursday afternoon in Norwood cemetery , in the presence of a large circle of sorrowing friends .
BRO . JOHN POUT , P . AL , AND SEC . 31 . Freemasonry in general , and the United Industrious Lodge , No . 31 , Canterbury , has just sustained a severe loss by the death of Bro . John Pout , P . AL and Hon . Sec . He was initiated Alay 22 nd , 184 S , ' and installed W . AI . June 2 nd , 1853 , and for 24 years has acted as Hon . Sec . From the time of his initiation to the time of his being
seized with his last illness , a perioil of more than 27 years , his signature in the attendance book of the lodge is absent on twenty-two occasions only . At the preliminary meetings , as well as the Festivals of Provincial Grand Lodge , he was a very regular attendant , and nothing gave him greater pleasure than to sec his young brethren attentive to the duties of their lodge , and express a desire for Alasonic knowledge . He was considered by all who knew
him a great authority on Masonic matters , being well acquainted with the ancient usages and established customs of the Order . In 1866 the brethren of the lodge , as a slight acknowledgment of his valuable services as P . AI . and Hon . Sec , presented him with a handsome silver salver . He has been unwell about three months , but has attended to business until within the last fortnight . He died at 10 . 30 a . m . ( Alonday , Feb 22 ) .
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
The Fifty-eighth Anniversary of the Stability Lodge of Instruction will be held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Tuesday , 30 th April , at half-past five o ' clock , when the Lecture of the Second Degree will be worked as follows : — ist Section Bro . W . Bailey , J . D . 49 . 2 nd Section Bro . J . E . Russell , P . AI . 22 .
3 rd Section Bro . J . Jones , W . AI . 715 . SS j Bro . J . B . Scriven , P . G . S ., P . M . Col . Francis Burdett , Prov . G . M . of Aliddlesex , will preside at the banquet . It is intended to form a Alasonic lodge in connection
with the Corporation and Livery Companies of the City of London , to bc called "The Alunicipal Lodge . " Bro . F . Kent , P . AL , 117 , has obtained the assistance of several distinguished brethren , who , together with some members of the Court of Common Council , have agreed to accept office .
Bro . Emra Holmes has just been delivering his popular lecture on Charles Dickens at the Literary Institute , Colchester , when the chair was taken by Bro . the Rev . C . L . Aclatul , Head Alaster of the Royal Grammar School , himself a gifted lecturer on scientific and other subjects .
For many years there has been a controversy between scientific and medical men as to the comparative value of Gelatine . Who shall decide when doctors disagree ? In this case we think we may safely leave it to the housekeeper , in whom all the scientific knowledge of . the chemist and the medical experience of the doctor must merge in practical experience . Every intelligent lady is
g lad to avail herself of all the discoveries of modern science as aids to household supplies , and a relief in the preparation of many foods from the old and very tedious methods followed by her great grandmothers . Among such discoveries one of the most useful to the cook has been Gelatine . The modern Femmc de Menage would often be at a loss were it not for the excellent preparation of gelatine
to be had so easily and cheaply at the present day . Forty years ago the late Mr . George Nelson ot Emscote Works , near Warwick , and Dowgate Hill , London , started the manufacture of Gelatine under special patent , and having paid the greatest attention to the mode of manufacture , succeeded in producing an " opaque " Gelatine , containing a maximum of nutriment , and , as is certified by Dr .
Andrew Urc , entirely free from acid . This preparation is admitted by the highest scientific authorities to be far superior to the best French Gelatine , and equal to the finest Russian Isinglass in nutritive value , more economical in use , and adapted to every purpose for which the Russian
Isinglass is used . As a preventitive against fraud , the well-known " opaque " - Gelatine manufactured by Alessrs . Nelson , Dale and Co ., as the firm now stands , is sold principally in packets weighing from loz . to lib ., each signed with the familiar signature of " Geo . Nelson . "Church Herald ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Mark Lodge.
Master to succeed his lordship , and he thought he could not do better than propose the Deputy Grand Alaster , the Earl of Limerick , who , in the position of Deputy for . the last three years had performed the duties of that office most efficiently . He was a Alason at heart , and in all his actions ; and it was such men as he who ought to fill the highest position in the Order .
Bro . J . H . Wynne , acting as G . J . W ., seconded the nomination . He had often met Earl Limerick in Grand Lodge , and had found him a nobleman that was a thorough Mason . The brethren would like to sec him follow in Ea rl Percy ' s steps , as head of the order of Alark Masons . Th e manner in which the present Grand Master had presided for the past three years had been a great
pride to Alark Alasons , and in electing the Earl of Limerick to succeed him , they were assuring themselves that the Alark degree would bc equally well presided over Bro . F . Binckes , P . G . J . W ., proposed a vote of thanks to Earl Percy , for coming in the midst of his parliamentary occupations to offer his personal explanation to Alark Alttsons , and presiding over the Grand Lodge . He
expressed the regret which all the brethren felt at losing so excellent a Grand Alaster , but felt sure that it would not diminish that regret , when the brethren found the additional proof his lordship had that day given of the interest he took in the Order . He concluded by wishing that his lordship would long bc spared to come among his brethren , and give them his advice and assistance .
Bro . S . AI . Lazarus seconded the motion , which was put by Bro , S . Rosenthal , and carried with acclamation . Earl Percy , in responding , said he was extremely grateful to the proposer and seconder of the motion , and to the brethren . What Grand Secretary had said as to what he ( Earl Percy ) had done , exceeded very much the facts , because all the brethren knew that he had not been able
to give the time he would have liked to give to his duties . After again thanking the brethren , he assured them that in future he would do for them whatever he was able to do , and he congratulated them on having secured the services of so eminent a Mason as Earl Limerick for Grand Alaster , who had then their welfare so throughly at heart ( applause ) . Grand Lodge then closed .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
BATH . —ROVAL CUMBERLAND CHAPTER ( No . 41 . )—The companions were summoned to attend a regular convocation at the Masonic Hall , at 7 . 30 p . m ., on Tuesday F ' ebruary 16 th . Many sent apologies for absence on account of illness , and among them were the Second and Third Principals . By request of Comp . Jelley , AI . E . Z ., Comp . Dr . Hopkins , P . Z . 328 , 587 , and 710 , took the
chair of H . ; and Comp . Ruble P . Z ., 41 , that of J . ; Comp . Aloultrie , P . Z . 41 , acted as I . P . Z . The chapter was opened at eight o ' clock , antl on the admission of the companions , the chairs of the officers were filled as follows R . Carey and E . Brown , acting as N . ; Hill , N ., acting as P . Soj . ; Howes and Young , acting as Assistant Soj . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed .
A ballot was tiken for Bro . C . E . Davis , as a candidate for exaltation , and this proving favourable , he was introduced , properly prepared , for the ceremony , the early portion of which , to the end of the O . B ., was worked by the AI . E . Z . E . Comp . Dr . Hopkins then took the 1 st chair , completed the work of exaltation , and afterwards gave the historical , symbolical , and mystical lecture . No
other business offering , the Chapter was closed at a quarter to ten . A 1 ANCHESTER . —CiiAi'TEii or AFFAIHLITV ( NO . 317 ) . —The installation of the Principals and investiture of officers of this chapter took place at the Freemasons' I lall , Cooper-street , on Thursday , the 18 th inst ., in the presence of a large number of members and visiting companions .
The chapter was opened by Comp . J . H . Sillitoe , Z ., who afterwards exalted Bro . John Roylc , W . AI . of the Blair Lodge , to the supreme degree of a Royal Arch Mason . The ceremony of installation was ably performed by Comp . J . Hall , P . Z ., the following companions being installed and invested : J . II . Sillitoe , as Z . ( second year ); Samuel S . Fox , II . ; John J . Newton , J . ; W . P . Norris , S . E . ; John
Smethurst , S . N . ; James Dawson , P . S . ; Daniel Donhavand , ist A . S . ; J . II . Clark , 2 nd A . S . ; John Higginbotbam , Treasurer ; F . Vettcr , Organist ; and James Sly , Janitor . Comp . Sillitoe , in submitting the balance-sheet to the meeting , congratulated the members of the chapter on the highly satisfactory state of their finances and on their increased numerical strength . For some years the
chapter bad been under acloud , and 12 monthsago they were in debt to their Treasurer , but he was happy to say that they had now a favourable balance . During the past year they had exalted eighteen brethren , and had admitted three companions as joining members , and be could see plenty of work before him for the coming year . Therefore he anticipated a bright future for this chapter , which was
lapidly becoming one of the most prominent and influential chapters in the province . " After the close of the chapter , a soiree was held in the banquet hall , at which nearly 100 companions and ladies were present . Dancing commenced at 8 . 30 to lhe enlivening strains of Comp . Vetter ' s quadrille band . In the interval , an adjournment was made to the lodge-room , where a sumptuous supper had been spread by Bro . S . Wright , and was presided over
by Comp . Sillitoe . After supper dancing was resumed , and kept up with spirit until early morning . All who were present expressed themselves highly delighted with the evening ' s entertainment , and there is no doubt that the great success of this , the first soiree given by the chapter , will be the means of inducing those in power to follow the example of Comp . Sillitoe in substituting a soiree for the usual installation banquet .
Royal Arch.
BUXTON . —PIKENix CHAPTER OK ST . ANN ( No . 1235 ) , —The anniversary of this chapter was held on Thursday , Feb . 18 th , at the Court House , Buxton , present—Comps . R . R . Duke , P . Z . ; F . Turner , H . ; A . A . Bagshawe , J . ; J . Taylor . S . E . ; Lc Gros , Milligan , W . Smith , Lawson , Sykes , Comyn , P . Z . 47 ; and visiting Comps . Barrowby , Wriglct , Bramwell , W . Milligan , W . II . Hopkins , | a ' s .
Hall . The minutes of the previous chapter having been read and confirmed , and the Board of Installing Principals opened , the Principals elect of the chapter were dulv installed by Comp . Jas . Hall , P . Z 207 ; assisted by Comp . W . H . Hopkins , P . Z . 1055 ; viz .: Comps . Fredk . Turner as First P . ; A . A . Bagshawe as Second P ., and Josiah Taylor as Third P . The usual charges were also delivered
by Comp . Hall ; and the newl y installed Principals having been saluted in the proper manner , the Board of Installed Principals was closed , and the companions of the chapter and visiting companions were admitted . The followin g officers were then invested and addressed by the Installing Principals : —Comps . R . R . Duke , P . Z ., as Treasurer ; P .
Le Gros , as S . E . ; E . J . Sykes , as N . ; E . C . Milligan , as P . S . ; W . Smith , as First Asst . S . ; and J . H . Lawson , as Second Asst . S . After a cordial vote of thanks to the Installing Principals , and the hearty good wishes from Chapters Faith , 210 ; Derby , 1055 ; Abbey , 47 ; Justice , 257 ; and Hope , 322 , having been expressed , the chapter was duly closed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
CARDIFF . —LANOLEV LODGE ( NO . 28 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , February " 5 th . The lodge was opened in due form by Bro . J . Rogers , the W . AI . The minutes of the last proceedings having been read and confirmed , several brethren were balloted for and elected , one of them , J . C . Jones , 237 , Swansea , being present , he was duly advanced to the honourable degree
by the W . AL , who then stated that , as he had performed the ceremony of advancement that evening , and was suffering from a severe cold , he should request P . AI . Bro . S . Wcichcrt to install the W . M . for the ensuing year , explaining that no slight to the W . AI . elect was intended . Bro . P . AI . Wcichcrt then took the chair , antl installed the S . W ., Bro . W . Williams , into the chair of
A ., which ceremony he performed in an excellent and impressive manner . The W . AI . then invested his officers as follows : Bros . J . I lurman , S . W . ; N . D . Alarks , J . W . ; R . South , Treasurer ; W . Davies , Secretary , ! ' . Jacob , M . O . ; T . Glass , S . O . ; T . C . Sladcn , J . O . ; J . Thomas , S . D . ; E . Edmunds , J . D . ; R . Maine , I . G . ; W . Davies , Tyler . A vote of thanks was then proposed to Bro . Wcichcrt , the
Installing Master , and also one to Bro . J . Rogers , the I . P . AI ., for his services to the lodge , both of which votes were carried , and entered in the minute book . The names of several candidates for advancement were then proposed , and the lodge was closed in perfect harmony . The brethren then adjourned to an excellent supper at the
Royal Ilotel , where a very enjoyable evening was passed , though it was unavoidably shortened , many of the brethren having to leave by train . The lodge was honoured by the presence of Bro . Jukes , Past Grand Chaplain , who kindly came from Hereford , to represent the Keystone Lodge at Newport , Mon ., of which he is the I . W .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
LEICESTER . —BYZANTINE CONCLAVE ( No . 44 ) . —The regular assembly of this conclave was held at Freemasons ' Hall , Leicester , on Tuesday , February qth . Amongst those present were Sir Knight William Kelly , Intendant General ; Clement Stretton , M . P . S . ; G . Toller , G . H . and P . S . ; S . S . Partridge , K . G . C ., P . S . ; F . J . Baines , V . E . ; J . C . Duncombe , Hon . V . E . ; \ V . Weave , S . G . ; \ V . Sculthorpe ,
J . G . and Treasurer ; J . T . Thcrp and R . Waite , Aides ; Clement Edwin Stretton , Prefect ; C . AIcBride , Herald ; C . A . Snenccr , and others . In the temporary absence of the M . P . s ., the ceremony of installing Bro . Law , I . G . 279 , was very ably performed by Sir Knt . Partridge , the lecture being given by Sir Knt . Toller , and the charge bv Sir Knt , Kelly , ' int . Gen . The ballot for the M . P . S ., V . E ., and Treasurer for the ensuing year , resulted in the unanimous
election of Sir Knts . F . J . Baines , W . Weare , and W . Sculthorpe . After the conclave had been closed in due form , the Sir Knights adjourned to the banquet , after which the usual loyal and ehivalric toasts were duly proposed and honoured . In response to a request of the Sir Knights , an interesting account was given by Sir Knt . Toller , of the Grand Conclave which was held at Liverpool in November Inst .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
PALESTINE ROSE CROIX CHAPTER . —A meeting of the Palestine Chapter of Hose Croix , under the M . W . G ., H . C . Levander , took place at the Alasonic Hall , Golden-square , on Tuesday evening last , when Bro . Venn was perfected . Bro . Little proposed , and Bro . Boyd seconded that a letter of condolence bc written and sent lo the widow of Bro . Sillifant . Among those present wc noticed Bros . Captain
Nathaniel'George Philips , 33 ° ; Alajor Shadwell Henry Gierke , 33 ; Hyde Pullen , 33 ; Charles Horsley , 31 ; R . Wentworth Little , 30 ° ; George Kenning , 30 ° ; Dieketts , Hirsch , Cubitt , Rev . P . AI . Holden , Rev . Vaughan , Leith Tomkins , J . T . Aloss , H- A . Dubois , Fox , and others . Visitors , Bros . Dubosc , F . Binckes , Batty , Paas , and Grabham . After the meeting the chapter adjourned to the Cafe . Royal , where dinner was served ,
Obituary .
BRO . EDWIN SILLIFANT , P . AL , P . Z . It is with extreme regret that our columns of to-day have to chronicle the death of Bro . Edwin Sillifant , which melancholy event took place at his residence , Upper Tulse Hill , on Friday last . Althou gh the immediate cause of death was inflammation of the lungs , accelerated from the fact of his desire to meet the shareholders of the Surrey
Alasonic Hall , of which company he was Secretary , on the occasion of the last general meeting , a report of which appeared in our last issue , our late Bro . Sillifant had been suffering for some months from a very painful malady , but it was hoped by his friends ( who , it is unnecessary to say , were numerous ) that his presence on the occasion above referred to , was the commencement of a
general convalescence , and wc ourselves had then the opportunity of congratulating him upon appearing again amongst his brethren . Our deceased brother was a P . Prov . G . D . Aliddlesex , P . AL and P . Z . of more than one Lodge and Chapter , a Life Governor of all the Alasonic
chanties , and at the time of his death holding the office of Treasurer to the Stabilit y Lodge , No . 207 , and the Acacia Lodge , No . 1309 , and present Sovereign of the Premier Conclave of the Red Cross Order . His remains were deposited on Thursday afternoon in Norwood cemetery , in the presence of a large circle of sorrowing friends .
BRO . JOHN POUT , P . AL , AND SEC . 31 . Freemasonry in general , and the United Industrious Lodge , No . 31 , Canterbury , has just sustained a severe loss by the death of Bro . John Pout , P . AL and Hon . Sec . He was initiated Alay 22 nd , 184 S , ' and installed W . AI . June 2 nd , 1853 , and for 24 years has acted as Hon . Sec . From the time of his initiation to the time of his being
seized with his last illness , a perioil of more than 27 years , his signature in the attendance book of the lodge is absent on twenty-two occasions only . At the preliminary meetings , as well as the Festivals of Provincial Grand Lodge , he was a very regular attendant , and nothing gave him greater pleasure than to sec his young brethren attentive to the duties of their lodge , and express a desire for Alasonic knowledge . He was considered by all who knew
him a great authority on Masonic matters , being well acquainted with the ancient usages and established customs of the Order . In 1866 the brethren of the lodge , as a slight acknowledgment of his valuable services as P . AI . and Hon . Sec , presented him with a handsome silver salver . He has been unwell about three months , but has attended to business until within the last fortnight . He died at 10 . 30 a . m . ( Alonday , Feb 22 ) .
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
The Fifty-eighth Anniversary of the Stability Lodge of Instruction will be held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Tuesday , 30 th April , at half-past five o ' clock , when the Lecture of the Second Degree will be worked as follows : — ist Section Bro . W . Bailey , J . D . 49 . 2 nd Section Bro . J . E . Russell , P . AI . 22 .
3 rd Section Bro . J . Jones , W . AI . 715 . SS j Bro . J . B . Scriven , P . G . S ., P . M . Col . Francis Burdett , Prov . G . M . of Aliddlesex , will preside at the banquet . It is intended to form a Alasonic lodge in connection
with the Corporation and Livery Companies of the City of London , to bc called "The Alunicipal Lodge . " Bro . F . Kent , P . AL , 117 , has obtained the assistance of several distinguished brethren , who , together with some members of the Court of Common Council , have agreed to accept office .
Bro . Emra Holmes has just been delivering his popular lecture on Charles Dickens at the Literary Institute , Colchester , when the chair was taken by Bro . the Rev . C . L . Aclatul , Head Alaster of the Royal Grammar School , himself a gifted lecturer on scientific and other subjects .
For many years there has been a controversy between scientific and medical men as to the comparative value of Gelatine . Who shall decide when doctors disagree ? In this case we think we may safely leave it to the housekeeper , in whom all the scientific knowledge of . the chemist and the medical experience of the doctor must merge in practical experience . Every intelligent lady is
g lad to avail herself of all the discoveries of modern science as aids to household supplies , and a relief in the preparation of many foods from the old and very tedious methods followed by her great grandmothers . Among such discoveries one of the most useful to the cook has been Gelatine . The modern Femmc de Menage would often be at a loss were it not for the excellent preparation of gelatine
to be had so easily and cheaply at the present day . Forty years ago the late Mr . George Nelson ot Emscote Works , near Warwick , and Dowgate Hill , London , started the manufacture of Gelatine under special patent , and having paid the greatest attention to the mode of manufacture , succeeded in producing an " opaque " Gelatine , containing a maximum of nutriment , and , as is certified by Dr .
Andrew Urc , entirely free from acid . This preparation is admitted by the highest scientific authorities to be far superior to the best French Gelatine , and equal to the finest Russian Isinglass in nutritive value , more economical in use , and adapted to every purpose for which the Russian
Isinglass is used . As a preventitive against fraud , the well-known " opaque " - Gelatine manufactured by Alessrs . Nelson , Dale and Co ., as the firm now stands , is sold principally in packets weighing from loz . to lib ., each signed with the familiar signature of " Geo . Nelson . "Church Herald ,