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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
worth , and Mr . John Prince , of Staines . Bro . Tollcy prcs'dcd at the organ with his usual skill and ability . Thi manner in which he rendered Mendelssohn ' s " To Thee , O Lord , I yield my spirit , " created an impression not easily forgotten . The W . M . invested the V . W . D . P . G . M . as Hon . Chaplain of the lodge , a pleasure the W . M . was deprived ol on the previous—the installation—lodge meeting , as the
reverend brother was unable to bc present , owing to important duties connected with his sacred calling . After some routine business had been transacted , and a candidate for initiation proposed , the lodge closed iu perfect harmony . LEICESTER . —ST . J ' S LODGE ( NO . 279 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons '
Hall , Leicester , on Wednesday , February 3 rd . Present : — Bros . J . W . Smith , W . M . ; J . M . MacAllister , S . W . ; G . W . Statham , J . W . ; William Weare , P . M ., Treasurer ; Clement Edwin Stretton , Secretary ; S . Cleaver , S . D . ; S . Tebbutt , J . D . ; Orlando Law , l . G ^; George Toller , P . Prov . G . S . W . 279 and P . M . 523 ; Clement Stretton , P . Prov . G . Wy P . M . 279 ; S . S . Partridge , Prov . G . Sec , W . M . 323 ; R . Waite ,
P . M . ; M . H . Lewin , J . W . 1330 ; J . Farndale , C . Gulden , J . Jessop , J . Bird of 279 ; E . Mason , Sec . 1391 ; and others . The lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The W . M . inaugurated his year of office by passing Bros . J . Farndale , J . Bird , and J . Jessop to the second degree . His very impressive and correct working evinced
to the brethren his thorough understanding and appreciation of the true nature and design of Freemasonry . The usual routine business having been concluded , the brethren partook of refreshment , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed in due order . OXFORD . —At'ot . i . o UNIVERSITY LODGE ( No . 337 ) . — The 56 th anniversary festival of this lodge was held on
Tuesday , 23 rd inst ., at 3 . 43 , for the installation of the W . M . elect , Bro . the Rev . H . A . Pickard . There were ten candidates for initiation , who were all admitted to the mysteries of Freemasonry by the retiring W . M ., Bro . F . P . Morrell , who thus brought to a close an eminently successful year of office . Bro . 11 . A . Pickard has been W . M . of the Apollo Lodge en two previous occasions , namely , in 185 ( 1 and
1837 . The installation was performed by Bro . W . B . Beach , M . P ., Prov . G . M . Hants and Isle of Wight , who had installed Bro . Pickard on two former occasions . Bro . Lord Skelmersdale , the Deputy G . M . of England , was also present . I le filled the office of I . G of the Apollo in Bro . Pickard's first year of Mastership . The other eminent Masons whom we noticed were Bros . Theodore M . Talbot ,
P . G . M . Western Division of South Wales ; E . J . Morris , Deputy G . M . Western Division of South Wales ; Colonel Adair , , 33 ° , P . Prov . G . M . Somerset ; It . J . Spiers , D . P . G . M . of Oxfordshire ; and Frederick Davison , Prov . G . S . VV . of Middlesex . There were a great many Provincial Grand Officers present , and a large attendance of the Craft . The W . M ., having been duly installed , proceeded lo appoint the
following officers , who were invested with the badges of their respective offices by Bro . Beach . Bros . F . P . Morrell , I . P . M . ; H . R . H . Prince Leopold , S . W . ( Bro . Williamson , P . G . Purst ., was invested as Deputy S . W . ); W . 11 . B . Fletcher , Prov . Grand Sec . Oxon , J . W . ; C . J . S . Spedding , Prov . Grand Steward , S . D . ; 11 . Paget , J . D . ; Col . the Hon . W . E . Sackville West , Prov . Grand Supt . of Works ,
Secretary ; J . E . C . Uodley , Junior Secretary ; Bird , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . W ., Treasurer ; S . Campbell , I . G . ; Lumsden , Glencross , Butter , and Davidson , M . C . 's ; Eversley , Gandell , and others , Stewards ; Norwood , Tyler . The lodge being closed in ample form , the brethren adjourned to a banquet , at which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and a very pleasant evening was spent .
SALISBURY LODGE ( NO . 433 ) . —A very pleasing addition to the usual routine of Masonic business took place at a meeting of the above lodge , held at the Cafe' Royal , Regent-street , Feb . ldth , by the presentation of a very handsome anil massive silver tea and coffee service to Bro . Stohwasser for his unremitting attention to the welfare of the lodge , . is shown by the following copy of a circular
sent to each member . " Dear Sir and Brother , —It is now twenty years since the Salisbury Lodge was removed from Enfield to London ; and as some of the present members may not be aware of the eminent services rendered to lhe lodge by the Treasurer , Bro . Stohwasser , P . M ., the present opportunity is thought a filling one to explain that Bro . Stohwasser advanced the means wherewith to purchase the
valuable furniture and jewels , from the W . M . and Officers of the lodge ( then held at Enfield ); his energy was however so great , and , in consequence thereof , the initiations and joining members increased so rapidly ( and therewith the necessary funds ) , that in a short time he was repaid his handsome loan . Since then he has continued a much beloved and valued Treasurer . He has never allowed the
lodge to get into debt ; always found a sufficient surplus to assist in a handsome manner the various Masonic Charities ; and invariably made it a rule to see that the banquet for the brethren was sumptuously provided . Bro . Stohwasser ' s subscriptions to Masonic and other charities are numerous , and his goodness of heart proverbial . It is therefore considered desirable to honour such a brother
with some substantial token of regard as some slight acknowledgment of his aid and valuable services , given solely for the benefit of the lodge . The brethren naving requested Bros . P . M . Rahles , Sachs , Rosenthal , and Hooper , Hon . Sec , lo net for them in this matter , they herewith invite the previous and present brethren of the Salisbury Lodge to ( ill up the enclosed list of subscriptions , and
return it to Bro . I . R . Sachs , 22 , I lytic I'ark Place , London , W ., who , having accepted the office of Treasurer to the Testimonial Fund , will duly acknowledge the same . " The W . M ., Bro . W . C . Phillips , officiated for the first lime , and initiated three brethren in a most praiseworthy manner , Bro . Koestcr , P . M ., assisting him by raising another brother . At tbe Innquet the W . M . handed his gavel to Bro . John Rallies . P . M ., who then , in a most telling speech ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
presented the testimonial to the recipient . Bro . Stohwasser was evidently much gratified , bul his feelings would not allow him to give utterance to what he wished to say , he therefore briefly returned his thanks . Bro . Rahles had a similar pleasing duty to perform some twenty years since , when Bro . Sachs , P . M ., was President of the German Society of Benevolence Bro . Sachs then got up a
testimonial to Bros . Khfteri-jergcT and Stohiv .-t . sscr for their unceasing endeavours , for many years , to alleviate the sufferings of poor Germans , which could not be done without great trouble and expense to themselves . The testimonials on that occasion consisted of a silver loving cup and salver each . The banquet for the Salisbury Lodge was excellent . Bro . W . Ganz , P . M . and G . O ., adding much to the effect
by his performance on the organ during the ceremony of raising , and afterwards on the pianoforte at the banquet . Bro . Stohwasser , jun ., sang the Entered Apprentices' Song , and another pleasing melody , in capital style . CARNARVON—SEGONTIUM LODGE ( NO . 606 ) . —The brethren of Ihis ancient lodge , following the example of the Denbigh Lodge members , entertained Bro . Horatio
Lloyd , the newly appointed judge of the Chester and North Wales County Courts , P . G . S . W . of the Province of Chester , at a banquet at Carnarvon , on Wednesday evening , the 1 ; th inst . After the lodge had been duly opened in the handsome room which has been fittcd ' up in the ancient Castle of Carnarvon for the purposes of the craft , the brethren and visitors adjourned to the Sportsman Hotel ,
where a large number sat down to a splendid banquet provided by Mr . Pugh . Bro . C . II . Rees , W . M ., presided , the attendance including visitors from the Chester Independent Lodge ( 721 ) , St . David ' s , Bangor ( 384 ) , Port Mailoc , and other lodges . After the loyal and Masonic toasts , the health of Bro . Lloyd was given , ' and responded to most enthusiastically . Our learned brother responded in an
eloquent manner . FILEY . —ROYAI . LODGE ( No . ( 143 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held at Foord's Hotel , on the Sth inst ., for the purpose of installing Bro . Samuel Ritumiugtoii as W . M . The Installing Alaster , Bro . George Hardy , P . M . 250 , P . Prov . G . S . D ., performed the ceremony in the most able and impressive manner , and his ability was the
theme of admiration to every member who had the privilege of listening to him . The ceremony having been performed , the newly-installed Master returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him , evidently showing the deep impression that the whole of the proceedings had made upon him , and promising to exert himself to the utmost in promoting the interests of the lodge , and of Masonry generally . He
then proceeded to appoint and invest his officers for the ensuing year as follows : Bros . W . Budd , S . W . ; It . Hopper , ' [ . \ V . ; " W . G . Long , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . B ., Treasurer ; II . A . Darley , Secretary ; J . Cocksworth , S . D . ; F . S pink , J . D . ; It . Milford Taylor , P . M ., Chaplain ; C . Scrivener , P . M . and II . Nelson , Stewards ; R . Dobson , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S ., D . C ; W . Fisher , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S ., I . G . j W . Jefferson ,
O . G . The above brethren having briefly returned thanks for Iheir appointments , and the newly-installed Master having most impressively pointed out to them the several onerous duties which they would have to perform , the very interesting ceremony was brought to a close , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet , first-rate in quality and profuse in quantity . The chair was occupied by Bro .
Rimmington , ' . W . M ., and the vice-chair by P . M . Bro . Fisher , each df'thep ) vicing with the other in the promotion of harmoiiyt ' and good feeling amongst the brethren . After the cloth " was- drawn , "The Queen and the Craft " was given from the chair ; next , " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales and the Royal Family , " both of which toasts were most loyally and warmly received . " Lords Carnarvon ,
Skelmersdale , and Zetland , ruling Officers of the Craft , " was the next toast , and which was much applauded . P . M . Bro . Long , P . Prov . G . S . B ., gave "The Health of Bro . Bell , Deputy Prov . G . M ., " which elicited a succession of hearty cheers from all present . " Bro . 1 lardy , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . D ., the Installing Master , " was given from the chair amid great applause , and that worthy Mason made a very
telling and effective speech in reply . Bro . Hardy gave " The health of the Worshipful Master , and prosperity to the Royal Lodge , " which was received with the greatest enth ' usiasm , and Bro . Rimmington returned thanks for himself and the members of the lodge in the most glowing terms . Many other toasts were drank and responded to , not forgetting that of "Host Welborn and his wife , for the
splendid banquet they had set before the brethren . " The whole proceedings of this most truly enjoyable meeting were such as will not readily be forgotten hy those who had the happiness of joining in them . LIVERPOOL . —EVERTON LODGE ( No . 823 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of litis prosperous lodge was held on Wednesday evening , the 19 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall ,
Hope-street , Liverpool . Bro . W . Cottrell , W . M ., presided , and his official and other supporters were : Bros . T . Shaw , S . W . ; VV . Wilson , J . W . ; W . J . Lunt , P . M . Treasurer ; f . Houlding , Secretary ; II . Ashmore , S . D . ; J . Goodman , ' j . D . ; | . Muir , Org . ; S . Milikin , I . G . ; J . S . Cuthbert , S . W . ; ' II . Ball , Tyler ; T . Ashmore , P . M . ; II . M . Molyneux , P . M . ; T . Bloomfield , E . 11 . Benedict , lt . W .
Gow , lt . Warrincr , | . Marsh , J . Hume , 11 . W . Oglesby , J . Beeslcy , | . VV . C . Browne , Cave , | . Boyle , VV . Nash , VV . Maddock , S . Roxburgh , J . Holden , II . Mall , F . Tuft , F . Calloway , F . II . Careful , G . Graham , VV . Jones , R . Leeson , C . Birch . il ) , T . Chuton , W . Ashmore , J . White , W . II . Allen , | . VV . Gatty , H . Thompson , J . I-awvcncc , D . Callon , VV . R . ' Gilchrist , E . II . Bryson , VV . G . Veale , VV . Summers ,
E . Morgan , T . Griffiths , J . A . Murray , C . E . kidd , A . Petinell , and VV . II . Home . The list ol visitors included the names of Bros . VV . Savage , 2 . ( 1 ; R . Carter , 249 ; J . Long , 394 ; J . II . White , 394 ; J . McCarthy , J . W . 1393 ; J . Parsons , P . M . 203 ; A . Bergman , 48 ; T . L . Jones , i . V ) . l \ " Hurdle , 1393 ; J . li . Cave , 1094 ; A . Barnard , 24 ( 1 ; lt . Brown , i . Vj ft ; M . Mart , Secretary 1502 ; T . Grayson , 249 ; G . H . Sharp , 249 ; and others . Five
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
candidates were initiated , and two passed to the degree of Fellow Craft by the W . M ., in a singularly able and effective manner , the subordinate work being admirably performed by the officers of the lodge . After several sums had been voted in charity , the brethren adjourned to the lodge room in the old building , when , after supper , the usual loyal , Masonic , and other toasts were cordially
given and heartily responded to . A very pleasant , brotherly evening was spent , music being again the leadin g feature of the Evertonians' social gathering . BURGOYNE LODGE ( No . 902 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , on Monday evening , 22 nd inst ., when Bro . Field was for the second time consecutivel y installed in the chair of K . S .,
to rule and govern the lodge fur another year . The ceremony was impressively performed by the I . P . M ., Bro . L . R . Rogers , who also gave the three accustomed addresses with emphatic ability . The lodge , however , did not restrict its working to the installation ceremony , Bro . Field , ever zealous in labour , contriving to find time to pass Bros . Benatar , Dunn , Lockwood , and Arnold , and to admit
to the light Messrs . Yates and Alaltby , The brethren also , on the motion of Bro . Rogers , I . P . M ., seconded b y Bro . Harve }' , P . M ., unanimously voted a sum of ten guineas from the lodge funds as a contribution to the list of Bro . Poynter , P . AI . and Treasurer , on the ensuing occasion of his serving the office of Steward at the forthcoming festival of the Girls' School . The officers invested by the
W . M . for the ensuing year are : —Bros . Rogers , I . P . AI . and Al . C ; Brooks , S . W . ; Jefferys , J . W . ; Poynter , Treas . ; Taylor , Sec ; Byng , S . D . ; Pocock , J . D . ; Haig , Steward ; Young , I . G . ; and Grant , Tyler . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , to which sixty-three brethren sat down , and which was provided , with his usual taste and ability , by Bro . Clemow ,
the proprietor of the hotel . Due justice having been done to the substantial part of the repast , the W . M ., who presided with his usual urbanity and cordiality , proposed the customary toasts , which were done due honour to , graceful allusion being made by the W . AI . to the recent loss our Pro Grand Alaster has sustained , whose health , in consequence , was drunk in reverential silence . In proposing the
health of the W . AI ., Bro . Rogers , I . P . AI ., alluded , in felicitous terms , to his well-deserved popularity , and the equal ability with which he filled the dual position "alow and aloft , " whether with exact finish and rhetorical art performing the ritual , or with heartiness and warmth welcoming brethren to the social board . When , with a few more suitable remarks , Bro . Rogers affixed to the W . AI . ' s breast
the very handsome jewel voted by the lodge , the vociferous applause of the brethren evinced how . thoroughly he had given expression to their sentiments . The W . M . replied in very eloquent terms , and proposed the health of the Installing and I . P . AI ., which was done due justice to , and warmly and suitably acknowledged as was also "The Health of the Initiates . " "The Health of the Visitors , " who were unusually
numerous , no less than twenty-five being present , was responded to by Bros , the Rev . P . M . Holden , M . A . ; Headon , W . AI . of the Great City Lodge ; Stevens , P . AI . ; and Worrill , P . AI . ; both of the latter lodge , and another brother whose name wc did not catch . The festive character of the proceedings of the " fourth degree" was considerably enhanced by the excellent songs and
recitations interspersed throughout the evening , and rendered with marked ability by the brethren , particular commendation—quite , indeed , amounting to a display of wild enthusiasm seldom evinced in a Alasons' assemblage , where the highest mark of applause consists of a very grave , decorous , and sober manifestation—was evoked by our reverend brother's recitation of Tennyson ' s well-known
" Charge of the Light Brigade , " and Alorris ' s almost unknown Alasonic poem , " We meet upon the Level and wc part upon the Square . " The former was given with a power and fire probably never before surpassed , eminent as have been the readers who have essayed this , perhaps , somewhat hackneyed , poem , a characteristic , however , which can never be applied to it when given by our
reverend brother . With respect to the Alasonic poem , suffice it to say that such was the exquisite beauty of its delivery that eyes unaccustomed to tears , and throats unused to throbbing , felt a suffusion and a convulsion seldom experienced in moments of convivial intercourse . Among the visitors present , ( and wc cannot pretend to enumerate all ) , in addition to those we have already referred to , we
observed : Bro . Slyman , W . AI . Prince Frederick William , 753 , and Athenteum , 1491 ; and Brocklcsby , the esteemed Secretary of the latter lodge and P . M . London , 108 ; Marsh , P . AI . Urban , 119 G ; Larlham , P . AI ., and numerous others . The lodge broke up in good time antl perfect harmony , after having spent a very delightful evening . STOCKTON . —LODGE OF PHILANTHROPY ( No . 940 ) . —
The celebration of tbe annual festival of the Lodgeof Philanthropy ( 940 ) of the Ancient Order of Free and Accepted Masons took place on Thursday , February 18 th , at the Freemasons' Hall , Wellington-street , Stockton . At two o'clock the brethren began to assemble , and shortly afterwards the lodge was opened . There was a large gathering of members and visitors . The chair was occupied by Bro .
A . S . l'owler , the retiring W . AI ., who was supported by the following Past Masters : —J . II . Jackson , Thomas Walton , J . II . Mann , VV . Best , J . Hunton , It . B . Ilapley , W . J . Watson , W . Nelson , A . C . Knowles , J . Trotter , G . Ellis . J . Bowron , Thomas Bowron , C . Naish ( VV . M . Tees Lodge ) , The following brethren were present "•—It . Ashton , G . E . Smirkc , Robert Headlam , P . Pescod , AI . V . Pearon , II .
Cuthbert , B . S . Lockwood , J . Thorman , VV . J . B . Caseley . W . VV . Wilson , J . 11 . Nightscales , E . W . Dickinson , John Young , VV . Simpson , Thomas Wilks , J . VV . Alose ' s , J . Bowman , A . I ley , D . Munro , C . Jordisou , VV . I . i gbtfoot , I , Scarth , J . Ellis , T . Watson , J . Sharp , J . F . Craggs , J . Rose . S . T . Stephenson , K . S . I topper , G . Hopper , J . Hill , J . Bootluoyd , S . Gordon , C . Iloggett , T . Preston , j . Hall , G . E . P ybus , I . Alston , — Smith , W , P . Banning , G . D .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
worth , and Mr . John Prince , of Staines . Bro . Tollcy prcs'dcd at the organ with his usual skill and ability . Thi manner in which he rendered Mendelssohn ' s " To Thee , O Lord , I yield my spirit , " created an impression not easily forgotten . The W . M . invested the V . W . D . P . G . M . as Hon . Chaplain of the lodge , a pleasure the W . M . was deprived ol on the previous—the installation—lodge meeting , as the
reverend brother was unable to bc present , owing to important duties connected with his sacred calling . After some routine business had been transacted , and a candidate for initiation proposed , the lodge closed iu perfect harmony . LEICESTER . —ST . J ' S LODGE ( NO . 279 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons '
Hall , Leicester , on Wednesday , February 3 rd . Present : — Bros . J . W . Smith , W . M . ; J . M . MacAllister , S . W . ; G . W . Statham , J . W . ; William Weare , P . M ., Treasurer ; Clement Edwin Stretton , Secretary ; S . Cleaver , S . D . ; S . Tebbutt , J . D . ; Orlando Law , l . G ^; George Toller , P . Prov . G . S . W . 279 and P . M . 523 ; Clement Stretton , P . Prov . G . Wy P . M . 279 ; S . S . Partridge , Prov . G . Sec , W . M . 323 ; R . Waite ,
P . M . ; M . H . Lewin , J . W . 1330 ; J . Farndale , C . Gulden , J . Jessop , J . Bird of 279 ; E . Mason , Sec . 1391 ; and others . The lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The W . M . inaugurated his year of office by passing Bros . J . Farndale , J . Bird , and J . Jessop to the second degree . His very impressive and correct working evinced
to the brethren his thorough understanding and appreciation of the true nature and design of Freemasonry . The usual routine business having been concluded , the brethren partook of refreshment , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed in due order . OXFORD . —At'ot . i . o UNIVERSITY LODGE ( No . 337 ) . — The 56 th anniversary festival of this lodge was held on
Tuesday , 23 rd inst ., at 3 . 43 , for the installation of the W . M . elect , Bro . the Rev . H . A . Pickard . There were ten candidates for initiation , who were all admitted to the mysteries of Freemasonry by the retiring W . M ., Bro . F . P . Morrell , who thus brought to a close an eminently successful year of office . Bro . 11 . A . Pickard has been W . M . of the Apollo Lodge en two previous occasions , namely , in 185 ( 1 and
1837 . The installation was performed by Bro . W . B . Beach , M . P ., Prov . G . M . Hants and Isle of Wight , who had installed Bro . Pickard on two former occasions . Bro . Lord Skelmersdale , the Deputy G . M . of England , was also present . I le filled the office of I . G of the Apollo in Bro . Pickard's first year of Mastership . The other eminent Masons whom we noticed were Bros . Theodore M . Talbot ,
P . G . M . Western Division of South Wales ; E . J . Morris , Deputy G . M . Western Division of South Wales ; Colonel Adair , , 33 ° , P . Prov . G . M . Somerset ; It . J . Spiers , D . P . G . M . of Oxfordshire ; and Frederick Davison , Prov . G . S . VV . of Middlesex . There were a great many Provincial Grand Officers present , and a large attendance of the Craft . The W . M ., having been duly installed , proceeded lo appoint the
following officers , who were invested with the badges of their respective offices by Bro . Beach . Bros . F . P . Morrell , I . P . M . ; H . R . H . Prince Leopold , S . W . ( Bro . Williamson , P . G . Purst ., was invested as Deputy S . W . ); W . 11 . B . Fletcher , Prov . Grand Sec . Oxon , J . W . ; C . J . S . Spedding , Prov . Grand Steward , S . D . ; 11 . Paget , J . D . ; Col . the Hon . W . E . Sackville West , Prov . Grand Supt . of Works ,
Secretary ; J . E . C . Uodley , Junior Secretary ; Bird , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . W ., Treasurer ; S . Campbell , I . G . ; Lumsden , Glencross , Butter , and Davidson , M . C . 's ; Eversley , Gandell , and others , Stewards ; Norwood , Tyler . The lodge being closed in ample form , the brethren adjourned to a banquet , at which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and a very pleasant evening was spent .
SALISBURY LODGE ( NO . 433 ) . —A very pleasing addition to the usual routine of Masonic business took place at a meeting of the above lodge , held at the Cafe' Royal , Regent-street , Feb . ldth , by the presentation of a very handsome anil massive silver tea and coffee service to Bro . Stohwasser for his unremitting attention to the welfare of the lodge , . is shown by the following copy of a circular
sent to each member . " Dear Sir and Brother , —It is now twenty years since the Salisbury Lodge was removed from Enfield to London ; and as some of the present members may not be aware of the eminent services rendered to lhe lodge by the Treasurer , Bro . Stohwasser , P . M ., the present opportunity is thought a filling one to explain that Bro . Stohwasser advanced the means wherewith to purchase the
valuable furniture and jewels , from the W . M . and Officers of the lodge ( then held at Enfield ); his energy was however so great , and , in consequence thereof , the initiations and joining members increased so rapidly ( and therewith the necessary funds ) , that in a short time he was repaid his handsome loan . Since then he has continued a much beloved and valued Treasurer . He has never allowed the
lodge to get into debt ; always found a sufficient surplus to assist in a handsome manner the various Masonic Charities ; and invariably made it a rule to see that the banquet for the brethren was sumptuously provided . Bro . Stohwasser ' s subscriptions to Masonic and other charities are numerous , and his goodness of heart proverbial . It is therefore considered desirable to honour such a brother
with some substantial token of regard as some slight acknowledgment of his aid and valuable services , given solely for the benefit of the lodge . The brethren naving requested Bros . P . M . Rahles , Sachs , Rosenthal , and Hooper , Hon . Sec , lo net for them in this matter , they herewith invite the previous and present brethren of the Salisbury Lodge to ( ill up the enclosed list of subscriptions , and
return it to Bro . I . R . Sachs , 22 , I lytic I'ark Place , London , W ., who , having accepted the office of Treasurer to the Testimonial Fund , will duly acknowledge the same . " The W . M ., Bro . W . C . Phillips , officiated for the first lime , and initiated three brethren in a most praiseworthy manner , Bro . Koestcr , P . M ., assisting him by raising another brother . At tbe Innquet the W . M . handed his gavel to Bro . John Rallies . P . M ., who then , in a most telling speech ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
presented the testimonial to the recipient . Bro . Stohwasser was evidently much gratified , bul his feelings would not allow him to give utterance to what he wished to say , he therefore briefly returned his thanks . Bro . Rahles had a similar pleasing duty to perform some twenty years since , when Bro . Sachs , P . M ., was President of the German Society of Benevolence Bro . Sachs then got up a
testimonial to Bros . Khfteri-jergcT and Stohiv .-t . sscr for their unceasing endeavours , for many years , to alleviate the sufferings of poor Germans , which could not be done without great trouble and expense to themselves . The testimonials on that occasion consisted of a silver loving cup and salver each . The banquet for the Salisbury Lodge was excellent . Bro . W . Ganz , P . M . and G . O ., adding much to the effect
by his performance on the organ during the ceremony of raising , and afterwards on the pianoforte at the banquet . Bro . Stohwasser , jun ., sang the Entered Apprentices' Song , and another pleasing melody , in capital style . CARNARVON—SEGONTIUM LODGE ( NO . 606 ) . —The brethren of Ihis ancient lodge , following the example of the Denbigh Lodge members , entertained Bro . Horatio
Lloyd , the newly appointed judge of the Chester and North Wales County Courts , P . G . S . W . of the Province of Chester , at a banquet at Carnarvon , on Wednesday evening , the 1 ; th inst . After the lodge had been duly opened in the handsome room which has been fittcd ' up in the ancient Castle of Carnarvon for the purposes of the craft , the brethren and visitors adjourned to the Sportsman Hotel ,
where a large number sat down to a splendid banquet provided by Mr . Pugh . Bro . C . II . Rees , W . M ., presided , the attendance including visitors from the Chester Independent Lodge ( 721 ) , St . David ' s , Bangor ( 384 ) , Port Mailoc , and other lodges . After the loyal and Masonic toasts , the health of Bro . Lloyd was given , ' and responded to most enthusiastically . Our learned brother responded in an
eloquent manner . FILEY . —ROYAI . LODGE ( No . ( 143 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held at Foord's Hotel , on the Sth inst ., for the purpose of installing Bro . Samuel Ritumiugtoii as W . M . The Installing Alaster , Bro . George Hardy , P . M . 250 , P . Prov . G . S . D ., performed the ceremony in the most able and impressive manner , and his ability was the
theme of admiration to every member who had the privilege of listening to him . The ceremony having been performed , the newly-installed Master returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him , evidently showing the deep impression that the whole of the proceedings had made upon him , and promising to exert himself to the utmost in promoting the interests of the lodge , and of Masonry generally . He
then proceeded to appoint and invest his officers for the ensuing year as follows : Bros . W . Budd , S . W . ; It . Hopper , ' [ . \ V . ; " W . G . Long , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . B ., Treasurer ; II . A . Darley , Secretary ; J . Cocksworth , S . D . ; F . S pink , J . D . ; It . Milford Taylor , P . M ., Chaplain ; C . Scrivener , P . M . and II . Nelson , Stewards ; R . Dobson , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S ., D . C ; W . Fisher , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S ., I . G . j W . Jefferson ,
O . G . The above brethren having briefly returned thanks for Iheir appointments , and the newly-installed Master having most impressively pointed out to them the several onerous duties which they would have to perform , the very interesting ceremony was brought to a close , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet , first-rate in quality and profuse in quantity . The chair was occupied by Bro .
Rimmington , ' . W . M ., and the vice-chair by P . M . Bro . Fisher , each df'thep ) vicing with the other in the promotion of harmoiiyt ' and good feeling amongst the brethren . After the cloth " was- drawn , "The Queen and the Craft " was given from the chair ; next , " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales and the Royal Family , " both of which toasts were most loyally and warmly received . " Lords Carnarvon ,
Skelmersdale , and Zetland , ruling Officers of the Craft , " was the next toast , and which was much applauded . P . M . Bro . Long , P . Prov . G . S . B ., gave "The Health of Bro . Bell , Deputy Prov . G . M ., " which elicited a succession of hearty cheers from all present . " Bro . 1 lardy , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . D ., the Installing Master , " was given from the chair amid great applause , and that worthy Mason made a very
telling and effective speech in reply . Bro . Hardy gave " The health of the Worshipful Master , and prosperity to the Royal Lodge , " which was received with the greatest enth ' usiasm , and Bro . Rimmington returned thanks for himself and the members of the lodge in the most glowing terms . Many other toasts were drank and responded to , not forgetting that of "Host Welborn and his wife , for the
splendid banquet they had set before the brethren . " The whole proceedings of this most truly enjoyable meeting were such as will not readily be forgotten hy those who had the happiness of joining in them . LIVERPOOL . —EVERTON LODGE ( No . 823 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of litis prosperous lodge was held on Wednesday evening , the 19 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall ,
Hope-street , Liverpool . Bro . W . Cottrell , W . M ., presided , and his official and other supporters were : Bros . T . Shaw , S . W . ; VV . Wilson , J . W . ; W . J . Lunt , P . M . Treasurer ; f . Houlding , Secretary ; II . Ashmore , S . D . ; J . Goodman , ' j . D . ; | . Muir , Org . ; S . Milikin , I . G . ; J . S . Cuthbert , S . W . ; ' II . Ball , Tyler ; T . Ashmore , P . M . ; II . M . Molyneux , P . M . ; T . Bloomfield , E . 11 . Benedict , lt . W .
Gow , lt . Warrincr , | . Marsh , J . Hume , 11 . W . Oglesby , J . Beeslcy , | . VV . C . Browne , Cave , | . Boyle , VV . Nash , VV . Maddock , S . Roxburgh , J . Holden , II . Mall , F . Tuft , F . Calloway , F . II . Careful , G . Graham , VV . Jones , R . Leeson , C . Birch . il ) , T . Chuton , W . Ashmore , J . White , W . II . Allen , | . VV . Gatty , H . Thompson , J . I-awvcncc , D . Callon , VV . R . ' Gilchrist , E . II . Bryson , VV . G . Veale , VV . Summers ,
E . Morgan , T . Griffiths , J . A . Murray , C . E . kidd , A . Petinell , and VV . II . Home . The list ol visitors included the names of Bros . VV . Savage , 2 . ( 1 ; R . Carter , 249 ; J . Long , 394 ; J . II . White , 394 ; J . McCarthy , J . W . 1393 ; J . Parsons , P . M . 203 ; A . Bergman , 48 ; T . L . Jones , i . V ) . l \ " Hurdle , 1393 ; J . li . Cave , 1094 ; A . Barnard , 24 ( 1 ; lt . Brown , i . Vj ft ; M . Mart , Secretary 1502 ; T . Grayson , 249 ; G . H . Sharp , 249 ; and others . Five
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
candidates were initiated , and two passed to the degree of Fellow Craft by the W . M ., in a singularly able and effective manner , the subordinate work being admirably performed by the officers of the lodge . After several sums had been voted in charity , the brethren adjourned to the lodge room in the old building , when , after supper , the usual loyal , Masonic , and other toasts were cordially
given and heartily responded to . A very pleasant , brotherly evening was spent , music being again the leadin g feature of the Evertonians' social gathering . BURGOYNE LODGE ( No . 902 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , on Monday evening , 22 nd inst ., when Bro . Field was for the second time consecutivel y installed in the chair of K . S .,
to rule and govern the lodge fur another year . The ceremony was impressively performed by the I . P . M ., Bro . L . R . Rogers , who also gave the three accustomed addresses with emphatic ability . The lodge , however , did not restrict its working to the installation ceremony , Bro . Field , ever zealous in labour , contriving to find time to pass Bros . Benatar , Dunn , Lockwood , and Arnold , and to admit
to the light Messrs . Yates and Alaltby , The brethren also , on the motion of Bro . Rogers , I . P . M ., seconded b y Bro . Harve }' , P . M ., unanimously voted a sum of ten guineas from the lodge funds as a contribution to the list of Bro . Poynter , P . AI . and Treasurer , on the ensuing occasion of his serving the office of Steward at the forthcoming festival of the Girls' School . The officers invested by the
W . M . for the ensuing year are : —Bros . Rogers , I . P . AI . and Al . C ; Brooks , S . W . ; Jefferys , J . W . ; Poynter , Treas . ; Taylor , Sec ; Byng , S . D . ; Pocock , J . D . ; Haig , Steward ; Young , I . G . ; and Grant , Tyler . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , to which sixty-three brethren sat down , and which was provided , with his usual taste and ability , by Bro . Clemow ,
the proprietor of the hotel . Due justice having been done to the substantial part of the repast , the W . M ., who presided with his usual urbanity and cordiality , proposed the customary toasts , which were done due honour to , graceful allusion being made by the W . AI . to the recent loss our Pro Grand Alaster has sustained , whose health , in consequence , was drunk in reverential silence . In proposing the
health of the W . AI ., Bro . Rogers , I . P . AI ., alluded , in felicitous terms , to his well-deserved popularity , and the equal ability with which he filled the dual position "alow and aloft , " whether with exact finish and rhetorical art performing the ritual , or with heartiness and warmth welcoming brethren to the social board . When , with a few more suitable remarks , Bro . Rogers affixed to the W . AI . ' s breast
the very handsome jewel voted by the lodge , the vociferous applause of the brethren evinced how . thoroughly he had given expression to their sentiments . The W . M . replied in very eloquent terms , and proposed the health of the Installing and I . P . AI ., which was done due justice to , and warmly and suitably acknowledged as was also "The Health of the Initiates . " "The Health of the Visitors , " who were unusually
numerous , no less than twenty-five being present , was responded to by Bros , the Rev . P . M . Holden , M . A . ; Headon , W . AI . of the Great City Lodge ; Stevens , P . AI . ; and Worrill , P . AI . ; both of the latter lodge , and another brother whose name wc did not catch . The festive character of the proceedings of the " fourth degree" was considerably enhanced by the excellent songs and
recitations interspersed throughout the evening , and rendered with marked ability by the brethren , particular commendation—quite , indeed , amounting to a display of wild enthusiasm seldom evinced in a Alasons' assemblage , where the highest mark of applause consists of a very grave , decorous , and sober manifestation—was evoked by our reverend brother's recitation of Tennyson ' s well-known
" Charge of the Light Brigade , " and Alorris ' s almost unknown Alasonic poem , " We meet upon the Level and wc part upon the Square . " The former was given with a power and fire probably never before surpassed , eminent as have been the readers who have essayed this , perhaps , somewhat hackneyed , poem , a characteristic , however , which can never be applied to it when given by our
reverend brother . With respect to the Alasonic poem , suffice it to say that such was the exquisite beauty of its delivery that eyes unaccustomed to tears , and throats unused to throbbing , felt a suffusion and a convulsion seldom experienced in moments of convivial intercourse . Among the visitors present , ( and wc cannot pretend to enumerate all ) , in addition to those we have already referred to , we
observed : Bro . Slyman , W . AI . Prince Frederick William , 753 , and Athenteum , 1491 ; and Brocklcsby , the esteemed Secretary of the latter lodge and P . M . London , 108 ; Marsh , P . AI . Urban , 119 G ; Larlham , P . AI ., and numerous others . The lodge broke up in good time antl perfect harmony , after having spent a very delightful evening . STOCKTON . —LODGE OF PHILANTHROPY ( No . 940 ) . —
The celebration of tbe annual festival of the Lodgeof Philanthropy ( 940 ) of the Ancient Order of Free and Accepted Masons took place on Thursday , February 18 th , at the Freemasons' Hall , Wellington-street , Stockton . At two o'clock the brethren began to assemble , and shortly afterwards the lodge was opened . There was a large gathering of members and visitors . The chair was occupied by Bro .
A . S . l'owler , the retiring W . AI ., who was supported by the following Past Masters : —J . II . Jackson , Thomas Walton , J . II . Mann , VV . Best , J . Hunton , It . B . Ilapley , W . J . Watson , W . Nelson , A . C . Knowles , J . Trotter , G . Ellis . J . Bowron , Thomas Bowron , C . Naish ( VV . M . Tees Lodge ) , The following brethren were present "•—It . Ashton , G . E . Smirkc , Robert Headlam , P . Pescod , AI . V . Pearon , II .
Cuthbert , B . S . Lockwood , J . Thorman , VV . J . B . Caseley . W . VV . Wilson , J . 11 . Nightscales , E . W . Dickinson , John Young , VV . Simpson , Thomas Wilks , J . VV . Alose ' s , J . Bowman , A . I ley , D . Munro , C . Jordisou , VV . I . i gbtfoot , I , Scarth , J . Ellis , T . Watson , J . Sharp , J . F . Craggs , J . Rose . S . T . Stephenson , K . S . I topper , G . Hopper , J . Hill , J . Bootluoyd , S . Gordon , C . Iloggett , T . Preston , j . Hall , G . E . P ybus , I . Alston , — Smith , W , P . Banning , G . D .