Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar ← Page 3 of 3 Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar Page 3 of 3 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
At a meeting of the Waltham Abbey , Lodge , No . 2730 , Wor . Bro . Jas . Graham , P . P . D . G . D . C . Essex , P . P . S . G D . Middlesex , who has recently been appointed Grand Pursuivant , was presented with his Grand Lodge clothing and Past rank jewel . The W . M . ( Wor . Bro . Geo . S . Richards , P . M . and
W . M . 1707 ) , in making the presentation , said that the difficulty had been not as to whether a presentation should be made , but who was to have the honour of making it . Wor . Bro . Graham was connected with many loclges , and they all appeared to want a finger in the pie . He was pleased ,
however , that the lot had fallen on Waltham Abbey , leaving it to be supplemented by other loclges with which Bro . Graham was associated .
None among the recently appointed Grand Officers had done more and very few as much for Masonry as Bro . Graham , who was at the present time a subscribing member of six lodges , in five of which he had passed the chair . He was also a founder and first S . W . of that lodge , as well as
a founder of the White Rose of York and of the chapter attached to that lodge . They should not forget also that he was one of the founders and first Master of the Cheshunt
Lodge , and the promoter of the St . James' Lodge of Instruction . He was also the Secretary and was the prime mover in instituting the Enfield and District Masonic Charitable Association attached to that lodge of instruction , and had served no less than eighteen Stewardships . In the Royal Arch and other degrees he had also been an active
worker . In making this presentation they joined their hearty congratulations upon his appointment , with a sincere wish that the G . A . of the U . would spare him many years to enjoy his preferment and to continue the good work he had so nobly done in the past .
Bro . Graham thanked the brethren for their valuable present , remarking that he received the notification that the Most Worshipful Grand Master had been pleased to appoint him Grand Pursuivant in Grand Lodge with the greatest gratification . He was deeply conscious of their
kindness and generosity and highly appreciated their valuable gift , and concluded a feeling and appropriate speech by thanking the brethren again most sincerely for their great kindness and brotherly affection .
© © © We recently came across a curious correspondence that was published in the Indian Masonic Review some seven years ago referring incidentally to the question of Masonic publication , which is just now exercising the minds of so many brethren . The correspondence in question was more than
thirty years old , and it was between the District Grand Secretary of the Craft and the Knights Templar authorities . The first few letters were concerned with matters of etiquette , as the V . E . Preceptor of the Templars declined to be addressed by any one but the
District Grand Master himself , but all these delicate questions happily settled , it appeared that the editor of a local Masonic journal had incurred censure and been suspended from all Masonic functions , but continued to publish his journal in the interests of the Mark , the Templars ,
and others . Therefore it was requested that these respective Masonic bodies would fall into line and extend the sentence of suspension , a request which they all declined to accede to .
© © © We take the following from the Masonic notes of the Manchester Courier : — " Yet another case of Masonic imposture , and again the culprit has been brought to book by Bro . J . W . Pownall , of Ashton-under-Lyne , whose work in this direction should have been an example for organised effort
in this particular department . That there is need for it is patent when it is considered that 300 or 400 of these wastrels are going about the country imposing on the charitably disposed of the Craft . It has always been evident to the writer that far too little inquiry has been made in these cases
where temporary relief has been given . If relief is given , it should be with permanency in view , otherwise more harm than good is done . In the latter connection , however , we should see the other side of the shield . Three or four years
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
ago money was advanced to an emigrant who had fallen on troublous times . He succeeded so well in the land of his adoption that the committee who made the advance have had the amount refunded , together with an addition for certain charities . We cannot give names or dates , but it is satisfactory to know that in one instance , at least , the means have justified the end in this direction . "
© © © We congratulate our esteemed brother of the pen , John Ross Robertson , Past Grand Master of Canada and Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of England , who is now on a visit to this country , on being the recipient of yet another Masonic honour . Less than two years ago our
Royal Grand Master , in recognition of his Masonic benevolence and of his services to the Craft in general , was pleased to bestow upon him the exalted rank of Past Grand Warden of England . At the meeting of the Lodge Quatuor Coronati in May last , his literary labours and abilities received
formal acknowledgment by his election to the highly valued distinction of the Inner Circle , and now we learn that at the last meeting of the Lodge of Edinburgh ( Mary ' s Chapel ) , No . 1 , on the motion of the veteran Past Master , Dr . George Dickson , our worthy confrere was elected to honorary
membership of that venerable lodge which , four years ago , celebrated the tercentenary of its written records . Long may he flourish !
© © © NEW STEAMSHIP SERVICE FROM THE THAMES TO DEAL AND DOVER AND BACK IN A DAY . — Sunday , the 26 th June , brought with it a new feature for sea trippers—for the New Palace Steamers , on that day , inaugurated a fresh service from Tilbury to Deal and Dover in a day with their
fine Palace Steamer " Koh-i-noor . "—Special trains now run in connection with these sailings from Fenchurch Street Station and St . Pancras Station , calling at intermediate stations to pick up suburban passengers , who can thus make the trip from their own districts . A more delightful trip
than this would be hard to find . The coast scenery from Margate and Ramsgate to Deal and Dover and back is sure to be greatly appreciated , and sufficient time will be allowed on shore at Deal and Dover to view the places of interest with which both these places abound . The New Palace
Steamers' special Husband's boat to Margate , Saturday afternoons , will commence running on 2 nd July , and special trains will run in connection with this boat from Fenchurch
Street at 3 . 25 p . m ., and St . Pancras at 2 . 30 p . m ., and a tender , the " Mermaid , " will leave Old Swan Pier , London Bridge , at 1 . 50 p . m . to connect with the " Koh-i-noor" at Tilbury at 4 p . m .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF SURREY . THE HONOURABLE MR . JUSTICE BUCKNILL , P . Q . W ., R . W . Provincial Grand Master . July , 1904 . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at THE ASSEMBLYROOMS , SURWTON , on Saturday , the 16 th clay of J , 1904 , at 4 . 30 p . m . precisely . By command . CHARLES T . TYLER , P . M ., P . A . G . D . C , Prov . Grand Secretary . N . B . —Morning Dress . 2 , Bank Buildings , Woking . Banquet at 6 p . m . punctually at the ASSEMBLY ROOMS , SURBITON . N . B . —Banquet will be provided for those only who have taken tickets ( price 5 s . exclusive of wine ) , for which application must be made to the Asst . P . O . Sec , W . Bro . W . A . LATHAM , at 179 , Blackfriars Road , S . E ., before 9 th July .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
At a meeting of the Waltham Abbey , Lodge , No . 2730 , Wor . Bro . Jas . Graham , P . P . D . G . D . C . Essex , P . P . S . G D . Middlesex , who has recently been appointed Grand Pursuivant , was presented with his Grand Lodge clothing and Past rank jewel . The W . M . ( Wor . Bro . Geo . S . Richards , P . M . and
W . M . 1707 ) , in making the presentation , said that the difficulty had been not as to whether a presentation should be made , but who was to have the honour of making it . Wor . Bro . Graham was connected with many loclges , and they all appeared to want a finger in the pie . He was pleased ,
however , that the lot had fallen on Waltham Abbey , leaving it to be supplemented by other loclges with which Bro . Graham was associated .
None among the recently appointed Grand Officers had done more and very few as much for Masonry as Bro . Graham , who was at the present time a subscribing member of six lodges , in five of which he had passed the chair . He was also a founder and first S . W . of that lodge , as well as
a founder of the White Rose of York and of the chapter attached to that lodge . They should not forget also that he was one of the founders and first Master of the Cheshunt
Lodge , and the promoter of the St . James' Lodge of Instruction . He was also the Secretary and was the prime mover in instituting the Enfield and District Masonic Charitable Association attached to that lodge of instruction , and had served no less than eighteen Stewardships . In the Royal Arch and other degrees he had also been an active
worker . In making this presentation they joined their hearty congratulations upon his appointment , with a sincere wish that the G . A . of the U . would spare him many years to enjoy his preferment and to continue the good work he had so nobly done in the past .
Bro . Graham thanked the brethren for their valuable present , remarking that he received the notification that the Most Worshipful Grand Master had been pleased to appoint him Grand Pursuivant in Grand Lodge with the greatest gratification . He was deeply conscious of their
kindness and generosity and highly appreciated their valuable gift , and concluded a feeling and appropriate speech by thanking the brethren again most sincerely for their great kindness and brotherly affection .
© © © We recently came across a curious correspondence that was published in the Indian Masonic Review some seven years ago referring incidentally to the question of Masonic publication , which is just now exercising the minds of so many brethren . The correspondence in question was more than
thirty years old , and it was between the District Grand Secretary of the Craft and the Knights Templar authorities . The first few letters were concerned with matters of etiquette , as the V . E . Preceptor of the Templars declined to be addressed by any one but the
District Grand Master himself , but all these delicate questions happily settled , it appeared that the editor of a local Masonic journal had incurred censure and been suspended from all Masonic functions , but continued to publish his journal in the interests of the Mark , the Templars ,
and others . Therefore it was requested that these respective Masonic bodies would fall into line and extend the sentence of suspension , a request which they all declined to accede to .
© © © We take the following from the Masonic notes of the Manchester Courier : — " Yet another case of Masonic imposture , and again the culprit has been brought to book by Bro . J . W . Pownall , of Ashton-under-Lyne , whose work in this direction should have been an example for organised effort
in this particular department . That there is need for it is patent when it is considered that 300 or 400 of these wastrels are going about the country imposing on the charitably disposed of the Craft . It has always been evident to the writer that far too little inquiry has been made in these cases
where temporary relief has been given . If relief is given , it should be with permanency in view , otherwise more harm than good is done . In the latter connection , however , we should see the other side of the shield . Three or four years
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
ago money was advanced to an emigrant who had fallen on troublous times . He succeeded so well in the land of his adoption that the committee who made the advance have had the amount refunded , together with an addition for certain charities . We cannot give names or dates , but it is satisfactory to know that in one instance , at least , the means have justified the end in this direction . "
© © © We congratulate our esteemed brother of the pen , John Ross Robertson , Past Grand Master of Canada and Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of England , who is now on a visit to this country , on being the recipient of yet another Masonic honour . Less than two years ago our
Royal Grand Master , in recognition of his Masonic benevolence and of his services to the Craft in general , was pleased to bestow upon him the exalted rank of Past Grand Warden of England . At the meeting of the Lodge Quatuor Coronati in May last , his literary labours and abilities received
formal acknowledgment by his election to the highly valued distinction of the Inner Circle , and now we learn that at the last meeting of the Lodge of Edinburgh ( Mary ' s Chapel ) , No . 1 , on the motion of the veteran Past Master , Dr . George Dickson , our worthy confrere was elected to honorary
membership of that venerable lodge which , four years ago , celebrated the tercentenary of its written records . Long may he flourish !
© © © NEW STEAMSHIP SERVICE FROM THE THAMES TO DEAL AND DOVER AND BACK IN A DAY . — Sunday , the 26 th June , brought with it a new feature for sea trippers—for the New Palace Steamers , on that day , inaugurated a fresh service from Tilbury to Deal and Dover in a day with their
fine Palace Steamer " Koh-i-noor . "—Special trains now run in connection with these sailings from Fenchurch Street Station and St . Pancras Station , calling at intermediate stations to pick up suburban passengers , who can thus make the trip from their own districts . A more delightful trip
than this would be hard to find . The coast scenery from Margate and Ramsgate to Deal and Dover and back is sure to be greatly appreciated , and sufficient time will be allowed on shore at Deal and Dover to view the places of interest with which both these places abound . The New Palace
Steamers' special Husband's boat to Margate , Saturday afternoons , will commence running on 2 nd July , and special trains will run in connection with this boat from Fenchurch
Street at 3 . 25 p . m ., and St . Pancras at 2 . 30 p . m ., and a tender , the " Mermaid , " will leave Old Swan Pier , London Bridge , at 1 . 50 p . m . to connect with the " Koh-i-noor" at Tilbury at 4 p . m .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF SURREY . THE HONOURABLE MR . JUSTICE BUCKNILL , P . Q . W ., R . W . Provincial Grand Master . July , 1904 . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at THE ASSEMBLYROOMS , SURWTON , on Saturday , the 16 th clay of J , 1904 , at 4 . 30 p . m . precisely . By command . CHARLES T . TYLER , P . M ., P . A . G . D . C , Prov . Grand Secretary . N . B . —Morning Dress . 2 , Bank Buildings , Woking . Banquet at 6 p . m . punctually at the ASSEMBLY ROOMS , SURBITON . N . B . —Banquet will be provided for those only who have taken tickets ( price 5 s . exclusive of wine ) , for which application must be made to the Asst . P . O . Sec , W . Bro . W . A . LATHAM , at 179 , Blackfriars Road , S . E ., before 9 th July .