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Killarney Lodge, No. 360 (T.C.), Cape Town.
Killarney Lodge , No . 360 ( T . C . ) , Cape Town .
IT was under the very happiest circumstances that the above lodge was born into the Masonic world . Several brethren resident in the city who had come from temperance lodges in other places set themselves a few months ago to form a lodge in Cape Town , the distinctive feature of which should be total abstinence from alcoholic
drinks . The movement was popular from the outset . Many Masons standing high in the social , commercial , and civil life of Cape Town gladly signed their names as founders . The petition which was sent to Ireland praying for a charter contained forty names . In due course the charter was granted . December 7 th was the date arranged for the consecration of the lodge and the installation of the
first officers . W . Bro . Dr . Kendal Franks , C . B ., of Johannesburg , had very kindly consented to perform the ceremony of consecration and to instal the Master elect , but was unfortunately prevented through illness . At the request of the Grand Lodge of Ireland the officers of the District Grand Lodge of the Western Province of Cape
Colony , E . C ., acted in his stead . Those who were privileged to be present at the consecration of the lodge will not , soon forget the impressive and instructive manner in which the work was performed by the District Grand Master , Right Worshipful Bro . the Rev . Charles Barnett-Clark , Dean of Cape Town , and his Grand Lodge Officers . After the consecration of the lodge the Master elect , Rev . Gerald
11 9 & 120 , BISHOPSGATE STREET WITHIN , B . C ., and 28 , BEDFORD STREET , CHARING CROSS , LONDON , W . C ( ESTABLISHED 1870 ) . Assets , . £ 597 , 790 . Liabilities , . £ 285 , 680 . Reserve , £ 312 , 110
Loans of , £ 50 to £ 5 , 000 made on any class of security . Two and a-ha'f par cent , interest allowed on Current Accounts . Deposits of £ 10 and upwards received as under : — 5 per cent , per annum , subject lo 3 months' notice of withdrawal .
6 » .. > . 0 7 !•>
Special terms for longer periods . 1 uterest paid Quarterly . The Terminable Deposit Bonds pay nearly !) per cent ., and are a safe investment . Write or call for Prospectus . br ^ r *}^™*™^
-. . THE . . . . —— —
Again , and Again , and Again . Again we ask you lo drink Vi-Cocoa . Dr . Tibbies' Vi-Cocoa is neither a medicine nor a mere thirst-assuager . It is a food at the same time that it is a beverage , unil thus answers a double purpose in the building up of the human const tint inn . You ran try it free of expense . Merit alone is what Is claimed for Dr . Tibbies * VIC ' oeoa , and the Proprietors are prepared to send to any leader who names this Journal a dainty sample tin of Dr . Tibbies'Vi-Cocoa free and post paid , upon receipt of a postcard ( o the Head Olliee , 60 , Ihiuhill Jioad , London , E . G . ; or you tan purchase a 6 d . packet or 9 d . or Is . 6 d . tin from any grocer or stores . Vi-Cocoa is the cheapest and best food beverage in the world . Better than Money in the Savings Bank . The working man to-day gives more attention to the food lie lias to cat than his forefathers gave , as he realises Ids health—his bank—depends very largely upon the properties of what he eats and drinks . It follows , then , that the popular article of food is that which is easy to digest ; but more popular still are preparations which are found to aid and strengthen the digestive organs , and also to act as an cuerglser for the whole system . Dr . Tibbies' Vi-Cocoa is such a food . It places a means in the hands of everyone to build up and maintain a sound constitution , which enables its possessor to travel his life ' s journey without the aches and pains which are in many cases preventable . Thus we come round again to sound common sense based on experience .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Killarney Lodge, No. 360 (T.C.), Cape Town.
Killarney Lodge , No . 360 ( T . C . ) , Cape Town .
IT was under the very happiest circumstances that the above lodge was born into the Masonic world . Several brethren resident in the city who had come from temperance lodges in other places set themselves a few months ago to form a lodge in Cape Town , the distinctive feature of which should be total abstinence from alcoholic
drinks . The movement was popular from the outset . Many Masons standing high in the social , commercial , and civil life of Cape Town gladly signed their names as founders . The petition which was sent to Ireland praying for a charter contained forty names . In due course the charter was granted . December 7 th was the date arranged for the consecration of the lodge and the installation of the
first officers . W . Bro . Dr . Kendal Franks , C . B ., of Johannesburg , had very kindly consented to perform the ceremony of consecration and to instal the Master elect , but was unfortunately prevented through illness . At the request of the Grand Lodge of Ireland the officers of the District Grand Lodge of the Western Province of Cape
Colony , E . C ., acted in his stead . Those who were privileged to be present at the consecration of the lodge will not , soon forget the impressive and instructive manner in which the work was performed by the District Grand Master , Right Worshipful Bro . the Rev . Charles Barnett-Clark , Dean of Cape Town , and his Grand Lodge Officers . After the consecration of the lodge the Master elect , Rev . Gerald
11 9 & 120 , BISHOPSGATE STREET WITHIN , B . C ., and 28 , BEDFORD STREET , CHARING CROSS , LONDON , W . C ( ESTABLISHED 1870 ) . Assets , . £ 597 , 790 . Liabilities , . £ 285 , 680 . Reserve , £ 312 , 110
Loans of , £ 50 to £ 5 , 000 made on any class of security . Two and a-ha'f par cent , interest allowed on Current Accounts . Deposits of £ 10 and upwards received as under : — 5 per cent , per annum , subject lo 3 months' notice of withdrawal .
6 » .. > . 0 7 !•>
Special terms for longer periods . 1 uterest paid Quarterly . The Terminable Deposit Bonds pay nearly !) per cent ., and are a safe investment . Write or call for Prospectus . br ^ r *}^™*™^
-. . THE . . . . —— —
Again , and Again , and Again . Again we ask you lo drink Vi-Cocoa . Dr . Tibbies' Vi-Cocoa is neither a medicine nor a mere thirst-assuager . It is a food at the same time that it is a beverage , unil thus answers a double purpose in the building up of the human const tint inn . You ran try it free of expense . Merit alone is what Is claimed for Dr . Tibbies * VIC ' oeoa , and the Proprietors are prepared to send to any leader who names this Journal a dainty sample tin of Dr . Tibbies'Vi-Cocoa free and post paid , upon receipt of a postcard ( o the Head Olliee , 60 , Ihiuhill Jioad , London , E . G . ; or you tan purchase a 6 d . packet or 9 d . or Is . 6 d . tin from any grocer or stores . Vi-Cocoa is the cheapest and best food beverage in the world . Better than Money in the Savings Bank . The working man to-day gives more attention to the food lie lias to cat than his forefathers gave , as he realises Ids health—his bank—depends very largely upon the properties of what he eats and drinks . It follows , then , that the popular article of food is that which is easy to digest ; but more popular still are preparations which are found to aid and strengthen the digestive organs , and also to act as an cuerglser for the whole system . Dr . Tibbies' Vi-Cocoa is such a food . It places a means in the hands of everyone to build up and maintain a sound constitution , which enables its possessor to travel his life ' s journey without the aches and pains which are in many cases preventable . Thus we come round again to sound common sense based on experience .