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Installation Of The Provincial Grand Master Of Devon.
loclges outside , was represented , and it is estimated that between seven and eight hundred brethren were jiresent . The formalities attending the ceremony of installation occujiied some little time , and when these had been observed and the P . G . AI . had taken the obligation and been placed in thd chair ,
W . Bro . Viscount Ebrington said he had been requested to jiresent to the Prov . Grand Master an address from the Worshipful Masters of lodges in the jirovince exjiressive of their confidence in him and their loyalty to him . He was very grateful to them for allowing him to become once more ,
if only for a few minutes , the head of all the loclges in the province , to offer to the P . G . M . their sincere congratulations on his appointment , and to assure him of the pleasure and satisfaction with which they hailed him as their ruler . The knowledge they had of the valuable public services he had
rendered for so many years to his native county , and of the undoubted ability with which he had promulgated the genuine principles of Freemasonry , enabled them 'to look forward with confidence to the happiest and best results from his wise and considerate rule . All who were concerned
in county business knew that Bro . Davie enjoyed an enviable reputation as a man of business , and his services to the Masonic Craft were as well known to the brethren as his services to the county were known to the jiublic . The brethren throughout the jirovince bad no doubt as to the wisdom of the choice of H . R . H . the Grand Alaster . Bro .
Davie had long ago earned the confidence of the brethren , and they now rejoiced at being able to congratulate him on the well-deserved honour that had been conferred
ujion him . The P . G . M ., in rejily , said if anything could enhance the pleasure with which he received the address it would be the fact that he had received it at the hands of so distinguished a Freemason as Lord Ebrington , with whom for twenty-one years or more he had been associated , not only in
Freemasonry , but in jiublic work in the county of Devon . When some years ago Lord Ebrington , the then Prov . G . M . of Devon , asked him to succeed the late W . Bro . Brewer as Prov . Grand Secretary , he had some hesitation in accejiting the office , but knowing that he had worked with his lordship
in other ways he felt sure that he should be able to work cordially with him and to carry out the duties to the satisfaction of the P . G . AI ., and of the brethren at large . His lordship was then pleased to appoint him as D . P . G . AI ., and when Lord Northcote was ajijiointed to succeed Lord
Installation Of The Provincial Grand Master Of Devon.
Ebrington he also did him the honour to give him the same office . For the last four years , in the absence of Lord Northcote in India , he had virtually been the ruler of the province , and he valued the higher honour that had now been conferred upon him as an indication that he had not been unsuccessful in his efforts , as it certainly was his desire
to maintain the best traditions of Freemasonry . This should continue to be his aim and object in the future , and if possible he hoped he might succeed in increasing the goodwill which he was glad to know had existed between himself and the brethren of the province in the jiast . The P . G . M .
then announced that he had appointed W . Bro . F . B . Westlake as his D . P . G . M ., and amidst general and hearty ajijilause invested Bro . Westlake with the collar ajipertaining to his office .
W . Bro . Stocker , P . G . S ., presented to W . Bro . Westlake an address of congratulation from the W . M . ' s of lodges in the province , remarking that Bro . Westlake ' s personal and Alasonic qualities were so well known that had he not been appointed as D . P . G . AI . there would certainly have been a feeling of disappointment among the brethren in the
jirovince . It would have been impossible for the P . G . M . to have given greater jileasure to the province than that his first official act should have been to appoint as his deputy a brother who was held in so much jiersonal and Masonic esteem as Bro . Westlake . He had done excellent work for
the Alasonic Charities , but it was not that , or that alone , that gave him his qualification for the office . Altogether apart from the Charities , he took a warm and keen interest in all Alasonic work , and had proved himself in every way qualified for the position of Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster . Bro .
Stocker then read the address , which warmly eulogised Bro . Westlake ' s work on behalf of Freemasonry . Bro . Westlake briefly replied . Before the lodge closed , Lord Ebrington jirojiosed , and W . Bro . Rogers , P . D . P . G . M ., seconded , a cordial vote of
thanks to R . W . Bro . Halsey for the admirable manner in which he had performed the installation ceremony . Bro . Halsey , in reply , said this was the first opportunity he had had of seeing anything of Freemasonry in the West of England , and he sincerely trusted , from what he had seen that day , that it would not be the last .
A dinner was afterwards held at the Royal Public Rooms , and was largely attended . The Prov . G . M . jiresided , and the usual toasts were honoured .
Installation Meeting Of The Lodge Of Amity No. 171.
installation Meeting of the Lodge of Amity No . 171 .
'"pHIS ancient lodge held its installation meeting at " The I Ship and Turtle" on Friday , 24 th June , when Bro . Geo . E . Clark was duly installed in the chair of King Solomon by W . Bro . Bullivant , I . P . AL , in the jiresence of a large assembly of members and visitors . The investiture of officers was capitally performed by the
new W . M ., the two Wardens being Bros . A . H . Darker and A . W . Graves . The initiation of two candidates followed . At the subsequent banquet the usual Alasonic toasts were felicitously jirojiosed and honoured , and the evening ' s harmony was further promoted by a very excellent
jirogramme of music under the direction of W . Bro . Cajit . W . R . J . McLean , Mus . B ., P . M . and Org . 858 , at which Miss Stella Maris , Miss Lilian Gardner , and Bro . Samuel Masters , assisted with pronounced success , the concert including three of Bro . McLean ' s songs .
The lodge , under W . Bro . Clark's reign , promises to have a prosperous lease of life , since two more candidates for initiation were jirojiosed on this occasion for the next lodge meeting .
BRO . G . E . CLARK .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Of The Provincial Grand Master Of Devon.
loclges outside , was represented , and it is estimated that between seven and eight hundred brethren were jiresent . The formalities attending the ceremony of installation occujiied some little time , and when these had been observed and the P . G . AI . had taken the obligation and been placed in thd chair ,
W . Bro . Viscount Ebrington said he had been requested to jiresent to the Prov . Grand Master an address from the Worshipful Masters of lodges in the jirovince exjiressive of their confidence in him and their loyalty to him . He was very grateful to them for allowing him to become once more ,
if only for a few minutes , the head of all the loclges in the province , to offer to the P . G . M . their sincere congratulations on his appointment , and to assure him of the pleasure and satisfaction with which they hailed him as their ruler . The knowledge they had of the valuable public services he had
rendered for so many years to his native county , and of the undoubted ability with which he had promulgated the genuine principles of Freemasonry , enabled them 'to look forward with confidence to the happiest and best results from his wise and considerate rule . All who were concerned
in county business knew that Bro . Davie enjoyed an enviable reputation as a man of business , and his services to the Masonic Craft were as well known to the brethren as his services to the county were known to the jiublic . The brethren throughout the jirovince bad no doubt as to the wisdom of the choice of H . R . H . the Grand Alaster . Bro .
Davie had long ago earned the confidence of the brethren , and they now rejoiced at being able to congratulate him on the well-deserved honour that had been conferred
ujion him . The P . G . M ., in rejily , said if anything could enhance the pleasure with which he received the address it would be the fact that he had received it at the hands of so distinguished a Freemason as Lord Ebrington , with whom for twenty-one years or more he had been associated , not only in
Freemasonry , but in jiublic work in the county of Devon . When some years ago Lord Ebrington , the then Prov . G . M . of Devon , asked him to succeed the late W . Bro . Brewer as Prov . Grand Secretary , he had some hesitation in accejiting the office , but knowing that he had worked with his lordship
in other ways he felt sure that he should be able to work cordially with him and to carry out the duties to the satisfaction of the P . G . AI ., and of the brethren at large . His lordship was then pleased to appoint him as D . P . G . AI ., and when Lord Northcote was ajijiointed to succeed Lord
Installation Of The Provincial Grand Master Of Devon.
Ebrington he also did him the honour to give him the same office . For the last four years , in the absence of Lord Northcote in India , he had virtually been the ruler of the province , and he valued the higher honour that had now been conferred upon him as an indication that he had not been unsuccessful in his efforts , as it certainly was his desire
to maintain the best traditions of Freemasonry . This should continue to be his aim and object in the future , and if possible he hoped he might succeed in increasing the goodwill which he was glad to know had existed between himself and the brethren of the province in the jiast . The P . G . M .
then announced that he had appointed W . Bro . F . B . Westlake as his D . P . G . M ., and amidst general and hearty ajijilause invested Bro . Westlake with the collar ajipertaining to his office .
W . Bro . Stocker , P . G . S ., presented to W . Bro . Westlake an address of congratulation from the W . M . ' s of lodges in the province , remarking that Bro . Westlake ' s personal and Alasonic qualities were so well known that had he not been appointed as D . P . G . AI . there would certainly have been a feeling of disappointment among the brethren in the
jirovince . It would have been impossible for the P . G . M . to have given greater jileasure to the province than that his first official act should have been to appoint as his deputy a brother who was held in so much jiersonal and Masonic esteem as Bro . Westlake . He had done excellent work for
the Alasonic Charities , but it was not that , or that alone , that gave him his qualification for the office . Altogether apart from the Charities , he took a warm and keen interest in all Alasonic work , and had proved himself in every way qualified for the position of Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster . Bro .
Stocker then read the address , which warmly eulogised Bro . Westlake ' s work on behalf of Freemasonry . Bro . Westlake briefly replied . Before the lodge closed , Lord Ebrington jirojiosed , and W . Bro . Rogers , P . D . P . G . M ., seconded , a cordial vote of
thanks to R . W . Bro . Halsey for the admirable manner in which he had performed the installation ceremony . Bro . Halsey , in reply , said this was the first opportunity he had had of seeing anything of Freemasonry in the West of England , and he sincerely trusted , from what he had seen that day , that it would not be the last .
A dinner was afterwards held at the Royal Public Rooms , and was largely attended . The Prov . G . M . jiresided , and the usual toasts were honoured .
Installation Meeting Of The Lodge Of Amity No. 171.
installation Meeting of the Lodge of Amity No . 171 .
'"pHIS ancient lodge held its installation meeting at " The I Ship and Turtle" on Friday , 24 th June , when Bro . Geo . E . Clark was duly installed in the chair of King Solomon by W . Bro . Bullivant , I . P . AL , in the jiresence of a large assembly of members and visitors . The investiture of officers was capitally performed by the
new W . M ., the two Wardens being Bros . A . H . Darker and A . W . Graves . The initiation of two candidates followed . At the subsequent banquet the usual Alasonic toasts were felicitously jirojiosed and honoured , and the evening ' s harmony was further promoted by a very excellent
jirogramme of music under the direction of W . Bro . Cajit . W . R . J . McLean , Mus . B ., P . M . and Org . 858 , at which Miss Stella Maris , Miss Lilian Gardner , and Bro . Samuel Masters , assisted with pronounced success , the concert including three of Bro . McLean ' s songs .
The lodge , under W . Bro . Clark's reign , promises to have a prosperous lease of life , since two more candidates for initiation were jirojiosed on this occasion for the next lodge meeting .
BRO . G . E . CLARK .