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Annual Festival Of The Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
to fit them for fighting the battle of life . When under the Board's care they did their best to give them the finest education jiossible . It would be said that they were a little ahead of the time , and had possibly gone a little too far , but he did not think so . On the contrary he believed other
institutions would have to level themselves up to the Alasonic Boys' School standard . They had endeavoured to establish at Bushey an institution which would be cojiied by every
institution throughout the country . It would be looked uji to as a great educational establishment and as a landmark for all time . They could not be engaged in a nobler work than assisting the sons of those brethren who had fallen in the battle of life . They could not give the boys
too good an education . He trusted the announcement now to be made by the Secretary would be gratifying to everybody . Bro . J . Alorrison AIcLeod , Secretary , then read the lists
of subscriptions , which amounted to the splendid total of . £ 26 , 144 18 s . 6 cl ., made up of contributions from London lodges and brethren of £ 11 , 103 14 s . 6 d ., and from country and colonial ^ 15 , 041 4 s . Bro . C . E . Keyser , P . G . D ., proposed " The Chairman , "
and the Earl of Yarborough having responded , Bro . the Rev . C . E . Roberts proposed " The other Masonic Charities and success to them . "
Bro . P . Colville Smith , P . G . D ., Secretary of the Royal Alasonic Benevolent Institution , rejilied . The Chairman jirojiosed " The Stewards of the Day , " which Bro . W . Harling Sissons , J . P ., D . L ., Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster Lincolnshire , acknowledged .
Bro . James Stephens , P . D . G . D . C , proposed " The Ladies . " Bro . Walter Lawrence , F . S . L ., Patron of the Institution , rejilied , and the company then sejiarated .
Installation Of The Provincial Grand Master Of Devon.
Installation of the Provincial Grand Master of Devon .
THE installation in the Victoria Hall , Exeter , on Wednesday , June 15 th , of Bro . G . C . Davie , J . P ., as Provincial Grand Alaster of Devonshire , in succession to Lord Northcote , was made the occasion ot an imjiosing and a
brilliant demonstration . The Installing Alaster was the Right Hon . T . F . Halsey , ALP ., Deputy Grand Alaster , who presided . Nearly every lodge in the province , as well as many
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Annual Festival Of The Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
to fit them for fighting the battle of life . When under the Board's care they did their best to give them the finest education jiossible . It would be said that they were a little ahead of the time , and had possibly gone a little too far , but he did not think so . On the contrary he believed other
institutions would have to level themselves up to the Alasonic Boys' School standard . They had endeavoured to establish at Bushey an institution which would be cojiied by every
institution throughout the country . It would be looked uji to as a great educational establishment and as a landmark for all time . They could not be engaged in a nobler work than assisting the sons of those brethren who had fallen in the battle of life . They could not give the boys
too good an education . He trusted the announcement now to be made by the Secretary would be gratifying to everybody . Bro . J . Alorrison AIcLeod , Secretary , then read the lists
of subscriptions , which amounted to the splendid total of . £ 26 , 144 18 s . 6 cl ., made up of contributions from London lodges and brethren of £ 11 , 103 14 s . 6 d ., and from country and colonial ^ 15 , 041 4 s . Bro . C . E . Keyser , P . G . D ., proposed " The Chairman , "
and the Earl of Yarborough having responded , Bro . the Rev . C . E . Roberts proposed " The other Masonic Charities and success to them . "
Bro . P . Colville Smith , P . G . D ., Secretary of the Royal Alasonic Benevolent Institution , rejilied . The Chairman jirojiosed " The Stewards of the Day , " which Bro . W . Harling Sissons , J . P ., D . L ., Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster Lincolnshire , acknowledged .
Bro . James Stephens , P . D . G . D . C , proposed " The Ladies . " Bro . Walter Lawrence , F . S . L ., Patron of the Institution , rejilied , and the company then sejiarated .
Installation Of The Provincial Grand Master Of Devon.
Installation of the Provincial Grand Master of Devon .
THE installation in the Victoria Hall , Exeter , on Wednesday , June 15 th , of Bro . G . C . Davie , J . P ., as Provincial Grand Alaster of Devonshire , in succession to Lord Northcote , was made the occasion ot an imjiosing and a
brilliant demonstration . The Installing Alaster was the Right Hon . T . F . Halsey , ALP ., Deputy Grand Alaster , who presided . Nearly every lodge in the province , as well as many