Article United Grand Lodge of England. Page 1 of 1 Article United Grand Lodge of England. Page 1 of 1 Article Annual Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys. Page 1 of 4 →
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United Grand Lodge Of England.
United Grand Lodge of England .
THE Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall on Wednesday , June ist . The Pro Grand Master , Earl Amherst , jiresided , and was supported by the Deputy Grand Master , the Rt . Hon . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., Bro . George Richards , D . G . M . Transvaal ,
acted as Past Grand Alaster . Bros , the Earl of Malmesbury and Viscount Grimston filled their respective chairs as Senior and Junior Grand Wardens . In view of the excessive crowding of Grand Lodge on the annual elections of the Board of General jiurjioses , it
was decided to ojien Grand Lodge at 4 o ' clock to enable those brethren who desired to attend for the purpose only of recording their vote to do so . Several hundred brethren availed themselves of the opportunity , but notwithstanding this , at 6 o ' clock , the time appointed for the commencement
ol business , the Temple was filled to overflowing . After the reading of the minutes of the jirevious meetings the scrutineers were obligated and retired to count up the votes that had been given for members of the Board of General Purposes . The AI . W . Pro Grand Alaster announced that V . W . Bro .
Loveland-Loveland , K . C ., who had filled the office of President of the Board of General Purposes for the jiast ten years , had expressed his desire not to be re-appointed , and in comjiliance with that desire the AI . W . Grand Alaster had appointed to that office Bro . Sir Arthur Collins , K . C ., and that brother was duly invested .
The reports of the Board of Benevolence and the Board of General Purjioses were respectively submitted to Grand Lodge , taken as read , and ordered to be entered on the minutes .
R . W . Bro . Lord Methuen , P . G . W ., then moved the motion standing in his name , viz ., that the sum of 500 guineas be contributed from the funds of Grand Lodge in aid of the fund now being raised for the re-building of King ' s College Hospital . In a characteristic and forcible speech our gallant brother set forth the needs of the institution , with the
result that the sum was readily and cheerfully voted . The annual vote for providing coals for the inmates of the R . M . B . Institution at Croydon was introduced by Bro . James Stephens , P . D . G . D . C , and carried unanimously . The business jiajier included three ajipeals , which were dealt with by the Grand Registrar , but the interest of Grand Lodge centered in that of Bro . Massey against his susjiension
United Grand Lodge Of England.
by the Board of General Purposes for having in a report of the proceedings of a lodge meeting in the pages of the Daily Telegraph , included matter not proper to be published . The Grand Registrar introduced the appeal , which he read , and afterwards remarked that having given the
appellant's version of the case he would then give the resjiondent's views . Bro . Strachan entered into a full statement of the reasons for the action taken by the Board of General Purposes , and concluded by exjiressing a hope that Bro . Massey would reconsider his jiosition and express
his contrition , in which event he would move that the apjieal be dismissed , and that Grand Lodge respectfully request the Grand Alaster to remove the suspension . Bro . Henry Alassey then submitted to Grand Lodge a statement which he had reduced to writing in sujijiort of
his appeal . It dealt with the whole of the circumstances leading uji to the present unfortunate position of affairs , and concluded by an earnest and impassioned appeal to the sound judgment and common sense of Grand Lodge , assuring them that whatever the result of their deliberations might
be , he would not allow it to interfere with his love of Freemasonry , his sincere devotion to Grand Lodge , and his fraternal resjiect for all Freemasons under it .
Bro . Massey's ajipeal was supported by Bro . A . F . Robbins , P . M . No . 1928 , who moved an amendment that the appeal be allowed . Bro . Robbins entered into a lengthy and able argument in support of his motion , and concluded by asking Grand Lodge to at once remove the stigma that had been jilaced upon Bro . Massey .
Bro . Thomas Catling , P . A . G . D . C ., seconded the amendment , and the Grand Registrar having replied , a vote was taken , the result of which the M . W . Pro Grand Master declared to be in favour of the motion—300 against 268—and Bro . Alassey ' s ajijieal was therefore rejected by a
majority of 32 . Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form . It was subsequently announced that the following brethren had been elected members of the Board of General
Purjioses in place of those retiring in accordance with Rule 256 of the Constitutions : —Bros . Col . S . Ellis , P . M . 2243 ; Wm . Cleghorn , P . G . Std . Br . ; J . L . Goldstein , P . M . 2265 ; F . Orchard , P . M . 198 ; H . A . Baxter , P . M . 2750 ; A . Burnett Brown , P . A 1 . 778 ( Prov . Grand Sec . Middlesex . )
Annual Festival Of The Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
Annual Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys .
THE 106 th Anniversary of the formation of the Royal Alasonic Institution for Boys , was celebrated on June 29 th by a festival at the Crystal Palace , under the Presidency of the R . W . Bro . the Earl of Yarborough , P . G . W ., Provincial Grand Master for Lincolnshire , Vice-President of the Institution . His lordship was supported by
Bro . W . Harling Sissons , J . P ., D . L ., Dejiuty Prov . Grand Master for Lincolnshire , and a large number of Grand and Provincial Grand Officers . Altogether there were over 800 brethren and ladies who attended . Under the direction of Bro . William Short , L . R . A . AL ,
Vice-President of the Institution , the Bijou Orchestra played a line selection of music while the comjiany were assembling and during the dinner , which was served in the Central Transept .
The Chairman jirojiosed " His Alost Gracious Majesty the King , " " Her Alajesty Queen Alexandra , their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales , " and " H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn , K . G ., M . W . Grand Master . " Bro . Sir George Doughty , Al . P ., P . P . G . W . Lincolnshire ,
jirojiosed " The Pro Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the other Grand Officers , Present and Past . " Bro . the Rev . H . W . Turner , M . A ., P . G . C ., responded . The Chairman , in proposing the toast of "The Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , " said : Ladies and brethren , I
have now to give you the jirincipal toast of the evening , and while I do so with the greatest pleasure , I must confess that I ajiproach my duty with a considerable amount of diffidence . While I am proud to preside as your Chairman
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge Of England.
United Grand Lodge of England .
THE Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall on Wednesday , June ist . The Pro Grand Master , Earl Amherst , jiresided , and was supported by the Deputy Grand Master , the Rt . Hon . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., Bro . George Richards , D . G . M . Transvaal ,
acted as Past Grand Alaster . Bros , the Earl of Malmesbury and Viscount Grimston filled their respective chairs as Senior and Junior Grand Wardens . In view of the excessive crowding of Grand Lodge on the annual elections of the Board of General jiurjioses , it
was decided to ojien Grand Lodge at 4 o ' clock to enable those brethren who desired to attend for the purpose only of recording their vote to do so . Several hundred brethren availed themselves of the opportunity , but notwithstanding this , at 6 o ' clock , the time appointed for the commencement
ol business , the Temple was filled to overflowing . After the reading of the minutes of the jirevious meetings the scrutineers were obligated and retired to count up the votes that had been given for members of the Board of General Purposes . The AI . W . Pro Grand Alaster announced that V . W . Bro .
Loveland-Loveland , K . C ., who had filled the office of President of the Board of General Purposes for the jiast ten years , had expressed his desire not to be re-appointed , and in comjiliance with that desire the AI . W . Grand Alaster had appointed to that office Bro . Sir Arthur Collins , K . C ., and that brother was duly invested .
The reports of the Board of Benevolence and the Board of General Purjioses were respectively submitted to Grand Lodge , taken as read , and ordered to be entered on the minutes .
R . W . Bro . Lord Methuen , P . G . W ., then moved the motion standing in his name , viz ., that the sum of 500 guineas be contributed from the funds of Grand Lodge in aid of the fund now being raised for the re-building of King ' s College Hospital . In a characteristic and forcible speech our gallant brother set forth the needs of the institution , with the
result that the sum was readily and cheerfully voted . The annual vote for providing coals for the inmates of the R . M . B . Institution at Croydon was introduced by Bro . James Stephens , P . D . G . D . C , and carried unanimously . The business jiajier included three ajipeals , which were dealt with by the Grand Registrar , but the interest of Grand Lodge centered in that of Bro . Massey against his susjiension
United Grand Lodge Of England.
by the Board of General Purposes for having in a report of the proceedings of a lodge meeting in the pages of the Daily Telegraph , included matter not proper to be published . The Grand Registrar introduced the appeal , which he read , and afterwards remarked that having given the
appellant's version of the case he would then give the resjiondent's views . Bro . Strachan entered into a full statement of the reasons for the action taken by the Board of General Purposes , and concluded by exjiressing a hope that Bro . Massey would reconsider his jiosition and express
his contrition , in which event he would move that the apjieal be dismissed , and that Grand Lodge respectfully request the Grand Alaster to remove the suspension . Bro . Henry Alassey then submitted to Grand Lodge a statement which he had reduced to writing in sujijiort of
his appeal . It dealt with the whole of the circumstances leading uji to the present unfortunate position of affairs , and concluded by an earnest and impassioned appeal to the sound judgment and common sense of Grand Lodge , assuring them that whatever the result of their deliberations might
be , he would not allow it to interfere with his love of Freemasonry , his sincere devotion to Grand Lodge , and his fraternal resjiect for all Freemasons under it .
Bro . Massey's ajipeal was supported by Bro . A . F . Robbins , P . M . No . 1928 , who moved an amendment that the appeal be allowed . Bro . Robbins entered into a lengthy and able argument in support of his motion , and concluded by asking Grand Lodge to at once remove the stigma that had been jilaced upon Bro . Massey .
Bro . Thomas Catling , P . A . G . D . C ., seconded the amendment , and the Grand Registrar having replied , a vote was taken , the result of which the M . W . Pro Grand Master declared to be in favour of the motion—300 against 268—and Bro . Alassey ' s ajijieal was therefore rejected by a
majority of 32 . Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form . It was subsequently announced that the following brethren had been elected members of the Board of General
Purjioses in place of those retiring in accordance with Rule 256 of the Constitutions : —Bros . Col . S . Ellis , P . M . 2243 ; Wm . Cleghorn , P . G . Std . Br . ; J . L . Goldstein , P . M . 2265 ; F . Orchard , P . M . 198 ; H . A . Baxter , P . M . 2750 ; A . Burnett Brown , P . A 1 . 778 ( Prov . Grand Sec . Middlesex . )
Annual Festival Of The Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
Annual Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys .
THE 106 th Anniversary of the formation of the Royal Alasonic Institution for Boys , was celebrated on June 29 th by a festival at the Crystal Palace , under the Presidency of the R . W . Bro . the Earl of Yarborough , P . G . W ., Provincial Grand Master for Lincolnshire , Vice-President of the Institution . His lordship was supported by
Bro . W . Harling Sissons , J . P ., D . L ., Dejiuty Prov . Grand Master for Lincolnshire , and a large number of Grand and Provincial Grand Officers . Altogether there were over 800 brethren and ladies who attended . Under the direction of Bro . William Short , L . R . A . AL ,
Vice-President of the Institution , the Bijou Orchestra played a line selection of music while the comjiany were assembling and during the dinner , which was served in the Central Transept .
The Chairman jirojiosed " His Alost Gracious Majesty the King , " " Her Alajesty Queen Alexandra , their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales , " and " H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn , K . G ., M . W . Grand Master . " Bro . Sir George Doughty , Al . P ., P . P . G . W . Lincolnshire ,
jirojiosed " The Pro Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the other Grand Officers , Present and Past . " Bro . the Rev . H . W . Turner , M . A ., P . G . C ., responded . The Chairman , in proposing the toast of "The Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , " said : Ladies and brethren , I
have now to give you the jirincipal toast of the evening , and while I do so with the greatest pleasure , I must confess that I ajiproach my duty with a considerable amount of diffidence . While I am proud to preside as your Chairman