Article AN OLD-FASHIONED LOVE-SONG. ← Page 2 of 2 Article WHAT IS THE GOOD OF FREEMASONRY? Page 1 of 2 →
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An Old-Fashioned Love-Song.
At twenty we were wedded , — We saw no reason wh y Our lives should be divided , My dear old man and I . We've trod life ' s path together , And heav'd full many a sigh
, When our way was rough and rugged My dear old man and I . When all look'd bright before us , And our path was smooth anil dry , Together we have walk'd and laugh'd , My dear old man and I .
Our children ' s children , visit us , And we tivo fondl y try To gain their love , for we love them , My dear old man and I . We are growing old—his hair is
grey—Soon we must bid good-bye To all we ' ve loved , and all who love My dear old man and I . Rose Cottage , Stokesley .
What Is The Good Of Freemasonry?
BY EUREKA . From the " West Cumberland Times . " THE above caption is suggested by an article which appeared in Dieken ' s "Household Words" ten or eleven years agoand
, , the writer of this will endeavour to answer the query . Outside the pale of the Mason ' s craft , the question is frequently put , as to the meaning or the genuine outcome of what non-masons read in newspapersor see with their naked eyes-in
, , connection with the " Sous of Li ght . " Iu the public prints they read of Craft Masons , Royal Arch Masons , Mark Master Masons , Knights Templar , Red Cross Knights , Rose Croix Knight Companions , Royal Ark Marinersand the dozen or
, more other degrees or grades connected with Freemasonry ; with the jewellry , clothing , and all the pararmernalia appertaining thereto , and it is , therefore , but natural they should scratch their heads aud wonder what it all means , or what is the
good of the time-honoured association . Not a few we hear now and again whisper ; "There ' s nothing iu it ; " and another section of the " profane " seems to pride itself on the discovery that , to become a Freemason , means nothing more or less than an inordinate enjoyment of the good
things of this life iu the shape of a well , served dinner , washed down with immoderate quantities of wine . Yet a third body of wonder-mongers—and this is a serious part of the business—never tire in their denunciations of the orderon the
, score that it is a dangerous political society , opposed to all reigning governments , and an unflinching enemy to the Roman Catholic religion . Yet , the Prince of Wales is Grancl Master of England , and his two brothers , the Duke of Connaught and
Prince Leopold , are respectively Grand Senior and Junior Wardens ; whilst several crowned heads in the past and present , " have never thought it derogatory to their dignity to exchange the sceptre for the trowel . " As regards the religious
opposition theory , that has been thoroughly and well thrashed out , and despite the anathemas and wild assertions of Papal dignitaries , the fact remains as broad and open as daylight , that Freemasonry is cosmojiolitan in its religious aspect—open to the Roman Catholic equally with the Protestant , to the Jew with the Christian , to the Mahommedan with the
Hindoo—A brotherhood of hearts and hands , Of honest toil , of well-earned rest ; An unseen chain that binds all lands , From north to south , from east to west . N / o matter what their ancestries , If Norman , Saxon , Arab , Turk , All come within the
compasses—The square and angle of our work . But , while on this subject , let me point out the inconsistency of the Pajial prohibition of secret societies , which debars a Roman Catholic from being a Good Templar or a Freemason , but allows him to be an Oddfellow .
Now let us try to make out , " What is the good of Freemasonry ? " The poet says—To soothe the orphan's mournful cry , A . brother help where ' er he be , To love all men beneath the sky , This is the bond of Masonry . It is clear from the foregoing that Charity
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
An Old-Fashioned Love-Song.
At twenty we were wedded , — We saw no reason wh y Our lives should be divided , My dear old man and I . We've trod life ' s path together , And heav'd full many a sigh
, When our way was rough and rugged My dear old man and I . When all look'd bright before us , And our path was smooth anil dry , Together we have walk'd and laugh'd , My dear old man and I .
Our children ' s children , visit us , And we tivo fondl y try To gain their love , for we love them , My dear old man and I . We are growing old—his hair is
grey—Soon we must bid good-bye To all we ' ve loved , and all who love My dear old man and I . Rose Cottage , Stokesley .
What Is The Good Of Freemasonry?
BY EUREKA . From the " West Cumberland Times . " THE above caption is suggested by an article which appeared in Dieken ' s "Household Words" ten or eleven years agoand
, , the writer of this will endeavour to answer the query . Outside the pale of the Mason ' s craft , the question is frequently put , as to the meaning or the genuine outcome of what non-masons read in newspapersor see with their naked eyes-in
, , connection with the " Sous of Li ght . " Iu the public prints they read of Craft Masons , Royal Arch Masons , Mark Master Masons , Knights Templar , Red Cross Knights , Rose Croix Knight Companions , Royal Ark Marinersand the dozen or
, more other degrees or grades connected with Freemasonry ; with the jewellry , clothing , and all the pararmernalia appertaining thereto , and it is , therefore , but natural they should scratch their heads aud wonder what it all means , or what is the
good of the time-honoured association . Not a few we hear now and again whisper ; "There ' s nothing iu it ; " and another section of the " profane " seems to pride itself on the discovery that , to become a Freemason , means nothing more or less than an inordinate enjoyment of the good
things of this life iu the shape of a well , served dinner , washed down with immoderate quantities of wine . Yet a third body of wonder-mongers—and this is a serious part of the business—never tire in their denunciations of the orderon the
, score that it is a dangerous political society , opposed to all reigning governments , and an unflinching enemy to the Roman Catholic religion . Yet , the Prince of Wales is Grancl Master of England , and his two brothers , the Duke of Connaught and
Prince Leopold , are respectively Grand Senior and Junior Wardens ; whilst several crowned heads in the past and present , " have never thought it derogatory to their dignity to exchange the sceptre for the trowel . " As regards the religious
opposition theory , that has been thoroughly and well thrashed out , and despite the anathemas and wild assertions of Papal dignitaries , the fact remains as broad and open as daylight , that Freemasonry is cosmojiolitan in its religious aspect—open to the Roman Catholic equally with the Protestant , to the Jew with the Christian , to the Mahommedan with the
Hindoo—A brotherhood of hearts and hands , Of honest toil , of well-earned rest ; An unseen chain that binds all lands , From north to south , from east to west . N / o matter what their ancestries , If Norman , Saxon , Arab , Turk , All come within the
compasses—The square and angle of our work . But , while on this subject , let me point out the inconsistency of the Pajial prohibition of secret societies , which debars a Roman Catholic from being a Good Templar or a Freemason , but allows him to be an Oddfellow .
Now let us try to make out , " What is the good of Freemasonry ? " The poet says—To soothe the orphan's mournful cry , A . brother help where ' er he be , To love all men beneath the sky , This is the bond of Masonry . It is clear from the foregoing that Charity