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Devonshire Lodges Prior To The "Union" Of Dec, 1813.
Warrant , and held at Crokern-well , near Exeter , but soon died out , and a Lodge formerly held in London by Charter of the year 1765 , and subsequently held in Honitorr , shared the same fate soon after the " Union . " The old Lodge ( second oldest in Devon ) , warranted A . D . 1734 , became extinct about 1770 , and so was unable to take any part in the formation of the first i
REMOVALS , " MODERNS . " Date of Warrant . Names and Localities . About Then Now 1766 All Souls ' , Tiverton to Weymouth ... 1792 , 283 ' 170 1787 Amphibious , Stonehouse to Hi gh-Town 1800 407 258 ( Since to Leeds , and noio Heckmondwike . )
At the Union of 1813 ( December ) the Lodges of each Grand Lodge were numbered alternately . The Grand Stewards ' Lodge of the " Moderns " was placed at the head of the Roll without any number , the first numbered being the " Grancl
Master ' s Lodge " of the "Ancients ; " No . 2 , the Lodge of " Antiquity" of the " Moderns , " and so on . As many of the Lodges of the " Moderns " had been warranted long before 1750 , whereas none of the " Ancients " were chartered until after
EXTINCT LODGES OP THE "ANCIENTS . " Date of Warrant , Names and Localities . Original . 1814 . 1832 , * 1764 Morton Ilampstead ... 132 157 — * 1782 East Devon Regiment of Militia ... 216 272 193 * 1784 North Devon Regiment of Militiaf 228 286
—* 1795 Vine , Exeter ... ... ... 293 372 — * 1806 Buckingham , Stonehouse ... 336 430 — REMOVALS , "ANCIENTS . " 1756 , Plymouth to Rochdale about 1813 ( No . 50 ) , now No . 54 .
There were eleven "Ancient" Lodges in Devon which took part in the "Blessed Union of 1813 , " but only seven were active A . D . 1832 , and since then one more has ceased to work . The county of Devon , howeverwas never so largeMasonically
, , , as it is now ; indeed , so rapid has been the growth of Lodges under the genial sway and fostering care of its beloved Prov . G . M . ( the Rev . John Huyshe , M . A . ) ,
Provincial Grand Lodge of Devon , A . D . 1775 . It will be seen that out of these fourteen "Modern" Lodges , only two were working at the alteration of tire numbers , A . D . 1832 , though twelve were in existence at the " Union . " Warrants
, however , have since been issued in most cases for the foregoing towns . Of the "Removals" under the "Moderns " we have to chronicle only two , as follows :
that year ( 1750 ) , it follows that in taking the Lodges of each Grancl Lodge alternately in the numeration , the numbers of the " Ancients" secured to that Body a higher place on the Roll than the real dates of the Warrants would have
justified . This fact will be patent to anyone consulting the numbers and dates of Watrants of the Lodges under each Grand Lodge before and since the " Union , " so far as we have been able to verify the same .
that its extent is almost beyond the maximum for one Province . It is curious to note that in the List of " Union " Lodges still in existence , Devon is indebted to its sister Province ( Cornwall ) , for No . 223 , Plymouth , having
been originally warranted for St . Mawes , near Falmouth , as 306 , and No . 230 , Devonport , chartered at first for Kingsand .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Devonshire Lodges Prior To The "Union" Of Dec, 1813.
Warrant , and held at Crokern-well , near Exeter , but soon died out , and a Lodge formerly held in London by Charter of the year 1765 , and subsequently held in Honitorr , shared the same fate soon after the " Union . " The old Lodge ( second oldest in Devon ) , warranted A . D . 1734 , became extinct about 1770 , and so was unable to take any part in the formation of the first i
REMOVALS , " MODERNS . " Date of Warrant . Names and Localities . About Then Now 1766 All Souls ' , Tiverton to Weymouth ... 1792 , 283 ' 170 1787 Amphibious , Stonehouse to Hi gh-Town 1800 407 258 ( Since to Leeds , and noio Heckmondwike . )
At the Union of 1813 ( December ) the Lodges of each Grand Lodge were numbered alternately . The Grand Stewards ' Lodge of the " Moderns " was placed at the head of the Roll without any number , the first numbered being the " Grancl
Master ' s Lodge " of the "Ancients ; " No . 2 , the Lodge of " Antiquity" of the " Moderns , " and so on . As many of the Lodges of the " Moderns " had been warranted long before 1750 , whereas none of the " Ancients " were chartered until after
EXTINCT LODGES OP THE "ANCIENTS . " Date of Warrant , Names and Localities . Original . 1814 . 1832 , * 1764 Morton Ilampstead ... 132 157 — * 1782 East Devon Regiment of Militia ... 216 272 193 * 1784 North Devon Regiment of Militiaf 228 286
—* 1795 Vine , Exeter ... ... ... 293 372 — * 1806 Buckingham , Stonehouse ... 336 430 — REMOVALS , "ANCIENTS . " 1756 , Plymouth to Rochdale about 1813 ( No . 50 ) , now No . 54 .
There were eleven "Ancient" Lodges in Devon which took part in the "Blessed Union of 1813 , " but only seven were active A . D . 1832 , and since then one more has ceased to work . The county of Devon , howeverwas never so largeMasonically
, , , as it is now ; indeed , so rapid has been the growth of Lodges under the genial sway and fostering care of its beloved Prov . G . M . ( the Rev . John Huyshe , M . A . ) ,
Provincial Grand Lodge of Devon , A . D . 1775 . It will be seen that out of these fourteen "Modern" Lodges , only two were working at the alteration of tire numbers , A . D . 1832 , though twelve were in existence at the " Union . " Warrants
, however , have since been issued in most cases for the foregoing towns . Of the "Removals" under the "Moderns " we have to chronicle only two , as follows :
that year ( 1750 ) , it follows that in taking the Lodges of each Grancl Lodge alternately in the numeration , the numbers of the " Ancients" secured to that Body a higher place on the Roll than the real dates of the Warrants would have
justified . This fact will be patent to anyone consulting the numbers and dates of Watrants of the Lodges under each Grand Lodge before and since the " Union , " so far as we have been able to verify the same .
that its extent is almost beyond the maximum for one Province . It is curious to note that in the List of " Union " Lodges still in existence , Devon is indebted to its sister Province ( Cornwall ) , for No . 223 , Plymouth , having
been originally warranted for St . Mawes , near Falmouth , as 306 , and No . 230 , Devonport , chartered at first for Kingsand .