Article Our Archaeological Corner. ← Page 3 of 3 Article THE TRYST. Page 1 of 1
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Our Archaeological Corner.
bretheren or here wyves be absent fro oure coinon dyner or elles fro oure quater dai schall pai as moche as if he or sho were present Also we be fulli acorded that he that hath byn wardeyn of the yomen he shall
not be chose within vj . yere next foloyng aftur , and thei that chese hyni til the vj yer ful passed thei shall pai vj s . viij d . to the box . Also we byn acorded that thei that byn vfavdeynes of the foresaid yomen thei shal aby de ther iu ij yere . Also wo byn acorded that the wardeyns
that byn choson for the yer shal geder up here quarterage clere before the tyme that they go out of her offis . Also the bretheren be acorded that fro Mychelmas fortheward everi brother shal pay for his quarterage j d . and for that is
behyncle thei shall gedre hit up as hit was before . Also at the quarter dai we will have baken couys as hit was be gonne , and what Master that breketh this ordynance everi pece shall pay vj s . viij cl . halfe to the Mastres box and halfe to oure box .
Johannes Lamborne Johannes Broime Holiverous Broune Johannes Peyntur Robertas Edward Regmaldus Brombey Galfridus More . Robertas Rose H enricus Smyth Johannes Water Johannes Fraunces Hugo Rohard Wdlielmus Johnson Johannes Tachon Willielmus Mors Willielmus AYodryse Johannes Coventre Willieimus Langwyth
Stephanus Manne Egidius Fauderle Robertas Oatou ' Johanna Uxenisdenne Thomas Lemmory k Johannes Warner Bicardus Abbot Thomas Foxe Willielmus Frebody Jacobus Barton Stephanus Clampard Johannes Hayne Johannes Fantard Johannes Stone Martinus John Johannes Slvester Willielmus Syxsumby Johannes Goddesfaste
y Willieimus Walpoll Johannes Kyng capellanus Begems Holdemesse Johannes Wolston . Johannes Newerk Willielmus Breteyn Thomas Klerk Willielmus Warde Johannes Trefelweth Wiiliehiius Rolston Stephanus Priour Johannes Lynne Johannes Hille Andreas Dericsoun Thomas Kelen Petrus Patrik Johannes Aylewyn
Johannes Criste Willielmus Baudewyn Thomas Cristemas Johannes Hermes Robertas Penmore Willielmus clericus apud Petrus Leyre Johannes Harvye Sanctum Zacarie Willielmus Mapull Johannes Baron Petrus Ryley Elizabet uxor ejusdem Robertus Edward Willielmus Bolivere Rogerus Clerk [ Examined , 14 May , 1852 , John Robert Daniel-Tyssen . ]
The Tryst.
hf yonder grove , where purling streamlets flow , A maiden waiteth in the sylvan shade ; Ike summer sunshine on the scene doth glow , Arid songs of birds resound through dell
u and glade . Oh Love . " The murm'ring zejfbyrs seem to sav ; KIT J ' lt | 0 , y sweet to tarry on a sunny day Reside a brook , and dream the soul away . "
And she that waiteth , doth a tarriance make For one expected there ; and now she sings Her sweetest song , rejoicing for his sake . With joyous note the woodland echo
rings ; Her anxious heart is palpitating fast , A voice ! The voice of him ; all doubt is past , Oh ! Perfect bliss , the lovers meet at last ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Archaeological Corner.
bretheren or here wyves be absent fro oure coinon dyner or elles fro oure quater dai schall pai as moche as if he or sho were present Also we be fulli acorded that he that hath byn wardeyn of the yomen he shall
not be chose within vj . yere next foloyng aftur , and thei that chese hyni til the vj yer ful passed thei shall pai vj s . viij d . to the box . Also we byn acorded that thei that byn vfavdeynes of the foresaid yomen thei shal aby de ther iu ij yere . Also wo byn acorded that the wardeyns
that byn choson for the yer shal geder up here quarterage clere before the tyme that they go out of her offis . Also the bretheren be acorded that fro Mychelmas fortheward everi brother shal pay for his quarterage j d . and for that is
behyncle thei shall gedre hit up as hit was before . Also at the quarter dai we will have baken couys as hit was be gonne , and what Master that breketh this ordynance everi pece shall pay vj s . viij cl . halfe to the Mastres box and halfe to oure box .
Johannes Lamborne Johannes Broime Holiverous Broune Johannes Peyntur Robertas Edward Regmaldus Brombey Galfridus More . Robertas Rose H enricus Smyth Johannes Water Johannes Fraunces Hugo Rohard Wdlielmus Johnson Johannes Tachon Willielmus Mors Willielmus AYodryse Johannes Coventre Willieimus Langwyth
Stephanus Manne Egidius Fauderle Robertas Oatou ' Johanna Uxenisdenne Thomas Lemmory k Johannes Warner Bicardus Abbot Thomas Foxe Willielmus Frebody Jacobus Barton Stephanus Clampard Johannes Hayne Johannes Fantard Johannes Stone Martinus John Johannes Slvester Willielmus Syxsumby Johannes Goddesfaste
y Willieimus Walpoll Johannes Kyng capellanus Begems Holdemesse Johannes Wolston . Johannes Newerk Willielmus Breteyn Thomas Klerk Willielmus Warde Johannes Trefelweth Wiiliehiius Rolston Stephanus Priour Johannes Lynne Johannes Hille Andreas Dericsoun Thomas Kelen Petrus Patrik Johannes Aylewyn
Johannes Criste Willielmus Baudewyn Thomas Cristemas Johannes Hermes Robertas Penmore Willielmus clericus apud Petrus Leyre Johannes Harvye Sanctum Zacarie Willielmus Mapull Johannes Baron Petrus Ryley Elizabet uxor ejusdem Robertus Edward Willielmus Bolivere Rogerus Clerk [ Examined , 14 May , 1852 , John Robert Daniel-Tyssen . ]
The Tryst.
hf yonder grove , where purling streamlets flow , A maiden waiteth in the sylvan shade ; Ike summer sunshine on the scene doth glow , Arid songs of birds resound through dell
u and glade . Oh Love . " The murm'ring zejfbyrs seem to sav ; KIT J ' lt | 0 , y sweet to tarry on a sunny day Reside a brook , and dream the soul away . "
And she that waiteth , doth a tarriance make For one expected there ; and now she sings Her sweetest song , rejoicing for his sake . With joyous note the woodland echo
rings ; Her anxious heart is palpitating fast , A voice ! The voice of him ; all doubt is past , Oh ! Perfect bliss , the lovers meet at last ,